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7456269 No.7456269[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok, I just wandered into the kitchen drunk, turned on the light, and I saw the second one this month. He crawled under the stove, slowly, like he wasn't even afraid.

What's your favorite way to get rid of these little fucks? Glue or snap traps?

Also is there anything more effective than peanut butter?

>> No.7456271

Get a cat

>> No.7456276

>get deep bucket
>balance cardboard tube on edge of bucket
>put peanut butter on edge of cardboard tube
>mouse walks through the tube to get to the peanut butter, tube falls into bucket, mouse is trapped
>drive 100 miles away to throw mouse into someone else's yard

>> No.7456288

>not filling the bucket with cream
>not seeing if the mice struggles long enough to churn cream into butter

>> No.7456335

>acquire dump
>release dump in home
>sleep well mouses

>> No.7456378


It was probably a decade ago (in college, living in a house with a couple roommates, we all went home for Winter break) that I had a mouse problem, and this was basically the only thing that worked.

They were in the kitchen, and often on the counters, so we would put a dab of peanut butter on the end of a ruler and put it as far off the edge of the counter as possible before it would fall, and put an empty trash can right beneath it.

We'd tried everything they sold at the store and nothing worked, but with this setup we'd had a mouse trapped in the trash can literally every morning when we woke up until they were gone.

(The mother mouse, we later found out, crawled into the bottom part of the fridge and died, which was a gag inducing thing to take care of.)

>> No.7456402

>What's your favorite way to get rid of these little fucks? Glue or snap traps?
>Also is there anything more effective than peanut butter?
Glue traps aren't very successful nor humane. If you catch them on it immediately, you need to act to toss them out. They live on it, and they get their legs caught but they suffocate, or struggle and get free. It's hard to watch too. What do do you now? Drown them? Stomp them in a bag? They suffer. I would really only use them if you have a skinny pathway they have to run across and you're getting tired of them.

The snap traps at least kill them, and do it quickly. Might be a squirt of blood to wipe down. Try using the smelliest sausage you can find, like summer sausage, and hook it on there good. Some bacon works too. PB they nibble and lick until it's clean. The sausage, they try to yank it off and take it away to enjoy privately, and the yank is what snaps the trap. Try to keep your scent off the wood and food both. Use gloves if you have them. Use a fresh trap right out of the plastic wrapper for each bait. The smell blood and humans both.

The poison does work if you get impatient, but the smell can linger 2 weeks if they get inside a wall or somewhere you can't reach to die. It eventually stops. They dehydrate.

I had a house where they ran under my garage door often. I bought a cage trap for humane release, but only because it was truly reusable. I could drop food right over the grate to the platform inside, say some scraps on my way to the garbage can. There wasn't anything I had to spring or touch often. They walked in on a platform and it closed behind them. Might be an ultimate solution to some smartie pants that steals food off a snap trap.

>> No.7456405

Dont kill them. Dont be a monster

>> No.7456433

I second this motion. And not a sissy froo froo cat. Get a rescue that used to live feral. Those are the kind of cats that know how to mouse and have the drive to do it. They'll catch 'em, eat 'em, and you won't have to lift a finger. Plus you get a scrappy lil shit that you can pet in between mousings, which supposedly helps lower blood pressure or some shit. Pretty soon the mere scent of the cat will be enough to deter the mice from making forays into your abode.

If you are a dog person, get a terrier. If you prefer weird animals, get a snake or a ferret. But let's face it, only a cat can instill the proper levels of fear in a rodent. They're the only animal that can climb like they can and squeeze into small places like they can. They were built for mouse hunting.

>> No.7456438

Then how do I get rid of the cat

>> No.7456442

>solve mouse problem
>now have a cat problem

>> No.7456443

Straight from the orkin man. Keep your shit locked down tight so mice don't get into the house in the first place. Windows, doors, cabinets even. If they're in place glue traps on highways aka paths they'd traverse. The floor at the base of the counter for example. Really can't stress the former enough though. If there's no food for them to get they'll fuck off eventually.

>> No.7456456

>Have asian neighbours
>They use gluetraps on metal plate things
>Go to put the rubbish out one morning
>The father is holding the plate with like 5 mice wrigging their their tails frantically yet stuck to it
>He tosses it into his wheelie bin as he wishes me good morning

I don't even.

>> No.7456461

Tin cats work. Put them around the foundation of the house. The mice will run in them. You will catch mice all year round.

a piece of twizzler slathered in peanut butter works as bait for snap traps.

>> No.7456466
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>He's a dog person

>> No.7456471

Get another cat

>> No.7456473

Mice are vermin that can spread disease, imo they can't suffer enough.
Fuck all rodents.

>> No.7456517
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They're rodents that often carry diseases. I can't tell you how many rats and mice I've killed over the years because I own chickens. Rats fucking love chicken feed and bird shit.

These mother fuckers work great at catching and killing anything smaller than a squirrel that goes for the peanut butter I set in them.

>> No.7456588

I'm not disagreeing that rodents/vermin shouldn't be exterminated. I just would rather see them snapped up and dead then see them all alive and wriggly.

>> No.7456600

A valid point, I guess. I dunno, personally, I don't give a shit. I've killed tons of rats that were partially caught in traps. I always tried to do it quick with sheers or a knife or whatever I happen to be carrying. I totally understand why people just outright don't give a shit though.

>> No.7457089

I had mice and the glue traps worked at first but one day I woke up in the night and saw one of the little bastards crawling on the floor, it walked up to the glue trap, smelt it and then took off in the opposite direction. They must start to recognise the smell.

>> No.7457243


Get a dog.

>> No.7457252

t. a guy who lives in one of those cookie cutter suburbs where the house was built last Tuesday

>> No.7457256


glue traps are the equivalent of that kid tearing the arms off little backyard critters. I'm not some animal rights faggot but come on, don't be that kid.

I tried traps but you have to get creative, at least with rats, because they're not retards. they know damn well what a rat trap is the first time they set one off and is the last so you have to get creative and hide your traps with paper towels, only the food sticking out etc. and if you want to be a real non-asshole, make sure you get strong enough ones to actually kill instead of just painfully headlock, or only use them a few hours before bed so you can put the little cunt out of his misery when you hear it go off instead of leaving it there overnight

>> No.7457294

"that kid" does it for fun

glue traps have a purpose

I prefer snap traps because I don't have to get out of bed when I hear the snap (had a mouse get partly stuck and run around all night making clattering noises while screaming)

but anyone who wants to use glue traps is fine with me

>> No.7457301

Poison works best.

I get some Dcon and put a pack under the Sink. One time they ate an entire pack overnight.

>> No.7457312

Here is your reply.

>> No.7457326

Sit in the corner with a pellet rifle and practice your shooting fundamentals on them. It will make you feel better for personally solving the issue and will also improve your shooting skills. If they catch on or you move a lot, it gives you more training on cover and concealment to hide from them so they don't know you are there. If they start to reproduce too much and you're a bad shot, just make a tiny IED or land mine for the bastards to practice your destructive device planning and building and see where your faults are on a tiny scale without hurting yourself. /k/ out

>> No.7457331

how many holes do you have in your walls and floorboards, /k/?

>> No.7457352

I rent a single wide out in the middle of no where and it was a piece of crap to begin with. So the answer is..lots. I also blew out one of the kitchen windows on accident shooting tannerite too close to the house and the shockwave just blew it out like nothing. My bad. But I have no mice in my home.

>> No.7457369

You didn't specify what animal is vexing you. Roaches, mice, rats, house spiders?

If it's mice or spiders a glue trap is effective but cruel as fuck if you don't kill them straight away.