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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7229141 No.7229141 [Reply] [Original]


What do you think of this Fully Raw Vegan Chili?

Do you have any other Fully Raw Vegan recipes?

>> No.7229143

chili has meat in it tho

>> No.7229144

Why is that tranny wearing so many bracelets?

>> No.7229152
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I love the food she makes so much! She obviously does too.

>> No.7229155

>the secret to making a good chili is having a ton of different flavors


>> No.7229158

Beans debates and other shit aside, the only absolutely required ingredients in chili are meat and chili peppers.

So I don't think much of it at all, since it's a fucking lie.

>> No.7229159

Well I for one would fuck that tranny FullyRaw

>> No.7229160

To hide her hairy forearms.

>> No.7229175

I'm not giving her views, what is she trying to pass off as chili? I can only assume it's some kind of spicy stewed beans? There is no such thing as vegan chili, the same way there is no such thing as vegan Mac and cheese. Just call it what it is and stop pretending god damn. If living vegan was so god damned delicious they wouldn't feel the need to make fake versions of dishes people actually like.

>> No.7229182
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i mean she did use one jalapeno pepper

>> No.7229193

So that gets her halfway to a shitty chili recipe, but a pile of ground pepper over pasta is not carbonara and a vegan stew is not chili.

>> No.7229197

Why do vegans always have such leathery looking skin? Is it because they don't get any extra collagen in the food they eat?
I'm being serious

It's just something I've noticed

>> No.7229203

fully raw vegan mashed potatoes
>put raw cauliflower in a food processor
>eat your dry cauliflower powder
>choke to death

>> No.7229204

Most vegans are too stupid to actually pay attention to what important things they're cutting out of their diets, so while it is possible to be fully healthy on a raw vegan diet, most vegans are not. That's why they usually look sickly and miserable.

>> No.7229206

Stop putting saying "fully" every time you say "raw", shill grill. That's like saying "fully vegetarian", implying a dish can have a little meat in it and still be partially vegetarian.

Also this girl would probably get more views if she put a bag over her head and got a dog to narrate for her.

>> No.7229247

what would a fully raw vegan steak be like?

>> No.7229257
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>> No.7229261

I've not noticed them being leathery. I know one guy who is vegan just for shits. He's just, pale slow and has odd habits, like eating 7 vitamin pills every day, not even a variety of pills just all from the same jar.

>> No.7229267

>all those people in the comments asking if you can eat raw kidney beans
>word for word: "what about beans? Are they not fully vegan or something?"

>> No.7229273

i really want her to do fully raw vegan yucca

>> No.7229290

>go inside RAW

>> No.7229295

/ck/, your mission should you choose to accept it is compile me a list of vegetables that are toxic when raw so I can make a funposting video where I prepare a healthy raw vegan meal out of them

>> No.7229299

kidney beans off the top of my head

>> No.7229303

It's also a lot of fun to read through.

>> No.7229326

ok, so I think you want to use like, four whole nutnegs, some way of disguising the taste, kidney beans, rubarb stalk and leaf, minced tomato and a chunk of the stem, and a good deal of poppy seeds too, because y'know, they're good for you.

>> No.7229327

I'd like to put my meat inside her fully raw if you know what I mean

>> No.7229344
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>four whole nutmegs

that would be horrific

>> No.7229384

Is that body considered to be healthy? She seems to have a largish belly and a lack of any muscle definition. I'm utterly clueless about health, but i think she just doesn't eat many calories.

>> No.7229582

yfw nutmeg high can last for 72 fucking hours

>> No.7229596
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yeah, it's awful

>> No.7229608

oh shit, I almost forgot, datura leaves to give it that extra zest

>> No.7229618

that italian man needs to gain some weight.

>> No.7229826

I don't understand the obsession people have with raw food. Fire and cooking have existed longer than humans.

>> No.7229842

It's stupid hipster bullshit that retards get brainwashed into believing.

>> No.7229999

I just imagined her making it with a bag on her head and a dog whimpering and barking the whole time and it was pretty enjoyable, thanks mate

>> No.7230003

How the fuck is she eating raw corn?

>> No.7230014


Good quality, fresh sweet corn can be eaten raw.

Hers probably came out of a can.

>> No.7230073

I'm not personally of that persuasion, but I think the theory is that cooking is kinda like pre-digesting the food, so if you don't cook it your body will work harder to metabolize it and will absorb fewer calories, so you can eat more and get fuller but keep your weight or lose weight or something.

>> No.7230088

I would try it. Some of her recipes I would try if I was looking for other ways of eating my fruits and veggies.

>> No.7230149

Many nutrients both essential and nonessential are heat sensitive. Many thermal decomposition products are unhealthy. Farm fresh fruits and vegetables also tend to have their own beneficial surface bacteria, so they're very probiotic.

Cooking does increase bioavailability of certain things, but sprouting, blending, and enzymatic treatment can do the same. If you do cook food it should be done with low temperature moist heat. Like boiling, double boiling, poaching, or steaming.

>> No.7230232
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I concur, don"t get high on nutmeg, it sucks. And the sucking lasts for hours.
Also don't:
-Get high on bendryls.
-Get high on random forest mushrooms.

>> No.7230255

Yeah, you should never take datura and you should DEFINITELY NEVER EVER smoke anything by the name of "Thor's Hammer." Just don't.

>> No.7231129
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>Fat free
>Uses avacados

>> No.7231166

this girl is so stupid. there's that one video where she thinks $200/week for 1 person is eating cheap

I'd eat her food and fuck her though but she seems a little obnoxious

>> No.7231228

>tfw all the famous early raw vegan youtubers got candidosis
On the long run they would have gotten diabetes anyway. Raw veganism attracts those having mental problems with food.

>> No.7231235

Seems legit. I spend about $150 on groceries every week for myself, not including weekday lunches since I eat out. Also not including alcohol.

Do you live in Somalia?

>> No.7231240

Grocery recipt or gtfo

>> No.7231245
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>> No.7231269

link to the video?

>> No.7231514

she is gaining weight, to the point she cried to freelee because of it wahahha

>> No.7231892

>vegan stew

I think you mean vegan food processed

>> No.7232032

Can someone explain to me the point of raw? Why on earth would you cut out something so fundamentally *human* as cooking food? It seems to be deliberately depriving yourself a fundamental evolutionary advantage. Why?

I can get why some people think they should be vegan. I can get why some people would rather walk/run bare footed. But what the fuck do you have against cooking something? Does this lifestyle choice also extend to mean you can't use fire for warmth?

>> No.7232038

Is she a fucking lamia?

>> No.7232342

People believe pseudoscientific claims that cooking makes your food unhealthy or something else like that.

A lot of the population has issues with food.

>> No.7232488

>Raw food
>Sun dried tomatoes

Is cured meat considered also raw food?

Reaction to vegetables boiled to mush.
It also takes much longer to human body to process uncooked food and it does it with less efficiency.
Our digestive system is made for cooked meals.

There is some pros with raw food. It will have all of it's micronutrients and raw vegetables are great food when trying to lose weight.

>> No.7232516

that fucking constant cuntish fake smiling

>> No.7232575

The burger stuff is pretty reasonable. I also really love eataly.. but spending 150 dollars a week on one person not including lunch is fucking insane. Ive been clean bulking for the past 2 months at 3700 calories a day and couldn't even figure out how to spend that much per week on food. You must eat like shit.

>> No.7232623

>Individually packaged hamburger buns

>> No.7232628

Now that you mention it... Might have to fire up the old photoshop.

>> No.7232703

It's neither raw nor cooked

>> No.7232931
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I still don't get it. You can be a vegan and still eat all this shit raw without limiting yourself to ONLY eating this shit raw. It should be a testament, and huge fucking red flag to you, that your dietary decisions limit you from eating some very healthy foods because they need to be cooked to be consumed; and are therefore are annexed from your dietary options. Of all the idiotic pseudo-nutrition fads out there, this one is really getting under my skin. Can they eat canned shit? Or are they just supposed to munch on whatever pine cones and rabbit turds they can scrounge in the winter?!

Raw for a dog? I get it.
Raw for a human? Why don't you just go live in a fuckin' tree as ancestral homo-classes did before they discovered cooking with fire too then if it's supposedly healthy to live 2 generations of species back on your evolutionary tree? Obviously your iq matches that stage of development.

>I mad

>> No.7232989

That was so fucking hard to watch. Still want to fuck her face hole though.

>> No.7233435

No beans. Tomato sauce plus celery and onions and some other shit. I like your style by the way.

>> No.7234066

The primary advantage provided by cooking food is sterilisation, not addressing some pre-existing shortcoming in our digestive system. Today we get the same advantage from other technologies and hygiene practices.

A lot of raw food recipes also involve blending ingredients, which makes nutrients more bioavailable in a way that was no possible for out ancestors.

I agree there's little point in restricting your diet solely to raw foods, but it's not as counterproductive as you're making out and keeping a portion of your diet raw is probably a good idea. The fad has also led to a lot of interesting techniques and recipes that might not have been developed otherwise. It's fun to read through them.

>> No.7234106

>The primary advantage provided by cooking food is sterilisation

Fucking what? No, the reason people cook food is the goddamn maillard reaction

>> No.7234155

lmao isn't this the retard women who believes juicing can change the color of your eyes?

>> No.7234214

Our taste receptors have likely developed to respond positively to that because it indicates the food has been cooked. The practical advantage is sterilisation.

>> No.7234239
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>> No.7234254

no. homo sapiens has not "evolved" in any way since the invention of fire (and thus cooking). there is literally too small a genetic drift to talk about evolution.
4/10 you made me reply

>> No.7234282

That's false despite what popular science will tell you, but it doesn't matter what came first so I won't argue the point. What matters is the fashion in which cooking has assisted survival. To fit it into your own worldview, if our tongues favoured the flavour of poop rather than the malliard reaction, our species would have died out after developing the practice of spreading poop on meat. Instead, we happened to favour a preparation technique that was biologically advantageous because it sterilised the food.

Or, put more briefly, just enjoying food more is no advantage. It's just an affectation. Getting sick less frequently is.

>> No.7234565

Homo sapiens weren't the first humans to use fire.

>> No.7234580
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>respond positively to glycotoxins

did we evolve to respond positively to lead acetate as well?

>> No.7234585

>The primary advantage provided by cooking food is sterilisation
except we also evolved to eat starchy foods, beans, legumes, and these have benefits from being cooked other than sterilization like being easier to digest...

maybe cooking opened up a whole new food supply for us that wasn't possible before?

it's great to eat some raw food but some cooked foods definitely are easier to digest than their raw forms.

it seems like a lot of people want to distance themselves from "those crude and intellectually inferior humans" by doing things like you're doing

>> No.7234607

wow thats a nice steak.

>> No.7234613

thats what i spend in one month exlcuding meat which is kind of expensive
fucking ridiculous

>> No.7234615

why do these fuckers call everything by its actual meat counterpart?
like nigga don't call it a fucking steak, don't call it fucking whatever bacon, fucking vegan meatballs.
mother fucker MEATBALLS. fuck vegan cunts.

>> No.7234616


jack tier of pretending that it tastes good

>> No.7234630

so you can pretend you're getting the exact same food without LITERALLY torturing and raping animals

>> No.7234637

She looks liek an anorexic.
Fucking vegans I swear...

>> No.7234642

Why would you pretend torturing and raping animals?

>> No.7234656

ass blasted 250 lb "real woman" detected

>> No.7234666

man here. she is not attractive. you can only look good that skinny if you are petite framed and have at least some tits and ass. at least some muscle or something for shape.

>> No.7234667

whats wrong with making cruelty free versions of our previously favourite dishes? most vegans were meat eaters at some point

>> No.7234675

I can't take a gay dudes ideas about feminine beauty seriously, sorry

>> No.7234680

>cruelty free
Stop it with this stupid rhetoric. You're not making "cruelty-free" versions of anything, you're making meat-free versions, just as you're not "pro-choice" or "pro-life", just "pro-/anti-abortion".

>> No.7234682

Fucking Vegans man
Only a protein-deprived lunatic would think that mess of shit can be called chilli

>> No.7236319

>that is like hella good

>> No.7237050

God she's gross. I have no doubts her diet is giving a noticeable energy boost, but so much of it is clearly placebo, clearly forced, is an almost smellable waft of mental illness.

>> No.7237062


jesus it seems like only rich people can afford this shit. getting all these ingredients would cost like 50 bucks

>> No.7237087

It's not 'cruelty' to respect an animal more than the myriad ways it would die in the wild. There is no value to animal life in its natural state; it dies unknowingly from an unknowing assailant. It is victim to the dance of natural order and wordless hierarchy. As humans we can savor the taste of animal flesh, can prepare it in endless complex ways, can bring to life an essence and culture to meat and eating meat that wouldn't exist without us. An animal doesn't appreciate this, but it equally doesn't 'appreciate' choosing not to buy it at a store where someone else, inevitably, will buy it. Once you get past applying human concept and rhetoric to beasts below vocalizing, you'll realize that true compassion and reverence lies in appreciating what they bring as commodity.

Anyway, to top this off, your food is no cruelty free, no matter what. There is no method of industrial anything that doesn't intersect with the murder of animals. Even vegetarian products use farming methods that crush the errant animal under harvesting blades, the gluten free or vegan-friendly products available to you share warehouses with animal products half the time. If you traced all the materials you took advantage of today, including the tool you used to leave your comment, I'm sure there's a death toll. It's inescapable, as a human being. You can only choose to be vegan with the sentience you have because our ancestors ate meat (look into the history of brain development, evolutionary ... the harbinger was protein from animal sources). To reject our relationship with animals that has existed for centuries out of faddish, modern entitlements over what we choose not to do (how petit bourgeois!) is anti-humanist and repulsive to me.

>> No.7237264

>reaching this hard
Better get married and your wife die in childbirth at 18, or else you're disrespecting your ancestors you bourgeois piece of shit.

>> No.7237378

The only one here reaching is you, for reductive and false-equivocating non-statements. Give me a reason that eating meat is not something intrinsically human, both in a biological, cultural, and spiritual sense, and something worth sustaining. 'My feelings' is not a good reason, nor is anything environmental - because that would be an argument against our current version of meat farming, not consuming meat on general principle.

>> No.7237455


lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye. When she comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'.

>> No.7238162

>Once you get past applying human concept and rhetoric to beasts below vocalizing, you'll realize that true compassion and reverence lies in appreciating what they bring as commodity.

jesus christ, those are some impressive mental gymnastics. you've clearly made up your mind, what's the point in debating. if you're truly interested in how arguments in favour of minimizing suffering of sentient beings might be constructed rigorously and rationally, without any reference to emotions, look into sam harris, the youtube channel unnatural vegan, or the article on rationalwiki. it has some good references.

>Anyway, to top this off, your food is not cruelty free, no matter what.

"we can't achieve something in totality so it follows that there is no reason to pursue this something" thank god you don't work in government.

>Even vegetarian products use farming methods that crush the errant animal under harvesting blades, the gluten free or vegan-friendly products available to you share warehouses with animal products half the time.

what, therefore, slaughtering 80 million turkeys for thanksgiving every year follows on logically? fucking retard.

> I'm sure there's a death toll. It's inescapable, as a human being.

"what we ought to do follows from what is"

demonstrably stupid and an obvious fallacy. troll harder.

>To reject our relationship with animals that has existed for centuries out of faddish, modern entitlements over what we choose not to do (how petit bourgeois!) is anti-humanist and repulsive to me.

this only proves your lack of intelligence and ability to reason critically. nothing about veganism is anti-humanist. go ahead and say it's repulsive; that's a subjective and personal thing. but your argument is riddled with holes. embarrassing.

>> No.7238507

Damn, with that ingredients you could do some amazing pizza.

>> No.7238540
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I didn't really read the thread, but how is criticism of "our current version of meat farmers" always dismissed as an irrelevant technicality in these threads? It seems to me that carnism considers industrial factory meat farming to be beyond criticism, and anyone who DARES suggest that there's something wrong with it is literally equivalent to Ingrid Newkirk. You people just want to bury your head in the sands and go LA LA LA and keep on huffing down your $0.99/lb shitmeat.

>> No.7238551

You have issues, lots of them.

>> No.7238567

Found the carnist

>> No.7239102

Yes, I am a normal person.

>> No.7239106

I'm mostly vegetarian and even then this video triggers me on so many levels.

>> No.7239157

How is the milk and cheese from cows cruelty? How are the eggs i get from my chickens cruel? How is wool cruel?

>> No.7239170

>feminist epistemologies
Gets me every time.

>> No.7239173

Don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.

>> No.7239175

Because they don't produce those things in nature, obviously.

>> No.7239176

>mostly vegetarian
so, a meat eater then

>> No.7239178

That explains why there's no meat on her. If you gave her a hug she would break in two pieces.

>> No.7239208
File: 60 KB, 570x427, Animal_Abuse_Battery_Cage_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.7239263
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>> No.7239264

Not him, and not that many so-called meat eaters are technically able to be vegetarian.

How would you call the trend consisting of reducing animal protein consumption regardless the reason?

>> No.7239276

Yes they do

Cage eggs is a different story completely

>> No.7239301
File: 54 KB, 495x711, a02fc8ec6318b4695250d1a66f188a83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an insult to every Lamia.

>> No.7239317

i live for this

>> No.7239322

This is a picture of what all vegans look like behind closed doors

>> No.7239358

I *REALLY* like this picture

>> No.7239642

No, you are a deranged carnist

>> No.7239653

>All eggs, literally ever single egg ever consumed by a human, has come from a bird in cage.
>Chickens don't lay infertile eggs all the time if you just leave them to their own devices.
>Somehow, in Super Vegan Logic, simply gathering and consuming these eggs is bad.

>> No.7240035

>pretending he actually thinks stuffing animals in an unsanitary torture cage is humane
Let me guess drug resistant bacteria are an antivaxer delusion?

>> No.7240068

it's like a freudian wet dream. you mention how cruel it is to consume animal products and all the defense mechanisms come out.

>> No.7240094

That salsa is way too thick.

>> No.7240646

Me too! Save it, it's all yours my friend :^)

>> No.7241672
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>> No.7242493

Thanks Mr. Skeletal

>> No.7242609

*snek intensifies*

>> No.7242638

What why

>> No.7243368

>jalapeno coubting as one of the chilis you throw in

>> No.7243403

>gorgeous woman with slender body type

Holy shit id rail her ass and pussy all day. Id love to have her mouth on my shit too. Head from pretty faces is fuckin cash