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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 1152x600, o-tacos-22102015-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7470622 No.7470622 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7470637

That is an act of war.

>> No.7470650

I'm intrigued. What's in it?

>> No.7470659

swear to god I've seen these at taco bell haven't I? whats that inside of it? the bottom layer looks like potato of all things.

>> No.7470700 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7470747

>be mexican in france
>go to bordeaux to get wasted
>find a mexican restaurant while drunk
>restaurant was legit as fuck
>french people eating tacos with knife and fork

>> No.7470763

Probably offal and mayonnaise

>> No.7470780
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FRENCH """"""""""""""""""""TACOS""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.7470786


I once got fish tacos from a little hut on the beach in Cambodia.

No clue what the "tortilla" was made from, but the fillings were legit as fuck (well, not legit, just fresh and delicious).

I got the feeling that someone had described the dish to them at some point and they just made something up they though sounded like that description.

>> No.7470797
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Ceci est un tacot.

>> No.7470799

looks like beef, chicken, and potatoes in a tortilla. more of a "pie" than a taco. actually, it legit could be an irish-mexican fusion type of thing, especially with the name o'taco.

>> No.7470809
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Swedish taco

You fold it you fucktard

>> No.7471369

looks like a croquette burrito

>> No.7471375

Looks like a taco bell item

>> No.7471399

Looks like rice.

They have potatoes in burritos in California all the time

>> No.7471405

Looks gross desu senpai

>> No.7471414

>go to france
>eat mexican food

>> No.7471457

Whatever I'd definitely try it and so would everyone else on here despite all their shit talkery

France literally invented most of the "cooking master race" shit and y'all are gonna get uppity over this?

>> No.7472913

Look buddy i just like to try mexican food everywhere i travel atleast once and theres nothing wrong with that. Good night.

>> No.7472918

I'd eat it desu

>> No.7472929

>not having other countries versions of foods

Go a Caribbean island and have asian food
Japan has amazing Indian food

>> No.7472970

do u nigger even google?


>> No.7474348

Lol i eat it every day afyer school, there was a small restaurant right invfront of my school designated to make these tacos but it closed , it tastes really good, especially with bbq sauce it also has melted cheese in it

>> No.7474373

>beige food

>> No.7474586

hachis parmentier I think

>> No.7474655

isnt the o'taco the thing conan made when he went to the taco bell head quarters?


>> No.7474747

looks dry as fuck

>> No.7474750
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This is an american taco

>> No.7474760

All of you wondering what is at the bottom. It isn't mashed potatoes, it's fries.

>> No.7475061

looks like semi-melted waxy european cheese

>> No.7476756

I'd try it IMO desu senpai

>> No.7476768
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Why is the worst form of everything found in western Europe?

>> No.7476792

so what, tacos are junk food anyway

>> No.7476796

I'd eat it, what's in it?

>> No.7476828


>tacos junk food

Mexican tacos > all tacos

and not all tacos are junk food, in NA they make it junk food with taco bell, not even the mexicans go to that place

>> No.7476999

that had better not be raksalat

>> No.7477003
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>> No.7477018
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>burgers getting agitated over a different interpretation of a meme junk food from Mexico
for what purpose?

>> No.7477042

Hope you can speak Spanish:





>> No.7477050

looks like a wrap

>> No.7477060

I'm french and this looks like our version of the scottish munchie box pressed inside a tortilla.

glorified stoner/drunk food

>> No.7477065
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for reference a random munchie box

>> No.7477074

I don't know why those haven't come to America yet. You would think we'd be all over those, but I think schwarma and stuff like that isn't that popular over here yet.

>> No.7477089

Because there's already a plethora of unhealthy fast food choices and a ton of backwards hillbillies who would shit their pants if all that A-rab food starts to get popular in 'Murrica.

>> No.7477096

>Because there's already a plethora of unhealthy fast food choices and a ton of backwards hillbillies who would shit their pants if all that A-rab food starts to get popular in 'Murrica.
>Moved to D.C., husband had horrific food poisoning at a delicoius scharma kebab place.
In 5 years, refused to ever go again to any arab food *sniff*

>> No.7477199

I live in LA and every Mexican I know goes to taco bell at least once a month

>> No.7477205


French here, of course it's not mexican food, they just call it tacos for the shape
It originates from Lyon if I remember well.
Basically inside is a meat combination of your choice, things like minced beef, fried chicken, cordon bleu etc.. (you can choose one or more), french fries, and cheese sauce (just like a heavy cream cheese sauce) which is the important thing in it as every fast food place has their own recipe for it.
Then you can add suplement like cheese or bacon, or other sauces like mayo and all, but it's often an overkill as there's already the cream sauce in it.

So there you go everyone, it's pretty good, not dry at all, the cream often oozes everywhere, still kind of weird that there's french fries IN it

>> No.7477208

I live in SD and every Mexican I know calls Taco Bell absolute shit, but they still eat there occasionally.

>> No.7477847

Raksalat? do you mean skagenröra? and no, that's just sourcream, probably with a few spices in it

>> No.7477885

god, that would be worth a try for sure

>> No.7477952

>tfw if that taco was served in an american fast food place it would be half rice, 40% beans, and 10% meat/cheese.

>> No.7477979


looks bretty gud mane

>> No.7478684

I'm Mexican and I am of the camp that Taco Bell is ok, it's just not Mexican food.

>> No.7478981

Taco Bell is as Mexican as apple pie, dynamite, and Eisenhower.

>> No.7479062


That looks fucking horrid.

>> No.7479765

But why? Looks delicious.

>> No.7480173

White people are more pretentious about mexican food than most mexicans. One of the reasons I like you guys.

>> No.7480268

I winced

>> No.7480271

Welcome to European civilization

>> No.7481087


Looks more like Middle Eastern food desu senpai

>> No.7481106
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>> No.7481404

What meat is that?

>> No.7481470

I work at Taco Bell and see a bajillion Mexican customers a day.

>> No.7483649
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german taco

>> No.7483670
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this is what a real taco looks like.

>> No.7484944
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You deserve to be butt-slapped

>> No.7484952

that's called a burrito mate.

>> No.7484966


I would seriously watch a black on blonde porn of those two. especially with taco bell food

>soooo romantic
>and hot