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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7482710 No.7482710 [Reply] [Original]

What sweet foods must you have in the house for when you're drunk of hungover?

>> No.7482719

Water + Gatorade + Saltines

>> No.7482726


>> No.7482727

I don't want anything sweet. I'm all about the salt if I'm hungover. A BLT is perfect for me. I also hate that hungover feeling so getting drunk drunk isn't something I really enjoy.

>> No.7482738

All I want when I wake up after a night of drinking is water. Usually carbonated so the fizz burns through the shit in my throat.

Who the fuck wants something sweet? Don't most alcoholic drinks have a ton of sugar or convert into a ton of sugar? The idea of combining alcohol and MORE sugar kinda makes me sick to think about.

If I want food at all I only ever want something oily/greasy like a pizza or a heavy breakfast of fried meat and potatoes.

>> No.7482745

Water and cold pizza

>> No.7482749
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What type of fried meat?

>> No.7482751

>consume a bunch of fermented sugar
>eat more sugar on top of it
you gonna get the beetus son. you should be having protein and fat to balance out the sugar.

>> No.7482752

I puke up/choke on stomach acid and can't really eat for at least 3 days after a bender. Even trying to brush my teeth makes me gag and puke. It never used to happen, but it's a fun new side effect.

>> No.7482756

>get high every friday evening
>first devour a cup of noodles
>after that eat 5 huge snicker bars
>after that eat one liter of ice cream

fuck my life desu

>> No.7482769
File: 88 KB, 434x516, screamsinternally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only reason I drink is because I lost my connections
>tfw i fucking hate drinking and every time i drink too much i start crying about how much i miss weed
>tfw i found some old seeds in a closet and tried to grow them in a manic fit of desperation but they just got all moldy and gross

fuuuuuck yoooooou

>> No.7482777

feel bad for you my man

I'll remember your struggle while smoking my blunt tonight

>> No.7482794

>sweet foods

That's a no-go for physiology.

>> No.7482819

>being so fucking autistic you can't get weed
Seriously? You could literally go to your nearby college campus and buy some from whoever

>> No.7482829

you're retarded.

>> No.7482832

no u