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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.74 MB, 3264x2448, Soylent_drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7469362 No.7469362 [Reply] [Original]

I've been on a lot of diets like juice and vegan
Im considering a soylent diet now but I want your opinions
Would /ck/ ever go soylent?

>> No.7469367

When it gets cheaper. 15 dollars a day? pfff

>> No.7469369

>500 calories
>21 grams of protein
literally shit.

>> No.7469381

80g a day. That's still more than you need. The 2.0 recipe actually has 100g now for whatever reason.

>> No.7469419
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It's disgusting artificial shit with a huge profit markup.


>> No.7469423
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200 bucks a month

>> No.7469426

That's under a thousand calories a day, genius.

>> No.7469438

That would be 1,200

>> No.7469445
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>24 days in a month
>1200 calories/day of dehydrated cum to live on

fucking idiot shillfag.

>> No.7469942

I can't imagine what living off of this stuff like they say you can would do to your digestive system.

You'd never take a solid shit for the rest of your life.

>> No.7469953

Is not taking a solid shit so bad?
Also, are there not modifications you can make, like mixing this into stuff, or using it to replace a snack instead of all three meals?

>> No.7469958


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but it's kind of silly to limit your diet to exactly one thing. The flora in your intestines adapt to what you eat. If you only eat soylent then the bacteria will adapt to that, and if you were to eat anything else then you're likely to suffer indigestion & other problems--the same thing that happens to people when they suddenly start or stop a vegetarian diet, for example. For health as well as the ability to eat new foods while traveling, visiting friends/family, etc, it makes sense to eat a varied diet, not the same thing every time.

>>modifications you can make
Sure, of course. I'm not sure what the point is though. What's wrong with eating a variety of normal foods?

>> No.7469961

I drink soylent for 14 days out of the month. I do it for convenience, because i work 12 hours a day i need something extremely fast to make. I add 40g of whey protein to it, and drink a while pitchers worth throughout my work do. So thats around 2300 calories and 120g protein. I use the 1.5 bags. My shits are solid, but i do make some pretty gnarly farts. My subscription is 14 bags of soylent per month. It's been working great for me so far honestly. It doesnt taste that great but it does fill you up and give you plenty of energy. I also work out 4isj days a week and have been able to notice positive changes and weight gain. (Lankyfag here).

>> No.7469973

I'm poor and newly moved out for the first time, living off a shoestring food budget.
Some dude on Craigslist said he was giving away like a month's worth of the stuff. Fucker never responded back, but I definitely would have taken a month's worth of generic sustenance.

A Muslim lady in a nicer neighborhood gave me 6lbs of whole grain spaghetti, 4lbs of dried cranberries, 2lbs of dried cherries, a bunch of gummibears and some dark chocolate, though. Thank you based Craigslist free section.

>> No.7469982

>your job is to find the best consensus nutrition science will spit out and put it in the powder
>you try do it
>people will still disagree on the most important parts like the amount of protein needed
this is why nutrition science a shit

>> No.7470382

I got like 200 dollars worth of soylent. I keep it in my trunk and just hand it to people for the sheer novelty of it. It's not that great on it's own.

I experimented with it and used coconut milk, sugar, and eggs with a scoop to make soylent cookies. Much better than drinking the sludge. Overall it's pretty shit tier. Would be better to just get costco chicken breasts, 50 lbs bag of rice, and frozen veggies than drinking that shit. probably cheaper too.

>> No.7470458


>> No.7470531
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Fuck off soylent shills, no one wants to drink your dehydrated spunk

>> No.7470554

>not just making your own meal replacement formula for cheaper than Soylent

Plebs. You retards are being sold nutrients and proteins that cost pennies to manufacture or extract on the industrial line for $2.80 a bottle. Soda producers like coca cola and Pepsi would fucking sacrifice their firstborns for that type of profit margin. Energy drinks don't even gouge you this much.

>> No.7470908

>making your own

You dont understand the point of then. The point is the save time. Just spend money, and suddenly you dont have to cook anymore and have a food thats portable and can be eaten quickly. It's about giving yourself more time in the day to do other shit.

>> No.7470914


You seem to think that "making your own" would require a lot of time. It doesn't. It's all industrial powders. Buy in bulk and mix it up. It takes practically no time at all. We're not talking cooking meals, we're talking a one-time mixing of powders.

>>more time in the day to do other shit.
Out of curiosity, what exactly are people doing so they need this stuff? What is it that you need more time for? Texting? Video games?

>> No.7470921

I work 13 hours a day, have a 25 min commute, work out an hour a day, need to take a shower, etc. I need a lot of food to take me through a 13 hour work day. Soylent with whey gets me through that, so thats why i drink it when i work. Of course i dont drink it on my days off.

I can afford it, so i'm not going to waste my time formulating my own.

>> No.7470935

>i'm not going to waste my time formulating my own.

Even on your day off? Seems like you could save a lot of money if you're drinking that much soylent. Spending 30 minutes once a month to save several dollars a day makes perfect sense to me.

>> No.7470945

>30 minutes
making a shopping list for it would take longer than that.

>> No.7470953

>off days

What is cooking in bulk, portioning out each meal and freezing it all. All your meals for the week and you don't have to drink jew spunk

>> No.7470965

Tried it, didnt like it. Soylent actually tastes better than reheated 4 day old leftovers.

Nothing is as convenient as spending like 3 minutes the night before work making a pitcher of soylent.

>> No.7470973

Sure, if i could magically source, purchase, and formulate my own soylent in like 30 minutes. I know i could do it given the time, but i just can't be arsed to. I wont be working this schedule forever. When i'm off it, i'm off the soylent.

>> No.7471005

If that's true your google-fu is very weak, but hey, I'm not here to insult, just asking.

Fact is you can't be bothered and are OK with paying for it. Your money, your call, anon.

>> No.7471144
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>27 / 4 / 15 / 3

The stench of a samefagging shill is permeating this whole thread.

>> No.7471269

Most people who are on Soylent exclusively add some fiber to it to keep things moving. From what I remember, they reduced the fiber already in it because someone people were farting a lot and now you just need to supplement it yourself.

>> No.7473154

>a perfectly balanced food replacement
>that isnt actually perfectly balanced

Jesus...these guys had one job.

People saying its more convenient and cheaper than cooking clearly cant cook or budget, $29 a month/ $2.42 per 400cal for the 2.0.

The powder is fucking $54 a month and $1.54 for 400cal.

Also their website is fucking laughable, "free your body" fucking what? What am i freeing my body from? Cooking? Fuck that, i enjoy cooking. Eating? Fuck that too, i enjoy eating.

Look at the early interviews with Rhinehart, the dude clearly has his own neurotic issues with the concept of eating and im pretty sure that was his primary drive in making this nightmarish glimpse of a dystopian future a reality. the dude is terrified of the fact that hes human, he wants to transcend and be better than just another animal.

As soon as he figured he could sell his cut rate meal replacement at a huge markup he very quickly came up with slick packaging and a bunch of spin to go with it. Even the name was just to drum up buzz. Hipster media jumped on it, word spread, rhinehart sat back and let idiots eat (drink) it up.

You can make your own cheaper, you can make about a months supply in 2 hours, it will taste better and actually be nutritionally balanced but the best thing about making your own is that your not giving your money to rhinehart and his ilk.

>> No.7473160

>replacing entire diet with liquid stuff
Your teeth will fall off OP

>> No.7473182

How about just composing a proper healthy diet(not temporary weight loss one) and sticking with it? Add exercise into the mix if you want to lose weight faster.

>> No.7473187

Also, read the first page (not the cover) of the release notes for the 2.0...

Now tell me that rhinehart isnt completely fedora core, his statement reads like an edgelord atheist manifesto. Dropping unnecessary scientific jargon to make his food powder seem cutting edge, also look at all the changes they've made since 1.1, now look at how many products they've just switched out for the cheaper alternative...

Soylent is literally buzzwords.

>> No.7473199

Didnt you read the OP...

>"I've been on a lot of diets"

Do you really think that a person who writes this has the motivation or willpower to stick with a healthy lifestyle. They want a quick fix and will jump from miracle pill to miracle pill between binge sessions, there is a multi million dollar business built on tricking people like OP into buying the newest snake oil fixitall.

also, you know how you can tell soylent is shit...by the number of other people copying it, this "meal replacement" fad will burn itself out (in the mainstream anyway) within 2-3 years when people realise its a shit way to live life. Then they'll sell it as a diet shake and add a bunch of stevia and cacao flavouring...

>> No.7473687
File: 237 KB, 720x405, south-park-s01e02c08-94-pound-beefcake-16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out of curiosity, what exactly are people doing so they need this stuff? What is it that you need more time for? Texting? Video games?

Siliconvalleyfag here. Anon at >>7473154 basically covered it.

There's a whole cult of productivity in startup culture. The reality is that VCs use it to get more work out of their founders - and the founders use it to get more work out of their workers. One of its tenets is "passion" - you're supposed to like your job so much that you'd do it for free. 24/7. Because it's just so awesome. One of the ways you demonstrate passion is the 60-80 hour workweek, leaving no time for cooking/eating. The guy genuinely prefers his work to food? Must be passionate!

Another one of the ways you can demonstrate passion is by loudly proclaiming you have no time for cooking/eating. The guy doesn't go to lunch, he drinks Soylent at his desk. Must be passionate!

No disrespect to /fit/ folks (who actually *are* using food as fuel), but that's the core of it. If your gainz are more important than having that carb-heavy beer, you drink water. Similarly, if the high you get from coding is more important than the pleasure you get from eating a nice meal, you eat Soylent.

For every person who's actually like that, there are dozens of imitators/wannabees. Eric Cartman "bulks up" with Weight Gain 4000 Protein Powder to demonstrate BEEFCAKE because BEEFCAKE! And Joe Neckbeard drinks soylent instead of food to demonstrate PASSION about coding which is his PASSION to his silicon valley cow orkers.

>> No.7473700

>no nutrients
>just half assed nourishment in liquid form

Whats the point of the "soylent diet"

>> No.7474367
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>Whats the point of the "soylent diet"

>> No.7475331
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>15$ for the privilege of eating disgusting pig feed ripped right from a dystopian future and being rid of the torments of flavour and texture

Jesus christ you fucking americans. I'm getting ass-raped by a syrian refugee right this moment and I still can't fathom how fucking pathetic you are.

>> No.7475338

Do you not eat on weekends?

>> No.7475346

I wrestled in high school 6ft 152lbs
I worked out intensely the 6 years since.

Was 190, pretty beefy dropped to 170 losing mostly fat on just soylent over the course of a few weeks just for shits and giggles.

It works just fine. I did 150g soylent+scoop of protein + pb/oil for extra fat 2x or 3x a day.

Tasty, simple. You'l feel bloated for a day or two but then it's incredibly clean and sits great once it's the only thing in your system.

Would i do it again? definitely. Makes dieting/cutting incredibly simple as long as you have self control to not deviate

>> No.7475347

why would you buy the ready to drinks....the powder is significantly cheaper

>> No.7475352

adding on to this, i'd also never recommend sticking to this for over a few weeks(lets say 10) at a time. Your body is designed for solid foods and eliminating them entirely permanently is not healthy. For the long run, i love using it as a breakfast replacement when i'm on the run

>> No.7475353

*Powder is messy.
*I'm not poor.
*Why not.

>> No.7475358
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Can anyone tell me why this product would not be much more marketable if it was ~1$ a pack and thus actually a much cheaper, healthy alternative to cooking (and eating)?
It would probably sell excellent in developing countries like china and india. Like, the possible market is just gigantic, there's a huge wasted potential by just catering to hipsters and impressionable yoga-moms.

There's no way it costs more than 10 cents to produce a bag of this crap right? Right?

>> No.7475376

People from diy.soylent have made it quite a bit cheaper. Down from $12-15 a day to about 3 or 4.

I don't know how much cheaper it could be if you're a giant factory and you buy in bulk.

>> No.7475390

>*Powder is messy.
>*I'm not poor.
>*Why not.

I liked mixing my entire days worth at once then just drink it whenever i wanted to throughout the day. One container was more convenient for me than multiple ones.

Not poor either but do whatever you want buddy. I'm trying to give some advice and the passive aggressiveness isn't appreciated. Peace

>> No.7475522


It's great for supplementing my diet. I use it to help gain weight after I began working out, actually.

I work a lot of weird hours and already tend toward not eating much, so this helps push another five hundred to thousand or so calories into my day, and some minerals, protein, and such.

I shit just fine, and it costs next to nothing.

I'd never go full-Soylent though. It tastes pretty good to me, but I love real food. I could never replace all those delicious spices, interesting textures, and the fun of having a huge event with friends. But for hitting the gym, or when I'm half-starved at work? No reason to be a purist.

>> No.7475564

full of lead. do not get heard its got near toxic levels. and was being sued by some because of it and that the creator doesn't even drink it anymore

>> No.7475655

>eating powdered shit for every meal
>using it as an excuse to not go grocery shopping

>> No.7475745
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Evidently, aside from a rat-infested production warehouse, moldy soylent is a persistent problem. Both bagged and bottled. Go ahead, google it.

>> No.7475802

don't forget the lead

>> No.7475805


>& bumping a thread that should die a quick and messy death

>> No.7475813

lacks phytonutrients and such. Nothing can replace whole plant foods.

>> No.7475828

Every time you see a soylent thread post this link.


I can't believe the faggots who "invented" this thought they could make it into a viable business.