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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7416055 No.7416055 [Reply] [Original]

Best spread thread, obiviously vegemite wins hands down, what's your favourite way to enjoy it?

>> No.7416061

Avocado and vegemite on toast is god tier. I wish I had an avocado because I really want to eat that now.

>> No.7416064

>Vegemite contains 3.45% sodium
eh, peanut butter is the shit

>> No.7416068

>not liking vegemite

Please put this meme to rest.

>> No.7416125

So far I've tried Vegemite, Promite and Marmite.
I like them all but I find Vegemite the comfiest, grew up with it.

Them B Vitamins

I find it hard to overdo sodium so I think the Vegemite helps especially since I have diuretics like coffee often, what do you eat regularly that makes you overdose sodium?

>> No.7416126

Butter is the best spread

>> No.7416134

I prefer tiger stripes vegemite and sliced cheese is awesome

>> No.7416138

I like it with tomato slices

>> No.7416143

vegemite avo and a little drizzle of balsamic vinegar on toast is god tier

>> No.7416200

vegemite and marmite are disgusting and for people with shit taste buds

also pate on toast is amazing duck liver is delicious, and also garlic pate

>> No.7416201

Marmite beats vegemite, and with a pile of grated cheddar melted on to the top... de-lish.

>> No.7416204
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Plain chips/crisps and Vegemite on buttered white bread

Pic just an example.

>> No.7416216

Nigga hahaha what the fuck is pate. look at this nigga talking about shit taste when he saying stuff like a dumb bitch like pate.

fuckin lmao

>> No.7416222

Not that guy, but seriously, you must be the dumbest motherfucker on the chans.

>> No.7416235

checked and agreed he is obviously trolling (and REALLY bad at it) >>7416216 needs to go back to /b/

>> No.7416286

I don't think it's trolling I think it's just shitposting

>> No.7416314

Marmite is disgusting but vegiemite is top tier

>> No.7416741

Keep hearing how Vegemite is so amazing but I've never had it, or the other to 'mites mentioned.
Care to describe the taste/ingredients, and maybe where in Florida I might purchase some?

>> No.7416752

>Vegemite contains 3.45% sodium

You put so little of it on the toast it's probably one of the lowest salt things you can eat during the day.

>> No.7416753

>Care to describe the taste/ingredients

Like yeast extract. Yeast extract.

>and maybe where in Florida I might purchase some?

If you're anywhere near Orlando it'll be in every English shop you stumble across.

>> No.7416783

Tampa area, except Hicksville dugaddict suburb,
Any way to describe with something I've actually eaten?

>> No.7416801


It's very salty and somewhat savory. Imagine licking a bullion cube.

Or taste some bread yeast.

>> No.7416866

Remember to eat it with a spoon right out of the bottle, one of the best ways to enjoy it the first time

>> No.7416874

My favorite way to enjoy vegemite is by tricking my dumbass friends eat straight spoonfuls of it.

>> No.7416882

Who wouldn't enjoy eating great big heaped spoons of something they haven't tried before....

>> No.7416888


i've really gone off spreads in general

i made a sandwich the other day that was just a toasted kaiser with butter, two kinds of bacon, sauteed orange peppers, gruyere and pepper

it was divine.. i thought about adding another spread to it and then gave up after everything seemed gross and i'm really glad i did.. mustard probably would have been ok but all i had was dijon and horseradish and they seem more for beef

>> No.7417010

Warm salty fresh bread?

>> No.7417103

>what do you eat regularly that makes you overdose sodium?
Processed foods, kebab (chicken and normal), cold cuts, shit like that

>> No.7417139
File: 73 KB, 709x454, dulcedeleche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dulce de leche beats it hands down.

>> No.7417277

Golden syrup is pretty good too, especially on homemade damper

>> No.7417321


>> No.7417389

Ok, now that does sound good. time to find some. Amazon maybe?
Whats a good brand

>> No.7417424

marmite. get lost aussie..

>> No.7417429

Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six foot four and full of muscle
I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich
And he said:

"I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder
You better run, you better take cover."

>> No.7417430

>Enjoying a weaker version of marmite

>> No.7417437

Horrible image. Such a thin coating. That Vegemite was spread by a sissyboy who needs to disguise the Vegemite flavour under butter or margarine.

>Like yeast extract.
This is a useless description. It doesn't taste much like Marmite, which is also a yeast extract. In fact, it has the most unique flavour of all the yeast extract spreads.

>> No.7417443

never had marmite&honey 7//10

>> No.7417485

Ok, so Vegemite, Marmite, Promite, they're all different tasting. Vegemite = Yeast/Salty bread
What about the other two? Are there others?

>> No.7417921

I throw it in the bin and get my jar of Marmite out like a civilised person.

>> No.7418104

Marmite is too sweet

>> No.7418120

>also pate on toast is amazing duck liver is delicious, and also garlic pate
Do you even melba toast?

>> No.7418143
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>not putting raw ground pork on your bread

>> No.7418147

Why do people love things that taste so extremely of salt and not much of anything else? Salt is meant only to complement other flavors. Do you smoke by any chance?

>> No.7419311

That's comparing apples to oranges. They are fuck all alike.

Dumb argentinian poster/10

>> No.7419319

This isn't a Vegemite thread. This is a best spread thread.

But really the best spread is your daddy's asshole just before I plunge my massive cock into it.

>> No.7419321

This tbqh familia

>> No.7419323

Top tier taste desu

>> No.7419331

They are the brands, the food is called "yeast extract". So look for Marmite which is the British one or Vegemite which is the Antipodean one.

Being a yank don't do what every damn yank on youtube does and slather it on a piece of toast like it's peanut butter and wonder why you don't like it.

Virgins need to spread it thin, thinner than you are thinking right now on buttered toast. Once you get a feel for it then you start to have more depending on your tolerance.

It goes well with any bread or cheese based foods and a spoon of it adds a savoury hit to stews, soups, bologneses, chilis etc.

>> No.7419336

If Marmite is British and Vegemite is Australian/New Zealander, where is Promite sold, Canada?

>> No.7419338

I'm British and love my Marmite, I just bought a jar of Vegemite and am opening it after my current Marmite jar is finished.

What can I expect and do I use it any differently to Marmite?

>> No.7419340

Promite and its ilk are for contrarians.

Do Kiwis really like Vegemite? I thought they preferred Marmite just to stick it to Australians.

>> No.7419341


Fuck off yank.

>> No.7419344
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>Samefagging this obviously

At least wait a few minutes between posts, Jesus Christ.

>> No.7419345

Expect it to be a shit substitute for Marmite

>> No.7419349
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2/10 made me reply

>> No.7419350

And that is where your post was expelled to the waste heap, yank.

Protip though friend, you eat a very small amount what with it being a spread, you also eat salt in very small amounts what with it being sprinkled on top of food.

Is any of this sinking into your feeble colonial brain yet?

>> No.7419352

OK, I forgot, you are right on both accounts.

>> No.7419359

Yes and that can be fixed in Photoshop. Meanwhile looking at the post times and the fact that both posts are sucking one persons dick clearly shows that all three posts are yours.

>> No.7419363
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I downloaded this shitty program just for you

>> No.7419367
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>> No.7419370

I have always been curious about this but haven't ever been able to justify the cost. What is it like and how do you use it?

>> No.7419373

It's delicious on hot toast.

>> No.7419411
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If I were to make a Spam and Marmite butty would I die from sodium intake?

>> No.7419417

No. You need to consume excess sodium regularly over a long period to die from it.

>> No.7419424
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>there are some poor cunts in here that haven't had vegemite and egg on toast

>> No.7419429

I like Vegemite and cheese on toast.
Haven't tried yours, though.

>> No.7419436

Salty, fishy umami. You can use it in place of anchovies, as well as just a spread. I like to spread it between two slices of white bread, then make it into French toast with Parmesan in the egg mix.

>> No.7419445
File: 2.25 MB, 1800x1200, IANAC-AVOCADO-VEGEMITE-TOAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


avos go good aswell

>> No.7419497
File: 23 KB, 480x720, Disgusted infant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is British due to being able to purchase Patum Peperium
>Calls eggy bread "French toast" like a yank

>> No.7419556

Here's my tip for making the best vegemite on toast.

Step 1. Toast the bread so that it is lightly golden but mostly white
Step 2. As fast as possible spread butter (no margerine) on the toast making sure it melts into the bread, if the butter doesn't fully melt, just turn on the toaster and use the heat coming from it to melt the rest
Step 3. Apply the vegemite being sure to not scrape the toast too hard or else it will come apart (this takes practice)

You are now eating the best toast in the world. To compliment it, cut it into soldiers and serve with poached egg.

>> No.7419561

Toast soldiers just reminded me of my childhood and how my mother would make them for me every Sunday morning with 2 soft-boiled eggs.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.7419579

Does babby want his eggy bread?
You're probably some sort of godawful northerner.

>> No.7419615

yeah we have air pork outside of murca

>> No.7419625

How stupid can you be?

>> No.7419628

Inspect element, not that difficult. Troll harder shitlord.

>> No.7419634

Fuck off JF

>> No.7419640

So you're a pretentious fuckhead and a paki.

Wew lad.

>> No.7419658

>t. Pajeet

Fuck back to your shit hole country.

>> No.7419663


>> No.7419668

closest way to describe it is a bitter cumshot mixed with overly concentrated stock cubes.

>> No.7419671

people who trust their friends

>> No.7419682


I'm British so I'm a despicable traitor when I say I prefer vegemite to marmite, its so nice and savoury, easier to spread and not as sharp.

I love to have it with crumpets and a slice of extra mature cheddar on top.

>> No.7419724

>French toast

Fuck off yank.

>> No.7419759

Apparently very stupid indeed but Americans do this a lot. They take words and completly fuck their meaning so they sound like retards. Calling minced meat "ground" when it isn't ground is just asinine.

>> No.7419762

Rasheed's done his nut in.

>> No.7419766

One word shitposts like this should be an auto-ban.

>> No.7419771
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>> No.7419902

I refreshed

>> No.7419976


Would it really make such a big difference if people wrote "I think this looks disgusting, the reason is because I do not agree with this food combination"

I mean, we all understood just as much by reading the single world reply

IMO its people like you who don't add value or anything related to topic who should get auto ban

>> No.7420070

>Would it really make such a big difference if people wrote "I think this looks disgusting, the reason is because I do not agree with this food combination"
Yes, yes it would.

It's a good job that as an American your opinion means very little to me.

>> No.7420076

No mention of Cenovice yet?!

>> No.7420088

they mean enough to reply and that was all that was required

your opinion means very little to me too, regardless of nationality but because it is stupid, I will make more one word comments in the future to spite you

>> No.7420094


>> No.7420099

Samefagging should also be an auto-bannable offence.

>> No.7420104


>> No.7420109

You do realise the only reason I'm humouring your shitposts is because I want the thread bumped, right?

Keep working for daddy, clappyfat.

>> No.7420114

I'm just bored in general and right now you are just one of many on here who is kind enough to help me pass the time

>> No.7420126

Well alrighty then.

Why do you feel the need to shitpost when you could have a real conversation to fill the time?

>> No.7420129

What does Vegemite taste like?
Never eat it before.

>> No.7420141

Think about how a sweaty old shoe smells. Then think about how it would taste. Pretty much like that.

>> No.7420147
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>> No.7420166

Vegemite doesn't taste like Brie, you soft cocked spastic.

>> No.7420183
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>Australian defense force activated!

>> No.7420860

>Marmite which is the British one or Vegemite which is the Antipodean one.

Apart from the Marmite which is also an Antipodean one, but not the British one.

>> No.7420863

Only northern monkeys call it "eggy bread", what with the rest of the country being adults and all.

>> No.7420873


this looks like it'd be right up my alley but damn is it expensive, how long does a jar last?

>> No.7421405

A mixture of salty with some slight sourness and bitterness. In small doses over butter it creates a salty, savoury taste. An acquired taste in large doses.

>> No.7421423

So it tastes like unwashed pussy?

>> No.7421437
File: 28 KB, 400x400, kaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why has this not been posted yet

>> No.7421445

I've never even heard of a nonakaya

>> No.7421448

I love vegemite, but I can see how other people who haven't grown up with it wouldn't like it, its a very particular taste. As for marmite promite, because I'm used to veg, I find they fall in the uncanny vally, like vegemite but just off a bit.

I like vegemite sandwiches on white bread, or similar to op's pic but on multigrain bread, with margaine soaked in and then a thin layer of mite.

>> No.7421768

some kind of coconut spread I think, never tasted it myself though
explain what it taste like you mong

>> No.7421790

Butter. If it weren't so fattening it would be perfect.

>> No.7422925

i get the smallest pot for about 3GBP (price of a couple of beers) that's enough to last me for its 4-6 week fridge life.

>> No.7422955

lol, thats not even expensive, when assholes mentioned it was expensive I pictured something like 20-50 bucks for a small jar, you know, actually expensive

>> No.7423047
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Dulce de leche

>> No.7425066
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Wow, I got a lesson in economics thanks to Vegemite.

>See Vegemite in store for 9.00
>Guess I'll try it.
>End up loving it.
>Hipsters happen.
>Come back some time later.
>See same jar of Vegemite in store for 30.00

>> No.7425186

>thing that never happened.png

>> No.7425194

You should have seen what happened to the Marmite in New Zealand after the factory was seriously damaged in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.
Listings on ebay were $50-$200 per jar.

>> No.7425225


It's literally 30.00 usd a jar now where I live. How is that some tall tale that a fucking price increased?

>> No.7425266

where the fuck do you live? It's $6 a jar in canada

>> No.7425542

Vegemite is the shitty Kraft version of the original spread Marmite.

I don't dabble in tar-consistency knockoffs.

>> No.7426643

Marmite tastes like ass

>> No.7427009

this is my daily breakfast, anyone who doesnt eat this at least 300 times a year is a cunt

>> No.7427433

Never had eggs with vegiemite it sounds tasty tho

>> No.7427456


>> No.7427461

Except it is expensive for a small jar, you know, expensive.

>> No.7429685

Not that expensive

>> No.7429698

Vegemite tastes like shit.

As a heterosexual man with a taste for big butts I enjoy the taste of ass but request my women wash their booty holes first as shit tastes bad.

>> No.7430033
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Every single one of you is a soulless pleb.
Best served with crumbly cheddar or just on toast with butter.

>> No.7430067
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enuff with this yeast shit

applebutter is bretty gud

>> No.7430119
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Nothing better, slap some on toast with some pickles, it's god-like

>> No.7430313

Pickle by itself as a spread?