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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7484055 No.7484055 [Reply] [Original]

>following online recipe written by American
>uses cup as a measurement for both liquids and solids
>have to convert cups to g and ml for everything in the recipe


>> No.7484095


>> No.7484114
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>following online recipe written by American
There's your problem

>> No.7484138

So don't use our recipes faggot

>> No.7484145

Why the fuck would you convert an 8oz cup to grams then ml? Are you kidding me? A cup is 236ml or 8 ounces, wtf you doing with grams?

>> No.7484150

Is this .gif supposed to support your argument?

It just makes you look like an underaged dumbass

>> No.7484153

git gud

>> No.7484261

>measuring solids by volume

>> No.7484276

But a cup is 227.3045ml

>> No.7484285

No, it's 240 ml.

>> No.7484290

It makes it harder for the inferior countries to take our recipes.

>> No.7484291

>A cup is...8 ounces

8 ounces by weight, or 8 fluid ounces?

>> No.7484296

A cup is a measurement of volume, so take a wild guess.

>> No.7484301

>A cup is a measurement of volume

Then what use is that for non-liquids?

Fucking America, man.

>> No.7484307

You only ever see it used for liquids and powders.

>> No.7484317

Are you really autistic enough to think that everything needs to be exactly measured out carefully by ml or gram when cooking?

Using cups is fine for the vast majority of recipes since it gets the amount of ingredients in the general ballpark of where they need to be and it all comes out fine in the end anyway.

>> No.7484318


are you really so fucking lazy you cant just punch it into google

Jesus you yuropoors are worse than indians

>> No.7484321

Better men than you have tried to convert the US to metric.

>> No.7484325

But grams make sense because one cubic millimeter of water weighs a gram

>not measuring your water with a ruler and weighing it

>> No.7484326

This. Unless you're baking exact measurements aren't necessary.

>> No.7484329


just don't do US recipes, it's all shit anyway

>> No.7484341


>he doesn't titrate his oils and vinegars


>> No.7484347

Even when baking it doesn't need to be that exact in most cases.

>> No.7484362

>Unless you're baking exact measurements aren't necessary.
The dumbest fucking meme of all time

>> No.7484390

You'll notice that whatever recipe you're reading, even if it's for baking, will round off to convenient quantities depending on the unit used. Cups won't go below a quarter cup, grams will always be in multiples of five, etc. The ratios for different recipes will be quite different just because the recipe is written for a different set of units. This is because absolute precision isn't imperative, and in real world terms are actually just guidelines that you adjust depending on environmental conditions.

>> No.7484403
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>following online recipe written by European
>calls for cups and cups of semen to be mixed into everything


>> No.7484409

I was always taught to measure exactly for baking but then again I was also taught to never cook beef below medium well so...

>> No.7484416

What's wrong? Too low test to produce enough semen for a simple chocolate eclair?

>> No.7484805

is /ck/ the most autistic board on 4chan?

>> No.7484807


>not b, not asp, not pol, but ck

You are the autist

>> No.7484823


so thats a yes

>> No.7484864

I really wish one day all of EU will be range banned. They never *ever* contribute anything of value, literally 100% shitposting.

>> No.7484872


>be glorious free American from the great freedom that is the US of A
>go to store to enjoy all of this freedom
>car gps tells me to turn left and right after 3.687359909 yards
>turn left and right
>missed a couple of yards but it's okay because there is another store after 1.45 miles
>ask Siri how much longer
>siri declares her love for me and to turn right and left after 2 yards and 60 inches
>go into store get greeted by some olf guy
>tip him because he looks homeless and not right in he head
>turns out he's a senior employee
>drop 5 bucks before tax and grab mobility scooter for easy shopping
>realize forgot my coupon catalogue
>no worries I'll just til the cashier
>go get some twinkies and a diet dr pepper
>price is cheap before tax
>go to self checkout and tip the money and realize I can't afford twinkies with tax
>sue facebook because twinkie tax gave me PTSD
>get a good tip from zuckerberg
>go buy some twinkies and deep fry them in 6.35 cups of oil

>> No.7484892

>following online recipe written by American
>4 pounds of butter for 2 servings
>last step involves clapping
>"don't forget to tip your stove when your done!"
>get shot halfway through making it

>> No.7484902

You are right, cooking is more art than science

Baking however is more of a science than an art since it DOES require precise measuring at times

>> No.7484937

>measuring solids by volume
Literally never matters except in baking, sometimes, and any recipe worth following will specify the weight.

>> No.7485248

A lot of Americans don't have kitchen scales. Deal with it.

>> No.7485277
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Let's start with Australia.

>> No.7485279

MomAnon here.

>inb4 tits or gtfo

Been on near-obsessively since the Boston Bombings. Yes, I'm an INTJ. I get some good, honest laughs from /b/, love the white knight raids (Jerkin' Joes and the kid who didntknooooo) and think that what was done for Dusty the Cat was an extremely proud moment in the history of 4chan.

Only rarely do I identify myself. It's simply not necessary most of the time. Also don't want to be called attention whore, be flooded with tits or gtfo, or other summer-level bullshit.

I also lurk in /pol/ and /int/. Might have to head over to /fit/ one day, stretch my cables but I just wanted to say you're pretty autistic.

>> No.7485283
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Australians don't have Internet, they don't even have electricity lol australians

>> No.7485296

Why do you think we use cups as weight measurements? Volume is a legitimate measure for solids.

>> No.7485904

90% of yuro posters are NEETs living off the government

they have nothing in their lives BUT shitposting

>> No.7485913


>Dry ingredients
>By volume

The other day I was on a site that had the two systems listed as "metric" and "american".

The level of dumbfuckery from the US is astounding.

>> No.7485973

Remember: 1 1/2 cup is half a cup.

>> No.7486018
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>let's try banana bread
>2.5 cup bananas

>> No.7486092
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>mfw non-americans claim to be so much smarter than americans but can't do simple unit conversions in their head

when your shitty country takes over the world, then you can tell us to stop doing things.

>> No.7486106
File: 1.31 MB, 989x1022, 1437359031078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>following american recipe
>mix 0.00123 acre feet of butter with 2/3 of a fluid cup of beef
>shoot mixture four times with a shotgun
>mould into patties using traditional clapping technique
>grill (not using a grill) for 34 amerisecond ounces at 430 fahrenheits
>eat by passing your fork between hands while watching TV and drinking pop

>> No.7486278

Butt fucking hurt

>> No.7486294

i live in canada so i have a fridge magnet with conversions since we don't know what the fuck system we're using

>> No.7486386

Why don't you just get a fucking measuring cup, faggot?

>> No.7486408

>takes over the world
>literally no other country uses retarded american measurements or even knows what they are to make relevant calculations

>> No.7486410


>> No.7486422

If you're using American recipes that often maybe you should take 2 minutes to figure out the measurements.

Oh wait, you're just shitposting.

>> No.7486462


The rest of the world doesn't only NOT use Imperial, it literally abandoned it for a better system.

It's not as simple as "Do the conversion kek", you need to remember the conversions for multiple units; tea spoons, tablespoons, cups, pounds, gallons, etc etc.

Shit's needlessly complex, it gets worse in the UK where 1/3 the population uses lbs and ozs, another 1/3 uses ml and g and all these millennial retards who use cups because they get all their recipes from the states make up the last 1/3

Shit's infuriating.

>> No.7486478


which other countries use ounces for liquid?

>> No.7486479

Stop being so salty or you'll ruin whatever you're making.

>> No.7486510

What the fuck are you talking about? If it says a cup, then you just have to use a fucking cup. How is that even remotely hard to understand? Don't you have cups in your house? I am from yurop and everyone I know uses cup as a measurement for cooking, even my grandma.

>> No.7486518

>recipe has liquid by weight


>> No.7486523

>following american recipe
so what are you trying to do, deep fry a butter bar? or deep fry a coca cola maybe? or is it mac n cheese?

>> No.7486530

The uk is retarded in the way that they use everything in metrics but measures distance/speed in miles.

>> No.7486535


Don't forget about stones, the most retarded unit of measurement used anywhere.

>> No.7486554

Why are Americans so obsessed with the UK?

>> No.7486850
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