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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7498241 No.7498241 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ grow it's own food?

I have been growing radishes for a week now (pic related) as a small distraction.

What kind of plants have you grown and what are your experiences?

>> No.7498372

Growing lemons atm. Two seeds have taken to the ground. I don't think I'll separate them. Is it okay not to separate them? Will it cause problems later on?

>> No.7498378
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Starting two hydroponic systems. Picture is for a restaurant where wife is Exe Chef. They try to be farm to table as much as possible. They have a good size garden that im growing all vegies and herbs from seedlings. They also will have silkie chicks.
My personal hydro system will be in my basement, i want to focus on tomatoes, tomatillos and strawberries.

>> No.7498436

Won't they need sunlight, though? OR will you use UV?

>> No.7498481
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my rosemary and sage won't grow, watering more or less doesn't seem to have any effect. I tried putting a little coffee grounds in the soil with no effect as well. The rosemary is like a year old and is barely any bigger. I also try to keep the dead tree leaves off the planter.

what do /ck/?

>> No.7498494
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who /microgreen/ here?

thinking about growing my own to use in some pretentious home cooking.

>> No.7498500

They might be sick m8

>> No.7498526


>> No.7498552
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This is literally about food.

Fuck outta here.

>> No.7498555

I garden religiously. Spring and summer, things like tomatoes, squash, okra, beans, cucumbers, watermelon, cantelope, blueberries, eggplant,carrots, greens, etc. ...then a fall garden of cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, greens and spinach, etc.

We also have black walnut, pecan, and an almond tree. Fruit trees are apple, plum, nectarine. Grape vines are concord and white marquis seedless. We also have wild blackberry vines that we pick in season.

We can process up a lot for the coming year, make salsas and jelly, pickles, tomato sauce, etc.

We grow basil, oregano, thyme, sage, lemon balm, spearmint, ginger, Rosemary, and calendula as herbs.

We grow it all in raised lasagna type beds.i have a few huge tractor tires filled, that I also grow squash in very well.

>> No.7498570

I have three pots of garlic, planted it about a month ago, shit grows really fast and you only need to water it 1-2 times a week, or so ive read. Any suggestions on what else I should grow that can be used in the kitchen?

>> No.7498576

Thyme, rosemary, onions are pretty easy.

But mostly herbs.

Wat. How big is your garden?

>> No.7498592

I have a house on 48 acres. It's not a huge amount of land but it's enough for me. Plenty of work just keeping up with it. The vines, and trees are spread out. The grapes grow on the fence around the pool. Then We have a a large fenced in plat that we grow most of the vegetables and fruit bushes in, or else the deer and rabbits will just eat everything. Some herbs I grow in the porch in a pot, some in the garden. We have a muscadine vine in the back field that is up pretty high in the trees. We take the truck back there and put a ladder in the bed and that's how we manage to get them. I like making muscadine jelly so it's worth the effort.

>> No.7498600

Buy a new plant. Just grow it in the ground. You probably stunted it's growth by putting it in a small planter box. A plant generally needs a lot of room, like 2x it's size for width and 2x its size for root growth. Then it may also be nutrient deficient, again by being in the small box with little soil

>> No.7498614

>only 48 acres
In the bay area 4 acres is a butt ass load of land
Like 4 acres of alright land in a decent neighborhood will cost you up to $8 million. But 1.5 acres are useless land that falls over a cliff.
Or you can opt for the santa cruz mountains and deal with mudslides and shitty soil. But still about 500k for 4 acres.

>> No.7498623

I have the unfortunate pleasure of living in an apartment. I'm planning to start an herb garden on the balcony soon but don't have enough space for the things I really want to grow and use consistently. The herbs alone would save me probably $100 a year in buying them fresh though.

>> No.7498628

I'm in Texas. Rural land goes for about 6000.00-7000.00 an acre in my area. Now, once you get into the city limits, lake front, or more urban areas it's way more expensive. Piney woods.

>> No.7498660

rosemary needs more space and it will kill pretty much everything growing around it so i'd advise you to plant them in separate places

>> No.7498665

Originally it was in a much smaller container and was growing but eventually stopped. I moved it to this bigger one hoping it would start to grow again. It's been in the new planter for a few months with fresh soil. I don't have much space to plant in the ground unfortunately, I'm in a apartment.

I read somewhere that sage is one of the only plants it can grow around. Is that not the case?

>> No.7498679

I grow Greek oregano in a ground bed with a huge Rosemary bush and haven't ever had a problem. It's just that their roots will smother out other more tender plants roots more easily. Just give it space, rich soil, and you can grow it. I wouldn't not grow another plant next to Rosemary if you have it growing in a pot tho. I abuse the shit out of mine and my lavender. Both grown in the ground and it only gets watered when it rains or if we are super super dry. My lavender grows like crazy and so does the Rosemary.

>> No.7498685

If your growing rosemary in a pot then grow it by itself, especially during its growth phase is what I meant.

>> No.7498690

Die AH-moestuintactie is wel tof, hè?

>> No.7498715

Ik vind het wel een van de betere acties. Sowieso ook wel van educatieve waarde.

>> No.7498722


Met de messenactie was ik ook erg blij, heb ze allemaal behalve het hakmes. Voor die prijs vind je nergens betere messen en ik heb niets hoeven doen voor de zegels.

>> No.7498733

What do you think homegrowmen is about? Pot? Ornamentals? Turf?

95% of discussion is about growing food. The first two posts also have lots of information.

>> No.7498737


Are you in the Netherlands?

>> No.7498850

Yes yes yes

>> No.7498885
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>growing your own food
No because I live in a city apartment not in flyover land.

>> No.7498890

Used to grow peppers and tomatos but moved to an apartment that didn't have any way to accommodate any sort of garden

>> No.7498962

That sucks mane.

What about a small pot with basil in it?

>> No.7499498
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Here's what I have going so far

>> No.7499533

Growing rucula but maybe I got bad seeds. One month of good sunlight and they still like 1,5 cm only.

>> No.7499572

I have an orange, lemon and mandarin tree in my back yard. The oranges are looking great and the mandarins are small but getting there.
When we moved in the lemon tree was absolutely covers in galls from citrus gall wasps. I had to trim it heaps, but it's coming back nicely.

>> No.7499575

where do u live

>> No.7499596



>> No.7499599

Looking good lad.

>> No.7499668

For the basement project im going with 1000w HPS and MH combo, T5 lighting and possibly a cheap LED fixture later on

>> No.7499741

Not much, but I did throw half a serrano pepper into a small pot of dirt and set it by my window.

I have a sizeable plant now, and it's durable as all get-out.
I haven't watered it at all in the past few weeks because life, and it's still fairly vibrant and growing peppers.

>> No.7499794

I'm growing rosemary but I think its going to die :( It's starting to get droopy, I don't water it too much, only if the soil doesn't feel moist. It gets full sunlight, and the pot isn't too small.

Sorry about no pic, I never thought to take a picture of it.

>> No.7499886

I have a large patio, but no yard, and my patio is shaded most of the time, so there's only certain things I can grow. But, herbs do very well, so this year I have chives, garlic chives, peppermint, and lemon thyme (all left from last year) as well as a 3 year old rosemary bush, and have recently planted sage, three kinds of basil, tarragon, and 2 types of oregano. I also have a blackberry bush and a brandywine raspberry bush, which are both doing very well. The vegetables that need more sunshine (like tomatoes, peppers, etc) just don't grow well on my patio because of the shade.

>> No.7499892

Gets even higher once you go into the Hill Country. I inherited about 220 acres there 6 years ago and the value just keeps climbing (and so do my taxes.....)

>> No.7500074

When I buy green onions from the store I always replant the bottom parts. I get at least 3x or 4x more out of them.

>> No.7500091

Contacted the FBI enjoy prison you scum.

>> No.7500109

I don't really grow food, mostly just herbs and other fresh flavourings to add to food.

atm I'm growing basil, Italian parsley, ginger, galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime, jalapenos, birds eye chillies, spring onions and turmeric.

>> No.7500669
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Finally got home, here are some pictures.
Orange tree.

>> No.7500673

Lemon tree. You can see some of the galls that are still on it.

>> No.7500679
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>> No.7500690

And finally Mandarin tree.

>> No.7500756

lettuce, rhubarb, herbs, marrows, tomatoes here. barely any attention needed apart from keeping the motherfucking slugs away from my shit - which is almost impossible.

>> No.7500777

Banana peppers
Ghost peppers
Jalapeno peppers
Habanero peppers
Mosquito plant

I want to get dill but its too hot here in the summer

>> No.7500781

Oh and rosemary

>> No.7500829

Lemons (ugly ass tree outside, needs trimming)
Limes (key, about a year old, from seed)
Grapefruit (came with yard, doubt it'll ever fruit)
Cocktail citrus (year old, from seed)
Apple (I grafted it this year, with a few varieties)
Apricot (came with yard, shady spot, not much fruit)
Plum (Small purple variety, came with yard)
Dragonfruit (2 years old, not much fruit yet)
Alpine Strawberries (albino and red)
Red current
Avocado (Pinkerton-Hass cross)
Peppers (cuerno de toro)

Rosemary, Lemon Thyme, English Thyme, Yerba Buena, Spearmint, French Tarragon, Lemongrass, Epazote, Basil (don't think it through the winter, we'll see)

>> No.7500900

what is redcurrant like?

>> No.7501035

if OP pic is anything to go off of, it appears that theyre actully growing this time. i was so disappointed last time

>> No.7501117

This nigga gonna grow sum bud tho

>> No.7501233

My dad built something like this. It was extremely effective and the lettuce grew really quick.

>> No.7501467

I've never grown anything, but this thread has inspired me to attempt garlic.
I've seen a few pictures of garlic being grown in a pot indoors, but I'm afraid my cat or dog may end up messing around with the plants. Also not a fan of planting outdoors bc of the flooding that regularly occurs during rain.
I am open to both, and would appreciate it if someone with experience could point me in the direction of a good resource to begin looking into.