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7242244 No.7242244 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Cereal Killer Cafe!

>> No.7242246


>> No.7242252

>cinnabon cereal

has anyone ever had that before?

>> No.7242253
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have a good un

>> No.7242255

That video where the reporter calls them out on overcharging for bowls of cereal is priceless

>> No.7242258

Is this place still running? Seems like a shitty novelty that should be forgotten by now.

>> No.7242261

My wife's son loves cereal, should I get him one for his birthday?

>> No.7242281


>I don't like the questions you're askin me

>> No.7242286

Yep. It's very cruncy and not as overly sweet as you might think

>> No.7242299


You should. I took my mother's husband's son there recently and he loved it.

>> No.7242313


>> No.7242320
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Get the ice cereal! My favorite.

>> No.7242322
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>> No.7242324

Great to see clone technology working

>> No.7242328


>> No.7242342

It appears it only works on hipster faggots though

>> No.7242413

You mean your brother?

>> No.7242840


they're international cereal boxes and cereal that can't be found in the area, the prices are reasonable.

>> No.7242897

What the fuck

>> No.7242989

Are they a half step below Christina Tosi?

>> No.7242997

>tfw people buy things I wouldn't personally buy

Yachts are overpriced. Fancy watches are overpriced. Swimming pools are overpriced. Everything that people more wealthy than me buy that I don't buy is overpriced. In fact, everything I don't buy is overpriced, because I'm a fucking retard who pretends to feel sympathy with people who voluntarily choose to spend their money on products I wouldn't spend my money on.

>> No.7243003
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>> No.7243007

Haha. Thanks for joining us tonight

>> No.7243011

The difference between a yacht and a bowl of fucking cheerios and milk is that you can't buy the yacht at your local supermarket.

>> No.7243023

You can't buy most of the cereal shown in >>7242244 at your supermarket either.

Because most of that cereal is imported from the US and costs about twice the normal price.

>> No.7243025

You can buy a boat that is both more efficient and cheaper.

If you don't want to spend lots of money on cereal then fucking don't. What is your actual concern? That people will be tricked into it? That they will wander in, ask for a bowl of cereal without looking at the price, then be too embarrassed to change their mind? Why doesn't the same argument apply to coffee, which is much much more expensive when you buy it out compared to making it at home? Why doesn't it apply to everything that you personally don't think is worth the money?

Or, alternatively, is the fact that they're still in business not pretty strong evidence that actually it's priced just fine, otherwise people wouldn't be buying it?

>> No.7243032

Oh, I didnt realize this was a yuropoor thread.
This level of hipster suddenly makes much more sense.

>> No.7243040

"men" like in the OP deserve to be beheaded by their muslim overlords

>> No.7243054
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>> No.7243068

Those two meme-lords are turly insufferable.

>> No.7243190


>> No.7243194

Wait is actually two guys? I thought it was some tricky photography

>> No.7243198

It's amazing how you obsess over us so.

>> No.7243199

no, they're twins, Irish and fucking terrible. Youtube 'em if you want a bit of righteous anger.

>> No.7243267


Yeah man 10 dollars for a cup of cereal and some vanilla soy milk is totally fair.

>> No.7243269


Does someone have a gun to your head? Are they hoarding cereal and using their super cereal cartel powers to force you to pay $10 for a bowl of cereal?


Then what the fuck are you whining about?

>> No.7243286

>Does someone have a gun to your head? Are they hoarding cereal and using their super cereal cartel powers to force you to pay $10 for a bowl of cereal?
>Then what the fuck are you whining about?

>You can't criticize retarded business practices because they aren't forcing you to buy it.

There's a reason most of these cereal bars went out of business. I'm sorry if you came from reddit recently and don't understand how actual discussion works since we aren't automatically fellating the cereal bar owners. Maybe you should lurk a bit more to understand how boards on 4chan work.

>> No.7243303

You're not criticizing their business, you're complaining that it isn't "fair" like a fucking child.

>> No.7243305

post the link, you silly faggot

>> No.7243310


>Prices can't be fair or unfair

r/cerealbars is that-a-way.

>> No.7243311


>this guy doesn't put ice cubes on his cereal

>> No.7243313

It's not a monopoly. People choose to pay the asking price, or they don't. The ones who choose to pay feel it's worth the asking price. Those who don't, well who gives a fuck?

Where, precisely, do you feel that "fair" comes into this transaction?

>> No.7243326

thats funny considering most cafes get away with the same goddamn thing you are bitching about.

>> No.7243330
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>Other people getting away with it means it's okay for these people to get away with it

>> No.7243335

>get away with it

What are they getting away with, exactly? Selling a product other people want but you don't?

>> No.7243409

Selling overpriced pieces of food that you can make home, you retard.


>> No.7243414

Why do they look like that?

>> No.7243416

Because they are hipsters faggots, you silly. They all looks like that

>> No.7243485

>List Bowl options (S, M, L), do not list volume/weight.
Fuck those people.


>> No.7243491

Cereal cafe stops interview over price questions | Channel 4 News

>> No.7243559

cereal is just sweet soup

>> No.7243674

that's most restaurants.

>> No.7243693

yeah people complain about this then buy 0.01c pint of coke for $2.50

>> No.7243696

If people thought it was unreasonably expensive compared to the convenience it offers, they wouldn't buy it. If that happened, the company would need to change or go out of business. If it didn't, they'd stay in business. It's inherently fair.

>> No.7243702

Don't remind me, I got a coke at Target a few weeks ago and the fact that it was 1.77 blew my mind. I felt like an old man when I commented to the clerk that 10 years ago a two-liter of the sugar water cost as much.

>> No.7243717

I can get 4 2 liters for less than 5 bucks on sale at my local store.

Single liters cost as much if not more than 2 liter bottles.

>> No.7243718

oh man 10 bucks a bowl what are the margins on that? I doubt they get a lot of customers though.

>> No.7243724
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lol'd at them being a target of the gentrification protests

>> No.7243729
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>> No.7243739

The problem is that cola, or soda in general is really a sometimes food for me. I can't justify buying that much at once even at the low cost. I lead a life of quiet desperation because of such circular logic.

>> No.7243824


wouldnt his dad be the cuck though?

what if his dad ran away and got himself another wife?

then no one would be cucked

>> No.7243830


go back to tumblr you cuckold faggots

>> No.7243839

Yeah its a sometimes drink for me as well. I'll buy it cheap in bulk then use it to mix the rare drink. Or pound it down during finals week/busy times at work.

Always diet, almost always cherry Dr pepper. Never full sugar.

>> No.7243846


Do you keep discontinued breakfast cereals in your cereal cellar? I would like the "bowl of 'Choc Dot Krispies 1997' with iced, pasteurised full cream milk", please.

>> No.7243862

Nesquik cereal please.

>> No.7243937
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>Nesquik cereal
aka rabbit shit

>> No.7243950

Wait, Milo cereal is a thing? What the shit why have I not heard of this before

>> No.7244200
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There's milo ice cream too. It's shit though.

>> No.7244233

the nesquik rabbit is force fed chocolate and given only chocolate milk to drink and the result is not unlike kopi luwak.

>> No.7244279


You think so? I like it.

>> No.7245006

These guys are douchebags but that interview was stupid as hell. If it's too expensive for the area then their business will just fail, no point in harassing them about it.

>> No.7245028
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kellogs scooby doo for me
whole goat milk