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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7454682 No.7454682 [Reply] [Original]

Tefloncucks, why do you put up with buying shitty pan after shitty pan, only to have it fail on you after a couple years? Why not use something that will outlive your great-great-grandchildren?

>> No.7454700

Been using the same stainless steel pan for 6 years, still cooks like a champ.

>> No.7454703

Because no other pan is as non-stick as teflon. As long as you only use it at low temperatures and don't do all of your frying in it, it'll last years. Obviously you want to have different pans for different purposes.

>> No.7454705

money is no issue for me. teflon has a better non-stick coating

also i dont want to have to autistically take care of my pan everytime i use it.

>> No.7454738


"I don't want to take care of my possessions, you know, like an adult" is not a very compelling argument

>> No.7454739

What this guy said
Why are cast iron dirtbags afraid of using the tool for the job?
Is $40 every six to eight years (assuming careless use) really such a crippling price in exchange for having an egg pan?

>> No.7454740

>/ck/ what do I do, my bitch mom washed my pan with soap RREEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.7454741

Cast iron is GOAT

>> No.7454747

Also, as long as you aren't mentally impaired it should be easy to cook pretty much anything in cast iron without it sticking.

>> No.7454753

Can you fry a fish in that without it sticking and coming apart? Never used cast iron but it looks suspicious.

>> No.7454754

you literally just made fun of yourself

>> No.7454768

no, I wash my pans with soap because I understand what cast iron is for, and that purpose is not pretending to be Teflon

>> No.7454786

If it's well seasoned, yes.

>> No.7454810

I've never fried fish in anything but a cast iron pan or dutch oven t b h

>> No.7454836

Sure if you are autistic about maintenance and are ok with the next five things you cook tasting of fish

>> No.7454846

Just wash your filthy fucking pan.

>> No.7454848

Is everything you own "buy it for life"?

>> No.7454856

teflon can't take high heat, releases toxic gases.

>> No.7454862

>autistically take care of my pan
Can't use metal utensils, only plastic.
Not supposed to cook on high heat.
Not supposed to wash it in the dishwasher.
Not supposed to stack pans in your cupboard since the bottom of another pan will scratch the teflon.
What was that about autistic levels of pan care again?
Properly seasoned cast iron won't be damaged by a little soap.
You know that black burnt-on shit you find on cookie sheets that never comes off how much you scrub? That's polymerized fat. That's what cast iron seasoning is made out of.
You're WAY more likely to have a roommate/your mom fuck up and scratch your precious "egg pan," and then what? You fucking throw it in the trash because it's useless at that point. If you keep using it you're going to be eating that teflon when it starts flaking off.
>living with mom
I'd say you have to be 18+ to post on 4chan, but I know there's more than enough 30+ permavirgins here.

>> No.7454888

I have stainless steel pan with a copper base, and a teflon pan for eggs.

Stainless steel doesn't leech off any metals, so it preserves the original flavor of foods, last a lifetime, and it's easy to take care of.

>> No.7454935

how do you do it? I suck ass at cooking but I can't cook an omelette for instance without getting some stick

>> No.7454940
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what about ceramic pans?

>> No.7454951

I mean a calaphalon nonstick is only like 30 bucks poorfag.

>> No.7454954

>put a teaspoon of oil in a SS pan
>get it smoking hot
>make sure the oil coats the surface completely
>take it off the heat
>rub some salt into the surface with a towel
>wipe clean, do not wash

Eggs will literally float around in the pan w/o sticking.
kind of annoying if you cook eggs a lot but it works well in a pinch.

>> No.7454984

But then it won't be nonstick

>> No.7455314

Eight years careless use? Have you lived in a dorm, ever? Give it to college kids and it will get rekt within 2 weeks.

>> No.7455483

I actually bought a set of these when my last teflon pan got chewed to pieces by my roomies. They work pretty much the same as the teflon to my experience so far, not supposed to bang em around or scratch em with metal cause it damages the ceramic coating. Same guy who ruined the teflon also managed to burn a bunch of oil into the bottom of one of them but it still works fine, just ugly now.
Over all id say they are slightly better if only because the carcinogenic and toxic risks are lower from the ceramic coating at any heat setting. However they are also usually over priced so its kind of a wash. If like me you have people who will doubtlessly destroy the teflon over time then the ceramic is a little more reliable to keep you safe since the worst you can do is break it and not also cancer yourself.

>> No.7455614


stop buying shit tier eggs. decent eggs do not smell or taste of fish.

>> No.7455636
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Who decided to call iron pan seasoning that, that has to be the dumbest choice of verbs to use and completely misleading to what the process actually is. You could just say coating the iron in oil, or lacquering the iron.

>> No.7455873

Because it's not the 19th century and I'm not an autist

Teflon heats up quicker, cools don quicker and is 100x easier to clean

It jus werks

>> No.7455983 [DELETED] 

they do when you never wash your filthy >MUH SEASONING pan that you used to fry fish, you dirty fucking neckbeard

>> No.7456024

ding goddam dong

you dichotomous sperglords are the worst

>> No.7456855

use a t-fal pan, lasts forever

>> No.7456875

>only to have it fail on you after a couple years?

i have had the same circulon pan since 2008 and works as well as the day i got it.

>> No.7456882


Oil goes acrid before the Teflon decomposes, butter burns even faster.


They're not really ceramic, it's another polymer with a higher decomposition temperature. Also slightly less non-stick and depending on who you ask less durable than a good Teflon pan.

>> No.7456890

Because my stovetop is glass and I'm not putting cast iron on it.

>> No.7456902
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>Because my stovetop is glass and I'm not putting cast iron on it.

>> No.7456923
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I've got stainless but the first thing I fried with it left a really difficult to scrub off carbon(?) stain
It's like the black residue, but most of it's scrubbed off, just now it has a sort of brown and impossible to remove black splotches on it.
Is this normal ? Looks like pic related inside and out. It's clean but still dirty looking

>> No.7457051

barkeepers friend

>> No.7457093

OP is a retard and doesn't understand the uses of Teflon pans.

Don't use em for anything movie medium heat and watch what you are sticking into to flip your bullshit. I try to use wood/silicone tools with them.

With that said I still do 90% of my on stove cooking with a griswold 9 inch cast iron skillet. The other 10% if a 5qt stainless pot for when I do sauces/soups. I do my fish in the toaster oven now and will never go back to pan frying it.

>> No.7457100

>movie medium heat
I meant more than medium*

Fucking cell phone keyboards

>> No.7457112


I have birds, so I don't use teflon as the fumes those pans give off is a death sentence to them.

On a less severe note, it's not all that good for us over a prolonged period of time either. Or any animal for that matter.

Besides, there's just some satisfying about the sound a wooden spoon makes when it gently scraps against a stainless steel pan.

>> No.7458158

Why are you so angry about pans. Lol. You wrote a whole fuckin essay

>> No.7458206

cast iron has its uses but is not good for all types of foods.
cook some tomatoes in your cast iron and tell me what happens

>> No.7458306

because my ceramic coated pan goes in the dishwasher and doesn't end up rusty? plain silly using 19th century technology for cooking or washing dishes.

>> No.7458313

so my parents only have the normal teflon type pans, i'm debating buying a cast iron or stainless steel pan. Unfortunately I live in the Netherlands and I can't really find an affordable retailer for either of those. I'm probably going to have to amazon one, any recommendations in terms of brands etc?

>> No.7458314

ceramic coated <25€

>> No.7458321

can you put those in the oven as well? That's mainly why I want one of the aforementioned types, the handles won't melt etc.

>> No.7458332

I buy a new set of 3 Teflon pans every couple years for 20 bucks. Do poor people really worry about $20 over two years?

>> No.7458336

Got any recs on a nice ceramic pan?

All the ones I've had have been fragile, and shit

>> No.7458345

was a very generic one I found ina italian supermarket. no name, no thrills, works.

I have ikea stainless steel tubs that I use to sear and bake steaks etc in. no need for anything else - cast iron is too thick and stays very hot after searing.

>> No.7458346

I've had a set of teflon pans from when I moved to the US permanently 15 years ago and they're still going strong. So's my knife from back then, too. What are you doing to your teflon that it's getting fucked up so quickly?

>> No.7458379

they are probably scraping them with metal utensils

>> No.7458387

You certainly don't want a pure stainless steel because it has terrible thermal properties. Unless you have some specific reason for why you need those properties. Stainless steel is a terrible heat conductor (15-20 times worse than aluminum), but heat conduction is what you need when you want to quickly bring a lot of heat into a food item you put into a hot pan (i.e. searing). Also stainless steel does not heat evenly for that reason.
Typically you want a very thin stainless steel coating on an aluminum base, for example.

And silicone handles are oven-safe, in fact all ovens use silicone-based glue and seals in the windows and doors. Not having silicone handles is a terrible idea.

>> No.7458455

I don't really have a specific reason to get any new pan to be honest. Just want to experiment with a new type of pan that allows me to put it into the oven.

Does this make sense at all?

>> No.7458475

>Why not use something that will outlive your great-great-grandchildren?

I use cast iron pans too. Different tools for different jobs.

>> No.7458497

Easy, get a nice size pan for an omelette and use real butter, not the fake crap most people buy. Try Kerrys Gold butter, it's grass fed and won't burn easily under med. high heat in a cast iron pan.

You don't even need to use a lot of butter if the pan is the right size, if it's a jumbo size cast iron, make sure to use enough butter to coat the bottom of the pan and then some. After a while, the butter will form a seasoning and it will become more non-stick with each use.

I make eggs in my cast iron pan and they fly around, it's kinda large to make only 2 eggs in though, need to buy a cast iron pan that's good for an omelette or take make about 3 eggs at a time.

>> No.7458512

You realize you don't have to really clean a cast iron pan before or after cooking, especially if you just use it for eggs every morning?

>> No.7458516

Yes but why can't you put a nonstick pan into the oven? A typical oven temperature is around 180°C, that's a similar temperature to regular frying.

>> No.7458520

>100x easier to clean

How so? You clean them both the exact same way: Wipe out the residue inside the pan wth a damp cloth, paper towels, or similar.

>> No.7458528

Get real butter, not the puffed up water & air added crap, won't burn easily on med. high heat if at all. You just coat the cast iron pans with a little oil, thin film of it if you want after wiping it down and cleaning it.
This, works wonders.
If it's properly well seasoned, nothing, believe it or not. Only one way to find out!
Cast iron doesn't need washing unless you're a doofus and can't heat up the pan properly and shit sticks to it, beat that.

>> No.7458546

All the pans we own have plastic handles, I'm quite sure those won't survive repeated exposure to 180-200 degrees.

>> No.7458557


1) if you use the broiler the temperature can go way over 180C.

2) many, but not all, pans have plastic handles. Those are not oven safe. However if you have proper commercial nonstick pans then those are oven-safe.

>> No.7458766

i hate to sound like a shill but the t-fal pan i mentioned earlier is good up to 475F.

>> No.7458910


Why not just get a high carbon steel pan instead of cast iron? It seasons much the same and it's common and cheap here (cast iron is more of a burger thing).

>> No.7458922
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I use teflon, cast iron, and stainless.

And I don't spout memes like a faggot such as yourself.

>> No.7459377

Ok. I own this. Now what?

>> No.7459402

Cook things.

>> No.7459446
File: 120 KB, 1545x1084, skillet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using something as archaic as metal for a skillet

>> No.7459480

i like cast iron, but i have an electric stove. gotta have gas for an iron pan.

>> No.7459533
File: 18 KB, 249x251, 1310491635748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that stuff is the best.

>> No.7459539

>except for eggs, boiling liquid, cheese, and certain types of meat, or else you might lose the layer of fly-attracting smelly rendered grease

>at least you won't have to spend upwards of TENS OF THREES OF DOLLARS per year on something that won't even make you le /r/ManRules tier numale beta autist

>> No.7459552

What are you even talking about? Aside from regurgitating false bullshit.

>> No.7459554

alright, you pulled my trigger. Your first line is completely retarded, except for eggs. It's doable, but not recommended unless your pan is extremely seasoned.

>> No.7459569


fuck your tempermental renaissance fair cookware bullshit. It is literally the kitchen equivalent of shaving with a straight razor, it's only one by low-test daddy-issues Nu-Male dickheads that will cling onto any vestige of the past in the hopes that they might accidentally get an identity vicariously.

You know how I know it's bullshit? There is not a professional kitchen on Earth, from Michelin starred places in France to the busiest buffets of Las Vegas, that uses cast iron pans. If they had even one benefit besides being a formidable melee weapon over modern cookware, they would be used.

>> No.7459576
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I like my straight razor, thank you very much.
But you won't know, peach-fuzz boy.

>> No.7459583

Why are you this upset about cast iron cookware? I simply do not understand it.

>> No.7459589

Nice memes there. The answer to your second sentence/paragraph is because restaurants rely on speed and volume. They have gigantic trays that have more volume than cast iron pans or dutch ovens for oven situations. They usually have more expensive thick carbon steel pans for stovetop. Also for volume, what do you think a flat top is? For pans, I would recommend top of the line seasoned carbon steel pans over cast iron, but that's 3x the cost.

Not to mention that some restaurants DO use cast iron. Either way, you just seem contrarian for the fuck of it right now.

>> No.7459597

>Coffee? Black coffee I hope. I'm more of a black coffee kind of man. The kind of man who rides on horses and herds cows. The kind of man outlaws fear. The kind of man who knows how to handle his lasso and 6 shooter. Gary Cooper? Yeah maybe when I was 12. Tom Selleck? 'afraid not. Clint Eastwood? Close but not quite. Try the Duke. Yup. John Wayne. What I mean to say is drinking black coffee makes me a grown tough cowboy. Sugar and creamer? Ah no thank you. You see I drink my coffee black. I'm sort of like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. The tough cowboy type. Would you care to ask me how frequently I use sugar or creamer? Well go ahead, I've got time. Ask me. ... Glad you asked. Short answer: None. Disciplined answer: Haven't touched it in months. Probably old by now. I'm actually going through a lawsuit to get my local grocery store to reduce their sugar and creamer inventory. It's going well. I can't stand sugarlets or creamlets. Actually cut all of my old friends off who use. Why go through all of this trouble you ask? 3 words. 2 concepts. Discipline. Mental toughness. This is why friend. This is why.

>> No.7459603

Tha fuck?

>> No.7459613

Straight razors have a lower operating cost than both electric shavers and disposable razors. But I suppose you don't care, you're just too much in love with using up our electricity supplies and adding to landfills.

>> No.7459622
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>Unpolished new-production garbage



>> No.7459625


Carbon steel pans aren't more expensive than cast iron. Punching some shapes out of sheet steel, throwing them in a hydralic press and riveting them together is cheaper than dicking around with casting.

De Buyer is cheap, Turk is cheaper and Pujadas is dirt cheap.

>> No.7459631

>lower operating cost
>... after you buy this specialty store leather strap, this kickstarter buffing paste, this Etsy vintage refurbished blade with lucite scales containing my favorite God Delusion quotes, this handmade and laser etched beechwood holder, this goatsmilk and diatomaceaous earth sandalwood shave soap, this Jojoba face oil, this British designer aftershave, this professional stypic pencil (with antique store find styptic pencil holder), and this novelty book on mustaches my mother's friend got me on christmas when the Barnes and Noble near her was closing.

>> No.7459638

Nice to know that you ignored 90% of my post. Roasting pans and a flat top griddle make a small cast iron skillet superfluous.

>> No.7459651


stamped carbon sheet steel is literally like the cheapest metal currently known to man

>> No.7459680

Or, you know, maybe just need a bit of leather and some mineral oil.

>> No.7459684


Not to mention you can't run a cast iron pan through a dish washer without fucking it up, but Carbon steel can go through an industrial dishwasher all day every day.

<--- used to run a dish pit in a high end restaurant that used both cast iron and carbon steel.

>> No.7459690


I didn't ignore it, I just didn't comment on it.

On reflection I guess the really low cost brands of carbon steel pans might only be available in Europe though.

>> No.7459710

Or just use the fucking razor.

It also gives a better shave than a disposable.

>> No.7459713

>If it's properly well seasoned, nothing, believe it or not. Only one way to find out!

i have found out this is why i posted
cooking tomatoes or other high acid food removes the seasoning, the tomatoes react with the iron turning them a dark color.
im not talking just sauteing for 1 minute. try cooking tomatoes for 30 minutes and see what happens.

as i said before cast iron is good for some foods but not every food

>> No.7459721

>It also gives a better shave than a disposable.
100% untrue. You literally would not be able to tell the difference. If you got a dentist to put you under, and he shaved one side with a 3 blade Bic and the other with a meme-razor, the only difference would be you'd be bleeding on the straight razor side.

>> No.7459727

nobody cares. like driving stick or auto, one requires skill, the other still gets you to the same destination just as the other.

straight razor is better at longer hair without pulling tho

>> No.7459728

Where do you live? Carbon steel is really unpopular in the US and is almost exclusively restaurant equipment

>> No.7459734

>cutting yourself with a straight razor
That just means you don't know how to use it. Don't blame a tool for your clumsiness.

I can't get a clean shave with disposables in the time I do with a straight razor, but whatever floats your boat.

>> No.7459755

I've used my cast iron on glasstop ranges just fine.

>> No.7459769


Netherlands. Carbon steel here is mostly restaurant equipment and enthusiast too, but there's more manufacturers (and next to nothing for cast iron).

>> No.7459804

My first wife left me for a cast iron pan.

>> No.7459854

>not owning an enameled cast iron pan

I have regular cast iron and enameled cast iron. Regular for things that need very high heat, and enameled for acidic foods. Otherwise I use either.

>> No.7460080

There are good non-stick pans that stay slick and keep their coating if you aren't a retard. T-fal was the king of not being shit last time I checked.

Teflon is good for eggs, fish, crepes/pancakes, leftover pizza, melting shit, etc. Not being able to use metal utensils doesn't amount to jack shit because anything you need non stick for uses a silicon spatula or a fish turner, and plastic ones are fine.

You can do all of these with well seasoned cast iron, you hand wash both of them. But you can use soap on teflon with impunity, teflon doesn't react to acidic foods, and teflon isn't heavy as fuck. Unless your cooking something that requires high heat retention, cast iron can stay in the drawer.

And honestly in terms of role, cast iron has more overlap with steel than teflon. Why not argue about that shit.

>> No.7460439

Whoa didn't know there was so much to kitchen maintenance, i live with mom. What's the best things as in quality. Need to know for when i finish school and move out.

>> No.7461233

our boi Bruno only ever uses non-stick skillets and he's an infinitely better cook than you'll ever be

>> No.7461995

My seasoning always comes off my cast iron pan after I wash it. I'm not using soap, just a wooden pot scrubbing brush and hot water. Should I strip and reseason it? I'm guessing the problem is I didn't season it properly initially.

>> No.7462074

How new is the pan?
What do you usually cook in it?
Are you sure its seasoning or maybe it's just burnt on stuff that comes off when cooking?
What fat do you use to cook in the pan?
After you wash it, do you dry it by heating it? Do you then oil it down lightly?

>> No.7462228

Literally nothing wrong with Teflon

Easy to clean, quick to heat and cheap.

Only thing it's shit at is searing steak, but big fucking whoop.

>> No.7463545

my shitty 15$ teflon pan survived 3 years of dorm use, including 6 months of use by a chinese guy
Then a dormmates gf tried making caramel in it and scrubbed it clean with steel wool afterwards. Like, shiny clean.

>> No.7463572

if the pang give off fumes you are heating them well beyond any temperature used anywhere in cooking
Its perfectly safe up to around 250°C, most oils have a lower smoke point, so by the time the pan starts to fume, all of your food is already burnt

>> No.7464550

Enjoy the cancer from all the char in the seasoning stuck to the bottom of your meme pan, cast iron cucks

>> No.7464558

Weak bait.

You can do better than that.

>> No.7464564

You don;t think your seasoning is free of char do you? (char is literally carcinogenic) The only way that is true is if you scrub away the seasoning every time you cook something on high heat, which no one ever does because the only reason you use those pans is for high heat searing.

>> No.7464777

>Southern as all fucking hell
>Been cooking since I was just bite sized, always loved cast iron thanks to my Nana
>Nana was the only real mother/parental figure I had, I loved that ol' surly bitch
>Food industry is pretty much my entire life, grow up in and out of kitchens
>Now 26, finally have first kitchen job, doing fucking great, saving up for my own place, maybe college, so living with parents
>Inherit a beautiful cast iron dutch oven + large cast iron skillet from her when my Nana dies. Bittersweet
>Spend lots of time taking care of them, seasoned well, they're my pride and joy
>So shiny you can get your reflection in those babies
>Cook something in it one night cause mom expects me to do everything while she watches soaps, can't fucking remember what I even made
>Exhausted from job, leave it out after cleaning instead of putting it back in my room like always
>Next morning dumbfuck mom greets me, "Oh hi Anon, I cleaned your cast iron for you!"
>Dull gray, all that work gone. Scrubbed to fuck with steel wool and dawn dish soap. Mom ruins everything I own as usual, she's destroyed 4 of my own pans, multiple knives
>Too tired to even bother arguing, "Thanks mom," immediately off to work
>Two weeks later she fried fish in the cast iron pot while I wasn't home, left reeking fish oil in it, was on brunch duty as well as regular shift, barely had time to even scratch my ass working so hard
>Don't notice it for a week, reeking fried fish oil still in it
>Still smells horrendous to this day after multiple cleanings
>Burn out of the industry a year later thanks to working in a shit hole with no proper management.

Still haven't bothered seasoning it again. I'd rather use ceramic or teflon pans at this point, not worth being disappointed again.

>> No.7464936
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I have an induction-only stovetop in my current arrangement. Been cooking with pic related for a while now, and all I can say is it is the shit. Gets hot in literally seconds, cooks stuff uniformly, can cook just about anything in it, plus its way harder to scratch than a regular ceramic. And mine was like 20€ so idgaf if i need to buy a new one. Doesnt look like thats gonna happen anytime soon anyway.

Is there literally any downside to using these hot stone pans?

>> No.7465000

what's the best material for a grillpan?

all the enamel interior ones i see have bad reviews

>> No.7465004

cast iron

>> No.7465012

But that layer of seasoning is carcinogenic.

>> No.7465014

If you scrape off and ingest huge amounts of seasoning, sure. If you cook on it occasionally, it's of no concern.

>> No.7465057
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Flat top griddles are great because they are dual sided.

Bars on one side for grilling and a flat side for making sandwiches.

Get one and make Rubens.

>> No.7465079

Because I have zero plans on ever having children.


>> No.7465081

That one in particular has aluminum, which can't be used with certain glass stove tops because they'll discolor the glass. Other than that seems pretty boss.

>> No.7465151

I'm getting a wok pan soon, should I get a cast iron one or a carbon steel one? The quick googling I've done seems to treat them interchangeably.

>> No.7465153

Carbon steel, no question.

>> No.7465162


>> No.7465171

Thanks bruvs

>> No.7465685


Great pans, but they are Teflon. Greblon C3+, one of the highest end Teflon coating systems available.

The cue is that it only says PFOA fee, for sol-gel pans they also say PTFE free, even then not all of them are much more heat resistant than Teflon. If you really want a high heat resistant non-stick pan get Thermolon.