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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 555 KB, 862x665, needsauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7423359 No.7423359 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I find info on jelly coke bottles?

>> No.7423364


>> No.7423380


>> No.7423484
File: 4 KB, 455x278, stahp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that voice

>> No.7423555

Is that the same voice as the guy who dissects the gummy rat? It sounds like his annoyingly upbeat older brother.

>> No.7423569
File: 56 KB, 338x250, charmed666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the guy's hands are all over it
would not eat

>> No.7423588

it probably tastes awful.

it's rubber with a hint of cola flavor.

>> No.7423594

>shilling your channel this hard

Fuck off jew.

>> No.7423596

His voice makes me angry

>> No.7424007

the pubescent jizz i laid to rest over these girls senpai

>> No.7424082

It's interesting but I can't watch this with the sound on holy shit

>> No.7424087


>> No.7424088


>> No.7424100
File: 112 KB, 450x289, Jelly-Belly-Gummy-Pet-Rat-1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7424123

Where's the vegan version?

>> No.7424137

Google, easy. Next question!

>> No.7424139

Why do I find his voice so infuriating?

>> No.7424140

>add gelatin to soda
>remove bottle
Why the fuck are people making such a big deal over something about as complex as putting some sugar in your coffee?

>> No.7424166

Is there a way to get paid

To eat nothing but jello for 30 days?

>> No.7424171

Thank god I don't ever have to talk to this guy in real life

>> No.7424189

Thanks god you arent even trying to use reverse psycology to shill your channel
No views for the samefag

>> No.7424192

Google could probably answer that!

Next question.

>> No.7424196

>Over 1000 calories!

Jesus fuck, who sees that as a selling point?

>> No.7424210

I googled "pay me to eat jello" and nothing came up.
Is there a kickstarter or something people will sponsor me to eat nothing but jello for a month?

>> No.7424223

There are many kinds of retards in the world. Some don't see the link between a coffee spoon and a cup of coffee.

>> No.7424234

There is, although, people tend to give more to pay the medical bill of a poor children/dog than to random idiots.
You could try to go viral, potato salad style. But that's pretty much random.

I don't remember the name, I'll look around.

>> No.7424494
File: 214 KB, 500x371, teehgrind.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that constant fake-nervous laughter

>> No.7424631

This guys voices sounds like the cross between a retarded man and a south park character.

>> No.7424660

shit, can someone link that video again? i remember watching that a couple months ago and it killed something in my soul. i feel like that guy rapes and murders little kids in his basement.

>> No.7424780


>> No.7424806

what the fuck

>> No.7424812
File: 83 KB, 468x323, 1453082172945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There it is.

God help us.

>> No.7424829
File: 472 KB, 690x672, 1455948650062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking forgot about this shit.
This makes the OP video sound normal

>> No.7424874

Holy shit that's gold!

>> No.7424906

I almost pissed myself laughing when he cuts out its eye out

>> No.7424911


>> No.7424942
File: 6 KB, 192x144, 2016-02-28-22-04-02-541371863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7425089
File: 81 KB, 361x375, 6UwtSN8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day we stray further and further from God's light.

>> No.7425091

The real question is why Jelly Belly thought it'd be a good idea to sell a life-sized gummy vermin.

>> No.7425093

I haven't thought about the Heaven's Gate cult in years. Wow.

>> No.7425108


>> No.7425116

Kids like weird shit. I remember I had an Easy Bake oven, but the molds were all bugs and shit. It's just a gimmick and given how long gummeyee rates have been on the market, it seems to work.

>> No.7425207


>> No.7425232

Their website is still up and running, and it's still flashing a message telling anyone who is still part of the cult to kill themselves immediately. Creepy stuff.


>> No.7425238

holy fuck the moment he talked startled me

>> No.7425240

Someone remake this video with out the fucking creepy voice.

>> No.7425425

Same. Jesus Christ.

>> No.7425444

Why does this shit getting posted? Is this a new le epic meme?

>> No.7425460

lol same


>> No.7425463

He talks like he's squeezing his anus the whole time.
>gyuhh huhh hnnn

>> No.7425470

My fucking sides.
>jee lie
>bee lie
>peet rat
>goom eye
>cand eye

What is this Jar Jar binks shit?

>> No.7425474

Laughed through the entire thing.

>> No.7425489

Those were creepy crawlers. You're not supposed to eat those, dude.

>> No.7425524

because he talks to you in the most bombastically patronising way possible.
even if he's making videos for kids,. kids aren't incapable of understanding words if they're said in an adult manner.

>> No.7425729

Just make it with agar agar.

>> No.7425733

>Want a name pronounced by Runforthecube? Simply send $5 through PayPal

>> No.7425761
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 1444374650024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this video, fuck this guy, and fuck you for posting it.

>> No.7425764

Ohhhhhhhhh shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

>> No.7425926

I blame feminism for this.

>> No.7425996
File: 189 KB, 494x487, 1447920034757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May god have mercy.

>> No.7426030


Please, God, what is happening?

>> No.7426041
File: 1.71 MB, 360x240, scary march of wooden soldiers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im disturbed even though I do this to live mice every day.

>> No.7426145

I only realised at like 3/4 of the video that he has been talking English all the time

>> No.7426157

Who the hell runs the site?

>> No.7426163

There's no english there, anon

>> No.7426174
File: 27 KB, 406x341, _20160221_041226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ave María purísima

>> No.7426186

This guy has been all over youtube lately. What's happening.

>> No.7426194

No he haznt

Stop shilling yourself op you faggot

>> No.7426196

Allllrighty I just got the uhhh urge to kill somebody XD

>> No.7426267

I know it sounds hard to believe, but listen carefully, he speaks english

>> No.7426269

No anon, it seemed a little bit like english at first, but the more you listen the more you realize it's not.

>> No.7426988
File: 49 KB, 662x625, 1455878135450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so thyees tyime well mayg'ga foll boddle
jesus christ

>> No.7427193

oh god I almost forgot about this absolute mad man

>> No.7427240
File: 15 KB, 360x246, 1451336062168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listen to this on mobile
>can't understand a single thing
>go home and watch with speakers
>he really was speaking in english

>> No.7427632
File: 831 KB, 225x183, 1446780530946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what Guantanamo Bay prisoners listen every morning

>> No.7427634


fucking lmao.

>> No.7427839


why WHY

>> No.7427848

I think it's about time I kill myself

>> No.7429324
File: 907 KB, 720x720, doom_paul_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7429626

My god that voice. That banter, this is un watchable

>> No.7429668

I... I-
Fuck you, fuck this thread, fuck life.

>> No.7429944

kill yourself

>> No.7431074

Ok. Lemme check those first

>> No.7431298

What is this?
Is this life?
Have countless eons of atoms colliding with one another catatrosphically, wars waged, species decimated, just for this to exist?

I have journeyed far and wide in my quest for release from this eternal Wheel of Flesh and Death. I've encountered beasts too horrible to describe, learned truths too powerful to be known, and I have drunk full of The Void, and swim in its spiraling current, in terrible agony and awe.

Yet this...this leaves me voiceless.


>> No.7431455

I love this channel so much. Sometimes I imitate his voice with my friends and it's always a riot.

He uploads random new videos almost every day too. Shit is so bizzare but so fascinating.

>> No.7431480
File: 628 KB, 640x576, lake of rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This physically hurts me

>> No.7431488


I took a break from smelling my armpits and shit (I'm on toilet) to listen to his voice... it's bad

>> No.7431492
File: 221 KB, 366x411, 1449361752563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7431638

>1,362,963 subscribers


>> No.7432028
File: 477 KB, 548x696, 1447208461920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7432064

He sounds like Ernie from sesame streets retarded cousin or something.

>> No.7432265

Imagine this guy having sex
"Oh haha I accidentally came inside you! Now you're gonna have a baby. Whoops!"