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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7428569 No.7428569 [Reply] [Original]

How many meals do you eat a day?

Three masterrace here.

>> No.7428579


>> No.7428586

Who the hell had time to eat three times in a day

I eat twice, the first is at 12:30 in front of my office desk after a wall outside and the second is around 20:00 in front of my PC at home

>> No.7428587


What a loser.

>> No.7428588

One or two, depending on when I wake up

>> No.7428602

2, if you don't count morning-coffee.

>> No.7428610

Three plus snacks inbetween, usually fruit

>> No.7428614


Breakfast pretty much immediately after waking up, which can be from 7 to 11:30

Then dinner usually between 15 and 18

Once I start doing shit like going to lectures I will also eat at school between 11 and 16 so I don't know if I need to prepare another meal that late, perhaps just a snack

>> No.7428673

1, eat whatever i want whenever

>> No.7428676
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I work the graveyard shift. My eating and sleeping schedule is all fucked up.
I wake up at different times and eat whenever I'm hungry. Sometimes once a day, sometimes two or three if I'm lucky.
Graveyard is hell but at least it's easy.

>> No.7428678

3-4 dinners a lunch and a couple breakfasts

>> No.7428680

How do you guys eat more than once a day? Aren't you full from one meal?

>> No.7428687
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>Then dinner usually between 15 and 18


>> No.7428693


No. I don't like to eat too much in one sitting since it makes me feel like shit until I digest it all.

>> No.7428697

this t︂b︂︂h

>> No.7428700


What a loser.

>> No.7428845

twice a day, or once

>> No.7428867

I eat 2 low fat meals a day.

>> No.7428871

I eat once or twice a day

I don't know where you people find time for breakfast, or how you even want to eat immediately after waking up.

>> No.7428890


>not waking up and spending a couple hours in bed, nursing a couple hair of the dogs, while browsing /ck/ and thinking about the breakfast you are going to make for yourself today when you feel ready to get up and put some clothes on

What are you people even doing with your lives?

>> No.7428900

Most of us don't wake up hours before our obligations.

>> No.7428912


>> No.7428914

coffee for breakfast. 2 real meals.
Usually just a sandwich or can of soup for lunch.
Then a decent sized dinner.

>> No.7428915


>> No.7428923


>> No.7428942

Lark master race, owls can keep their subhuman biological clocks.

>> No.7428968

I eat at least 5 meals a day. Sometimes more.

>> No.7428980


Coffee + Banana at some point before 11 am
Whatever I want and tons of it for dinner, usually around 7 pm

>> No.7428992


t. poorfag

>> No.7429016

more like
>t. gaylord

>> No.7429506

How's the pay? I always wanted to get paid for burring bodies, not trying to sound edgy or anything.

>> No.7429515

0 atm desu
Otherwise normally 2. breakfast and dinner.

>> No.7429520

One meal.
Graze the rest of the day.

>> No.7429524

I wake up at 4am and eat breakfast at 8am, I have dinner at 4pm, and go to bed at 8pm

>> No.7429541


>> No.7429543


>> No.7429560


7:00am – Breakfast
9:00am – Second Breakfast
11:00am – Elevenses
1:00pm – Luncheon
4:00pm – Afternoon Tea
6:00pm – Dinner
8:00pm – Supper

>> No.7429579

Most of the time, none. But sometimes one. On rare occasion two. I'm really grateful, I've got it worked out that I can eat twice a day every day up until March eleventh. Then I'll have to figure things out again day to day.

>> No.7429679

Usually I wake up hungry as fuck and feel like dog shit if I don't eat something. Pretty annoying if I'm being honest sempai

>> No.7429702

grazing master race

>> No.7430214


Have have my dinner about 1 pm

>> No.7430227

Mostly 2. Breakfast at 11-12, then dinner at like 18.00

>> No.7430241

I eat 4 giant ass meals

Because I work out a lot. 120lb 5"3. I calculated its something like 2k cal a day for me

>> No.7430307

>120lb man assumes 2k calories to be a lot
bruh that's like a "lose weight" diet for slightly overweight people.

>> No.7431060
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>> No.7431073
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>> No.7431101


My meal schedule.

>> No.7431110
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It depends on the day.
Some days I'll eat three, some I'll eat one, others I'll snack throughout the day.

Sometimes those meals will consist of a banana. Othertimes they'll be 1200+ calories.

Most of the time I don't eat a lot however. On average (figured it out over a month) I eat about 1300 calories a day. As it stands I'm 6 foot 2 inches and 130 pounds.

I'm quite honestly too lazy most of the time to make myself anything other then frozen food or easy shit like basic pasta or a PBJ.

Maybe once a month will I actually make an effort on a meal and follow a recipe and shit.

>> No.7431125


Actually lost a decent amount of tub switching to 4 equally sized small meals a day. Nothing except black coffee/tea, and water between them. Also stopped drinking, actually it might've just been the drinking.

>> No.7431127

Fuck man, I used to be you. Took two years off from college and working the graveyard the entire time. My sleep schedule made no goddamn sense, sometimes I would have like two 3 hour sleeps per day, other times I would go 8 hours right after, or 8 hours right before. Food would be whenever I felt like it. It was a goddamn mess on me.

>> No.7431130
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I don't get hungry or have a bowel movement until about 2 hours after I wake up, give or take. So, coffee and shit is breakfast.

Yes, I eat pieces of shit for breakfast.

>> No.7431345

Two, since I usually wake up too late for breakfast and if I eat breakfast I usually eat it too late to be hungry for lunch. I'm eating 1300 calories a day so it helps that out, a nice 500-ish for lunch and dinner and 300-ish on snacks.

>> No.7431356

I'm from /fit/ and I'm currently bulking so 5

>> No.7431609

Once. at 3 AM after my shift.
I'll eat a little bit throughout the day though, but no meals
I have today off, that's why I'm posting at 1 AM.
On my days off I have like ten meals lol

>> No.7431629


I'm a girl I should have said that first
I was at 1.2k cal a day for a bit but yeah

>> No.7431671

5, im an animal that needs mucho energy

>> No.7431752

>>what is 24h time?

They mean between 3-6pm

>> No.7431758

They mean you have no idea how to properly write height measurements.

>> No.7431761

Well fuck how do you write them
i was a lit major at one point and i never in my life ever had to write height measurements in any essay

>> No.7431766


>> No.7432068

dumb 'murican spotted

>> No.7432076

Breakfast anywhwere from 9 to 11 am, lunch from 2 to 3 ideally, sometimes a bit later. Dinner is for fatties. When I'm not working, it can be pretty random though

>> No.7432089

breakfast when i wake up
lunch whenever/whatever's easiest
dinner when i get hungry again
if i need a snack its usually some kind of fruit or yogurt with granola

>> No.7432100

>t. retarded foreigners
The shock is because who the fuck eats dinner between 3-6

>> No.7433354

Obviously them.

>> No.7433372

Four makes more sense

Late lunch

>> No.7433379

I do but I have a two year old and he goes to bed earlier.

>> No.7433382

I never feel hungry after waking up so i don't eat breakfest, although i'd like to. Like apparently most people in this thread im Lunch/Dinner only.

>> No.7433438

>I always wanted to get paid for burring bodies
I don't actually work in a graveyard butt for brains. I hope you're joking. I do security and I get about 13.50/hr. It's decent considering how easy it is.

>> No.7434706

Probably around 5 or 6. I'm incapable of eating much in one sitting because I eat slowly and feel full fast.

>> No.7434742

Oatmeal with some berries at ~8:30, two servings of raw fruit and vegetable around 12:30, homecoocked meal around 17:00.

Maybe some nuts as a snack inbetween.

Dieting sucks.

>> No.7434797

Depends but 3 or 4 maybe 5
Breakfast: mid
dinner: mid
snack: depends on hungry levels
supper: depends on hungry levels

>> No.7435022

Usually 1 to 2

I do wonder what the long term effects of eating only one meal that is highly dense in calories per day is

>> No.7435030

u r me

>> No.7435259

Between 2 and 3 these days, but that's only because being hungry isn't much of a distraction to me.

>> No.7435262

This is me, almost exactly except I usually eat around 8 or 9

>> No.7435280

As many as I want.

>> No.7435306

Love this tv program. I eat around 4~5 meals.

>> No.7435312

Why do Korean movies always look unnaturally "naturally" lit and the colors are ridiculously hyper-real?

Can't everything look like a nauseating 1970s family drama starring Jack Nicholson?

>> No.7435318

This is me too. Large fruit in the morning, coffee, tea and water through the day and then a well portioned early dinner around 6pm.
Why anyone would want to eat dinner any later than 6:30 that doesn't have to is beyond me.

>> No.7435331
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between 1 and 5

>> No.7435342

Two usually, rarely three. I usually skip lunch if I have breakfast or vice versa. Average, I guess, based on this thread.

>> No.7436364

I've found if I go a few days without eating an early breakfast I'll go to bed thinking about food.