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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7470111 No.7470111 [Reply] [Original]

Is it autistic to dislike foods based on texture? I for one can't stand the feel of gelatin in my mouth. I hate jell-o and aspic, anything really squishy that jiggles on my fork or soon. Doesn't matter how good it tastes, I can't get past the texture. Is there something wrong with me? Is there way to fix this?

>> No.7470126
File: 87 KB, 622x568, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, you have a child mind and pallet. Sorry you are food pleb the rest of your life.

>> No.7470128

I never fixed it. When I was younger I used to wretch over the texture of applesauce, tomatoes, mushrooms and avocados. It doesn't bother me as much, and I love tomatoes they just have to be Romas, or mashed into a sauce, or diced with little to no seeds.
Avocados and mushrooms (unless finely diced so the texture isn't there) are still a no go, and I won't eat applesauce unless I make it.

>> No.7470146

Does anyone even like aspic though?

>> No.7470150


>> No.7470161

im pretty sure thats an actual symptom of autism

it can also mean sensory processing disorder, which often is comorbid w/ autism

so technically yes

>> No.7470167

yurocuck here, and i can definitely tell you that you are [spoiler]wrong.

>> No.7470170

>mouthfeel is now autism

No, please stop with the armchair psychology. You're digging yourself a hole you can't climb out of. SPD does not work like this. Please stop.

>> No.7470173


There's a difference between different textures existing (mouthfeel) and being "unable" to eat certain foods because the texture weirds you out (autism).

>> No.7470180

just fuck off with that dumb autism meme.
holy fuck it spread faster than cancer on here.
you'd think at least the dead boards like this one would be safe from shitposters

>> No.7470185

>being "unable" to eat certain foods because the texture weirds you out (autism).

No. Wrong. Remember when I said you were digging a hole? This is the hole.

You cannot diagnose someone with a developmental disorder based on the texture of certain foods or food preference.. Sensory processing disorder is separate to autism and people conflate the two because they occur comorbid often. But you can have sensory processing disorder without autism, and autism without SPD, and both are quite common to encounter in practice.

This is true for picky eaters as well. A lot of autists are picky, but not all picky eaters are autists because autism is a very specific developmentmental disorder that requires assessment IN CHILDHOOD to diagnose.

Please stop abusing words you don't understand or even have the faintest inclination toward learning about.

>> No.7470187


Yeah, I know it's a shitty meme, but in this case there's a factual basis for it.

Having a strong preference (or aversion) for certain food textures is a well known symptom for many autists. This is one of the few times that the term is actually used correctly on this godforsaken board.

>> No.7470190

>Having a strong preference for going outside is a well known symptom for many ADHD children

>Therefore, everyone who goes outside has ADHD

>> No.7470203


Nobody drew the latter conclusion anon. You're reading more into this than what people are actually saying.

Are you perhaps offended because you are unable to eat foods with certain textures too? We aren't insulting you, anon. We're speaking generally.

>> No.7470257

I absolutely despise coconut because I hate the texture. If it wasn't for that I'd probably enjoy it.

Coconut cream pie is so far the only exception for me.

>> No.7470265

Aspic is delicious. It's basically meat broth jello with fun bits.

>> No.7470297

We can all agree that even the thought of wet bread is repulsive enough to reactively gag. Texture is literally just another aspect of food to judge.

>> No.7470325

>>reactively gag

Nope. It doesn't sound pleasant, but enough to make you gag? Hell no.

>> No.7470333

That sounds legitimately unpleasant.

>> No.7470363

So you don't dip bread in soup?

>> No.7470389

Nigger do you dip your bread in raw water? ¿¿que??

>> No.7470400


>doesn't like jello
>has a child mind a palate

Nigger shut the fuck up.

Op it is completely normal to dislike foods based on texture. I don't like water chestnuts because of the texture. Most people don't like soggy cereal because of the texture. Almost everyone has a food they won't eat based on texture alone.

>> No.7470406

No, only in cooked water. Only savages dip their bread in raw water.

>> No.7470407


There's a difference between "I don't care for that texture" vs. "cannot eat it"

>> No.7470414

I can't stand mealy foods. Chickpeas and that one kind of apple that's always mealy are a couple things I don't eat just because of the texture.

>> No.7470433

Yeah, there's a lot of food I can't eat because I hate the texture too much. I'm actually autistic though, so make of this what you may.

>> No.7470648

Maybe a little... I cannot stand the feeling and texture of mushrooms, but really like mushroom sauce or soups.

>> No.7470655

Go away, Woody Harrelson. We didn't want a Zombieland 2.

>> No.7470667


>there's a difference between

shut the fuck up and quit being a faggot. i WILL NOT eat water chestnuts because they feel like i'm eating styrofoam. i hate celery, but i can eat it, because i can handle eating things that have a displeasing taste. texture is completely different and has nothing to do with ones palate.

>> No.7470674

there are bad textures

ones associated with decay like slime and fuzz

or mealy tomatoes and apples

it's disliking good textures makes you autistic

>> No.7470692

another diagnostic marker of autism is inflexibility and rigid thinking patterns

>> No.7470698

If by autistic you mean a natural human reaction

>> No.7470705


>someone disagrees with my stupid opinion on the internet
>better call him an autist

i think we all know who the real autist is here...

>> No.7470727

>pervasive and sustained impairment in communication and social interaction

>> No.7470742
File: 32 KB, 540x392, 98dBqw9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bf can't handle 90% of sauces/sauce textured things
>especially mayonnaise
>anything with mayo is disgusting in his eyes

At least the faggot eats my sauces/soups.

>> No.7470782

>boyfriend has an almost pathological hatred of mayonnaise
>even if he enjoyed eating something if he finds out it had mayonnaise in it he'll refuse to ever eat it again
>enjoys In-N-Out animal-style burgers and Cane's sauce
>I can never let him know

>> No.7470805

So does he just eat dry food all the time? Never any sauce? Fucking freak.

>> No.7470811

That's what you get for letting your nigger bf pound your prostate

>> No.7470954


>if i use big words maybe they won't realize i'm an obese virgin who loves fedoras and lives with his parents

>> No.7470969

Not him, but if those are big words for you.

>you're a faggot who can't be fucked to read anything past picture books.

>> No.7470980


i can read them just fine actually. my point was that he is trying to talk in a sophisticated manner rather than make intelligent points. he states his opinion as if it were fact, when it is actually just his own stupid opinion.

>> No.7472215

I feel you OP. Soft, mushy textures are also unappealing to me too. I normally only eat mash potatoes as far it goes for soft foods. The other day I tried some orange jello and it was apparently an unpleasant banana(?) flavor. It threw me and I gagged on it. Jello sucks.

I actually really enjoy dry food, tough to chew food (like dried meat), and/or crunchy foods.

>> No.7472839
File: 299 KB, 2048x2048, 1287545855374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care if it's autistic;
i fucking hate the texture of raw fish.

won't eat sushi.

>> No.7472849

There are so many different kinds of sushi all with varying textures. You're just a child

>> No.7472858
File: 202 KB, 1024x768, 1327967704536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone else in my family eats sushi.

i've had more than enough to know that i hate the texture of it, dude.

>> No.7472861

texture of raw fish is orgasmic mate

>> No.7472877


Sushi doesn't have to have raw fish

>> No.7472903

>dislikes balut and the furry taste of man balls
oh boy i sure have fucking autism