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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 145 KB, 1024x576, 20160304_141138-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7438856 No.7438856 [Reply] [Original]

3 pounds of ground beef

2.5 pounds of Italian sausage

1 pound of pepperoni

>> No.7438859
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Removed the casing from the sausage and cooked it

>> No.7438860
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monitoring thread

>> No.7438862
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Boiling some water. I'll be par cooking 4 pounds of rigatoni in batches

>> No.7438866
File: 129 KB, 1024x576, 20160304_143847-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut the pepperoni in half

>> No.7438874

>6.5lbs of meat
>4lbs of pasta
how many people are you cooking for OP? that's a fuckload of food.

>> No.7438883

What's up with everyone on /ck/ buying all their food from Walmart?

>> No.7438901
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Cooking the beef

At least 15-20 adults, maybe twice that

>> No.7438931
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All the meat is ready

>> No.7438952

My body is ready, OP

>> No.7438959

Whatever you are making OP, I hope it's good.

>> No.7438982

Post picture of heart attack

>> No.7439017
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Pasta is par cooked

>> No.7439020
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4 white onions

6 jalapeños

>> No.7439043

Sliced a fuckton of baby portabellas

>> No.7439049
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>> No.7439070

fuck you just reminded me I didn't get mushrooms at the store today

>> No.7439082

Quality thread so far OP, nice to have some OC

>> No.7439103

Monitoring thread.

>> No.7439125

good lad. thought you might just be frighteningly obese. what's the occasion?

>> No.7439131
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Mushrooms in the pan

Every Friday my house hosts an AA meeting in the backyard with food and karaoke afterwards

>> No.7439135

>sober karaoke
What fresh hell is this

>> No.7439141

are you the alkie anon who did pulled pork the other day?

>> No.7439147

he's not anon holy shit he's using a name. and yes he's using the same name, pan, plate, and kitchen as that thread. good job detective

>> No.7439168
File: 1.33 MB, 200x200, 1452297918484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you that faggot that jumped all over him because you didn't like his cooking and then told us all we'd think you're a hero if you told us your life story? the one who takes shitposting really REALLY seriously. you are aren't you. faggot.

>> No.7439171

no I like whoremels threads you retard. its not my fault you can't read his name one day and remember it the next

>> No.7439174

i dropped my name for the post he replied to tbf

>> No.7439177

Good job overreacting, you guys. You're literally fighting about nothing.

>> No.7439179


>> No.7439197

that pan looks very nice.

>> No.7439204

I agree.

>> No.7439213

>he's using a name. and yes he's using the same name, pan, plate, and kitchen as that thread

>The brains of people with Asberger Syndrome seem to process information and sensory stimuli differently than the brains of neurotypical (NT) people. This can be a source of difficulty, but it can also be a strength. For example, people with AS are often very good at noticing visual details or remembering facts, skills that are useful in many professions. On the other hand, the same people may be too perfectionistic, become too obsessed with details, or have so much trouble seeing the big picture that they cannot participate in normal modern society.

>> No.7439220

the roomies must appreciate the cooking so why do you still leave your candles off in the corner? you don't feel like forcing it on them?

at this point you are obsessed and you should let it go and allow the thread to continue

>> No.7439225

for all that meat and pasta you at least need a 5 pound bag of onions

>> No.7439232

>why do you still leave your candles off in the corner?

>The brains of people with Asberger Syndrome seem to process information and sensory stimuli differently than the brains of neurotypical (NT) people. This can be a source of difficulty, but it can also be a strength. For example, people with AS are often very good at noticing visual details or remembering facts, skills that are useful in many professions. On the other hand, the same people may be too perfectionistic, become too obsessed with details, or have so much trouble seeing the big picture that they cannot participate in normal modern society.

>> No.7439236

You know you can buy ground sausage meat that's not cased, right?

>> No.7439244

you know thats not true everywhere, right? my closest store doesn't either its very annoying

>> No.7439275
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My candles are all in a box in my sister's garage

Added garlic, black pepper, red pepper, dried oregano, dried thyme, and dried basil

>> No.7439305

thats a shit ton of garlic, however i am Sicilian and support this

>> No.7439315

Holy shit that's a lot of garlic

>> No.7439322

That's GARLIC?
Fuck, i thought it was cous-cous

>> No.7439339

once it cooks you don't get nearly as strong of a flavor

>> No.7439351
File: 161 KB, 1024x576, 20160304_172858-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drained the liquid from a big can of crushed tomatoes and a big can of diced tomatoes

>> No.7439352

Hopefully it's enough garlic to help offset the negative effects of all the processed meat!

>> No.7439355
File: 126 KB, 1024x576, 20160304_174038-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw the onion/shrooms mixture in with the tomatoes and a couple handfuls of the meat to simmer for an hour

>> No.7439358

Whoa, I know someone that has that exact laptop
Are you Dylan McNeil?

>> No.7439365
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was gonna say that's a lot of garlic, but you've also got 6 pounds of meat and 4 pounds of pasta, so that seems about right.

>> No.7439401

yes, laptops are custom made

>> No.7439454
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Tossed all the meat with the pasta topped with shredded parm, Romano and asiago


>> No.7439466
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>> No.7439470

For AA did they make you find Jesus or is that a suggestion now

>> No.7439472
File: 151 KB, 1024x576, 20160304_183003-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw in some of the sauce and mixed everything together

>> No.7439474

looks pretty good for bulk cooking. have fun tonight

>> No.7439477
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More sauce

>> No.7439482
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Colby and Jack cheese

>> No.7439485

dry as fuck

you needed like 6 or more cans of tomatoes

>> No.7439490

I'm drooling

>> No.7439491

oh shit you bakin and overloading it with cheese? this is definitely turning into a big gathering meal

>> No.7439492
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Covered with foil and heating the oven to 400 F

>> No.7439495

nevermid looks good

>> No.7439514

>did they make you find Jesus

Nah. Finding a power greater than oneself is part of AA but what that power is is up to the individual. I know a bunch of atheists, Jews, Muslims, and Wiccans just in my local AA circles.

>> No.7439526

Damn dude, why would you assemble right on the edge of your oven? Look at that mess on the stovetop. You're probably dropping shit on the floor too.

Do you not have any countertop space?

>> No.7439527

>obviously making some sort of Italian style dish
>put in some jalapenos

That's... unconventional, but I suppose some mer-

>tops it all with a shitload of cojack

Don't let your AA buddies know you were drunk off your ass while you were cooking dinner, dude.

>> No.7439532

I think the jalapenos and cojack will make the pepperoni seem less out of place and make it pretty good

>> No.7439543


You only think that because you're drunk.

>> No.7439549

I'm not OP but I have been starving myself the last few days so youre not totally wrong

>> No.7439562
File: 96 KB, 1024x576, 20160304_191108-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you not have any countertop space?

Pic related

I use jalapeños in place of bell peppers because bells have no flavor.

I admit the cojack is a reach but I had bunch leftover from last week that I needed to use up. I'm sure it will taste fine.

>> No.7439568

>3 pounds
>2.5 pounds
>1 pound

how fat are you. don't lie, this is the internet

>> No.7439573

Laptop doesn't need to be there. Neither do the dishes. What's in the pitcher, or the latch jar?

>> No.7439575

read the thread, jackass.

>> No.7439582

what are you watching

>> No.7439608

Parts Unknown

>> No.7439615

>I use jalapeños in place of bell peppers because bells have no flavor.

Yeah, if you buy garbage bells. Buy the good ones. They have a sweet, fresh flavor. Go to a farmer's market or an organic produce store if you have to.

>> No.7439618

its winter

>> No.7439627


Bell peppers grow all year if you keep them indoors, chief.

>> No.7439645

>Go to a farmer's market or an organic produce store

Cost is a factor man. Jalapeños taste great and are dirt cheap. Keep in mind that I'm cooking for dozens of people on a tight budget.

>> No.7439662

Probably shoulda baked them first then did the cheese under the broiler in case you get stickage with the foil. Even spraying the foil might not prevent this.

>> No.7439699

>bells have no flavor
You a smoker as well as a drinker? This is the dumbest shit I read all day.
Also Colby jack with pasta?

>> No.7439702

Greater power concept is dumb and teaches powerlessness over your own actions, but there's not really a better alternative out there for drunks at the moment than AA so whatever.

>> No.7439707

I never understood how the greater power thing could be interpreted any other way than god is real

the people in AA are a nice group, but weak as hell and strike me as bernie or hillery voters

>> No.7439710

Better that than Trump voters.

>> No.7439713

false. go away don't ruin a thread.

>> No.7439796

After 20 minutes covered.

>> No.7439803
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>> No.7439806

its the best/cheapest grocery store in alot of places

>> No.7439810

are you west coast or how late is this fucking meeting

>> No.7439830

fuck kinda food is this



?? where is he going with this?


ahh spaghet


ok i see where he is going


wtf is going on now?


now its lasagna or something

>mix the cheese in


>Colby Jack

what kind of abomination did you create, are you trying get these people off the wagon?

>> No.7439833



>> No.7439860
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Another 10 minutes uncovered and ready to serve

>> No.7439867

nice. would eat.

>> No.7439874

looks like it'll taste great. you scooped a piece and there's no shot of it though

tell me what youre gonna sing whoremel

>> No.7439919
File: 89 KB, 1024x576, 20160304_211046-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't look very impressive on the plate but it tastes fantastic

I'm going to sing Bulls On Parade by Rage Against The Machine

>> No.7439928

hey I'd eat it and like it. it made me smile thinking of you banging your head on the chorus when you shout PARADE

>> No.7439946

Really nice thread OP, I should make something like this myself sometime.

>> No.7439953

Reminds me of midwestern church potluck food.

>> No.7439958

>Also Colby jack with pasta?

Not OP, but I sometimes put Colby Jack on my pizzas. Don't knock it till you've tried it.

>> No.7439961

OC cookalongs are always great, thanks OP.

>> No.7439964

>ground beef from a tube

>> No.7439973

That's how beef gets in your ass, so I don't see why you'd find that fact strange.

>> No.7440559

your food is bad op and you should feel bad.

why do you keep posting shit food? every fucking night, like you actually know what you are doing.

then you got all these weeb faggots who compliment it because they can't even manage to properly boil a fucking egg to put in their shitty mr noodle!

what are you trying to prove? your food sucks op. quit fucking posting your slop every god damn night.

>> No.7440874

Post yours then

>> No.7440923


why would i do that? no one is going to eat what i eat. op is a fat fuck cooking shit food acting like it's something people actually want to see. the only people in here thinking it looks good get excited for a frozen tv dinner. i'm certainly not going to break my clean bulk to prove a point. then i would be no better than you slobs.

>> No.7440949

Wow, you are a whiny cunt.

>> No.7440952

I bet you're a real treat IRL. Jump off a cliff.

>> No.7440954


naw man, i just don't think talentless hacks should be posting garbage every damn night. maybe he should spend this time getting his life together instead of cooking shit food in a fucking halfway house surrounded by drunks who probably aren't going to make it.

>> No.7440956


fuck off britbong. if i want advice about how to not brush my teeth i will come ask. until then, your opinion is as garbage as your food and women

>> No.7440963
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Twelve steppiin like a mofo...

>> No.7440968

Drunks will eat anything, I guess....

>> No.7441199

fuck off

>> No.7441588

Ash Woods???

>> No.7441612


>> No.7441679

So that was you in the other thread with the jaundice? I thought so but I didn't want to ask in case you'd rather be anon.
Good for you, man.

>> No.7441782
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>Colby and Jack cheese
Was on board until this

>> No.7442128

Yeah that was me

>> No.7442228

I can understand eating it
I can even kind of understand cooking it
But I can't understand making a thread about it

>> No.7442513


There's literally nothing to learn to from throwing a bunch of random shit together and baking it with cheese on top. I've seen plenty of high quality cookalongs get nitpicked to death by shit posters but this abomination has a circlejerk of kindness defending it.

>> No.7442554

Maybe you just don't understand cooking like you thought.

>> No.7442564


>maybe you just don't understand cooking like you thought.

maybe you're just a fat fuck who is more than happy to shovel literally anything in his mouth

>> No.7442595


>> No.7442647

Not him, but I'd just like to point out your post as a prime example of this board's apparent obsession with fat people. Seriously, any time a disagreement arises between posters, one calls the other fat. Every time. Without fail. That, or they'll be called a fat American. Which is redundant, but whatever.

Kidding, seriously, why the insults? Anon likes something you don't, so what?

>> No.7442689
File: 35 KB, 640x335, Fatpeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's not the board's obsession with fat people, it's the world's obsession. it's disgusting. people eating in abundance, trying to defend their actions, not giving a shit about the burden they place on society, and then pretend we are the selfish assholes for not considering their needs.

i have no respect for fat people. they did it to themselves. anyone who says they can't lose weight is a liar. i don't care what your genetics are. getting fat while ingesting less calories than your body is burning would be perpetual motion. fat people are not a miracle of physics. they are lazy, selfish, gluttonous people who expect the world to cater to them because they make bad choices in life. they are a plague. i will never accept or tolerate them.

>> No.7442701

I feel like the alcohol was probably healthier for you than this meaty monument to heart failure.

>> No.7442726 [DELETED] 

I haven't been following this argument but: I travel a lot for work and in many parts of the US obesity is considered normal and people who are what would pass for a normal weight anywhere else are viewed with suspicion and not a little hostility

I can easily see how a passportless flyover whose main exposure to people from other places comes from 4chan /ck/, might naturally assume that /ck/ is the weird demographic for thinking obesity is a bad thing.

ok now I'll move on to another thread.

>> No.7443048

I've traveled all over the US as well and it's true that in far too many places obesity is very common. However it's also been my experience that even in the fatest of fat areas being at healthy size is absolutely not something that is treated with suspicion or animosity.

If you encountered an icy reception in your travels it was probably because you are an insufferably condescending and judgemental column of human sewage.

>> No.7443053
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I bet you have more fedoras than you have had girlfriends

>> No.7443094

>I feel like the alcohol was probably healthier for you than this meaty monument to heart failure.

It's clearly an attempt at slow suicide because his life in empty without alcohol.

>> No.7443117

why do people like you even come here? fuck off phoneposter

>> No.7443123

you have an electric cooktop and a range.


>> No.7443141


jelly that i'm posting on a phone worth more than your laptop when you bought it 6 years ago?

>> No.7443144


he lives in a halfway house for alcoholics whos lives fell apart

>> No.7443146

>i base my self worth on the number of shiny gadgets I own

>> No.7443149


if you seen the post of himself in his hospital bed fishing for pity because it was entirely his fault for putting himself there, you would know he's actually a dumpy faggot with a really gay tattoo around his neck.

>> No.7443157


>i base my self worth on the amount of euphoria i feel

what level of wizardry have you obtained so far?
fat dumpy faggot

>> No.7443174

Interesting, I never thought to combine Italian and Mexican cuisine before

>> No.7443192

Alright. Well I wasn't asking you to accept or tolerate anything. I just find the assumption that anybody you disagree with is fat really funny. I've been called fat plenty of times here. Which is hilarious because I've lived in a state of transience for the last six months and have gone in upwards of a week without food on more than one occasion. I just find the assumption a little ridiculous is all. That said, I often find fat people pretty fucking disgusting. And your pic made me laugh. Saved, thanks.

Oh, I know obesity is common in the US, I live there, don't hold it against me. But I think anybody who's spent any significant amount of time on this board is aware that it's a fairly diverse bunch who post here. Anyway. Thanks for the input, appreciated.

>> No.7443275
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OP checking in to let yall know that I love you all.

I'm relaxing after a bust day with a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. I went to threw AA meetings today and a friend's birthday party at a pretty decent Chinese place.

>> No.7443728


You shouldn't have a tripcode, you are a shit cook m8. Quit being a fag.

>> No.7443732

thx for the thread OP, looked tasty. Gonna have to make myself something like that soon

>> No.7443737

A trip is alright in your own cook along thread you queer boy

>> No.7443754


If I cooked that shit I wouldn't want people to know it was me. Fucking amerifat faggot. Can't even hold his booze

>be me
>be loser drunk
>go to house for fag drunks
>cook shit food
>stay fat
>post it on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum
>still be a fat faggot

>> No.7443759
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>If I cooked that shit I wouldn't want people to know it was me.

OK good for you.
Feel free to stop posting now

>> No.7443766
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You with the free hug brigade?

What a goob

>> No.7443935

would not bang

>> No.7444048

Can you read?

>> No.7444588
File: 92 KB, 1024x576, 20160116_141625-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a difference between a trip and a name. I use a name in my threads so it's easier to keep track of who is replying to whom.

This would be uneccesary if /ck/ had ID's.

>> No.7444884
File: 16 KB, 300x168, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a board about cooking. Beats another thread about fucking Taco Belle or some shit.

>> No.7445212


Why would I give a shit about what you say?


My problem isn't your tripcode, though niggeroni is pretty pathetic. My problem is you can't cook for shit.


I'm not entirely sure it is...

>> No.7445216

Is that so you remember what you posted after you've blacked out you fucking wino?

>> No.7445688


Tooshey you witty bastard.

>> No.7445705

I feel like the fml guy has replaced you. He makes better food than you. He has cats and gets dickered. You don't even have jesus candles anymore

>> No.7445708
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Thread hijack!

Calzones were for dinner

>> No.7445711
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>> No.7445718
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>> No.7445722
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Was yumms

>> No.7445860

Looks great

What's in them?

>> No.7445883


Fresh mozzarella
Hot Italian sausage
Goat cheese ricotta

>> No.7445893

>Low grade cheeses
>Basic bitch "mushrooms"
>Ground beaf

Faux-Italian food is vile.

>> No.7445949


>great value brand

>> No.7445959

fml guy seems to have it pretty good. decent place, good food, not forever alone, and abundance of cats.

i think niggeroni is the true fml guy

>> No.7446030

Another great cook along from whoremel. Don't listen to all these haters. Keep em coming

>> No.7446120


you are the minority, and no one likes minorities...

>> No.7446138

How are people even complaining about OC threads?
It's like the perfect /ck/ for you is Jack/Joey/other food reviewer threads, fast food threads, and thinly disguised drakeposting.

>> No.7446152


because the food is shit and he can't cook

>> No.7446180

Bad food creation still creates areas of discussion like:
1. Why its bad
2. How to make it better
3. What range of disabilities op has
Normally these threads just have the topic of gas station food or the cheapest fast-food items but here it's op's disaster creation

>> No.7446201

and it's ruined

>> No.7446216


that made me laugh

>> No.7447357

>No candles
Fuck man, you're breaking my heart.