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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7440098 No.7440098 [Reply] [Original]

>eating healthy is so hard omg!!!!
>i know i just cant do it
>i stick with it for a couple days and stop because the food is so boring!

>> No.7440238

I can't diet because I have no willpower and hate my life except for the food I eat. Honesty counts.

>> No.7440303

If you are eating that slop I don't blame you for not wanting to eat let alone eat it for every meal

>> No.7440317

With those giant portions it doesn't matter if your eating healthy portions

>> No.7440327


>> No.7440347

Lots of people work very hard 5 to 7 days a week. They do shitty routine jobs which tire them the fuck out. So when they get home, they don't want another routine of 'chicken/veggie/rice'. They want variety and something they can genuinely enjoy.

>> No.7440356

To be completely honest, if you find healthy food "boring" then you are an inferior cook and need to learn how to use spices and other flavor agents

>> No.7440363

>implying I said anything about boring
It's repetition that's the problem. You can only spice up your pic related in so many ways that work and stay healthy.

>> No.7440368

Yeah those people are bitches but let's be real, eating chicken breast enough (And if you're serious it's one of your only real meat options), regardless of what you do to it makes you want to kill yourself.

>> No.7440371
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I just finished eating it so no pictures.

Tonight I made a baked sweet potato.

I topped it with sauteed onions and garlic and mushrooms and snap peas in a light vinegar sauce.

then, I put on a good bit of chicken tikka masala SAUCE (no chicken, just sauce) and BAM! amazing healthy dinner.

>sounds to me that you just need to be more creative.

>> No.7440386

>halve the unhealthy portion of what you eat, i.e. the roast meat, the mac n cheese, the mousaka, whatever
>increase the size of the healthy portion and add some tasty and possibly mildly unhealthy things to it, i.e. add a little bit of olive oil and some feta to a salad, serve your broccoli with lemon juice drizzled on it
And you're done.

>> No.7440445

>where did i say i eat it every meal
>implying this slop is not tasty as fuck

>what is calorie counting

>implying this took more than 10 mins to prepare and 45 mins to cook
>implying i didnt genuinely enjoy this

>> No.7440449

>only eat half of what you currently eat
and you couldn't see why this might be a problem?

>> No.7440461

Not him, but still missing the point. To an average American working til 5, getting home at 6, and having only 4 hours left to yourself, people will generally just give up and choose the fastest/easiest option.

I find the time myself to cook meals but I have a wife that helps me. I am the meat cooker, and >>7440368, I can bake, fry, sear, pull apart, stir fry, grill, and crock pot chicken which is enough variety to cover every day of the week and doesn't count all the different meals you can create with. Still, I can't really blame those who work longer and probably wouldn't receive the same help as I do.

Ever since women entered the work force, both financial and home responsibilities have to be shared. It is a paradigm we aren't used to yet.

Exactly, an hour to cook while not counting the time doing the dishes and gathering the ingredients from the store. An hour to some people is 25% of their daily free time. If they have a family, that becomes and even bigger sacrifice.

>> No.7440462

>salsa in rice
scooby that you?

>> No.7440648

Dude if it takes an hour to chuck a piece of seasoned meat on a skillet whikst you chop a salad you are a fucking retard, because thats all it takes to eat healthy
>5oz lean meat, salt peppser skillet
>salad greens, tomato, onions, cucumber, avocado, mushroom, grated carrot, viniger, salt, pepper
Oh shit the meat is dont and resting
>open can of me lentils or chickpeas and rinse whilst washing up
meat is rested and ur plating your salad and the kitchens clean, 15 to 20 minutes has passed
>muh difficulties, I need a candy bar cus muh blood sugar

>> No.7440657


>I have no willpower

this statement is like an oxymoron

if you believe in the existence of will power, then you should know that it's not something you "have" or don't

>> No.7440661

op it's better to embrace the fatness. eat what you want, as much as you want. you will die sooner, and it will be one less disgusting fat fuck holding humanity back.

god speed tubby

>> No.7440662


>sitting at a desk all day
?tire them the fuck out

maybe that's because they eat like complete shit and have no energy reserves???

>> No.7440723

the only hard part is breaking the habit of eating crap, once you have done that eating healthy is easy, cheap and more enjoyable

>> No.7440725

I work 40 hours a week in an office as an engineer, mentally challenging work.
have a wife and daughter and do all the cooking AND work out 6 days a week.
No excuses. You want something in life you dont have, be it wealth, status or a healthy body, you gotta earn it. The world is full of failures and enablers.

>> No.7440727
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this is where being a failure surrounded by enablers gets you

>> No.7440757

One of the problems with this board is that there's no middle ground. There's the people who eat fast food and luther burger eaters as well as the alkies who generally get left alone and then other threads get filled with
>Bro, why aren't you eating chicken/rice/veggies? Don't you want to make it? Just make a nice chicken breast, white rice and microwaved vegetables instead. You can even put some pre-ground dried spices on it. Isn't that delicious? And if you ever consider snacking, just think of zyzz and drink a glass of water instead

>> No.7440763

store bought salsa is not healthy; sorry anon try again.

post OC or get the fuck off of /ck/

>> No.7440776

>white rice
/fit/ would rather have brown rice

>> No.7440781

They should but half these fuckers eat white rice anyway.

>> No.7440792
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But it is delicious

Pic related. My supper. Glass of water is out of frame


White rice is /fit/ approved as long as you aren't a fatty trying to shed 50+ pounds

>> No.7440822

Is this a troll? Just carbs?

>> No.7440849


brown rice only has slightly more protein... hardly nitable in the grand scheme. white rice is a "faster" carb, which makes it more optimal for muscle glycogen restoration than brown rice. it's also cheaper, so.

>> No.7440852


notable* derp

>> No.7440853

>engineer with wife and daughter, cooks and works out...
Also he finds time to shitpost on 4chan!
Something just doesn't quite add up.

>> No.7440857


i'm actually also an engineer with a wife and 2 kids

i'm just a geomatics engineer though...

>> No.7440864

Brown rice also has 3 times more arsenic than white rice. Also both have too much arsenic. But I did the research and apparently if you eat 100g (raw) of white rice every day it increases your lifetime risk of cancer by like 0.1%. Contains about as much inorganic arsenic as you would get from all other sources in a day combined.

>> No.7440865


the only part i don't understand is actually wanting to have a wife and kids

>> No.7440866


hm. well shit. good thing i don't really eat rice?

>> No.7440886
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Red rice is the superiorest.

>> No.7440892
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are you a troll?

vegis arent carbs. sweet potato is but its also full of lots of nutrition.

my diet is comprised of as much nutrition as possible with as little calories.

tikka masala sauce wasn't the original plan, but the roommate ate all the chicken in his dinner and gave me the leftover sauce. it was an excellent idea.

>> No.7440901
File: 34 KB, 614x411, its not fucking rocket appliances.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try incorporating vinegars (not white ones, apple cider, balsalmic, and malt) into your cooking.

also, look for recipes, don't do it on your own or you will soon get bored fast.

check out the GASP! vegans, some of their recipes are actually amazing.

>> No.7440914

As someone who has never bothered to buy vinegar (at last not for cooking) before which I start with? Got any tips for how to choose a vinegar?

>> No.7440916

Vegetables are carbohydrates you fuckwit.

>> No.7440921

not quite.

lowcarbdiets.about com/od/whattoeat/a/whatveg.htm

>> No.7440926


get a balalmic or an apple cider depending on whether you like strong or "sweet"

balsalmic is strong, but hard to find real. most will have caramel color added and that is a surefire sign of fake. not that fake is bad, I like to get the fancy fake balsamic with added fruit juices.

Apple cider is still vinegar, but also a tiny bit apple juice. goes well in soup and in sautee with onions.

my favourite is a spanish balsamic I found, it is crazy strong and full of flavor.

>> No.7440931

Im Australian buddy, theres always time to shitpost.

>> No.7440936


>> No.7440938

You can always flee the country and never look back.
Being able to emotionally disconect easily from people is not without its downsides, thats for sure, Ive left so many friends and family for good and moved on to greener pastures so many times its sometimes hard to remember who i am.

>> No.7440970

Can confirm.

Source: Another Australian

>> No.7441012

I find when I've been eating healthy for a while that I start to really enjoy the flavors of certain "bland" foods much more. The taste of plain or steamed vegetables, or carbs like pasta without oil/sauce become much more enjoyable and tasty.

It's like you build up an oil/fat/meat tolerance that starts to wear off after a while. Certain foods even become too rich when you keep to a strict, healthy diet (pepperoni pizza).

>> No.7441017

>eat 2/3 what you normally do
>eventually weigh 2/3 what you used to
>waaah too hard

I eat way less than I used to. I couldn't even go back to my old portions, the volume would make me puke. And I was only about 20 lbs overweight to begin with. It's literally that easy.

However, on top of it I also eat healthier, for my health not my love handles. More broteins less processed carbs. Not even difficult.

Lifting/working out is what is difficult because I can't be assed unless it's something I actually enjoy like hiking. Fuck daily jogs.

>> No.7441034

>>eat 2/3 what you normally do
>>eventually weigh 2/3 what you used to
This is what Americans really believe.

>> No.7441042


You are literally the cuck of the kitchen. Jesus christ I bet "variety" for you consists of pouring cuck sauce aka sriracha on everything.

Fuck off

>> No.7441055

bread is far more nutritious than rice.

>> No.7441057

The key to eating healthy is to eat an extremely low fat diet. Every bit of fat you can cut makes a difference. I eat maybe 10 grams of fat a day. I eat 2 big meals a day, no snacking, and I can eat until i'm bursting. Yet I don't gain weight.

>> No.7441059

The key to eating healthy is to eat an extremely low carb diet. Every bit of carbs you can cut makes a difference. I eat maybe 10 grams of carbs a day. I eat 2 big meals a day, no snacking, and I can eat until i'm bursting. Yet I don't gain weight.

>> No.7441061


Prove me wrong.

>eat less
>weigh less

>hurr le americans think this hohohohoh, don't they know the secret to weight loss is to drink olive oil every supper?

>> No.7441065

Hello there 1995, how's dial-up working out?

>> No.7441075

i'm a piece of shit and i want to die
eating good food and dying of a heart attack doesn't seem that bad

>> No.7441364

id put money a woman made this thread. what does it take to both make that egocentric dialogue, and post that extremely overcooked rice slathered in salsa and rubbery looking chicken. thats called cognitive dissonance

>> No.7441368

yea no, overcooking rice makes any dish nasty no matter the flavors involved

>> No.7441440

Do you think everyone just enjoys salads, let alone raw onions or tomatoes? That's something to keep in mind, I personally hate salads and I've tried loads of different ones.

>> No.7441821

>5oz of meat
do you think I'm a kindergartner? If it's not a pound I'm not going to be full after I eat it.

>> No.7441845

>Fat and Butter adds flavor!

yeah, but so do spices and herbs, and those aren't fat, so it's not like cooking without fat means cooking without spice.

>> No.7442079


i..wait...what? what does that have to do with my toast?

while we're on this random ass discussion though, i dunno, i just moved out of the city in which i grew up. glad i did. like, being able to develop an identity independent of those insecurities around expectations of people in your life, hell yeah.

as for actually fleeing the country, only if trump happens, probably.

>> No.7442091


if i'm eating at a 1000cal/day surplus and eat less, i still may be eating at a 500cal/day surplus.

>wrongness proved

>> No.7442113

learn how to cook rice you inept nigger

>> No.7442132


should add, btw (if you're still here, pham)

the majority of "who i am" should persist despite how often you move around. you can continue to grow, always, but you need a core.

>> No.7442242

Fat fucks d3tected

>> No.7442255

Nah, keto keeps me slim af and I eat a pound of steak twice a week + lb of bacon or lb of chicken + mushrooms every other day

>> No.7442276

>think of zyzz and drink a glass of water
why would you drink anything other than water, coffee or milk?
>oh, and brotein shakes, of course

>> No.7442279

>work out 6 days a week
Uh... why? You need at least a full day's rest after each session, or two if you're really working hard. The "every day" guys are just lonely socialites who are into the gym as some sort of cultural experience.

>> No.7442301

Not really, any given muscle group does, but a split permits working out 6 days a week no problem. This enables you to reap the mental benefits of training which are as valuable if not more valuable than the physical ones.

The "bro splits are bad" guys are just lonely memesters who repeat everything they heard on /fit/ without even thinking about it.

Not the guy you replied to, btw. Just a person who understands the mindset of someone who isn't a lazy ass DYEL like you :)

>> No.7442426

Swimming, running and rowing in combination with lifting faggot.
Its not all about the gym.

>> No.7442428

This guy gets it.
Being fit is a lifestyle, not a pastime.

>> No.7442465

i do this sempai

>> No.7442471

The trick to eating healthy is doing some research online and finding 15 or so reciipes that are fast and easy to prepare with ingredients that are common and cheap. One-pot dishes make clean up really easy. It's all about planning.

>> No.7443632

Nope, I just don't see what people love about salads. I dislike vinaigrette, I hate tomatoes due to their watery nature on top of that horrendous texture mix of mushy and firm, and raw onions are the absolute worst, I cringe biting into even small rings due to that taste, it's so much better when you cook it with anything else or in small bits. I absolutely love lettuce on sandwiches and with fish, but having the crunchy nothingness as a main portion of the meal depresses me rather than entices me to eat healthy. Cucumbers are great though, have no problem with them.

I mean, I guess I could use olive oil or something, but olive oil, cucumbers, and some kale/spinach/lettuce by itself is just begging to be hungry shortly after eating it.

Same deal with stuff like pinto beans, what if you don't like beans? I struggle to eat canned beans with some hardboiled eggs and toast, and you expect me to make it a main side dish that I'm supposed to enjoy?