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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 500x333, 20110124-Eastern-Standard-Burger-autopsy[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7231209 No.7231209 [Reply] [Original]

is it okay if a burger patty is a bit pink in the middle?

if not, is it possible to finish them in the oven?

my burgers always end up pink like this.

>> No.7231215

if you trust the quality of your meat, it's fine. i hate the texture of it though.

you can finish them in the oven, but what i usually do is cook the meat over medium-low heat until it's 90% of the way done, then take them out of the pan. heat the pan to medium-high and give it a sear, it should finish cooking to well-done. this is more energy efficient than heating the oven to finish them off.

>> No.7231217
File: 2.05 MB, 1280x720, Jack burgers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine too, I followed this recipe exactly too...?
Someone help?

>> No.7231224

it's fucking RAAAAAAWWWW

but seriously the only recipe u need is:

>90% lean ground beef
>10% finely diced bacon
>shape into patties
>fry them

>> No.7231230

My wife's son always asks for his medium and I keep telling that little shit that he'll get sick but my wife makes me cook it his way :/

>> No.7231239

>his way

Nice BK shill, fag.

>> No.7231254 [DELETED] 

Here's your wife's son's (You)

>> No.7231259 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7231272

make patties thinner

>> No.7231279

? I thought medium was the way to go. I know that obviously don't want any variation of rare but I figured medium should be fine no? Is well master race?

>> No.7231283

Ground beef should always be cooked well done imo

>> No.7231285
File: 2.09 MB, 1280x720, jack chicken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7231294
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>> No.7231297

I hope he's pointing out that the red means it's not done...

>> No.7231300

I prefer mine pink, and as long as you trust your meat per >>7231215 you're good. Primarily because there are few if any transmittable diseases from cows to people. However, If you're looking to make well done on the stove either >>7231272 or consider this method. High heat to sear outside of the burger, careful not to burn, flip your patty and cover it and trap the heat. Lower the heat, otherwise the result is a charcoal briquette. If done properly, you should achieve well done burgers with the juices sealed in.

>90/10 beef and bacon
That's all well and good however:
>80/20 Beef
>Diced onion
>Diced garlic clove
(cracked and mixed in)
(not a lot, just enough to help hold it together)
>Pinch of fresh rosemary chopped
>Pinch of salt
>Pinch of pepper

I'm a bit new to /ck/ but iirc no. If that's Jack as the filename states that's not what's going on at all.

>> No.7231301

>Diced onion
>Diced garlic clove



Definitely. Fucking. Not.

You should never need to add an egg. If your meat won't bind, you don't have enough fat in it. If you're using 80/20 beef, you damn well have enough fat in it.

>> No.7231303

why is there half apricot and choclate souce?

>> No.7231305

>searing seals juices in
nice meme

>> No.7231306

That's an egg bro

>> No.7231308

What if its 90/10?
Add a fucking egg, you're not the king of burgers... the burger king you fucking globetrotting faggot.

>> No.7231313


>rubbing that gorgeous Shun blade across the bone even though it looks dull anyways

Oh also, speaking of Jack and """""rare""""" burgers. See:>>7231217
>His excuses for his lack of cooking skills were "I always check the internal temperature so it's fine" and then right after "The colour settings on my camera make the meat look brighter then it actually is!~"

>> No.7231315

As long as the temperature reaches 160° it's fine, the color has no correlation with doneness.

>> No.7231318

Then don't eat my food. Oh wait you never have to, problem solved. Sorry your definition of what constitutes good differs from mine in a fashion to make you feel this way. Perhaps you could chill the fuck out?

>> No.7231319

>What if its 90/10?
If you can't make it bind then don't use 90/10.

>Add a fucking egg
Or, you know, do it properly.

>> No.7231323

>getting this mad about adding protein and fat to your protein and fat

>> No.7231324

Obviously the colour doesn't matter but OP's pic is looking blue as fuck, and there's clearly uncooked meat anyways.

Also the nigga didn't even rest his shit so he probably didn't bother with measuring internal temps.

>> No.7231329

If you don't like hamburgers don't eat them. It's obvious that what you really want is a meatloaf sandwich. Nothing wrong with meatloaf sandwiches.

>> No.7231330

>Perhaps you could chill the fuck out?

Perhaps you could learn to make a decent burger?

>> No.7231339

I think he was pointing out how "juicy" the meat was.

>> No.7231343

>is it okay if a burger patty is a bit pink in the middle?

IMHO it's not only OK, it's desireable. The contrast in texture between the seared crust on the outside and the tender meat inside is one of the best parts of eating a burger, and that's maximized with a "medium rare" cooking. Rare is just too soft and pasty, Medium or higher loses tenderness.

Of course that's assuming you have good meat, freshly ground. If you're talking about shoddy restaurants or supermarket meat that's a different story.

>>is it possible to finish them in the oven?
Yes, that would work. But why not just cook them longer?

>> No.7231344

Did you mince the meat yourself from a whole muscle (i.e. Not steaks) meaning it's only one animal piece and the inside of the piece was essentially sterile and then did you cook it immediately?

Then yeah it's probably fine.

Is it random slop from a million offcuts? Then there's a chance it may make you sick if it's below medium.

>> No.7231345

>These rigid food standards
Jesus, I must have forgotten where I am.

>> No.7231350

I'm only responding to you because you're using a trip

That's what you wanted right?

>> No.7231351
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>> No.7231352
File: 99 KB, 858x622, rare burger pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7231354

Congrats. You just made meatloaf, faggot.

>> No.7231390

i once watched something where they bought 400 pounds of ground beef of different quality, regular beef all the way up to grass fed free range bullshit ground beef, from 40 different grocery stores around the United States. EVERY SINGLE SAMPLE of the ground beef had traces of fecal matter in it that could result In varying levels of sickness including e. Coli poisoning. Eating anything but well done ground beef is putting yourself at risk of food Bourne illness. Unless ur the faggot who has their "butcher" grind steaks up...

>> No.7231398

dude please leave ck or at least tone down your fomatting, you are trying so hard

>> No.7231418


Cook at lower heat in a pan and let sit for five minutes when finished.

My usual hamburger is an inch or a little more thick.

>> No.7231435

Why do you care?

>> No.7231446

How do I pan cook burgers without getting fucking grease EVERYWHERE?

They always come out dark and outside and undercooked in the middle... fuck.

>> No.7231449

That sounds ideal tbqh.

>> No.7231451


1) make sure you're using good meat. some kinds of cheap ground meat contain excess moisture, and moisture + grease = splattering.

2) Turn your heat down. That will fix the "dark outside and under-cooked in the middle" problem too.

3) Don't poke or smoosh the patties while they are cooking. Pushing on the patty with your spatula will force out juices, and as above water + hot fat = splatter.

>> No.7231454
File: 295 KB, 1500x1297, splatter screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use pic related or since your patties are thick just throw on a lid and steam them at the same time which will help cook the insides faster.

>> No.7231458
File: 37 KB, 500x378, itsanalbanyexpression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7231506

Cook them at a lower heat, and cover them when you aren't flipping them. I also use low-quality meat most of the time (such is the life of a poorfag), and that has a lot to do with the amount of splatter you're gonna get.

>> No.7231534

Right now I just use the glass lid from the pan to cover while theyre cooking. so the glass gets most of the splatter, but when i life the lid to flip, thats when it all comes out.

I usually use OO to line the pan then put the burger (marinated in worchest. and some grillmates) in the pan. I'll bring the heat down next time and see if it helps

Steamed hams?

>> No.7231540

It's anal bany expression?

>> No.7231542

>glass lid from the pan to cover while theyre cooking

Covering the pan traps moisture inside instead of letting the steam escape. Moisture + fat = splatter.

>> No.7231549
File: 134 KB, 317x392, 1450757633043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga that's meatloaf

>> No.7231554

How to make a good burg

>Cook in skillet
>Flip liberally
>Cook until desired level of doneness.

>> No.7231558

not if you form it into the shape of a hamburger and put it on a hamburger bun and call it a hamburger

>> No.7231561

Don't forget frequent poking and squishing with the spatula

>> No.7231566

Not even that.

I cook mine in a skillet, salt and pepper it right before it goes into it. Just flip it every 15-20 seconds. Keeps the juices meandering through the meat and ensures that the insides will get properly cooked without charring the outside.

I was amazed at how simple it was to make a good burger.

>> No.7231567

Nah then it's misshapen meatloaf

>> No.7231570


How do you expect to get a decent crust on the patty if you are flipping it so often?

>> No.7231582

I like rare steak but can't abide an undercooked hamburger.
Here's my method
>shape the patties thin but with a large diameter. They'll retract when they cook, returning to a normal shape. If you shape them normally you'll end up with a chode-burger.
>medium heat on stove, flip rarely. The less you fuck with it the faster and more evenly it cooks
>after 5-10 minutes on each side, poke it with edge of spatula. If the juices run clear it's done.
>optional end step for a seared outside - turn heat way up wait a minute, flip, wait a minute then pull.

>> No.7231585

It just werks.

>> No.7231605
File: 1.98 MB, 360x199, 01d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's word for word how I make my burgers.

>> No.7233293

Newfag here. What's the best kind of pan for frying a hamburger?

>> No.7233322

Frying pan

>> No.7234669

>cutting open burgers while still hot.

>> No.7234671


>> No.7234685


>> No.7234691

I usually pan fry them for a bit to give them a nice outside, then grill them for a bit, then stick then in the oven to finish them off.

>> No.7234699

>this mincing faggot who's never had steak tartare

>> No.7234742

Its not a fucking steak its ground beef, stop serving it pink you god damn mongoloids

>> No.7234744
File: 16 KB, 450x349, Louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ground beef isn't steak
Never change, /ck/.

>> No.7234750
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>> No.7234889
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x1836, 20160101_192209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ok, f@m

>> No.7235034

If the meat was recently ground then yes
After you grind meat, it creates a lot more surface area for bacteria to grow so it can be more dangerous to eat less than well done beef
I still eat my burgers medium regardless though.

>> No.7235048

>not grinding your own meat

>> No.7236104

I wanted a patty, not a spare tire.

>> No.7236147
File: 34 KB, 400x264, -23-primeribgrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what all can you get sick from eating raw ground beef?

>> No.7236502

I don't like burgers rare simply because of the texture and the fact you end up with a soggy bun. Look at every picture of a rare burger and you'll see the bottom bun is fucking soaked.

>> No.7236831

>is it okay if a burger patty is a bit pink in the middle?

Yeah, but not like your OP pic if you're just buying grocery meat.

Basically, the idea is that with steak or other cuts of meat, you have bacteria on the outside. You wash it, good to go.

They don't really wash it before they grind it when it hits the shelves. Ergo, all that shit on the outside is in the inside and you can't effectively clean it. That means the meat must be more well-done.

If you must have your burgers that rare, buy steak, wash it, and use a meat grinder. No e coli, no problem.

>> No.7236838

Prime rib is utterly incomparable because the surface was washed and the internal was sanitary because it wasn't ground up.

You can have a burger like that if you guarantee the cleanliness of the meat by grinding it yourself. If you don't, you can't, and thus you should cook it at least medium.

>> No.7236848

If you cook your burgers well done, you may as well throw them in the trash. If the center is beyond pink its overcooked.

>> No.7236888

You guys are such pussies.

I've eaten hamburgers full blown rare before, never had any problems from it.

You worry way too much about getting sick.

>> No.7237028

this thread is making me really want to pull the trigger on the sous vide circulator. I saw a video a while ago wherein a chef used one to make a burger and its been in the back of my mind for that purpose since then. Also semi-guaranteed perfect steaks intrigues me as well.

>> No.7237052

I got one recently and I have to admit that while prep can be a pain the results are great. Looking at a cooler to streamline the process.

>> No.7237064

A steak

>> No.7237233

Beef sears the same with constant flipping as it does with flipping once. This has already been established plenty of places, you're buying in to an old wive's tail.

>> No.7237325

which one did you get? I've heard the best things about the anova one.

>> No.7237374

>(cracked and mixed in)
Did you really need to specify that..?

>> No.7237382

>well-done meat of any kind

>> No.7238260

It's fine. I take burgers medium rare like my steaks. I have since I was a kid and I've always been fine.

>> No.7238273
File: 126 KB, 210x339, 1439098814152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuck meme on /ck/

>> No.7238278

That's a beef tartare, a french dish, nothing even close to a burger

>> No.7238286

your patties are too thick. flatten them down more, also flatten them down more in the middle so theres less meat to cook through.. also make sure they've been sitting at room temp for a while so the insides aren't so cold .

>> No.7238288
File: 62 KB, 500x640, 6f6ed9e4f58fb325596a9e9dfdacd370[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7238290

>>7231209You stupid amerifats or elitists thinking that meat always has to be cooked well done until the inside is the same fucking color as the outside. Some countries like France have shit-tier quality beef, so the only way to cook a burger, steak, etc. is to cook is rare or medium, otherwise the meat is chewy as fuck. Also, people like cooking burgers like that cause it makes the meat bloody. Seriously what a fucking stupid question, you can't get fucking sick from eating raw beef.

>> No.7238291

Isn't it the exact same thing, just uncooked?

>> No.7238294

I'm an American and you're right. Every recipe for things like flank steak or bottom round recommend cooking it to no more than medium-rare, or else it'll become too chewy.

Everybody wants to feel cultured because they're paying a lot of money just for a chunk of meat without much effort put into preparation. It's all a big scam. IT'S ALL LIES!

>> No.7238295

Not at all, a beef tartare is eating just like on the picture, with raw egg yolk, no burgers or fries.

>> No.7238304

It's prepared differently as well compared to a regular burger patty, not entirely sure how, I'm not french and i've never prepared that dish before. But if you try to cook a beef tartare, it will just break up into little pieces, it's not meant for cooking.