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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7471535 No.7471535 [Reply] [Original]

post alcoholic stories

2nd bottle of wodka of the day lads
>tfw I'll probably die soon
>tfw I don't mind

>> No.7471541

>posted the fucking tumbnail
might as well end it right now

>> No.7471566
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sup OP you aren't alone

>> No.7471587

how are you doing m8? what's tonight's poison?

>> No.7471603

I know you probably hear this all the time, but you probably need help. Coming from someone who lost both parents to alcoholism before age 21 I can tell you that kind of stuff creates ripples that affect everyone you know. if you're that far into escapism, why don't you just smoke weed or something? Even if it's not legal where you are you can get it on Tor websites through darknet stuff safe enough and save a lot of money you'd otherwise use on drink (especially if you vape).

>> No.7471703

Look! The thread for the subhuman scum is back. Kill yourselves already faggots.

>> No.7471893

oh I can get weed m8, easily. weed just keeps me from functioning, alcohol doesnt

>> No.7471899

Had 4 to 5 beers, managed to walk a few miles back to the apartment. Go to a nearby 7/11 to buy some stuff and laughing like a madman in front of the cashier.

>> No.7471918

fucking low tolerance non alcoholic bait post what the fuck is the fucking wrong with you

>> No.7471931


"managed" to walk?

Are you a 90 pound female under the age of 18?

if so, eyy gurl

>> No.7471984


get in the habit of hydrating obsessively, lots of waters and juices around. drink them as your passing out, down them as you're half conscious in the morning.

Master's tip:
you're drinking all this liquid, especially as you wake up, and get drunk, why not just make it a chaser? chase 4 shots of hard liquor with a 500ml bottle of water to start things right

>> No.7471989

you say that like we don't think it constantly.

btw im the klonopin person that always shows up inthese threads

>> No.7471998

Alcoholic here who is trying hard to quit. Withdrawls suck

>> No.7472005

Been on and off drinking the past year, finally got in a good run and now drinking sucks ass. Fuck sobriety!

>also diet orange soda and cheap absinthe do not mix

>> No.7472006

why quit?

>> No.7472009

Just forget him, i already complained on /qa/ after the cunty mod deleted our last /acl/ thread. They're allowed here.

>> No.7472056

>brother going on vacation
Alright, cool, I'll try to dry out for a week and take tudca for my liver.

>4 day vacation, back tomorrow, and all I've done is drank my ass of and have a friend over today to get drunk


>> No.7472067

oh it's okay. it's like we're going through a life where if someone tells us to kill ourselves, even meaning it, it has to affect on us, that is at least the protection we've learned.

>> No.7472083

It will. It may not now, but it will.

>> No.7472133

alright 500ml in. 2mg klonopin, feeling amazing.

but i have to work for min wage tomorrow : (

what do? When do you go for a full disability note from your psychiatrist?

>> No.7472137

Work is good because you make money and don't have that downtime that makes you drink.

>> No.7472164

this. Seriously.

fuck you shut the fuck up, kpins make life tolerable why are you still being an annoying cunt in public? just drink, blackout, and go back toy our shitty ass underage B& job and repeat. its not that fucking hard.

>> No.7472175

Drinking my second beer of the week laughing at you drug addicts.

>> No.7472219

>spot the 12 year old

>> No.7472239

baka tbhqh familia

>> No.7472360

true, im not gonna drink again until maybe 4pm toorrow cause i gotta work.

you're so drunk bro, what you said is truish but you're really drunk. in a way it is that hard. i wish i was underage B& doing this shit but im not, i have a university degree and cause im too drunk to do anything im doing what 16 y/o do

>> No.7472685


>Be me
>Be college student
>Have problems, mostly family related but serious existential crisis, drink maybe once a week with friends.
>Start school, manage ok. Grades are pretty good
>Personal and family problems get worse, existential crisis even worse. Loathe getting up in the morning, avoid friends, turn down coffee with women, drink alone
>Fast forward 1.5 years to now, drink 5 times a week, grades are sliding. Not terrible, but not good enough for med school. My GPA is like 3.3 something. I completely forgot that an assignment was due tonight by 12 and I failed it. I seriously want to blow my brains out and I think I might be able to do it but the only reason I'm not is because I'm not that selfish and I know how much my mother loves me and if I killed myself it would destroy her, especially because she is religious and she thinks suicide cases go to hell (I'm not religious)
>Sitting here getting drunk on cheap whiskey wishing I were never born
>Fuck me

>> No.7472731

Sorry to hear bud

>> No.7472739

>gave up drinking for lent
>not even catholic but the whole family knows I'm not drinking for a while
>don't want to disappoint
Almost there, lads.

>> No.7472745

you'll make it bruh

>> No.7472752
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i stopped drinking 'cause i feel like shit.

it aggravates my diabetes, and it gives me awful hangovers.

drinking is fun. but there's a toll to pay, and it's too much

>> No.7472756

Why drink absinthe with anything but water and sugar if not straight? Half the fun in my non alcoholic experince is the ritual.

>> No.7472761

Dont worry bruh. While if you get a meme degree like cogs or biology you may need to be the best. Its fine to fail a course. I know to someone who excellence is the only option it feels like the end of the world but it probably isnt; its just time to re-evaulate life choices.

>> No.7472865


Thanks for the kind words anons. They mean a lot.

>> No.7472871

>lots of waters and juices around. drink them as your passing out
this will only lead me to piss the bed again
also, it´s "you´re"

>> No.7472946

not butthurt or anything but you don't have a clue. i understand that you mean well but alcoholism goes far beyond escapism, and if you've never experienced it then it's impossible to explain. ever had a bad trip?

>> No.7472983

>non alcoholic

There's your problem, hooch is hooch for me. Just try to make it tasty. That gay ass ritual takes too long.

>> No.7473021

Same cuck who will table dance out in public after 3 generic tallboys

>> No.7473026


Low tolerance? 4 - 5 beers is way more than anyone should be drinking in a night. Unhealthy as fuck

>> No.7473147

>mfw I'm allergic to alcohol.

>> No.7473153


Try opiates...

>> No.7473169

Is it unhealthy? Maybe slightly, but who cares.
Does it make you as drunk as that anon described without some kind of self induced placebo effect? Not unless you're like 12 years old.

>> No.7473175

I drink a bottle of whiskey every 2 nights, how bad is that?

>> No.7473205

We talking a handle or a mini bar bottle? This shit matters.

>> No.7473210

70cl bottle

>> No.7473212

ive run out of alcohol. How much valium should i take, and how quickly does it fuck me if i snort?

>> No.7473217

Eh, you're about average. I drank a little more than that a night for 10 years, and am in perfect health.

>> No.7473310

Are you literarily me?

>> No.7473312

take like 20 or 30 mg.
don't snort it

>> No.7473331
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>every day for 10 years
>in perfect health

>> No.7473337

Have yet to see a doctor, and I'm still kicking, I'll take it.

>> No.7473415

Stop taking the bait you dense motherfucker.

>> No.7473473

>tfw sitting on the shitter at work constipated as all hell from being dehydrated
Just kill me please.

>> No.7473502

probably not bad enough to get seriously ill from withdrawals, bad enough to have caused some problems with your internal organs though. if you care or have symptoms, see a doctor. if you don't care, well i guess there's every chance you're fine. depends how risky you like to be.

>> No.7473577

you lads know that happy drunk feel?
i'm right there at the moment, it's a good feel, even though I know I'll just get tired and pass out in hour or two and wake up sad

>> No.7473689
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alcohol is shit tier drug

>> No.7473693
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I'm alcoholic I guess, it's not ruining my life or anything but it's still pretty bad. I get drunk pretty much every night (no less than 8-10 beers), have small blackouts every now and then but nothing that causes me too much concern. I don't get withdrawal, don't need it to function in the morning, but it's still a constant kinda negative part of my life. I love the way it makes me feel though.

I didn't drink last night. Feel like doing some day drinking today because I don't think my girlfriend is going to be able to hang out today but I'll give it some time.

I usually hate reddit but I've started lurking r/cripplingalcoholism because I like reading about people fucking up their lives with alcohol and al/ck/ threads seem to be pretty infrequent here.


>> No.7473741

Went a few weeks without a drink, mostly in a bid to lose weight. Got depressed as fuck after the second or third week, so back on the bottle now. Oh well.

>> No.7473938
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>start taking lamotrigine
>mental health better
>awful hangovers after like no alcohol
>never had a hangover before lamotrigine

I only drink vodca. Now i just try to deal with the hangovers but its not wprking out so well

>> No.7473955

Oh also ive been blacking out and wetting the bed more than normal

>> No.7473973

Are you me

>> No.7473986

I put my alcoholism to work and write bad poetry when I drink. I may publish someday, I've got plenty of material for a volume or two already but it'll probably have to be self published rather than published for profit

>> No.7474000

Post some

>> No.7474008

the stars in their heavenly dance
thrill me not as much as your glance
as through the heavens they circle and wheel
it's your embrace I long to feel

I catch a lot of shit over using four lines and rhyming instead of writting sonnets or some shit

>> No.7474012

gonna step out for a minute to smoke, but when I get back I'll post more if anyone is interested

>> No.7474015

>post some
Joey got the beetus,
He caught it off 4Chan,
It's all your fault, /ck/ anons,
If you're a Joey fan.

Joey got the beetus,
He really is quite ill,
It's all your fault, you broey fags,
Now that he is kill.

>> No.7474447
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>> No.7474476

suicide isnt even a problem for me anymore. i have no regards for life itself. its just silly.

i dont because my mom would be torn apart if i did. i dont want her to feel pain. i dont think a well written suicide note would help either.

back on the wagon a week after i flipped my car driving drunk. drinking wild turkey 101 now so i dont need to spend 4 hours drinking a 12 pack

>> No.7474499


Did you post bail or did you somehow get away with that?

>> No.7474743
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Ayy at least have the decency not to kill someone else

>> No.7474757
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It's like pottery

>> No.7474765

so that's why they call it the culinary "arts"

>> No.7474822

I tend to agree but not really.
Alcohol has a shitload of negative aspects which we all know of but I'd still see it as a top tier drug somewhat. I mean the sucess speaks for itself. It's so good the governments had to make/keep it legal.

The good thing about booze is that quitting it is really just a test of willpower. It may be addictive as hell but it isn't Heroin/Crack. If you don't want to drink you don't have to. Sure night sweats/terrors, shivers and other symptoms aren't fun but really if you aren't way into deep it's not that hard to stop. Especially if you have a reason to.

I used to and was sober for almost 5 years. Then my brother killed himself and my gf left me.
At least I have the booze, so yeah it's still klnda a top tier drug imho.

>> No.7474884
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Got a bottle of pic related. Recommend me something to mix with it.

>> No.7474894

What if you killed your mother first? Then you could kill yourself without causing her any distress.

>> No.7474897

This, if your weed intake matched your alcohol intake you'd function just fine on either

>> No.7474900

>only the underage work minimum wages jobs

quite the rosy outlook of the world you have there friend

>> No.7474902

2 bottles in a day? Wow, this is the first time I've heard of someone drinking more than I used to. Probably only because I stayed sober before 6pm, but still, holy shit breh.

(sober in 2016... so far...)

>> No.7474922

This. I went from a job where a contract was drying up(working 2 days a week, drinking the rest) to a new job(7 days a week, 16 hours) and I stopped drinking for 2 months. Seriously, when I wasn't working I was too tired to drink. It gave me the chance to get my life together.

>> No.7474949

Lanza has a point.

>> No.7475014


>It's so good the governments had to make/keep it legal.

lol dude its legal for traditional reasons. Its too damn engraved in society to illegalize. If alcohol was some new shit that just came around 30-40 years ago it would be banned as fck.

>> No.7475343
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I know this feel op

>drink 750ml+ a day in vodka for 7 years
>start vomiting and shitting blood every week or so
>pour sweat if I go more then 6 or 7 hours awake without a drink

Fucking sucks m8y.

Hopefully I die in my sleep while I'm hammered

>> No.7475510

whiskey general if you degenerates are interested


>> No.7476068
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Depending on which country, it is increasingly common.

>applied at local Pizzahut
>place is filled and management by Indian students
>rejected because "they want cooks who also drive" (not mentioned in the advertisement), and the boss didn't get my application or some shit

Take ur shitty job you filthy indian scum, ill take ur visas.

>> No.7476077

4:50 in the morning and I had a beer, bought to start on the vodka

>> No.7477104

>pretty much same story
>depression, generalised anxiety dissorder
>abuse pregabalin
>withdraw it with phenibut
>abuse phenibut
>withdraw it alcohol
>no controll
>five day binge
>withdrawl makes me panic
>no sleep for 72 hours
>suicide incoming
>shaking, crying, panicing
>call mom at 6am (i live two hours away)
>'please come get me or something bad will happen'
>takes me to a doctor
>totaly destroyed
>one week in closed psychiatry to withdrawl
>worst hell and maybe best week of my life
>two weeks motivation therapy
>45 days clean
>waiting for addiction rehab confirmation from insurance (thx germany)
>kinda proud
>kinda sad
>familiy and friends support me
>visit supportgroup regularly
>soulsearch a lot
>ready to confront my past, my present, my future

Do it.

>> No.7477127

proud of you anon

>> No.7477154

put your big boy pants on

>> No.7477172

bro get to the hospital. I've been down that road. GET HELP. You can turn your life around! Please man! I don't know you but I care.

>> No.7477238

3.3 GPA does not sound half bad, my bachelor's avg. was below 2 (Communications engineering). Though cutting on the drinking might not be a bad idea, my finest hour in the university so far has been laying off any form of drink if I have an exam/deadlines etc. on the next day. Try to plan ahead when you decide to get shitfaced, much easier to get up the next day knowing you still have time to achieve what you set out to do.

>> No.7477573

It gets a lot better when you stop drinking. Time goes a lot more slowly, but that gives you all the time you need to get shit done. I'm so much more productive after I stopped my daily drinking. Losing weight as well. It's pretty great. My grades are climbing back up, and my sense of humor has grown back. I don't feel like shit in the morning and I'm saving a lot of money. It's great one you start.

>> No.7477607

Thanks, I love these kind of stories.

>that wall of comic sans
...truly alcoholism is hell

>> No.7477751

It took a string of poor academic grades, a lot of blood shitting out my anus, and several blood tests from my psychiatrist to make me stop drinking. He just looked me in the eye after the third test and asked, "Why?". And strangely, I couldn't even formulate an answer as to why I was killing myself.

Now drinking is reserved for occasions, and honestly, the high and act is much more enjoyable than it was when it was a daily pastime. My head's clearer, and school/social life is better than ever. Y'all have a purpose and potential, don't let your drinking, your substance abuse, prevent you from being the best of you.

>> No.7477766

On my fourth beer of the week. Fucking had half a bottle of wine on sunday as well. I feel like a slippery slope.

>> No.7477803
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Currently drinking a pint of Canadian Club. I like to get super shitty and pass out at about 6-7pm. Then I wake up at about 11pm - midnight and play online video games till around 6am. Team Fortress 2, Planetside 2, H1Z1, Ultima Online.

It's wonderful. I love being able to do what I want to do without all the constant distractions and the sunlight in my window during the daytime.

I'm 36 years old and plan on dying very soon. Totally ok with that.

>> No.7478139

your life sounds terrible and amazing. do you have a job?

>> No.7478219

During the beginning stages of my alcoholism I used to do this same sort of schedule on the weekends. Especially once my gf and I broke up...man, it was so much fun at first just getting a bit drunk, passing out for a bit, waking up later and then stay up drinking until the morning came.

Mondays used to be ROUGH.

I don't do that anymore though, thank God. Ultimately life is much better how I am now. Once I brought myself to the brink, where I was missing work and couldn't even eat food anymore without feeling like shit and then vomiting up black bile. Couple trips to the hospital and I ended up coming out of it on the better end. I feel amazing now and my life has turned around...it's like night and day. I'll still have some drinks here and there, but it's a great feeling when you're able to realize what's too much and the habits you'd be in that you needed to break.

>> No.7478222

two weeks sober, read a ton of literature.
I could probably stay sober and read 100 books a year. But then I realized why do I want to do that? why do I want to do anything? So I've drank about a litre of whisky the last two days

>> No.7478230

Amen. I wouldn't have had an answer other than perhaps "boredom" if I had been asked. Then one day it became "because I physically can't stop".

I turned my life around too, and you are beyond 100% correct when you say how much better life is without the constant drinking. It's okay on occasion, and it makes it that much more enjoyable. Agreed with everything you said, and it helps me stay focused reading it from someone else because I know you know exactly what I've gone through and you understand exactly why life is better this way.

>> No.7478234

how is it better? life totally sucks, r u a normie or something?

>> No.7478237

This. For anyone reading this thread who is having problems, this post is the truth. I've been on both sides of this demon and trust me, what he's describing here wins every. fucking. time. Go to the hospital if you're physically dependent, go to a counselor, AA, anything to help you. You will never, at any point, regret it.

>> No.7478241

how do i tell if the alcohol girill at the alcohol store lieks me

>> No.7478243

Fuck yea. That's what I'm talking about. Some of us have to learn the hard way, unfortunately, but I'm proud of you dude.

>> No.7478277

You can never erase the memory of the 6 billion though

>> No.7478285
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Learn what? Those stories are absolute fucking nightmares for people who drink, AND people who take prescription mood enhancers (basically 80% of the word).

I fucked up myself massive because I drank while taking Cymbalta, and i had never drunk as much as i did before it. Never again.

>> No.7478290

i often and regulary drank with cymbalta, what happened?

now i take pristiq (effexor 2.0) and drink

>> No.7478322

Pissed the bed, drank all night, got arrested for public drunkeness, lost/forgot clothes/jackets, took the wrong trains home, and woke up on the platform at the wrong station.

Fuck yeah drugs! :-)

>> No.7478359

after two years of drinking I've only pissed my bed one time, that is when i fucked up my careful plan.

Other wise a night of drinking for me is so carefully planned that nothing can go wrong. and I only relax and have literally everything id need already at hand (except the few times i go on to fb and start going nuts on msging old girls i haven't seen in years)

The trick is friend, you can drink your entire life, you just have to plan it out, i encourage you to try again and drink

>> No.7478364

i used to use a lot of hard drugs IV. all my friends died and college was hard. stuff worked out well somehow (school, career, no lasting legal damage). stopped 2 years ago. almost 31 now. started drinking a year ago exactly. i use it like the addict i am. i think it's worse than the drugs.

>> No.7478375

how can it be worse than drugs? it is so simple and easy????

>> No.7478393

>if you've never experienced it then it's impossible to explain
>he says this to anon who just explained losing both parents to alcoholism
>"you'll never understand our plight!"

>> No.7478404

you thikn weed is going to take away these feels? not a fucking chance.

sometimes you have to die to get through things.
Even better, you don't have kids so there is no problem with drinking to death.

>> No.7478436


>> No.7478445

One's not gonna hurt you, Anon.

>> No.7478448

there is nothing htat is more fun in telling a qt councillor "nope, I'm not gonna stop, join me if you wanna be cool"

>> No.7478457
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I'm a half+ bottle of vodka a night drinker (130 pounds) and two glasses of this before you go to bed or mixed with the last few drinks of the night will ensure you wake up feeling goooood

>> No.7478460

my experience with hard drugs and alcoholism is pretty limited compared with some in this thread, but I'd have to agree alcohol is worse generally. Plus it doesn't make you feel as good as drugs anyway.

>> No.7478461

>le sugar water with vitamin C cancels out le hangover

cool pseudo-science, bro!

>> No.7478468

Coupled with the other vitamins you usually piss out while on a bender. I'll take my chances with my sugar water with vitamin c. What do you recommend?

>> No.7478478

>le sugar water
>6 grams of sugar per serving
>44 grams in a can of coke
Dude. You need some tomato juice in your life

>> No.7478598

>130 pounds

Pls bulk Mr Skeltal

>> No.7478936
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>had 4 to 5 beers
>managed to walk

>> No.7479773
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I don't know if this is the right thread, but I'm trying to figure out which wine to buy to cook with, and I've found a reasonably priced brand (just kidding it's like 10 dollars) and they have three whites:

>Pinot Grigio
>Sauvignon Blanc

What would be the most appropriate, or at least the most multi-purpose?

>> No.7480176

If you get the good stuff though, alcohol tastes absolutely delicious and it just feels right.

Maybe it's just because I don't drink to get drunk. But who fucking knows.

>> No.7480188

not the right thread

but it depends what youre cooking.

id argue that pinot is the most multi-purpose bc its also the most neutral

>> No.7480202
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>Go on a bender and forget to eat the last few days
>Numb pain in right side under ribcage

>> No.7480297


I love playing the whole "Pain somewhere in my torso, time to figure out which organs are around that area and try to guess why I'm feeling that pain" game.

>> No.7480313

your appendix is right there

>> No.7480338

if by "under ribcage" he meant "just below the bottom rib in the upper stomach," then no, that's way too high to be the appendix. i think that's closer to the stomach itself.

>> No.7480354


I meant below like the y-axis, like lower and above my hip, not behind the ribcage

Are my insides going to explode?

>> No.7480366

What do you mean by neutral?

>> No.7480414

the anxiety is so bad

>> No.7480513

well chardonnays can be on the oakier side and tend to be a bit heavy(relative to the pinot and sauvignon blanc) and toasty especially in the cheaper ones

sauvignon blancs are usually very light and can be sweet, especially new Zealand ones, and are more reminiscent of fruit with some acidity.

Now, Pinot Grigio are not that sweet or fruity like sauvignon blanc but also not as heavy or oaky as chardonnays.

>> No.7480519

again, it totally depends on what you are making

>> No.7480529

It's St. Patrick's day. I live alone in the country and don't have anybody to enjoy it with but I decided to make myself a glass anyway. I'm drinking White Chocolate Liqeur that I made into his little White Russian kinda thing. Does Godiva's White Chocolate Liqeur have milk in it? It's kinda been sitting in my cabinet for like 6 months.

>> No.7480554

don't be a fucking dick. my dad is an alcoholic too, what the fuck has that got to do with anything? understanding the effect it can have on your life doesn't equate to understanding how it feels.

>> No.7480660

6 months isn't necessarily too bad, depending on the abv

bailey's has cream in it and it's good for I think two years just because of the alcohol (it's 18% or something)

>> No.7481925

So I tried stopping drinking beer for a day...
its... its just not my world man...
the world of the normies... fucking stupids...
the world of lame-jokers... irritating...
the world of corny people... fuck em...
Imma drink where I belong fuck yeah!

>> No.7481945

I used to never get hangovers unless I drank enough liquor that I was prone to pass out. But lately I've been having problems where the day after a drink I feel

>nauseous (but never vomit)
>headache and neck pain
>completely empty of energy
>generally sick

even if the amount I drank the night before was lower than what I used to tolerate perfectly. Is my liver dying? I've only been an alcoholic for 2 years.

>> No.7481960

Do you ever drink bloody mary's? I was wondering what /ck/'s opinion on them are, I love them myself but all my friends who I have introduced them to find them disgusting.

>> No.7481997

I'm what I consider somewhat dry (two shots today of vodka total)
Down from the 750 ml I drank last weekend. It sucks when you forget to eat and you end up getting withdrawls

>> No.7482018

just walked to the dispensary after borrowing money from my brother. feeling real sick from drinking with the shakes sweating bullets etc...i just wanted to get in and buy a $10 gram and get out but all the fucking idiots in there on st pattys day taking their time making small talk with the employees.

found a spot behind a dumpster to stop and drink a 32 of king cobra with a bowl to smoke on the way home, feel way better now.

>> No.7482074

I successfully eliminated my alcoholic ways...however now I'm totally addicted to Kratom. I guess that won't do as much damage as booze though right?

>> No.7482101

>turn into an alcoholic during college
>get shitfaced 4-5 nights a week minimum
>no hangovers, can function just fine the next day
>living back at home until I get into grad school
>have to cut down on drinking since parents were starting to notice
>down to just one night a week, sometimes 2
>suddenly become incapacitated and hung over the day after drinking now
>drink less than I used to and feel 10x shittier

If there's one thing I miss about drinking like an alcoholic, it's not ever having hangovers. After cutting down now it hits me like a truck the next day every time

>> No.7482106

Evidence is basically anecdotal, but kratom can be just as bad if not worse than ethanol on the liver. It's know to be hepatotoxic, but to what extent, I'm not sure.

There are quite a few accounts on Erowid of non-chronic users developing drug induced hepatitis.

I didn't like it when I tried it. Barely any sedation and the subtle stimulation kept me up at night. And I got the strains that were supposedly the most akin to opioids.

>> No.7482133

I love them

I add tons of stuff tho. a lot of tabasco, lots of pepper, celery salt rim, worcestershire, lots of clam juice. to be honest the clamato extra spicy stuff isn't bad if you add a few more things.

>> No.7482165

I wish there were more medical studies done on the stuff, like you said there's just a lot of conflicting info based on personal use. I really enjoy the stuff though, mostly because I have social anxiety and it puts me at ease and makes me more talkative without slurring or acting stupid like I do when I drink

>> No.7482336

I've been having 20-30 drinks a day for the past month today i only had 8. Tapering off I'm sweating, my heart is racing, I have a headache ,and i can't sleep. I called an AA place for the first time yesterday and they didn't answer so i felt like that meant i should get drunk again. I'm going to feel like shit for a few days but im not going to drink again for a while its not worth this cycle of being constantly drunk and then spending days trying to recover while dealing with all the BS life has to offer.

>> No.7482349

Haha no you aren't dying. Probably just minor withdrawal symptoms. It's ok.. It doesn't seem like you drink that much if it's been 2 years and you haven't experienced anything worse than the symptoms you listed in your post

>> No.7482394
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>> No.7482405
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Not as serious as some of y'all, but this got me to start getting concerned

>in last year of college
>drink on weekends like regular college student
>start playing local ren fair on weekends in Nov
>basically drunk all day on Sat and Sun
>start getting drunk weekdays
>fuck studying for finals, drink
>Christmas break starts, drink every night
>by Christmastime, it was on average 6 or 7 beers a night, often 12 or so
>gain like 10 pounds in 2 months
>finally fly out for vacation on New Year
>no alcohol for 24 hours, start sweating
>watching movie on the plane, party scene gives me anxiety attack because it has alcohol
>really got me to reevaluate that slippery slope

>> No.7482432

are you sober now?

im where you are. Final tomorrow and i figured i could have just like 4 or 5 drinks and then study

>> No.7482448

I've rolled back to drinking socially 2-3 nights a week, not binging as hard as I used to. Good luck man

>> No.7482505
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more beer, enough for the rest of the night until 6am.

>> No.7482654

My brother bought me some mead for my birthday, sort of a novelty thing. I'm actually really enjoying it.

>> No.7482670

>be me
>23 years old
>see commercial for henrys hard orange soda
>"that looks liek it might be good"
>buy a 6 pack
>drink one bottle
>wake up with my keyboard imprinted on my face

Am I an alcohol?

>> No.7482774

now i understand where the term "piss drunk " came from

>> No.7482786

Can anybody remember the last time they took a solid shit?

>> No.7482789

>be me
>be a few months ago
>having an awful nightmare
>wake up confused at 2am
>feel very anxious and worried about the nightmare I just had
>feel like something is very wrong
>stumble out of bed still wearing all my clothes
>still a little drunk
>what the fuck happened
>vaguely remember day-drinking
>stumble into living room and see half full glass of ghetto bloody mary
>stumble into kitchen and see empty bottles of vodka and whiskey
>open freezer to see half bottle of whiskey
>dont remember buying any of this
>check wallet to make sure I still have my cards
>I dont
>mild panic
>grab keys so I can go search car
>go down to apartment parking lot and hit unlock button
>where the fuck is my car?
>maybe I parked in front (sometimes I do this when parking lot is full)
>go to front, no car
>panic rising
>maybe I parked around the corner down the street (I do this when the front street is full)
>start stumbling down street toward the corner
>every step panic is being met with more dread
>memory fog is clearing
>that nightmare was not a nightmare
>car not around the corner
>start half running down the street tears in my eyes
>that nightmare was not a nightmare
>3 blocks down I finally find my car
>two fucking front flat tires
>rims shredded
>hazy memory of being drunk as everloving fuck and driving to buy more booze
>horrible godawful fog of a memory of bouncing off two curbs, popping the tires, and grinding the rims for god knows how many blocks on the way back and thinking "I bet it will make it home" before finally giving up and just leaving it on the side of the street.
>stupid fucking memory of laughing about how it was "sober me's problem" then stumbling out of the car with my precious liquor bottles.

guess how long I stayed sober after that night?

>> No.7482857

>encouraging people suffering from alcoholism to drink
Go fuck yourself, kiddo. A lot of us have been at this shit far longer than you and hate it. I want it fucking gone from my life, it isn't fun. At all.

>> No.7482860

>guess how long I stayed sober after that night?
I hope for a long time, but considering the rest of the thread I'd say you got shitfaced again the same day.

>> No.7482881
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I'm not an alcohol but i abuse drugs i think.
it was my kitchenhands 21st birthday the other day (im 23, apprentice chef) and we went out for drinks. I took a tab of acid, a few lines of mdma and a few lines of ketamine with about 6 standard drinks of patron tequila in about two hours and ended up vomiting everywhere and getting kicked out of a club.
Currently i'm about 12 beers down sitting on a park bench drinking and smoking after a shift in which the same kitchenhand got mad at me for saying she was too slow (she needed to cut the heads off of green beans, she was cutting them two at a time so i showed her how i wanted it done - she sent me a text message on her break saying i undermined her etc etc bullshit) but truthfully i just hate people and want an excuse to drink/use drugs to escape them
Anyway. I dont know.

>> No.7482945

Ten minutes?

Day drinking anything over 10% abv ends badly

>> No.7482946

Why the fuck do people seem to take instructions as a personal attack these days? Jesus fuck I hate humanity.

>> No.7483204

god i hate that feeling thinking it was but a dream, then after every 20 minutes something that should have not happened comes back and this cold fucking sweat comes showering my face and me turning around looking for clues like im in a fucking hangover saying to myself this isnt happeing

then i get drunk again to forget what i was forgetting

kill me

>> No.7483229

>then I get drunk again to forget what I was forgetting
Absolutely classic right here, lad.

>> No.7483236

>saying i undermined her
get a new kitchenhand
why the fuck would you have an assistant that can't take directions

>> No.7483345

former alcoholist here, started drinken when i was 22, got off the booze cruise more or less when i was like 31, mostly b/c moohamadcare was gonna kick in and i was afraid i'd have to go get a physical when i got health insurance and they'd say my livers were busted from boozing too much ok. but anyway i drank prlly 5 days a week on average prolly like a half a liter or so each time on average ok. anyway towards the end i was like seeing spiders on teh walls and bogus shit like that and was up all night with the deleriouse trembles and crap lmao that was pretty cool huh. I suspect that i did get some kind of minor cognitive impairment along the way from that shit i think ok. anyway now i just drink on saturday night or possibly friday night as well and watch retarded gay baby animes and play video games while drunk but that's ok that's what normal drinkers do right folks ok bye

>> No.7483355

so, were you born retarded or did the alc fuck your brain up?

>> No.7483360

best post

>> No.7483455

Sounds pretty autistic so most likely born that way, also 22 is kind of late to become an alcoholic desu.

>> No.7483468


>> No.7483493

I've always considered alcoholism to be one of the most pathetic addictions and this thread has only affirmed those convictions.

>> No.7483506


Makes me miss ORG. Do we know the last time he posted?

>> No.7483714

It doesn't happen on purpose. For me all of my friends told me I had a drinking problem but they said it in a half joking way so i kind of shrugged it off. By the time I realized they were right I was drinking two pints of vodka a day. People make excuses and say "haha yea that happens to some people but it could never happen to me" like they're special snowflakes and get hooked. Maybe that's just my experience, though.

>> No.7483724

Was on 1-2 bottles of vodka a day for about 2 months during a bad patch, stopped drinking vodka neat and was able to curb things massively.

Still have a alcohol/substance problem, but it's a struggle-to-stop-once-I'm-smashed problem rather than a drink-all-the-time problem. Can still drink in moderation and even get drunk without triggering anything dark.

Avoid drinking vodka neat, it's the devil.

>> No.7483766

got properly drunk for the first time in a while last night. I used to think im an alcoholic but I realized just because I drink beer frequently it's mostly out of a lack of responsibilities and boredom. Having said that I don't feel like im on a very successful path but im not the huge fuck up I thought I was.

>> No.7484306

Drunk again thanks to my local, scruple-less, piece of shit liquor store.

I lost my ID so this was my only choice, even though I hate going there.

I just hate liquor stores in general. Their bullshit lobbyists bitch and moan about allowing sales on Sunday and about how it'll "ruin our competitiveness, having to have to pay for wages for employees to work that day".

Literal fucking welfare, socialism right there. The only reason these piece of shit liquor stores are able to stay afloat is because Uncle Sam says they should. That's not capitalism. You're not in business because you offer a service or product at a competitive price. You're in business because the government shuts down your competition's ability to sell at certain times and days.

And don't get me started on the times. This 3am to 7am horseshit pisses me off just as much. The only reason these law exist is the same fucking reason as above. These Walmarts, Meijer's, and etcetera are open 24 hours anyways so allowing them to sell during these late night hours would put the liquor stores even further in shit, so guess what, ol' Uncle Sam bails 'em out again. Fuck them.

Basically, morally, these liquor store employees would be no different if they quit their jobs and went on welfare. I hate them all.

The only reason to go to a liquor store is MAYBE the more varied selection, but if you need a particular vintage of a particular variety of a particular liquor, fuck you, you're gay. These shit shops absolutely cannot compete on price with the likes of Walmart, so they have almost nothing to offer.

I fucking hate liquor stores, is basically my point.

I should get a job at one if only to drain money from them and use it to buy booze at Meijer's.

>> No.7484474

Canadian, eh?

>> No.7484523

Does anyone else have a pet to help them stay sober? When I was at my worst point I let my dog out one night and passed out. I woke up a couple hours later and found her sleeping curled up on the doorstep in the cold. I felt like the biggest piece of shit on the planet. Being responsible for the life of another really put things in perspective for me

>> No.7484527


Not even. American as all holy hell.

>> No.7484804

Went on a binge for 3 days... Now it's 4:45 AM and I have to work later today but all I can do is sleep, shitpost and masturbate. Some friends and I ended up in some really weird bar and met these 2 drunk chicks and we ended up drinking at their place for hours, woke up and realized both chicks have children and we had to leave because the chicks husband might come home with his kid, basically shit got really weird at that place.

>> No.7484810

>tfw have an addictive personality

>love coke but it gives me such a terrible come down that I just can't bring myself to do it

>love alcohol, was an alcohol
>now can't bring myself to drink because of the splitting headaches, nausea, and shakes I get the next day

T-t-thanks body-bro

>> No.7484846

i need to meet some new people, ffs drinking alone is shit.

>> No.7484879
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Agreed. Being Australian is even weirder too, since the majority of drinkers are gamblers these days.

We have more pokie machines per capita than any other country on earth.

So I beat gambling addiction, huzzahh!!

>> No.7486208

Coke doesn't really have a comedown. Purify your shit with an acetone wash, and it takes the caffeine out, among other things.

>> No.7486393

>tfw puked again last night

the worst part is i wasnt even that drunk, i just got the spins whenever i closed my eyes

>> No.7486983

5 day binge? pffffft.

>> No.7488021
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>Avoid drinking vodka neat, it's the devil

If anyones should take anything away from al/ck/oholic threads, this should be it.

>> No.7488818

recently discovered the wonder that is mixed dark rum. anyone got any recommendations for sub $50? this time was captain morgan, and apparently that's pretty low end

>> No.7490848
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>tfw got a 1.75 liter bottle of Bombay for only 18 dollars

>> No.7490868

Is drinking nightly considered being on a bender? Or is a bender when you stay some level of intoxicated for days without ever completely sobering up?

>> No.7490870

You could get a real aged rum without trash in it like Appleton 12yo if you want to bust flavornuts.

>> No.7491348

I'm hoping it's the latter, or I would be really in deep.

>> No.7491886

Damn son where'd you find that.