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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 249 KB, 1280x720, Mcdonald's anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7493629 No.7493629 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel /ck/?


>> No.7493646

Cute, but it's sad that full grown men watch this kind of shit voluntarily.

>> No.7493743

Having worked fast food as one of my first jobs and found it to be truly awful, I'm mildly irritated to see it romanticized, even if I know it's paid for by the company itself.

>> No.7493753

Why are people demanding her to smile? Is it like a Japanese McDonald's thing?

>> No.7493760

Reminds me when I worked there for the first time.
Sounds like you had it tough. I understand though. For some reason customers will treat McDs people below special needs janitors and trolley pushers. Also some management are psychos.

>> No.7493761

Only works because people in Japan are nice. Somebody should make a parody in a Black neighborhood.

>> No.7493779

>Also some management are psychos.

We had a couple of managers with a sort of napoleon complex, it seems really common in fast food.

I'm sure not all sites are that bad, but mine was pretty awful between customers and management.

>> No.7493788

>psycho management

Damn right, when i worked at Subway i had one manager who sucked dick for coke, one who was a nymphomaniac that wanted me and my girlfriend to sleep with her and her husband (they were both hideous creatures) and one who was a dumb negress who stole $2000 over the course of a week and said it was my fault.

I left on the spot one day and never looked back.

>> No.7493801
File: 61 KB, 600x375, 1458342268964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can "order" a smile there. But it's mostly used for banter now.

>One smile, please!
>Will that be to go?

>> No.7493875

different country; different culture Anon.

Been to Japan. America has been to niggerized over the last 50 years to understand the level of social maturity Japan has. Like an ant trying to understand 5 * 6..

Here, we make fun of people and their job.. There they take jobs VERY seriously. I don't know why people here feel the need to belittle someone who works at McD's, but they do. These same people still eat at McD's, and whine & bitch like mad when their order is messed up.

Every job is important. Every effort counts. but in the US we piss on people who work hard and feel sorry for bums who freeze to death..

>> No.7493879

go back to /a/ you horrendous cumswiller.

>> No.7493887

You're doing an over-the-top weeb character for us to laugh it, right?

>> No.7493898

It's called working in the service industry dumbshit. You smile. Nobody wants their company faced by some apathetic asshole. Faking a smile is the easiest part of the job.

>> No.7493923
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>> No.7493927

I wish they wouldn't. It looks like somebody cares about me but I know deep down that they're faking.

>> No.7493930

Spotted the nigger.

>> No.7493933

They're just an employee not your mother. No need to take it personally.

>> No.7493998

it's funny because apparently when mcdonalds was introduced in china, people thought they were getting scammed when the cashier smiled and thanked them because they're so used to haggling and shit

>> No.7494158


>> No.7494166

I can believe this. 99% of business transactions are by small shops and stands on the street or gigantic markets/malls where the owner is usually the only worker.

>> No.7494180

I don't understand what is so difficuly about smiling and being pleasant while you are conducting business. I get employees acting like I just asked them to change their entire personality because I simply asked them to smile more around customers.

>> No.7494192

I care about you anon. I'll always be here for you.

>> No.7494196

>pandering to otaku and weebs


>> No.7494277
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Which part of the spectrum are you on?

>> No.7494295

It's very difficult for some people. Certainly almost everyone can do the motions of a smile and alter their voice on command, but for some people it just comes across as extremely false or even insulting because they're not very good at it, and those people tend to be reticent to try because of that. Doesn't help that some people have a relatively sour relaxed facial expression to begin with.

If you feel it's worth putting some training into it, I'd suggest trying to get them to think of a joke or something that makes them happy once and awhile when dealing with customers to get a genuine positive expression that they can pass off as being related to business.

>> No.7494306

I live in Cleveland, there was a McD's I went to 3 years ago where some black retard was getting mad that it got too busy and called everybody a bunch of stupid NIGGAS and left. It took 40 minutes to get a fucking big mac from that situation.

>> No.7494583

>be a mcwage slave
>learn how to initiate
>mustard never comes out as smoothly as depicted
It must be nice having nice things.

>> No.7494609

>those hats
I want one. Too bad burgerland has those shitty visor piece of shits.

>> No.7494615

Yeah I can't passively 'smile' when I'm just standing there doing nothing not talking to anyone and I have a natural frown apparently so my bosses always used to tell me off. When I actually had to talk to someone though I could be normal enough though.
I don't do hospitality anymore though so who cares.

>> No.7494617
File: 542 KB, 1280x720, wac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big wac > big mac

>> No.7494627

I don't speak weeb so is this supposed to not take place in Japan/Asia? Everyone has fucking brown hair and blue eyes...

>> No.7494702

i think the japanese view of mcdonald's is different than in the states. iirc mcdonalds in japan isn't really bottom of the barrel fast food garbage and it's going there is treated like a special occassion.

please if anyone knows better correct me or clarify the point i'm trying to make. if it really is the garbage that we have in the west then i cant stand the romanticization. i think the animation is really nice though

>> No.7494709

did you even watch the commercial? there's only one person with blue eyes. the rest look pretty tame. the last girl has lighter hair and eyes than a typical japanese person but wigs, contacts, hair dye and generally changing your appearance isn't uncommon in japan

>> No.7494735

>i had one manager who sucked my dick for coke
nice! why would you quit?

>> No.7494771

>mcdonalds in japan isn't really bottom of the barrel fast food garbage and it's going there is treated like a special occassion.

It's better than American Mcdonalds and they have interesting variety/limited time goods but no, it's not special. It's just fast food. The Japanese treat fast food the same way.

>> No.7494787

they all look fucking western you weeb fuck

>> No.7494792


>> No.7494846

Other than the items that are only sold there it's exactly the same shit as in the US

>> No.7494852

The Simpsons are Asians because they look yellow.

>> No.7494859

If they are yellow, do they look yellow?

>> No.7494875
File: 2.48 MB, 848x478, mcdonalds-anime-ad-gif-3.0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to move to Japan to work at Mcdonalds

No but seriously god damn that food looks good. They should have taken a note from studio ghibli and added twice as many shots of the food.

>> No.7495013

It's about as pathetic as my little pony

>> No.7495028

Fast food jobs in Japan are... different.
It's not just apathetic teenagers earning weed money.
They're in it for the long haul.


>> No.7495032

McDonald's in the 80s and 90s were special places where you had things like kids birthdays and Ronald McDonald shows

>> No.7495054

Is this the same for mustard dispensers everywhere?

>> No.7495056

Japan's view is pretty similar to Australias, only it's slightly more relaxed. Or at least Australia tries to.

>> No.7495064

If you make fun of people who you pay to do a job then you should stop paying those people to do a job and move on with your life.

If you feel trapped with no other way to live than to belittle those you depend on, then escape and go work on a farming commune or something.

>> No.7495065

It's a culture that places a lot more value on both work and food anyway.

>> No.7495108

can you elaborate on what australia's view is?

>> No.7495118

Are you Australian? Because the following are the only acceptable reasons to eat maccas here:
>you're a child
>you're drunk
>you were drunk, so now you're hungover
>it's the only food available
>you are so abnormally tired that you don't have the energy to leave your car
>you really need a coffee and the only other choice is 7/11
>they've brought back the monopoly theme

>> No.7495129

>you're drunk
>you were drunk, so now you're hungover

So what you're telling me is that there is never an inappropriate time to eat McDonald's in Australia.

>> No.7495140

Not true. It's completely inappropriate to eat maccas between 6AM and 8AM on a Monday morning, since that's the period between waking up from the coma and finding your wallet.

>> No.7495144

I hate living in the south east of the US
And I'm not trying to hurt anyone else's feelings from the south but most of the white people act like niggers here too.
Whites are much more sophisticated in other parts of the country with less niggers.
The south gets romanticized a lot on 4chan but it really fucking sucks and has the worst kind of inferiority complex.

>> No.7495177

I used to live in Shanghai and the quality of McDonalds there is actually not bad, to the point where I'm not embarrassed nor unsure to eat there.

I don't know if it's the culture, but I know people who work at McDonalds in China give it their best because they know they're easily replaceable, and with the population being so condensed there are not too many jobs out there.

>> No.7495202

That seems unfair to people who work irregular hours.

>> No.7495204

Lol of allll the problems facing America "people from other regions romanticizing the south" really really isn't a thing you have to fret over.

>> No.7495299

Yay capitalism!

>> No.7495433

It really drives the point of how different "fast food" is around the world when not part of the American society. These people aren't paid below subsistence wages and then supported by food stamps or other capital transfers.

Really, minimum wages are a godsend.

You are trying far too hard to vilify something completely innocent by false comparisons. Is this a personal issue of some kind for you?

>> No.7495464

It's just animated fiction man, just as an adult watching any animated disney movie. Now the grown ass fuckers that watch my little pony are sick cunts, because almost all of them get horny watching that shit.

>> No.7495865

McDonald's is my favourite anime

>> No.7496026

>Japan is so infantilized they need to anime-ize everything
Those nukes really messed them up.

>> No.7496045

>I don't know why people here feel the need to belittle someone who works at McD's
because it's braindead work shitting out crap that shouldn't even be considered food. it's people like them who keep the fast food industry strong while whining about "muh 1%" and "evil capitalism"

>> No.7496114

As opposed to anime? Because hentai doesn't exist as a huge spinoff industry?

Fucking weaboos.

>> No.7496608
File: 1.30 MB, 2438x1693, 1-2-3A5-25-ExplorePAHistory-a0b3e6-a_349[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every job is important. Every effort counts. but in the US we piss on people who work hard and feel sorry for bums who freeze to death..
That's the attitude that once made America great.

>If something is animated it's automatically for infants

>> No.7496634

>And I'm not trying to hurt anyone else's feelings from the south but most of the white people act like niggers here too.

That's because black culture is literally (poor) white southern culture plus centuries of persecution. Very little of the original African cultures remain, and those that did were absorbed into the poor white culture around them.

>> No.7496640

>Because hentai doesn't exist as a huge spinoff industry?

Only a small minority of hentai involves horses in any way.

>> No.7496643

I'm not American but aren't there regional differences? I imagine that while southern black culture and southern white culture are almost the same, the black culture of New York or Detroit would have a more "urban" bend to it.

>> No.7496658


Except that in the video customers are actually asking the girl to smile, moron.

>> No.7496672

>look how nicely I wrap this burger!
>proceeds to chuck it down the counter

>> No.7496683


This reminds me how little fucks my local McDonalds give. My local McDonalds fucks up every possible order you give them. Want a medium fries? Ah well here's a plain burger with extra glops of mayo. Good thing I don't eat McDonalds often.

>> No.7496729

Disgusting. McDonalds is shit and I can't stand it romanticized and being made out to be such a positive place full of positive people. Absolutely saccharin add. I think I might be sick honestly.

>> No.7496748

It's generally the same all over, with the regional differences being pretty small. The rural culture can be pretty different from the urban, but generally it's pretty shit. But I guess this is more of a topic for /pol/ or /his/

>> No.7496849
File: 1.82 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7496856
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>> No.7496860
File: 168 KB, 1216x684, Ebi_burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7496866
File: 352 KB, 640x1440, ku-xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7496868

The Mcdonald's in asia are all like this

>> No.7496877
File: 262 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sister brought back one of these for me from Japan because I wanted to try it but it was found crushed flat inside her bag so she threw it away

>> No.7496912

>an ad
>being depressing

Have you seen American McDonald commercials?
They make McDonalds come off as a multicultural hip and diverse place

>> No.7497053
File: 1.17 MB, 245x150, Quentin Tarantino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting cheese whiz on fries

>> No.7497108
File: 233 KB, 1024x1024, 20140329-100020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7497133

Mcdonalds food always looks so cute and uniform now days, but tastes so bland.

I have a weird respect for what they're doing, but I can't eat there.

>> No.7497268

damn I could really go for a shake right now, it's probably been years since I had one

>> No.7497278


>> No.7497285


What's wrong with getting horny to my little pony?

>> No.7497290

are japanese mcdonalds less depressing than american mcdonalds?

i imagine less homeless people, less hoodrats screaming, less obese children

maybe i am wrong

>> No.7497309

Worked at Hardee's for my first job, cashier. All the managers were failure, loser 30 year old+ females with no outlook in life. GM was an actual pyschopath misandrist. Put in my two weeks and she 'believed' (fuck psychopaths) I wanted to leave because I wasn't getting paid enough. You cannot be paid enough to work there. We had a fat rush with a bunch of annoying ass old Canadian fucks (I'm not even talking about niggers) on a tour bus in the middle of fucking nowhere. There is nothing in my state to see, in hindsight I should have walked out as soon as the bus showed up. I was doing drivethru, cashier, giving people food, and this retarded ass hardee's thing of taking the food out to the customers. Fuck I HATE Hardee's and fuck I hate fast food.

>> No.7497313

Oh, it's horses. Because having every orifice of every female character in their series' holes filled with random shit is a departure from normalcy. This is coming from someone who's jacked off to any animation he's seen, including Klasky Csupo shit.

It's all fucked up, but feigning superiority is retarded.

>> No.7497319
File: 706 KB, 2591x1944, 57372322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7497325

And what profession are you a part of now?

>> No.7497338

Currently a cook.

>> No.7497360

You were a "cook" at Hardees. No offense, but that sounds like an adolescent rant. If you're the lower man on the totem pole, you're most likely to find your manager incompetent/psychopathic/retarded. If you ever get people under your, you'll understand a little bit more, because they'll seem utterly retarded as well.

>> No.7497521


>> No.7497538

No, I was a cashier at Hardee's. You may find this hard to believe but not everyone is retarded.

>> No.7497555

You're not really proving your case, mate.

>> No.7497778


>Now the grown ass fuckers that watch my little pony are sick cunts, because almost all of them get horny watching that shit.

I can safely say watching MLP is no worse than moeblob shit. It's all just cute characters doing cute things.

>> No.7497950

As an AL bro I completely agree.

>> No.7498010

animation and art are surprisingly high budget, very nice

>> No.7498020

>high budget
>still looks like a slideshow

>> No.7498056
File: 110 KB, 786x514, consider-the-following-gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't expect or even like people smiling at me at places like McDonalds. It's a horrible job. If you're smiling as if you enjoy it that means you're either dishonest or a moron.

>> No.7498099

I had a manager at Hardee's. He was a redheaded racist with turrets syndrome (he didn't yell nigger or anything he mostly just had spasms or occasionally non vocal sounds.) Dunno why he took a liking to me but he'd sidle up to me every now and again to make the sort of comments you'd here from a drunk uncle at a family reunion. Maybe he liked my blond hair and blue eyes.

Anyway none of the other managers could stand him but they didn't have a reason to fire him so they put him exclusively on close where they would have to spend the least amount of time with him, I got dragged along because he liked me and changed my schedule.

I learned many things from him that summer, such as about his life long dream to move down to the border and join a border guard militia.

I don't really know where I was going with this story but there you have it, I wonder if he ever made it down to New Mexico. I think of that man every time I hear /pol/ speak now. Note this was way back in 04 before /n/ was even a glimmer in moot's eye, 4chan was a different world back then so I can only really compare him in massive hindsight.

>> No.7498104

>it that means you're either dishonest or a moron

You could be numbing your pain with drugs, which you might consider being a moron, but for anyone other than a teenager working at McD's could be argued to be a perfectly rational response to their shit life.

>> No.7498141

Canuck here.

Been living in Hokkaido for a few months now and on occasion I go to a McDonalds narby when I'm craving it. The burgers taste pretty comparable like the ones back home and they offer their own variations as well.

Personally, I think they salt the fries way too much.

>> No.7498940

>Being attracted to women is no different than being attracted to horses!!!!
This is what you just said.

>> No.7498994


Try making your business actually pleasant to work in, fuckface.