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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7452071 No.7452071 [Reply] [Original]

Why do poorfags blame their obesity on
>muh low budget meals
It's called vegetables fatty
You can get a years supply of rice for $20
What is this "healthy" food they are refering to?

>> No.7452074

>buying bottled water when on a budget
You deserve to be poor

>> No.7452078


They assume you can't get healthy food outside Whole Foods

>> No.7452084

Because if you eat rice everyday you will literally die
And vegetables taste discusting so you can't always afford seasonings

>> No.7452085

Tell that to flint Michigan , you rich entitled bitch.

>> No.7452088

their capacity for blame is probably a major contributing factor to their wealth in the first place. its a self completing statement

>> No.7452091

Be like the japanese and throw in a filet of salmon in every now and then
Eat bread and fruits for variety
Problem solved

>> No.7452094


I live in a tiny community with 3500 people in northern Alberta. We have one grocery store and the produce is hardly fresh. Prices are also outrageous. I somehow miraculously manage to feed myself and my family inexpensive healthy meals every day. fuck off back to jack in the box you fat faggot

>> No.7452102

I'm 5ft 5, 200 lbs with 1 percent body fat, I'll kick your ass in a heartbeat punk

>> No.7452103

>Not foraging for wild edible plants

>> No.7452105

>filet of salmon
Yeah hi? I'm not rich. Kind of the point of this thread

>> No.7452107

>5ft 5

When will they ever learn?

>> No.7452113

>being a manlet
Can someone post laughing girls for me

>> No.7452117

how many confirmed kills?

>> No.7452125


It's winter. I do have a freezer full of deer meat though. I don't hunt, but I love camping, so I go out with guys who want to just shoot a deer, and I will skin it, gut it, butcher it, and take half the meat for myself.

>> No.7452168

My local grocery store sells 16oz for 1 dollar

>> No.7452173

Poorfag here

I've recently gone from homeless to renting my first apartment, I live paycheck to paycheck and after rent and utilities I have no food money

I go to food banks to get beans and whatever but it's not like I'll ever have the means to make an actual salad or anything and it's not tasty

At least Mcds tastes good if you can afford it

>> No.7452205

keep grinding anon at least you've got a roof.

>> No.7452244


this is the #1 problem with people. you think of food as something that needs to taste good. food is fuel. you don't choose what wood you throw on a fire when you are freezing to death based on how it smells when you burn it. why does everything have to taste good? you can get enough oatmeal to eat for breakfast every day for 2 weeks for the price of one meal at mcdonalds.

>> No.7452260

Not to mention if you're actually hungry (i.e. poor people who "can't afford food") then absolutely anything will taste amazing.

>> No.7452277


You're right, I haven't been eating mcdonalds and I've lost 30 lbs since I moved in
And no-it doesn't taste good even if you're starving, I had a cup of white rice and condensed tomato soup for today
Tasted like shit

You really wanna deny poor people the simple pleasure of enjoying mcnuggets because they're fat? Ice cold senpai

>> No.7452281


actually, no. i want to deny fat people the simple pleasure of eating anything unhealthy or in abundance because they are fat.

>> No.7452286

Tastes good tho

>> No.7452287


that's why you're fat

>> No.7452292

>wahhhh I have no money
>bottled water

>> No.7452298

Can't afford food tho

>> No.7452305

I've been actually starving and I cannot express how much I looked forward to my delicious half cup of white rice every day.

I don't think you understand the true meaning of hunger desu.

>> No.7452311


you can't afford the food you want to eat, you ungrateful piece of shit

>> No.7452314

A slice up one grain of rice and can make it last the whole week

>> No.7452383

Keep on climbing back up anon

>> No.7452524

You fucking ungrateful bastards know nothing about poverty. How dare you blame obese poor people for their obesity. I used to be HOMELESS. I lived in the fucking streets, and you expect me to maintain my weight? You can go to hell. I used to fucking cut open bags of rice in the Wal Mart I slept under just so I could steal a couple of grains and boil them in the sun. How do you expect a fucking homeless person to eat healthy? If I wanted to count my calories I had to sneak into Wal Mart after closing by smashing the windows and then read the nutritional labels on the food by candlelight. And I was illiterate so it was even more difficult. My only real options were to eat dumpster food. And people don't fucking throw away healthy food because it isn't filling so they eat it all. All I could scratch together were old burgers and bags of chips that had been discarded by healthfags who accidentally bought chips that weren't made of Kale. I gained 300lbs when I was homeless. In the end my fucking alleyway wasn't even big enough for me to sleep in and I had to sleep in the middle of the main street so I had enough room to stretch out. It wasn't my fault, I couldn't get anything healthy

>> No.7452536

I wish I could afford to eat that much. You had it made

>> No.7452561

>I used to be HOMELESS
My city has a rampant homeless problem because there's only one shelter and they're constantly filled to capacity. There's a 3-month waiting list just to sleep on a fucking cot. I have never seen an obese beggar.
The obese poor people are the ones that get WIC and blow it on junk food at the store, then since they're "set" they take any real cash they have and blow it on KFC. My roommate's girlfriend worked there and she'd always get a massive influx of shabby-looking people on the first of every month when they got their welfare.

Here's where you fucked up. Most Wal-Marts don't close, and even the ones that do still have stockers working all night long, as well as security.

>> No.7452572


sorry buddy, but i was homeless for almost a year too. i still never got fat. you can literally eat nothing but a bag of sugar and you will lose weight if you don't eat more calories than you need. the only way to get fat is to eat above your daily maintenance. to say you were lucky to get to eat at all is complete bullshit when you managed to constantly eat more than your body needed.

>> No.7452806 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 350x227, flyovers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe op lives in flint michigan
I'm going off memory so I may be off by a little but not much.

A bundle of red kale costs $4.50
A single endive costs $3
Chanterelles, $40/lb in season
Dry beans you say? $8.50 for a 10 oz bag of local dried Montezuma Reds

Whereas your average racist passportless flyover carnist can obtain 3500 calories of pink slime, HFCS, and propylene glycol from the local MacDonalds for like $2.

I'm from the fortunate sliver of humanity that can afford to eat decently, but I can understand why poor people are so obese and think it is impossible to survive without third-rate CAFO shitfood and minorities are why they're not a winner. You look at these minorities and they eat well because they got together and made halal butcheries and community gardens and so on, where they can obtain the vegetables and legumes of their homeland. But this is intimidating to the flyovers who were taught early on about the stranger danger and never interacted with other cultures in any meaningful way, owing to their lack of a passport.

>> No.7452867

Are you that same anon from the other thread who claimed Hellman's Mayonnaise is called Best Foods in flyover country because "hell" offended them, which wasn't even true at all?

What's your problem with flyover country, anon? Not everyone there eats like shit and there are lots of parts of it that aren't made of biblethumpers and aren't poor as fuck.

However, some people do live in very small towns where your only options for food are a Walmart (who can charge whatever the hell they want for food since they're the only grocery in miles) and maybe a fast food chain, at which point you can't blame them much for having a limited pallet, especially when you consider that they might not even have much, if any internet access to get exposed to cooking. I'm lucky enough to live near a big city and the town I live in is reasonably large, but I do know people live in areas like that and it's pretty dickish to blame them for things out of their control.

>> No.7452875


I live in Davis Ca which is a pretty affluent town, and government notices come in the mail telling you not to drink the tap water as it can cause cancer

>> No.7452879

Found the flyover

>> No.7452894 [DELETED] 

No, that wasn't me. But my late aunt, who lived in flyover USA, got upset when someone brought deviled eggs to a BBQ, so it doesn't surprise me.

Anyway I know what you mean about the wal*mart, I visited one on a road trip once (they don't have any in my city). It was a really scary, weird place.

>> No.7452920

Ha when did you get these notices?

Lived here for years and ive never seen one

>> No.7452925

Not that guy but in the Midwest, "food deserts" are a real thing.

>> No.7452933

If their pallet is limited, they can easily get a broader one without breaking the budget. If their forklift can't handle a broader pallet, they should just sell the useless piece of crap and use the money to get a decent pallet jack.

>> No.7452942

a diet of vegetables isn't sustainable.

vegetables aren't even that cheap compared to oats, eggs, and canned fish. also good alternatives

>> No.7452946

Food deserts are in a thing in inner city coastal areas, as well.

>> No.7452949 [DELETED] 

I only came here to post this and you beat me to it

>> No.7452950


i buy my groceries at a fancy local chain in fucking seattle and red kale only recently went up to $3 a bundle and chanterelles are $20 a pound when they have them

and buying luxury mushrooms when you're poor is absurd, when there's cremini and button in the bin right over for $2.5 a pound

>> No.7452963

>A bundle of red kale costs $4.50
>A single endive costs $3
>Chanterelles, $40/lb in season
>Dry beans you say? $8.50 for a 10 oz bag of local dried Montezuma Reds
Why did you purposefully pick expensive, overpriced items?

I just got back from the store and got a fuck ton of vegetables and shit for $30, and $10 of that was mushrooms, blueberries, and pricey bottled kombucha.

Cabbage, beets, potatoes, celery, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, radishes, and many more are all <$1/lb. Plus dried beans and lentils of all sorts are often ~$1/lb, especially in the import/asian/mexican aisle. Shit in the indian aisle you can get 5 lb bags of lentils for practically nothing.

As far as meat, organ meats are dirt cheap and healthy as fuck. Got a pound of chicken hearts and a pound of pork necklines, both ~$1. Or chicken thighs are almost always <$1/lb, and so are pork shoulders, sometimes even cheaper. Beef brisket is generally ~$1.50/lb.

Fresh fruit is cheap too. Grapefruit? 2/$1. Limes? 10/$1. Bananas? 29¢/lb. Apples and shit are cheap too, though I don't recall the exact price cause I don't buy them often.

What else do you need? Seasonings and spices? In the bulk aisle, never paid more than $1 for a large bag, usually comes out to ~50¢ you just fill up the bag with however much you need.

Want something more breakfast? Eggs are cheap as fuck, or oatmeal or grits all practically free. Flour too is dirt cheap and you can bake all sorts of shit with a little effort. Sausage isn't overly pricey usually ~1.50/lb, mexican chorizo is even cheaper and plenty of calories in all that fat.

>> No.7452974 [DELETED] 

>eating chicken that costs less than $9/lb
Eeeugh. What kind of shitmeat are you even eating?

I mean at that point you might as well be eating MacConalds, it probably came from the same factory farm.

>> No.7452978

>fat people not accepting personal responsibility for their fatness
maximum kek. what else is new? I can get 2 weeks worth of food with $20. all fats deserve to be executed

>> No.7452983

But it didn't get blended into mush and mixed with trans fats and extruded into convenient shapes.

>> No.7452994

They're fat and stupid. Don't assume logic works on them.

>> No.7453001

I don't know.

I really don't understand how poorfags can't eat right. I can get a weeks of shit for $60 bucks

>> No.7453004 [DELETED] 

That was the only way to make it palatable though.

If macdonalds was getting their meat from pat lafrieda they could just cook 'em the normal way. All those food scientists weren't hired just for fun.

>> No.7453005

If people just switched to a whole foods, plant based diet, they could eat healthy af for incredibly cheap.

I went from 210 to 135, and I don't even need to count calories

>> No.7453008

i dont know what its like to have a body that just wants to gain weight
but i think its about as hard as me trying to gain weight
im 2/3 the ideal weight for my group and its like pulling teeth

>> No.7453009

>I wish I could afford to eat healthy and have it taste like my greasy burgers

you can eat healthy food for less money than buying junk food every day, you just need to learn to appreciate the difference in taste

>> No.7453024

mcds is expensive as fuck m8.
1 Potato: .33
1.6 oz of ground beef : .50
2 slices of homemade sourdough bread: .25
1 slice cheese: .10
1 tablespoon of butter: .10
1 pinch of salt: .10
1 pinch of pepper: .05
Total: 1.43

I can guarantee this tastes better than a dollar menu burger and a order of large fries.

>> No.7453056

usually time is as much of a strain as cost.

also the upfront cost of buying in bulk and the difficulty of transporting bulk purchases if you don't have a car.

>> No.7453058

>Defending flyovers

No. Not even once. They can work to get the fuck out of flyover land. Only filth and urchins would be content in living in such a shitscape.

>> No.7453061

Fucking kek that's flyovers for you.

>> No.7453066

They only send them out to addresses in affluent parts of town. They let poor people drink the known cancerous water, and in fact hope that they do.

>> No.7453068

Yes, but what about the energy costs? What about the opportunity cost from all the cooking and cleaning? Take everything into account, and Mcds is cheaper.

>> No.7453070

No, they're not.

>> No.7453081

salmon anuses?

>> No.7453082
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>> No.7453090

>opportunity cost
And that's how I know you're just a lazy asshole
Your time is not worth money. You're not getting a part-time job with all that time you spend not cooking. Spending your own time is free, paying somebody else is not.

>> No.7453105

Yes, they are.

>> No.7453115

By inner city do you mean downtown Anchorage/

>> No.7453118

What, in some post-apocalyptic apescape like Detroit, maybe. Even there I'm sure they have more variety and better quality than your little pisswater flyover town in Shitkicker County.

>> No.7453128


Dude seriously? You can't even try to use that as an example, it's impossible to buy most of that stuff in THAT small of amounts. Stuff like beef especially only comes in larger quantities that DO have a larger upfront cost.

Not to mention the fact poor people rarely have the talent to cook actual good tasting food or the ability to afford the cooking supplies. Mcdonalds or any fast food can be amazing when you haven't had any proper meals in weeks and you want a giant burst of calories (like haven't been able to eat anything else for a day or few).
Considering this is 4chan, most of the poor people here are likely double fucked by a mental illness or something of the sort.

To the poorfags: It'll get better, just keep trying to eat as healthy as you can but if you need calories you eat whatever you can find or afford.

>> No.7453338

Go back to /fit/

>> No.7453346

Ground beef can be bought in any quantity you like. That's what the scale on the butcher's counter is for. You can also buy single slices of cheese if you've got access to a deli.

Butter, salt, pepper, and the ingredients for bread are cheap enough for low income earners to accumulate over a few weeks if they're smart with their budget. They'll all last a while.

>> No.7453389

Canadafag here. I live in a valley in BC full of wineries. Extra points to you if you can figure out where! I pay around $4-5 for a pint of blackberries/raspberries, about $5 for a bag of frozen strawberries, $7-8 for just under two pints of fresh strawberries. Canned goods are cheaper but not by much. A package of raw chicken breasts with six in the package costs about $15. Prices are insane nowadays, I remember just a couple years ago when $30 would net you at least a few bags of groceries. Not so now. It's hard to eat healthy and I find myself buying more junk food cos that's what I can afford more so than that's what I actually want. I have never been a person who liked junk food. Vegetables and fruit are becoming more of a luxury. I don't mind buying rice and have found myself buying things like bags of oatmeal instead of boxed cereal, but it's the restrictions it puts on my buying produce that I don't like.

>> No.7453401

How cheap is McD's in America? I know if I tried to eat exclusively fast food or even 50% fast food (including McDonald's) I'd be out of a house. Don't even start on places that sell Chicken (eg KFC), to get an even moderately filling meal you're looking at over $10. If I was to eat until full each day from fast food I'd be paying ~$25-$30 a DAY.

The only option I have is buying either home-brand frozen food (inc vegetables) or fresh vege's at the nearest Asian/farmers market. Do American's not have markets?
My only wish is a large freezer so I can buy and stock up on vegetables and meat.

>> No.7453408

>Implying flyovers have access to actual butcher shops and delis and don't just get it all at Wal MArt

>> No.7453417

If you order of the dollar menu and don't get a drink you can get something somewhat filling for a few dollars but if you want a combo it's more like $10 per meal.

Most Americans shop at supermarkets but street markets are common, depending on the area.

>> No.7453420

>poor eat at mcdonalds
>rich shop at wallmart
what a country

>> No.7453422
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>fat shaming

>> No.7453443
File: 284 KB, 600x456, 538630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>beets, potatoes, celery, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, and many more are all <$1/lb.

>chicken thighs are almost always <$1/lb, and so are pork shoulders, sometimes even cheaper. Beef brisket is generally ~$1.50/lb.

>Fresh fruit is cheap too. Grapefruit? 2/$1. Limes? 10/$1. Bananas? 29¢/lb.

>Sausage isn't overly pricey usually ~1.50/lb, mexican chorizo is even cheaper and plenty of calories in all that fat.

Hahahahahahahaha goddamn Anon, I wanna live on the same planet as you. Holy fuck. All of those prices you quoted are double that on Earth.

You are either too fucking young to have actually gone grocery shopping in real life, or you live in some third world favela where you confused dollars with pesos.

>> No.7453466

I live in a tiny-ass town and I have a butcher shop within walking distance of my house.

>> No.7453472


We all can't live in the United Caliphate, anon. I live in Texas and all of those prices are 100% correct.

>> No.7453478

man poor people jobs are SUPER FUCKING HARD they will work you like a slave. you can't survive that with no fucking food. food is fuel yeah and you NEED it hardcore because you're constantly exhausted and made to work harder.

>> No.7453479

Wal-Mart is not a proper deli or meat market, lad.

>> No.7453481

Congrats, young man, you're the exception.

>> No.7453487

The sad truth is that having the slack to diet and starve yourself is absolutely a luxury. If you can do your job on an empty stomach it is a VERY VERY easy job.

>> No.7453550

I live in NC and cabbage is 95 cents a head, with tomatoes and onions being roughly 89 cents each, broccoli and cauliflower are $4 and $3 dollars a pound respectively. Last time I bought carrots they were $2/lb too. I don't buy beets or celery often so I can't compare those but the only accurate one there is potatoes, where I can get 5 pounds for 5 bucks. Fruit is expensive, with bananas being a couple of dollars a bunch, limes about a dollar each, and grapefruit $2/each. Apples and oranges are about 80-$1 each, depending. I also see a pound of chicken, cut and trimmed for $2-3 but it would be cheaper to buy and debone/trim it yourself but you're still getting less meat per dollar comparatively and casual workers are probably too stupid to make broth and such. The only way I could ever get by on $10 a week is because I eat one meal a day. Food is expensive as fuck here for some reason unless you're buying fucking peas or corn, which is all I ever see people grow driving down the road.

>> No.7453592

>has a car

>> No.7453593

This. Poor folk min. wage jobs are fucking constant hard work. Managers don't give a fuck. They will work you to the fucking bone because they know if you quit there are another 50 unskilled cucks waiting to take your place.

>> No.7453595

jeez at least slaves in the south were fed meat

>> No.7453598

omg you must look exactly like golem from LOTR

>> No.7453601

ayyy try to afford an apartment with minimum wage

give me a fuckin closet to sleep in man i'll take it

>> No.7453602

do you think poor life choices should be rewarded?

also - there are loads of excuses out there why plebs can't afford healthy food. perhaps they waste their money on gas, an expensive phone or baseball cap etc.

>> No.7453603

They don't give a fuck. The model for companies used to be take care of the worker (pay them a decent living wage, give them insurance, etc.) and they will be more productive because their happy and can live decent lives. The system now has become pay people min. wage and don't offer them a fucking shred in the form of insurance or bennies and work them until they are fucking zombies and they will quite and another desperate poorcuck will take his place and you can drain him of life until he is empty and throw him away, rinse and repeat.

>> No.7453604

Yeah I hear alarm bells when I hear people say they work a really physical job and don't eat much on workdays/at all. Unless you're super depressed or a drug addict that just doesn't make sense and you're exaggerating how physically hard your job really is. Try loading trucks or landscaping all day then go home and pick at your food.

>> No.7453605

I'm poor because I used all my money on baseball cap actually

>> No.7453610

>tfw poor and drink myself to sleep every night trying to forget that i live in a hell world where literally everything is trying to kill me especially other people

>> No.7453616

>Poor life choices

Who the fuck knows if they made poor life choices? Not even who is poor made a poor choice. People get sick or hurt or fall on hard times through no fault of their own. If they are still willing to work why should they not be allowed to live like decent hum beings? Even if they did make some poor choice along the way, do you honestly believe they should never be allowed to redeem themselves? That they should live like fucking slaves for the rest of their lives because they made some mistake years ago? Especially if they did not hurt anyone.

And honestly, who the fuck are you to judge them? You're just another fur chon nobody who probably shovels shit for a living yet for some fucking reason seems to think he can judge random people for things that happen to them. You're a fucking nobody, bro. And you are likely all of two paychecks away from poverty yourself.

You're making the assumption that ever poor person stays poor because they spend whatever money on stupid shit like phones and clothes and that's true in some cases, but fuck this mindset. Maybe that persons mother got cancer and they had to quit school to take care of her? Maybe that person is a war vet with ptsd who can't hold down a job. Maybe that person got their house robbed by some scumbag who never paid restitution so they never got their money back so they have to start from the bottom again.

People like you are legitimately the only people who deserve to live in poverty so that you can get a taste and learn to keep that judgmental cock sucker shit. Fuck you.

>> No.7453617

I dont want to kill you anon.

>> No.7453641

4chan is full of people who think being born healthy into a comfortable life full of opportunity is somehow an achievement and not a privilege (as much as I hate to use that word in the current climate.) Plenty of poor people of course do make poor choices, but so do well-off people. Most people fullstop make poor choices many times in there life. Poor people simply get way less opportunities and less second chances if they fuck up.

>> No.7453658

Different anon, also live in Davis.

Oh wow, he's right. Chromium and Boron levels are beyond safe levels. It's recommended pregnant women don't drink the tap water here according to the city of Davis.

That's it, I'm going /out/

>> No.7453660

True. That is just such a cock suckingly arrogant thing to say. "Should people be rewarded for poor choices?" As if these high horse motherfuckers have the first clue what kind of choices someone made or what events have happened in the lives of random people. This black and white world view some people have is just mind boggling.

>> No.7453844

>Because if you eat rice everyday you will literally die

I'm pretty sure you won't, although eating plain rice every day will make you want to go on a murder spree. It's important to note rice is a side.

>> No.7453852

You're literally a fucking moron.

Literally, you should literally go back to tumblr. Literally.

>> No.7453859


Y'all are retarded desu

>> No.7453861

why the fuck would you buy vegetables if you're poor? just get a bottle of vitamins and stuff with good calorie/price efficiency like eggs and rice.

>> No.7453866

Maybe things are different in Australia, but we have a higher cost of living, a higher consumption tax, and a can of baked beans costs $.65. That's two servings of vegetables. As far as I know you can always get cans of beans at that price, no brand from Woolworths, but the 'Coles brand' baked beans I usually buy are eighty cents, so let's be liberal and say a can is eighty cents.

A can of tuna costs $1.00, and that's being pretty liberal, I tend to not pay more than eighty cents for a can of tuna. That's two servings as well.

A loaf of bread can be as cheap as seventy cents, but let's say a dollar again since seventy cents bread is uncommon.

1 can of tuna + 1 can of baked beans + 1 loaf of bread = $2.80

7 days in a week = $19.60. And remember, these are liberal estimates. Especially since you're not going to be buying bread every day.

Alternatively, I saw a documentary about a guy who ate nothing but Vegemite toast his entire life. So it is possible to live off vegemite, and it's apparently cheaper in the states than it is in Australia (or, knock-off yeast extracts). Two weeks of vegemite and three loaves of bread would cost you $13, add $2 for some butter and you've got $15.

Also, as mentioned, you can buy rice, you can buy potatoes, you can buy fucking rolled oats which consistently cost two dollars a kilo down here. An apple is sixty cents so on and so forth.

If you live in America and you're complaining about malnutrition you are fucking retarded and your attitude is offensive considering some of the conditions people have been forced to adapt to so you can live like a fucking American in the first place.

>> No.7453867

What's taters precious

>> No.7453890

Eat trash, nigga. No joke. You can live like a king if you're willing to do a little digging.

>> No.7454022
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>2 large loafs of bread 6€
>4kg of frozen veggies 4€
>1 pack of butter 1€
>several kg of frozen fish and meat 9€

There, done. It may even be enough for one person plus a child.

I'm not saying it's very comfortable or possible to eat particularly delicious meals. But eat healthy? Of fucking course.

You just can never ever eat outside to maintain your budget. That sucks but nobody said being poor was fun.

>> No.7454064 [DELETED] 

>luxury mushrooms
>specialty cheese
>craft beer
In the rest of the world we just call it "food"

>> No.7454073

Because it's human nature to attribute our problems to external factors out of our control. Finding the real root of your problem involves self-reflection and honesty which most people don't allow themselves often enough.

>> No.7454080

Why doesn't the wageslave just reduce the number of bills he has to pay?

>> No.7454081

I always find it funny how people use prices in their locality to make assumptions about how much food costs in someone else's region.

I live in the UK and moving from one county to another will net you differences in how much food costs. Let alone when I moved from south to north; food is much cheaper here, but so is everything else.

Compared to the USA, the UK is tiny; I can only imagine how pointless it must be to compare food prices across county or state lines, since a lot of it will vary depending on transport costs, how remote the area is, general cost of living etc.

But no, potatoes here cost $2 for five pounds and I can get a box of smoked salmon for $5 so that must be the Universal Price across all of space and time.

>> No.7454082

>>eating chicken that costs less than $9/lb
>Eeeugh. What kind of shitmeat are you even eating?

Walmart literally sells whole chickens for $6

>> No.7454084

it's because a lot of cheap food has added sugar, adding calories without being satiating. soda is probably the biggest problem, but overall you can still eat healthy food and not be overweight shopping at discount grocers that don't carry fresh vegetables.

>> No.7454091

one filet of salmon is like 12.99

>> No.7454093

The healthy food they are reffering to is fiber one cerial, whole grains noodles, bread that has a good source of calcium, milk, fresh veggies & fruit. A refrigerater to keep food, and something to cook with along with a scale to measure proper portions for meals.

>> No.7454095
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Sir, I declare you are a liar.

>> No.7454096

>ayyy try to afford an apartment with minimum wage
Pretty easy senpai I live on 700 Leafbucks a month and end my month with spare money.

>> No.7454098
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You get food from food banks? HOW, I want some free food.

>> No.7454099 [DELETED] 

>meat from Walmart

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7454100
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There is such a thing as being depressed from eating same thing everyday, specially if it something you dont like.

>> No.7454107

I never felt it, I was just happy the hunger didn't hurt anymore.

>> No.7454108

True but certain staples are cheap no matter where you are. Rice, potatoes, lentils, beans and root vegetables will pretty much always cost less than alternatives.

>> No.7454118


Living in the UK a one bed costs almost £400 a month.

Even then, this is an upgrade from where I was before, where a studio cost £600 a month. (~1140 cad)

>> No.7454129

Sounds like the average in a big city, though I did the cheap things and found roomates so it only cost me like 330-350 a months with utilities and internet. add another 30 for the phone since nobody needed a landline and I get more than enough to live correctly until I get accepted back in school.

>> No.7454178


Oh, £600 was in the suburbs, not inner city. About an hour/hour and a half commute to London.

>> No.7454193

Of course this post has no responses
Being stupid is not the reason that all poor people are poor, but it's sure as hell the reason for a lot of them.

>> No.7454292

Here is your pity reply

>> No.7454388

>5 ft 5
whatever you say, ankle biter

>> No.7454391

well i live in a ghetto ass neighborhood with no butcher shops or any farmers markets or whatever it is you entitled bitches eat from.

>> No.7454397

lol, no.

>> No.7454416

The problem with low income people is that they also tend to be from areas with poor schools. They are never educated in money management, or in cooking/dietary nutrition.
They will never learn that you can buy a few cans of tomatos on sale, and make a spaghetti sauce that is healthier and cheaper than a can of Walmart's knock off Ragu. They tend to live in apartments, so they have no opportunity to grow a portion of their own food. (Though I did fine with a container garden on my patio).

They also are fond of blaming others for their failings. My family's combined income growing up was under 30k for my 2 parents (mom's business never really did too well). We managed to make it with no government assistance. You just have to be willing to spend some time in the kitchen, and
clip some coupons. They still managed to scrape up money for my extracurricular activities. They taught me early that money wasn't to be squandered. If I wanted something, I had to earn it. I had a paper route, and I collected cans from around the neighborhood to sell to the local recycling center.

tldr; fatties have no excuse

>> No.7454432

>people are poor because they stupid and because they are stupid they remain poor

Sounds okay to me.

>> No.7454446

Hello fellow canadafag. Life is rough here in Ontario too. Can't get anything for >$1 even a can of fucking premade tomato soup is more than a dollar. It's fucking rediculous.

>> No.7454449

>tfw just came back from the veggie market

2kg potatoes
1.5kg tomatoes
1.5kg gala apples
1 honeymelon
1kg plums
3 red bell peppers

All for the grand total of US$7.50, and I'm set for two weeks.

>> No.7454451

>And vegetables taste discusting so you can't always afford seasonings

my fucking sides

>> No.7454452

It's half of the problem, but it's not like handing a bunch of money to stupid people is going to make them smarter.

>> No.7454468

So do canned veg count as unhealthy? Cause you can get a serving of just about anything for like 88 cents

Also it does depend on what veg you buy fresh. Like bell peppers are retard expensive liked 1.80 per pepper

Also I don't really understand how people can't eat some what healthy. I eat English muffins and peanut butter for breakfast a chicken sandwich for lunch and bean chili for dinner with my snacks being a banana (can get 7 for about 2 dollars) almonds (big ass bag is 12 dollars but lasts 25 days) and sunflower seeds (3 dollar bag lasts 2 weeks and is 200 calories per serving)
So every week I spend 20-25 dollars on food for myself and I don't eat overly unhealthily

>> No.7454472

One of my old shelters hooked me up, but you can talk to people if you need food

Not every Poorfag can't afford food though, Toronto is just a bitch to live in

>> No.7454478

Yeah, but at least we might get basic income one day

>> No.7454480
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Agreed. I think education could help more. But you have to be willing to be taught. This fucking entitlement culture has Jerome saying shit like, "Man, that's too much work. I'll just get on welfare and sling some vials like my musical heroes tell me to."

No one seems to get that success is a result of effort anymore.

>> No.7454501

pasture raised chicken costs $7/lb at the local co-op

>> No.7454504

Canned vegetables are typically less nutrient dense and more packed with sodium than their fresh counterparts.

They definitely are still useful for low income cooking.

And I agree. Healthy fresh vegetables do not have to be expensive. There is the problem of "Food Deserts" where fresh foods are hard to come by, but let's be honest. The people that are fat and claiming they can't eat healthy on a budget are not inner city. They've got access to grocery stores. What a lower income means for vegetables is that you don't buy them out of season, and you make it a point to get the discounted about to spoil manager specials. Fill your dry goods from Food pantries and Aldi's and you can make it all come together.

>> No.7454505

So why are canned veg unhealthy?

>> No.7454527
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They're free from my back yard. I figure their feed is more than paid for in egg production. If you have the space, and local laws permit, I highly recommend raising your own yard bird. It's dipshit easy. Requires maybe 8 minutes a day of effort.

>> No.7454538

The canning process destroys nutrients, and doesn't require the vegetables be harvested at peak ripeness. For about the same money you can buy frozen, which is only blanched and flash frozen, retaining nutrients.

>> No.7454540

At mine I can get a whole fresh side of salmon for five dollars, I live in Michigan. Im not sure how much it is in weight but its enough for 3-4 meals for me. Its actually a very reasonable meat especially when the sides I cook are cheap as fuck.

>> No.7454551

What really constitutes a food desert? Like being 5 miles from a super market? Or just going to the bodega cause it's easier?

Also I feel like more people can't cook and only know how to use a few veg hell I have no idea what is in season right now and it probably mostly things I've never eaten before and don't know how to cook at all

>> No.7454554

Yeah. But us people around the great lakes get seafood much more cheaply than, let's say, Kansas. The shipping lanes and relatively higher population density means less transportation figured into the retail price.

>> No.7454566

i volunteer at a kitchen for the hungry s.. you poorfags should hunt them down.. they serve good food!!!

>> No.7454570

the USDA definition:
A food desert is a geographic area where affordable and nutritious food is alleged to be hard to obtain, particularly for those without access to an automobile.

And the automobile is the key thing here. If all you have is the bodega, because the nearest fresh food store is 6 miles away and you can't afford a car or cab, it's a problem. the average walking pace is 3 miles an hour. Add in some full shopping bags, and that's a hell of a 2 hour trek back. And then you're assuming you aren't going to get rolled for your bags.

>> No.7454578

What's in season depend on your area, you should google it. I know it's unhelpful but without station your geographic location I can't do much more. As for cooking them it's more adaptation than getting a new repertoire most of the time.

>> No.7454582

>buying bottled water
literally wasted money

>> No.7454901

Literally wolverine

>> No.7454946


6 miles on a bike on the other hand is nothing, with bike bags (or I guess bike trolley) you can take 20kg with you easy.

With canned and frozen vegetables/fruit you don't really need fresh though, fresh fruit and salad are nice but you don't really need them.

>> No.7455087

>I've never related to anything more than this

>> No.7455137
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>physically disabled
>molested and almost killed by a family member
>friend gets shot and killed by gangsters
>take any drugs/drink whatever i can find to be able to sleep without nightmares
waiting for artificial intelligence to be made, it's going to make the universe perfect, people won't kill each other anymore and dead people will be brought back to life

>> No.7455161
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>vegetables taste discusting

>> No.7455170
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>> No.7455192
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>I live in Davis Ca
I sure hope you regularly go to the Mexican stalls at the weekly Davis farmer's market and buy bulk items at the food coop(For which you hopefully are a member - it's like $5 a year).

Get a Brita filter for water.

>> No.7455210

>Get a Brita filter for water.
Oh, wait. Just read on and saw there's raised heavy metal levels in the tap water now. So disregard the filter bit. You gotta buy water.

>> No.7455450

What does semen taste like?

>> No.7455494

So Im going to assume all of you other davis kids are students as well?

>> No.7455527

Spent about half a year there as a grad student.

>> No.7455551


>> No.7455557

Don't get caught up in this idea that flyovers are the norm. Because they sure as fuck are not.

>> No.7455575


I definitely recommend thoroughly draining canned vegetables. They have way too much salt on them typically.

>> No.7455577

>filet of salmon
Salmon is expensive where I live.

>> No.7455579


I went to a flyover state and I could barely find a healthy restaurant anywhere. Grocery stores were in short supply too. I'm from the Coastal South and I have no trouble finding grocery places there.

>> No.7455597

Because the people/urchins that live there are perfectly content with one Wal-Mart being the only choice for groceries in the entire county.

>> No.7455610

People need to garden more.

Buy seeds, they're cheap.

>> No.7455625


TFW you're from the suburbs of the American South and have a more active interest in agriculture than Midwesterners.

>> No.7455694

Yeah guys just hit up the deli and the butcher in your local food desert and ask em to cut you a scoop of beef and a patch of cheese each. Now that you have change left over from your dollar you can start bartering with people leaving restaurants for salt and pepper packs and those little pats of butter.
After using up your remaining jingley-bucks you can walk the fuck home since you cant afford a car clenching the cold bulge in your pocket where, hopefully, you have placed the beef in your plastic lined pocket( I always take the cloth pockets out of my pants to use as hand towels and then sew back in plastic bags!).
At home go ahead and open up that sourdough culture you keep in the back of your depressingly empty fridge, just past the DIY deoderant you made out of bacon grease and coconut oil you stole out of the neighbors house when they went to dinner last week, idiots. Work that dough with your hideous calloused wage slave mits, don't bother washing your hands or anything because if you get sick then we can try to sue that silly butcher from before.
Let that dough rest for about a day or so and then bake those sour little loaves while telling yourself its cause you bought sourdough and not because all the perishable food you own is out of a dumpster that a gym shares.

BOOM only 26 hours of prep time and you have the makings for an entire burger just in time to go to work! So easy, stupid poors lol. I know me and you are totally laughing about it!!!

>> No.7455709

Poor people deserve to be poor

>> No.7455963

Says the lily faggot born into wealth. Kill yourself.

>> No.7455980

12 miles round-trip on a bike is a lot of exertion, especially with an extra load of 10-20 pounds, and could easily take as long as 1.5 hours there and back without including the shopping itself. It'd be difficult to work that into a weekly schedule, especially if you have young kids to watch and/or if you work every day.

>> No.7455989
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So this is you ?

>> No.7455997

Link to visualizer?

>> No.7456030
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>> No.7456035

Who's this cutie

>> No.7456044

Wheres his garbage

>> No.7456098

Every person that says "I can't afford to eat healthy." eats at McDonalds more than once a week.

Now, if its "I don't have enough time to eat healthy", it is a slightly more valid complaint. But even then it isnt that hard to eat healthy you lazy fat fuck.

>> No.7456133


Reverse Osmosis units are getting pretty cheap and can filter out most of the heavy metals.

>> No.7456162

google it mate
why would a manlet even need that

>> No.7456205

Cry more, bitch

>> No.7456217 [DELETED] 
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>1.5 hours round trip on a bike
get a goddamm 90s mtb with slicks instead of blowing $300 on a BSO that adds 150 watts rolling resistance because it's made of literal garbage

ffs poor people deserve to stay poor

>> No.7456376

I wish I had enough to fucking gain weight kek
Fuck being poor

>> No.7456403
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>fat and carbs are inherently bad

Hello guy calling from the nineties, how you doing? You won't believe it but that thing about eggs being pure poison? Well guess what they found out that eating cholestorol =/= blood cholesterol levels so don't worry about eating them. Those wacky scientists, am I right? Always glad to help you out, now have a groovy day my friend :D :D :D

>> No.7456409


>> No.7456691


>> No.7456694

>thinking being fat is OK

>> No.7456712

Lolwat. This is an obvious troll.
Anyways, everyone I know has lost at least 20lbs when they hit the rails, and live off diving/spanging for a month.

>> No.7456719

There are many alternatives to Brita that actually work.

>> No.7456761

he's right though. It's one of the forms of malnutrition that has its own documented symptoms and a specific name: Beriberi.

It's relatively easy to treat, either use brown rice or consume other sources of thiamine like whole grain breads.

>> No.7456804

He's not, though, because he's responding to someone who specified eating $20 worth of rice of the course of a year.

>> No.7456815

people weren't meant to live in densely packed areas

>> No.7456834

doesn't your yard smell like shit? my mother's family is from maryland and the entire state smells like chicken shit.

>> No.7457379

>pinch of salt: .10

You're getting a assfucked on salt anon, unless by pinch you mean ice cream scooper and by 0.10 you mean rupes.

>1.4 oz beef

Why even bother with that amount?

Also you didn't account for the energy, labor, tax, insurance, marketing, building lease, franchise fees, legal fees, and all the overhead. And of course, the most important one that I never hear mentioned, enough profit to bring in the initial investment to open the business.

>> No.7457455


Pick two.

The fact you don't like vegetables is not an excuse why you can't eat healthy.

>> No.7457466

That amount makes all the difference in flavor. But yeah, the prices listed are quite BS. Potatoes cost roughly half as much.

>> No.7457502


Cabbage and potatoes would like a word with you.

>sale veg
>dry beans
>dirt cheap, healthy, filling, hits all macros

"Poor" people in the US are just fat, stupid, and lazy. There is no way someone in this country can actually be hungry. I can go for a walk and gather like 2 lbs of salad and nuts for free. We literally have food falling out of trees.

>> No.7457504


Also bullshit. The definition of a food desert is "no grocery store within 1/4 mile."


They could literally have a grocery store 3 blocks down and would complain muh food desert.

>> No.7457525
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This shit again? Let me explain why it's bullshit. I'm Dutch so I'll be using Dutch menus, prices, supermarkets etc.


A medium menu at McDonalds (fries, burgers, drink) costs €5.95. This is the benchmark I will use for the cost of a single healthy meal.

Now let's go to the supermarket. I will be using the single most expensive supermarket in my country, Albert Heijn, just to prove my point.

450 kg (that's enough to feed two people)

Lettuce (200g, enough for 1 person)
If you want to feed two people, that's €2.38

Two steaks (the most expensive piece of meat, can feed two people)

So to feed two people that comes down to €0.89 + €2.38 + €2.99 = €6.26.
Let me repeat that: For about 25 cents more than a single meal at McDonalds, you can feed TWO people when buying healthy food at the MOST EXPENSIVE supermarket in the Netherlands. That means that, compared to taking two people to McDonalds, you have about €5 to spare to spend on drinks, spices, dessert and what have you.

And you wanna know what's even worse? What I just did is horribly inefficient. It's much better to buy rice, potatoes, spaghetti, (frozen) vegetables and meat in bulk. So even when I do everything wrong, going to the most expensive supermarket in the country and buying the most expensive cut of meat for your meal is still cheaper than going to McDonalds.

Healthy food is cheap as fuck. What's expensive is buying healthy food outdoors. It is indeed true that going to some expensive salad bar will cost you more than a burger off the dollar menu. A problem that's easily solved by learning how to fucking cook.

>> No.7457555

Wut. Where I used to live the closes grocery store was 5 miles. Now mine is a mile. Walking distance but it's still a desert by those standards.

>> No.7457577

how far by public transport?

Also, if you're poor, you can't afford corner store grocery stores. You should be shopping at a mall, or discount stores, buying economy size packages.

>> No.7457586

>450 kilograms of ah-kleine-krieljtes
I'm not sure what that is but are you sure you can stomach that much?

>> No.7457590

I'm pretty sure a mile is still a mile even when you get on a bus

>> No.7457600

>I'm not sure what that is
Basically mini-potatoes

>but are you sure you can stomach that much?
No, that's why I said it can feed 2 people. My rule of thumb is generally 200 grams of starch/filler, 200 grams of vegetables and 1 piece of meat per plate.

>> No.7457621

As someone who once worked in a homeless shelter, yes. They bitch, they moan, they refuse to follow simple rules (which basically boil down to "don't be an asshole, and take 30 minutes out of your day to mop a floor") when they know full well failure to do so will mean they and their children will end up back outside.

They eat like shit, they bitch about meals brought to them by local churches (to the point where one took their names off the dinner schedule), and they're bizarrely picky eaters. And not always in the chicken nuggers sort of way either. We had fucking vegans at one point.

>> No.7457628

I'm pretty sure you are retarded.

>> No.7457629

Rice will also make you fat, too. I know because I ate a shitload of it in Africa and gained like 15 lbs in 5 months.

>> No.7457636

I guess there's a difference in whether you eat white rice or wholegrain.

>> No.7457662

I'm not sure that I quite believe you. I've volunteered for several different homeless outreach and food-for-the-poor thingies in my area for over a decade now and have only twice encountered situations like you've described.

One was an obviously drug-addled loony at a foodbank I and a few others from my meeting were manning at the time.

The other was a group of filthy punk squatter cunts who pissed and moaned that the sandwiches we were handing out to the homeless weren't vegan. One of them took a bite and threw it on the floor in disgust, wasting something that could have gone to feed someone who actually needed it instead of some willfully homeless fuck who has romantic notions of the hobo lifestyle.

>> No.7457691

>you think of food as something that needs to taste good. food is fuel

There's evolutionary reasons why our tastes developed to prefer foods with sugars, oils, and fats over tasteless fibers and foods that require more energy expenditure to process and consume. That is because our bodies literally see food as fuel. High calorie foods = more fuel. Our bodies also really love salty foods too, as do many wild animals.

Your logic actually explains perfectly why people are getting fatter and have developed a preference for these foods.

>1 slice cheese, 1 tbs butter, pinch of salt, pepper, 2 slices of bread
Except the anon would have to buy these things in their bulk quantities, making your point incredibly moot if he never has at least $20 to spend all at once for ingredients.
>also this meal is going to make you incredibly fat

>> No.7457772 [DELETED] 

Oh believe me or don't, I'll still be a worse person for having worked there. I should note, that it was in a city that was pretty bad off. A decent chunk of our guests did drugs, and we were not located in a good neighborhood (whoever thought it was a good idea to put a liquor store next to the homeless shelter was a cunt).

Don't get me wrong, the vegan family was in the extreme minority. The picky eaters on the other hand were probably still in the minority (frustration can blow things out of proportion). I also worked nights and only occasionally covered a day shift, so I wasn't there when they ate most of the time.

But let me list out some experiences.
Man who demanded I open employee room and fill up a cup from the cooler for him, and threw cup down a hallway in front of his 8ish year old daughter when I did not.
Mother of 5 who threw out perfectly good church spaghetti with meat sauce and rolls (the churches often offered me in on the meals they brought, and rarely accepted no as an answer), to heat up a frozen pizza we were supposed to be saving for a no-show. At least she waited until after the church folk cleaned up and left.
Single woman who refused to drink anything but soda (who incidentally did not take kindly to me opening her locker and throwing out all her pop. but rules are rules, and that's why we had roaches).
Single woman who did not eat anything with tomatoes on it. This was a problem because as you might have guessed, the churches brought a lot of cheap and easy to make in bulk pasta.
Single woman who still ate the food, but (after the first 2 write ups) bitched about it heavily after the meal. I'll be honest, I don't think she actually liked anything.

My personal favorite was when we had to throw out something stupid like 60lbs (I had to put it away) worth of middle eastern food (several kinds of chicken in thick sauces). Because almost everyone refused to touch it.

>> No.7457775

Oh believe me or don't, I'll still be a worse person for having worked there. I should note, that it was in a city that was pretty bad off. A decent chunk of our guests did drugs, and we were not located in a good neighborhood (whoever thought it was a good idea to put a liquor store next to the homeless shelter was a cunt).

Don't get me wrong, the vegan family was in the extreme minority. The picky eaters on the other hand were probably still in the minority (frustration can blow things out of proportion). I also worked nights and only occasionally covered a day shift, so I wasn't there when they ate most of the time.

But let me list out some experiences.
Man who demanded I open employee room and fill up a cup from the cooler for him, and threw cup down a hallway in front of his 8ish year old daughter when I did not.
Mother of 5 who threw out perfectly good church spaghetti with meat sauce and rolls (the churches often offered me in on the meals they brought, and rarely accepted no as an answer), to heat up a frozen pizza we were supposed to be saving for a no-show. At least she waited until after the church folk cleaned up and left.
Single woman who refused to drink anything but soda (who incidentally did not take kindly to me opening her locker and throwing out all her pop. but rules are rules, and that's why we had roaches).
Single woman who did not eat anything with tomatoes on it. This was a problem because as you might have guessed, the churches brought a lot of cheap and easy to make in bulk pasta.
Single woman who still ate the food, but (after the first 2 write ups) bitched about it heavily after the meal. I'll be honest, I don't think she actually liked anything.

My personal favorite was when we had to throw out something stupid like 60lbs (I had to put it away) worth of middle eastern food (several kinds of chicken in thick sauces). Because almost everyone refused to touch it.

>> No.7457780

>Who the fuck knows if they made poor life choices?

People capable of self-reflection. People who have perspective.

>> No.7457812

Holy shit, even at the youth shelters I stayed it wasn't that bad

There's nothing to do but walk around, eat, sleep, and look for work when you're homeless idk where those assholes found the energy to be picks

I think homeless adults are notoriously pieces of shit, which is why I don't give money to panhandlers now that I have a job and apartment
If they don't want food they want drugs/booze

Real homeless people (in general, not the severe addicts or schizophrenic people the system wont even let stay in shelters) don't stick out, it's the bottom of the barrel that don't give a shit that do
Last time I saw a visibly homeless person he was yelling at some brown guy for not letting him panhandle inside mcdonalds and screaming some master race shit

Tl;dr Adult shelters are full of shitty people, coherent enough to live off people's compassion but not willing to try and improve their situations even though they feel entitled to improvements

>> No.7457815

>on a budget
>buys bottled water

>> No.7457824

Yikes, that sounds awful.
I've volunteered at kitchens and shelters before, but never had such bad experiences.

As for Middle Eastern food, once, a local mosque attempting to ingratiate itself to the area, tried to donate a lot of food they prepared for Eid el Kabir. It's supposed to be a thing for Muslims to give food to the poor on that day. Since people in this area aren't really fans of spices nor lamb, we chose to refuse it. That's the worst. See, people think that food-drives and shit like that will help us but in reality, they just fucking don't. We can get more with a dollar than you can with five, so it's better to donate money or time than it is to donate food.

Anyway, you've had some bad experiences, sure, but how many were completely forgettable? Having even a dozen bad experiences over the course of a year isn't so discouraging when you think about as "well, I volunteer three days (or however many you actually do) per week and only deal with one bad experience every 13 volunteer days and I can't allow those comparatively rare occurrences to ruin everything for all the other people who actually need help and are gracious about it."

I've heard a handful of horror stories, though I've never experienced them, but those telling them always point out how comparatively rare they are when set against the days where everything goes fine and without a hitch.

For the record, I wasn't doubting your experiences, just the frequency of their occurrence.

>> No.7457825

>guzzling fluoride by the litre from the tap

>> No.7457829

Not certain of the exchange rate, but over here you can get a decent sized good quality portion of Salmon for £1.
You can go cheaper if you want but paying less than a pound usually means it's disgusting.

>> No.7457868

make me a shopping list senpai

>> No.7457899

I do not have entirely dissimilar views. We definitely had a greater amount of younger (read that as couldn't be my parent or grandparent) guests get through the program without being exited.

And this all fucking sucks. Every time I had to write up, or actually kick someone out I had to see (usually) several children leave with them. And those kids aren't going to know any better, they aren't going to be given a chance, and child services at least around here is a fucking joke.

We had a woman come in because her apartment block burned to the ground. Her sister wasn't as lucky. Yet for all the people like her we had a hundred more that were fucking cunts.

>I've volunteered at kitchens and shelters before, but never had such bad experiences.
It's like rooming with a friend for the first time. Except they just called you a cocksucker for writing them up for not checking in their lighter at the desk (because that's how we get crack, or more commonly people smoking in the bedrooms which was a fire hazard and illegal because of what we're coded as or some such.

Or called you myriad things for refusing to let them take their purse back upstairs
Or for making them clean up the trail of period blood from their room to the upstairs bathroom
Or for not letting them have a cig at 2 in the morning
Or for telling them not to swear in front of the children
Or for writing them up because they didn't do their chore
Or for writing them up because the left their kid unattended
Or wrote a grievance report for the sole purpose of trying to get you fired by insinuating theft and pedophilia because you threw out the unlabeled trash bag of clothing on the locker room floor right under the sign that in big red letters said anything not in a locker will be thrown out

I worked there for a little over a year, 3 or 4 days a week. I'd say there are a good half dozen experiences I will never forget. And a few dozen more that will merge into a hate blob in my mind.

>> No.7457900

In some places this is true. I was just hanging in the 7th and 9th Wards in NOLA, and finding fresh veggies outside of going to Whole Foods was very difficult, but you could get fried chicken at the corner joint for fifty cents a piece.
>get beans and whatever but it's not like I'll ever have the means to make an actual salad or anything and it's not tasty
This is true as well. Turing ingredients into tasty food requires time and a little skill. If ingredients are hard to track down in the first place (because poor neighborhoods have shitty supermarkets if they have supermarkets at all) there's little incentive not to just got for the Value Menu or a $5 Hot N Ready.
>You really wanna deny poor people the simple pleasure of enjoying mcnuggets because they're fat?
Where I just was in NOLA two pieces of fried chicken, a biscuit and a strawberry Faygo was $3. That's an indulgence a poor person can afford. But if that becomes your benchmark for tasty you're not going to beat it on a budget unless you really learn to cook well. Plenty of folks out there aren't all that interested in doing that. Which is a big part of the reason so many poor folks are fat and diabetic. What's wrong with this is not denying poor people affordable indulgences, but offering them so few in the way of other options that those indulgences become their day to day diet.
>some people do live in very small towns where your only options for food are a Walmart (who can charge whatever the hell they want for food since they're the only grocery in miles) and maybe a fast food chain, at which point you can't blame them much for having a limited pallet
Or they live in food deserts. I just got back to Brooklyn and got a week's worth of fresh veggies at my Chinese store for $14. In NOLA that would have been a $40 trip to Whole Foods, and that's still a major fucking city. I can't imagine what it's like out in the boondocks.

>> No.7457962


>> No.7457964

>bananas 29 cents/lb
Jesus christ, that's about half price my regular sale price, and 4cents less than our super low sale price.

>> No.7457968


>> No.7457972

Maybe it's because most of the people we've helped in my area are either relatively young and come to us for genuine help or because the shitty homeless are too busy spanging for enough dosh to get their next fix rather than actually seek out real help. I think it has to do with willful homelessness (choosing to be/remain homeless) v circumstantial homelessness. Not to mention that the longer you're homeless the more difficult it is to not be. How do you get a job without proof of identification when your IDs are lost/stolen or completely void?

>> No.7457974

>alcohol every night
Found the problem.

>> No.7457980


>> No.7457982

>live like an american
...in....in America?

>> No.7457983

The shelters I've stayed at help you get IDs

>> No.7457999

>drinking American tap water


>> No.7458005

The ones I've volunteered at, too, but it can be very, very difficult. They have to prove who they are, often without any documentation or knowledge of what their SSN is. It can be impossible or, at the very least, close to it.

>> No.7458020

Funny thing that. Our shelter was temporary. Our target goal? 45 days until full sustainability, when we did our job the end result was closer to 80 days.

But both a job and your own place were our priority (and paid for 3 months rent and utilities if you did get a place). We gave bus passes, could serve as a mailing address, partnered with food banks, and had county social workers in building.

And all we asked in return. Was don't be a cunt, be back on time or bring a written excuse, and do a small chore cleaning up your communal living space. I've personally kicked more people out than I have seen leave. Then again night shift, so if one of those things was happening, it was probably the fuck up. But our success rate was not high.

(also we actually required 2 forms of id to run people through various background checks before we allowed them in the building, administration could help people unable to provide the materials).

>> No.7458031

This is pretty much my system experience

All you needed to prove was that you wanted and were willing to get help

The other kids would run out after breakfast to avoid chores, the lack of respect for the staff was always a piss off because you guys go into the job wanting to help people and end up burnt out

Shelters will go the extra mile for you, even if you're a POS they try to help

>Provide ID on entry
>Throw clothes in dryer to prevent bed bugs
>Free food, shelter, and laundry
>Do chores twice a day (Except at covenant house, this was standard across shelters)
>Worker asks for your story, then works with you to develop action plan to get on your feet
>Literally provides every resource (GED program, job opportunities and workshops, clothing, IDs, healthcare) at no cost

>> No.7458035

I'd rather someone buy bottled water in bulk to carry with them throughout the day than give in to temptation while out and buy a single bottle of soda for a dumb markup (which is just sugared tap water).

>> No.7458088

Same with where I volunteered, but the people that show up are usually newly homeless and not longterm. We've turned away people for lack of ID/knowledge of SSN.
We had a streets outreach team to help those sorts, too, but the success rate was abysmally low. As said: the longer you're out on the street, the more difficult it is to get your life on track. Very, very few people who are longterm homeless are victims of circumstance. Many have either [stupidly] made that choice or had it forced upon them because of how difficult they can be to deal with. Be it from schizophrenia to just being generally unpleasant and other problems, people who don't have at least one friend who can put them up for a few months (or who ran through all their friends because of those issues) while they get their shit together wil eventually wind up completely homeless. At that point, they're not beyond help.
But after a while, they will eventually reach that point, once they've lost all identification and don't know their SSN. It's happened and it can be heart-rendering.

It's frustrating. How do you help those who lack IDs and SSNs? How can you get them off the street? How can you get them gainful employment?

I've never dealt with the complex cases because my experience with shelters isn't as deep as with kitchens and street teams.

>> No.7458098

And the people like you were the ones that made the job worth it. Such a shame more people weren't like you.

I didn't even quit because I burned out too hard, my skin's think enough that I could have put up with that a bit longer. Gotten a few more "only plastic barbie doll people burn" stories out of it.

No, I quit because the big boss of the building's husband's cousin came through and was despite being the worst guest I had ever seen, completely immune to any and all disciplinary action. That woman was written up enough times to have 2 times our max capacity exited, and yet was still being given a place, and all that rent money is just being thrown into a fire, when it could have gone to fucking helping someone who fucking had a chance.

>> No.7458104

all taste great and are some of the cheapest veg

>> No.7458105

>It's frustrating. How do you help those who lack IDs and SSNs? How can you get them off the street? How can you get them gainful employment?

You find them a Johnson and send them running the shadows?

>> No.7458107

Yeah, you just need to eat the proper amount. Seriously, unless you're a very small woman, 135 is under weight for a lot of people.

>> No.7458114

I'd rather they reuse their bottles several times to fill from the tap. But that's me. I think the bottled water thing is getting ridiculous. Now that I live out in the country with a high sulfur well system, I fill 5 gallon jugs at a water kiosk for a buck, and then refill reusable aluminum bottles from that.

>> No.7458119

Maybe you should do low skill jobs that are meant for teenagers? Maybe you shouldn't waste so much time with weed and try to learn a trade? Or is that too far below you?

>> No.7458120

Hi /tg/!

I now want to assemble an army of homeless street sams.

>> No.7458126

>no skill workers get livable wage and bennies

Only if that becomes law for everyone.
Jew York didn't impress me with their strategy of giving it only to Mickey Dick's and leaving out people who work for less than min wage in the food service industry.

>> No.7458127

Yeah, just keep under Lonestar's radar, chummer, and everything'll be just whizz.
>we are entirely too old to make and get these references

>> No.7458134

Last game I ran involved 3 elvish squatters a moped, and plans of going out innawoods to kidnap a bigfoot for a gangster who ran a strip club.

Good times.

>> No.7458170

I haven't played since second ed. Man, I miss that game store. I ran a lot of riggers. Drones plus high explosives = constant fun.

>> No.7458195

Before I call shit, explain.

>> No.7458196

When did companies ever treat the masses well?
The well laying union jobs were by far the minority of jobs that existed. But you are right many of those jobs are now gone.

Anyways going back as far as the early 1800s company owners have been looking for ways to fuck workers hell back in the day if you broke your foot because of a machine malfunction you got fired. At least now you'll get some compensation

>> No.7458203

Literally only works in cities

>> No.7458205

A lot of supermarkets throw out good food. One can totally find full meals by dumpster diving

>> No.7458222

This is true. The only real difference between now, and the middle class union jobs of yesteryear, is that most companies found ways to get rid of, or prevent unionization, and have switched to 401K matching over an earned pension. As it is becoming more and more common in this day and age to switch companies within your profession, this actually is easier on the worker. Plus, money matched and in your 401K is immune to company bankruptcy. There are a lot of pensioners who thought they had their retirements secured, only to watch a company collapse and leave them high and dry.

The company is not supposed to give you shit. you earn it through hard work, and watching for better opportunities. I've had 3 pay raises now from my company when they were worried that another vendor desired my skillset. One included a healthy bonus, and the ability to work from home.

>> No.7458225

>I can guarantee this tastes better than a dollar menu burger

Always makes me laugh how retards think they can cook better food than fast food places

You can't. What you're experiencing is bias bordering on narcissism

>> No.7458228

No, we're not. I will take a decent burger cooked by someone else at a cookout over a fast food burger any day. Make some friends. Go to some parties. Bring a side dish.

>> No.7458244

8/10. Always appreciate the effort.

>> No.7458271

>retards think they can cook better food than fast food places
"Better" is a matter of taste. If you find fast food tasty chances are home cooking won't compare. I stopped eating fast food a decade ago, but was just on a three day road trip, so I had some. It tasted fucking gross to me after the first overwhelming blast of salt and grease.

I would say just about anything I cook tastes better than that, but if your benchmark for deliciousness is fast food you probably wouldn't agree.

>> No.7458297

Haha, holy shit. You must be an awful cook.

>> No.7458339

>warming shit up takes skill

>> No.7458368


>having that dramatic of a reaction eating fast food

Maybe if you weren't a 98lbs twink you wouldn't die after eating a fucking big mac

>> No.7458375

If you think that applying heat is the only step to making good food, it's no wonder you eat trash.

>> No.7458393

>was poor
>only things I could afford were fresh or frozen vegetables, canned goods and pasta, rice and potatoes
>have money now
>can afford going to fast food places

Is my life backwards or was I just raised well?

>> No.7458400
File: 25 KB, 348x348, sausageggandcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't a dramatic reaction. It was just, "Wow, this greasy, salty shit is pretty gross after the first bite." After three straight days of that shit it'll be a long time before I'm pining for fries. The only fast food item I could see myself eating in the near future is pic related, because for some reason I never get tired of a sausage, egg and cheese sandwich. It'll be a while before I have fried chicken or a burger, though. That shit is just way to heavy.

>> No.7458442

just boil it

>> No.7458473

Boiling doesn't remove heavy metals. it will kill some bacteria. It will not remove toxins. During the algae bloom crisis on the Great Lakes, people were advised that boiling the water would actually kill the algae, releasing a serious poison into the water. The algae could make you sick. the toxin they released when dying could make you dead.

>> No.7458534

how the fuck did that only cost $7.50?

>> No.7458537

shit that's something I never knew
thanks anon

>> No.7458566

Not him, but lemme break it down according to local prices in my area:

>2kg potatoes
That's ≈ 4½lbs. 10lbs of russet potatoes are $1.49 right now for St Patrick's day, so 75¢ there.
>1.5kg tomatoes
That's ≈ 3¼lbs, roughly $3 fresh in my area. Although, Hunt's tomatoes are tinned in 28oz cans, two of which would be over 1.5kg and are 77¢ each on sale right now.
>1.5kg gala apples
$1/lb around here, so $3.25.
>1 honeymelon
I bought one for a buck yesterday.
>1kg plums
That's ≈ 2¼lbs at $1.29/lb = $2.91
>3 red bell peppers
That'll vary store to store, but $1.99/lb is a good price on bell peppers and three will weigh about a pound and a half, so $3.

So $13.91 if buying fresh tomatoes or $12.45 if buying tinned.

I'm guessing Anon either lives in a hellhole or is shit at conversion.

>> No.7458569




>> No.7458583

Huh, your peps are more expensive, but your tomatoes are cheaper. Also god damn it that potato sale is hilarious, I'll need to see if the locals are doing something like that.

>> No.7458594

I live in a country that exports fruit and vegetables, so produce in general is very cheap here, especially in summer. I also buy in street markets which is like the second link of the shipping line, so the markup is really low. Plus those vendors don't pay taxes, so even cheaper.

I'd post a conversion of every item but can't be arsed. Basically every kilo of everything is under $1, unless it's something exotic or out of season.

>> No.7458735

That's why it's said "now and then"

Pretty sure you can afford salmon every once in a while

>> No.7458754

>your peps are more expensive
That was me quoting the cheapest price I've seen lately. They've been floating around $2.49-$2.99/lb for a while now. Many stores sell them individually, though, at $1 per pepper. As the average bell pepper weighs about a half pound, $2/lb seems like a good price to quote.

And if you think the potato sale is insane, I got just shy of 15lbs of cabbage yesterday for $2.50. I do it every year. I chop up the green outer leaves to dry out for soups and use many of the larger inner leaves to make cabbage rolls for freezing. The smaller leaves go towards several uses:
• European cabbage egg rolls that I par-fry then cool and freeze to be refried-from-frozen when I want one
• filler for the stuffed cabbage rolls mentioned above (just meat, onions and herbs/spices for mine, no rice)
• sauerkraut
• cabbage and bacon risotto (I always make a dish of cabbage risotto this time of year)

Being an immigrant can be pretty cool when you can take advantage of the traditions of your host country (cheap as fuck potatoes, cabbage and brisket around St. Patrick's day, for example) to your advantage.

>> No.7458775
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>implying oats, eggs, and canned fish are not vegetables

try harder

>> No.7458777

Then use shrimp. You can buy it pretty cheap and a pound can last for several meals if they are small

>> No.7458778

Hey power to you. Have be craving some of the family friend from Vietnam's homemade egg rolls (he used to kill people for the government, so you know they're good).

I just find it funny. What can we do for saint patty's? Potaters, beer and potaters, and green can't be forgetting that.

>> No.7458789

The only reason to live in flint is because you aren't smart enough to move away from flint.

>> No.7458816

Though my home country is about 99% Catholic, St. Patrick's day isn't very important for us. The US, with Irish background being the largest ethnic group behind German, makes a big fucking deal about it in areas with large Irish-American populations, such as where I live.

>> No.7458828
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Most food in the UK is super cheap relative to the US because it's subsidized by the gov't. Tonight I bought a huge chunk of Brie for 89 pence, a loaf of bread of 79 pence, and a rump roast for maybe 4 quid. Roast that shit and I have 10 sandwiches for 55 pence each. add some onion, lettuce, tomato and mustard and it's a whole 65p each. carbs, fat, protein, veggies for dirt cheap

>> No.7458836

We don't have many irish around here. Mostly poles and similar eastern european decent. Doesn't mean we're not going to use the holiday as an excuse to shit plastered though.

Though all the news that's been coming out of ireland recently, ehhhh. Ehhhhh. wooooh. ok. yeah. ok.

>> No.7458839

fat people will always make excuses as to why they are fat, but there are plenty of thin people at all wage levels that prove you can be healthy on any budget.

>> No.7458862
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awww yeah. I used to have a flock and they would eat the bugs in my garden and give me eggs; like you said easy as shit. I bought maybe $10/month in supplemental feed and got about 40 eggs per week out of it. It amazes me that not everyone with a yard doesn't a have a few hens

>> No.7459103


I live in appalachian territory and you'd be surprised how fucking hard it is to find a "minimum wage cuck" to work for you.

You need to factor that when you add up all government benefits, it's more profitable for a person to not seek transportation to a 8-9$ an hour job and just sit at home watching tv or surfing the net.

Most retail stores around me are severely understaffed along with most entry level jobs. I've seen employees mouth off to managers and they just look down and take it because they know if they fire them there is NO ONE to replace them. It often manifest itself as things being out of stock because there is nobody to replenish the shelves.

tl;dr: "poor" people eat like shit because they like to and can afford it thanks to the government. Big businesses that harp on capitalism and pay/treat people like shit are often wondering why they can't find good employees and the middle class continues to go extinct...

>> No.7459481
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>> No.7459497

Where do you Fulkerson live? Never seen food that cheap anywhere in California. Thighs are like 1,20 lb unless you get lucky. Probably all those faggot liberals and their taxes

>> No.7459551

What are you doing on the internet, you dumb faggot? Food first, then internet machines.

>> No.7459577
File: 8 KB, 208x147, 1455986465691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking fast food is better than homemade

>> No.7459578

Even most homeless will save up(or just steal) an ipad or tablet of some sort and hang out near a free wi-fi spot to browse the internet.
It may seem weird, but they are finding that keeping the homeless entertained with the internet helps keep them from getting into drugs.

>> No.7459596

Drugs would be better for them.

>> No.7459612

Drugs are why many desperately turn to crime or intentionally injure themselves to get arrested or put in the hospital.
Just to get a warm place to stay.
And guess who foots the bill for that?
You and me to the tune of roughly $24,000 per capita per year.
Giving them a $200 tablet doesn't sound that bad now.

>> No.7459620

You just said they steal Ipads, which makes them criminals and have bad taste. At least the drugs will get them out of their misery, short and long term.

>And guess who foots the bill for that?
>You and me

Nein, nigger, I live in a decent community.

>> No.7459629

>Giving them a $200 tablet doesn't sound that bad now.
You know what's even cheaper, ammo

>> No.7459635

>At least the drugs will get them out of their misery, short and long term.
No, it gets them addicted and leads to them committing more crimes for cash to buy more drugs until they're so fucked up they can never get out of their predicament. It's a cycle that must be broken before they can get better.
>Nein, nigger, I live in a decent community.
If you pay taxes to the state, you're paying for the homeless.
Aw, babby so edgy.
How adorable.

>> No.7459641

Aren't you dead Nancy? The drug = crime bullshit is largely fueled by the fact that we criminalized drugs.

>> No.7459645

And those laws should have died with her.

>> No.7459678

>vegetables aren't even that cheap compared to oats, eggs, and canned fish

are you fucking kidding me

i live in the deep south, which has a cost of living way under a lot of places statistically

a can of tuna is around a buck here, whereas kale, collards/turnip/mustard greens, carrots, peppers, lentils and other assorted beans are 0.30-0.98

>> No.7459687

>Aw, babby so edgy.
>How adorable.
No, just sick of the bullshit.
Is it somehow my fault that some fuck of a loser got addicted to stealing mommys pain pills, or cooking smack in an alley? No. Is it somehow my fault that there are treatment clinics that hand out suboxone and provide counseling for free, yet the losers are too stupid to stay clean? No. Is it my fault that many of the homeless choose to not do anything useful, because "fuck the system" and "who cares about consequences, I'm having fun"? Again, no. Yet, I pay for it... over and over and over again.
"Ohh but have some compassion Anon, they're just down on their luck".
No, a person down on their luck will rebound. A person has pride, and self worth. Those are people, and people do not want to live in a cardboard camp.
All we're doing by pissing away all this money for homeless this, and homeless that, is enabling. This is why the problem will never go away, because there will always be 'people' that don't care to do ANYTHING for themselves except try to make you feel sorry for them. Fuck that, and fuck all my money that goes to that.

>> No.7459693

Ooh, edgy babby mad now.
So cute.

>> No.7459712

>Ooh, edgy babby mad now.
Actually, far from it. Because I'm up late tonight, shitposting on the internet, because I've got a 9 hour flight tomorrow. 2 weeks in Italy.

>> No.7459715

Food bank

>> No.7459732

It's not your fault personally, but you benefit from the social structure that makes it happen.

Sorry, I wasn't thinking. I forgot you are where you are today entirely from merit and the sweat of your own brow. Carry on.

>> No.7459767
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>> No.7459932

In the same way it is your fault that roads degrade over time, yes.

>> No.7460165


Ever seen "Due date" anything like 7.3 months, or 5 months or 11 months?

Nope, it's all rounded down to 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 12mo. So the shop must throw out what is 'expired' despite it being good for another 3-4 months, because it didn't qualify for 12 months, so they slapped 6 months on it.

>> No.7460522

He's probably one of those rethugnicans who thinks the best way to not hit a pothole is to shoot it with your freedom gun. That or prayer.

>> No.7460557

Poor people tend to be really busy working one or more jobs going to school and taking care of kids sometimes and high calorie, high fat and high salt and sugar canned and microwave junk food is cheap and fast. Then when it comrs to commuting to work, it's so tempting after a 12 hour shift to get a burger to get your eyes open so you don't crash falling asleep driving home.

>> No.7460569

If your lucky to have a farmers market or better, a chinese or korean super market, then you can have access to cheaper healthy food, otherwise, white Anerican Grocery markets like vons and whole foods are fucking rip offs.

It's like paying 20 dollars fir a soup and sandwich at panera bread when that same amount of money could buy you a loaf of bread a pack of cold cuts, pickled vegetsbles and canned soup for a week.

>> No.7460571

Salmon is rich fag food.

More like canned sardines or mackerals.

>> No.7460575

This, your on a forrest, instead of growing weed, how about doing a veggetable garden?

>> No.7460578

Lies, or your a hobo with a fishing pole.

>> No.7460580
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Pic related, nigga. Filtered water is like .25 a gallon. Really cheap.

If you can't find one, look up "water" on your local maps. Sometimes there are dedicated stores that sell water for the same price.

>> No.7460582

I've been doing the Ross Scott diet of eating canned Kidney Beans for Breakfast lunch and dinner and now I look like a concentration camp survivor but stronger.

>> No.7460584

He should invest in a water filter or just plain boil drinking water like a hiker.

>> No.7460592

Ever hear of free wifi?

The number 1 customers of Star Bucks is Homless people, just buyone coffee and camp outside the patio all day.

>> No.7460596

>boiling removes heavy metal contamination
This is what republicans actually believe

>> No.7460600

Some of us live in California or New York where things are just more expensive.

>> No.7460603

In-home water filters never seem to work well. At least, not at the peoples' houses I've been to. I'm pretty sensitive to the taste of pure water though.

>> No.7460612

Not hom, but what's with all the hate? Are you canadian?

I'm from Oregon and I can be an organic food hipster who recycles because I care for the environment like a faggot and still have an AR-15 and Gas guzzling V8 truck ,cause...Murica!

>> No.7460615

>No one seems to get that success is a result of effort anymore.
Because it isn't. Effort is just one piece of the puzzle. You need to be smart about where you place your effort as well. All the hard work in the world won't get you anywhere if you're not working smart. You could be the hardest working chef in the world, but if you don't know any better than sourcing your ingredients from SYSCO or US Foods your restaurant will still be crap. Effort must be paired with smarts and vision to lead to success. The idea that hard work on its own is always rewarded is utter bullshit, as evidenced by the failure of most of the working poor to rise in society. That's why so many of them fail to see a connection between effort and success.

Education is important, because it's all too easy to work very hard for marginal reward if you can't manage to get yourself into a situation where your effort is going to actually get you some success. And education is what allows most people to be able to see where their effort will be best rewarded and get a foot in the door. Because let's face it: the hardest working janitor in the world is never going to rise through the ranks to become Facilities Director without a degree in business management.

>> No.7460617

I have two filter systems: reverse osmosis and a carbon/ceramic filters and a PH balancer.

But I imagine most people don't change their filters because of being lazy, forgetful or cheap.

>> No.7460636
File: 3 KB, 299x169, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>water? sure, it's in the door of the fridge
>don't worry, it's FILTERED!
>ice cubes are pic related
>water tastes awful

Every time.

>> No.7460638


Plenty of highly successful restaurants get food from SYSCO, etc. I agree their food is crap, but not everyone wants michelin-star quality food (or the prices that come with it). Fast food, for example, is crazy successful even though they serve crap.

>> No.7460668

i used to be poor, and i still shop like i am for the most part
i think my worst year was 2010, i made around $9000 that year and the poverty line where i live is $20000 around..
i got around on an old dual sport bike and would dumpster dive at the big grocery stores and bulk food stores literally sell food for pennies, dry white beans are like a quarter for a huge scoop

you eat pretty well that way and your food bill is like $7 a week

>> No.7460930

None. Kills don't even get baptised never mind confirmed.

>> No.7460995

Not every municipality allows homeowners to keep chickens though ;_;

>> No.7461255

>Plenty of highly successful restaurants get food from SYSCO
True, but most restaurants still fail. In general only a small percentage of restaurants are successful. The ones that become destination restaurants rarely use crappy purveyors.
>Fast food, for example, is crazy successful
I'd argue that. Fast food is an industry where a handful of large corporations (particularly McDonald's) dominate. And McDonald's closed over 100 franchises before their recent bounce back. Without the branding and economies of scale these corporations offer becoming the next Subway or Chipotle is highly unlikely. Opening a new franchise of an existing chain probably isn't the path to success either because fast food chains are pretty over extended right now. Even fucking Starbucks is closing stores.

If you want to be successful there are much better choices than restaurants, especially fast food.

>> No.7461353

Now. Boyh filters are inder the sink. Hitting all the kitchen water first then the drinking water spout and then the plastic tube to the fridge which yes the fridge has a filter system as well so I have 3 filter systems...reason is I like to shower with soft water.

>> No.7461391

Even teenagers working low-skill jobs deserve the living wage for their part-time work. The cost of college has skyrocketed relative to the cost of living and teenagers need to start saving for both if they want to make anything of themselves without parents there to pay it all off.

>> No.7461534

>not making a heathy stir fry

>> No.7462218

Not in caloric density, the thing you actually need to live.
>Years supply of rice for $20
You get maybe 3 weeks supply assuming you aren't a physical laborer, and you still need to supplement that with other cereals or legumes for complete protein, not to mention other vitamins and minerals.