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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 450x369, pork_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7442792 No.7442792 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Food that you won't touch with a 10ft pole


>> No.7442798

Are you Jewish, Muslim, or Vegan?

>> No.7442801

Pork is amazing, you're seriously missing out.

>> No.7442804

I don't see myself touching pork with a 10 foot pole either. Seems kinda pointless

>> No.7442811

Seriously, I hate religious food exceptions and phobias. I eat pork the most, it's cheap and tasty as fuck.

>> No.7442815

Unless the pole has been sanitized, I wouldn't touch any food with it.

>> No.7442821

The only decent think you can get from pork is sausage, pork skins, and bacon (inb4 meme food). Everything else taste bland as fuck.

>> No.7442824

you forgot the entire world of barbecue

>> No.7442827
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>> No.7442830

Barbecue being good is a meme invented by southerners to pretend to have something worth having in their heritage. Who else would unironically eat burned meat?

>> No.7442840
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I would like to take this time to thank you, OP, and the Muslims, the vegangfags, and ze Juden, for not eating pork. Your refusal to partake in this particular delicacy significantly contributes to the relatively low cost of sweet delicious pork in any given supermarket, and I appreciate that.

So thank you, OP, thank you very much indeed.

>> No.7442887

I like barbecue flavor but with beef, not pork.

>> No.7442903

Never had pulled pork on turkish bread at a nice hipster cafe? Delish m8

>> No.7442915
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Chicken feet

I wont be fooled again. Damned asians!

>> No.7442922

Pork is just bland garbage. Inferior to beef in literally every single way.

>> No.7442928

Kill urself

>> No.7442939

That's great! Keep spreading the word of Allah anon, cheap pork for the rest of us.

>> No.7442941

>being this jewish

>> No.7442969

That's right, it is, please continue to not buy pork, anon, I am truly thankful.

>had a nice piece of pork tenderloin with sauerkraut and home made bread for dinner tonight

>> No.7442984

>tfw muslim but eat pork every week

Allah'll forgive me probably, I'll just make due with a few less virgins.

>> No.7442985


The only things I avoid are sweets and junk foods with empty calories, overly processed foods, and things with an assload of sugar or HFCS.

I'll eat any veg, fruit, or protein, as long as it's cooked in a quasi healthy manner.

>> No.7442990

G'dammit, Achmed, that pork doesn't belong to you!

>> No.7442991
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this. I trust this health inspector schmuck.

>> No.7442993

raw celery. I'll eat it in soup, in cajun cuisine, but by it self it makes me gag like no-ones business.

>> No.7442996
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you are a pretty shitty muslim, m8

>> No.7443003

Fuck off, fundie.

>> No.7443008


Clearly you guys don't understand...

Pork is extremely similar to human flesh. Ever hear the term long-pork? Well that's us. We are long-pork. Pork is just a substitute for those times long-pork is difficult to obtain, and it's quite delicious!

>> No.7443017

It's long pig, you long goose.

>> No.7443031

so mudslimes don't eat pork because they think they're pigs?


>> No.7443039


It's because mudslimes know they are filthy disgusting creatures. They dedicate one hand for simply wiping their asses because they don't wash well enough to ever think it's clean.

>> No.7443051

>generalising this much
Bitch try Jeju black pork in South Korea then tell me if it's bland

>> No.7443055

Any form of seafood

>> No.7443060

>having a 10ft pole
>using imperial instead of metric


>> No.7443061

Unless you have allergies you are the worst type of person.

>> No.7443067

Yeah me neither, those 10ft bamboo fishing poles are for blacks and asians. 7 ft fiberglass is for people living in the 21st century.

>> No.7443238
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Seriously fuck this stuff I'm getting nauseous just looking at it.

>> No.7443249
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Currently in the process of smoking a pork butt right. Been at it for about 13 hours now. Almost done. Ready to make some pulled pork out of it.

>> No.7443287

WTF is unironically?

>> No.7443544
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tried it multiple times, tried to enjoy it, just can't do it.

>> No.7443546

A gene accounts for this, it makes certain people taste Cilantro as soap.

You literally have inferior genetics.

>> No.7443548

you got that from Archer

>> No.7443558

he's right when he says they don't eat them because they are filthy. pigs sleep and eat in their own shit. but mudslimes also live in shitty countries that make our slaughterhouses look more sanitized than a hospital. nothing wrong with pork for 1st worlders

>> No.7443565

I can't tell you how many times some faggot has said to me that they don't eat pork because it's a 'filthy' creature or because it 'tastes like humans,' and you can just tell their favorite film is fucking Pulp Fiction and they got the stupid human-flesh fact from some other pop culture pos.

Basing your choice to cut an entire fucking ingredient of several dishes and preparation methods because of some film you saw is pathetic.

>> No.7443566

grow up

>> No.7443597

muzzie be gone!

>> No.7443615

go back to >>fit

>> No.7443644

This is how Americans think.
They are supposed to be a "super-power" with this ingrained, racist, and seperatist thinking.
Thankfully not everyone in the US thinks like this.

>> No.7443650

Oh god I hate raw celery. So damn bland and stringy.

>> No.7443657

Are you denying there are hygiene discrepancies between different cultures? It's not racist to point out the fact that India has very poor bathrooms and rivers full of fecal matter.

>> No.7443674

you've obviously never seen a shitting field. how's that first year of college treating you?

>> No.7443692
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I guess differing opinions and preferences bother you to some degree.

>> No.7443695

wow, its like you've never traveled to other countries or anything.

>> No.7443700


Broccoli and cauliflower.

>> No.7443701

it's not that. I was just implying that those people have the taste preferences of a toddler. like the kind of people who's favorite food growing up was "chicken" all through their teenage years even. just baby shit really.

>> No.7443705
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>people don't like what I like
>they have the preferences of a toddler

Nah, you're just mean spirited and have an infantile perception of the world.

>> No.7443706

>you got that extremely old name from a shitty cartoon for edgy millennials

>> No.7443710

don't be daft
long-pork has been used since at least 1929


maybe yanks only know it because of that cartoon, but other english speakers were already aware of it.

>> No.7443711

They're being needlessly caustic but I think that the way of the world is that, yes, more interesting people have more adventurous taste, in all avenues. The great leaders and great artists don't list 'chicken tendies' as their favorite foods, after all. It's autistic to declaim others over their food choices but food discernment or lack thereof does say a lot as to someone's makeup.

>> No.7443713

>tried it multiple times, tried to enjoy it, just can't do it.

Sounds like at least one of them was plenty adventurous, it just didn't suit his palette. Again, I think you're just being mean spirited because people don't like things you enjoy. Or perhaps you're just in a foul mood and instead of handling it like an adult you get online and spread your angst. Either way, you shouldn't judge people based on personal preferences; it's close minded.

>> No.7443714

lambs fry, kidneys, tripe, brains in lemon etc. these were usually the first if the kill to be served up. mum would always threaten up that if we didn't finish our plate we would not get any if the good meat later in the week. wouldn't touch any of that shit ever again

>> No.7443715

In "trendy" restaurants in the US offal is served regularly and they charge outrageous prices for parts of the animal that used to be thrown away.
>in b4 someone mentions crustaceans and chicken wings

>> No.7443725
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yea, i'd understand if you don't go for beef hearts and whale penis, but cilantro? Raisins?

HOnestly that's just a red flag for some sort of social disorder.

I honestly hate picky manchildren. I mean, I don't usually like brussel sprouts. But I would never say "I HATE BRUSSEL SPROUTS" because that comes off autistic and whiny like a child, and I'm none of those things so I'll never say something like that.

I've never had brussel sprouts in all the infinite ways they can be prepared, so I really don't know if I hate brussel sprouts. It's just a sign of ignorance and immaturity. That's why all picky eaters actually deserve to die.

>> No.7443726

Well maybe they're doing something wrong or they're not creating a broad enough context for their experience. You can look at each word on a page but it doesn't mean you've understood the writing. Isn't it closed-minded to say that taste has no bearing on a person's personality, and that we should just close our eyes and hug?

>> No.7443734
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>people don't like the things you enjoy

here's my point though--when someone says "I hate onions" or "I hate tomatoes," I just can't take them seriously as an adult. It's like they were abused growing up and skipped some fundamental psychosexual developmental stage.

Sure, it's your tastebuds and it's all subjective. But that doesn't mean I can't call you out on your shit taste. I mean, there are people who thought Grown-ups 2 was a sequel that needed to be made. That doesn't mean these people should be the same people handing out Oscars. It means those people are retarded and autistic and should be gassed en masse, like picky eaters.

>> No.7443740
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>> No.7443742

You're being willfully ignorant and you're eschewing the point. What someone likes or doesn't like to eat has nothing to do with their worth as a person. One of them mentioned he tried the food he disdained and even tried to like it, it just wasn't for him. One of them dislikes cilantro, which isn't all that odd because its a fact that some people taste cilantro differently than others. To some people it taste bitter and chemically. Seriously, google it.

You and the other guy seem to be attributing things to these posters that they didn't state or even imply. Many of those posts linked didn't even include text, so you have no idea to what extent they tried the food in question before deciding they didn't like it. I understand that this is the internet and assholes sharing their opinions like petulant children is common, but really, try and show a little maturity and decorum. Are we not all gentlemen? Do we not share a responsibility to be decent and civil to each other? If someone doesn't like someone, oh well, its his life and his preferences have no impact on you whatsoever, so chill out and keep your nose out of other people's business. Its just rude and gauche to the point of being autistic.

>oh look at this irony

>> No.7443748

Stop using terminology you don't understand in some vain attempt to sound intellectual. You have no valid argument here, m8. You have an opinion, I get that, you have made it abundantly clear. They also have an opinion, the difference is that you're acting all huffy and they don't care that you have a differing opinion. Chill out, you'll live longer and will probably be happier in general.

>> No.7443752


The mark of a true gentleman is an open mind.

He knows that judging an ingredient is narrow-minded because an ingredient can be prepared a thousand ways in a thousand different contexts.

I hated tomatoes until, one summer's afternoon, my neighbor handed me a tomato sandwich, and I ate it with mayonnaise and cracked pepper, tasting the full sweetness of the late-August sun in every bite as the juices stained my shirt pink.

>> No.7443757


I like how you called me salty and then made a crusade to defend your chicken tendies. you're a retard with shit taste. grow up and stop eating baby food please

>> No.7443761


>You have no valid argument here

Agreed, and you'll agree to not having the emotional maturity required to enjoy food.

You honestly CAN'T say that you enjoy food if you're going to sit there and type, "I HATE ONIONS." You might as well just be a robot eating carbs, proteins, and fat, and drinking water and cheap beer until you die.

I SINCERELY believe that you have to be able to love all food in order to be a good chef and a good connoisseur. That doesn't mean every single dish has to agree with you. It means that you don't let preconceptions, past experiences, or prejudices define the context of your active palate.

>> No.7443763

When will this stupid meme die?
Yes, it's a genetic variation that makes it taste like soap, but do you really have so little going on in your life that NOT having that variation is what you cling on to for pride?
If you think that's the one thing that puts you above someone else you should probably just shut up and improve yourself instead.
Everything is a fucking genetic variation anyway and it's not like cilantro gives you some huge Darwinian advantage in life.

>> No.7443772

>implying I eat tendies
See? Even you know you have no argument and are trying to find a way to leave the convo whilst saving face.
>grow up
oh so much irony

>> No.7443775

>being this butt flustered because he's been called out on having the palette of a 5 year old

my sides

>> No.7443777

What's ironic eating?

>> No.7443781

I never actually stated that there were any foods I disliked, I will eat just about anything food-wise. I am open minded when it comes to food, but I also think that if people dislike something its entirely their business and it shouldn't matter to others, nor should it be held against them. Judging someone based on preference is by far the most immature thing on this board, which is why i find that other guy so ironic. He's quit literally acting like a petulant child yet he is convinced of his maturity. Apparently his maturity compels him to voice his opinions like a child whilst simultaneously making an ass out of himself in public forum. >>7443757
Here, I linked you too so you know I'm talking about you specifically, kiddo.

>> No.7443782

i have seen it on the menu before and it has sounded nice. it got be wondering if i would have enjoyed it if i wasn't forced fed this crap as a child. im almost at the stage of wanting to try some but can't quite bring myself to

>> No.7443785

>trying this hard to save face
You know, if you want people to stop laughing at you, I would recommend not arguing unwinnable points. You're really pulling a Donald Trump here, you have no valid point, you're just angry and feel the need to lash out because you have silly hair.

>> No.7443786

Its not always prepared well. Some places don't clean the intestines well enough and you can tell instantly.

>> No.7443787


This >>7443710

I got it from reading serial killer books. Some guy in Germany killed people and sold their meat as long-pork. Think it was Germany...

>> No.7443791
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>get a load of this whiny americunt

>> No.7443792
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>calls me immature
>hates raisins
>favorite food is chicken tendies

please keep going. I'm in tears

>> No.7443798

Why must you samefag and continue to feed the troll? So what if you eat like a child. It's your business.

>> No.7443800
File: 3 KB, 113x126, trollhardernigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never actually stated that there were any foods I disliked

You're really sad. Like I hope you're not depressed but you probably are and try to hide it because you think feeling down is a sign of weakness or something. Just be chill and accept others, others will most likely come to accept you. You don't have to be this unhappy all the time.

>or maybe you're just sober and out of drugs what the fuck do i know

>> No.7443803

Not samefagging, nor do I eat. I photosynthesize like a true gent.

>pretends to be someone else to claim samefagging

More irony. So much iron I'm surprised the Romans haven't invaded to claim it.

>> No.7443805



>> No.7443810

Never make excuses for chosen weakness.
People who fail to be omnivore are failed adults.
It is just a matter of will and training.

>> No.7443811


>> No.7443812

I'm not depressed! I'll suck your dick and prove how not depressed i and!

you said you hate pork, sushi, cilantro and raisins. tisk tisk. you can't undo it now bucko

>> No.7443817

>not samefagging
>can't prove it

your lying is as shit as your taste. idk if you live on the east coast but you should be able to get mcdonalds now, babby. pretty sure there's no cilantro in that so you don't have to worry about breaking down in the parking lot

>> No.7443825

How would he prove it? Any asshole can edit a screenshot anyway.

>> No.7443826

It was a joke, but I guess not a good one.

The last 4 posts were yours, prove they were not. But even if you post a screen cap I'll just claim its photoshopped or you posted from a phone and a PC seperately because this is 4chan and thats how we roll.

But seriously dude, chill out. You're obviously upset, and you really shouldn't be. People have their own preferences, I don't know why it bothers you so much. Is this really what you're even mad about or are you just misdirecting your angst? Did you have a bad day? A bad life?

I can will myself to an erection, thats about it.

>> No.7443827


>> No.7443832
File: 36 KB, 458x461, 141432506159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had pork for din din
>I love kimbap
>I am one of the few who think oatmeal raisin cookies are GOAT

I will undo the world and be the only one left bucking. You cannot stop me, I have enhanced myself and can now accomplish what none before me have.

>> No.7443835

>spotted the uneducated muricunt
learn your history and learn what puns are faggot

>> No.7443836

are you more angry with me cause I'm being a dick to you for no reason or are you more angry with yourself because you are embarrassed of your eating habits?

>> No.7443838
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>> No.7443843

Oh, how clever. You just tried to flip my own question on me it a completely new and original fashion, you are clearly in possession of a superior intellect and we all respect you for it. Like I have said before, I will eat almost anything, not too picky. You're also not being a dick to me as far as I can tell, you're just really unhappy and don't know how to deal with it properly. When's the last time you slept?

>> No.7443860

6 hours ago for 7 solid hours of uninterrupted sleep

I think you are angry because you can't stop replying to me even though you know I've been trolling from the start. but that's typical of picky manchildren like yourself. your "must have it my way" attitude will keep you up at night thinkin about this conversation and all the things you could've and should've said to further drive your point home to a person who is trying to get a rise out of you and succeeding.

Im going to work now :^)

>> No.7443869

Civilizedfag here.
I'm not a native speaker and never heard of tendies. What are tendies?

>> No.7443877

I don't think you were trolling, I think you had an unplanned outburst because you are not in control of your emotions. I've been trying to interject jokes into this convo to try and lighten your mood but you are still so upset. I don't even know you and I'm a little worried about you, locking up that much bile is horrid for your health. If you want to play this off as some sort of game go ahead, but please take care of yourself and try to calm down. Also your perception of me is really scewed and anyone with even a cursory knowledge of psych can spot that you're just projecting. "but that's typical of picky manchildren like yourself. your "must have it my way" attitude will keep you up at night thinkin about this conversation and all the things you could've and should've said to further drive your point home to a person who is trying to get a rise out of you and succeeding." is way to specific to be a comment directed at someone you barely know and its quite revealing about yourself. Does your place of employment offer in house counseling? If they do you might want to make use of it, its not a sign of weakness to seek help with your problems.

Have a nice day at work, hon.

>> No.7443944


you don't have many friends, do you? probably a lot of fedoras, a few trench coats, maybe a wide assortment of manga, but not many friends...

>> No.7443959
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>> No.7443967

chicken tender loins, in the states they are usually crumbed and deep fried

>> No.7443969
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>> No.7444024
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>> No.7444138

I often eat my eat ironically, I'm all like fuck you meat I don't even like you but I'm going to eat you outta principal... with a slight smirk on my face I begrudgingly chew it down, inside I'm dead but the meat doesn't know that.... Imagine the Southwark whales episode where I am Japanese and the meat is the whale.... FUCK YOU WHALES!

>> No.7444170

> I dun lyk thing!!
>how can U not lyk thing???? Ure stupid!!! Now THIS is really disgusting

Repeat x775

>> No.7444223

What's the inside temp you keep it at?

>> No.7444230
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DIY smoker setup

>> No.7444249
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All I taste is Tylenol.

>> No.7444255

>What someone likes or doesn't like to eat has nothing to do with their worth as a person.

It does to me, as it shows their level of intelligence. Food is for sustenance first and foremost, and to intentionally avoid healthy foods that help build and maintain your body shows you lack the ability to properly reason, which gives you less value.

Vegan? Yea, you're a fucking moron, unless you HAVE to be a vegan. Likewise, those that choose to eat mainly junkfood are also of a lower value, as they, too, are fucking idiots.

>> No.7444260
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Mayo. I will never swallow anything the color or consistency of cum. I also hate white people.

>> No.7444271

>What are tendies?

Things children call chicken tenders....much in the same way they would call a blanket a "blankie".

>> No.7444289

Children need to be beat more often. Learn the right words for the right things. No need to dumb it down for the like the fucking mexicans

>> No.7444308
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Special occasions aside, mass produced pizza.

Too much sugar and not satisfying even after eating 1000 calories of it.

Sure I miss it, but I just can't do it anymore.

>> No.7444309

either your cum is fucked or your mayo is, either way they should be in no ways similar

>> No.7444331

>yea, i'd understand if you don't go for beef hearts and whale penis, but cilantro? Raisins?
>People can have preferences but only preferences that fit my preconceived world view

>> No.7444458

>I don't like being judged

>> No.7444471

You're a pleb if you can't stomach offal, and a retard if you think you can judge others for being picky eaters while refusing something as inoffensive as a beef heart.

>> No.7444819 [DELETED] 

i dont like pork either, except for pork belly which is divine with an apple cider jus/sauce

>> No.7444836

I thank god I wasnt born with that shitty genetic disorder that makes cilantro taste like soap. That is a literal god tier herb.

>> No.7444842

my mom used to completely dry the shit out of pork, so i despised it. not so much anymore now that i realize what i had been missing on.

i hate beans though, it's a texture thing. even then i'd still try them if prepared for me.

>> No.7444847

i used to hate the taste of the nori, so i started with sashimi and nigiri and that got me into it.

>> No.7445002

What does it taste like?
It tastes sudsy to me but I eat it anyway

>> No.7445007
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Pickled herring

Fuck that shit

>> No.7445024

You only tried the industrialized stuff then. Get some free range pork shoulder, roast it and tell me it's bland again.

>> No.7445060

I didn't know I had it until recently. Feels bad man, just knowing I don't even get to know if I'd actually like it or not.

>> No.7445119

13 hours is completely unnecessary. after smoking for about 2 h, you can wrap it in foil and be done in about 6-7 h from start to finish. Just remember to give about 10-20 min with the foil of in order to make a nice crust at the end.

>> No.7445133


I used to like it, it was a nice earthy herb. After I quit smoking it tasted like shit.

>> No.7445141
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>> No.7445162

>gas grill

your waifu a shit

>> No.7446020


>> No.7446173
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>> No.7446232

holy shit that looks delicious

>> No.7446241
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>> No.7446272
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cole slaw is the most disgusting thing ive ever eaten

>> No.7446694

Shut the fuck up, I'm so sick and tired of literally everything being a meme. Wow you know what meme I hate the most? Walking, walking is such an annoying meme. Kill yourself faggot

>> No.7446701

Allahu Akbar

>> No.7446726

your entire post is a meme

>> No.7446730

what kind though? most premade coleslaw is loaded with sugar and too much celery seed. homemade in a light mayo dressing or vinegar coleslaw is good.

>> No.7446743

>yellow jacket
Fuck those shits. They come here every year and didn't do anything but make nests, and confuse me to hating bee bros for years

>> No.7446777

I've seen people use the term online, and it is a sad implication.

Best cut of pork imo. If this were beef, that would be a pricy cut of meat.

>> No.7446823

Anything that aren't tendies

>> No.7446851

you should tell that to my father, when he heard he shouldn't eat it anymore for medical reasons, he almost thought his life had ended.
i don't really think there's anything i wouldn't touch with a 10ft pole. maybe raw cellery

>> No.7446869

wait, is burning meat an american bbq thing?
in here we call barbeque grilled meats

>> No.7447151

looks like californian bullshit "sushi" maybe try real ones?

>> No.7447270


So im gonna go out on a limb here and guess that youre a dune coon

For good pork try:
>pork tenderloin
>wrap in bacon
>apply rub of maple syrup, butter, and cinnamon
>bake for 1 hour


>tomahawk pork chop
>rub down with olive oil, rosemary, and garlic
>salt and pepper
>grill that bitch, dont overcook

Pork can be good OP, you just need to know how to prepare it.

>> No.7447454

If he was a good muslim, someone would be cleaning him of the streets with a mop.

>> No.7447461

have no idea what he's talking about. american bbq is smoked.

>> No.7447481


>> No.7447492

Thanks for proving you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7447503

Not muslim or Jewish but I also avoid pork. It's shit tier meat that comes from a gross animal.

If given the option beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, ostrich, or pork- why the fuck would you choose pork. Shit is bland.

>> No.7447508
File: 319 KB, 1600x1067, Rainbow-Chard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rainbow Chard

How did this shit even pass as a leaf green? It completely lacks flavor and tastes like taking a bite out of a your landscaping. It's also hard as fuck and is an absolute nightmare to shit out.

>> No.7447510

it means un-ironically. are you dense?

>> No.7447514

While I will occasionally enjoy a barbecue for plebian novelty's sake, I must agree with you.

Cooking meat until it is dry and smokey and then over-saucing the shit out of it afterwards to compensate is a pretty terrible meme.

>> No.7447519

only stupid whites eat the greens. the stems are where it's at

t. a brown person (by definition, therefore, a person who knows more about food)

>> No.7447804

Durka durka Muhammad jihad.

>> No.7447820

Mayo isn't bad if it is done in small amounts. Problem is a lot of people like to slather on a heaping portion of it on whatever sandwich or whatever they're putting it on and all you can taste is the fucking mayo.

>> No.7447845

I never liked sushi until I had just straight up sushi. None of that fancy shit.
The other day I ordered a sushi roll and it was deep fried. DEEP FRIED. Who the fuck wants deep fried sushi?

>> No.7447853
File: 1.25 MB, 2400x1600, saffron[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saffron is some vile nasty ass shit.

>> No.7447856
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1440595144017[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all bbq is burned and dry
that just means it's overcooked. it's no different than slow cooking food in your oven, it just has the addition of smoke.

>> No.7447913

>Not eating both

>> No.7447925

anything british.

>mods shadow removing my posts

fuck off hotpocket munchers this isn't a hugbog

>> No.7448049

> being this pleb

>> No.7448723

I'm not big on raw tomatoes but that's more of a texture thing than a taste thing.

Also, fuck iceberg lettuce

>> No.7449031

>I'm not big on raw tomatoes but that's more of a texture thing than a taste thing.

Same for me.

>> No.7449251

You're trying too hard to seem mature, you should try actually being mature instead.

>> No.7449489

But you tried anon, that's all that matters

>> No.7449570

That's not proper BBQ. Smoked meat should be tender and juicy and sauce shouldn't be. Necessary.

>> No.7449605

My mom's boyfriend's diet is about 90% pork. He disgusts me, and I don't know how he isn't dead yet considering he also smokes like a pack a day and is almost 60. He completely turned me off from pork.

>> No.7449669

First saw it in Regular Show, during that "Every Meat Burrito" episodes. When the list of meat is flying past, I paused and saw long-pig.

>> No.7450016

How is Pork different from Ham?

-new to /ck/

>> No.7450370


You would despise Thai food.

>> No.7450374


Hornets are fucking cunts and I'm dreading that they're going to be back soon.

>> No.7450383

Ham is a cut, usually cured. Pork is any general term for pig, but usually is pork chop or tenderloin. Because of American paradigm shift, we are now breeding the leanest pigs around, which means dryness and lack of flavor (fat), also spawning the National Pork Board's "Pork, the other white meat," slogan about our lean pork. Also kind of explains the bacon meme that basically says fuck that give me fatty pork.

Fun pseudo fact, after the Normans (Normandy, France) conquered the English, the Saxons did the livestock raising while the proto-Frogs did the cooking. Hence cow is beef, pig is pork, deer is venison, etc.

>> No.7450399

Cool story Achmed.

>> No.7450418

kill yourself

>> No.7450421
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, snab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top quality b8 m8, u deserved the (You)s :^)

>> No.7450564

>It's not racist to point out the fact that India doesn't have bathrooms

>> No.7450616

Yeah I don't like it either. Not a muslim or a jew, it just had that "porky" flavor I don't like.

>> No.7450657

I feel for you brother. My mom would bake pork chops in rice and it turned out with the consistency of cardboard. It wasn't until I made my own food in college that I did regard pork as trash

>> No.7450724

Colour I can kind of understand, but
Holy shit anon what the fuck? Semen has a consistency like water, not like fucking mayonnaise.

>> No.7451227

t. mehmet

>> No.7452291

you can't grill for shit bud

>> No.7452336


newsflash, retard: all mass produced meat comes from animals who live in shit filled factory farms. why do you think they load them up with antibiotics?

have you ever seen footage of what a factory chicken farm looks like? pigs aren't any more gross than any other animal.

>> No.7452394
File: 27 KB, 600x715, 1456627879199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything with beans or mushrooms
anything where fruits/vegetables are the dominant ingredient

I don't even like eating food. I eat out of necessity.