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File: 109 KB, 1000x613, diet_coke_heart_health_programm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7475925 No.7475925 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true you get used to the taste? Is it worth switching from regular to diet?

>> No.7475931

Not really, no. I recommend trying iced tea. Green tea is pretty good for you.

>> No.7475937

Are you diabetic and cant curb your soda drinking habits?

If you are doing it for any other reason, yet dont like the taste, not a great idea.
Its not healthier unless you got the beetus

>> No.7475984

Pepsi Max is easier to switch too.

>> No.7475996

They taste the same

>> No.7475998

>do you get used to the taste?
>is it worth the switch?
No, start drinking unsweetened tea or fruit-infused water. Trust me, artificial sweeteners will make you eat way more food than you did on HFCS and you will gain back the 10lbs you lose right after the switch.

>> No.7476008

What I do is drink water, black coffee, and green tea, because I'm not morbidly obese. If tap water is too strong for you, get a reverse osmosis system. There's nice countertop units that screw onto a faucet if you're renting and can't make holes in the plumbing. The upfront cost is high, but it will be cheaper over time than your shitty habbit that will give you kidney stones. 100% of people I've known with kidney stones were drinking diet cola daily.

>> No.7476020

Two things I'll never understand:
just how much are these soda-drinking cunts actually guzzling down their gullets for Coca-Cola and other fizzies to fuck with their health so badly?
One can has only 140 calories and only 13% of your USDA RDA of sugar. I could drink one or two daily for the rest of my life and not have it just fuck my shit up. These people are drinking what? Six? Seven? How? Holy fuck, Goddamn disturbing is what it is.

why has no one ever concocted a half-cal drink? Zero cal, sure. Low-cal is now starting to be common (10 calories per can). But both taste like giving a jar of splenda a rimjob. But you know what's surprisingly not shit? Mixing diet soda with regular soda in 1:1 ratio. I'm not a dieting person myself because I'm not a fatty boombalatty, but a bitch I went to uni with used to mix diet and regular Cokes. I tried some once and while not good, it wasn't as fuckawful as diet.

>> No.7476028

It's not uncommon for americans to never drink unsweetened water. Wasn't Coca-Cola BlāK half the calories? My fourth grade teacher would mix half a can of cola with half a can of diet cola and give the rest to students. He drank it with his daily pizza.

>> No.7476030

Pepsi Max/Pepsi Next/Pepsi True
There are any number of other low and no calorie drinks.

People have gotten used to the taste and like it, everyone knows its not a diet drink.

Thats a bit of an egregious stereotype. The morbidly obese do drink a lot of soft drinks though.

>> No.7476032

Here in Minnesota, I know multiple people who never drink water.

>> No.7476041

Illinois, and thinking about it I guess I do know a decent amount of people who drink large amounts of soft drinks too.

Gatorade is a real big one

>> No.7476045

I've been drinking diet coke and coke zero since I got the beetus over 10 years ago. There definitely is a difference in taste, but I've gotten so used to it that normal coke tastes weird to me now.

>> No.7476059

I drink an average of 2 cans of coke zero a day and rarely drink normal soda. I prefer zero because it tastes fine and I don't like how normal soda is so sickeningly sticky and thick. I've noticed however that coke zero tastes like straight chemicals if I'm drunk or hungover. When I'm straight it tastes great but it doesn't mix with alcohol at all.

>> No.7476098

Pepsi True/Next (pretty much the same thing) are the only half-cal ones I know of. Are there any others? Max isn't.

I currently live in Freedumb. I've met only one person who drinks soda exclusively, albeit diet ("water tastes bad!!"). She's also diabetic. And [technically] a southerner.* She is a fatty-fat fat-fat and that's likely why.

>* she's from a town only about five minutes over the mason-dixon; despite being that close to south jersey, half the people in her town speak with that distinctive southern drawl

>> No.7476112
File: 102 KB, 630x1050, SeagramsGingerAle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seagrams ginger ale is "25% less calories" now. They changes the formula a few years ago.

It used to be all corn syrup for the sweetener while the diet that had artifical flavoring in it.

Now the regular is half corn syrup half sucralose.
Its a low calorie drink sure, but the sucralose makes it taste like diet. Its a fucking abomination.

>> No.7476235

I quit drinking soda and strictly drink teas and water. It is healthier.

>> No.7476290

just drink regular soda u pussy that diet shit tastes like it was drained off luther's boot i been drinking REGULAR soda for YEARS and it hasn't done me no harm ok im not even that fat ok

>> No.7476670
File: 449 KB, 936x1285, fit-drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it true you get used to the taste?
Definitely. I've noticed that just about any commercially produced big brand label is designed to make you more receptive to the taste over time. Personally it takes around 1-2 weeks to change tastes. I've converted between Coke to Diet Coke to Coke Zero to Pepsi Max to Diet Pepsi and interselectively vice versa and the time it takes to enjoy the new one and hate the old one is almost always exactly the same.

I notice the same thing with McDonalds, Burger King and pretty much any major junkfood brand.

>Is it worth switching from regular to diet?
Not unless you want to lose weight. Instead I'd recommend to stop drinking trash of any kind, but to each their own.

>> No.7476684

>One can has only 140 calories and only 13% of your USDA RDA of sugar.

False, one can contains about 5g more than your DRV of 30g
>Coca-Cola contains 10.6g of sugar per 100ml – so that's 35g in a 330ml can

>hy has no one ever concocted a half-cal drink?
They have, there are plenty of mid range drinks and sodas.
>But you know what's surprisingly not shit? Mixing diet soda with regular soda in 1:1 ratio.
You have no sense and more importantly no taste.

>> No.7476690

Youre doing it all wrong.
Buy them little miso squirt flavor things, use with bottled water and your golden. A fraction of the price, with great flavour

>> No.7476696

You're doing it wrong. Get a reverse osmosis system and it tastes good on its own. Or drink tap water. I do both. My coffee tastes way better without chlorine and it doesn't make scale in the kettle.

>> No.7476719

>Is it worth switching from regular to diet?
why are you considering the switch?

>> No.7476724

I was just suggesting that because I figure op is trying to ween of soda instead of just drinking h2o for max drink gains.
What say of brita filters? 10/10 or just perfect marketing ploy for you to buy more filters for 29.99

>> No.7476733

That kind of filter will remove much of the chlorine, but nothing else. It's alright if you only care about taste. Will still have minerals that scale kettles. Not a big deal, can be removed with vinegar.

>> No.7476737

Try to find one you can hack apart to pour in your own carbon granules.

>> No.7476741

The biggest problem with driniing non diet soda is how the sugar wrecks your teeth. I had a period were I drank three to four cans a day for almost 6 months, and even though I always brush and floss I ended up with two cavities between two teeth. The sugar gets into the gaps and doesn't get cleaned out easily.

>> No.7476744

i think diet coke has a crisper flavor. i don't drink any soda any more though because it's bad for you

>> No.7476752


Activated carbon filters remove pretty much everything, minerals included.

The problem is that if you do live in an area with lots of minerals in the water then you can saturate the filter very quickly where-after it's useless and needs to be replaced. A brita pitcher has a very small filter so you'd have to replace them very often.

>> No.7476764

>Is it true you get used to the taste? Is it worth switching from regular to diet?
Diet Coke with lime, or diet cherry vanilla coke taste pretty good. The best fake diets that taste real, in my opinion are diet mountain dew, diet sunkist and diet root beers.

But is it worth it? Only if you need to cut sugar for say, being a diabetic, then yes. It's trading one poison for another. Saving 200cal per day can add up in the long run. But here are the caveats. If you can get your cold-fizzy-massing-tonsils fix and craving satisfied with LaCroix water, or a splash of fruit juice added to seltzer. You're skipping the chemicals of splenda/nutrasweet and colorings that rock your teeth (and who knows what else).

There's some concern carbonated drinks are quite acidic (carbonic acid), and might leech calcium from your bones. They're even linked to the benign form of breast lumps, even in males. So for a need to be chronically drinking something, I'd limit the soda and seltzer in favor of water, teas, and alternatives. It's not really a big deal to park some quart sized luzianne into a pitcher, pour over hot water, and park that thing in the fridge for tomorrows delicious tea. You can even add a touch of honey or sugar and greatly save on the sugar in sodas. Boil some bubbles for bubble tea use all week. Fresh delicious tea isn't bitter and needs very little sugar. Need convenience? Make agua frescas from powdered mixes, many of which contain bits of real coconut or honeydew melon that are gloriously fresh tasting. Tbsp of that into a whole quart of ice water, to be sipped (and refilled at halfway point) can get me through a whole day of refreshment. KLASS is one brand. 45 cals for a whole day.

>> No.7476778

I switched to zero because of both dieting and worried about blood sugar.

I also approached fasting for health reasons and faster weight loss and the people telling you that artificial sweeteners make you eat more are full of shit. Personally I fast drinking water, but when hungry strikes a couple of cold coke zero totally removes it. It's amazing.

the only health concern I can share about it is about the teeth, I got a cavity in a wisdom tooth and I think coke zero is to blame.

>> No.7476806

I like vanilla coke zero.

>> No.7477114
File: 632 KB, 2240x1344, 201603161302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take "Claims some guy on the internet made that have no basis in reality" for $1000, please, Alex.
>a can of coke has more than 140 calories and 5g more sugar than recommended by RDA

What is shit that >>7476684 said?

May I have, "Faggots who suck more dick than a Thai ladyboy" for $1000, please.
>the guy you just #rekt

Who is >>7476684 ?
>correct! you're on a roll.

>> No.7477118

that is 13% of CARBS, not sugar

>> No.7477136

Reminder that sucralose causes leukemia and blood cancer in mice and should not be consumed "in any quantity"

>> No.7477139

Yes. Diet Pepsi has no aspartame and tastes better to me. They also make A&W 10 cal rootbeer that tastes the almost exact same as normal.

I am at the point where diet sodas taste fat better than normal ones. I also drink diet sweet-tea. For some reason diet drinks taste really good when eating fruit with them like bananas.

>> No.7477144

>For some reason diet drinks taste really good when eating fruit with them like bananas.

the artificial sweeteners are making your metabolism go insane with lust for real sugar

>> No.7477153

This, your body can tell sweeteners aren't sugar, it wont stop sugar cravings if that's the problem.

>> No.7477162

39g carbs
39g sugar
Kill yourself
Leukemia is blood cancer
Learn to medicine faggot

>> No.7477522

im a type 1 diabetic, for around a year now, im young. i swapped from my favorite to the diet version (dr pepper) even if my diabetes went away i wouldnt go back to normal soda, once you switch it tastes like sugarwater and maple syrup

>> No.7477770

Tbh I don't drink fizzy drinks so I can't help you OP sorry :)

>> No.7478489
File: 57 KB, 722x349, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these mice we are feeding 10 kg of x product a day are starting to develop cancer oh my

First eggs and fat
Then suggar
Then bread and ""gluten""
then meat

Now just 10 minutes ago some faggot in another thread said potatoes cause cancer. Fucking potatoes.
Will there be any non-cancer food left once this train of insanity reaches its final destination. Maybe we should just stop eating food.

>> No.7478496

>Is it true you get used to the taste?
>Is it worth switching from regular to diet?
One of the most debated topics in the entire world. No chucklefuck from 4chan is going to be able to give you a definitive answer.

Personally, I switched from drinking Diet every day to drinking regular once a week and haven't looked back.

>> No.7478520

I have a 25 year old sister. I've known her my entire life. And you know what? I have never seen her drink a plain glass of water. Ever. All she drinks is soda and Hawaiian punch or other shit that's basically just HFCS infused artificially flavored water. It's starting to scare me, to be honest.

>> No.7478521

It's worth not drinking sweet beverages at all. When you stop regularly overwhelming your tastebuds with excessive sweetness, you'll eventually find you can appreciate all flavours much more.

>> No.7478549


Why would you ever drink Diet over Coke Zero? Coke Zero is GOAT soda.

>> No.7478551
File: 2.04 MB, 300x300, [SHITPOSTING LOUDLY].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally everything causes cancer

>> No.7478721


Look at the sodium. No.



Fuck you, it does not. Not even close.

>> No.7479156

I'm not sure why you're acting like a faggot while proving the guy true, 39g of sugar is 9g more than your DRV, even worse than he stated.

>> No.7479251

1.5 liters a day masterrace here

>> No.7479523

Coke Zero hides the artificial-sweetener taste much better, somehow. It's magic, and I don't feel like finding out how they do it.

>> No.7479952
File: 26 KB, 200x374, mtn_dew_diet_code_red_12oz_can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, regular pop will taste too sweet and syrupy after a while.

I'd be 400+lbs if zero calorie wasn't a thing. The artificial sweeteners may be giving me cancer but it's worth it.

>> No.7480223

Diet>pepsi>regular coke>all meme fravours>Zero

>> No.7480345

>gets proved wrong with irrefutable photographic evidence
Claim was that a can of Coke has over 140 calories. That photo proves the claim was wrong.
Claim was that a can of Coke has more sugar than RDA. That photo proves the claim was wrong.
And no one cares about UK DRV. The specific point made was about USDA RDA and nothing else, especially nothing about what buttertooth Brits have to say about anything.
Cry to mummsy some more about how the mean man made you feel bad with his mean, inconvenient facts. :-(

>> No.7480420
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1457199372420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking soda

>> No.7480430

Who's the pug?

>> No.7480431


What in the hell did I just read

>> No.7480447

This new sugar tax is quite annoying, they upped the cost of two things i love in this world , a fresh coke and a cigarette. why live

>> No.7480456

if Guinness gets taxed i start a civil war

>> No.7482335

It's worth it, anon. Switch and You can drink as much coke as your poor little stomach can take :)