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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 800x640, anhu119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7433075 No.7433075 [Reply] [Original]

Is it wrong to catch and eat a hummingbird? Is there any good way to prepare it? I get tons of them in the summer and want to try eating them.

>> No.7433085

Are you the same guy that wondered why your pissing out the window attracted them? If so, did you ever confirm our diagnosis of diabetes?

I doubt they have any meat on them. But if you catch and prepare some I would love to see it.

>> No.7433105

No comment. I think they would be very light and maybe sweet tasting from all the nectar.

>> No.7433107

I'm not kidding about wanting to see it, if you are willing to take step by step pics. Do you have a good way to catch them? You could make a hummingbird soup or something

>> No.7433122


What would be there to taste? They weigh practically nothing. You'd need several of them for even a single bite.

>> No.7433124

I'm thinking a net or possibly constructing a trap. My camera is broke but by then I should have a new phone.

>> No.7433131

Some herbs have a strong unique flavor in miniscule amounts.

>> No.7433146


Sure, but what does that have to do with a tiny bird?

>> No.7433150

I don't think there would be much to them. I'd clean and gut them like a pheasant. It's going to be hell to get enough meat out of them to be more than an amuse bouche

>> No.7433156

There would be no meat
No fat
And I'd be surpised if you get a thing out of the bones.

You would be way better off killing just about any other animal.

>> No.7433157

If you're in the US they're protected under the migratory birds act. But no one enforces that shit.

You should cook them like the french cook buntings (which are also a protected species but fuck nature am i right).

>> No.7433192

In case you do need directions on how to do this:
Using kitchen shears
cut off feet.
Cut off wings.
cut off head.
starting at neck, work fingers under the skin and just peel it all off like pulling a sock inside out.
Cut down both sides of the spine and remove it.
Nope open the bird up along the spine cut and remove the guts by scooping them out with your fingers.

Rinse and repeat until you have enough of them done to eat. Works for quail too.

>> No.7433195

don't you touch a hair on that hummingbirds head you piece of shit

>> No.7433197
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>> No.7433204

>work fingers under the skin

I'm not sure you know just how small those birds are. Even a baby wouldn't be able to fit a finger between the skin and the body. They weigh maybe 3 or 4 grams only, including feathers. Birds that small are generally cooked whole.

>> No.7433210

We're primates. Use a tool. Maybe the back end of a teaspoon.

>> No.7433225
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>> No.7433228

Their tongues used to be a delicacy

>> No.7433229

>hurr we're carnivores muh bloody steak I'm a hunter
You are not aware that small animals are often eaten whole, are you Mr. manly carnivore

>> No.7433235
File: 15 KB, 320x245, Tasty_Treat-Ortolan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can catch it then drown it then cook it as ortolan.
What's the big deal? It's just a fuckin' bird.

>> No.7433242

Fuck off back to /lgbt you vegan faggot.

>> No.7433268

>eating meat that has recognizable anatomical features is veganism

I'm basically a card carrying member of PETA, in that case

Enjoy your boneless skinless chicken nuggies, you sheltered little worm

>> No.7433286

I don't understand this post or its intent and I'm pretty sure I never will.

>> No.7433301

I replied to the wrong post, meant to quote >>7433242

>> No.7433303

bu... bu.. my ortolan tendies

>> No.7433353

He's implying that since you're a highly evolved primate you should be able to utilize something like the back end of a teaspoon instead of your meaty fingers to pry its skin back since our high intelligence gives us an affinity for tool creation and usage. I can't believe I even have to explain this to one of my fellow primates.

>> No.7433360

That anon is a troll vegan with an agenda.
Don't waste your time with them.

>> No.7433390

I understand his point, but it's a stupid point. It's like when I go out to eat with a picky eater and they freak out when they get crispy fried shrimp with a delicate edible shell. They spend the whole meal picking the shell off because their parents never loved them, while everyone gapes in silent horror. And then they posture about muh bloody steak still mooing. Like they've ever even seen a live cow before.

The loudest "carnivores" are always the most sheltered and stupid. And if you call them out on their bullshit all they can do is yell "vegan" like this guy here >>7433360

>> No.7433418

I seriously doubt there's enough meat on those things to make it worth the effort bruh

>> No.7433627
File: 3.97 MB, 2501x1854, 20160215_165036-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I catch and eat dozens every spring. Pic related. Just cut off the wings, head and feet and pop those bad boys on the grill

>> No.7433929


i-is this real? how the fuck are you able to catch a couple dozen hummingbirds? i'd think their main muscles (pectoralis) would be so fucking tough from beating their wings 50x per second or whatever that it be like eating gristle.

>> No.7433938

I think those are some kind of hearts, maybe chicken hearts ?

>> No.7433942

they look like chicken hearts to me f.a.m. t.b.h.

>> No.7433958

its a humming bird. they are a delight to watch not eat.

>> No.7433960
File: 49 KB, 430x400, cats-love-computers-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Cats off of this board.

>> No.7433970
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>> No.7433973

>falling for it

>> No.7433986

How would one swiftly kill them without ruining them or causing unnecessary distress? Drowning?

>> No.7433989

Fart chamber

>> No.7433996

honestly I would just twist their head off

>> No.7434008

apparently while awake, they are only a few hours away from starvation, since their metabolism is so high they have to eat (feed) constantly.

i guess just keep them in a cage or on ice or whatever and they will die within hours. might lose a bit of fat in the process tho, guess you'd have to gas them or something if you want maximum taste.

>> No.7434010

>Not accepting a common euphemism

>> No.7434591

Yeah, it's a shitty idea. There's not gonna be much protein yield for the trouble, plus they're pollinators, so you'd be negatively impacting your area. If you want to hunt something locally that's worthwhile think about other small nuisance species like pigeons, squirrels or rabbits. Their numbers often grow far too large due to humans dorking around with the landscape. The they get squished by cars or predator species move in and they get squished by cars, or feral cat colonies grow and all this crappy animal suffering ensues. So yeah, there's no real good reason to kill hummingbirds. And it might be illegal where you live, so an angry neighbor might report you and you'll get a nice fat fine to pay.

>> No.7434765

if you are in america, canada or mexico they are migratory birds and protected under law.
that said, no one hasss to know

>> No.7434793


>> No.7434799

go to 6 minutes