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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7246154 No.7246154 [Reply] [Original]

>good to eat more than 3 times a day
>meat is unhealthy
>eggs are bad for you

please add more

>> No.7246165

>GMO foods are safe

>> No.7246168

>MSG is safe

>> No.7246171

>OP doesn't like eating cocks

>> No.7246176

>hamburgers is impossible to be fine dining

>> No.7246178

>farmed salmon is healthier than a fucking cheeseburger

>> No.7246191

That isn't a myth.

>> No.7246195

>OP hates sucking on cocks.

>> No.7246208

OP doesn't eat his own faeces

>> No.7246221

>searing meat seals in the juices
>microwaves make your food radioactive
>your blood is blue inside your body
>red meat stays undigested in your colon for years
>if you swallow a seed a tree grows inside you
>pork should always be cooked well-done
>tapping on the side of a shaken soda can stops it gushing out
>mussels that don't open when cooked shouldn't be eaten
>fries aren't vegetables
>msg gives you headaches

>> No.7246223

retard, get a spell checker.

>> No.7246248

Eating 4-5 smaller meals is better for metabolism or if gaining but cannot eat much in one sitting.

>> No.7246259

retard, there is a world outside your mum's basement where they don't use dumbed down Amerifat spelling

>> No.7246266

It isn't an American spelling, fuckwit.

>> No.7246273

But it is. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/faeces

>> No.7246292

Low fat/high carb diets are healthy, natural animal fats and dairy are unhealthy.

>> No.7246305

That was actually disproven a few months ago

There was a huge study and in a majority of samples the low carb beat low fat in both weight loss and lowering risk for cardiovascular disease


>> No.7246314

Keep drinking that kool aid while you shovel that corn fed fatty farmed shit into your mouth.

>> No.7246317

Okay, hang on, so which one actually is better?

Like, which is better for your metabolism (a healthy, fast, efficient one, like for weight loss/maintenance and shit?)
Eating multiple times throughout the day, or just having three significant meals?

>> No.7246328

Eating 5-7 smaller meals a day is beneficial to people trying to control their blood sugar, lose/maintain weight or build muscle. Three meals a day isn't bad if they are well portioned and balanced.

>> No.7246343

>eating less makes you lose weight


>> No.7246344

>Doesn't realize that the overwhelming majority of linguistic differences between American English and British English are literal meme language invented by the nobility a couple of centuries ago and imitated by the jelly masses.

American English is basically English before rich brits memed it up.

>> No.7246347

>saturated fat is bad for you

>> No.7246351

Hey, my friend actually tells me the seeds in apples are poisonous, that's not a myth right?

>> No.7246352

Typical American arrogance

>> No.7246354

the science is inconclusive, but nice try.

>> No.7246370


They contain cyanide but it's too fucking little to matter, you would have to pick the seeds of 40+ apples and boil it down to poison someone

Garlic is more poisonous

>> No.7246379

>you'll gain weight after eating at night
>"detoxing" helps you lose weight
>"fruit-infuser" water bottles
>pretty much everything Dr. Oz recommends food-wise on his show

>> No.7246393

Just smoke a bunch of cigarettes. The smoke will suffocate the bacteria.

>> No.7246394

Eating breakfast helps you lose weight

>> No.7246415

>tfw msg gives me heart palpitations
>decide I'll try it out just to be sure
>every single time I use the seasoning for chicken that contains MSG I get heart palpitations
>completely fine to eat the chicken without it


>> No.7246438

What do the cows eat?

>> No.7246449

Probably grass, because how could he properly make his point if he didn't compare the best of one thing to the worst of another?

>> No.7246452


Typically grain feed made from the remaining cow meat they can't sell

>> No.7246486

It's amazing how idiots like you invent history on the fly just so you can maintain your bubble of ignorance where you magically win any argument.

>> No.7246498

this is actually true though. American English dialect is older than British RP (and rhotic dropping more generally) which was artificially created in the 19th by prep school teachers

British is a literal meme dialect

>> No.7246500
File: 680 KB, 502x679, anglosphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying he is wrong

>> No.7246512

>soy is healthy

>> No.7246534

you're lying

>> No.7246537


you are the superfluous biomass that's making life on this earth so excruciating.

>> No.7246541

Sorry, it's true. English from 300 years ago sounded more like the contemporary American dialect than the contemporary British one.

>> No.7246545


how have you not retched at the sight of your own response? you sound sickeningly european.

>> No.7246548

Do you get heart palpitations when you eat something with soy sauce or Parmesan cheese?

>> No.7246549

As do the words,
Fall vs autumn
Soccer vs football
Fries vs chips
Cookie vs biscuit

The brits keep changing their language.

>> No.7246554


>Brits kept advancing their language

>> No.7246591

>who is Noah Webster

>> No.7246604


>> No.7246647

>There is anything wrong with quorn

>> No.7246654

>cholesterol is bad

>> No.7246657
File: 26 KB, 624x352, smoke some cigarettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7246678

>milk is good for you

>> No.7246684

Good one. Plenty of idiots still believe that.

>> No.7246690

Literally anything about fat and cholesterol. But especially fat.

>> No.7246716

>Sugar/carbs are bad for you

>> No.7246726

what a feast their family dinner would be!

>> No.7246741

I wonder what group of loudmouths would benefit from spreading those lies from the start

>> No.7246765

It is. Did you get fat and pimply from GOMAD or something? Something isn't bad for you if you can't eat 3000 calories of it without fucking your shit.

>> No.7246772

Butter is healthier than margarine

>> No.7246881

>The government knows whats good for you

>> No.7246889

Margarine is healthier than butter.

>> No.7246893


>> No.7247664

Americans are just precious with how delicate their psyche are that requires them to invent reality.

>> No.7247676

It must be a great effort for you to be so stupid.

>> No.7247692

"The government" funds most of the research. It's possible they could lie to you, but either way they -do- know better than you.

>> No.7247693

>you don't need to activate your almonds

>> No.7247703

But the myth is the opposite.

>> No.7247718

>not reading the thread topic is a good way to appear intelligent

>> No.7247730

thats illegal

>> No.7247732

There's nothing wrong with that sequence of posts. The thread topic is myths
>"Margarine is healthier than butter."
So in this case, the reverse would be "true", that butter is healthier than margarine.
Then we have the next post:
>implying that transfats are healthy
He is debating the assertion that butter is healthy, because butter contains transfats whereas (most) margarines (nowadays) do not.
Do you understand now?

>> No.7247742

>spinach has more iron than other greens
>msg is bad
>artificial sweeteners are not harmful

>> No.7247754

>butter contains transfats
Not really. Transfats are a by-product of the treatment process vegetable oils are put through to make them solid at room temperature.

>> No.7247759

>artificial sweetners are not harmful

I didn't realize science was a myth

>> No.7247779
File: 123 KB, 600x500, Lettuce-Nutrition-Facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butter absolutely contains trans fat. Not many margarines are hydrogenated, and, like I said, do not contain trans fat.

Spinach does seem to have more iron.

>> No.7247789



>> No.7247797


>dry beans are too much work
>beans need to be soaked
>don't salt beans during cooking

>> No.7247800

dude have you ever sorted through beans or lentils it takes forever, and you still run the risk of eating rocks and dirt

>> No.7247802

Not in theory, but in practice.

>> No.7247805

>GMOs are bad

>> No.7247826

>because butter contains transfats
Yes, many (if not most) animal products contain trace amounts of trans-fats.
>whereas (most) margarines (nowadays) do not.

>Not many margarines are hydrogenated
>do not contain trans fat.
They are partially hydrogenated vegetable oils by definition, thus have trans-fats. Goddamn, can you get any more retarded?

>> No.7247832

Technically the food will radiate heat after you put it in the microwave.

>> No.7247838

>Butter absolutely contains trans fat.
All hydrogenated fat contains trace amounts of trans fat. It's a chemical inevitability. Animal fat contains nowhere near as much as the old hydrogenated vegetable shortening that was killing people.

Trans-fat is a result of incomplete hydrogenation. Biological processes are much cleaner than the messy nickel catalyst processes used by the food industry.

>> No.7247841

Technically everything radiates heat.

>> No.7247845

>All hydrogenated fat
All saturated fat, sorry.

>> No.7247852

Saturated fat, by definition, cannot be a trans-fat.

>> No.7247867

No, they are water in fat emulsions by definition. Not that that's of any consequence, because fucking today, as in nowadays, in our current times, most margarines have no trans fat.


"In the US, partial hydrogenation has been common as a result of preference for domestically produced oils. However, since the mid-1990s, many countries around the world have started to move away from using partially hydrogenated oils.[45] This led to the production of new margarine varieties that contain less or no trans fat."

>> No.7247872

I know, but in practice they can't process this stuff perfectly, and it always leaves some trans fats behind.

>> No.7247889

That's "no" trans fats in the same way that your megabag of doritos has "zero grams per serving." Meanwhile butter has never contained trans fats in significant enough amounts to cause any health problems.

>> No.7247926

It's also utterly impossible in practice to have fats that don't contain traces of trans fat. Theoretically, even if you had pure saturated fats, even exposing those to heat will cause a certain amount of them to break down into trans fats. But it's still a tiny tiny amount, of the same significance as what occurs naturally in animal fat. Seriously, we're talking less than a hundredth of a gram here.

The FDA allows companies to label products that have .5 grams or less *per serving* of trans fats as 0 grams. Since it's impossible for their product to actually contain no trans fats, I can deduce that them saying that is the dodgy, FDA definition of the word. A huge tell is if they say there's "no" transfat (or something more weasely, like "without all those trans fats!" te qualifier all those could mean they reduced the quantity by a single atom) in their advertising, but the language on the product label itself says "Zero grams of transfat.* *per serving" They can't say there's no trans fat because the product ABSOLUTELY CONTAINS TRANS FAT.

>> No.7247961
File: 43 KB, 540x421, butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our rules seem to be a little stricter (.2 grams, which ironically is exactly what a popular butter brand here contains) but I see your point. I guess that's the end of this particular internet feud.

>> No.7247978

you can't tell any type of fat that it can't be trans if that's who they are on the inside.

>> No.7247994

It's a mental illness, don't enable them.

>> No.7248189

Wow, I didn't realise iceberg was so pointless.