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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 232 KB, 736x758, 26dd12f9b73904d3030c4d30744e58ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7483166 No.7483166 [Reply] [Original]

would it be weird to go there and order 3 or 4 crazy breads and thats it?

>> No.7483173

No. Why would you even worry about something like that?

>> No.7483176

No, it's weird that you care what random people on the internet think about your eating habits.

>> No.7483177



>> No.7483179

he doesn't care what random people on the internet thinks, he cares what the employees at the cashier will think. fucking smart ass.

>> No.7483181

My mom told me she went there a few days ago and everyone who came in just ordered the breadsticks to go.
I figure they're used to it since it's the only thing they sell thats any good.

>> No.7483186
File: 16 KB, 260x350, Bread_Sticks_DSC0048-(1)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what those are, but they're not breadsticks. American breadsticks are breadsticks in the same way American cheese is cheese.

Pic related, real breadsticks.

>> No.7483187

That's just as weird.

Minimum wage workers don't give a fuck about you or what you order unless you go in and make a big scene or act like an asshole or try to make some extremely ridiculous overly specific custom order.

>> No.7483188

How are they not bread sticks? they're made of bread and they're in the shape of sticks.

>> No.7483194

Breadsticks are crispy like croutons or dry bread. Those "breadsticks" are too thick and they're just normal bread. They're also covered in some sort of garlic and oil.

>> No.7483195

Stop taking the weak Yuropeon bait. Ignore them and hide their posts and they'll scurry back under whatever rock they came out from.

>> No.7483200

what the fuck are you babbling about?
are you trying to imply americans are incorrectly "culturally appropriating" your stick of bread?
get the fuck over yourself, retard.

its bread.. in a fucking stick.

no one fucking cares.

>> No.7483205

We'd culturally appropriate American food but nobody really wants mayonnaise and plastic cheese.

>> No.7483206

yeah, we have those here too.
land of the free.. and all that...
sorry to hear your country made different kinds of breadsticks illegal. was it because they offended muslims?

>> No.7483211

the russians do

>> No.7483215

No, we just call them "baguettes" instead. Americans are too stupid to remember an extra word so they call them both the same thing.

>> No.7483224


>> No.7483228

I find it hard to believe that Europeans call pieces of pizza crust "baguettes" considering all the "MUH AUTHENTICITY" they're constantly crowing about all their special snowflake foods that can never be made anywhere but the tiny village from which they originated.

>> No.7483231

but it's bread...and in the shape of a stick. So what's the problem yuropoor?

>> No.7483234

we have baguettes too, but these are not baguettes.
they are bread sticks.
deal with it.

>> No.7483252

Women need to leave /ck/.

>> No.7483295

It's weird because you should be buying their Italian Cheese Bread instead.

>> No.7483296

i agree, you should leave and take your bread dildo obsession with you.

>> No.7483308

Do they use bleu cheese for that?

>> No.7483311
File: 50 KB, 480x480, italiancheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get either ranch or bleu cheese dressing as a dip

>> No.7483313

>26 replies
>No one has said the obvious answer

That would be crazy!

>> No.7483317

Nice. Bleu and Italian cheese together? That sounds perfect!

>> No.7483320

It would be weird because Little Caesar's is bad

>> No.7483321



>> No.7483322
File: 17 KB, 265x300, 094905_laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you French or just a colossal retard?

>> No.7483330
File: 140 KB, 400x415, KE0865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what it's called

>> No.7483332


Underrated post

>> No.7483340

Blame americunts for slapping French spelling places to seem fancier

>> No.7483364

One would imagine that's the noise you make as you vomit it down the lavatory.

>> No.7483411

Quite literally translates as Worm Mountain.
Classy guys.

>> No.7483416

I said "seem"

Just because they are ignorant doesn't change the the fact that I'm right

>> No.7483427

>this thread

I wish Europeans and females would go extinct. Along with most of the rest of the earths population.

>> No.7483435


How the fuck is that even a weird eating habit you fucking retardo? That's like saying it's weird to go to the supermarket to buy a box of breadsticks.

>> No.7483440


He didn't say it was a weird eating habit.

He said it was weird that OP cares what other people think.

>> No.7483447

Yeah a bunch of yokel Americans just randomly picked the name "Vermont" because it sounds ooh la la so fancy and French

>> No.7483498

Not that weird desu

I used to deliver for pizza hut, this guy once ordered 10 2 liters of various sodas for delivery. He wasn't disabled or rich. Why the hell would you pay $2.99 per 2 liter to have them brought to your house?

>> No.7483507

As a little caesars employee, I can promise you that no one gives a fuck what you order. The counter girls will forget about you in 5 seconds time once you leave. Order all the bread you want. We are always making more. It's not a big deal you cu/ck/

>> No.7483554

Make sure you wear a hat and dark glasses and pay with cash. Little Caesars is required to immediately turn over any photos and personal information they have on customers who only order crazy breads to the CIA.

>> No.7483556

LAN party

>> No.7483580

Vermont means green mountain, they just took the the 't' out to make it easier to pronounce.

>> No.7483592

Is this guy real? Anyone work there. I am paranoid about companies collecting my data.

>> No.7483596

He didn't look like the type to have a lan party he didn't even order any mountain dew

>> No.7483609

Vermont literally translates as Worm Mountain.
Stay classy.

>> No.7483613

is it weird that I try to make my pizza order seem like it's for 2 instead of all just for myself

for example, I'll order two cans of coke instead of one bottle

>> No.7483629

Top 3 items that must be reported to ATF when bought in sufficient quantities:

1) ammonium nitrate fertilizer
2) personal, small caliber firearms
3) Little Caesars crazy bread

>> No.7483945

My gf does that all the time. She loves that stuff.

>> No.7484097

ya, but the ones from america are more delicious.

>> No.7484102

Fuck yes it's true. Eating crazy bread will get you on a watch list wicked fast.

>> No.7484397

People would do this all the time when I worked there. Call in advance if you want more than that.

>> No.7484444

of course it's real, it's called crazy bread because you have to be a psychopathic lunatic in order to willingly pay for something so terrible. It's instantaneous watch list status at the very least.

>> No.7484888

Somebody drove their vehicle straight into our Little Caesars. It just reopened a month ago.

Fuckin idiot had his vehicle in drive in the parking spot , reached down to pick something up, "accidentally" floored gas pedal, instant disaster. I live in a small town so it was a big deal.

>> No.7484958

Those are literally pieces of wood

>> No.7484985

>>7483364What the fuck did you just fucking say about me and my blue cheese, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in culinary school, and I own numerous restaurants in Paris, and I have over 300 confirmed michelin stars. I was trained at La Cordan Blue and I’m the top chef in the entire US. You are nothing to me but just another uncultured fatass. I will wipe you the fuck out with the culinary prowess likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret food network of 5 star chefs across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my butter knife. Not only am I extensively trained in using kitchen knives, but I have access to the entire arsenal of kitchen appliances, utensils and accessories in the entire world and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.7485016

>tfw papa johns is across the street and i call up all the time and get them to deliver nothing but garlic breadsticks to me

>> No.7485027

I hope not. I want to go to Red Rooster and just order their potatoes and gravy.

>> No.7485038
File: 40 KB, 549x504, butytho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yuropoors have accomplished so little on their garbage continent that they have to brag about their inferior bread tubes on a Malaysian bird identification workshop

>> No.7485391

those are crackers

>> No.7485636
File: 30 KB, 720x438, keko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person got served hard, Love reading the replies.

>> No.7485640

why is it called crazy bread its just breadsticks with parmesean and melted butter

that doesnt really seem very crazy to me

>> No.7485667

Fast food/food service workers generally like when people only order drinks or sides. Less work for them to do and they still get money.

>> No.7485689

I used to do that all of the time.

>> No.7485710

>implying the workers give a single shit about how much money their kike franchise owner boss makee

>> No.7485711

That would just be CRAZY!

>> No.7487207

You're seriously nothing but a faggot try hard. Go back to sucking mommas dick and pretending you don't order 5 orders of them a day just so you can feel cool on here with the random thought that came into your head. Literally pathetic as all pig fuck.