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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7477975 No.7477975 [Reply] [Original]

The other day I was asked to order some food for a group meeting. The people I was meeting with would reimburse me, so it had to be something that was both delicious and of great value.
Originally, I was terrified of making a decision.

But then I remembered, Papa Johns Pizza

>delicious, creamy cheese
>hot red sauce
>based toppings and crust
>based Gatling dipping sauce
>free hot pepper
>free water

My friends I tell you, my group was so impressed. I was able to order three based medium pizzas for 19.99 and we got a lot of work done.

Head on down to Papa Johns today when you have a group to feed!

>> No.7477983

They should have fired your disgusting incompetent ass on the spot tbqh

>> No.7477984

not even a good shill

Dominos is doing a 50% off deal this week, you could have gotten 3 brooklyn styles with toppings for that much. plus the pizza doesn't taste like ass

>> No.7477985

Wow, friend. Let me tell you I was just thinking about what to get for dinner and after seeing your post I think I'm going to get a large pie and some sodie pop.

>> No.7477991

This. Any pizza is half off and it isn't nearly as shitty.

>> No.7478004

Fats detected. Enjoy your hog food you wop.

Based anon. Papa Johns isn't bad in a pinch

>> No.7478037

Domino's >>> Papa John's > Pizza Hut >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Little Caesar's

>> No.7478051
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You white asshole. That's not even remotely true.

Papa Johns
Pizza Hut
La Rosas

Little Caesars

>> No.7478070

You're damn right I'm white. That means I have sense and good taste, unlike shitskins whose worthless opinions can be as readily discarded as their job applications.