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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 122 KB, 1000x445, Best-Italian-restaurants-in-centennial-colorado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7433688 No.7433688 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the nation with the best food?

I am going to go with italy. They have ravoli, spaghetti, lasagna, pizza, and other pasta. plus great bread. They put olive oil in fucking everything.

How can one nation be so based when it comes to food? I'd say Mexico is a close second.

>> No.7433692

Uk as a close second

>> No.7433693

Turkey/Greece or China if you're strictly talking national cuisine

US has the best if you count cultural assimilation, though you could say that is America's own cultural identity

>> No.7433698

I'd say Australia has the best seafood, beef, lamb and fruit and veggies in the world.

>> No.7433699

I like your style. But I would put Spain ahead of Mexico.

>> No.7433702

>US has the best if you count cultural assimilation, though you could say that is America's own cultural identity
>if you consider other cultures' food to be ours because we cook it sometimes then USA #1

Is this some fresh new meme I've missed?

>> No.7433704

These are supposed to be funny jokes, right?

>> No.7433709

I'm Australian and I'm not really sure what you're talking about. Also, we're talking about cuisine not ingredients.

Personally I think that we pay way too much for certain things - for instance avocados, chicken and beef are expensive as fuck.

I eat a lot of fish which is fairly cheap here, although I would never say that Australian cuisine is actually better than anywhere else considering that we don't have a proper national cuisine it's all stolen from Asia and Europe.

I think Italian and Greek is the best in Europe and Asia is too competitive for me to say a winner.

>> No.7433712

Disgusting food with mayonaise slathered on top.


>> No.7433713
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>tfw you will never be part of the collective
why even live?

>> No.7433718

>post talks about italy
>picture is clearly spanish
good b8 thread

>> No.7433720
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I would say that the American versions of whatever cuisine it has appropriated is objectively worse.

Mexican Amercian food is disgusting compared to actual Mexican food.

Italian American food: (New York and Chicago Pizza, Meatballs and Spaghetii) absolutely revolting compared to Italian food

Chinese American food: Honey battered chicken, fortune cookies. Absolutely disgusting compared to real Chinese food.

Get raped.

>> No.7433790
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I'd go with Chinese followed by Indian. Given the variety of regional cuisines it feels like I'm hedging my bets too.

Followed by Japanese because of how lean but delicious it can be, Italian, French, American, in that order.

>> No.7433832

France, Spain, Italy, and Japan are typically the answers to your question from professionals in the food industry. Idk if I could pick one among them but I usually gravitate towards french and japanese, probably because there isn't many authentic spanish and italian restaurants where I live.

>> No.7433837
File: 125 KB, 640x426, jej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexican Amercian food
You mean Tex-Mex.

>> No.7433924

German food is +++++++++++++++

>> No.7433939

I couldn't pick a #1 but my top three are
in no particular order.

Italian and Indian foods are close runner-ups.

>> No.7433971

Actual person with a passport here, the answer is Italy because of the wine. If we are required to ignore alcohol, the answer is Mexico. Mexico's alcohol culture is light years behind the food culture which is a real shame. inb4 muh tequila muh pulque muh cerveza muh mezcal, yeah yeah been there done that. At the end of the day Italy could carry the entire rest of the world with its wine culture, and I say this as I am drinking a French wine which I love.

Japan is probably #3 followed by Malaysia, anyone who disagrees with me should commit suicide immediately.

>> No.7434164

>they have flour, flour, flour, flour, and other flour. plus great flour.
Jk, I love italian food

>> No.7434221

corona is a legitimately good beer.

>> No.7434227


>> No.7434230

Nobody here is qualified to answer that question.

>> No.7434232

Lmao no it's not, it it s a piss lager that uses far too many adjuncts to get rid of as much barley flavor as possible

To top it off, it comes in clear bottles and gets insta skunked

You're a fucking retard

>> No.7434241

First and foremost, I fucking love Italian and Mexican. However, Italian and Mexican are certainly not the best cuisines in the world. They're both fucking delicious, but they lack the refinement that French and Japanese have.

Italy peaks at a fucking delicious pasta. Japan and France don't. There's a reason Japan has the most Michelin starred restaurants in the worlds.

inb4 fag

>> No.7434245


I'd say France, Italy, Greece, and maybe Russia. If you've ever had Russian or even Polish cuisine honestly done right, it's so delicious.

>> No.7434247

China is by far the most diverse and top-tier.

>> No.7434253 [DELETED] 

fuck off chink

>> No.7434257
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it's a shame it's not more popular, because peruvian food is the best

>> No.7434258

Please go back to /pol/, this is a friendly community.

>> No.7434264

Basque country.

Mix of all the best of France, Spain, and Italian.

>> No.7434266


I'd say Chinese has some interesting cuisine, but not the best. Of course, "best food" is subjective so obviously not everyone will agree. But China has some very odd dishes. I mean, I think it's fair to say every cuisine has odd ingredients/dishes but China really does take it to a new level.

Same with Japan. I mean, the puffer fish dish for example where if it's not cut correctly you can die from the toxin, is just something that does not belong on a plate

>> No.7434268

Based French food > Italian stodge

>> No.7434270

It really depends what I'm in the mood for. I don't think that it's constructive to attempt to make "objective" claims about the quality of food because someone womewhere will disagree with you.

Nonetheless, I'm really fond of the following
>Szechaunese food, because the balance of flavours is on point, and more or less anything is delicious when cooked in garlic/ginger/chilli oil/more chillis
>Czech/Austrian/German food, because best sausages, beer and stews
>Brit food is pretty great once you get past the memes. Nothing quite like a Sunday roast. As well as stellar ales and ciders.
>Provençal and Normandaise food are both delcious as well.

>> No.7434301

Malaysian is amazing because it's a strangely delicious fusion of Indian, Thai and Chinese.

>> No.7434305
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Szechaunese is amazing, especially if you're a spice lover. I always order Sichaun dishes whenever I eat out, I can't cook it myself (haven't tried) but I'm content to stuff my face full of it every chance I get.

>> No.7434316
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Korean food is quite delicious and definitely underrated. It's a bit pricy for what it is, same with Japanese.

>> No.7434321

I'm Dutch and can positively say we are somewhere in the low, if not shit tier when it comes to food. UK isn't much better.

>> No.7434329 [DELETED] 
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>korean food

>> No.7434332

Australia does have a national cuisine. It's just not a traditional cuisine that lots of people are aware of through their families.

Something like butchering/preparing kangaroo meat and the common ways it's served is quintessentially Australian cuisine. Not many people eat kangaroo regularly though.

>> No.7434358

I cook kangaroo every once in a while, it's great to braise, make into a curry or make a kangaroo ossa buco.

>> No.7434425

Richfag reporting in. I travelled most of the world with my dad and mom. Every year at January and July we do a trip to some country and spend 14 days there (my father is a master autismo engineer) so I tasted most of civilized world food.

>Top tier:

>Good tier

>Mid tier
South Africa
Germany (but some white sausage I ate when in Bavaria was VERY good, if you know name say to me pls)

>Jesus Christ how horrifying tier

>> No.7434438

>white sausage I ate when in Bavaria
Weisswurst probably?

>> No.7434443

If the food is made in the USA then it is part of the American cuisine, not in a sense that Americans created it but that is part of our national food scene

Is that really that hard to understand?

>> No.7434445

this is a bad thread and you should feel bad

your picture isn't even french

>> No.7434447

That's it mate. Look exactly the same. Thanks.

>> No.7434455

Japan has the most Michelin 3 star restaurants so

>> No.7434459

Japan has the most Michelin 3 star restaurants so

>> No.7434464

Japan has the most Michelin 3 star restaurants so

>> No.7434471

The U.S..

We do beef better than anybody.
We do BBQ better than anybody.

We have motherfuckers from all over the planet that bring their food style with them when they move here, so if you want some foreign food, you can get that here too.

None of you other fuckers can even compete...

>> No.7434475

Italianon reporting for duty :

top-tier cuisines :


Severely underrated tier :


Severely overrated tier :


Meme-tier :


>> No.7434480

What does roo' taste like, anon?

I imagine it would be pretty good with some garlic, onion, bell pepper and chilis.

>> No.7434484

>we do bbq betta than anybody

No we don't you fuck. Turkish and Argentinian barbecue is far far superior than our hot dogs and patties on a gas burner. Search for churrasco on Google and learn something.

>> No.7434487

Japan may have the most Michelin three stars but there are claims that its because inspectors there are biased and lax to make it that way.

Plus the US has arguably the best three star with Joel Robuchon. After all man did win chef of the century.

I've eaten there and met him. Was amazing.

>> No.7434495
File: 3 KB, 125x125, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger doesn't know the difference between grilling and BBQ
>talks shit anyways

>> No.7434499

Either Thai, Vietnamese, or Cambodian

>> No.7434550

Most similar to vension, I would say, rich and gamey.

>> No.7434554


Sounds good.

Is there a hunting season for them, or can you take them year round?

>> No.7434559

Second dutch lurker here, I fucking agree.
Stampot is nice and all but I would go for France or Italy any day.

>> No.7434583

Your definition is something literally only you believe in.


Hey, we saw and disagreed with you before you posted it four times in this thread faggot.

>We do beef better than anybody.

>We do BBQ better than anybody.

Objectively wrong.

Also, just because there is a fancy restaurant whose food is from a particular cuisine it does not mean that the average everyday cuisine for the people is objectively better. That is a retarded metric.

>> No.7434589 [DELETED] 

Get some red wine and pretend like your an arab invader. You'll do ok. Look out for gypsies too, they're fuckin' scumbags and you should show them no mercy, they wont show you any.

>> No.7434649

I enjoy Thai, Japanese, and Tex-Mex the most.

>> No.7434656


Have to agree with you OP but you mostly just mentioned pasta dishes, there is so much more to Italian food like cured meats, pickled stuff, wine, desserts. Italian food is GOAT

>> No.7434691
File: 3.40 MB, 5312x2988, 20160227_115423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally agree, although I'd put Portugal up there with Spain

>Mfw grilled sardines on the beach washed down with a cold glass of Super Bock
>Baked octopus drowned in olive oil with potatoes and cabbage
>Just Bacalhau in general
>Tripas à modo do Porto
>Caldo verde
>Queijo da Serra smeared on freshly baked bread
>Those fucking olives
>Braised lamprey in red wine with rice
>A francesinha with a fried egg to cure a hangover
>The entire pastry culture
>Hot chocolate and strong coffee
>Vinho verde
>Vinho do Porto

I gained like 20 lbs in Portugal, the food was just so amazing. Not even trying to shill, I highly recommend Porto, Lisboa, Sintra, and the entire Algarve to all anons. Very underrated country, super nice people, beautiful landscapes, great arcitechture, and everyone somehow speaks great English.

>Pic related

>> No.7434712

Right, which is still Mexican.

>> No.7434722


Only good thing about food in the Netherlands is that we have reached a level of culinary diversity that we seldom have to eat our own shitty foods. The restaurant game is pretty great, but there's a reason you don't have any 'Dutch' restaurants in the world.

Having said that, bitterballen are the only things I miss when I'm abroad.

>> No.7434725


Produce is great but cuisine is shit.

>> No.7434729

Three sides of the same coin

>> No.7434893

>Plus the US has arguably the best three star with Joel Robuchon. After all man did win chef of the century.

thats a joke i suppose ???....

Joel Robuchon is French and was nominated as chef of the century when he had his restaurant in Paris... he is the chef with the most Michelin stars in the word ....

>> No.7435037


Thats chinese u mongoloid

>> No.7435043


It's not true just because you think it is retard.

American dishes are white chicken breast with a side of unsalted frozen broccoli and burned on the outside, raw on the inside steak. That's it.

Also China and France have the best food I've ever tasted.

>> No.7435125

Spain and Portugal, for me.
Literally everything is delicious.

>> No.7435130

Italy or China

>> No.7435136

>paella pictured

I got news for you, friendo.

>> No.7435140


>everything in the same-assed brown sauce

>> No.7435148

Plus if the serving temperature falls even slightly it tastes like piss. Oh wait it tastes like piss straight out of the cooler

>> No.7435151
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Shut the fuck up, Jordan.

>> No.7435160
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Chink food followed by Italian then american

>> No.7435172

>top tier
living in California where I can get home cooking quality meals from any country all within 5 miles xD

>> No.7435177

>There's a reason Japan has the most Michelin starred restaurants in the worlds.
To run a Michelin restaurant, you need a customer base. A Michelin restaurant is a niche restaurant, but the niche also allows a larger travel time.
If Tokyo was not as big as it was, Japan would not have has many Michelin restaurants.

>> No.7435180

So by restaurant tiers, its like that? Thats sorta fine.
I recognize how shitty most of Norwegian restaurant culture is, because of how much is outsourced to the various companies selling food ingredients.

>> No.7435190

Not nation since all slavs share their recipies, but I'd definetally go with their food.

Italians say ravioli slavs say pelmeni, italians say put olive oil on everything slavs say put smetana on everything. All their oconic foods follow a "cook on the weekend and get stuffed monday to friday after a long day of physical work" philosophy.

I guess the generations of office workers wouldn't understand, but if you ever get some hard work done look no further than slav food at the end of the day.

>> No.7435206

Traveled about a lot as a kid. Parents were low-level diplomats.

Unless I'm allowed to be chauvinist and pick my own native cuisine, I like Peranakan most of all followed by Sri Lankan. Something about naturally occuring fusion cuisines that really tickles my pickle. Best home cooks on earth are people from country A who for some reason live in country B and are forced to use country B's ingredients with country A's techniques and know-how.

For restaurant food... honestly? America (or Japan or the UK). Even though Americans who are not southerners are by and large the fucking WORST homecooks on the planet, their restaurants are top notch. Similar situations are true of Japanese and Brits.

The only country where I couldn't find a single thing to be excited about eating is Estonia. I imagine Finland would be similarly blah. Not bad, mind you, just... ever watch Futurama? Imagine if the Neutral Planet from that show had a global cuisine. That's what Estonian food is like.

>> No.7435693

Japan, no contest.

>> No.7435731

>pinchos y tapas
>jamon serrano
ITT american knowledge of cuisine

>> No.7435749

>We do BBQ better than anybody

If you need anyhing other than salt (and, for some specific cuts, pepper and butter) to make good barbecue, you're definitely not among the best.

>But muh 9001 sawses

No, shut up and go sit with the burnt centipede-munching chinese.

>> No.7435764
File: 84 KB, 522x331, Crawdad boil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American dishes are white chicken breast with a side of unsalted frozen broccoli and burned on the outside

This is what butthurt foreignfags actually believe...

>> No.7435788

>nigger thinks people don't enjoy variety

>> No.7435801

this is just what i was thinking.

>> No.7435806

American food is generally brought down by two things: shit quality ingredients and the tendency to turn every dish that arrives on our shores into something that resembles a cheeseburger or a meat + gravy + starch all on one plate dish. Served with a sweet drink.

While that's the dominant vibe it's fortunately nor all we've got to work with. We're still an immigrant nation. If you don't like Italian American you can find places that do regional Italian. If you don't like Cali or Tex Mex you can find places serving Oaxaca or Puebla style food. If you don't like Chinese American you can find Cantonese, Sichuan and even Fujian if you go to your local Chinatown.

And we're also a wealthy nation, which means you don't have to suffer commodity grade ingredients and overall low standards if you're willing to spend the dough. The best of everything is available, if only to those willing/able to pay for it (or grow/hunt/fish for it). We also have some of the world's best restaurants.

So while standard issue American food is pretty gross (chain restaurants and most of the garbage in our supermarkets) our best stuff is world class, because the world comes here. Places like Italy, France and Spain may have higher overall standards, but you can find the best of what they do here (if you can afford it) along with the best of our own cuisine and a greatest hits from around the world.

tl;dr The US may have overall low standards, but at our best our food can go toe to toe with any country in the world.

>> No.7435869

>tl;dr The US may have overall low standards

I have never traveled beyond my own borders: the post

>> No.7435897

I've driven across the country multiple times and while the country has some amazing restaurants you will mostly find shit like Olive Garden and Panda Express and awful local places that sell greasy burgers and shit like fried mac and cheese. The exceptions are mostly on the coasts or in the south/southwest, where you get great seafood, great Tex-Mex, and great barbecue.

I still shudder thinking about this one stop in Iowa. It was farm-themed and had a gift shop that sold nothing but bacon novelty items. The food was repulsive.

>> No.7435902

>US has the best if you count cultural assimilation
I don't, because "assimilation" is usually transformation.

>> No.7435908

>whole raw fish
>mayo on everything
>considers a fucking waffle with syrup smeared inside to be the pinnacle of cuisine

Literally why

>> No.7435914

>US has the best if you count cultural assimilation, though you could say that is America's own cultural identity

Our food was fine before the shitskins came

>> No.7435929
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Mmmmmmmmmmmmm so good and healthy.

>> No.7435934

French > Japanese > Korean > Chinese = Italian > Hungarian = Thai

Other countries: Uh, your local alcohol and fast food is quirky, I guess? Try to stop boiling everything to death or burying your basic foodstuffs in flavourings.

>> No.7435936

Bullshit. I've been to every continent except Antartica and South America. US standards are very high for food safety/hygiene, but when it comes to quality we settle for very low because we like our food cheap. Walk into a supermarket in France and the cheese is ten times better than a supermarket here, as is the wine. The variety and quality of the produce available in farmers' markets in Italy and Spain is better than most farmers' markets here. Chicken might be harder to come by in dodgy places like Panama and Morocco, but it tastes better than what's for sale in supermarkets here. And even fast food level shit in Japan is better tasting than its US analog. Go to a small town in the US and if you can find restaurants that aren't chains they're still very likely to be serving you SYSCO or US Foods garbage. You don't see that shit in Southern Europe. And the seafood in Australia is hard to beat (as is the lamb).

My point is that the US at it's best can compare to all of those places. Our best winemakers, cheesemakers, farms and restaurants are among the best in the world. But our standards, exemplified by our supermarkets and most of out restaurants are awful.

>> No.7435943

no india?

>> No.7435956
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North America

>> No.7435960


>> No.7435976

>burying your basic foodstuffs in flavourings

>> No.7435986

thai food is pretty heavily spiced tbf and that made the list

>> No.7435987

Spanish food is good? :p you havent been in portugal have you?

>> No.7436009

Mostly in the form of chopped chilis, as opposed to a bucket of firegravy.

>> No.7436012

chopped chillies in thai curries. which are usually firegravy.

>> No.7436017

India or China
Just cause of the sheer amount of diversity among their cuisine. Everyone can find something they really enjoy from those countries food

>> No.7436018

Agreed, best Latin American food. Just underrated compared to Mexican

It can be a bit too heavy to handle though

>> No.7436022

correct, but prepare for
>poo in loo
>diarrhoea food
etc etc

>> No.7436028

Not the other anon, but they are basically in plague proportions in rural Australia, so hunters basically go around shooting roos all year. They grow and breed pretty much all year round, so it's pretty cheap both because the supply is big and also because not many people eat it for some reason - even though it's subjectively one of the best meats I've eaten.

>> No.7436036

>"butthurt foreignfags"

your vocabulary is very revealing of your taste butt

when an individual from a nation made up by mainly foreigners uses hat type of degenerated vocabulary, he (you) are a regressive self whack job

xenophobic retards like you are used like trashy puppets by your domestic traitors, NOT by "foreigners" or "niggers".

>> No.7436039

Only Lisbon. The one good meal I had there was really salty baked chicken with rice and the ground up greens they like. Total food coma afterwards, but delicious. I know Portuguese food well, because I lived in an immigrant neighborhood and dated a Portuguese chick whose immigrant mother was a good cook. Not the most varied Southern European cuisine, but the dishes they do well they knock out of the park. I'm really fond of clams cooked with chorizo.

As for Spain, I love the food there - it ranges from very good to fucking amazing. The only knock I have on Spanish food is their love for really shitty white bread. Some examples you come across are just plain terrible. The Portuguese even have them beat on that count.

>> No.7436062

Eh I survived in China, India not so much

>> No.7436074

no i meant that as soon as you mention indian food on /ck/ it gets written off as diarrhoea on a plate by a bunch of people who have never tried it, or tried one curry and decided it represented the entire subcontinent.

>> No.7436085

Are you quoting from your dreams or some unseen poster?

>> No.7436087

Yes, Thai people sometimes do make curries.

>> No.7436332


>a bunch of boiled shit thrown together

Yeah that's american cuisine alright

>> No.7436345

Im an Aussie and im happy to say Australian beef and lamb is shit compared to animals that grow eating grass instead of dust and grain.
All the decent meat is exported unless you pay a premium.

>> No.7436368

that's just leftovers and pork with pork sausages.
prove me wrong.

>> No.7436403

Top 5 are

3. italian

All are mother cuisines and all have perfected balance of flavors, unlike other cuisines

>> No.7436440

america obviously

>> No.7436447

If you mean where can you get the best food, America. We're the biggest melting pot by a lot, so we get great stuff from all over the world.

If you mean what style is the best, I really like Mexican flavors and Japanese flavors. And you can't beat the French for high end cuisine.

>> No.7436452

German food is unique and I personally enjoy it.

>> No.7436562


The only difference between the U.S. and yuropoor is the fact that it's EASIER and less expensive to run a business, so we simply have MORE businesses trying to make a living running low budget food joints. We have just as many mid to high tier food places as anywhere else, barring maybe Japan, and more than most.

There's plenty of bars, small town, and low budget food places in Europe, and they serve the same processed bullshit you can find in every part of the world that actually has the economy capable of producing a Sysco type of company for food distribution.

>> No.7436580
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horrible people
wonderful food

>> No.7436582

Sri Lankan vegetarian/vegan cuisine is amazing. I do agree about naturally occuring fusion cuisines too - I think that is why Malaysian/Singaporean food is quite tasty. Same with Cajun.

>> No.7436589


What's wrong with koreans?

>> No.7436595

Korean food is like a really good sports channel. They've got the best anchors and the best highlight packages, and you always come away from it knowing what you wanted to know.

But it's only sports. And it's only ever going to be sports.

>> No.7436630

Japanese or Persian

>> No.7436677

Only correct answer itt

>> No.7436715

theyre korean desu baka senpai aka loud asians

>> No.7436736

Kimchi and korean style pork belly goes well with lots of other asian dishes though.

>> No.7436776

Kimchi is a miracle of the universe. They made cabbage delicious.

>> No.7436784
File: 14 KB, 248x280, 1456720338513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U.S.A cucks saying Mexico

>> No.7436827

Aside from curry fish head, what are some actual Singaporean dishes that weren't taken from other cultures?

>> No.7436857

You can find cheap processed bullshit anywhere in the world, true. And you can find some of the best food in the world in the US.

What I see as the problem is that for a nation as wealthy as we are our agricultural policy has been to grow corn. Not even corn for us to eat, but the kind of shitty corn that you use for animal feed or play around with in the food science lab in hopes of making something edible out of it. And that's most of our agriculture right there. It's squandering out resources to make a whole lot of cheap, bullshit food, which is the standard in much of the country, unfortunately.

If you don't live near good small farms, in a major city or are not rich there's a chance you can live your entire life in America without tasting particularly good examples of such basic things as fruit, vegetables, meat, cheese or wine.

>> No.7436862

English cuisine http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/2552644/faggots-with-onion-gravy

>> No.7437171
File: 163 KB, 650x433, kogi_bbq_los_angeles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexican as well this is like crack to me

>> No.7437908

>being proud of your own ignorance
You're acting more american than the american posters faggot.

>> No.7437947

I was really craving faggots yesterday, I'll have to get some from the butcher for tomorrows tea. Thanks for pushing me over the edge anon.

>> No.7437949

He's just shitposting friend. Every other post on this awful board seems to be nothing but.

>> No.7438016

Fucking crawfish bro. They're good this season since its been so warm. All the foreign fucks hate on crawfish because they don't know how good they are.

>my nigga

>> No.7438019
File: 445 KB, 5184x3456, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The South has some bomb ass food

>crawfish etouffee

>> No.7438020


You kidding me? The french fucking love their "écrevisse"

>> No.7438024
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Or my personal favorite


>> No.7438034

I feel it's safe to say the New Orleans version of mud bugs is different from France's. Plus New Orleans is heavily French influenced. Your average Brit wouldn't touch a crawfish which is my point

>> No.7438045
File: 1001 KB, 2808x1872, Boudin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, coming through.
God I miss Louisiana. I'm headed there in a few days and can't wait because it's crawfish season baby.

>> No.7438053


Well, the recipes they use are different, sure. But I was pointing out that at least some "foreigners" fucking love those things.

Also, I don't know if this is traditional or something that came about relatively recently among immigrants fleeing the war, but the Vietnamese fucking love them too.

>> No.7438088

I actually didn't know the Vietnamese love them. I do enjoy Vietnamese food. Nice array of flavors

I love the food here man. I've easily convinced myself Louisiana has the best food home grown food in the states. Jambalaya is so good homemade, especially when you're drunk and hungry during Mardi Gras

>> No.7438107
File: 97 KB, 555x416, dirtyrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's seriously the best combination of food cultures.
The French influence and techniques, met by the spices and seafood of the Creole people, mixed with the heavy Southern hospitality and love for all things fattening.

>> No.7438280

Italy by a long shot

>> No.7438316
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>Casu marzu

>> No.7438417
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Don't forget the part where we drink a lot

>> No.7438446

>sri lankan vegetarian food
lol you mean dessert?
Nearly everything else has umbalakadha in it!
I don't think I've ever met a single Sri Lankan-born vegetarian.
What dishes are you talking about?

>> No.7438484


>> No.7438568
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I feel like there is a serious lack of respect for Spain ITT

>> No.7438572
File: 253 KB, 900x600, onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd eat this shit every day if it didn't give me bad breath

>> No.7438616

Louisiana has the best liquor laws.
Taking alcoholic drinks from a restaurant TO GO? Yes please.

>> No.7438658

#1 - French, not only because the food is of a great variety but because French techniques and style is so massively influential, its gone beyond just food there.


Japanese / Italian, Popular, Well Perfected with strict recipes and ideas of what dishes should be, Good food/restaurant culture, Tasty variety of dishes.

"Good Food"


Potential to be as good as the next category but usually lacks one of the elements for success

>> No.7438666

Spain and Greece definitly

>> No.7438687

t. Guinea pig salesman

>> No.7438703

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.7438723

My brethren of African descent, please. Crawfish are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world.

>> No.7438734

Whichever nation invented BBQ. Im thinking America. Fuck Yeah!

>> No.7438735

>your definition

It's not my definition you fucking aspie and obviously I'm not the only one to think of that way

I didn't say it was true you absolute fucking retard

Why do you aspies from /tv/ even botehr posting here?

>> No.7439464

Im dutch and dutch food sucks, i never eat the dutch foods only sometimes but still nasty

>> No.7439678

>Flavours (Spices)
>Flavours (Herbs)
Lebanese/Middle Eastern
>Carbs on Carbs
>League of their own ingenuity

>> No.7439694

America is a few hundred years old, they didn't invent a single damn thing.

>> No.7439816

are you fucking shitting me?
us is prolly the last on any scale.
first off, the don't have any original food
secondly the "original" foods are just shitty, and i do mean shitty, versions of other foods

>> No.7439837

If you're talking about blacks you're fucking nuts. Louisiana/Cajun represents the coolest of American cuisine and that's largely thanks to blacks.

>> No.7439838

>italy for herbs
We're not a particularly herby cuisine, you know. It's rare we use more than one herb in any given dish and even rarer when it's not one of the same five we always use (parsley, basil, celery, oregano and rosemary). Even with all our regionalism, other herbs are seen as a peculiarity and we seldom-to-never mix herbs. Ever.

>> No.7441426

Not kidding, I hate Italian food.

No matter what way you shape a noodle, its still a fucking noodle. I think Italian food is overdone, boring, and generally overpriced snobby shit. I eat it, but would rather have Indian or Polack food.

>> No.7441441

My personal favorites are

>> No.7442056
File: 1.46 MB, 1351x1093, cypherpunx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best food countries I've ever been to are Georgia and Japan. Georgian food is super underrated. Everything there is cheap and bursting with flavor. Amazing meats, cheeses, breads, and wines.

(pic unrelated - have some alternative rock)

>> No.7442078

You have good musical taste.

>> No.7442088

he knows

>> No.7442129
