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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7445662 No.7445662 [Reply] [Original]

So I had my first job interview in like 5 years today, At burger king Is it a bad sign they didnt offer me the job right there? Or is it normal for them to call you and offer it to you in a week or so?

Also another food place i applied to just called me to schedule an interview today but i want the other job more should i go to this interview too or wait for the other job to call back?

>> No.7445681
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It is very uncommon to be offered the job on the spot anon. Chances are they are speaking with other candidates. I would recommend you go on as many job interviews as possible considering you are currently unemployed.

>> No.7445685


Your life is pathetic.

>> No.7445687

I got hired on the spot at previous jobs which is why i dont know what id say if the other job offers me one while waiting for the one today

>> No.7445698
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You tell them that you would like a day to consider your options and call Burger King to follow up with them. You should put in a call to BK to follow up anyway, hopefully you got some contact info from the people you interviewed with.

>> No.7445703

I interviewed with the gm of the store, I did take her name down

>> No.7445712

And it was awkward as fuck honestly, because at the end she offered her hand to shake, and i never really shook a girls hand, didnt know if to be firm light etc.... so I went for a kind of hug like embrace. Like i said it was weird.

>> No.7445734

>Is it a bad sign they didnt offer me the job right there?
No, every fast food place takes time to hire. I've only gotten hired on the spot once but that employer jerked me around for an entire summer until I finally got work and then my managers were harassing pricks so I took my union lump sum and left.
>another food place i applied to just called me to schedule an interview today but i want the other job more should i go to this interview too or wait for the other job to call back?
Go to the interview if you don't have a solid work contract signed and sealed, work is work m8.
t. person who works full time at a coffee and pastry shop
>so I went for a kind of hug like embrace
Like you shook her hand softly or what? How fucking awkward are you dude? I'm a 20 year old dropout with legit social problems and even I don't have this happen to me during job interviews.

>> No.7445740
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Anon...if you're telling the truth I don't think you have to worry about getting that job

>> No.7445741

i skipped the hand shake all together and went for like a casual hug

>> No.7445742
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>and i never really shook a girls hand, didnt know if to be firm light etc.... so I went for a kind of hug like embrace.
dont ever show your face their again. youll likely never see the gm again so its not a big deal in fact you might be a better candidate automatically since you can add to their equal opportunity quota

>> No.7445749

Holy fuck dude.
Holy fuck.

Yeah you can forget about getting that job. Talk about making shit uncomfortable.

Why not just shake her hand normally? I know this is detrimental to the truth, but just act the same around female employers as you do with male ones. Don't make this mistake again.

>> No.7445753

Honestly didnt know how hard to shake her hand,

>> No.7445755
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>i skipped the hand shake all together and went for like a casual hug
please be making a funny. i reiterate my previous statement>>7445742
either dont show up ever or play the autism thing full scale

at least youre learning

>> No.7445756

How did she respond?

>> No.7445759

took a step back and just smiled and said thank you for coming today

>> No.7445761

You probably have retard strength so I think you made the right move

>> No.7445763

she's playing hard to get ;^)

seriously though just go to your other interview and kiss the king goodbye-they arent calling you back

>> No.7445771

well i do workout

>> No.7445772

She wants you obviously

Just go up there and ask if you got it or not and give her your number

>> No.7445774
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oh fuck man i am lol'ing at your life

>> No.7445780

No he fucking didn't.
Even a tight and firm handshake would've been better then that.
>took a step back and just smiled and said thank you for coming today
Like I said, adios to that offer.

>> No.7445799
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4chan, where people need instructions on how to shake hands.... *sigh*

>> No.7445806

It's close but I think it would have been worse if he had actually crushed her hand

OP is literally Lennie from Of Mice and Men

>> No.7445819

well dunno when i applied at best buy years ago they offered me the job on the spot

>> No.7445837

It's Best Buy anon, if you have the availability you're as good as hired. Even a retard could work at Best Buy (minus Geek Squad since they have to do basic computer repair).

>> No.7445840

wouldnt fast food extend to that and offer the job on the spot?

>> No.7445845

It depends.
Usually yes, for me they called me back the next day after the interview and I did the paperwork right there and got shifted a week later.
Employers are more reluctant these days since the number of full time applications for these jobs are up due to the shit economy and layoffs, however for some reason not many apply for Best Buy full time that have what the background or the personality so i dunno.

Its all luck and circumstance.

>> No.7445858

Major chains that hire in cycles like BK usually have specific periods for every step of the hire process. They list their openings all at once, do their interviews all at once and then do their callbacks all at once. It's all systematic. It's rare for them to deviate from the system, though it does happen.

>> No.7445892

Fast food applications can be surprisingly pretentious.

I applied for McDonalds a few years ago and instead of a form they gave me this fucking thick folder full of aspirational activities and other bullshit I had to complete. I didn't bother.

>> No.7445909

Retail is the same way.

I'm currently applying for very well paying tech jobs and literally all I do is submit my resume on the job req and be done with it.

>> No.7446282

thats weird.

>> No.7446309

cause you have a college degree, i assume. if you can make it through college most businesses just assume you have the basic minimum requirements of social and intellectual skills

>> No.7446688

How much autism do you have? I'm assuming a lot

>> No.7447098


autism strikes again

>> No.7447116
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Holy shit anon, I'm sure BK hires weaboos so no worries.

>> No.7449737

opposite, shitty fast food places have such high turn around the are desperate to higher, you must have a dui or very poor interview/ application skills for them not to pretty much lock in the deal that day.

>> No.7449741

if you post anime pictures you have no place to talk