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File: 1.30 MB, 3362x2564, Carta Nobasushi 2016 Sola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7458550 No.7458550 [Reply] [Original]

I need help, i want to make a new menu design for my sushi restaurant but im amateur at corel this was my best..

>> No.7458596

small pictures of the most ordered items. i have no idea what 90% of those are, so i would probably just order what i was already familiar with.

>> No.7458605

White on black is not a good idea for a restaurant menu. It looks fine on a computer screen, but in real life on paper, it strains your eyes to read and gets washed out by glare from virtually any lighting.

>> No.7458612

What's the final product going to be? Just a double-sided sheet of paper or a bifold or a trifold thing or what? Either way your layout will have wasted space if it's just the three columns.

>> No.7458618
File: 360 KB, 1000x498, nigiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only do this if you have professional shoot the photos or else you'll end up looking like a shit tier chinese restaurant.

OP is your restaurant more on the elegant dinner only side or do you want to appeal to a larger crowd?

The light text on dark background gives that "sushi bar that turns into a night club at night" vibe.

I'd go with a light blue or white background with navy text and maybe some more graphical artistic elements incorporated somehow. Condense it down to using both sides of a sheet of paper instead of a trifold, use two columns if you have to.

source: I did the marketing and branding for a small sushi chain for a couple years.

>> No.7458658

Dude first of all, wrong board, go to /gd/
Secondly, as a graphic designer, get everything done by a professional, otherwise It's guaranteed to look cheap, and judging by your prices that's not your intention.
If you decide to insert photographs in a menu know that it's a risky route, and you will need to get a professional photographer for that. Again, ASK A PRO. Just the fact that you're using corel should tell you you don't know much about this

>> No.7458673

Judging by the language, those prices aren't in USD.

>> No.7458700
File: 1.75 MB, 1276x933, Dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already got somenthing like that but i just can figure how to put it in the menu :/

>> No.7458753

No pictures is good
Black on white is a terrible design choice
Wall of text is intimidating on first glance, simplify descriptions
"Tradicionalmente"? Is that truly an accurate description of your "sushi" restaurant?

>> No.7458773

You're Mexican, just give some kid a peso to stand on a corner describing the menu in between fleecing Americans for chicle.

>> No.7458810

make descriptions a smaller text so they can skim titles first, your menu looks cluttered and intimidating. the different colored names is a good start. put more space between each section too and maybe bump titles out slightly left so they can even skim sections quickly