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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7454458 No.7454458 [Reply] [Original]

>ketchup instead of tomato puree
>"th-thanks mom, it's delicious"

Anyone else have a mother that doesn't know how to cook?

pic definitely related

>> No.7454488

When I go to my parent's house and my mom cooks something disgusting, I tell her right away. It only happens on rare occasions though, she's a good cook.

>> No.7454532

Living at home cause job pays shit. I gave up on letting my parents cook... I cook everything my family eats. Me and my brother are literally the only ones in our family that know how to cook

>> No.7454537

This is why I like my dads cooking.

He approaches cooking scientifically so he literally wants me to bitch about every little things.

Where my mom is a great cook. She doesn't really get better.

>> No.7454704

Babby boomers

>> No.7454735

I do, but I can't really blame her since she was a single working mother, and never liked cooking in the first place.

>> No.7454737 [DELETED] 

Reddit: the post

>> No.7454752

My mother knows how to cook very few things really well, at least to my taste palette.

I'm not that much beter, but I help her around the kitchen sometimes and I'd say the food we make tastes considerably better

>> No.7454758

When my mother actually cooks something that isn't awful frozen food it's absolute shit. I keep trying to tell her how to fix her most blatant mistakes but she refuses to acknowledge anything and blames me. She is convinced she is a better cook than Ramsay as well. How do you deal with someone like this?

>> No.7454764

You cook for them. Eventually they learn that you know your shit, and they start to take advice. No one likes to be told what to do by some backseat driver unless they know their credentials.

>> No.7454776

My mom was never a good cook but she's gotten worse and lazier. For instance she "made" manicotti last week. It was always basic and easy but it tasted OK. She'd mix ricotta with green can parmesan and dried Italian seasoning, stuff manicotti shells with it, cover it in cheap jarred pasta sauce, cover with pre shredded mozzarella and bake it. Pretty shitty, yea. But it was cheesy and tasted OK. Now when she makes it she literally stuffs plain ricotta into shells, covers it with sauce and bakes it. No parmesan, no seasoning, no baked layer of mozzarella on top. Just tasteless gloop.

Also my whole life she only bought canned vegetables and I hated vegetables until I moved out and for the first time started trying fresh stuff. I actually really like almost every vegetable and to this day still can't stomach canned veggies. Even frozen veggies are pretty good. Canned is shit.

>> No.7454919
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My mother is dead but since she died my father refuses to cook anything that she made or even anything similar to it. For example he refuses to make lasagne because she used to. Tried to treat him on fathers day by making him a gravestone shaped Lasagna and he beat the fuck out of me despite usually having a darks ense of humor.

>> No.7454939


Oh my, that was funny.

>> No.7454968

I do... and she's conscious about it and really tries her best but cooking is really not her thing. thanks god my dad is an awesome cook.

>> No.7454983

I dated a girl who couldn't cook.

it's a dealbreaker if I'm the only one of us who can make edible food.

>> No.7454992

>ketchup instead of tomato puree

in what context? as a condiment, ketchup is probably the better choice.

>> No.7455012
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I dunno I was going to post something but decided to think it through.

My mom has always been a mediocre cook. Even her signature recipes are very basic and while good, and all just good. Nothing outstanding that Id ever look forward to.

Honestly growing up I dont remember liking anything my mom cooked, her meatloaf was good? I havent had that in so many years. It was all too simple and even now she makes all food infinitely bland. The last thing she cooked was baked unbreaded chicken in pizza sauce. Not joking. No seasoning still managed to dry it out (And I prefer chicken drier than most would)

Ate it and said it was good but it was dry gross chicken and it hurt to do it. Served with canned corn and boxed au gratin. I could have literally homemmade a potato dish right then and there instead. Maybe made some casserole for the corn I dunno, its just such a disappointment.

Then i have to do all the dishes she leaves to 'soak' before I can cook the next day.... I hate living at home.

>> No.7455047

Both my parents have been a bit lazy and wanted rather to watch telly than to cook properly. So a lot of food got burnt - due to rush - or dry - due to "keeping it warm in the oven". When we had guests over, the problem did not occur.
My mother often buy bad half-ready meals, even though she always complains about them and saying it would be cheaper to make it from scratch.

>> No.7455051

I'm Irish and my mother doesn't believe a dinner is "proper" without a massive helping of carbs (mostly potatoes obviously) and over steamed carrots, peas or broccoli. She also tries to use "homemade" ingredients instead of anything shop bought when possible, because she thinks that makes it healthier and tastier, though it almost never is since she uses way too much sugar and butter in just about everything.

>> No.7455058

Shepard's pie, Bolognese, etc.

>> No.7455193

My dad is like that now. He used to be an excellent grillsman, cooking burgers and steaks perfectly every time. Ever since he started playing some shitty game called candy crush his grilling went to shit. He puts something on the grill and sits on the couch to play, literally 30 minutes will go buy and I'll ask if he needs to check the grill.

"What?! Nah, its only been five minutes!".
" dad, you've been sitting there almost 30 minutes....."
"What, no I......oh. Alright I guess I'll check the meat"

>burnt to hell every timr

>> No.7455218

I don't know if it counts but growing up the only home cooked meals we had were spaghetti bolognese which which was always dry and 'spagoopsie bolognese' which my mum made by gathering up representations of all the mistakes she made during the week and adding it to the sauce, for example one week she fell on some dish soap and put dish soap in, and one week she called me by my brothers name so she cut up a copy of my birth certificate and put that in, etc. She only cooked frozen shit otherwise.

>> No.7455229

My mother's cooking has gone to shit since she worked nearby at the Timmys. Been learning cooking ever since to spice up my meals. What started with just tossing corn chips with chili now has me buying veggies for miso soup, planning to buy some fresh meatballs for spaghetti and marinara.

>> No.7455241

My mom is such a fucking awesome cook and ive been learning from her lately (finally, at 23 years old) how to make my favorite meals. Im infinitely greatful for her

>> No.7455421

My mom used to be an ok cook. She doesn't cook very much now that she's homeless, though.

>> No.7455426

My mom is very good cook. She used to work as a cook in a kindergarden, and mothers of the children didn't like her because all the kids were asking why can't they cook as well as they do in the kindergarden.

>> No.7455955

yall had it easy, ever heard of v-8 noodles?

>> No.7456029

she's a decent cook, but sometimes she makes shitty cooking decisions for "health reasons"
>always undersalts food
>way overcooks meat "so nobody gets food poisoning"
>cuts down on butter but doubles on eggs in pastries "so it's low fat"

I mean I know she means well but... ehhhhhhhh

>> No.7456045

>mom learned from some fucking amazing 50's socialite housewives
>mom is now an alcoholic and sleeps all the time
>burns some $80 of prime rib because she didn't set a timer then slept for 4-5 hours

>> No.7456054

Salt addicts are in no position to judge anything to do with food.

>> No.7456058

My mom's really inconsistent. Some things she does really well, like cheesecake. But others she's just terrible at. For the longest time I thought I didn't like pork, but then I moved out on my own and cooked a pork chop to medium instead of shoe leather. And as I ate it I thought to myself, "God dammit mom."

>> No.7456074
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>Salt addicts

>> No.7456082

When I was a kid, my mum would boil the fuck out of broccoli until it was dark green and yellow. Growing up, we used to eat Chinese takeout about once every two weeks. Once I tasted broccoli beef and my mind was blown. I love broccoli, you just have to cook it right. Sorry for my poor English, I'm not foreign, just sitting on the toilet and not really making passable sentences.

>> No.7456439

>Harassing your parents for feeding you

Hope this is all satirical

If you want to cook, cook, but don't bust someone else's balls for doing you a favor.

>> No.7456447

No my mom is a good cook, and she makes vegan shit actually taste good

>> No.7456451

God forbid we make light of a now irrelevant situation you nutless fucking homo

>> No.7456453

Kill her

>> No.7456458

Kill her

>> No.7456467

He's a redditor obviously. He will assume everything is true unless you put /s at the end of it because redditors are literally autistic

>> No.7456469

>Mum uses tomato soup instead of tomato puree/passata

It's not actually not bad desu.

>> No.7456482

do you even poe's law, bro?

>> No.7456487


>He said something I didn't like, he must be a redditor

He was probably referring to the people in this very thread who said they tell their parents when they make something that tastes bad.

>> No.7456492

I feel bad for the older generations, they just don't know how to handle those addictive games

>> No.7456514

Typing patterns and references to board culture definitely exist, and it forces you to think about whether what you're reading is actually plausible

>> No.7456541

My mother is a terrible cook but my grandfather (her dad) was an excellent cook and he only started cooking after his wife died about a year before I was born.

Even to this day I still have to explain to her that she can't store fresh vegetables along with raw meat but she will never listen.

>> No.7456548

I don't have to. She's killing herself.

>> No.7457108

I think my mom is a pretty decent cook and I like her food (dad is great as well) but they both drop the ball on vegetables so hard.

Vegetables taste a thousand times better when they're raw and they're healthier too. I'll never understand why someone would ever want to eat some soggy, mushy cooked piece of shit instead of a crisp and fresh vegetable.

>> No.7457148

my mom is an okay cook, because my granny is teh best cook in the family, and my mom didn't really need to cook till she got married (late).
granny did teach me how to cook properly, yay. i guess she kind of realized something went off with mom's skills. mom is a bit jelly, but idc.

>> No.7457171

>healthier too.
Incorrect, cooking breaks down the cell walls of vegetables and releases more nutrients.
Nice try at being an authority though, faggot.

>> No.7457173

It depends on the vegetable, actually. Some are better for you cooked, others are better for you raw, because while cooking does break down the cell walls it can also destroy some nutrients.

>> No.7457187

I have the opposite of this problem. I grew up eating canned vegetables and am now having trouble getting used to fresh ones. Frozen is good, though.

To stay on topic: my mom isn't very good. She made pre-frozen stuff, mostly, plus a few basic things like fried potatoes.

>> No.7457189

>tfw your mom burns dinner while sitting 4 feet from the stove because she's playing your gameboy

>> No.7457382

I make a lot of italian food and she always refuses it because she 'doesn't like pasta' because she head some when she was 12 or whatever and didnt like it.

>> No.7457439

My mother is a very competent cook, but when making foods that aren't native to her country she cheats and takes shortcuts a lot even when told not to.

My father liked to make things we don't normally get at home, and takes feedback well. I thought he liked cooking, but it turns out he never liked it and came from a culture where men don't do housework and shit, and only did it for us.

>> No.7457440

Mine CAN cook, but is LAZY.

Sautee some fat sausage slices. Cook some pasta. Pour the oily sausages and all the fat that has melted off over the pasta. Call it a dinner.

>> No.7457470

My wife's son says the same thing but her cooking tastes fine to me. Either both our tastebuds are fucked or he's just a picky eater.

>> No.7457493

>tfw both of my parents were horrible cooks
>moved out, taught self to cook, now leagues better than anyone else in family
>mom tried to boil everything from veg to chicken and pork
>dad used water, not broth, as soup base = soggy veg in water called "soup"
>dad overcooked all meat, thought meat was disgusting as a child until I had a rare steak from a restaurant
>dad bought canned vegetables. I always thought veg were disgusting.
>mom bought primarily mac n cheez and tv dinners
>dad still orders "medium well" when out
>watch him do this to a $20 sirloin
>cry inside
>mom had to call me to ask how to bake a potato

I don't know how you get through 50 years of life and can still be this useless.

>> No.7457510

She was obviously shit in the sack as well

>> No.7457517

Both my parents suck balls in the kitchen. For example, they use ground turkey in place of ground beef. Even with hamburgers.

>> No.7457519

>broke up with my ex girl
>we had been together two years, I cooked almost everything
>a week after breakup she calls me asking how to make a grilled cheese sandwich

In hindsight I'm glad that's over.

>> No.7457536
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My mom is a pretty decent cook, my only complaint is that she's afraid to try new things. She always sticks to the same few dishes and ingredients.

Since I moved out on my own, I've become a lot more experimental. I look up recipes in magazines and on the internet, and if I find something tasty I try it out. Sometimes my mother comes over to taste what I made and if she likes it, I tell her what I used. She's slowly starting to try out new spices and dishes.

>> No.7457543

I know this feel.
I also thought all meat was disgusting because my parents can't cook for fucking SHIT, Never trust a woman to cook you something good if she eats her steak well done and acts like anything less is gross,
FUCK you mom

>> No.7457672


you deserved that

>> No.7457696
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Some people just never bother learning how to cook because viable alternatives exist. Why these people still TRY to cook is beyond me, though. You can't cook, you can't cook. Don't subject others to your horrible experiments.

>> No.7457708

yeah it's totally different to be addicted to a siberian ice-sculpture forum. us young people handle digital distractions like champs.

>> No.7457711

some nutrients get fucked up by heating. it's not universal.

>> No.7457715
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I don't think this is real. I really hope this is not real

>> No.7457731

>tfw have extremely unhealthy eating habits and have been fat your entire life because mom only fed you heaps of processed/frozen garbage and never bothered teaching you anything about cooking or nutrition

This should qualify as child abuse tbqhwyf. I have been slowly losing weight and improving my diet but life would be a lot easier had I learned this shit when I was growing up instead of trying to do it after two and a half decades of being a fatfuck. Doesn't help that I was always given candy whenever I was sad or unhappy, which led to me eating away all feelings.

>> No.7457774

my mom is a very good cook but she didnt teach me anything, more recently i've asked for recipes an w/e but if you never show interest in it as a child your parents shouldnt force you

>> No.7457779

the cooking is hard meme never gets old

>> No.7457859

It took years for her to come into her own, since her ex was a great cook. Compensates by being a pro-level baker.

>> No.7457873

Hey m8, at least you're learning now and trying to improve. Better late than never. Plus if you choose to have kids, you can pass down what you know so they'll be healthier overall. It's good you broke the cycle of shitty food.

>> No.7457875

>My mother knows how to cook very few things really well, at least to my taste palette.
The word you're looking for is palate, and you don't need to include the word "taste" with it.

>> No.7458471
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My mother can cook ok. I'm struggling to get my wife to stop overcooking things in the kitchen

>> No.7458616



>> No.7458712

My mom's a breddy gud cook - I learned most of what I know from her, along with working in a few restaurants.

My fiance, on the other hand, doesn't know how to make anything unless it's microwaved. She'll make grilled cheese by putting bread in the toaster, and then putting slices of American cheese in them and microwaving it. She has trouble understanding why when I pan-fry it with butter, it tastes better...

I hate her so much sometimes.

>> No.7458718

Mom is Japanese, makes great Japanese comfort food. She works with a lot of Southeast Asians, so she's been branching out into Thai, Vietnamese and Laotian cooking too. I like cooking with my mom but I don't see her that often these days.

>> No.7458761

My mom used to only cook 3 things for dinner:
>Campbell's tacos with can beans
>spaghetti sans meatballs w/ Prego
>grilled cheese sammiches

It was one night after eating those damned tacos for the millionth time that I lost it, and told her I'd teach her how to cook. I did, and she actually makes decent food now. She's even subscribed to Hello Fresh.

>> No.7458769
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>She'll make grilled cheese by putting bread in the toaster, and then putting slices of American cheese in them and microwaving it.
>Mfw reading that

I hope she's a wonderful woman otherwise, anon

>> No.7458796

Nah, my mom is a fucking awesome cook. She used to be a professional, and her mom was a chef and taught in a culinary school, so her whole family can cook like bad asses.
What pisses ME off is when my dad cooks. He grew up in a family of shit tier cooks, and basically every meal he makes can be summed up by "some shit in a tortilla" or biscuits and gravy. I mean, he can make some good breakfast tacos, and great biscuits and gravy, but you can't live on that stuff, it gets old really quick. When my mom had surgery last year, and we kids went home to see her, he was doing all the cooking. Let's just say that even mom wasn't eating. My younger brother begged my mom to feel better so he wouldn't have to eat dad's cooking anymore.

>> No.7458799

I wonder how that guy feels knowing people think his head and shoulders look like a hairy ass...

>> No.7459840
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>Mom makes burgers
>She grills the buns

God I hate the crunchy ass buns. Why the fuck does she do this?

>> No.7459857

they should be toasted you cuck

>> No.7459858

Sounds like she's got a little class. Shame about her autistic son.

>> No.7459859

You're a nigger toasted buns are awesome

>> No.7459870
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>liking toasted buns

>> No.7459895

I'm fairly sure my mother hasn't cooked a steak anything but well-done in her life. She's convinced it's unhealthy and even the few times we got quality meat she still seasoned and cooked it well-done. She makes all beef look and taste almost the same.

She also has no concept of trimming fat or rendering it, half the fun in eating one of my mom's steaks is trying to get all the fat off. This often resulted in her getting mad that I was throwing the "meat" away when in fact everything I'd left in the plate was fat. She'd eat it too.

Pasta is another fun one, she knows no way to cook spaghetti other than drowning it on tomato sauce and cheese. Macaroni were drowned in mayo and mixed with bits of ham too.

In fact nobody in my family except for me knows how to cook, they're the kind of people who consider canned ham fancy just because it's not sliced.

>> No.7459916

Oh yes, there are more fun facts about my family's cooking and eating habits
>they consider any meat from a butcher shop suspect and honestly believe that meat from supermakets is generally higher quality, despite my attempts to convince them otherwise
>same goes for vegetables, we're in a third world country so they're torn between hating evil Americans and considering anything from the US of A inherently better than anything produced locally
>my mother used to scold me for supposedly not knowing how to cook while my sister did. She'd practically explode if she saw me within 2 meters of the stove and my sister's most noteworthy cooking feats are to this day figuring out she can use a pan to heat up sandwiches instead of the microwave and making pretty good milkshakes.
>when they married, neither my mother or father knew how to cook rice
>they drank coke with every meal, every day before I convinced them to stop
>my mother actually has developed some sort of psychological addiction to coke and will be noticeably down if she goes without it for too long
>they consider Applebee's fancy, as they do almost any meal with vegetables on it
Once my mother actually had to switch to a more reasonable diet for 2 months for health reasons and drop the coke, and she was AMAZED she'd lost about 10 kg by the time it was over. Then promptly went back to her shit diet.

>> No.7459922

When I was a kid, there were several poor foods we had to eat for a maybe a year. I don't know what caused this because as far as I'm aware my mom was working and my dad was getting social security during that time.

Anyway, these were the shit meals we had
>'Kielbasa and Potatoes'. Literally just chopping up potatoes, cooking them like you would for breakfast, and then adding kielbasa. It was probably the most tolerable meal.
>Cheap ground turkey meat cut with corn meal filler, made into little patties, and then served with top ramen.
>'Kielbasa Stew'. My dad's favorite meal, apparently. It was stew with some sort of tomato base with keilbasa slices, hominy, and macaroni noodles, plus whatever canned veggies we had.

This doesn't exactly apply to the thread, but I guess I just had to let it out. We never talk about that time, so I don't know what the hell happened. To this day I do not eat hominy. I tried to make Keilbasa and Potatoes once as an adult, trying to make it in a way that was good and filling, but couldn't.

>> No.7459925

Unless the fat is chewy, I never think about getting rid of it. I fucking love it and always found it part of the meat experience.

>> No.7459933

Chewy as fuck. I'm not talking about marbling, I'm talking about huge globs of fat in the steak.

>> No.7459940

Oh, to illustrate, all the fat often made actual eating utensils useless so I had to literally rip the steak apart with my hands to get it off.

>> No.7459943

Yeah I know what you mean about huge globs, but I love that stuff. I never trim, and the fat always turns out like butter.

The only problem I have is something like a thin quick steak, for some reason the fat it's hard as a rock.

>> No.7459948

Where I grew up thin steaks were all you could get without going to an actual butcher for some reason (think it may have to do with that area of the country not really producing meat), and my family thought butchers were the spawn of satan tasked with poisoning the nourishment of the children of god, so I was pretty shocked the firs time I saw a steak thicker than a few millimeters.

>> No.7460005

Add some basil and halved tomatoes and that sounds fine.

>> No.7460030

Mr Clean sure let himself go after becoming a father

>> No.7460053

learn how to cook the foods she likes/foods she cooks better than she can
then cook them for the entire family so the agree with you publicly

>> No.7460071
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>Dad is a fussy eater
>Only likes a very select few dishes my mum makes
>Mum's cooking has stagnated as a result

I'm sick of eating plain chicken thigh fillets with a side of green beans and carrots.

>> No.7460110
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I used to think I hated mexican food when I really just hated the store brand mexican packaged food. Once she started cooking from scratch it was amazing.

>> No.7460117

>some sort of psychological addiction to coke and will be noticeably down if she goes without it for too long
i had the same when i was a teenager. i drank nothing but cola for years. when i ran out, my mood would turn pretty bad.
a few years ago i switched to water and hadn´t a coke in months. nowadays i can´t drink that crao anymore, it´s way too sweet. i can only have it with a good portion of rum or whisky

>> No.7460122

>chopping up potatoes, cooking them like you would for breakfast
wait, what? potatoes for breakfast?

>> No.7460126

she doesn't do basil.

>> No.7460144
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parents threads are always so depressing

>> No.7460341

She'd better be cooking them until they're like croutons. Otherwise, why wouldn't you like buns like buttered toast?

>> No.7460601

My mom is a very mediocre cook, but there are some things that she does that I just love because it's "mom's way." It may be technically inferior or some shit, but damn it that's how I want it.

>> No.7460631


Sure. You fry up some cubed potatoes along with some eggs, tomatoes, onion, etc.

>> No.7460967

kek, worth it

>> No.7460984

it's because of autistic gigaNEETs

>parent's children drop out of life
>become foodNEETs who obsess over making everything from scratch because no money and infinite time

>critque parents and try to feel superior despite the fact that their parents live a successful gainfully employed life and they are leeches off either the state or their parents

This is the kind of person posting these stories ITT.

>> No.7461087

Just it of curiosity, what area do you live, anon? Potatoes with your breakfast isn't uncommon

>> No.7461111


Why the fuck is your mother still cooking for you?

>> No.7461447

>bland chicken breast, no other cut of chicken
>no pork
>no turkey
>no meat outside of Tacos or what came in food catalogs (bacon wrapped filet mignon out of nowhere)
>virtually no vegetables, certainly never steamed or sautéed or anything to taste good.

My only salvation was my grandma's spaghetti and meatballs, the few times my dad would grill, and when she'd just get me fast food. I had such a shit palette when I went to college.

>> No.7461759

my mom just puts fucking eggplant and zuchini in everything, and gets mad if we don't specifically say it's good, at least I get to make my own shit on friday
fuck I wanna move out

>> No.7461801
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mama makeda best spaghetti

>> No.7462041

Mine doesn't because she insist on cooking the spaghetti for 30 fucking minutes.

>> No.7462422
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Please kill yourself

>> No.7462445

I would be genuinely interested in seeing the design documents behind these meals. Presumably someone has done market research, designed the packaging and costings etc

>> No.7462450


>> No.7462490

>we kids

>> No.7462504

My mom was a good cook once but she became exponentially lazy and less skilled every year after she left my dad. It's been a lot of years since then.

>> No.7462539

My mom died when I was very young. What I do remember is that she was an excellent cook. Everything she made tasted great. As I got older, I would wonder why she didn't cook much anymore & why my older siblings did the cooking.

I remember kind of whining around around her knees, using her crutches to balance myself as I spun in half circles, or just when I spent time sitting with her in general. I would ask her frequently why she didn't cook & beg her to cook because I liked it.

Now I realize that she humored me but actually couldn't cook anymore because she couldn't stand long enough at the stove & that her hands were too ruined & twisted by arthritis to actually even hold a spatula. All of this suddenly just pieced itself together in my head as I read this thread. Wat.

>> No.7462568


Behavior like this blows my mind all the time. It's like, you're going to completely shut yourself off from the world of possibilities & experiences with something just because you had a bad time once?

Some things, sure...but ffff...burns my biscuits & makes me so buttmad.

>> No.7462579
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Holy shit, can you imagine having a /ck/ son going on and on and veganism or medium rare steaks, GMOs, mouth feel and sucking Alton Brown's cock constantly? Now I understand why parents sometimes kill their children.

>> No.7462637
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I would much rather have a kid who's interested in meal prep and ingredients, who might even suggest ideas or want to help, than some oblivious idiot who just wants yummy shit to shovel in their mouths.

I wish my parents taught my anything about nutrition, or perimeter shopping so that when I got out on my own I didn't spend years wasting money on fast food and scraping together terrible meals.

>> No.7462696
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As a really young kid, I was a super picky eater. My parents got divorced when I was 8, and along with my tastebuds growing the fuck up, my mother stopped trying to cook for my dad. Immediately her cooking improved-- he was a fucking moron who liked babyfood vegetables and super-well-done meats.

Pretty much from then until adulthood she cooked every meal and they were all passable, if not delicious. She has some great original recipes that people beg her to show them, and she will invite them over for a casual cooking class of sorts.

She's crippled and can't walk or use a knife correctly anymore, but we still cook together sometimes. She's out of practice now, but her sense of flavoring/spices are spot on-- I have her taste test all my new recipes before I call it "finished".

She's always been a shitty "walk away, it'll be fine" cook though, and all of her bad dinners were due to this.

>> No.7462757
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I love my mom for actually cooking for me when I was young instead of just feeding me freezer slop, but now that I've been cooking for myself for half a decade now, there's so much shit that I enjoy that I used to hate because my mom cooked it wrong.

>all meats cooked to a crisp
>store made burgers that turn into hockey pucks
>everything extremely undersalted
>store bought sauce
>preshredded cheese
>seasoning added onto food at the dinner table, not when it was being cooked leading to everything being bland
>not tossing the pasta noodles in the sauce before serving
>vegetables that were cooked poorly and underseasoned

Hell, I still can't even eat pork chops because of the scarring induced by my mom who would cook them to 200 F and then slather on some HFCS BBQ sauce after pulling them off the grill.

I realize now that my siblings put ketchup on everything because it was needed to add moisture back to the food to make it edible.

Her and my cooking have both improved a lot since those days though, and I'm appreciative that she did all that hard work for me regardless.

>> No.7462762

>half a decade

>> No.7462765

There is no such thing as undersalting. You still need to develop your taste.

>> No.7462766


26 year olds WW@?

>> No.7462768


Shitty bait, 0/10, that's the best I can do.

>he would eat a flank steak with no salt on it

>> No.7462862

Some of those seem nitpicky.

>> No.7462885

Yes, my mother literally does not know how to cook, nor does she really make much of an effort. Well-done steaks and boiled frozen raviolis have always been a typical dinner in my household.

>> No.7462900

Yes, I would. It tastes good.

>> No.7463302

germany. so, raw potatoes? or pre cooked? how long do they take in the pan? what size do the cubes need to be?

>> No.7463315

Anon, I...

>> No.7463332

The first generation where if you came home to a disgusting, inedible meal your wife got a beating.

>> No.7463359

*the dutch

>> No.7463361

My mother is the worst cook I've ever encountered in my life. I wish I had a list of all the horrible things she's made. The only one I can think of that she's done recently is boiled some ravioli and then mixed it up with unbearably salty scrambled eggs. That was pleasant compared to some of the other shit she's made.

>> No.7463570

My mother, bless her soul, was a really bad cook sometimes. I thought it was just my undeveloped taste buds, but I'd notice sometimes that my father would leave a significant portion on his food on his plate even after an extensive full-body workout.
I got really cocky as I got older and started asking her why she kept on cooking these terrible dishes; apparently dad wanted the more complex foods that she would usually screw up.

Oddly, whenever my mother went to visit family and it was just the guys, my father would cook up these very simple, yet tasty dishes (such as spaghetti, burgers/fries, mashed potatoes). He'd actually try to win some of my favor by talking about how the food he made was so much better.

My cooking experience was related mostly to the same very basic dishes and a bit of DIY stuff (I think this is because it was the type of cooking my parents wouldn't try to interfere with.) My mother tends to criticize my cooking independent of how well I know how to do something.

>> No.7463705

My mother mainly used to serve us canned food and instant pasta sauces. I was an extremely picky eater before I started my apprenticeship and now I love trying new food.

>> No.7463720

My mom was a "stay at home" mom and she is fucking awful at cooking.

My dad however is a great cook. He was just too lazy to do it so only cooked anything once or twice a month.

>> No.7463731


Try making a tasty vegetable soup without any salt, I fucking dare you.

>> No.7463909

They can be sliced and put in a pan with bell peppers and onion. Or cubed and cooked with eggs and cheese to maybe make a breakfast taco. I've never heard of anyone eating raw potatoes

>> No.7463929

I dunno my mom knows how to cook basic meals really well, she just isn't good at experimenting with recipes.

>> No.7463932


It's pretty fucking easy, anon: start with a good homemade meat-based stock.

Though I do agree with you that salt would improve it.

>> No.7463933

Your mother sounds like a sweet woman, anon

>> No.7463944


>vegetable soup
>add meat stock
>still vegetable soup

>> No.7463949

It doesn't take that long to cook them if they're cut well enough. Though you of course you'd wanna start cooking them first.

>> No.7463959
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>Wait a sec are you trying to make me feel again

>> No.7463961


Why wouldn't it be vegetable soup if it contains vegetables?

You didn't say "vegetarian", you said "vegetable".

>> No.7463968


>beef stew
>add vegetable stock
>no longer has meat

Mind blown.

>> No.7464172

That's the kind of dad I hope to be. My mom's an alright cook. She never enjoyed it, but she always tried to make balanced meals.

>> No.7464199

>Anyone else have a mother that doesn't know how to cook?

Mine just never had the patience to actually know wtf she was doing. The way my mother always is and does things is like; she comes home, sits down, sighs and tells someone to get her a drink. If you go to the kitchen she will ask if you can do this for her, if you go upstairs you have to hang up the laundry. She leaves her cups and dishes around and when you mention it she will say meh, you can do that for your mom. But if you ever leave it for her then she will invoke a shitstorm about how she isn't your maid.

Her cooking skills are exactly the same, she puts meat up and she fries it too fast so it tastes like leather. She doesn't know how to make steak cause of this impatience. Anything similar goes the same way. Veggies are chopped sloppy, overcooked mostly cause she decides to watch tv midway and when you ask she tells you to check up on it.

>> No.7464255

mein sides

>> No.7464279

Very easy. Boil vegetables without salt and pour the water into a cup. Drink it. It's already tasty. Vegetable soup is the same thing more strongly flavoured, even without salt.

>> No.7464844

this is my future as a parent

>> No.7464869

What is your family's ethnic background?

>> No.7464883

It's not that my mother is a bad cook. She just doesn't make anything anymore.

My dad is an amazing cook.

They just don't make dinner meals like they used to when I was younger.

>> No.7464896

I think family time has more to do with raising kids than families as a whole.

>> No.7464897

Everybody in my family has the capacity to cook really good food, but unless there's some type of big event we usually just get lazy and do bland stuff. The worst is when my dad cooks chicken in the crock pot with plain water.

>> No.7465983

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7466424

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7466447

Based on your other posts it seems like your mother is mentally still a child.