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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 2000x1752, McDonald's_Golden_Arches.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7449357 No.7449357 [Reply] [Original]

>Dont eat McDonald's for over a year
>Go one day to get a mcdouble
>Tastes like garbage, want to vomit and shit at the same
Whats happening to me? Is this what growing up is? I don't want it to be like this, I just want to go back to the way things were

>> No.7449362

Sounds like you have digestive problems, you need to see a doctor.

>> No.7449363

Same thing happened to me. It's a weird feeling.

>> No.7449366

You can never crawl back into the womb, sorry.

>> No.7449370

This is what they call a "break" when they say "have you had your break today?"

>> No.7449374

It means you are mentally "breaking"

>> No.7449625

it means you've outgrown your shit taste

>> No.7449631

It means McDonalds food is shit.

>> No.7449643

No, it happened because you hadn't eaten it for over a year. It would happen to anyone. But yeah, part of growing up is not liking junk food very much.

>> No.7449649

>tfw I don't like eating poison
>tfw I hadn't eaten any fast food in over a year
>tfw I happen to get two McDonald's gift cards worth a total of 50 dollars on my birthday
>tfw I ate two mcdoubles and two spicy mcchickens today six hours ago and my heart still hurts

Just kill me

>> No.7449658

OP you need to stay the course, I promise things can go back to normal.
go back tomorrow and have it again, the symptoms will be less so
and after that, and by the end of the week you will be enjoying the mac again

>> No.7449665

their coffee is pretty good now, maybe go back tomorrow for breakfast?
A nice cup of delicious coffee and a big breakfast (gotta get extra hashbrowns, amirite?) will be the perfect arbiter for whether you have broken away from McDonald's or if this is just youthful rebellion

>> No.7449679

this is a meme tho
no matter how much you change your diet the craving for shitty carbs, fat, salt and processed cheese is already deeply engrained in your brain
maybe you dont experience it day to day but you obviously will as soon as you taste it.
Maybe you suffered brain damage tho

>> No.7449788

>Don't eat McDonald's for 6 months
>Have big mac
>Tastes okay, nothing special
>Get stomach ache half an hour later
>Diarrhea a few hours later
>An hour or so after shitting inexplicably feel like another Big Mac

They put addictive shit in there, I swear.

>> No.7449799

I just put my order in for McDelivery using Paypal.
It will be delivered in 4 hours.
If the fries are cold, I'm taking the food and filing a Paypal claim.

>> No.7449800

Spend it on coffee and ice cream, lad.

>> No.7449990

I would, but that seems like a waste since I can buy both of those from the store for way cheaper. I figure I'll just get my fill of greasy burgers for a week or two then go back to not eating it

>> No.7450005

you became heathy

>> No.7450050
File: 4 KB, 100x100, avatar13761_4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda weird that mcdonalds food makes people sick but at the same time some people can eat tons of that shit and feel nothing.

I guess their body gets used to it or something.

>> No.7450060


that's cause of the addictive shit

>> No.7450985

Does anyone else eat taco bell

>> No.7450993
File: 20 KB, 750x750, cake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do because I'm a hungry skeleton with emotional problems
so I'm probably not the best arbiter to validate your eating habits.

>> No.7450999

I'm a hungry skeleton too :>

>> No.7451002

Why would he do that though

>> No.7451003
File: 107 KB, 361x370, bbeg_meets_all_evil_party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting the cheesy gordita crunch combo, which is a decent mount of varied food for the price.
Got any good picks?

>> No.7451007

>People are so fucking fat they think McDonalds burgers are cigarettes

>> No.7451015

I love me some taco bell. But as I get older, it's been joining McD's in the "food that makes me feel like shit" category. Dem 7 layers tho. Fuck I love them.

>> No.7451032
File: 830 KB, 1920x1080, oldmac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to the way things were

>> No.7451038

it is sad that they are just all empty containers. I bet it would still be good today if they had saved the food in them.

>> No.7451043
File: 1.38 MB, 1660x1300, Fig-Newtons-Stacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7451044

happened to me too. i still eat all manner of junk but for some reason after going ages without it in my teens mcdonalds stopped tasting good. i'll gladyl fill my face with taco bell or whatever any time tho.

>> No.7451045
File: 310 KB, 997x1024, improper_riemann_integral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these styrofoam McDonalds cups. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.

The parole board got me into this halfway house and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway. It's hard work. I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time. I don't think the store manager likes me very much.

Sometimes after work I go to the park and feed the birds. I keep thinking Jake might show up and say hello, but he never does. I hope wherever he is, he's doing okay and making new friends.

I have trouble sleeping at night. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am.

Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway, so they'd send me home. I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus. But I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense anymore. I don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided not to stay.

I doubt they'll kick up any fuss.
Not for an old crook like me.

>> No.7451051

Who hurt you

>> No.7451054

Ellis Redding pls

>> No.7451068

>don't eatt shit for a year
>one day decide to eat some shit
>omfg it tastes like shit

>> No.7451076
File: 1.24 MB, 2050x1025, Smokehouse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else boycotting McDonald's until they bring the smokehouse back?

>> No.7451087

>anyone else boycotting McDonald's

Ask me how I know you aren't boycotting shit you fat faggot

>> No.7451091

The fuck is with all these people I hear about who don't eat fast food for a few years, or drink soda for a few years, only to try it later and throw up as though its the worst thing ever.

I don't think that's what happened to people originally when they first tried soda when it was invented, or someone who's lived in another country all their life and hasn't had fast food before only to try it recently.

Someone first trying this shit is like "Yeah, this is alright, although probably not worth the hype". Someone coming back to it after a few years however always talks about how they're gagging and losing their shit.

Do your taste buds just develop against something you don't eat for a long time, or is it a mental thing?

>> No.7451100

>Brooks was here
So was Anon

>> No.7451103

>The fuck is with all these people I hear about who don't eat fast food for a few years, or drink soda for a few years, only to try it later and throw up as though its the worst thing ever.
It's like americans from christian families becoming fedora atheists. McDonalds and soda is like god in that regard.

>> No.7451111

You don't have to stop eating there to boycott it

>> No.7451122

What the fuck do you think boycott means

>> No.7451124

They're posturing to make themselves feel better. If properly prepared fast food gives you the shits or makes you vomit you seriously have some digestive issues going on. Is it a good wholesome everyday diet? No! In general it's a bad meal choice but sometimes it's OK to eat it. Should it give you cramps, explosive diarrhoea, and make you feel like death? No! It's just unhealthy processed food, unless you eat it all the time it won't hurt you at all.

>> No.7451130

In my experience it just tasted like ass. No digestive problems, but just terrible compared to what I remebered.

>> No.7451133
File: 43 KB, 466x492, 1455400858433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, are you on McDonald's strike and only getting the medium instead of large combos now? That will surely teach them a lesson.

>> No.7451136

Mostly it's an age thing for me. When I was young I could eat garbage with impunity. Now that I'm older, a greasy meal leaves me nauseous and gives me gas and heartburn.

>> No.7451148

McFlurry and McGriddle your way to victory

>> No.7451234
File: 32 KB, 250x250, 1417281652850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuude McDonalds is like so bad for you

>> No.7451259

>cook for myself since I'm too lazy to go out and get fastfood, months at a time
>when I visit home I stop by a wendys for some delicious spicy nugs
>get mcdonalds for those delicious junk fries and burgers
>tastes great since it's been so long since I've had it
>go back and continue cooking

What kind of fucking babby can't stomach mcdonalds are you kidding me. That is the most pathetic shit

>> No.7451284

it seems like first worlders in general really get off to showing how "sophisticated" their food tastes are, this kind of "mcdonalds tastes like shit" seems to have been growing over time along with the whole "blue steak is the best" shit

>> No.7451298

Try killing yourselves
It will end the pain
Also remember to stream it

>> No.7451319

I could claim that every time I eat fast food I get explosive diarrhea and feel like crap. However, any time I eat any food any where it happens. Mostly because all I do is drink alcohol nonstop 24/7 even while at work. It has destroyed my body. But hey...Mcdonalds makes me shit..so does Taco Bell...avoid them at all costs! Also any meals with family or cooked by yourself or any solid food at all! Even cold water in the morning makes me throw up! It's a fast food conspiracy!

>> No.7451635

I just turned 30, and you just can't eat this stuff forever. It really fucks me up now. I was fine at 28. Things went downhill fast though.

>> No.7451644


this honestly

the only reason we like stuff like mcd's is because we grew up on either it or similarly terrible-for-you food-like concoctions. rewind to a world before fast food and there is no way this stuff would appeal to humans.

but we got used to it, so it does now. you got un-used to it. congrats?

>> No.7451660

I've never really had the issue with feeling sick after eating at McD.

Oh, and all the people claiming that they start shitting their pants right after eating something are either goddamn liars or they have a serious digestive issue. Food doesn't go through your digestive system that fast.

>> No.7451661

Maybe stop being an alcoholic?

>> No.7451673

It makes everything else already in there explode out your anus

>> No.7451762

> tell friends i havent had mcdonalds for 8 years
> they look at me shocked
I don't need mcdonalds when i have timmies breakfast

>> No.7451785

>being from Canada

>> No.7451807

Your point being?

>> No.7451815

They could have dumping syndrome. I'm fine with the greasiest, spiciest food 95% of the time but, every so often, I'll be crapping something out which I ate 20 minutes ago. It's a real horror to hear a muffled fart come from within your ascending colon and know that it's about to erupt from your anus in the most horrifying way possible. You haven't had a truly traumatic bowel movement unless it results in you cleaning liquid shit out from between your dick and balls because it splashed back that badly.

>> No.7451840

I liked big mac before, now its just a bland burger with thousand island sauce to me

>> No.7451845

The only person I know who gets sick from McDonalds also believes electric fields/radio waves give her headaches

>> No.7451851

That is provably possible

>> No.7451857

It's never been proven and, in double blind trials 'sufferers' only claim to have headaches when they are told they are being exposed to radio waves, regardless of the reality. The only way you're body is going to be sensitive to ambient levels of non ionising radiation with longer wavelengths than infrared is if your fillings are done wrong and you pick up AM radio.

>> No.7451858

You just proved it.

>> No.7451864

Except I myself have experienced headaches which disappeared after turning off my phone

>> No.7451878

EM radiation from phones can cause headaches. However, it's not from the antenna, it's from the screen, you were probably staring at it too much.

>> No.7451885

Nah she's batshit. She's into homeopathy and psychics and horoscopes.

>> No.7452014

So you felt like YOU yourself were the burger?

>> No.7452037

this, children, is a crazy person

>> No.7452042

literally just went and watched this movie because of this comment. thanks

>> No.7452721

I lol'd hard to this

>> No.7452790

>eat fast food every day in college
>work at a convenience store for a few months out of college, continue the habit
>it catches up with me and I get psoriasis from the physical stress eating like that put on my body

I can't eat fast food anymore, and I don't really miss it because I had so much of it over those years. This is still a nice incentive to never go back, though.