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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 397 KB, 1000x665, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7234768 No.7234768 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ like it's tea?

Sugar? No sugar? Milk? What kind of tea?

>> No.7234782
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Any iced tea unsweetened because I'm not a child anymore and sweet tea runs through the devils veins

>> No.7234787

In cold months it's got to be the classic PG Tips (English black tea) with milk and sugar. Iced tea I usually drink plain maybe with some sugar. Iced green tea is delicious too, but often pretty bitter.

>> No.7234901

I tend to prefer brewing a mug of darjeeling sans milk and sugar. If it's the afternoon and I'm having a biscuit with it I'll add lemon on occasion, but otherwise I just enjoy it as is. I've tried bagged darjeeling and have found the paper flavor just gets in the way, so I just stick with loose leaf.

>> No.7234918
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65% water. 35% of 2% milk. 2.5 spoonfuls of sugar.
Also all fruit flavored tea is shit (lemon and raspberry especially)

The tea should be opaque and roughly this colour

>> No.7234936

Sugar on tea is atrocious. You'll eventually be better off, just lay of the sweeteners.

>> No.7234946

No it isnt. Sugar is a staple for proper tea, it tastes so bleh without it

>> No.7234960

earl grey with lemon and honey, also good chilled.

black tea with milk and sugar. sometimes i'll just have it plain

>> No.7234973

For me. The whole point of tea is a drink a little more enjoyable than water but without adding calories

>> No.7235030

Black. 85% water, 15% whole milk. No sugar.

Milk makes bad teas better and good teas worse. It's a godsend when all you can afford is the cheapest teabags.

>> No.7235041

>1 litres boiling water
>2x Orange pekoe satchels
>Remove satchels
>5 tablespoons suger
>3 tablespoons lemon juice
>Shake and let sit

>> No.7235049


>> No.7235269

WIth black tea I like a small amount of soy milk.

With green, white, oolong, etc. I don't add anything.

>> No.7235282

>In Morning and after work
Black tea with a little milk, no sugar

>Any time else
Green Tea, nothing added but water

>> No.7235289

Usually drink black tea as my country produces it. Sometimes drink some gunpowder green tea my brother brought from morroco. Unsweetned and without milk, not trying to be that ''sugar is for children'' memer, just like it better that way. With the green one usually put one or two star anise in the boiling water to make it smell nice

>> No.7235315
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1 1/2 teaspoons of mid-grade matcha
1/2 cup, 9 hour cold steeped hibiscus and white peony tea
3/4 cup store brand soymilk
Two pumps of Monin syrup
Whisked until frothy
Drink cold, serve in the Pyrex glass it was mixed in

>> No.7235325
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Should be 1 1/2 cup store brand soymilk

>> No.7235382

tea makes me hypotensive so I can't drink it anymore. Used to like black tea though

>> No.7235407

>How does /ck/ like it's tea?
>get gaiwan, pitcher, kettle, a little tea bowl and a way to get rid of water
>rinse gaiwan with hot water (95°C)
>poor in pitcher
>poor in tea bowl, keep some in pitcher
>put 7g of tie guan yin in gaiwan
>empty pitcher
>rinse tea with hot water
>poor immediately (5s) in pitcher
>empty tea bowl and poor tea rinse instead (water has cooled down too much by then)
>poor hot water again in the gaiwan
>empty pitcher
>poor tea in pitcher after 15s
>empty tea bowl
>poor tea in bowl
>drink tea

There is nothing best. prove me wrong.

>> No.7235429

I've got this agave sweetner stuff. I use it for my breakfast tea. rest of the time it's plain. who even puts milk in it?

>> No.7235577

then that means you're either drinking shit tea or drinking tea you clearly don't like.

>> No.7235584

First off, if you're using a tea bag, you most likely got garbage tea.

I drink matcha with water. Sometimes I spoil myself and use milk. I put white chocolate in if I'm in a sweet mood.

>> No.7235610

Darjeeling is wonderful tea. I normally drink it plain as well. I don't get to drink it that often though.

>> No.7235658

green and mint tea together

>> No.7235857

green tea. Steep hot water with ginger, honey and lemon. filter. Then steep my bag in that water. Delicious every time.

>> No.7235875
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What's the deal with Darjeeling? I tasted it and it's seems like another generic black tea.

>> No.7235885

im a snob about tea. i like unflavored, simple, high quality assams, or any black tea from china that people there actually go buy hot in a teahouse. if it has a long, complicated name that reminds you of your local takeout preference, chances are it is both expensive and worth it.

i butcher it with cream and white sugar in excess.

>> No.7235891
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does anyone know what kind of tea this is?

>> No.7235924

Here's my Autumn tea recipe.

>Chai Rooibos
>teaspoon of sugar
>half a teaspoon of cinnamon
>half teaspoon of ground nutmeg
>just a few dabs of milk


>> No.7235964

Only result I get for "yigiu" is a puerh from this website:

That's obviously not the same one. But depending on the scale of the picture, it does looks like a puerh brick. Or some other compressed tea.

>> No.7235974

Never put sugar or milk in it

Green tea if in the morning / noon
Black tea blends (often with citrus or rhubarb) in the evening

>> No.7235979

any kind of tea as long as it's BLACK

>> No.7235987

Morning: Assam with milk (if I have it)
Evening: Herbal """tea""" straight or with honey

Sometimes I crush a few cardamom pods to brew with my black tea. I'm not sure how much flavour it adds, but the aroma is nice.

>> No.7235990

Why do you drink greens in the morning and blacks at night? I feel like most people do it the other way around, since a person's less likely to want as much caffeine at night.

>> No.7236010

Black doesn't have more caffeine than Green. That's just a common believe. Green tea is nice in the morning.

>> No.7236016
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>Black doesn't have more caffeine than Green.
Too lazy to research this. Can anyone confirm?

>> No.7236025


I just enjoy the black tea + citrus combinaison more in the evenings

>> No.7236027

Thank you so much

>> No.7236042

blackberry tea no milk no sugar

>> No.7236063

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine#Beverages + common knowledge

There is no way to know the caffeine of a tea without actually measuring it scientifically. It has no taste and no color. It depends more of the cultivar of tea than the processing (green vs black). So unless it's specified when you buy it. There is no way to know the caffeine of your tea.

For exemple Gyokuro (which is a green tea) is well known for having a lot of caffeine.

Also if you over brew you get Tanin. That basically unactivate the caffeine. Tanin is what wake the tea bitter. So the more you brew, the more you tea is bitter and undrinkable and on top of that the less you actually get caffeine.

>> No.7236086
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To followup on OP's question, where do you all most enjoy drinking tea? A certain time of day, weather, or location? What's ideal to you?

>> No.7236107

Oh. One last thing.

Who care about caffeine to begin with, when you can have placebo effect:

>> No.7236108

Kinda like your pic

or with friends with some DUDE LMAO and teatime snacks

>> No.7236113
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Tea is especially enjoyable for me in the morning, while reading a book or watching a comfy movie.

>> No.7236120

At home, outside they only serve shit tea.

And at anytime of the day or night, really. Just when I feel like it, which can be really random.

>> No.7236134

fruit tea with lemon juice and honey
everything else is shit

>> No.7236137

I make a 3 cup pot in the morning and have one warm one after like 20 minutes, then a cold one for lunch and a cold one after dinner.

>> No.7236153
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Earl Grey tea hot in my captains quarters on the SS Enterprise.

>> No.7236328
File: 60 KB, 500x456, plebeian-juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us more.

>indian tea
Try drafts before posting.
>indian tea
>indian tea
>indian tea

>> No.7236339


This is what autism looks like, folks.

>> No.7236354

He's right, though.

>> No.7236374

so you're implying neurotypicals = plebeians?

>> No.7236400

What is wrong with sugar?

>> No.7236408

I like my tea black

>> No.7236460

The finer (and more expensive) your tea becomes then, less and less will it be a suitable vehicle for milk and sugar for they will both overpower the fine drinking qualities of the leaf that you are paying for.

>> No.7236492

Ginger and lemongrass
No sugar, no milk
i currently use bags, but once I get my own place again, I'll invest in getting some proper gear to start brewing properly.

>> No.7236564
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>£3 per 200g Sencha/Genmaicha from local asian place
>steep a few tsp of leaf in 1 litre of 70'c/80'c water for 2 mins, remove strainer
>later on resteep the same way for 15 seconds; then for a 3rd steep 10'c warmer for 2 mins
I also like having tisanes using fresh ingredients. I like most tea but those overly-sweet fruit flavoured bags are too much.
Creating ambience is important and your question makes me feel I've been neglecting that recently.

>once I get my own place
Fresh ginger/lemongrass would probably be a lot better. They're intense spices.

>> No.7236570

1/3 early grey and 2/3 turkish tourist and a small slice of lemon if its in the morning. If its in the afternoon then some sage tea mixed in instead of the lemon slice. No sugar or milk ever, and the water/tea ratio should be in a way that the tea is lighty coloured red and not pink or dark red like blood.

>> No.7236587
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I love to get up early around 5:00am and brew up some hot water, and in waiting I gaze out my backyard window, and when it rains it adds more to the cozy ambiance. I keep the lights dim and place my transparent mug next to the kitchen lamp to see the slow process of fusion create a beautiful color. I treat my tea the same way a wine connoisseur views their drink, or a gentleman sits calmly with a glass of scotch next to a book table. Classy, elegant, cozy.

>> No.7236706
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I want a more concentrated colloid, but I don't want tannins fucking the inside of my cheeks.
How do I go about this?
pic related, its mfw tannins

>> No.7237086
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>> No.7237150
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>earl grey with lemon and honey, also good chilled.
this shit right here

also I really tried to do the tea with milk thing but it just tastes so flat and kinda depressing. I went back to putting lemon in pretty much all my teas except mint.

>> No.7237161

you sir are a gentleman and a scholar

I have a small-ish teaspoon that I use for tea, and I'm always the slightest bit disappointed when I can't find it for whatever reason.

>> No.7237280

6 large teabags in a large bowl of water, microwave for about 5 minutes, mix in to a gallon pitcher with sugar to taste, fill the rest of the way with cold water while stirring, and there you have simple southern sweet tea

>> No.7237418


Might as well cook your food at Fukushima

>> No.7237681


Lemon as in from an actual lemon or from those lemon juice squirt thingies?

>> No.7237686
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>milk in tea
This is probably the worst idea to ever come out of Britain since Sharia law.

>> No.7237692

I drink normal Ceylon tea, Earl Grey and green tea, all of it brewed for around 5 minutes without milk or sugar.

>> No.7237819
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Green tea
Off the kettle at 170 degrees, steeped for a minute no more no less.
Also, NO sugar. Maybe one spoon if I'm feeling a little sweet. It's a process to brew but it's so worth it.

>> No.7237835

I usually drink good loose-leaf black tea plain, but have been looking for bagged black tea that's decent and under 10 cents per bag in bulk, since I drink a good bit.

Is Yorkshire Gold decent? Got a large pack of that.

>> No.7237916

A splash of almond milk with any super strong black tea, straight for any green, herbal, and white teas.

>> No.7237988

I get whatever black tea I can find at the closest store, boil the piss out of like 8 bags in a pot (maybe a quart of water), and then use it for caffeine shots. Sometimes sugar, always milk but mostly ice. My tea could be used as a wood stain, I never understood the appeal of green tea.

If I want to make proper tea, I do enjoy lapsang souchong (smoked black tea) immensely.

>> No.7238006

I like thai tea a lot but I can't figure out how to make it properly
I like it without cream usually, depends

>> No.7238052

>1/4 teaspoon sugar
>Irish breakfast, steep 7 minutes
>dash of cream if I know I'll finish it in one sitting.

>> No.7238063

My shop just got a shipment of that. Love it. They call it Morocco mint, they use spearmint and gunpowder green

>> No.7238142

Where do you guys buy tea anyways?
Mighty Leaf?

>> No.7238225


>> No.7238267

You disgust me. I bet you're American.

>> No.7238450

A robust English breakfast black
2-3 hearty spoonfuls of sweet powdered chai (I'm a savage cunt)

Make into tea, splash with thick cream, hold sugar.

Enjoy with cigarette, or jam and toast depending on how I feel.

>> No.7238501



>> No.7238528

I do too. What's wrong with this? Or are you a bunch of fedora wearing faggots

>> No.7238544

I enjoy being a man with no taste.

I drink any tea and don't time how long I steep or whether the water is 80 or 100 degrees Celsius. I don't care, they all taste good and make me feel good.

Got baking grade matcha, citrus black tea, looseleaf Chinese black tea that I can't read, and looseleaf Chinese High Mountain oolong tea.

>> No.7238614

If my tea isn't neon orange, I ain't drinking it.

Also, with enough lemon and sugar with white tea, you can make it taste like NeoCitron.

>> No.7238722
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I want to bring and drink my own loose leaves tea at work. I'm considering getting something to make the tea and was wondering if using a press (as pictured) or bodum was a good idea. I've seen people do it but wouldn't it be over infused and bitter if you just push the leaves down instead of removing them? I've always poured my tea and coffee straight away after infusion but I don't want to bring a whole tea set to work.

>> No.7238731

ou could just suck your boss' cock and drink his sperm for the same effect, and also get a promotion.

>> No.7238740
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Why not get one of these?
You put the tea in the ball, close it, let it steep and just remove the ball afterward.

>> No.7238755

>Amazon is selling 160 bag box for $13

That's how you know it's trash tea.

>> No.7238763
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Those are quite good to use.

I tend to use these kinds of infusers because it reminds me of brewing up a cauldron some Earth.

>> No.7238771

I like to have herbal blends straight no milk or sugar. Normal tea though I drink with milk but I prefer herbal.

>> No.7238781


Herbal blends have so much variety out there, every time I look there's another blend some company made.

>> No.7238915
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How do I chai, /ck/?
btw never buy this

>> No.7239160

But is it OK as far as bagged black tea? Or does anyone have any suggestions for the best bagged black tea, preferably under 10-15 cents per bag.

I already have great sources of excellent loose-leaf greens and blacks, but I drink a lot of tea and sometimes just want to throw bags in the water, so it'd be cheaper and convenient to have bagged tea on hand.

>> No.7239167


If you're gonna go with bag tea then try Numi tea.

They are one of the best quality brands out there for bagged tea, also all their teas are organic.

>> No.7239168

Won't having the leaves all bunched up together prevent proper infusion though?

>> No.7239185

no, those balls are usually more than big enough to fit several tsp of tea. That pic is deceiving in making the tea look cramped.

>> No.7239192
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>those balls are usually more than big enough to fit

Also green tea.

>> No.7239232

>Liking Tea

>> No.7239245

>not liking tea when there's literally hundreds of different ones
>being this goddamn difficult

>> No.7239251

it's got nothing to do with the amount of tea it's got to do with how much space they have to move around :T

>> No.7239284

I know--that's what I meant by "fit"--several tsp of tea can move around easily. Well, that's the case with my tea balls. The point is not to get one too small. 1.5"-2" diameter is probably sufficient.

>> No.7239294

Punjana, nambarie or Yorkshire tea with 1 sugar and a drop of milk.

>> No.7239477

Currently drinking lychee tea. Fruity, bright red, sweet without having added sugars.

>> No.7239488
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Anyone ever try using a french press for tea? Recently retired pic related from coffee because the stem was bent and upgraded to a stainless steel, but seems to be perfect for loose tea leaves since they can't pass through the shitty filter.

>> No.7239523

If I'm feeling lazy, black tea bag in microwaved water with a tiny sprinkle of stevia. Brewed/infused if I have guests.

>> No.7239585

French press are a very good for the tea ?? you know, ok?

>> No.7239641

Herbal "tea" of ginger or rooibo chai, squirt of honey

Can't have any caffeine cause of Crohn's disease :(

>> No.7239862


Morning, evening. Drinking tea in the middle of the day, or when working, isn't as enjoyable - I prefer loads of shitty coffee for that instead.

>> No.7240020

what are /ck/'s favorite tea vendors?

I've had really nice stuff from Canton and Teavivre. Would like to try American Tea Room but they're prices are really high.

>> No.7240057

Normally I hate to have any additives in my tea. I want to actually taste the tea, the whole tea, and nothing but the tea.

But on occasion, I really like a good South Asian masala chai. You have to start with a good, strong black tea though.

>> No.7240097

I'm ordering from better and better vendors
From Dammann frères to palais des thés to teavivre.
Teavivre is fucking great.

>> No.7240181

I drink coffee whilst I read or work in the morning.

I drink Australian Afternoon Tea whilst I read/work in the afternoon.

I drink Green Tea late at night or when I'm feeling cold

>> No.7240205

>First thing in the morning, a big fat mug of bracing Yorkshire tea with milk, no sugar.
>After that, maybe one more Yorkshire tea, then some darjeeling or keemun until around noon
>Noon, start in on the green teas - sencha mostly, but also gunpowder and a either matcha latte or chai latte around 4.
>In the evening, sencha and then switch to herbal teas, chamomile or lemon-ginger mostly.

>> No.7240212

if it's really dark and flavorful I like it with heavier milk and good honey (my favorite brand is eisele's)

white tea and green tea I just drink on their own

>> No.7240341

I guess it really just depends on the grower/how you brew it. As far as I know it's a more delicate Indian black tea. Sucks your experience was less than stellar.

>> No.7240345


Check it out, they have all sorts of neat stuff.

>> No.7240387


How do you make your lattes?

>> No.7240389
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>> No.7240527

Started drinking Russian blend. Tastes fantastic in cold weather.

>> No.7240572

Just kind of basic with green or chai. Interested in trying new flavors though. Usually just drink it straight up, or if I am feeling ill with a bit of honey.

>> No.7241271

Stop drinking bagged tea, higher quality loose leaf is actually cheaper and can be taken without sweeteners.

>> No.7241283

In the morning I have a pot of genmaicha, which is sencha with toasted rice. It is sweet and nutty and feels more hearty than other teas.

Then for afternoon tea I have an oolong (right now Reagan's monkey picked) which I steep 3 or 4 pots out of. I never adulterate my tea.

>> No.7241288

Teavana = regan's according to autocorrect. Lol.

Sent from my iPhone

>> No.7241473

Do people ever look at your passion for tea and might think you're a little gay? I think sometimes people think i'm gay which is kinda true.

>> No.7242027


>British shitty bagged tea in little tea cup with 3 sugar and cream
gay as fuck

>Gorgeous organic Chinese tea in double walled Glass cup
Manly as fuck

>> No.7242179

What's so good about organic production for tea specifically?

>> No.7242215

It doesn't have to be labelled has organic but it has to be organic in practice.

Basically anything that isn't organic is made by using "new modern industrial" techniques that are supposed to taste just like the old 5000 years old ancestral techniques. But they actually have no idea what they are doing and they're making everything wrong.

The worse case scenario is Crush, Tear, Curl. This kills the tea.

>> No.7242231
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>Doubled walled glass cup

This guy knows what's up.
People who don't drink out of clear glass aren't fully appreciating the ambiance of tea. I drink mine like wine, allowing the light to pass through it.

>> No.7242233


Organic for tea means non-GMO, no pesticide poisons, and also no added artificial flavors like Teavana and other mainstream tea companies.

>> No.7242240

I know. But it's just an indication. Ancestral method is always organic even if not labelled, industrial shit isn't.

>> No.7242241

What's wrong with GMO or pesticides? Flavourings are usually quite obvious.

>> No.7242676
File: 64 KB, 720x471, You dont need GMO labeled541458_10151684377046316_1223142127_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong with GMO or Pesticides?

Must I explain why?

>Patented seeds by Monsanto corporation
>fuck farmers over because of patents crossing over to neighboring fields
>controlling food supply
>engineered seeds to contain pesticides which your body absorbs
>spray crops with pesticides which your body absorbs

Just because the FDA approves of something doesn't mean it's safe.

>> No.7242692

>Muh farmers
Maybe they should have joined the 21st century instead of sitting back and watching corporations advance with technology.

>> No.7242702

wtf is that even supposed to mean?

What is "joining the 21st century" in the point of view of a farmer?

>> No.7242720
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The only other method is hydroponics (indoor gardening) that doesn't require GMOs or pesticides because the technology is so advanced to make plants grow much faster all year around. Which also means no pollution seeping into the plants like in traditional farming. Urban gardening is the future because it means you can build these massive facilities in cities which allows for super fast shipment and freshness of food.

>> No.7242722

That wouldn't work for tea though.

>> No.7242731



>> No.7242738

Tea requires a long hydrogenation process with tons of filtering which also takes up a lot of space

>> No.7242765

You put the plunger halfway in, add tea on top of the plunger, add water. Then pull the plunger up to remove the tea.

Over extracting is actually really difficult with most loose leaf teas.

>> No.7242779

Almost all tea plants are cloned, not grown from seed. it's very unlikely that we will see genetically engineered tea in our lifetime.

>> No.7242785

Tea is a fucking tree for a start. Not a little plant that can grow in a few inches of earth on without any earth.

Then the ground is really important and has real influence in the taste of tea, ground-less tea tree would taste bad.

And some tea tree are like hundred of years old. You're not going to plant new one, it's not going to taste the same.

Also. Tea field are fucking huge, like hundred of km2 huge, you need real huge building if you want to do that.

What's the point? To make tea you pick only the top leaves. You don't need more productivity as in more leaves. There is no point to have huge tree with thousands of leaves if you only pick like 10 leaves per tree and per day for only a few days and then you have to wait the new season. There is no such thing as a more productive tea. There is only tea fields and bigger tea fields.

And last… The price would go through the roof! That's a lot of new technology for like little to no increase of productivity.

Also this
That's the reason why da hong pao doesn't mean anything anymore.

>> No.7242802

>da hong pao
What does that mean

>> No.7242806

Nothing apparently

>> No.7242815

Someone should webm this and post it in every OP tea thread.

That's supposed to be the best tea in the world but produced from very view tea trees. These trees have been cloned over and over and now every one is selling "da hong pao" but they're actually selling a cloned da hong pao.

A real da hond pao worth $35 436 per ounce.

>> No.7244197

Who makes some great loose Earl Grey?

>> No.7244815

Its hard to fuck up earl grey, anything loose in a grocery shop will be good, you probably have a local tea shop if you live in a medium town or larger that will have good teas.

>> No.7244847

Only every once in a while and only in cold, black tea. Honey is acceptable sometimes, but generally when I'm congested.

No. I enjoy some steamed soy in earl grey, but that's rare and a throwback to my coffee shop days.

>What kind of tea
Greens and herbals mostly. Ginger and jasmine are personal favorites.

>> No.7244976

For me it's usually of the following (without any additives).

Morning: چای
Midday: 緑茶
Afternoon: 玄米茶
Evening: ほうじ茶

>> No.7245007
File: 2.83 MB, 853x480, chinese_tea_sword.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7245020

That just means tea, my man

>> No.7245044

I meant Persian tea. Is there a another name for it? My mom always just called it that.

>> No.7245073

where should i buy looseleaf tea online?

i was using harney but i'm pretty sure they suck

i just want some basic ass tea - white, black, green, oolong, whatever. no flavored stuff.

>> No.7245075

I guess after the region it's grown in like other black teas if you're being specific.

>> No.7246212

using a press is fine as a filtering mechanism for the leaves but you need to pour it into another container when it finishes steeping or it'll become bitter.

>> No.7246222


>> No.7246350


>> No.7247176
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>> No.7247898

Early Grey is a gentleman's drink.

>> No.7249973

I like to get a pot of tea when I go out for Chinese food. Order some dank ma po tofu and then drink the tea and then really have to go to the bathroom, do that, then finish with a few mai tais and go stumbling around the mall for a while.

>> No.7249997

the bergamot oil leaves my lips greasy and it's disconcerting

>> No.7250346

>sweet tea runs through the devils veins
This is simultaneously the most southern and most un-southern thing you could possibly say.

>> No.7250353

I put sugar and cream in my coffee like a faggot, but even I have to admit the superiority of unsweetened tea.

>> No.7250357
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