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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 500x333, 20101117sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7485765 No.7485765 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite kind of sausage?

>> No.7485769

I know what's you're mum's favorite kind of sausage

>> No.7485784

My boyfriend's.

>> No.7485790
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There's this pretty popular sausage buffet here that I've never gone to yet.
I wanna try it out

>> No.7485796
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>> No.7485833


I couldn't pick just one, too many varieties. But the best kielbasa I ever had was from Martin Rosol's meat shop in New Britain, CT, and the best sausage on a pizza I ever had was the house sausage at Zuppardi's Apizza in West Haven, CT.

>> No.7485849

lamb-harissa sausage. it's balls to the walls delicious

>> No.7485879
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Beef brats on the grill with onions and jalapeno peppers. Toss them in a fresh baked bun with spicy mustard and wash them down with ice cold beer.

I'd post a photo but its on my phone and I'm too drunk and lazy to retrieve it.

>> No.7485886


>> No.7485891

Jimmy Dean's Hot Breakfast Sausage

>> No.7485898
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Chappell Hill pork and venison sausage

>> No.7485899

Jimmy Dean's

>> No.7485900

Polish sausages in sauerkraut

>> No.7485903

Depends what for, but I do love venison sausages.

>> No.7485906

my niggas. made some egg sandwiches with little patties I made out of JD's this morning.

>> No.7485924

probably Oscar Mayer weiners

>> No.7485987

although is your right as a free woman, you shouldn't be talking like that in public because someone might think of you as a whore, now I'm gonna tip my fedora and be on my way

>> No.7485988

In a casserole with puy lentils

>> No.7485990

>Oscar Mayer's weiner
good goy

>> No.7485992
File: 56 KB, 450x275, GrassFedBrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go find these at Costco and buy them. You won't regret it.

>> No.7485995

>implying that's a woman

>> No.7486006

>implying men like dicks

>> No.7486079

I regret even expanding your picture

>> No.7486082

>Le "Everything not Corn Syrup is Hipster Trash" Meme

>> No.7486095
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>100% beef (contains pork)

>> No.7486097
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>> No.7486116
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cheese infused bbq sausage

>> No.7486132


I never had the chance and I lived in Ohio for many years.

>> No.7486139

It doesn't say it contains 100% beef, it says that the beef within it is 100% grass fed.

>> No.7486140
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What kind of sausage is that?

>> No.7486144

no. not again.

>> No.7486156

Ass to ass sausage, uncle hank. Ass to ass sausage.

>> No.7486163
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but it was SO MUCH fun last time.


>> No.7486187

I'm not a woman.
This guy was right.

>> No.7486210

This was my favorite going up


>> No.7486331


always nice seeing pics from 10 years ago. ah nostalgia..

>> No.7486335

Does bratwurst count?

>> No.7486364
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If I'm forced to go with traditionally made ones, either pic related, Carniolan sausage or proper hot dogs (IE 100% pork).

If not, after a Muzzie neighbour saw me make pork sausages using bacon ends-and-pieces run through the mincer with regular pork, she made ones with beef bacon and lamb mince that she flavoured with bitter orange peel, coriander seed, sumac and cumin. So. Fucking. Good.

>> No.7486389

sausages are the wurst kind of meat

>> No.7486400
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The kind that comes on pizza.

>> No.7486489
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>not grinding, curing, stuffing and smoking your own sausage

>> No.7486551

>smoking raw mince without boiling/steaming it first
Clearly, you know nothing about how to make smoked sausages, homie.

>> No.7486557

american breakfast sausage
american hot dogs
cocktail weiners

>> No.7486560


7/10 post

>> No.7486563

Homemade deer sausage. Breakfast style and regular links. Nothing beats it.

>> No.7486566

Lincolnshire Sausage is pretty dam good.
There's a herb in there that just makes the flavour.

>> No.7486642

obviously you don't

>> No.7486646

Enjoy your food poisoning. :^)

>> No.7486648


>> No.7486655

>I don't know what curing salts are

stay misinformed

>> No.7486728

The best sausages are the wursts

>> No.7486739

The post.

>> No.7486932

>he thinks smoked sausages aren't boiled first before smoking!!!
You've never made smoked sausages. Ever. Not even once. In your life.
If you'd had, you'd know that they're always boiled or steamed first. Always.
That's why every single smoked sausage sold anywhere in the world ever can be eaten cold, as-is.

>> No.7486995
File: 3.04 MB, 2686x1645, I Have Never Made Sausage Not Even Once In My Life BRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, lol.

>cold smoke 6hrs
>bring to temp
>package and freeze

I make sausage all the time, please stop being a retard

>> No.7487021
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here's some more smoked sausage that I have never made in my entire life apparently.

>> No.7487034

Sick burn.

>> No.7487036

Why would separate the sausages and then tie them back together?

>> No.7487040

My wife's son's.

>> No.7487044

Why don't you just get up and go now, what's stopping you from literally just going and getting it over with. But you're on the internet crying about not having tried Schmidts sausage like come on, get real

>> No.7487059
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fucking rekt

>> No.7487069

keeps them from unlinking while hanging

>> No.7487070

This. I'm in Australia and have just booked a plane. I'm leaving for the airport in an hour and, unless there are delays, will be in Ohio in 23 hours. I will have been to and tried Schmidt's within 40 hours, and still neither >>7486132 nor >>7485790 will have had this experience they've been coveting yet failing to attempt.

>> No.7487106

Andouille. Snappy, chunky, spicy, greasy... just fantastic.

>> No.7487120

Cut into one. Show the cross section.

>> No.7487147
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from a batch this morning

>> No.7487178

One thing I like to do is cut up summer sausage and put it in spaghetti sauce when I make spaghetti. The kids love the stuff.

>> No.7487195

this is my bias speaking but, most sausages from Poland

the best ive ever had always had natural casing and the freshest meat, thank god my family in poland comes from a line of butchers, never tasted meat so good as to what they produce

but seriously, if youve never had a sausage that had a natural casing dont respond to this thread

nothing beats a freshly killed pig too

>> No.7487197

thats fucking disguting

>> No.7487221

why the hell would you waste summer sausage like that

>> No.7487227

you got rekt here son. never post again.

>> No.7487228

that's some honey boo boo shit

>> No.7487237
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Elgin sausage. Pork, garlic, and black pepper (among all the 'secret' ingredients).

God bless the Texas Hill Country.

>> No.7487259

No, it's not even close. Putting summer sausage in a homemade tomato sauce is nothing like ketchup and margarine.

>> No.7488543

portuguese chorizo

>> No.7489058

Well that's new to me! Where is this done?

Also, that's been blitzed/finely ground, yeah? Looks it. How do you smoke finely ground sausage without steaming/boiling first? In all Germanic, west Slavic and Hungarian sausage-making traditions, they're always boiled/steamed first. I always assumed it was because cooked meat has better resistance to spoilage due to temperature than raw does, but you've proven me wrong.
In my country, once the sausages are steamed or boiled, they are then smoked thereafter.

Process is like this:
Run fat/lean meat through the mincer.
Blitz smooth with egg whites.
Stir/knead in pink salt, flavourings/seasonings/herbs/spices.
Add a bit of starch.
Fill casings.
Steam/boil stuffed sausages for 45ish minutes.
Smoke boiled sausages.

I know you omit the steam/boil step. How else does your process differ from that process, if at all? Any guess why all those traditions unversally boil/steam them before smoking?

Indeed! I had no idea you could smoke them without boiling/steaming first. I've been around smoked sausage making my entire life and have only known the process I described above. This is new and interesting to me and I've no problem with admitting I was an ignorant fuck about any other possibility. It was never explained to me why it should be boiled or steamed first, but I always assumed as explained above. Maybe we boil them first so that the proteins in the forcemeat can better set in the casing.

>> No.7489083


>> No.7489141

I'm not the guy you're replying to but I have made sausage at home many times as well.

Some sausages are made with a very fine forcemeat, like the kind you are describing. This is the "Blitzing" step you mention. That kind of sausage needs to have its emulsion set via heat before you do anything else to it.

But other kinds of sausages are not made in that fine an emulsion. You run the fat and the meat through the mincer, mix in the seasonings, herbs, etc, then stuff the casings. There is no "Blitzing" step. Because this kind of sausage is not a fine emulsion you don't need to cook it before smoking it.

>> No.7489158 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1024x819, dees-wholefoods-traditional-vegan-sausages-1024x819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dee's. I have friends who aren't vegan but admit that they're better than animal carcasses in animal anus.

>> No.7489162


Yeah, some brands of compost in synthetic anus are tasty.

>> No.7489167 [DELETED] 

Boy, you carnists sure get defensive when reality hits you in the face.

>> No.7489169


I'm sorry I fucked up. I didn't realize that only vegans were allowed to use silly words for foods. My bad.

>> No.7489174 [DELETED] 

They're not silly words. Compost is rotted food matter, which I'm not eating while you are definitely eating a carcass.

>> No.7489179

Boy, you vegans sure get angry when a stunhammer hits food-to-be in the face.

>> No.7489182

I'm afraid of sausage
I guess you could say I fear the wurst

>> No.7489184 [DELETED] 

You're damn right I get angry, not getting angry over murder shows you're a psychopath.

>> No.7489187


Sure they are, silly goose.
"Carcass" is a whole dead animal. Sausages are not made from that. They're made from pieces of a carcass, aka "meat". Once you cut it up it's no longer a carcass.

But anyway, it's painfully obvious that you are choosing the word "Carcass" in order to create some silly negative connotation. I'd like to join your special little club so I'm doing the same thing by incorrectly using the word "compost" to refer to your vegan sausages. That's what your special little club does, right? Use words incorrectly to add silly connotations to foods? I want to join.

>> No.7489191

Murder is defined as the willfully unlawful ending of a human life. While it's certainly willful, as killing cattle for food is neither unlawful nor the ending of a human life, you equating moocows with humanity shows you're a zoophile.

>> No.7489192 [DELETED] 

Nice reductionism. I bet you wouldn't even have the stomach to face your meat or kill it.

>> No.7489193

how do you feel about zombie rights? I mean, just because they're partially dead doesn't mean they should be second class citizens right?

>> No.7489196 [DELETED] 

Why don't all animals deserve the same rights as humans?

>> No.7489197
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Kielbase and kurobuta

>> No.7489198


I hunt and fish anon. I have no problem with killing an animal and butchering it myself. Tastes much better than the factory-farmed bullshit from the supermarket anyway.

>> No.7489200

>vegans use words incorrectly
Indeed they do. See >>7489184 & >>7489191

>> No.7489202 [DELETED] 

I know that all those animal corpses you've eaten have destroyed your brain and made you fat and stupid but try to understand that zombies aren't real.

>> No.7489204 [DELETED] 

Ah, you're one of those people who get off on killing animals.

>> No.7489212

Can we stop feeding the trolls

>> No.7489216

Because God said so and veganism, the willful rejection of the gift of animal life for human use, is a slap to the face of the Lord, our God.

>> No.7489228

>This faggot is still ass mad at me calling out his shitposting

God damn you must have a shitty life.

>> No.7489231

Not as shitty as you're's. Also, I'm not even mad but you sure as hell sound mad.

>> No.7489232
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>> No.7489239

What the hell? Did the mods just ban some guy for mentioning vegan sausage?

>> No.7489246

this makes me want a good dicking desu fám

>> No.7489257

I knew you were a 12 year old and you prove it more every time you open your cock hole.

>> No.7489262

>saying I'm 12
>making dick jokes

>> No.7489282

Yes, you act like a 12 year old, speak like a 12 year old and are triggered by me what, 2 weeks later?

You are one pathetic individual and don't think I didn't see you spamming that shit out on countless other threads that have nothing to do with sausages, freak.

>> No.7489283

Are you into hot, wet, meaty hypno?

>> No.7489287

Stadium Bratwurst

>> No.7489293
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>> No.7489295
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>> No.7489297

Boudin or bratwurst.

>> No.7489299

Yep, 12 year old.

>> No.7489303

I'm German and What ever this stuff is, isn't sausages.

Fucking clappyfats.

>> No.7489304
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disregard the stupid cucumber

>> No.7489307

I agree, you are 12 years old.

>> No.7489311
File: 5 KB, 200x200, What (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beef bacon

>> No.7489312

Jesus Christ, you even insult like a 12 year old
>yeah, I know you are

>> No.7489313
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>Fear the wurst

>> No.7489316

Truly America is a wasteland of both cuisine and culture.

>> No.7489325

No need to get so mad, everyone can see that you're 12 years old.

>> No.7489329

Right here is the last post your weird shitposting is winning out of me.

I look forward to seeing your anal devestation spammed out in more threads over the coming weeks.

>> No.7489331

>if youve never had a sausage that had a natural casing

Now I'm probably going to regret asking this but, as opposed to what exactly?

>> No.7489337
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>> No.7489336

Grow up, kiddo.

>> No.7489341

Why are you trying to claim that curing does not exist east of Berlin?

>> No.7489342
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non-intestinal casing.

both of you shut the fuck up you pathetic little dipshits holy shit give up already

>> No.7489347

Go and fuck yourself, self appointed arbiter of faggotry.

>> No.7489365

Natural casings generally mean the inner (or outer? I forget which) of an intestine after it's been vigorously cleaned.
Other casings can be made from thin sheets of gelatin/collagen (usually gotten from beef or lamb skins and tendons) or starch/cellulose (usually from agar) formed into a tube shape.

Plastic is also common in industrially made sausages, such as hotdogs and packaged salami, but not generally used at home or in small scale production. You know that little strip of rubber you take off the bologna slice before making a sandwich? That's plastic casing.

I use a plastic casing (in the form of clingfilm) when making "kebab meat," which is basically just a really, really big sausage.

>> No.7489371

You should take that dick out of your mouth before putting words in others'.

>> No.7489372

Are you that 12 year old arguing with the other guy? You sound like it.

Now answer the question of why you claimed curing does not exist.

>> No.7489376

I don't always hide threads, but when I do, it's threads like these.

>> No.7489380

see >>7489371

>> No.7489382

We don't have bologna here but I googled it and I wouldn't really put that in the same category as normal sausages, but the whole collagen casing is interesting.

The plastic part however terrifies me. Is eating plastic an American thing or do other countries do it too?

>> No.7489384


>> No.7489386

Right so you are a 12 year old shitposter like the other guy claimed.

I'll repeat him too, this is the last reply you are getting out of me, shitposter.

>> No.7489389

12 year old detected.

>> No.7489401

Wait, I'm confused. Are you admitting that you're both 12 or is the other guy older?

>> No.7489405

I'm not American either, but I used a sausage commonly known to them because most of the userbase here is American. That said, bologna is indeed a normal sausage. Just a very large one that's sliced thinly and used as a sandwich meat. Mortadella is the old world version and is made using more-or-less the same process, just the seasonings differ.
And yeah, other countries do it, too. The difference is that in the US, unless the sausage is a hot dog, they leave the plastic casing on while in others, it's taken off before sale to retail stores.

>> No.7489406

>cold smoke.. at which temperature?

>> No.7489408

The one shitposter I and the other guy he was shitposting against before are calling him out on his shitposting.

Go and read his posts, they are like a childs.

>> No.7489411

Gotcha. So he's a shitposter as well as being 12 and you two are both just 12 year olds. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.7489420

You're doing that "nuh uh u r 12" thing again skip. It's very obvious it's you just trying to get more replies out of us.

>> No.7489421

What about Boudin cocks?

>> No.7489423

Schizophrenic and 12, what a bummer.

>> No.7489424

>It's very obvious it's you just trying to get more replies out of us

I'd say it's working.

>> No.7489427

Hi EWPOMSITSPG! How's life?

>> No.7489436
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>> No.7489439

Almost certainly schizotypal, at the very least, if not straight up schizophrenic. Keep in mind that about one in every twenty-five men is schizotypal, so it's actually pretty damned common.

>> No.7489440

No he keeps saying he is different people. It's hard to tell who is just fishing for replies when we are trying to have a simple conversation about sausages and production methods.

>> No.7489445

See? Definitely schizotypal.

>> No.7489449

>one in every twenty-five men is schizotypal
Isn't that somewhat distorted by the number of personalities one sufferer would have or do they count it per body?

>> No.7489450

>Replying to yourself when getting called out

This combined with the fact that you are triggered by me two whole weeks later to the point you spam out our conversation in multiple threads in a back and forth with yourself is really telling about your mental state.

Combine that with the fact that you talk like someone whose balls haven't dropped and the picture adds up.


>> No.7489455

We're talking about you, freak.

>> No.7489457

yup merguez ftw

>> No.7489460

Why are you so obsessed with prepubescent boys?

>> No.7489462

Are you so insecure that the thought of more than one person disagreeing with you is less possible in your mind than some elaborate conspiracy?

>> No.7489468

Isn't going to work on me skip.

I'm merely repeating your insanity of schizoposting, silly fuck.

>> No.7489469

>number of personalities
That's not what schizotypal people do.
If you've ever met someone who thinks several people are all linked in some covert way and are set against him or who honestly believes in crackpot conspiracy theories or who thinks the dripping of his leaky kitchen tap is delivering coded messages or any other paranoia that doesn't quite get in the way of his day-to-day life, you've met someone who's schizotypal. Basically, the guy in every thread on 4chan who thinks everyone who disagrees with him and/or points out his shit is the same person. He's also likely to think those mean old hipsters down the way who don't even know he exists are thinking mean, awful thoughts about him and snickering about him behind his back. It's a weird combination of narcissism and paranoia, where everything somehow relates to him in fairly negative ways. "The world is out to get me" sorts.

>> No.7489473

Sorry for being glib about a genuine illness. Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.7489480

I'm now almost genuinely worried about you. Seek some help. At worst, they'll tell you there's nothing wrong and you'll be vindicated.

>> No.7489486

>People don't samefag on 4chan

This post once again demonstrates the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

>> No.7489494

You're a good shitposter, I'll give you that.

You obsess over me for weeks after the only time we ever spoke against each other.
You post our conversation in half a dozen threads to maybe start a meme around me.
You then start samefagging while throwing out accusations of schizophrenia.
You then do the deflection tactic when called out.

That is some seriously autistic dedication to, I don't know, one upping? Some stranger you will never know on an anime website cooking sub-forum.

>> No.7489498

I'm really not who you seem to think I am.

>> No.7489503

>all of these bullies in this thread
fuck off

>> No.7489511

man this thread really went downhill overnight, I was getting ready to have a meaningful conversation about how I smoke my sausage

oh wait this is /ck/

>> No.7489514

No matter what you have to say about it, he'll always think you, I and everyone else who points out his shit are all actually the same scary bogeyman. It's a fact of his condition.

>> No.7489517

>smoke my sausage
It might just be personal taste but do you find that hickory, while excellent for smoking cuts of meat, doesn't work well for sausage? Give me a slab of beef and I'll use nothing else but I prefer other woods for sausages.

>> No.7489524

As entertaining as it is, I do also feel rather bad for the guy.

>> No.7489535

I like beechwood or fruitwood for sausages. Some parts of my country use alder. What do you use?

>> No.7489544

Mesquite but I'll give those a go. Thank you.

>> No.7489545

depends on the sausage I suppose. One of the main woods I use is a pellet mix of hickory/cherry/maple. Pecan is great for andouille, and is what they use in Louisiana. Oak is great for anything mixed half/half with a fruitwood.

>> No.7489553

I'd never even considered blending different woods. Do smaller smokers have any downsides other than capacity? Mine is rather large and takes a lot of wood to get it going properly so a smaller one to sample different woods might be a good idea.

>> No.7489573

Oh! We also do a double-wood method (don't know what else to call it). During the boiling/steaming phase I described in >>7489058, a piece of juniper wood is commonly put in the steamer along with the sausages to give it that aroma. Do not smoke with juniper, cedar or other very aromatic woods (softwoods in English, I think) because their smoke is poisonous.

I never claimed that. Apologies if it seemed implied, because I didn't intend to imply it, either. In fact! I even asked the guy where his technique of smoking sausages without boiling/steaming them first came from because I'd never heard of it and was unaware that smoked sausages, short of dry sausages such as salami, were made outside of central and northern Europe and its daughter traditions.

I though pecan and hickory were the same thing. Guess not, huh?

>> No.7489584

That's very cunning. I have had some success with putting certain herbs and spices in the steamer, it's useful where you want to subtly flavor the outside of the meat without overwhelming other flavors.

>> No.7489585

You literally posted the exact same thing, yet again, in this thread. You know, the thing that sparked all of your sperging out, yet again.

And waiting a few minutes to samefag by posting about schizophrenia is a shitty tactic that only a newfag would attempt.

>> No.7489586


>> No.7489587


great products, and the pellets they sell are 100% that wood, no filler. Good for trying out new wood. I've found that the 11 hour claim is understated, on a fully filled tray I've got up to 17hrs of burn time. Great for cold smoking bacon/cheese/sausage.

I'm that guy, and that's pretty much how anyone in the states make them that I know of.

Also, pecan and hickory are in the same family but have a slightly different taste, pecan is sweeter I think.

>> No.7489596

Thanks again. I can't wait to give them a go.

>> No.7489597

>And waiting a few minutes to samefag by posting about schizophrenia is a shitty tactic that only a newfag would attempt.

Please seek help.

>> No.7489600

For breakfast

>> No.7489657

In what way would you have Chorizo for breakfast? In an omelette or something?

>> No.7489662

The guy is just baiting you for replies man, ignore him.

>> No.7489681

>great products
Even better. They're amazen.

Also, thanks for the info on hickory/pecan. They're both native to the US, so I'm not as familiar with them as I am other woods.

We use aromatic woods for all sorts of things, but never for smoking because poison. For example, traditionally made sourdough bread is baked in wood-burning ovens, which lends a smokiness to it, yeah? Well, some small batch bakeries also use several planks of cedar in addition to the cooking wood to bake it. They soak the planks in water overnight, then place a blob of dough on top and peel the whole thing into the oven and bake for 20ish minutes. That way, the bread gets that cedar-y taste as well as the smoky flavour of alder/dogwood/beech/oak. Beech is the most common wood used for bread and is considered best, FYI.

Yikes. Are you still on this? I can tell you with certainty there are at least three different people telling you that you're a schizotypal nutter. For all your complaints about shitposters and how they derail threads, no one's doing quite as good a job at it as you are.

>> No.7489978

That's the other guy, you utter fuck head.

>> No.7489984


>> No.7490056

breakfast pizza

>> No.7490069
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>the other guy

>> No.7490091

Remove casing & Sautee
Add eggs & cook til over easy
Finish with shredded cheddar & cilantro
Or do the same process & put it all on a toasted slice of fresh baguette

>> No.7490093

Your dad's.

>> No.7490159

Tomato sausage from a place in Massachusetts. Allegedly a Scottish recipe

>> No.7490443

You have a great many issues.

>> No.7490454

Bockwurst or weisswurst.

>> No.7490480


>> No.7490520

I also like Vienna Sausages

>> No.7490528

I don't eat sausage

I'm not a carnist scumbag

>> No.7490814


>> No.7490839

The butcher near my home sells amazing chilli and cheese kransky

>> No.7490856

I would like to try jalapeno sausage but I'm not sure if they sell them.

>> No.7490882


>> No.7490888

>having a magazine subscription
Hello time traveler from the 90s.

>> No.7490892
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>> No.7491117
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Buenos Aires

>> No.7491121


>> No.7491277

Choripan is good stuff! The Chileans make great Choripan.

>> No.7491850

Your butcher might be willing to make them for you but you'd probably need to order a large batch.

>> No.7491854
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>> No.7492204


True King

>> No.7493525

My boyfriends desu

>> No.7494599
File: 171 KB, 500x378, virginia sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ain't bad