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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 151 KB, 1036x733, russ-MMAP-md.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7237351 No.7237351 [Reply] [Original]

Who here like Russian food?

>> No.7237356

not even russians do

>> No.7237360

Vodka and Fabergé Eggs?

>> No.7237379

I like Russian food. I'm from Russia though.

>> No.7237390
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wtf is russian food?

>> No.7237395

Things I know about Russia:
>bad driving

>> No.7237407

I like stuffed cabbage.

>> No.7237447



>> No.7237460

I've only ever had borscht and pierogies, the latter was good.

But how much can you really enjoy pickled beef and cabbage anyway?

>> No.7237463 [DELETED] 
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Siberian Pelmeni are amazing.

>> No.7237641

My grandma made her mushroom soup today, sooo good. LOVE Russian food.

I also love "Cloaked Herring" salad.

>> No.7237713

I like these.

Also borscht wound up tasting better than I ever expected it to

>> No.7237740
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>tfw tajik gf

It has major russian influence and from what she and her mom makes, I think it's really good.

I love small squeezes from these

>> No.7237773

Pelmini, Vareniki, pickled herring, caviar, vodka, blini, etc

>> No.7237798

Дa, мнe нpaвитcя бopщ, пeльмeни, и блины.

>> No.7237812
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Pirashki are a great street food. Also love their poppy seed pastries.

>> No.7237888

Is this yoghurt? Like Ayran?

>> No.7237897

gf is russian

some of the shit can be gross, but god damn some shit be tasty

>> No.7237904
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>> No.7237905

Moloko = milk

>> No.7238807

> pic
It's a shit.

Do not eat these.

>> No.7238874


>> No.7238878

Love it, always eat myself silly when I'm at a Russian restaurant
Georgian is great too

>> No.7239410
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Dis shit is heavenly frozen.

>> No.7239442

It depends on how you cook the borscht. My grandmother makes the greasiest fucking borscht ever and claims everyone loves it, turned me off the dish for years. But otherwise great dish, though I prefer normal soup instead.

>> No.7239508

As someone who grew up being fed by a Czech babička, Russian food has everything I like: mushrooms, cabbage, pickles, and soups.

>> No.7239528
File: 34 KB, 450x307, хачапури.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can, you should try hachapuri. It's georgian, not russian, but it is like the best thing ever

>> No.7239556

I used to drive by this This Russian restaurant for years and finally decided to try it one day.

It was towards the end of lunch hours and were the only people there. The hostess was a teenage girl, who also ended up being are waitress, and then disappeared into the back for a good 15-20 minutes before returning with out food.

It wasn't as terrible as we were expecting at that point, but definitely nothing to go back to.

Pretty sure that place must have been a mob front, because it had been there for years.

>> No.7239568
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>> No.7239837

Seconding this
Authentic khachapuri is fucking unreal

Or at least try to make it yourself, the recipe is relatively simple

>> No.7240685
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god love kot.

>> No.7240840
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when i lived in russia and was on a budget i would buy a 10 ruble loaf of bread and a bag of cгyщeннoe мoлoкo and have sweet milk on bread for dessert. that, and vodka. honestly makes me miss russia a bit. plus those Chudo chocolate milkshakes in a box

>> No.7242477

I fucking love shchi!

>> No.7242481
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>> No.7242652

My babushka would make me:
Piroshki with pork, beef, egg, and a little offal inside.
Pelmeni with pork, beef and onion inside
Cabbage stuffed with rice beef, little offal, and tomato sauce inside.
Never tried her borscht because she made it 15+ years ago when I was a little kid with shit taste.

>> No.7242727


>> No.7242778

Sour cream is big in Russian food, am I right? At least American Russian food enjoys a lot of dairy, and I love that. Simple but satisfying.

>> No.7242846

I like Russian food, but I abstain from it, as partaking of Russian cuisine would seem like approval of something Russian.

I'll gladly admit to eating it once the entirety of the nation is a glowing desert of green glass. With love, from Finland.

>> No.7242851
File: 234 KB, 600x496, 54621b29-4508-4802-833c-7a909e62611d..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this shit good?
I've always wanted to make it
also, is it very popular? and when do people eat it?

>> No.7242858



t. Estonia

>> No.7243382

Popular in Eastern Europe, in Poland we eat it on holidays mostly christmas and New Year's eve. it's good. the meat inside is chicken so you can't really go wrong with that.

>> No.7243390
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I like Russian food, but some of it seems equally as disgusting as Finnish food. Rotting fish and the sort. Cabbage rolls and those potato dumplings cooked with butter are good though.

>> No.7243397

What exactly am I looking at in this picture? Like the setting.

>> No.7243408

From a video game called Bloodborne, came out last year. I enjoyed it, 8/10.

>> No.7243413

PS4 game.

>> No.7243419


Aye, I don't play much vidya, but she looks pretty cool. Thanks anons.

>> No.7243488
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>> No.7243510

I prefer this shit tin cans. Condensed milk
Is fucking awesome with some oladies. Man, now I want some oladiy.

>> No.7243907

Tasty as fuck

>> No.7243970
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>> No.7245698

Nigga that is a gelatin half frozen can of soup

>> No.7246152


>> No.7246161 [DELETED] 


It's an aspic you uncultured pleb.

>> No.7246174

>an aspic

>> No.7246175

I like to eat russian girls. polska food I've eaten a few times beyong pirogi's. I want to travel n taste the flavors of world

>> No.7247127
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, [DmonHiro] Girls Und Panzer 11 - It's A Fierce Battle! (BD, 720p) [30491447].mkv_snapshot_10.12_[2015.10.20_13.07.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made beef stroganoff a few days ago. It was very delicious and my brother also enjoyed it a lot. Will make again.

>> No.7247446

>>7242851 looks like a tin of cat food with added veg lol

>> No.7247457 [DELETED] 


"An" is correct grammar "a" would be the uneducated choice of the pleb, which is you.

>> No.7247460

We shall regain the Georgian Soil!

>> No.7247473

We shall obtain the arctic oil!

>> No.7247482

I'm staying in Russia for a month, I swear all their food is just rehashed versions of other countries' food.
Borsch, schi, ukha, etc. - soup
Pelmeni - tortellini
Bliny - pancakes
Shashlyki - kebabs
Кoлбaca - salami
Pirogi - pies

Also, Russians don't put tomato sauce on their pizza. They put a weird white sauce on instead.

>> No.7247687


>Also, Russians don't put tomato sauce on their pizza. They put a weird white sauce on instead.

i was going to make a serious reply until this line

>> No.7247706

It's true, my friend. I've been to 3 different pizza places here, none of them had any red sauce.

>> No.7247744

>implying russia has food

>> No.7247748 [DELETED] 


They've always had food, stole it from Ukraine.


>> No.7247757

borscht is pretty good

>> No.7247772

but...ukraine is russia. why would russia starve russians?

I must have messed up something in my communist maths

>> No.7247820

You're stupid.

>> No.7248646

hohol pls

>> No.7248655
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>mfw Tatar living in Bashkortostan
All that ethnic food, mateys.

>> No.7248744




>> No.7248756

there are many reasons to like/admire Russia. the food is not one of them.

>> No.7249770

I've tried a Russian pizza before, though ir was in the US. Not a fan, honestly. The sauce seemed like chopped sausage mixed with mayonnaise.

>> No.7249936
File: 444 KB, 800x600, 1449393972333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are many reasons to like/admire Russia

>> No.7249954

I've had Russian pizza and the sauce was fine. The dough was a little different than what I was used to, and instead of basil they used parsley, but honestly it was an interesting and not unwelcome touch

>> No.7249994

In college I took a class on the Stalin era USSR. We spent an entire day talking about how the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food (the quintessential Soviet cookbook) embodied the domestic ideals of Socialist Realism (table cloths aren't bourgeois guys we swear). Probably one of the comfiest lectures ever and since then I have been looking forward to the day when I can try proper Russian food. IIRC there were also many recipes in the book from the other Soviet republics.

>> No.7250408

Looks dank, gonna make this later

>> No.7250971

get your politics out of here you buttblasted rape babies.

>> No.7251246
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>on pizza
Madonna santissima

>> No.7252210

It was actually surprisingly good

>> No.7252229


parsley on pizza is not unusual or weird at all