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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 336 KB, 864x619, challenge2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7499678 No.7499678 [Reply] [Original]

3nd round of the 5th Annual /ck/ Top Master Iron Chef Ultimate Nightmare Kitchen Survivor Challenge!

If you're interested in competing, there are a few simple guidelines we ask you to follow. Your entry will be disqualified otherwise.

-Please timestamp your submission! Detailing the cooking process/posting a vertical is encouraged but not required. If posting multiple photos, you don't need to timestamp each one, as long as the final submission photo is timestamped.
-You MUST use a unique identifier; if you don't want to use a tripcode, you must have some other way to distinguish yourself from the other contestants, such as a cute bird or scary statue in your timestamped entry, as long as it's clearly visible and you use it consistently.

Voting will be carried out in this thread. Please read the voting guidelines below.



Voting follows an 'Iron Chef' style scoring system. This means you, the people of /ck/, will judge each entry individually instead of deciding on what you feel is the "best" dish.

Dishes are scored out of a total 20 points, based on 4 categories (worth a maximum of 5 points each); Presentation, Originality, Appeal and Challenge Goals. You may award 0's if you feel the contestant did not meet your expectations for a category.

-Presentation: The appearance of items on the plate; plating skills
-Originality: Creativity in composing the dish
-Appeal: How appetizing the food looks/whether or not the dish appeals to your personal taste as a voter
-Challenge Goals: How closely the entry followed the challenge goal(s)

The distinction between Presentation and Appeal: If someone submits an artfully arranged but burnt steak as an entry, it may score high in Presentation but low in Appeal.

For additional info and to see submissions from Previous years, check out the Challenge blog. (http://ckchallenge.blogspot.ca/))

>> No.7499679

Copypasta Scoring Format for Lazymodo

Presentation: /5
Originality: /5
Appeal: /5
Challenge Goals: /5
Total: /20

>> No.7499684

The theme of Round Three is...

Childhood favorite!

This is the last of the open rounds, might as well use the nostalgia in your advantage to make it to the elimination rounds! Make a dish that is linked with good childhood memories. There are no restrictions or requirements, as long as it seems like a pleasant thing. While you're perfectly welcome to make a large spread of food, please make sure there is clearly a "main dish" because that is what people will be voting on.

This is the last open round, meaning that anyone can enter. Elimination begin starting next round.

>> No.7499687
File: 73 KB, 382x725, rd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last round's score card

>> No.7499702

so autism food?

>> No.7499742


Cooking for a big family get together this weekend for dumb Easter, and probably wont get a chance to do any additional shopping or have time to do something creative.

>> No.7499763

This is gonna be a sad round, I had a poor childhood.

>> No.7499777

What's the deadline this time?

>> No.7499780

This will be a though one since I can't make bloodsausage or apple syrup myself. I'll have to think.... How much good will a BPJ do? None I guess.

>> No.7499781


Just make something that looks vaguely SE Asian and say your nana made it for you all the time as a wee sprat.

>> No.7499787

Lying is wrong and bad!

>> No.7499800

Ooohhhh, this is a good one!!!! Very excited!

Made 8th place this round. Not too bad. Thank you for all your votes anons. And congrats to all who participated!

>> No.7499815

March 29th

>> No.7499823

>inb4 10 posts saying "oh _____th place!" like this fucker >>7499800

No one cares.

>> No.7499828


Hey, dont mind this guy
fuck him.

I care how you did anon. Well done.

>> No.7499829

Bubble, I think you should have it where people who compete in all 3 opening rounds automatically make it to the elimination rounds.

>> No.7499833


Why don't you make like chef and cut it out broski.

>> No.7499863


>bunch of anons are creating oc in order to participate in the challenge
>bunch of other anons are taking the time to vote on the
>n-no one cares!

Sure thing bub.

>> No.7499919

Any chance we could see this ordered by total score also?

>> No.7499921

You can easily do that in 5 minutes

>> No.7499924

Yeah but I don't want to take the time typing it all out again when it could be done in 10s by Bubble

>> No.7499928

Oh I can't wait to see the challenge goal scores on this one...

>> No.7499935

I'm hoping people add a story to their dishes. The more the dish relates to your story, the higher your challenge goal score will be.

>> No.7499939


I'm predicting grilled cheese, mac and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, and then a couple random things from Eastern Europe that most people have never heard of before.

>> No.7499960

even though people might make similar stuff, it'll be interesting to see what they do with 'em

>> No.7499966

Ugh.....this year's challenge is cringy as fuck.

>> No.7499975


Go to bed, hearts. You're drunk.

>> No.7499984
File: 137 KB, 460x680, End Round 2 Scores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got your back. Love making spreadsheets. Sorted alphabetically.
Also listing Top 15. These are not the final 15 who will make it to round 4, but it's fun to see who's in the lead.

>> No.7499991
File: 63 KB, 480x480, 1327093311367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noice 3rd place

>> No.7499998

I dont want to take this autistically seriously but my round 2 score is different here than in >>7499687

>> No.7499999


>> No.7500000

Is there a reason why you didn't go past 15th place? I know it's top 15, but the other contestants deserve a place too.

>> No.7500004

You heard the man, everyone tell him

>> No.7500006



>> No.7500008


Nobody cares.

>> No.7500017

Fuck, I bow down to the quints, disregard my post.

>> No.7500018
File: 166 KB, 460x681, End Round 2 Scores rev. 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry bud, updated the spreadsheet. Great catch, that actually moved you up a rank.


Checked, and because only 15 will advanced into the next round. But for the sake of people either moving up and down in ranks based on this round, I do see your point.

See picture for updated spreadsheet.

>> No.7500021

I appreciate it, thank you anon.

>> No.7500028

Thanks. Doubt that 1/7 of a point will make any difference to my overall chances of winning though :(

>> No.7500034

Suggestions for other spreadsheet demographics?
I might turn this into a thing, data compilation is crazy fun. Guess that's why I ride a desk as a systems analyst.

>> No.7500038

I think that given the lack of data, you couldnt really get much interesting stuff out.

>> No.7500039

Mean/median overall mark, and standard deviation? Could do per round or over all marks given (ie both rounds 1 and 2). Also in green and red with little arrows how people have moved up and down the list from end of round 1 to end of round 2 like they do for sports? So someone who went from say 7th to 8th would have (-1) somewhere.

>> No.7500045


Looks like I got a fun night ahead of me!

>> No.7500061

Heh hope you enjoy yourself, look forward to seeing your results

>> No.7500094


Is it too late for me to enter and still be able to compete in the future rounds? Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like it's mathematically impossible for me to be in the top 15.

>> No.7500115


>For rounds 1-3, contestants will not be eliminated or given penalties for failing to submit a successful dish. However, cumulative points will determine which players move on to Round 4. This means that while you can skip a week's challenge for the first three rounds, it is highly recommended that you submit an entry every week so your total score will not be affected.

The person currently in 15th place has a total of 25.14 cumulative average points. Even if you scored a perfect 20, no matter how many perfect 20s, you wouldn't be able to break higher than 20 due to the formula being (Score / # of Votes). You could still cook though just to say you participated, maybe have a little fun with it.

>> No.7500185

This, kinda :

The entry to the 4th round is pretty much learning about the challenge during the first week and not forgetting it midway.

Every year, during the first weeks, we lose some contestants who just don't follow the threads and disappear, while some were eliminated because they showed up during 3rd round but still follow the thing.
Having some sort of reserve pool would help both having 15 actual participants and be more fair for newcomers.

>> No.7500202


Everyone was made aware of the competition months ago, and reminded a month ago when Bubble asked for round ideas.

The thread has also been pretty much constantly on the first page for the past two weeks since it began.

I'm all for having as many people participate as possible, but you can't exactly argue that it's in some way hidden or difficult to find.

>> No.7500492

I know. I didn't realize the competition was starting so soon. I wasn't on /ck/ the first week and I was away from home the second. But seeing the caliber of some of the dishes submitted so far, I don't think I would have gone very far anyway. I'll just play along for now for fun. I can save the competition for next time.

>> No.7500531


Missing a round gets you a score of zero for that round, as I understand it. So there's really only a small handful of people with the time to submit a quality entry every round, and the same few people have ended up at the top the past few years.

That said, it's more of just a reason to create OC and have fun judging anons or be judged.

I honestly find it amusing how far a small handful of anons will go to win, when the point is really just to come together and share our creations, instead of starting cook-along threads that will get 5 replies before being pruned.

>> No.7500551
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I'd like to offer some perspective onto why I try to go really above the ''standard'':

I see it as an occasion to try new techniques or recipes beyond what I would normally do for myself and really push the limits of what I can do. For example, I've wanted to cook with dryice/liquid nitrogen for a long time, but never got to it, so the frozen theme kinda forced me to do it.

Personally, I'll be happy if I win of course, but that's really not why I go to such lengths.

>> No.7500553

Do an average score as well plox

>> No.7500577
File: 209 KB, 581x681, End Round 2 Scores rev. 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just finished working on an average between episodes of Hell's Kitchen.

>> No.7500583

I may not win but at least I'm most improved of the lot.

>> No.7500597

Looks good so far... Keep going!

>> No.7500627


That's really what counts buddy. This competition is fun and games, but what you take away with you--inspiration to create better dishes and learning from the mistakes you made--is the best thing to come from this. I'll be looking for your 3rd round dish, hope it's a good one.

Speaking of round 3, how do you guys feel about it? I'm expecting to see a lot of mac n' cheese, roast beef with mashed potatoes and maybe even some deconstructed dishes. There's a ton of ways to represent childhood food in an adult world with more exotic ingredients and platings. What in your minds would stand out amongst them?

>> No.7500644


>in the top handful of most consistent scores so far
>it would be a good thing if this was a marksmanship competition, where consistency is what matters

At least my score improved.

It seems like the challenge is pretty diverse when it comes to nationalities, so I think it will be really interesting what everyone submits as their childhood foods.

I've pretty much stopped worrying about the people judging at this point, but do appreciate when they give at least a little explanation behind their scores.

>> No.7500716

Not the anon you replied to, but so far my food has been fairly simply presented and I intend to continue that. For me, my childhood had a lot of bad food thanks to various reasons, but there is one dish which has a huge amount of nostalgia for me, as I would help my dad with it before he left. I am planning not to dick about with it really, just to make and serve it as we did then, to the best of my memory. Hopefully I will be able to plate it up a bit better than I could as a small child though!

>> No.7500754


I am excited, I texted my mother and asked her what she can remember me enjoying or having as my favourite foods as a kid. I couldn't think of anything for some reason. Then, when she responded, she responded in waves and I totally forgot about a lot of the foods she cooked that I absolutely LOVED and haven't had in years. I am excited.

>> No.7500758

yellowmug reporting in.

As soon as I saw the challenge goal I immediately thought homemade mac and cheese, and then remembered that I used that in the last round.

It's a shame because I just came into 5 pounds of smoked Gouda, and have everything else necessary to make it virtually entirely from scratch. (I don't have the hardware to do macaroni, so I would have done something closer to shells, which I prefer anyways.)

I think I need to pull an all-nighter and cook my overly complicated, stupid idea in the few hours I'll have the kitchen to myself before everyone who isn't working wakes up.

If I just keep drinking I'll come up with an even more ridiculously stupid thought out plan, but if I pass out I'll miss my window and the kitchen will be completely busy until next week.

>> No.7500776


>5 pounds of smoked Gouda

You son of a bitch, if you don't post a picture of the Gouda after saying that I'm going to hunt you down and steal it.

>> No.7500789

Thanks mang. I'm really hoping to get my plating/presentation better. See what others do right in that regard. Limited to camera phone though.

>What in your minds would stand out amongst them?
For me candies would stand out. Or something universally nostalgic like that. Kids I've worked with you ask them their fav food and it's always some kind of sweet candy and I think across cultures there's unique candies and sweets that kids like. For me I'm hispanic and feel kinda fucked in that regard cause all I can think of is motherfucking fruit cups and chamoy but that's too damn basic.

>> No.7500802
File: 316 KB, 500x375, AljyTv5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mexican candy is awesome dude. I'm down here in San Diego myself and lived off these things as a kid. You have the benefit of having candy which is chillied and creamy. There's a lot of ground you could explore if you break it down and reconstruct it into a dish. Sugar melts down easy into a syrup and there's a lot you can do with that alone. It has a very varied flavor which I would think would be seen in fusion type dishes.

>> No.7500815

You could try experimenting with chocolate

>> No.7500827


Unemployed people around me recently lost all shame and discovered a church run food bank they can go to twice a month in a really nice part of town.

The smoked Gouda is a bunch of end pieces in a vacuum sealed bag, most likely donated by a local grocery store, and the food bank didn't care enough to open it and divvy up the chunks. Most people who go there are more interested in getting all the cookies and garbage like that, so the people working there pretty much throw things like cheese and fresh fruits/vegetables at you in large quantities if you're willing to take them off their hands.

I hate where I'm currently living, but the free food that's being brought home every other week these days is ridiculous, even if it's all a week past the labeled expiration date.

I'll try to post a picture of the Gouda if I get around to it. It's probably well over $50 worth of cheese.

>> No.7500836


I'm not sure about Gouda rinds, but Parmesan rings have a lot of uses in a variety of dishes.
You may have lucked out and got something really good if you could find a use for it.

Tell you what, I'd like me 5 lbs of Gouda, even if it was the rinds.

>> No.7500845


It's not rinds. It's more like end pieces.

>> No.7500931

The originality category should be eliminated for this round or replaced temporarily with something else.

>> No.7500938


Care to explain why?

>> No.7500948

My mom only made unoriginal shit, and I imagine it's the same way with most of everyone else. I could be wrong though.

>> No.7500966

i think people may get a lower originality score, but as long as it's an appetizing meal thats plated nicely and has a nice story, should be fine

i've decided what i'm making already, but wont have time til this weekend. i mean, with the challenge, theres only 1 option for me... my mom kinda sucked as a cook, but there was 1 dish that i always loved and ate a lot of... not the most original, but i'm really looking forward to making/eating it

>> No.7500975


My interpretation of this round is that, if you grew up eating hamburger helper and rice-a-roni, you make an adult version of that using fresh ingredients, or otherwise do something original that recreates some nostalgic element of something from your childhood.

If you make Kraft macaroni and cheese or instant ramen and write two paragraphs about how these foods defined your childhood I don't think that should count, because the idea is that you do something different, yet still relatable, with the theme.

>> No.7500982

Oh okay. That expands my options I guess.

>> No.7501094

Sorry for not submitting anything for round 2 i was called in to work a 24 hr. shift on Monday. I just got home it won't be scored but I already bought the stuff so I'm making it now. Enjoy!

>> No.7501112

Hi Bubbleburst, Longship here. My score is incorrect as well.
You've put 11.5 instead of 12 for Round Two in the second and third sheet (11.5 is in the cell below that score in the first sheet which you might have accidentally misread).
The total should be 25. Looks like that would make me joint 16th place with asdf? (Every little helps!)

Looking forward to Round 3!

>> No.7501120

looking at other users, a lot of the scores are out of kilter. singchef has 0 and 10.2, and the next 2 sheets says he got 0 for both rounds and is in 33rd place. gamblor stonk's is similarly wrong too..

>> No.7501263
File: 1.10 MB, 4128x2322, Dabsy with finished plates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished. Approximate instructions below.

Lemon pepper and salt brine 12 hrs.
sous vide Cornish game hens 3 hrs. @ 164 F.
drain into sauce pan simmer and turn into gravy.
pat dry season broil 2-3 min rest and plate.
steamed frozen asparagus, season and puree, then plate.
prepare fries in oven, mash, add milk and butter, season, and plate.
Carrot swirl garnish.

>> No.7501264
File: 1.27 MB, 4128x2322, Finished plates overhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overhead shot.

>> No.7501267
File: 1.34 MB, 4128x2322, Dabsy with frozen ingredients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frozen ingredients.

>> No.7501297

/ck/ is a magical place

>> No.7501360

Those aren't mine. I have nly posted the first one, some other anon has been doing the data wrangling.

>> No.7501366

Looks tasty. I think the gravy is a bit of a strange colour though - did you thicken with cornstarch? Should be a bit darker imo. In the top plate the bird is way too big for the plate. I can't put my finger on it but there is something weird about having mash and puree on the same plate to me, but maybe it's just my sort of ambivalence towards purees

>> No.7501393

flour and milk in the gravy
i know hence the second plate, these plates are the only non red plastic plates i own.
its typically a rule to vary consistently in a plate
but, after preparing the asparagus it was mushy and frayed i could not roast and plate busted asparagus so i had to improvise with what i had on hand. do you have any suggestions on another way to prep the asparagus i would be interested in your take.

>> No.7501396

Actually, I just now realized I don't know how to make a brown gravy I've never done it before. isn't it just add butter to pan drippings?

>> No.7501443

When I make brown gravy. I toast up the roux until it's wicked golden brown. Add a some dashes of soy or tamari or Worcestershire sauce and then continue the the gravy making process as you would any gravy

>> No.7501462

Oh, I was about to rate and make a comment about how you put in an entry so soon but I see this is actually for the frozen round. I won't vote but I'll make a couple of comments.

Overall, I'm sure it tastes good but it doesn't look that good. The purée doesn't look appetising and the carrot doesn't really look like it would pair well with anything. I think the purée would have looked better had you not put waves in it and if you plated the chicken on top. I also think the mashed potatoes look grim in that form. Something more rustic like just a dump of mashed potatoes with a well for the gravy could have been better.

To be honest, I think asparagus were a poor choice of frozen vegetable. Cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, or peppers work well having been frozen, in my opinion.

>> No.7501492


Will fix after work today and then double check every score for accuracy.

>> No.7501498

There's a bunch of ways to make it.

What I do is:
-add flour approximately equal to the amount of fat left over in the pan
-cook out the flour to make a roux
-deglaze with red wine
-add strong homemade beef or veal stock
-taste and adjust seasoning as needed.

>> No.7501500
File: 477 KB, 804x2000, 70000-71100-00052-7110000052CF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see this stuff used quite frequently by people with gravies. It adds color depths and is seasoned specifically for gravies too.

>> No.7501504


Fuck that stuff. that's a band-aid for people who can't make a proper gravy. you don't need to add artificial color or flavor if you have good pan drippings and proper ingredients.

thats more like it

>> No.7501873

Got mine working now.... man all the feels remembering my grams making this. Can't wait to have my entry up!! Hope to have vertical done before dark.

>> No.7501942
File: 977 KB, 2048x1536, PB&J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For this round I prepared PB&J with apple, potato chips, and bumps on a log.

However, nothing is exactly what it seems… except for the apple, which is just an apple.

The “peanut butter” is homemade cashew butter, with tahini and coarse sea salt. The jelly is homemade blackberry jam, seasoned with a sort of Middle Eastern spice blend (call it a makeshift Baharat). The bread is a locally made boule, buttered and fried, with the crust cut off.

The “bumps on a log” are whisky macerated raisins on baby spinach leaves. The potato chips are freshly made kettle chips tossed in shichimi and topped with freshly cracked sansho pepper.

It’s sort of a conceptual piece. You are the apple bunny rabbit in the center (it was supposed to have carrot stick legs, so go Hook and use your imagination), and you can go in three different directions.

Behind it is bunny poop on lily pads, which she can wrap up and eat in single bites.

The trail on her left leads to the chips. If you’ve never had decent sansho pepper, it’s sort of like putting a 9 volt battery to your tongue, and always reminded me of going to the children’s science museum growing up, which was the idea behind using it.

The trail on the right leads to the grilled cashew butter and blackberry jam sandwich, with some seemingly out of place flavors added. It’s served on a bed of fresh arugula, which is there to catch any of the hot fillings that might ooze out, and add a peppery bite.

The idea is to have fun with it, while still enjoying grown up flavors.

>> No.7501943
File: 2.85 MB, 1000x3000, PB&J vertical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7501955


I forgot to mention, it's normal for bunnies to eat their own poop.

>> No.7502006


>it's normal for bunnies to eat their own poop

Which is one of those random nature facts you loved learning and telling your parents about when you were a kid.

Also, the idea behind the whisky macerated raisins was to give a sense of, "tee-hee, I'm just a kid but I'm getting drunk!", which is something I remember thinking as a kid, mostly while eating flambeed desserts.

I apologize for making so many posts, but I wanted people to know that there is some kind of reason behind the apparent madness.

>> No.7502070

Ah so it is, sorry about that
Awesome, cheers!

>> No.7502166

Can those in the audience play along?

>> No.7502242

Baharat is not a blend, baharat literally means spice. It can be anything and everything.

>> No.7502246

the fuck you talking about kid, either cook up a submission or do some honest voting, as someone who is submitting i do not feel it is good to do both but im sure others are doing it

>> No.7502261


I don't know what the consensus is on voting for other people if you're a contestant, but voting on your own dish just seems wrong, and like, "what's even the point?"

>> No.7502276

i feel if youre a contestant you have a bias, and like any contest it, it wouldnt be acceptable to judge, but this is anonymous so....ITS JUST FOR FUN

in my honest opinion, no prizes, mugs, trophies, nothing, that will keep people from giving a shit about rigging it, as a participant this is my opinion

>> No.7502341


As a participant as well as someone who judges, I have zero bias.
Then again I think there's something fucked up with my head. All my decisions come from logic instead of emotion and personal gain.

Just throwing that out there. There are people who can put their own shit aside and just vote based on nothing but details.

>> No.7502343
File: 58 KB, 467x187, baharat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it can be anything and everything

After deciding to use tahini I ran with it and simply googled "Middle Eastern spice blends", and then sort of just improvised based on what I had after looking at a few different online recipes for "baharat".

I'm sorry if I used the term incorrectly, but it tasted pretty damn good regardless (obviously toasting whole spices and then grinding them with the mortar and pestle I already had out would have been better, but honestly not worth the effort).

>> No.7502368

i do not believe you but continue ruining this competition i cant stop you

>> No.7502396


>insults others because you can't understand something

Are you a religious man?

>> No.7502405

*fedora tipping intensifies*

>> No.7502418

I vote and submit. Don't vote on my own.

I try to be objective and I know I'm not gonna win so even if I shat on everyone and rated myself higher it wouldn't matter. I guess that's my incentive to not be a dick.

>> No.7502442


Just thought it'd be a lost cause in round 3.

Speaking of which, how many rounds are there?

>> No.7502448


Unless nobody else submits an entry this round there's no way for you to make it into the top 15.

Still no reason not to contribute.

>> No.7502461

Thanks, starting to read the details further. I read 'highest rated ... move onto subsequent rounds'


Next paragraph says first 3 rounds no elimination
> woo hoo

Cliff notes for me and others from Tennessee who don't read real good:

Goes 10 rounds.
Based off total points, chopped each week
Each round lasts a week

>> No.7502463

So get in this week, or wait 7 more weeks.

>> No.7502526


Also forgot to point out that the apple bunny is a nod to the Easter Bunny, as it's Easter weekend, and the Easter Bunny is almost as big as Santa Clause in the children's mythology of peanut butter and jellystan...

>> No.7502556

>reverts to calling him a fedora when rekt

>> No.7502749

Ditto. Not necessarily poor, but poor food.
Shit on a shingle was my favorite, but I'm not making that.

>> No.7502931

>reverts to calling me a fedora when rekt
ftfy, fedora

>> No.7502942


>> No.7503090

Gotta hand it to you, this is really cute.

>> No.7503269
File: 217 KB, 581x682, End Round 2 Scores rev. 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go bud.

>> No.7503304

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge goals: 1/5

Total: 8/20.

Not bad.

>> No.7503326


>Challenge goals: 1/5

At least have the decency to explain your obviously biased score.

>> No.7503332

I said not bad, calm down.

>> No.7503340

8/20 is equivalent to 40%, a failing grade. That's pretty bad.

>> No.7503341

Just because you say "not to sound racist but..." doesn't mean what you say isn't racist

>> No.7503342

Ah so you're admitting it was bad now.

>> No.7503348

Where in that statement did I say the dish was bad???

>> No.7503349


Just because you had a bad childhood and didn't grow up eating peanut butter and jelly doesn't mean it deserves a low score on childhood favorites. That's not how it works.

>> No.7503353

I think you need to be more consistent with your opinions.

It's an open rate competition, please don't get upset when you don't agree with scores. Thanks.

>> No.7503355

Saying not bad doesn't justify an 8/20!!!

>> No.7503359

not bad =/= good

>> No.7503362

Care to explain why the dish warrants an 8/20?

>> No.7503363

not my vote, not my problem
give it 20/20 if you're so buttmad

>> No.7503365

Will you people fuck off?

It was a PB&J, potato chips, and fucking raisins on leaves. He's lucky I'm not voting, I'd give it lower than an 8.

>> No.7503368


>> No.7503369


All of those things meet the challenge goals.

Please read beyond the first sentence of the description if you're going to bother to vote.

>> No.7503376

So voting 2 and 3's isn't allowed now? Let's all vote everything 20/20 to please this guy.

>> No.7503383

Like you could make something better?

>> No.7503389


>> No.7503394

If it isn't your vote why are you getting involved

>> No.7503398

But the 6 other autists who flipped their shit getting involved is fine? Probably because you were one of them? Well done.

>> No.7503404

Because people are taking this shit too seriously. People were giving some bitch who made sashimi 15+ points, yet no one complained about that.
It doesn't matter. We're doing this for fun.

>> No.7503403


It's hard to imagine anything more deserving of a perfect score on challenge goals.

It seems like a misunderstanding.

>> No.7503407

Have you been the same autist trying to justify an 8/20 of a dish that deserves atleast 12/20?

>> No.7503412

No, i'm a lurker laughing at how angry everyone is and who felt the need to point out the obvious hypocrisy in that post.

>> No.7503417


Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 20/20

Not bad.

>> No.7503422

Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 1/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 1/5
Total: 5/20

Not bad.

>> No.7503425

that comes out to a 4/20, my autistic friend

>> No.7503427

Get sauced m8

>> No.7503428

4/20? Take your shitty weed culture to >>>/b/

>> No.7503431

Presentation: 2/5 You're PB&J was plated classicly on a bed of arug, but as the center piece of the dish, placing it in the corner in my opinon was not a good decision plating wise. The potato chips in a pile below seemed lonely and out of place. The mouse mug served no purpose on the plate and is not even relevant to your dishes concept or food.

Originality: 4/5 This is an interesting concept that is very creative for a Pb&J sandwich. The use of tahini and cashews sounds interesting even though Ive never combined tahini with jelly.

Appeal: 2/5 The PB&J looks like the most enjoyable thing to eat on the plate which is good, but im confused if there is too much jelly in the sandwichs they might become sloppy to eat. Having three baby spinach leaves with some raisons on them with a little bunny apple is cute, but practically if you are going to serve a side, either peppery chips or sweet fruit would work, but offering chips and sweet fruit takes away from the sandwich.

Challenge Goals: 2/5 The crux of why this dish is a childhood favorite is sansho pepper?

Total: 10/20

>> No.7503433

Who are you rating?

>> No.7503435

Bubble, disregard this. Nothing under 12/20 should count as a rate towards the dish. Thanks.

>> No.7503436



>> No.7503437

It's a childhood favorite because it's PB&J. Sorry I didn't grow up eating caviar

>> No.7503443

People want others to vote and then get butmad when they do


>> No.7503446

>Nothing under 12/20
Obvious troll is obvious. Nothing under 16/20 should be counted for that wonderful dish.

>> No.7503448

So trolls just came in to piss all over our little fun huh.

>> No.7503455

Impartial observer here, but it seems like you guys did this to yourselves by getting so butthurt when someone rated scores you didn't approve of.

>> No.7503465

This. My previous dishes have had scores I didn't agree with, but I just shut up and dealt with it.

>> No.7503470
File: 1.04 MB, 1440x2560, sketch-1458864601633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dish is nostalgic to me because my grams would make it for me. She would cook me anything I wanted whenever I wanted it. She was pretty poor growing up but always told me how her mother always fed them amazing food, and her fondest memories were around food. She wanted to pass that to her kids and her grandkids. She always told me "all good cooks always wash their hands" and was very clean great cook.

Grams used to make me my own whole chicken, just so I could eat ALL the crispy skin. She made it spatchcock because it gave the greatest surface area for the crispness. These veggies were how she made them everytime. She taught me how to cook. Everyone ate, all the time. She showed love in her food. Fed the whole church etc. Hope you enjoy.

>> No.7503471


It seems like just one troll.


They only did it to themselves by actually responding to, and engaging with, a troll.

>> No.7503478

8/20 is as valid a score as a lot have been in this competition so far. If people are going to get so upset by every score they don't agree with they shouldn't be here.

>> No.7503479
File: 3.22 MB, 1724x2899, 20160324_145447-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7503492

All I did was rate your pb&j plate, I gave you legitimate reasons as why I as an outside the contest voter voted the way I did.

>Nothing under 16/20
Now that we aren't going to be civil.
Wonderful dish? Yeah the concept was wonderful, it was nice. The presentation was aight, it was original, id eat your fucking pb&shit sandwich and ur chips but looks like a fucking mess to eat. If you had reasons for your childhood bullshit in your dish it should have been in your submission post

>> No.7503493


Looks pretty good Thomas.

Also kind of looks like you just made a random dinner and then made up some generic, lame as fuck story about your grandma making that dish for you as a child.

In any case, you probably should have waited for the current shit storm to blow over before posting. It's too bad Bubble doesn't have the power to just delete all the off topic crap.

>> No.7503497

Also kind of looks like you just made a random dinner and then made up some generic, lame as fuck story about your grandma making that dish for you as a child.

So? Is it relevant?

>> No.7503501


>If you had reasons for your childhood bullshit in your dish it should have been in your submission post

There were probably a dozen reasons given...

>> No.7503515

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 1/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 1/5
Total: 7/20

Would probably have rated higher but we feel like you made a random dinner then made up a generic story about your grandma making the dish for you as a child. It defeats the purpose of the round. Lucky this round doesn't count for much, take this into account for round 4 please.

>> No.7503527

i'm in the contest and i agree with this post

>> No.7503536

Not sure it doesn't count for much, it could well be the difference between making it or not for T. Man. But I agree about making a story up being a bad idea. He shouldn't have gone for that angle.

>> No.7503550

I hope someone submits chicken nuggets and poptarts and gets 20/20

>> No.7503557
File: 3.11 MB, 1744x2867, Leftoverround3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I didn't make it up. This dish is literally one of my favorites from my childhood, it always tasted exactly the same everytime I ate it/she made it. But it was always absolutely fantastically tasty. She was a very consistent cook. I was so excited when I read round 3, I had to make it right away because I was craving it, I should have plated it like this instead though. Because left overs that I got to take home were always the best part.

>> No.7503559


Fuck off already.

>> No.7503565

>it could well be the difference between making it or not for T. Man.
He's in 2nd place. He'll be fine.

>> No.7503566

Probably best to not keep going with the stories Thomas, we know they aren't real.

>> No.7503595


I'm not even lying, so there's no "angle" that I shouldnt have gone to.

>> No.7503600

Sigh. I am really surprised that some anons are thinking this way. But whatever, it was tasty and was nostalgic for me, whether you think so or not. I still appreciate the time anyone will take to vote.

>> No.7503608

Don't worry brother, I think it looks great and I'll vote next Tuesday after all the dishes are in.

>> No.7503612
File: 103 KB, 379x536, footskregge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moose mug is his identifier, faggot

>> No.7503620

Thomas, I liked your dish. I did. It looks good and i'd eat it. But the story, I just think you could have come up with something better. It doesn't have to be fancy. Just real is all.

>> No.7503635

It sounds real to me. My grandma went all out fancy cooking for me as a kid. I was just a little shit and don't remember appreciating it as a child. But I could see it being real.

>> No.7503642

>It sounds real to me. My grandma went all out fancy cooking for me as a kid.

Exactly. Generic story people can relate to, intended to bring out memories in people that'll encourage them to give a more charitable vote. We see this type of thing all the time at work.

>> No.7503654

So it's too generic to you?

I guess. What if it were real though? I mean if all that was real and what happened are you saying he should have lied to make it seem more realistic to you?

>> No.7503658

It's not too generic, it's just that in this particular case it happens to not be true. I wish it was, believe me. It's a nice story. But it isn't.

>> No.7503670

Oh I didn't know it was confirmed fake. Is it confirmed fake?

>> No.7503674

Yes, unfortunately.

>> No.7503684

No its not confirmed fake. This anon is just so stuck on the fact that I made it up. I don't need or want any "charitable" votes, whatever that means. I just want any vote. And appreciate all the votes.

I am not going out of my way to make this big roasted dinner 3 days before Easter when I will be in the kitchen all day again roasting another dinner, to make up a story. I just don't have time for that.

>> No.7503696

Sigh, Thomas. What are we going to do with you.

>> No.7503698
File: 228 KB, 575x841, homemade-toaster-strudels-2edit-srgb..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp show me confirmation or I call shenanigans on you and believe >>7503684

Besides if one really wanted to just max out on nostalgia story votes they could just do some simple shit like make toaster struddles and call it a day. Or make a glamorous 5 star kinda meal and just go "yeah I was a rich kid, ate blue steak and risotto as a child from my nanny"

>> No.7503732

Idk. Me lying would have been beans on toast, and called "Muh childhewdz" and just took a picture of a heinz can.

>> No.7503749

It's all fine I just wanted to let you know. Keep in mind that if you buy from some other shop, it is probably going to be different.

>> No.7503838

Yellowmug here.

This will be the last time I submit my entry first in a round.

>> No.7504027
File: 126 KB, 586x599, mnc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entry: Macaroni and Herb Crusted Fried Chicken with Macaroni and Sun Dried Tomatoes in a Sharp Cheddar Pepper Jack Cheese Sauce. Macaroni and dried tomatoes are both homemade. I wanted a twist of irony, so I used ground up Blue Box Mac'n'cheese noodles instead of breadcrumbs for the fried chicken.

Backstory: My mom really sucked at cooking, so bad, in middle/high school, I started just eating popcorn for supper instead of her cooking. As a kid, the only thing she cooked that I really enjoyed was blue box mac'n'cheese and fried chicken nuggets with an ungodly amount of ketchup. I ate this at least once every week. I always got mad when the ketchup got mixed up in my mac'n'cheese, so I added the sun dried tomatoes (actually oven dried) kind of in spite of my younger self

I tried to make a grown-up version. I enjoyed eating it. Hope you guys like it...

>> No.7504035
File: 105 KB, 599x495, mnc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inside of chicken, in case anyone wants to see....

>> No.7504038
File: 933 KB, 1128x2798, mncvertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, vertical. Glad I ended up doing this before the weekend so I can enjoy Easter and (fingers crossed) have a break before the next round!

>> No.7504041


Money shots are always appreciated.

Looks good.

The crust seemed oddly red in the first pic, but looks nice here.

>> No.7504050


Looks legit, but can I ask the reasoning behind adding the egg to the roux?

Not a criticism, I've just never seen that before.

Also, you should consider yourself lucky to have someone willing to take nice pictures for you while you cook...

>> No.7504077

thanks! yeah, i was playing with different lighting, since it got too dark for natural lighting...didnt notice that until now....

lol my fiance wants to help, but I only let him take pictures and taste test
This was my first homemade cheese sauce, so I looked at about a dozen or so recipes to get an idea of what to do. I saw a couple with the egg, and I figured it would help thicken it more. I dont really know how much it added, but it didnt hurt the end result.

>> No.7504096

>take this into account for round 4 please

God I want to hit you in the face so bad right now. Sitting in mom's basement pretending your simon cowell

>> No.7504127

Is this the same guy that did the Operation game in the first round? I'll take the bait and rate it seriously

Presentation: 1/5
What the fuck did you do to the apple. I'm just staring at it laughing. I don't even know where to begin.

Originality: 3/5
I'll give a 3 because no one would ever think of this. But no higher because no one ever should

Appeal: 2/5
You get a 2 because I like pbj. But I'm just so confused. My eyes keep going back to that hacked up apple in the middle of the board.

Challenge Goals: 2/5
You basically taken something that no kid would want to eat, and presented it in a way that no adult would ever eat it. You probably think you followed the challenge goals well, but your interpretation resulted in something that no one would ever want.

Total: 8/20
I got a laugh out of this one at least

>> No.7504148


How many times are you going to give that same entry a low vote? And why does it upset you so much?

>> No.7504166

not enough bugs bunny as a child i think.

>> No.7504215

Presentation: 3/5
I like the way you're reasoning for the way you positioned everything, but I took one point off for picture quality and another for the cutting board.
Originality: 4/5
Even though the food itself isn't very original, I feel the way everything was made is original enough.
Appeal: 4/5
Looks good to me.
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20
Presentation:3 /5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

>> No.7504255

I got judged lower than I thought I should have but I never had the audacity to challenge a judges rating.
Sorry you're getting shit.

The whole point of the ratings...
I'm not going to defend it. I really just was going to post my shit food and come back to view the final score because of the shit banter and shit that happens inbetween.
I'm out of here, but I'm going to just post my shit and not bitch about ratings I disagree with, and I hope that people rating don't listen to the people rating their ratings.
Or maybe that's part of the fun? Rating peoples' ratings? Maybe there should be a /ck/ challenge for ratings and ppl rating can be judged on their ratings?
That actually might be where we are right now in food culture.
I'm not being sarcastic at all. I truely think this may be an interesting thing. I dislike it, but food network created a train wreck. All aboard.

>> No.7504277


>i took one point off for picture quality and another for the cutting board

Thanks for the vote and feedback (and for giving the first real vote/feedback after wading through all that shitposting).

Unfortunately I'm currently in a situation where all my stuff in packed away in boxes, including my dishware and real camera. The only things I cared about enough to keep on me when I moved were my computer and knife kit.

I take probably 30 pictures with my shitty device camera, in 3-4 different lights, and post the best one, which is still always out of focus. Not having a decent camera has been my bane of this competition, because even though it's not a category, taking a nice picture is more important than pretty much everything else.

I absolutely hate all the dishware I currently have access to, so will probably just keep using the cutting board as long as I'm around. I tried to take the advice given in the previous rounds and avoid empty space, but it's a pretty big cutting board...

Again, thanks for the vote.

>> No.7504285

Not rei, but the egg helps the cheese sauce from not breaking. It's essentially turning it into a tight cheese custard. Most rouxs would break from just the oil, milk and cheese and flour.

>> No.7504299

I'm not voting because I'm participating and I don't feel that my ratings would skew it (because I'm a dick and am harsh),
but I'm going to offer some unbidden advice anyways.
It looks awesome (more awesome than what I'm going to contribute), but the plating is ... not so much. This is meant constructively.
Not enough natural light in the photo makes things look yellow. Also, most of the things on the plate are brown or yellow. Then brown sauce was put on the yellow. On a yellow plate. Monochromatic.
Sure, I'm going to take the rice and coat it in the sauce before I put it in my mouth, but for plating's sake, it should be separated.
I would start with a pool of the sauce on the plate and build from there.
The carrots were small enough (young enough) that the ends could have stayed on, for effect.
And some garnish on top of the chicken. Maybe thin slice some red onions and pickle them. They look good and can give a little height on the chicken leg.
I'll shut up now, but that leg looked dank as fuck and I want to eat it right now. Hope it tasted as good as it looked.

>> No.7504303

>I don't feel that my ratings would skew it
I FEEL that they WOULD skew it

>> No.7504309

Man this thread went to shit real fast.
Let's fill this crap to the bump limit and get a new one going.

The people who have posted their dishes thus far have suffered because of a few idiots who decided to come in here and troll their asses off the likes I haven't seen on /ck/ in a very long time. It's disrespectful. People are here to cook and have a good time, and deserve proper assessments for their dishes and not this dickery. 206 posts with 39 people. Honestly...

>> No.7504314


>a few idiots who decided to come in here and troll their asses off the likes I haven't seen on /ck/ in a very long time

Fast boards have gotten harder moderation recently, so shitposters have gone looking for new places to troll.

/ck/ has been a prime target for almost half a year now, and as you can see from this thread, it's because people who actually cook are too old to have grown up with trolling culture (or whatever) and don't know not to respond.

I just hope Bubble has the good sense not to include the obvious troll votes into the final score.

>this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.7504419

Nothing wrong with that, but you should not have responded to the troll. There are a lot of lonely people on the internet whose only pleasure is in trying to make other people as miserable as they are.

>> No.7504532

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20

Sounds good and all, but looks painfully boring. Fits the challenge very well.

>> No.7504551

>people who actually cook are too old to have grown up with trolling culture (or whatever) and don't know not to respond.
That's a stupid nigger ass thing to assume, shitbird. I really don't appreciate newfags telling, spouting about how "old pplz" just don't understand.
Go fuck yourself. We were here before you.
I don't need you to tell me how to do it, and it sounds like you don't have the back to put up with the bants, pussy, ans that's why you're being a cunt about it. TOUGHEN UP, BUTTERCUP.

>> No.7504563

>cooking contest
>where nobody is around to taste the food except for the cook

This seems kinda useless. You could at least arrange a meetup.

>> No.7504684

Well it wouldn't have been plated back then in the first place, grams would have put it all in fancy serving dishes and served it family style, but I did my best to make it look appealing. My dishes suck, I know. Thanks for taking the time though.

>> No.7504697

>Sounds good and all, but looks painfully boring. Fits the challenge very well.

Can children really not ever eat exciting palatable food? Are entries all supposed to be box kraft dinner and hotdogs? All the fucking threads about how kid's these days only eat tenders and ketchup, and all the anons say it's not like it used to be with spoiled little shits never eating veggies anymore.

>> No.7504702

Not sure how the mac and chicken ended up in that reply.

This lovely anon made homemade pasta and cheese sauce. It looked absolutely incredible.

Going out of your way to say a childhood Challenge should be boring by default actually is making me upset.

>> No.7504895

I voted once man. Are you upset that I didn't like your raisins on spinach?

>> No.7504962

>meeting up with a bunch of autistic people from 4chan
yeah no thanks

>> No.7505040


>implying /ck/ is anything like the other boards in regard to its demographic

>> No.7505049

This whole thread stinks of Reddit.

>> No.7505103


Your post stinks of 7 years ago when anyone gave a shit

>> No.7505128

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

>>7503431 basically covers how I feel about the dish with the exclusion of the mug (because its the identifier) and sansho pepper (as the vertical explains its choice). The salad leaves seem poorly thought out, especially compared to how well thought out the other pieces are.

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 1/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 11/20

I do think this would be a yummy meal but it seems like too much crammed on one plate, which would also make it difficult to eat with a knife and fork. Low score on originality because it seems there's little variation compared to how your grandmother used to cook this meal for you.

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20

Lower on appeal because the pasta looks too thick and I feel it would be too doughy. In terms of presentation, some colour coming through the cheese sauce would have been nice - chopped dried tomato might have worked. I also feel like there needs to be some kind of refreshing element to cut through all the richness of the dried tomato, cheese sauce, and fried chicken. I do like the use of ground blue box noodles for the breading.

>> No.7505136


Tell that to tendies, ja/ck/, and the infinite fast food threads

>> No.7505139


All of that started in the past year, pretty obviously by crossboarders.

>> No.7505212

Presentation: 5/5. I really liked the bed of rocket on which the pb&j rests, as well as the intricately carved and positioned apple chunk.

Originality: 5/5. You reinvented the classic PB&J and chips into a culinary masterpiece. The bumps on a log are especially revolutionary.

Appeal: 3/5. There's something here for breakfast, lunch and dinner, to be enjoyed by child and adult alike. However I would like to see some kind of drink inside that attractive yellow mug, perhaps some kool-aid to wash it all down with.

Challenge Goals: 5/5. I only ate PB&J and chips for the majority of my childhood and your dish gave me some major nostalgia. Beautiful.

Total: 18/20. A great entry.

>> No.7505374

It's a chicken leg and thigh. You eat that shit with your hands and get down and dirty on it.... how else would you eat bone in meat?

>> No.7505700

>Presentation: 5/5
>Originality: 5/5
>Appeal: 5/5
>Challenge Goals: 5/5
>Total: 20/20

The way that you placed the raisins on spinach leaves? And then paired it with a pile of chips? Revolutionary. And the wedge of apple perfectly guides the eye across the dish.
Really ingenious stuff.

>> No.7505847


Someone needs to counter these troll scores with 1/1/1/1 votes.

>> No.7505904

Man, fuck you. This is exactly what I was going to make.

>> No.7505914


Just use instant ramen to make your breading instead of boxed mac and cheese. It works better anyway, and it's still just another cheap noodle dish that most people ate growing up. You can even use a little o the seasoning packet to flavor it.

>> No.7505919

Anyone else here waiting to see if shitposters are gone before submitting?

>> No.7505938


Or instead of flooding the thread with even more non-serious votes we could just leave it up to Bubble to decide what counts, and just proceed on without responding to trolls.

>> No.7506033

Is it allowed within the rules to let your fondness of the contestants fingers influence your scores?

Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 19/20

Looks good and I really like your fingers.

>> No.7506107


>this thread

>> No.7506167


Thanks anon!

For a minute there I had forgotten that a thread is nothing more than all the posts in it.

>> No.7506178

lmao I knew butthurt submitters would derail this competition

>> No.7506278


In waiting till the new thread. This shit is ridiculous. I'd advise others to wait until a new thread too. It's just going to get lost in this sea of shit with people not giving you a true assessment of your dishes.

>> No.7506283

oh give us a sneak peak you tease ;)

>> No.7506287


Please keep shit posting. It only feeds the bump limit.

>> No.7506290

tease ;3

>> No.7506296

>intricately carved and positioned apple chunk


>> No.7506333

< . >
bump +1

>> No.7506465

Only 68 posts until the bump limit.

Going to pick up my ingredients tomorrow morning and finish plating tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to it. Think I'm just -slightly- out of my depth in a method needed to create one of the dishes, but should be able to macgyver my way through it.

>> No.7506482

Scope out pinterest for how to on the techniques your wanting to try. Or youtube it!

>> No.7506517


Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 18/20

Very well though out, and the plating is an improvement.


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 1/5
Total: 8/20

As others have said, it really just feels like you took whatever you were making for dinner and said "grandma used to make this, and did it like this". Even if it's true, nothing about it screams "childhood favorite".


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 13/20

Everything looks good, but it's not the most original, and the plating is pretty basic.

>> No.7506708
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to introduce my submission for this round. I never had much as a child, and was raised pretty much solely by my mother. She never had time to make big fancy meals, so she was always scrounging around and making the best with what we had. Thus I followed the same sort of principles.

I like to call it Extemporaneous Gastronomy, and today it is served in the box of an iPhone to highlight how consumption no longer applies specifically to food.

>> No.7506713



>> No.7506737
File: 86 KB, 400x400, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7506761

>no timestamp

>> No.7506775

Thomas and his lies getting BTFO.

Like it.

>> No.7506776
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies.

>> No.7506782


It looks like you didn't even touch it. Didn't everything go cold?

>> No.7506826


>> No.7506910


>this thread

>> No.7506952


I think it's less about whether or not he was telling the truth than it is about his dish just having nothing to do with the theme of the round. It was roast chicken with vegetables and rice. It was well executed, and looked good for what it was, but when I hear "childhood favorites" I think "kid's food".

I loved my mom's chili growing up, and compare every other chili I try to it. I also love the gumbo my dad used to make, which he ate as a child because it was his grandma's recipe. Nonetheless, if I were to make either of those dishes and tell a story about the memories I have of eating them, I would still expect a low score on challenge goals, simply because those aren't kid's foods.

>> No.7507022

Exactly this. Thomas thought if he wrote up some story about how his grandma used to make this for him, he could conveniently cook whatever he fancied and maybe even earn some bonus points for his nostalgic tear jerker with it.

Then it was exposed as a made up story almost instantly and now he regrets it. But it is what it is, sometimes when you make things up you're going to get caught out. And i'm sorry to say his lie wasn't a particularly well executed one.

>> No.7507236

So how many non-Americans are busy with Easter shit this weekend?

>> No.7507275

Easter is for faggots.

>> No.7507651

It's not the same person. It's pretty easy to identify yellow mug from, well, the mug, and the wooden board.

I think it's wrong to assume 'childhood favorites' with 'kids food'. Why shouldn't your chilli or gumbo qualify? If they were your childhood favorites, that's what they were. It would be a falsehood to make hot dogs because children like them if you didn't grow up eating/enjoying them as much as gumbo.

>> No.7507718

associate* not assume

>> No.7507745
File: 477 KB, 1000x1920, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7507757
File: 1.11 MB, 2560x1920, 20160326_083513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father cooked only two meals but he cooked them well. Poached trout with onions, and stewed lamb shoulder with potatoes and carrots. I ate both things frequently as that's all he could cook but the fish more often than the lamb as lamb had too much yang. I remember I would frequently see my father crouched on the floor, scaling the trout with his chopper over newspaper.

This dish isn't really an original dish as much as it is how I would epitomise what I liked best about the dish.

Rather than poaching the trout, I steamed it to enhance the sweetness and retain the flavour of the trout. I sliced the trout not so much because I needed to check how well cooked the fish was, but because my father simply always did.

On the odd occasion we had leftover congee, I found I always preferred it more than rice with trout. It was the way the mild flavour of the congee contrasted with the soy sauce, and being soup-like, it was obviously more comforting.

My father also used to initially use onions as the sole vegetable for the dish but at times would also use spring onions to add some colour. I hated that because I hated spring onions as a kid and found their flavour too strong so here I've used leek instead. I did love onions though so eventually my father started to cook extra and would serve that on the side.

I got very picky about this dish, having eaten it for more than ten years. I would insist that he cook the sugar in the oil rather than mix the sugar into the sauce before adding it to the wok. I also hated it when he used too much wine. But despite my criticism, I loved the dish. As I grew older, I'd keep going back for seconds, thirds, fourths... my father would look at me incredulously and say that I was eating too much. Now that I cook for myself, I can eat the entire fish!

Cooking one portion of congee is probably the loneliest thing I've ever done.

>> No.7507766

I don't regret fucking shit. I didn't make up the story. "children's" food should only be regular food cut up into smaller pieces to avoid choking. You are all really fucking making me upset. Trying to perpetuate that I made up a story. This is my God damn favorite thing I ate in my childhood. I don't even owe any of you an explanation. Just because I was a child didn't mean I had no idea what tasty real food was.

Who the fuck are you to tell me how I am feeling or what has or hasn't been proven as a lie? Get off it. Sorry if you only ate shit when you were a kid or had families that only made you order from children's menus and fed into what the food culture is now. I wasn't fed processed lab created food full of msg and preservatives and food colorings. If I didn't like what was for dinner, I didn't get frozen tenders or kraft dinner, I went to bed hungry... If your kids are hungry they will eat whatever you put in front of them, my family weren't giant pussies who let me dictate what happened in their homes...I learned to eat REAL food, that's all that was cooked for me.... your the reasons society is eating all this shit then make threads about all the kids you know eating crap.

>hurr durr "children's" food

>> No.7507836

Tryhards BTFO, I love it

>> No.7507855

Woah, Thomas does NOT like his lies being exposed. Not one little bit.

>> No.7507900

>You are all really fucking making me upset.

sorry man but you can't just cook whatever you were making for dinner then say 'my grandma made me this' to fit it into the theme

>> No.7507907

Pretty funny that a thread would be "derailed" by a train.


>> No.7507942

You sound like an asshole.

>> No.7507958

this, way to show a pretentious as fuck side the second someone upsets you

>> No.7507974

>yup I'm the asshole.....

What does BTFO mean?

>> No.7507978

Yeah, you are. It's just some Japanese cartoon competition who gives a shit?

It means back the fuck off

>> No.7507981

wow would all of you seriously shut the fuck up and go shit up another thread, or do you just plan to harass every submission until everyone quits?

the whole point of the round is to make some mediocre dish and give a dumb story of why you like it, if some shitty baked chicken dish is too fancy for yall then holy shit

>> No.7507989

Chicken, rice and veggies is like a staple family meal type dish. I don't see what everyone is so up in arms about. Know I had my fair share of it growing up.

>> No.7507997

Yeah your right, it is,it shouldn't upset me so much.

Just want to be rated fairly without some fucktard trying to tell everyone I'm lying and then the other anons start believing that. Whatever floats all your boats.
I could claim lies on all the processed shit everyone is trying to re create, because there is no way any human who loves a child will feed them such shit.... it's detrimental for their brain and body development. Makes me sad really.

>> No.7508000

Oh stop lying Thomas, we're bored of you and your shitty attitude now.

>> No.7508002

But I don't care.... I'm here to rate the cooking and the dishes, not the stories. I am enjoying this competition immensely. I love seeing all the other anons trying hard to cook their hearts out. I look forward to this every year.

Once again, I appreciate everyone taking the time to vote and rate all the dishes, including mine, fairly.

>> No.7508056

The trolling in here is hard... how far are we from the next thread?

>> No.7508068


Bump limit is at 310 posts, then we wait until it falls off the board. Maybe end of day, start of tomorrow.

>> No.7508144

nope, but do have exams coming up so hopefully I'll be able to find some time to build my entry/vertical

>> No.7508154

ha ha.

I see what you're doing, but when I arrange dishes for competition or public viewing, I have no end goal of eating them. A successful arrangement should intrigue and violate. It's not meant to be gobbled up instantly like your typical comfortable american plate.

>> No.7508156

Just don't go lying on it like Thomas did, the competition is better than that.

>> No.7508158


sorry this was me. forgot to put the name on

>> No.7508166


>this thread

>> No.7508252
File: 2.18 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my entry !
My vegetable pizza.

I used to be a really annoying picky kid, eating only vegetables (no sauce, no meat, no cheese, no tomato). So during our family meetings, at pizza days, I used to roll the dough for everyone, and then I would make mine, placing slowly everything. Good old times...

>> No.7508260

See now Thomas should take a leaf out of his book, no bullshit story but something real. That's what this competition should be about.

>> No.7508265


>during our family meetings

Are you a mafioso?

>> No.7508269

Oh for fucks sake. Your that obsessed with this dude?

>> No.7508277

>I wasn't fed processed lab created food full of msg and preservatives and food colorings.
>my family weren't giant pussies
>I learned to eat REAL food
>your the reasons society is eating all this shit
>hurr durr

>> No.7508285

No, but English is not my mother tongue.
Maybe I should have said reunion ?

>> No.7508295


Family reunion is when extended family gets together, and makes more sense for there to be pizza.

A family meeting is usually something like the parents calling the kids into the living room to talk about how Jenny's boyfriend knocked her up, and we're going to deal with it.

>> No.7508399


Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 11/20

>> No.7508402
File: 18 KB, 480x360, Simpsons Don Homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats-a nice-a pizza

>> No.7508407


Presentation: 3/5
The pizza itself looks very nice, but the picture quality and burnt paper beneath do not.
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20

>> No.7508468

I guess it never was that much of a soap-opera.
Thanks anon !

>> No.7508503

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 14/20

Looks legit, looks good, would nom.

>Presentation: 3/5
>Originality: 3/5
>Appeal: 5/5
>Challenge Goals: 4/5
>Total: 15/20

Mac n cheese with chicken tendies? Fuck yea!

>> No.7508669


Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 0/5
Challenge Goals: 1/5

I like the combination, but the presentation relies too heavily on the designs already made by Apple. Still gave me a chuckle.


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 10/20

It's a strange enough dish that I believe it's something from your childhood, despite not looking like it at first glance. It's pretty basic, but is probably also pretty tasty. I'm not a fan of congee, but don't mind whole fish as long as they're not making that expression.


Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 10/20

I can totally imagine a picky kid meticulously putting that pizza together. On the other hand, I have no desire to eat any of it. It looks pretty and says "kids", but you could have done better on plating by actually plating it.

>> No.7508750

Thomas the Liar Engine, more like.

>> No.7508786

Presentation: 0/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 0/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 9/20
This really does not look good.

You're the most obnoxious person in this thread and that's saying something.

>> No.7508793

Go to bed Thomas, we're bored of your lies.

>> No.7508808

Can we get Thomas permabanned from this board. No room for lying assholes here, destroying the sanctity of the competition

>> No.7508809


>> No.7508839


>Presentation: 3/5
creative at least

>Originality: 5/5
never seen this combo

Appeal: 0/5
how do you even eat it

Challenge Goals: 2/5
I guess you kind of explained it well. Also the iphone could symbolize child labour.

Total: 10/20

>> No.7508870

Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 1/5
Total: 6/20

I find it very difficult to give you anything higher than a 1 on challenge goals since it's been confirmed that your story along with it was made up. Looks like you took what you were making for dinner than night and threw some bullshit story along side it to make it fit in here.

>> No.7508906


>it's been confirmed

One troll keeps repeating it, and it's up to you to judge based on your understanding of the rules. Nothing has "been confirmed".

In any case, it seems like you judged him low in every other category just because of that.

Not even Thomas; this is just starting to get annoying.

>> No.7508963

Being on top is tough, Thomas.

>> No.7508965

Easy there Lyin' Tom, don't blow a gasket.

>> No.7509019

Bump so we can get a new thread, and a friendly reminder no to respond to trolls.

>> No.7509040

>Lyin' Tom

lost my shit

>> No.7509609

i liek food

>> No.7509620

So did Lyin' Tom's grandma


>> No.7509630

Happy bump limit.

Get your pics and verts ready for the new thread.

See ya'll on page 10.

>> No.7509727
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x2795, DiceLasagna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my submission:

My take on the lasagna my grandma would make for family events. Super rich, super meaty and really damn good. We're talking about 2.5 pounds of meat and the same amount of cheese. Fills you up in one piece, but I always end up taking 3 since I'm a fat fuck.

No vertical for this once since I had to make it in advance for a family gathering and didn't have time to mess around taking pictures.

>> No.7509736


>> No.7509957

It's so refreshing to read a grandma story that's actually real. Not try hard sympathy vote fishing, just a real childhood memory. Looks really good.

>> No.7509968

God dam son
I'm glad I read through all that shit to see this

>> No.7509978

This. Thomas could learn a thing or two out of that guys book.

>> No.7510011

How about you guys rate instead of shitting on other people?

>> No.7510015

We weren't shitting on his food. We were shitting on his lying. No need for it at all.

>> No.7510019

Just ignore mang. They'll get bored if we ignore.

>> No.7510024

Shut up Thomas.

>> No.7510136


Great looking bottom picture Dice. Use a filter with that or did you just find some good lighting?

>> No.7510166

Bubble around for a new thread?

>> No.7510246

Opinions on whether Thomas should be allowed to keep on competing in the competition?

>> No.7510253


Opinion discarded. Judge the plate, not the story.

>> No.7510256

The plate looked like your average dinner.

>> No.7510273


What was it supposed to look like? Seems like a very traditional meal to me. Many families had those kinds of meals growing up. If it was the guys' favorite I don't see the problem. The challenge wasn't to transform a dish completely, it was to make what you liked as a kid. Think you guys are just picking nits on his dish, for what reason I couldn't fucking say.

>> No.7510275

Alright Thomas, bed time for you now.

>> No.7510276

dude just stop responding to trolls already and let them die out

>> No.7510279


Think there's some dick in /pol/ that needs sucking, why don't you head back there ya tremendous idiot.

>> No.7510280

Lyin' Tom broke the rules. Thought he could lie to the public. A total disaster!

>> No.7510282

Oh Thomas. We could have forgiven your lies. If only you'd have accepted your exposure like a man. But this.. this is just sad Tommy.

>> No.7510295


>this thread

>> No.7510448

Bubble, please adopt a trip and some kind of identifier when you start the new thread so everyone knows it's you in the future.

That one troll is hell bent on fucking over the challenge.

>> No.7510480

Give it up, Lyin' Tom.

>> No.7510508

It took a while for bubs to set up the 2nd thread for the previous rounds, prob gonna take a while again.

>> No.7510516

At least the next round will be free from Thomas and his lies.

>> No.7510781

who falls for that?
we have a following of banters.
it's mildly amusing, be amused.

>> No.7511454

I'm at my parents for Easter. Will do it when I get home.