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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7491902 No.7491902 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw everyones grandma cooks delicious food for them
>tfw i go to grandma's house for dinner

>> No.7491905

My grandma doesn't. She's extremely british despite having lived in Australia for 65 odd years. The only things she makes well are roast and apple pie and everything that's not meat and 3 veg is too exotic for her to even consider.

>> No.7491906

grandmas being better at cooking is a meme

>> No.7491909

I think mine is just retarded. She served baked potatoes AND sweet potatoes as the side dish.

>> No.7491912

My grandma was a terrible cook. I'm told she hated doing it, so she always made the same crappy meals. She made excellent baked goods and jam though.

>> No.7491922
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I made this instead and my grandpa called me a faggot and told me to stay away from his beer.

>> No.7491982

Is that hard tack? You poor thing.

>> No.7491987

Tell him you'll haunt his ghost when he dies. Spoop him good.

>> No.7491997

It used to be true, but over the last 20-30 years this has declined

>> No.7492001

>grandmother grew up poor with little food
>gets herself a decent job as nurse, grandfather has a decent job
>her hobby is cooking, decent cook
>buys expensive quality ingredients, makes 2-3 times more food than needed to send home with people or to freeze and eat later
>behavior brought on by her childhood.

>she retires, grandfather dies
>does a complete 180, worried about money and living off of her fixed income.
>very small meals, very cheap meals, lowest quality ingredients you can buy.

Sucks, I used to love eating her food but now its awful. My family used to go over every week or two to have a nice meal, but the food got so bad that they had stopped going.

Im not sure if she quit caring, or if she is just too old or if the food she buys is really bad.

>> No.7492011
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>> No.7492025

Why don't you all chip in for the meals?
I mean, if she has a bad economy, just do that, or "everyone brings an ingredient"

>> No.7492051

Or like, give your grandparent some money so she can live easier as every normal grandchild does anywhere but in USA I guess.

>> No.7492055

Does money grow on trees in your vllage?

>> No.7492057

Where do you live that your grandparents are so poor they take money from their grandchildren? I've never heard of this.

>> No.7492064

My grandma smoked 2 packs a day and coughed up phlegm constantly. Would wipe her mouth with a handkerchief covered in phlegm then proceed to knead dough with her hands. Never washed her hands ever, or that handkerchief.

>> No.7492068

My grandma is a stupid fat fuck who uses an electric wheelchair because she's too lazy to haul her 400 pound ass anywhere.
She doesn't cook, she bakes, and never, ever follows recipes. 1 cup sugar? let's try 1 cup sugar and 1 cup marshmallow fluff and also I'm going to eat a jar of peanut butter.
You'd think with her 6 bookshelves of cook books, diabetes cook books, cooking magazines and printed recipes that she'd follow a single one. Nope. She's just a fat fuck hoarder. God damn I'm mad 11/10 i fell for your ruse, fuck this thread

>> No.7492069

I live in eastern Europe and make over 15 times as much as my grandparents get from their pension. Without my help they wouldn't even be able to afford normal food and medication.

I never thought about it but pensions in the west might be better. Mine get about 150€.

>> No.7492077

shes loves you anon..... you shouldnt be so angry at her or in general

>> No.7492091

My grandma makes good wholesome simple dishes. Absolutely love her cabbage rolls.

>> No.7492094

My grandma is dead because she fell through a back porch that we told her to stay away from after roofers dropped tiles and broke a board. She was to lazy to walk to the front door and fell on a rusty nail, then refused to go to the hospital and died half a year later from bloodline bacteria infection.

Needless to say her cooking sucked and she lied about being Italian.

>> No.7492098

There aren't many jobs left that still offer a pension here. We have social security though. And lots of jobs that will match your contribution to a 401k. But you are kind of expected to plan for your own retirement.

Not that we wouldn't help out our grandparents if they need it. But my own parents would probably do that before I did. It's nice of you to help them out though, it would probably make me feel good to help if I had to.

>> No.7492101

>grandma used to cook amazing food
>had a stroke
>doesn't cook anymore


>> No.7492107

Wow, was she retarded or just really stubborn?

>> No.7492114

I would be opposed to cooking too if I was a vegetable.

>> No.7492138

American millenials can't afford to move out of their parents by age 30, much less support their grandmother.

>> No.7492165

>tfw grandmother who was apparently a top class cook and taught my mother, died before I was born
>tfw my surviving grandmother is a terrible cook
>cooked beef, pork and lamb for a spread once
>you cant tell which is what
>50 shades of grey meat
>pepper is too spicy for her
>no salt as its bad for you
>no onions because doesn't like them
>no offal, no "odd" cuts of meat
>everything over cooked
>not many veg
>nearly no bread
>"I like fish" will only eat salmon and cod. Overcooked of course

I just wanted to have that Grandma's delicious home cooking experience. Just once

>> No.7492183


Reminds me of my exes mother.

>Meat is always overcooked
>knows nothing about seasoning
>salt is the devil
>loves to use crockpot
>olive oil isn't meant for cooking
>let's use cheap sunflower oil instead
>manages to overcook frozen pelmeni to a watery mush
>her soups were water with carrots and potatoes, of course no salt because everyone should season at the table

Every time I had to eat with her parents was just terrible, once she made a roast in the crockpot and forgot to add any salt, it was literally just a slowly boiled piece of meat, she just laughed and said she likes it.

>> No.7492214

She isn't a vegetable. She just has trouble speaking now after getting through physical therapy.

>> No.7492247

Spanish grandma used to make awesome stews with the best flavour ever. My aunt is always pissed off because we always say "good, but not as good as grandma's".

Englush grandma I can't even remember except she always used to have freshly baked cake when we visited. It was always dry but warm and tasted good and it was made with love and she loved seeing us eat it so it was great anyways :3

>> No.7492249
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Both of my parents mothers are dead, fuck you asshole

>tfw my wife's son will be born in about 7 weeks from now

>> No.7492275

One of my step-grandmothers was an OK cook, but we didn't visit her that often; she's been gone for many years.

Father's mother died when I was little. Mother's mother wasn't part of my life to any great extent.

>> No.7492297

>Grandma cooks free food, everyone visits here every week.
>Grandma stops cooking (no free food :<), nobody bothers to visit her anymore.
Why don't you just kill yourself my man?

>> No.7492300

Your meme is stale and you're a faggot.

>> No.7492304

>tfw grandma's of today are 45-50 year old house moms who couldn't control their teens or learn to be a real house wife.

My mom has is a grandma and can't cook, clean, sew or bake for shit. I notice a lot of the same for women her age.

>> No.7492313

Do this, it will be hilarious.

>> No.7492327

I'm glad she's dead, Anon.

>> No.7492710

I guess I didnt make it clear.
She isnt poor or hurting for money at all, she has a decent chunk of savings in addition to her widowed tier social security.
She is only acting like she cant make the bills for some reason. And on the other hand she goes out and bought a car with cash last year.

She was an ER nurse for 40 years, she is abrasive and never emotionally close to me (or my mom for that matter). We went to see my warm and loving grandfather.

After he died we all kind of just stopped getting together, nobody reall saw a reason to try and keep going.
Its why its such a pain in the ass during holidays, because its an obligation and the food isnt good.

>> No.7492764
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>cooks a pound of ground beef
>doesn't drain much grease
>dumps in half a bottle of either ketchup, mustard, or bbw sauce
>served with saltine crackers and a glass of milk

t-thabk you maw maw

>> No.7492768

I agree that that's a shame, and before reddit jumps down my throat for being sexist, I think those are all skills both men and women should possess, they're a basic part of taking care of yourself and those you care for

>> No.7492775

nah man, tell him, you're gonna die before me and I just want you to know that when you do, I'll be there to piss on your grave

>> No.7492781
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>bbw sauce

>> No.7492792
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>family used to be farmers back in the day
>gigantic breakfasts to keep up the energy working on a farm all day
>no more farming, move to city
>grandma still cooks like we're on the farm
>every single one of her children and grandchildren are somewhere between fat and obese now
>uncle almost died from fat related problems
>I have to special order clothes for my father since he can't buy them in the store
>she tells me I look too thin with a 38" waist

fucking grandmas

>> No.7492794

>tfw grandma was probably an awesome cook but died when you were 10
>she lived in osaka and i only met her twice
>the recipes that mom makes that she says are from grandma are god tier

>> No.7492936
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what the fuck man is this where my tax dollary-doos are going?

>> No.7492952

Your tax dollars are going into the military industrial complex more than anything. And that isnt going to change, candidates on both sides have monetary interest in it.

>> No.7492973
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>Your tax dollars are going into the military industrial complex more than anything

this meme needs to die. tax dollars go more to gibmedat shit than military

>> No.7492974

>Your tax dollars are going into the military industrial complex more than anything.
i'm ok with that. what i'm not ok with is welfare sponges eating mayo by the jar on public transportation presumably on the way to walmart to buy more mayonnaise. that's just.. it's not even.. WHY IS SHE EVEN ALIVE?

>> No.7493027

Aren't women having kids at an older age now though

>> No.7493035

>tfw no grandparents' home to go to because they are all dead

>> No.7493050

Does that big scary "Healthcare" slice, by any chance, include the VA?

>> No.7493051

>tfw Vietnamese grandmother

She's reaching 80 now and still as lively as ever. She still cooks amazing Vietnamese food.


>> No.7493061

Pie chart is misleading in this context, it can always be broken down further.

A large percentage of "non defense discretionary" spending still goes to military and former military.

And an overwhelming majority of the social security/healthcare/other mandatory are social programs for the old, not for the "poor and lazy".

Then you have to throw in a large chunk for unemployment and school grants.

You can pretend its the poor wallowing away your tax dollars, but if you want to shit on social programs its the old people who are siphoning it away.

And it still doesn't change the absurd amount spent on the military

>> No.7493070

No, non discretionary
The "healthcare" is for medicare/medicade/subsidies health insurance

>> No.7493073


tell the rest of world to stop relying on our military might and to pay their fair share and we can cut it. right now though Europeans spend less than 2% of their gdp on defense and brag about it because we will cover their ass in exchange for nothing.

>> No.7493086

>tell the rest of world to stop relying on our military might and to pay their fair share and we can cut it

How about stop being the world police?
Why is it one nations job to pretend its high and mighty and that it needs to be stationed everywhere in the world?

>> No.7493145
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Nah, I'd rather have Americans die in the fucking desert than my countrymen.

>> No.7493452

Maybe she loved her husband more than she loved her daughter and grandson. All the food was for him.

>> No.7493540
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>twisting off a Lagunita

>> No.7493658

>haven't seen my grandmother in 16 years
>can't go back home to Korea because they'll forcibly draft me into their military
>she's probably old beyond recognition by now and can't stand up, much less cook

This is going to sound especially ungrateful because she pretty much looked after me for the first 3 years of my life, but it's been so long since I last spoke to her that I don't even feel too sad about this. Still would like to see her at least once, though.

>> No.7493667

My grandmas are ded

>> No.7493679
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She did it in order to get rid of you bunch of freeloading bastards

>> No.7493727

>both biological grandmothers can cook their asses off
>"adopted grandmother" is pretty good at cooking, too
>tfw there are some dishes they never explicitly taught anyone how to make
>tfw there are some dishes none of us have watched them cobble together
>tfw they're all dead
>trying in vain to recreate those dishes

Only the adopted one, a nun, wrote down her recipes, so we have those, at least.

>> No.7493735

A lot of my family is from Kansas and they cannot have any spices. Salt, pepper, and butter is about all they can handle. I made them Cajun shrimp and andouille pasta with a tomato cream sauce and I put about half the cayenne pepper I normally would and they couldn't eat it. Also put an onion, and a green and red pepper in.

>> No.7493745

Brown Shugga Substitute is the superior Lagunita

>> No.7493828

That's how you get haunted yourself, dummy. You gotta haunt him before he haunts you.

>> No.7494665

My grandma was a great cook, but now she can't see and she's a little bit frail, so she doesn't cook much anymore. Any time we get together I cook for her now, but we still talk about food a lot and I'm working on transcribing her recipes and such.

Had some really good times as a kid cooking with her- my very first time cooking anything ever was getting to scoop pancake batter onto the griddle, making dinosaurs and shit- and I think her and my mother both loving to cook and being really good at it, seeing how much happiness it brought our family and how nice it was to sit around a dinner table together and whatnot, is what made me want to be a cook.

I'm a line cook at a fine dining restaurant now and holy shit I love my job. Long hours and shit pay but I wouldn't want to do anything else.

>> No.7494818

My grandma died when I was three, I faintly recall her but never her cooking. She was an alcoholic because my grandfather, a Chinese immigrant, worked two jobs and they didn't see each other very bunch and he wasn't around much to help raise my mom and her siblings. All of her dishes my mom makes pretty well, though. She made these weird "enchiladas" which is more like tortilla lasagna with salsa sauce, simple and Hearty as can be, killer gumbo, and her affection for unsweetened black tea persisted in my mom and to me.

My Italian grandma was pretty good up until my grandpa died, after that she got more neurotic and her food got waaay worse. Some things aren't bad, but a lot of it is simply bland, dry, or just poorly crafted

>> No.7494857
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I don't think my grandmother ever cooked a single meal in her entire life and she certainly isn't going to start now. She's the kind of lady who thinks ketchup belongs slathered on every meat, that frozen dinners are of higher quality than anything a human could possibly cook in front of her (when she was still going out to eat she would always, without exception, send her main course back and have them re-do it even if everything was fine) and that chocolate ice cream is suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

>tfw the wrong grandparent died
>on both sides of the family

>> No.7494873

>go to grandmother's house for weekends
>makes gigantic pancakes
>burnt on the outside, raw in the middle
>dog hair in everything

>> No.7494898

>adopted grandmother
>she's a nun

what kind of fucked up backwards ass country are you from

>> No.7494912
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>tfw both my grandmas have been bedridden for as long as I can remember, and one of them had extreme schizophrenia and my only memory of her is her screaming like a lunatic from the other room and my mother and aunt needing to change her shit-filled diapers

oh yeah, cooking you say

>> No.7494914

>extreme schizophrenia
my mistake, was actually alzheimers disease

>> No.7495196

time to poison that dried up cunt

>> No.7495268

She was an old nun that we called 'granny.' It's not like she was officially adopted with documents and stuff. We were just very close. Having no kids (and therefore no grandkids) of her own, she was doting on us and our family, like a grandmother, so we came to regard her as one.
And calling an unrelated person by filial titles isn't that weird, is it? Like how people call their parents' friends "Aunt This" and "Uncle That."

>> No.7497193


>> No.7497699

I bet your Italian grandma makes some great cookies though, which I sure would love the recipe or even the name of.

>> No.7497742
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>grandma died when I was young
>remember her always baking cookies when I was over
>my favorite were these cookies in the shape of a ring
>sometimes had a little bit of white icing on them with sprinkles
>never learned how to make them
>none of the recipes on Google looks like them
>I'll never have those cookies again

I miss those cookies

>> No.7497776


>> No.7497880

At least your Grandma doesn't poison people while your entire family ignores the issue.


>> No.7497900

Someone help this anon.

>> No.7497906

How? Any cookie can be shaped like a ring and sprinkled with icing.

>> No.7498207
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Anything like this?

>> No.7498556

My grandma was a foreign arab who saw any animal that wasn't cat or dog as livestock. When I was a kid she came over my house and cooked up my pet turtle into turtle soup while I was biking with my friends and fed it to me not knowing what it was until I walked into my room and was greeted with an empty cage, shit traumatized me for weeks.

It was some good fucking soup though, I miss her ;_;

>> No.7498590

>she's probably old beyond recognition by now

I recently found out that a close friend of my (deceased) grandma developed severe alzheimer's disease. She's belligerent with her caregivers and cruel to her own daughter, who she does not recognize.

No, you don't sound ungrateful.

>> No.7498591

She is doing this to save as much money as she can before she goes out.
Also most likely her biggest food fan your grandad died, its possible her passion for serving decent meals passed with him

>> No.7498782

go join the ROK army you fucking weeb

>> No.7498790

My grandma always invites me over for dinner in order to get rid of all her expired food without telling me. She grew poor so she's autistic about throwing food out.

Fuck she's a bad cook. Last dinner I had with her it was a chicken divan dish with broccoli and the broccoli was fucking brown and tasted like fish. Gotta force it down with a smile though.

>> No.7498802

Kids, grandma's today are babyboomers or worse. That selfless cooking granny is a thing if the long gone past.

>> No.7499071

jesus christ, did she even apologize or was she just some 3rd world savage scum

>> No.7500240

They were thinner and lighter colored, like a sugar cookie. I think they might have been piped out of a pastry bag or something but they still looked less smooth than that.

>> No.7500257

>grandmother is french
>lives in italy
>good food for days

The only thing I can make better than her is eastern food, she kicks my ass at anything western.

>> No.7500262

It's her money you entitled double nigger, she can do what she wants with it.

Maybe she doesn't want her deadbeat grandchildren eating her out of house and home anymore?

>> No.7500307

my grandmother's cooking is good but nothing special, while my friend's grandmother makes god tier pretty much anything that uses dough or batter, and the best egg rolls I've ever had in my life

>> No.7501221
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my grandma on my dads side is a decent cook, but her house is infested with roaches so it'a always a game of "pick through the food as much as possible with every single bite unless you want extra protein"

it's almost a game between me, my sister, and our cousins to trade horror stories about finding roaches in our food
i remember she made some mac n cheese for me and after a few bites i saw half a roach sticking out, vomited it up in the toilet and found the other half
one cousin found a roach leg in her glass of tea, and another one found a roach fried onto a piece of bacon

>> No.7501253

how the fuck do you live like that?

>> No.7501265

as kids we dealt with it because we were kids
nowadays i guess it's just for her sake

i'd like to add we didn't eat over there often, only a handful of times growing up, that and you get desensitized after a while