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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7239316 No.7239316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Get matched with gorgeous Angelina Jolie looking girl on Tinder
>We hit it off great and set a first date in one week ( which I proposed and she loved the idea ... she said she loves guys that cook ) that I go to her house and cook for her and we could watch movies after.
>Want to impress her with an Entrée / main course and dessert

>She doesn't like shellfish / smoked salmon / tuna

What do you suggest I cook ?

Something that doesn't take a long ass time and that is failproof please . I'm not a bad cook in general I just make simple stuff though but I'm looking for something really delicious with a special sauce or something.

>Wat do /ck/

>> No.7239319

Pork rinds and OE

>> No.7239323

Why would you do this on a first date? Are you two retarded?

>> No.7239326

What is "OE"

Pork rinds as entrée ?

>> No.7239327

Strangers house. Strangers kitchen. Perhaps a stranger with a knife hiding in the fridge? Be careful out there anon.


Another Anon


>> No.7239342

Post some pics of her

>> No.7239345
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Calm down she's 18 and new in town , saw her pictures in all social media , I'm not gonna get murdered.

I proposed this she said that it's a unique way to have a first date and she loves the idea ... we are gonna watch her favorite movie then mine afterwards

>> No.7239347

>angelina jolie

Pick one faggot

>> No.7239352

Easy, a delicious and simple authentic Italian carbonara using foolproof Knorr™ Chicken Stockpots.

>> No.7239354

This. I'd never trust someone on tinder.
Bring a gun, OP, or you might get jumped and robbed

>> No.7239355

easiest starter of all time

>parma ham
>sundried tomatoes
>stack slices in little towers
>serve with homemade pesto

>> No.7239357
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I'm not gonna do this so someone can reverse search the image and fuck anything up for me sorry ... she looks very similar to young Angelina Jolie

>> No.7239359

Tinder is supposed to be for casual fucking. While your texting smily faces and talking about your favorite movie, other guys are asking her if she wants to smash, and shes taking that D.

You're already friendzoned buddy

>> No.7239362


I have common friends with her on social media etc

>> No.7239364

I'm not afraid you're going to get murdered. I live in a country where those things don't happen.

It seems like a bad choice for a first date. Anyway, what do you have in mind? You should definitely pick something you're comfortable with. Have you considered that making three courses, eating and watching two movies is no less than six hours?

>> No.7239365

She's DTF no matter what bro

>> No.7239369

I thought she was new in town? Your story has holes

>> No.7239373


>> No.7239374


Well at least that sets her bar for creepiness

>> No.7239376
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>Talking to her until the morning
>she says that I'm different from the typical tinderpigs
>it's a " date " word she used saying " I would love this first date "
>Why am I even replying to you at this point

>> No.7239378

She's playing you hard because we already know you look like a pile of shit anyways

>> No.7239379

>>she says that I'm different from the typical tinderpigs

Awwwww, we got ourselves a sweet boy here.

>> No.7239382
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Getting this defensive about an anonymous shitpost on a Burman fingerpainting forum.

You're nervous as fuck buddy.

>> No.7239383

Make sure to make enough leftovers so the guy that pounds her when you leave has something to eat afterwards.

>> No.7239384


She goes to a common university that some of my friends go to


I thought about cooking steak with creamy mushroom sauce on top with veggie sides for the main course , Idk about the entrée and dessert though . Obviously I'm gonna prepare some things in advance

>> No.7239392

This. I'll need nourishment after the 12 seconds of heaven I give her

>> No.7239393

WTF kind of woman wants to meet at her house for the first date. You are going to get robbed by a tranny. That's what's going to happen.

>> No.7239395



>> No.7239397

a 18 year old girl who doesn't realize how awkward its going to be

>> No.7239399
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>> No.7239401

She could have refused

>> No.7239415

>Want to impress
>Can't cook fish

So maybe...cook meat?

This doesn't sound difficult, OP. This isn't severe food allergies or you trying to adapt an extremely specific dish.

She's probably more turned on by the idea that you're willing and able to cook. Make something that takes a little bit of effort but that you are highly confident in. Make it feel slightly fancy, so no ribs or anything like that. Either a meat entree or pasta with meat as a major element, something you eat with a fork and knife.

>> No.7239419

Who cares about her? As long as you get yours it's all good. Priorities, man.

>> No.7239422


Like I said above I'm thinking about cooking steak with creamy mushroom sauce for the main course ( I know my shit while cooking this )

Do you think veal would be better than beef here ?

What do you suggest for dessert ?

>> No.7239424

That means that you're the one to worry about...?

>> No.7239425

She doesn't like fish.

Make burgers but super fancy ones on ciabatta/focacia bread, self made chili or garlic sauce, that kind of jazz.

Bitches love cheap food presented nicely. I could slip my dong in any girl with the right garnish

>> No.7239428
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>> No.7239431

ask the dumb thot what she wants to eat and then make it. simple as that.

>> No.7239435
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>> No.7239441 [DELETED] 


Thanks man , that's a good idea

What do you think can substitute ordinary fries though ?

>> No.7239453

Golden rule

Woman like pasta / Italian / cheesey. Plate it nice. Done.

>> No.7239459

Oh god. Her dad/brother/uncle etc will be the one hiding. In the fridge/bathroom/oven/whatever.

Regardless, stay safe Anon.

>> No.7239470
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Can you give me dating tips? If you manage to snag me a date I'll give you a special recipe that will make you not get stabbed by a cat fishing tinder account.

>> No.7239487

>that kind of jazz
= jizz. Salty though.

>> No.7239490

Olde English.

>> No.7239506

What kind of place does she have? Searing a steak in a small apartment stinks up the place pretty bad if you don't have a great vent fan.

>> No.7239511

Or better yet buy a cheapass roller if you don't already have one and make mushroom ravioli.

My risotto got me laid too so that's another idea.

>> No.7239525
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Will you take me to flavor town ?

>> No.7239531


Idk dude have to ask her .. also don't know shit about her kitchen utensils

>other anon were right now that I think of it
>kind of a fucked up first date

>> No.7239544

I would go with the Italian-American cuisine. I like the idea of risotto - simply because it's impossible to fuck up for a seasoned cook and it leaves a lot of time for stirring and drinking white wine. Serve it with a side salad of some kind. Skip the starter.

Steak is not going to work.

>> No.7239572
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>Girls love a guy who knows how to cook

OP, don't believe this trash

>Meet up with a girl from OKCupid
>She is pretty ugly
>Has a moustache
>She makes some jokes about her moustache to me
>Also advises that she loves guys who know how to cook
>Invite her over for dinner
>She seems excited
>I decide to combine her jokes about moustache and her love of cooking guys
>prepare a menu for her
>takes fucking half the damned day to do it
>pic related is the menu
>it contains jokes about her moustache
>she looks at the menu
>'I'm not actually hungry, I better go'
>fucking gets up and leaves

Women like handsome guys who can cook and handsome guys who can make shit jokes, not real chefs with funny humour.

>> No.7239582
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>> No.7239590

Ok. Sorted. Do this:

Turn up with take away. Tell her that you'd rather spend time with her instead of in a kitchen.

Tell her cooking is a second date.

If you're not dead/dying by then - you're in luck. She'll think you're romantic too. With that and a pulse you're good to go.

Good luck, but I am worried.

Anon xx

>> No.7239593
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Our father who art in flavortown

>> No.7239594

Just because she made a joke about it didn't mean you had free rein to. Ya dumbass.

That's like saying nigga because the black dude one the corner said it. Good luck with that.

>> No.7239598
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>wanting to bang a chick with a moustache that's self aware of it to boot

>> No.7239599

>pushing back the dicking when it's unnecessary to do so

>> No.7239613

>OP thinks he's a "guy that cooks"
>"She doesn't like shellfish / smoked salmon / tuna"

If you really did "cook," you'd know how to make something other than fish. Are you an eskimo or a jap?

>> No.7239617

He managed to dodge a bullet

>> No.7239624
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>> No.7239628

Amen to that. For once an ugly sack of shit didn't take advantage of an anons uncontrolled libido

>> No.7239724

You didn't actually do this, did you? Just because you joke about your less than ideal dick to ease the tension doesn't mean you ever want to hear those words reciprocated.

>> No.7239727

Wait...you're gonna be busy cooking and then watch not one but two movies...on the first date?

Fucking hell anon just cook her spaghetti because that shit's gonna be all over the floor with how awkward that's gonna be

>> No.7239748

This is also what my 4 year old sister likes

>> No.7239801

Fucking kek
10/10 if true

>> No.7239812

Thanks anon

>> No.7239852


>> No.7239863

Do a Cesar salad.
And if you really wanna hit it of, do a chocolate soufflé after. Or a big ol' tray of brownies.

>> No.7239924

>special sauce
You know what to do

>> No.7239944

I love you /ck/ it's the best board. Don't ever change

>> No.7240133

one of my moves was to invite a girl over and have a 'pasta making' date. We'd spend a lot of time very close together, rolling and kneading dough and fillings. then i would make a bunch of extra cut noodles like linguini etc for her to take home and have later. easy way to get a little 'thinking of you and eating your hot noodle' text from a date :)

making ravioli is ezpz and then you can chit chat while you make some simple sides and a couple fillings. Dont break the bank on fillings. spinach+normal mushrooms with a little butter and olive oil is a panty dropper. you dont have to bust out the parma ham cheeck bacon.

>> No.7240154

Is she single?

>> No.7240180

Girl online.
Invites you to her house FIRST date even before meeting in person.

WTF. You don't need an entree and dessert recipe pairing, you need to run.

>> No.7240200

This board is pretty above-average

Nothing special

>> No.7240211

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

>> No.7240213

Get a boner before entering, open the door, drop your pants, and scream "DINNER IS SERVED."

>> No.7240217

I'm not the only one who thinks this is the most cringe date idea then, good.

6 hour first date with an internet stranger. Sounds like loads of fun. What's your favorite movie OP? I want to know and laugh.

>> No.7240220


>> No.7240221

Liar Liar. The original French version, not the Jim Carrey remake.

>> No.7240248

Yep, I'm cringing hard here. I can imagine it now:

>Let's watch le filme
>As you can see I'm quite cultured
>Yes m'lady, you have have seen the remake but we'll watch the ORIGINAL
>Let me take my fedora off in the presence of a lady such as yourself
>Date movies are much better when you have to sit and read subtitles instead of engage in conversation
>Do you think I'm cultured yet?

>> No.7240309

Hey OP.

>> No.7240361
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Had a nice kek reading this

We're going to watch shutter Island ( her favorite ) and Dredd 2012 ( Mine )

But you niggers made me consider just showing up with Chinese take-out. I'll cook for her on the 2nd date.

>> No.7240374

Garlic chicken and white rice with butter. Shit is incredible and easy to make.

>> No.7240375

Don't worry OP. Jack has your back.


>> No.7240383

So basically Tinder is just OKCupid Lite™ now?

>> No.7240393

>here's your period on a plate bb
>you're fat you need broccoli AND salad
>and now here's your cheesecake

>> No.7240399

Wtf there's an older French version to that shit?

>> No.7240404

Christ he seems so closeted. Like forealforeal.

>> No.7240438
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>> No.7240491

>she has pleb taste
>you have semi-pleb taste and are going to subject a girl you just met to a gory action movie

sounds like a match made in heaven

>> No.7240508
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She watched narcos / got / breaking bad
Dredd isn't even that gory apart from the dropping bodies scene

>By heaven you mean tinder right ?

>> No.7240529

hey OP, does this chick cook at all herself? cooking for a girl is all well and good, but if you include her in the process and allow her to "help", it'll be more memorable for her, and she might learn a thing or two. my suggestion is a quick fettuccine alfredo, with or without pan seared chicken breast, ceasar salad, and chocolate panna cotta for dessert. she can grate cheese for the sauce, stir pasta, and stream in oil while youre making the ceasar dressing.

>> No.7240531

Steak Diane.

>> No.7240541

Or sushi and let her help making the wasabi

>> No.7240585
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>Dredd 2012 ( Mine )

>> No.7240712

Just admit your favorite movie is Pokemon: The Movie. It'll make the inevitable break up come much faster.

>> No.7241023

What exactly is going on in that webm?

>> No.7241061

swedish boys being faggots obviously and there's a muslim girl there for cultural enrichment

>> No.7241134

that's because women stop mentally maturing at 4 years of age.

>> No.7241402

>Dredd 2012 ( Mine )
That is not a good movie to watch with a girl.

>> No.7241421

Chicken Parmesan and then stick your wiener in her butt till her poop flows freely than use it as lube and or get her drunk on wine for Italiano night

>> No.7242035


>> No.7242046
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>> No.7242052

Girls act calm and collected
Boys act like glorious flaming winged faggots
Way to go Sweden

>> No.7242059

Dudebro, why the hell are you performing tricks like a monkey for a girl? You are putting the pussy on a pedestal so high you are never going to get it down.
As a certified bro, I advice you that INSTEAD of you cooking FOR her like aa subservient beta servant, you change that approach for cooking TOGETHER. That will make a more interactive experience for you as a "couple", facilitate physical contact and kino, and provide ample opportunities for conversation, banter, flirting and subtle innuendo.
Godspeed bro, may you stuff her like a turkey and baste her with your gravy.

>> No.7242065

Ur beta is showing, do not get so easily buttflustered.

>> No.7242077

IF you have the goal of (hopefuly) banging her on this first date, DO NOT go for "heavy food" or she could end getting asleep on the movies due to an intense digestive process, and you will not be having sex.

>> No.7242087

You are an idiot for choosing an ugly girl, and also for not having the social and emotional intelligence to bang her, may god have mercy on your soul in the next life because in this one, you have been rejected by an ugly mustached girl.

>> No.7242096

Hell no, he did not managed shit, that would imply he did something on purpose to avoid that girl.
He wanted to bang an ugly girl with a moustache, but she, ugly and moustached, got repelled by him and his aspergers. God will punish him for his stupidity with no more tinder dates.

>> No.7242100

Soo many people on tinder are looking for dates tho, senpai

>> No.7242128

Her choice is slighly better than yours. I love Dredd but it is in no way a good choice for a first date movie. Give us 3 other movie choices you have.

Also, movies are a bad idea, your focus is going to be on the screen instead of on each other unless you can take things to the next level with convo and kino, which I have the feeling you do not have the slightest idea and will fail miserably (hope I am wrong and you can). It will also work if she is crazy about you, hope she is.

I suggest that after the food you go together for an ice cream, talk and flirt on the way, grab her hand/waist, just have some physical contact; and then return to her house for the movie (keep doing kino and lead her to flavor town) or continue your date outside with a coffee or drink (some alcohol always helps) and then return to her house.

>> No.7242135

Christ, do not do this, for realsies.
Go with Ramsay or Jaimie, even the autismo of Heston is better.

>> No.7242152
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