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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.45 MB, 2880x1620, curry-rice-kiseijuu-sei-no-kakuritsu-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7404951 No.7404951 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.7404956

Do a barrel roll

>> No.7404965

Curry like pic related is just curry-flavoured stock with a few chunks of meat or vegetables

If you're interested in real curry though I have a bit of experience...

>> No.7404971

>real curry
3D pig disgusting

>> No.7404973
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No, I want anime curry.

>> No.7404975

take a pen and draw it :^)

>> No.7404991

You didnt even have to cook it and it looks shit.

>> No.7404999

Anime budget must go towards the food.

>> No.7405006
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Use this man.

>> No.7405007
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buy pic related, meat, carrots, onion, and potatoes. follow instructions on the back of pic related.

>> No.7405014

They don't sell those at my local supermarket and/or country

I need to know how to make it with every day shit.
I mean I know how to make rice, just put it in water for 10 minutes and that's it. But that stew like thing I can not comprehend, like how do you do it? I guess it has water and potatoes and onions, but what else? You can't make stew out of water.
Can you?

>> No.7405025

Literally curry powder and stock. It isn't real curry, just curry flavoured soup.

>> No.7405026

It won't taste the same as the box, but you can make a roux, add spices and you'll get something like it.

>> No.7405040

>You can't make stew out of water. Can you?
You can but just using water won't make a very tasty stew.

Meat (or fish/seafood) and vegetable base, stock, curry, done.

>but you can make a roux
Somehow I don't think he's at that level.

>> No.7405046
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>> No.7405051

I only have onions,potatoes, chicken meat, rice, oil and salt. What can I do?

>> No.7405062


make a nice pan fried chicken with roast potatoes and stop eating meme chink shit

>> No.7405067

Put water salt onions potatoes and chicken into a soup pot and turn the heat on.

>> No.7405068

Buy some fucking spices anon, holy shit.

>> No.7405070

well i don't make much japanese curry but other than what you have, i imagine you would have to purchase specifically japanese curry powder.

other than that, basic spices like pepper, ginger and garlic to taste.

caramel / cocoa powder to give it the right color, add thickness, and flavor

>> No.7405081

Everything just magically gets done at the same time? I call bullshit on that

>> No.7405085

>follow directions on package
>add hot chili peppers if you want extra red face and steam ears

>> No.7405104
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Japanese curry looks like dog food. Why don't you try making some actually good curry?

>> No.7405107

That literally looks like vomit

>> No.7405108

I wouldn't expect an uncultured palate such as yours to understand the superiority of thai curry.

>> No.7405116

No, but I sure as hell love your thai ladyboys

>> No.7405130

That's mint, right?

>> No.7405135

What country are you in? Just go to your local Asian grocer and look around, they're bound to have a box somewhere.

>> No.7405140

Basically this. Japanese curry is beef stew with some curry powder in it. It's not bad but you could do so much better.

>> No.7405159

>durr rich and filling Japanese curry with delicious tonkatsu is bad
>hurr here's some watery poor jungle asian gooksloop """curry""" borne out of crippling poverty

Retarded hipster detected

>> No.7405165

Everybody shit the fuck up and stop arguing. All curry is delicious. Indian/Paki/Bangladesh or Thai/Vietnamise or even Japanese. They are all delicious in their own ways and suit different occasions and palates. Curry is great.

>> No.7405183

>even Japanese

Nice jab at the best kind of curry. Being a contrarian hipster won't win you any points with the brown people, anon.

>> No.7405193

Weeb harder, weeb.

>> No.7405196

wew lad

>> No.7405200
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Hello from the front page. This board is full of babies and idiots.

>They don't sell those in my supermarket/country
You're the kind of person who hates being given advice but cries incessantly about his problems. They sell it on amazon.

The rest of you /pol/ faggots yelling about the left and hipsters are closed-minded plebeians with no taste.

>> No.7405205

I hate liberals, I just like good food.

I didn't mean it that way, personally I like it a lot, but a lot of people, like in this thread for example, don't. That is why I said it like that.

>> No.7405794

>make half-assed beef stew
>add boxed curry
>plate with rice

Is it so hard to give OP an answer?

>> No.7405800

Is it so hard to read the thread?

>> No.7405865


-buy Japanese curry cubes at Asian grocery store
-Brown meat in wide saucepan
-satuee hard vegetables like potatoes and carrots
-once cubed potatoes and sliced carrots are browned, add in the onion and diced Serrano/chili peppers
-add water
-bring to boil
-close lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes (until vegetables and meat are tender)
-turn off heat
-stir in curry cubes until fully melted
-serve over steamed white rice or ramen

add sriracha if you want it to be a bit spicier

>> No.7405879

>weaboos think beef bouillon gravy curry shit that comes in literal shit bricks compares to authentic Indian curry


>> No.7405880

The autism gave me cancer.

>> No.7405912

I've been on a huge japanophile phase recently. Been consuming a TON of anime, japanese cinema, japanese music, and japanese cuisine because everything from japan is probably good most of the time.

Japanese curry seems like the perfect recipe to have in your arsenal because it has all three macronutrients, is simple to make, and tastes really good for somebody with a refined palette like me where you can sense every sodium ion binding the receptors on your tongue.

>> No.7405920

Thai basil

>> No.7405926

>They don't sell those at my local supermarket and/or country
do you live in a 3rd world shit hole?

>> No.7405933

Well indians probably shit in the curry anyway.

>> No.7405937

Those Japanese curry blocks do indeed taste a lot like gravy but it's for a reason. The Japanese discovered curry through British soldiers and traders and the British version of curry at the time basically was stew with currypowder added to it.
I personally like it and make it probably several times a year. I don't think anyone seriously thinks it's better than a proper Thai curry though.

>> No.7405944


>> No.7405945

it's not the same thing, it's a different type of curry, it uses the same flavors but evidently by the carrots and potatoes it's meant to be more like a thick stew you eat with rice.

>> No.7405949

Japanese curry is fucking awful you wap.

>> No.7405953

Japanese "curry" is a mildly spicy shitty floury stew

>> No.7405960
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>> No.7405974

>There are actually faggots on this board that think just because a dish has the same word in it there is only one perfect way to make it and all others are inferior

Japanese, Thai, and Indian curries are all varied, all taste different, and all taste great

>> No.7405981


he triggered us with his retarded manchild weeb-opinions

>> No.7405990

This shit happens all the time with sandwich threads, curry threads, pizza threads, chili threads, etc. Its a stupid thought that there is one perfect way to cook food

>> No.7405997

>no meat contained

>> No.7406033

Why would it contain meat?

>> No.7406045

>green curry
Thanks, but I want the punch to be delivered to my taste buds and not my pain receptors.

>> No.7406051

You sound like a bigger manchild here.

>> No.7406108

asked for anime curry recipe, not japanese curry

>> No.7406131


you know you can enjoy the food without being a complete tool right?

>> No.7406255
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>when the co/ck/s call you autistic

>> No.7406262
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crushed ice with sriracha?

>> No.7406320

You can get the same effect of those curry cubes by just making a curry roux.

1. Heat 2T oil in a large pot
2. Saute 1 onion and 3 cloves of garlic
3. Add 1 lb beef and brown
4. Add 4 cups of beef stock, either from cans or use bullion cubes if you are a faggot
5. Add ~4 red potatoes and 1-2 carrots
6. In a separate pan heat up 3 tablespoons of canola oil until it shimmers. Around 400 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don't know what shimmering means, google it.
7. Add 1/4 cup of flour and 4 tablespoons of curry powder to the oil. Stir and leave it on the heat until it's a light brown, then remove from heat.
8. Remove 1 cup of liquid from your main pot, and add it to your roux (the oil and flour mixture) and mix it until the roux dissolves. Then add the mixture to your main pot.
9. Let the main pot simmer ~40 minutes total, stirring occasionally. Check the firmness of your potatoes and carrots to know when it's done. Keep the pot covered or your whole house will smell of curry powder for a month.

There, you have Japanese style curry.

>> No.7406327

Oh, and obviously spice it to taste. You can just add cayenne pepper if you are lazy.

>> No.7406456
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Fuck curry, make Tikka Masala

>> No.7406467

>butmad third worlders defending their poverty soup

>> No.7406474

tikka masala IS curry you melt

>> No.7406478

Curry is Indian, Tikka Masala is British

>> No.7406486

>Bohoo I'm an anime watching whore nigger and I want to LARP anime by doing shit they do in the videos I torrented.

>> No.7406688
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>people recommending golden when Vermont exists
I don't understand.

>> No.7406703
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>wanting to eat some boring curry-flavoured soup just because it appeared in your chinese cartoons

>> No.7406729

>curry is indian

okay buddy

>> No.7406830

H-hot? Jesus anon, you are a loose cannon!

>> No.7406848

Thanks anon, I knew it could be made without those ridiculously expensive curry cubes, but lacked actual directions.
What other vegetables could be added aside from onion, carrot and potatoes? I've seen some recipes with apples, thoughts on this?

>> No.7406856

Basically whatever you want. I've used Golden Curry (and Vermont Curry) with the vege's you mentions, capsicum, bok choy, broccoli ect.

It also goes well with pretty much any meat, I'm a huge fan of goat personally.

>> No.7406874

Even "hot" Japanese curry is mild as fuck. Japs cannot into spices.

>> No.7406884
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First you need to become a cute animu girl.

>> No.7406897

It's not indian food, anon

>> No.7406927

I don't even understand why some retards try to compare other curry's from other asian countries.

You cannot compare them, all of them have their own approach and flavours.

>> No.7407051

Be born an anime

>> No.7407320

Nip food is Elder God tier, tho

>> No.7407450

It's poverty stew, not poverty soup. Also, poor people food was the best food until McDonalds took over.

>> No.7407568

Not even close.

>> No.7407838

Dumbasses that can't cook learned one good recipe and think thats the best way

>> No.7408108
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what the fuck
to what depths will man dive for sake of shitpost? will there be nothing too low?

>> No.7408146


this raging weeaboo lmao

>> No.7410115

Hipster faggots who think first = best

Nationalistic faggots who think food from country X is objectively superior to food from the rest of the world

>> No.7410157
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Literally all curry is good you cunts.

Although I find seafood curry inferior, but still good.

>> No.7410159
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Buy some golden curry at an anime grocery

>> No.7410221

What is in this pretty thing?

>> No.7412224

I'd assume its Thai Green Curry. That or vomit from a person who doesn't chew their food.

>> No.7412239

>being this illiterate

>> No.7412390

Get fucked

>> No.7412420

Curry is a type of cooking you plonker. It is done in many places, including India, Thailand and Britain. Tikka masala is curry, end of story.

>> No.7412462

I usually make a brown roux and then add it to the pot along with the other spices and sauce, rather than adding the seasoning to the roux. Otherwise it's the same way.

Japanese curry tends to be on the sweet side. Thus they have fruit and sweetened sauces added in. You should at least grate a small apple into your curry if you want it to be Japanese-style, although it's not necessary.

When I make Japanese-style curry I start by caramelizing onions. I pretty much always use cubed onion (along with the caramelized onions, I like to have non-dissolved onion chunks in my curry), carrot, potatoes, and often celery. I like to add mushrooms when I have them. But you can add pretty much any vegetable you like, and/or would put in, say, beef stew. The caramelized onions add some sweetness, and I grate in an apple, and add ketchup and worcestershire sauce, garam masala and whatever other seasonings I feel like. You can add a bit of honey if you like. I also add hot chilis to help balance the sweetness. Tomatoes also work really well in curry.

>> No.7412572
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>seafood curry inferior

Haha go fuck yourself!

>> No.7412580


Coconut milk, green curry paste, basil and lime.

>> No.7413379

Can confirm the apple bit
I thought it was weird to grate a fucking apple into my broth, and it looked like shit, but once you add the roux and simmer it just melts into the curry.
I'm not sure what it did for the curry since I made mine spicy, but its probably good.

>> No.7413398


Yeah, a lot of the curries do contain apple.

The traditional basic Japanese recipe was based on the British Navy recipe, back when the Japs copied their navy on the British during the 19th century.

Standard recipe is pork or chicken, roux, carrots, potatoes, and onions. The apples were a much later (though fairly common) addition.

>> No.7413401
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I never have coconut milk so I can't restaurant-tier decent curries. Yogurt and milk do the job but they don't cut it like takeout does.

>> No.7413402


Why don't you just go buy some coconut milk then? It's readily available and inexpensive.

>> No.7413490

Amazon doesn't Ship to some countries genius

>> No.7413493


But deputy services do, genius.

Granted that might be expensive for a product like this though...

>> No.7413546

You mean konvini?

>> No.7413585
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Little Prince brand curry is sure to get you smooches.

>> No.7413874

This shit is the bomb.com

>> No.7414602

I had some chicken katsu curry while in california and it was so good. Just like my japanese animes.

I went out and bought the golden curry box and have been wanting to make it. I know about frying the chicken in panko and all that but for the content of the curry. Should I just do potatoes and carrots? Or through in some other things.

>> No.7414667

I can't stop laffing

>> No.7414673

Hahaha it smells bad :(

>> No.7414684

Give me the most elaborate loss edit that anyone has.

>> No.7414736

Stir fry your panko in some oil, then dredge, and coat the chicken and bake it. It's more or less the same thing without the hassle of having to deep fry. It's slightly different, obviously deep frying is much better tasting though. I like deep fried foods but hate deep frying.

>> No.7414784


>> No.7414806

>want to make curry
>have curry powder and other ingredients except coconut milk
>have almond milk instead
should I?

>> No.7414838

They had their fill of heat sometime in the 1940s

>> No.7414840

Semen is practically coconut milk

Look it up

>> No.7415261

Just reminded me of the semen cookbook.

>> No.7415289

ask me how I know you're retarded :^)

>> No.7415358


>> No.7415362

So many flavors..

And you chose to be salty

>> No.7415368

go on then

>> No.7415395

Let me describe it in a way that'll be more understandable and appealing for you three

>> No.7415398
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good one anon

>> No.7415452

Maybe if you're a dumb fucking weeaboo

>> No.7415468

>pork is an animal
weeb, pls

>> No.7415509

Good to see /ck/ coming around to the side of justice #animeisrape #banime

>> No.7415858

Kill yourself and/or buy some spices. You literally just buy premixed curry powder.
Why the fuck are you on /ck/.

>> No.7415861

I liked the semen drinks more.

>> No.7415887

You da real mvp
I would've let them suffer through golden

>> No.7415938

I'm hungry

>> No.7416049
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I can meme too senpai.

>> No.7416770

Elect Trump, he'll make anime real.

>> No.7417662
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>> No.7418926

Or you could not be a faggot and just make a roux with some curry powder

>> No.7419202

No. both have distinct textures and flavors. almond milk is way too runny and won't cook down well.

>> No.7420954

Only way to find out if it's good or not is to try it out.

>> No.7421155

The other night I made some half-hearted anime curry. Asian market's across town and shutters up at 4pm in the evening, but sometimes told me you can make fake but tasty Japanese-style curry by using mild Indian curry paste (sold more widely than Japanese stuff) and using less of it than you would normally. It worked well enough.

Boil potatoes, carrots, onions, etc in enough water to cover. Put in some soup bones if you have them, and a small spoon of the curry paste. Cook it down until the vegs are soft and the potatoes are dissolving a little. Put in more curry paste until it looks/tastes right, add some soy sauce for saltiness, add some applesauce/etc for sweetness. Basically fiddle until it tastes good. It's not quite authentic, but it tasted good enough and was way cheaper than the tiny overpriced import packs at the Asian market.

>> No.7421376
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Leftover beef curry from last night. Basic Japanese version tweaked with coconut milk and a tbsp of peanut butter. I used S&B Hot Curry, but I agree that the Vermont brand is very good if you like your curry a but sweeter.

>> No.7421559

That's diarrhea isn't it? You don't fool me

>> No.7421855




>> No.7421868

no there's actually visible chunks of unconsumed food in there unlike indian "cuisine"

>> No.7421878

Looks like fresh onion, fresh chopped tomato, cooked potato and lamb or goat chunks in an absurd amount of curry gravy with sushi rice.

>> No.7421895

>implying a roux is hard to make

>> No.7421937

>lamb or goat chunks
It's beef. That's the go to for Japanese curry.

>> No.7422100

Potato, carrot, and onion is all you really need.

>> No.7422126

All curry looks like diarrhea. Grow up.

>> No.7422137

Shit's delicious but how do I make it?

>> No.7422140

Who can't melt butter and flour and add some seasoning? This is /ck/, not preschool...

>> No.7422143

Same way you make curry. Pay attention.

>> No.7422145

poop in loo, sift, consume

>> No.7422148

This. I don't understand why people think this is some kind of kitchen magick unattainable to mortal beings. It's about equal parts flour and fat. Cook it to desired color, don't let it burn. It's that fucking simple. Make sure you let the roux cool before adding it to the hot pot. It's easier than frying a goddamn egg.

>> No.7422161

Japanese curry is sacrilege for using beef.

>> No.7422165

What planet do you live on?

>> No.7422175

Make a curry base similar to how BIR do it:
Step one: seasoned oil
500mL oil, low heat and add all your whole spices (cinamon, cardamon, star anise, cumin seeds, fennal seeds, what ever else) cook for an hour to or so on low heat. The idea is to get the spices to release their oils (what gives them there flavor) into the oil you added. So not too hot to burn the spices. Then strain out the chunks.

Step two: base curry.
Take your strained oil, and add about 4 or 5 sliced up onions, fry this getting it brown, but not black. About when it is halfway done add chopped up garlic and ginger. Once all fryed, blend it and strain it. It will a flavorsome thick base sauce.

Next choose what meat and veggies you want in your curry. Choose a cut of meat good for slow cooking, Brown it in the pan, then add base sauce and other spices to adjust towards the type of curry you want. Then add veggies, timing it so they will all be cooked to the right donness by the end.

Why no exact recipe? Well your request was kinda vague, But im confident i could get something tasty that resembles the picture using that method.

>> No.7422182

>blend it

That sounds gay and terrible please don't fucking do this OP I'd even rather you use those nasty blocks

>> No.7422186

I think OP was more of a microwave kind of guy. You just spouted Greek with a bit of Aramaic.

>> No.7422197
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To be fair, family, the left and hipsters rightly inspire a lot of rage and frustration, particularly through incessant pushiness and flamboyance on 4chan, that needs to be vented.

>> No.7422236

Doubt it, there are plenty of microwave curry recipes around. He could have easily looked them up.

Oh yes, 4chan has always been the domicile of the hipster left's incessant pushiness and flamboyance.

>> No.7422372

Earth, where curry respects cows as their ancestors

>> No.7424122

just google "japanese curry recipes"

>> No.7424141

Question: is it normal for curry to have bones and shit still in there?

>> No.7424149

If you put bones and shit into your curry, then it's normal for it to be in there. If you haven't put bones and shit into your curry, it would be abnormal.

>> No.7424150

no that's stupid

>> No.7424151

You have a real talent for blowing hot air out of your ass, pal.

"Anime curry" is curry roux blocks with "a few chunks of meat and vegetables", meaning generous chunks of stewing beef, carrots, onions, potatoes, and occasionally other additions. Curry roux blocks contain roux, spice mixture and stock base, which make the entirety of it, from thickening to body to aromatics.

It's also usually expensive, pretty to look at, and disappointingly bland.

>> No.7424160

You ask Google.

Next question!

>> No.7424169

>Japanese curry expensive

Are you a sucker buying Asian ingredients at a normal grocery story with an extremely small "international food" aisle? The whole point of the curry is that it can feed a family for a day or two for very little money and kids love it.

>> No.7424668

Ken-sama ;_;

>> No.7425196

that is what Indian restaurants do. "base gravy"

>> No.7425210

Which is why indian food sucks

>> No.7425550

>Japanese "curry"

>> No.7425552

>muh Indian food sucks meme

>> No.7425602
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This is about as close to anime as I could get.

>> No.7425640

That carrot looks like it's about to disintegrate into pure energy.

>> No.7425659

>Red pepper flakes

That shit has never once been in a Japanese curry recipe

>> No.7426233

It's literally just Japanese curry stock cooked with carrots, potatoes, onion and meat

>> No.7426250

This is such a common opinion I would even call it shit.

Either you like it or you don't

It all tastes similar

>> No.7426265
File: 33 KB, 562x97, red_pepper_flakes_jap_curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been correct about anything in your entire life, anon?

>> No.7426307

Why would you buy anything but the stuff on the 2 top shelves, since thats chocolate and cookies?

>> No.7426314

Step 1. Buy gun and ammo
Step 2. Load weapon
Step 3. Point at head
Step 4. Squeeze trigger

You and the rest of humanity is happier

>> No.7426350

I always put some pepper flakes in my jap curry to add some extra spice, but I usually add it at the start while the onion is frying so it's not really visible like in that pic.

>> No.7426410
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>> No.7426424

>liking shit

Whatever you say, John from Tech Support

>> No.7426440
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>> No.7426560

Where's the rice gaylord?

>> No.7428489

OP, why do you even want anime curry anyway?

>> No.7428501

For the maximum weeb experience.

>> No.7428548

I know I'm a better cook than you'll ever be, feel free to take notes loser.

>> No.7428555

Jap here.
Don't buy any of it. It makes you fat.

>> No.7428582

Made this for dinner it's stupid easy.

You need 3 onions
3 carrots
3 potatoes
1-1 1/4 lbs stew beef
1/8 cup Salad oil
1 box Curry roux

Optional: tomato puree, beef stock, curry powder, apricot preserves.

1.Medium dice/ tri-cut 2-3 onions
Rough chop 3 carrots
Large dice 3 medium potatoes.

2.Heat oil in small stock pot on medium high heat, brown stew beef. Remove beef and set aside.

3.Saute onions on medium heat for 3-5 mins add potatoes and carrots and saute for additional 2-3 mins.

4. Add 1 cup beef stock 1 cup tomato puree (or two cups water if your a simple bitch) and add beef bring to a boil and cover, simmer for 35-45 mins or until veggies are soft

4.add curry roux and stir. Add optional apricot preserves and curry powder and stir. All done serve over rice

>> No.7429671

do you not know what curry is?

>> No.7430497


This recipe worked great for me, I substituted fake meat for beef/chicken since I'm veggie. Unfortunately, it makes way too much food for lonely bachelor of 1. It tasted godly the first day, great the second and third day, good the fourth and fifth day... By the time I finished the first jar that I made like 2 weeks after day 1, the second jar practically exploded in my fridge with botulism or whatever shit was growing inside. Kinda put me off of making more anime style curry, but no regrets nig.

Plus my house smelled like caramelized onions for literally over a week, which would have made it worth it even if I didn't get any food out of the recipe. Fucking smells awesome.

Also, watch some youtube videos on how to cook rice to make sure you're doing it right.

>> No.7430527
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This is Indian curry I made a while back, it satisfied my lust for anime curry.
Its essentially just chicken, veggies (bell peppers, onions, mushrooms) and a jar of sauce I bought at my local fancy grocer in the "aisle.

>> No.7430531

*foreign foods aisle

>> No.7430557


Walmart sells it
I shit you not
and dont tell me you dont have a walmart
they have walmart groceries that stock them in the asian section

>> No.7430597
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>> No.7430640

Why does Japanese curry trigger /ck/ so hard? Is Japan too mainstream now? Let me guess, all you hipster faggots are now going to worship Thai and Vietnamese food?

>> No.7430647


because its not curry
it's a sauce, not a curry.

>> No.7430858

>ITT: trolls trolling trolls trolling weebs trolling mods banning trolls

>> No.7430876
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>> No.7431237

More like a stew, really.

>> No.7431256

The word "curry" has a much less specific definition than you believe.

>> No.7431385

Not anime enough

>> No.7431444

Dammit you actually answered him!
Probably still to unspecific though, at this point I think he'd burn water.

>> No.7431451

I think this is OP.
Also I think I finally died on the inside all the way, after years of surviving gore threads, seeing OP be this retarded.

>> No.7431515
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So the first consideration is the roux. You'll want a dark roux to get the right look and a nice rich. To achieve this, you just cook flour in oil slow and low until you get the color you want. I like to get it the way I like it and then add the spices right when it's off the heat.

For spices, you'll want a simple inoffensive garam masala. Or not. Use whatever you like. Any time you can dry roast your own seeds or leaves is better than powders. Flavors to consider include tumeric, cardamom, cinnamon, anise, corriander seed, and chili flakes. Roast them in a dry pan until you can smell them but before they get burnt, then put them in a mortar and grind them fine.

Japanese put a bunch of weird shit in their curry too, see pic.

Things to go in the curry could include beef, lamb, chicken, onions, carrots, peppers, mushrooms, apples, or whatever else seems like it might be good.

Throw all that shit in a pot with some water or no-salt/low sodium stock if you're sexy, bring it up to a boil, then simmer until whatever is in it is cooked. Add salt until it tastes good then serve on rice.

>> No.7431740

Holy fuck this thread is still going O.O

>> No.7431814

I hate that so many people on /ck/ rail against jap curry. You can tell it's because they're insecure about liking anime once. You can also tell they've only ever had the boxed stuff. Jap curry is not 'just beef stew with curry powder in it,' the spices are often close to that of Tikka Masala but without the pepper, there's often ginger, some kind of tomato, soy sauce, honey, apple, or even milk. It's a flexible dish and the only real defining characteristic is that it's closer to pure savory than other curries, is a bit sweeter, is less spicy - and in my opinion that makes it incredibly good.

>> No.7431934

10/10 thread

>> No.7431940
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>> No.7431962

>don't tell me you don't have a walmart
Ameritard so uncultured that he doesn't know walmart is only in America

>> No.7431978

Bumping this shit thread so it dies.

>> No.7431980


>> No.7431989

Learn to draw fgt

>> No.7432003
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winner winner chicken dinner

>> No.7432011

Except that 4chan is no longer just /a/ and /b/ the board has evolved past web shit.

>> No.7433617


>> No.7433664

The header, global across the entire site, is 99% likely to be anime. H-list ads on nearly all boards. 4chan's url itself is 4/5 a Japanese honorific. The commands and site design functions are mostly Japanese terms. The site is literally owned now by a Japanese man.

>> No.7433668

Curry gives me the devil shits.

>> No.7433797

Goddamnit, this pisses me off. It reminds me that Sinfest used to be a good webcomic instead of Animu-flavored SJW Soapbox #259

>> No.7434223

As of January 31, 2016 , Walmart has 11,535 stores in 27 countries
>not happy about this, but it is a fact.

>> No.7434261

Make white rice.

Buy a japanese box-curry.

Follow the directions on the box-curry.

Serve the rice and box curry side-by-side.

I am 115% serious.

>> No.7434274
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>> No.7434289


>he doesn't know that curry is a medieval English word

>> No.7434906

Make a curry roux, melt 1 tbsp butter and mix with same amount of flour in low heat until it gets brown. This will be the color. take off heat and mix in spices, a garm masala mix, or whatever you want it to taste like. I like turmeric, cinnamon, paprika and star anise.

Put aside.

In a pot caramelize TWO FUCKING ONIONS sliced sort of thick. Once it's almost fucking puree mix into it roasted garlic, grated ginger, salt and pepper and add in bite size cubed chicken. Once the chicken is cooked a bit pour in a cup of chicken stock as well as whatever veggies you are mixing in. I like carrots, potatoes and zucchini. I add the zuchini way later tho.

It takes a while, and while it cooks skim the fat off the pot with a laddle, spoon or whatever you know how to use.

An extra step you can do to get authentic mild anime curry is to add in grated apple and honey.

Cook until the chicken and veggies are done to your liking and then you add the roux you made at the begginning. Mix it well and the stew will get its color. Add some soy sauce, worcestershire sauce and ketchup and simmer until it thickens to your liking.

Serve on top of some white rice and thats that.

>> No.7434952
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Sorry for shit picture.

I usually make this or a generic stir fry when I have random veggies left in the fridge I want to use up.
Unless you want to make the curry roux from scratch, you can find the packs of Japanese curry roux in any Asian grocery store. You can add chunks of chicken or stewing beef, garlic and onion for aromatics, and potatoes, carrot, Peas for vegetables. Pic related has just random veggies I had in the fridge like snap peas in the shell, carrot, red pepper, chicken, and pearl onions.

Most instructions are very simple. Find a big pan with high sides and just cook your aromatics, your meat, your veggies briefly. Add your water and cook until everything is tender and add the roux.

All of the instructions can be found on the box, and it's a really easy dish to make that actually tastes really good and is somewhat inexpensive.

>> No.7435000

If you want to just make your own curry roux, how long does it keep in the fridge or freezer? Seems like it could make for an easier meal.

>> No.7435001
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>> No.7435014

I'd put my dick in there
after sorting out the carrots

>> No.7435775

It's not gay as long as your dick doesn't touch a carrot.

>> No.7435780

You could probably freeze it.
I'd assume it would last as long as a regular roux (roughly 6 months).
Also nice trips.

>> No.7435831

"thai green curry"
Since when Thailand is a prefecture of Japan

>> No.7435871
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this shit is so delicious that aside from fruit smoothies, it's pretty much all i've eaten for like a month. turmeric, cumin seeds, pepper, salt, garlic, peanut butter, coconut oil, olive oil, jalapeno peppers, hot chilli powder, asparagus spears, cabbage, cauliflower, peas, onions, spinach, broccoli, flaked salmon fillet, king prawns, hob 1hr at 400 degrees, nom.

>> No.7435885


He's saying that Thai curry is superior to Japanese curry.

>> No.7435891

I took them down as what not to do ever :)
Btw i am a five michelin star chef, you aren't even qualified to lick the bottoms of my shoes, mutt.

>> No.7435959

Golden Curry a shit
Torokeru is GOAT

>> No.7435995

you must be pumping out some evil clouds of gas if that's all you've eaten for a month lad

>> No.7436055

you'd think so. but actually there are no starches or dense carbs in there, so micro-organisms in the large intestine are starved, so no anal explosions.

>> No.7436064

How did this thread manage to get more than 1 reply? Jesus christ

>> No.7436103

>kein fleisch enthalten

>> No.7436114
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It's a stew.

>> No.7436158

Nothing from Thailand is superior to Japan in any way at all.

>> No.7436182

What about the ladyboys

>> No.7436198


>> No.7436378
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Go to your local Asian food market. They'll have boxes of dry curry roux (pic related). Follow the instructions on the box.

>> No.7436392

Eat an actual curry and not stew from a cube you fucking degenerate