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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 224 KB, 800x533, The-Perfect-Grilled-Cheese-Sandwich-800-158111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7220605 No.7220605 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your grilled cheese?

>With ketchup/sometimes store mayonnaise
>Salty butter only on 1 side

>> No.7220608

I like jam on my grilled cheese

>> No.7220922

With Branston's pickle and a hint of Worcestershire sauce.

>> No.7220962

Heavy buttered with sharp cheddar, black pepper and whatever mustard I have available

Always with some type of tomato soup mostly wegmans stuff though

Fucking delicious

>> No.7220981

My best grilled cheese was using a homemade sourdough, 3 year old Cabot cheddar and some hard apples dusted in cinnamon that were in the fridge. It was amazing and I think about it every week, but I've never recreated it.

>> No.7220985

this man gets it

leftover cranberry sauce with brie grilled cheese: proof that god is real and us to be happy

>> No.7221482

With chopped onions fried in garlic and rosemary.

>> No.7221623

those aren't grilled cheese you fuicvkoing inbred fdaggots hoilly fuick

>> No.7221793

Thinly sliced fennel on a grilled cheese is god-tier desu

>> No.7221800

Medium-thick slice of sharp cheddar, miracle whip on the inside, real butter on the outside, pan fried at a low temp until crispy and golden brown, and served with a bowl of thick homemade creamy tomato basil soup.

>> No.7221810

Heavy white bread, a smear of spicy pimento cheese on one slice, some chili paste or hot sauce on top of that. Light butter on the other slice, then sharp chedder, grated. Smash it in between two hot buttered cast iron pans.

>> No.7221812

slices of cheddar

butter on both sides

>> No.7221818

It's 2016, you can use a refrigerator to store your butter instead of needlessly salting it.

>> No.7221835

It's 2016, you can make your shitty tasting butter better with just a little bit of salt.

>> No.7221906

Gruyere and habanero jack between sourdough slices with butter and shredded sharp cheddar on both sides

>> No.7222021
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>grilled cheese

>> No.7222042

>it's okay to dip your sandwich in tomato puree but don't put tomatoes in it
>it's okay to fill your sandwich with emulsified eggs and fat but no meat

>> No.7222067

With bacon?

>> No.7222167
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with pic related

>> No.7222183

Ham and tomato are literally the two best and classic "fillings" for grilled cheese. Not quite sure about both together but both separate are fantastic so fuck you.

>> No.7222205

What brand of bread is best?

>> No.7222208


>> No.7222210

if it has more than cheese it's not grilled cheese. it's just a sandwich. nobody ever has a cold "cheese sandwich with ham".

i like to use a mixture of american, swiss, and cheddar, and a lot of yellow mustard.

>> No.7222215

>not keeping butter out so you constantly have a supply of soft butter

>> No.7222222

So if I just have a slice of ham between slices of bread it would be a grilled ham?

Also if you're going to be such a douche you should call it a toasted cheese.

>> No.7222224

how many people actually grill their sandwiches?

>> No.7222226 [DELETED] 

Jack was here.

>> No.7222231 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7222233 [DELETED] 


>> No.7222238

>So if I just have a slice of ham between slices of bread it would be a grilled ham?
no, it would just be a sandwich.

>Also if you're going to be such a douche you should call it a toasted cheese.
it was originally called griddled cheese, shortened to grilled.

>> No.7222242

>it's just a sandwich
isn't it a melt if it has more than cheese?

>> No.7222250 [DELETED] 


Checked for truth.

>> No.7222254 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7222278


I only do this if I'm using real/good/very sharp cheese.

>gourmand tier
gruyere on french bread spread with red jam on top

>10-year old experimental chef tier
monty jack with thin spread of mustard inside on sandwich bread

>garbage but I like what I like tier
american cheese on white bread

>> No.7222370

Like this.

>> No.7222679 [DELETED] 
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check & good dubs anon!

>> No.7222684

cheap wheat bread like roman meal or home pride
two slices of kraft american cheese
olive oil on both sides
pan fried in olive oil

>> No.7222685

>it would just be a sandwich.
that's quite the umbrella term you're using there, I hope your learning english keeps going well as you see to be decent at it already. one could consider a grilled cheese a sandwich if they wanted to. In fact I believe they are commonly called "grilled cheese sandwiches"

>> No.7222689


can't tell if memeing.

but if your grilled cheese consists of anything other than cheese, bread, butter (oil is acceptable) then it's no longer a grilled cheese, it's just a hot sandwich tbqhwyf

>> No.7222693

but at what point does it stop being a grilled cheese sandwich and become a melt?

>> No.7222694

Red jam? Just any red colored jam will do?

>> No.7222701

turn oventop to 9

smear miracle whip on the outside of 2 pieces of bread

smear butter on the inside of those pieces of bread

throw a piece of the bread mayo side down onto the skillet

add 2 slices of kraft american cheese

add a couple pieces of ham on top of the american cheese

add 2-3 pickles

add two slices of kraft swiss cheese

put other slice of bread on top the toppings, butter side out

cover 1 minute

flip over

cover 1 minute

remove to plate

I usually cook some chef boy r dee to go with it, usually chili mac or ravioli. Deep fry some tater tots.

10/10 meal

>> No.7222704

>In fact I believe they are commonly called "grilled cheese sandwiches"
no, just "grilled cheese"

>> No.7222731

Yeah, and if your steak is anything other than medium rare you're not eating a steak.

>> No.7222746

160* or into the trash it goes, I don't want worms kthxbie.

>> No.7222760

>being morbidly obese

>> No.7222793

It's 145°

>> No.7222796
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>> No.7222797

>being an anorexic skeleton

>> No.7222802

Odds are both of you are of average weight.

>> No.7222971

That's not the same thing.
a steak is still gonna be a steak no matter how you cook it.

the equivalent would be chopping up the steak and putting it in a tortilla and putting in your taco fillings in it, it's no longer just a steak, it's a damn taco

>> No.7223014

>chopping up a steak and putting it in a taco shell is the same thing as sticking a slice of ham in a grilled cheese
You can't make this shit up. This is why I come here. The autism is so much more sincere than it is on /b/. There, you KNOW they're only faking it.

>> No.7223080

If you look at it in a literal sense maybe, but try looking at it in a metaphorical sense then you'll realize how silly you're being.

>> No.7223165

a grilled che with a tomato slice or two is amazing

>> No.7223219

I love 'illed che with my tom soup

>> No.7223404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7223429

if we're talking exclusively cheese, a combination of Monterey jack, and Gruyère cheese. Very lightly buttered on one side, and fried until golden brown. I usually put salsa on though, as well as a bit of Tabasco.

If we're allowed extra stuff I'm pretty conservative. I just put a bit of ham on.

>> No.7223482

bread, gruyere, pepper and blasted in the microwave (hah!) for 60s.

>> No.7223488

thick white bread
mature cheddar
grate some over the top and in the pan under the 'lled 'ese to form a kind of crust
cayenne pepper on top
ketchup mayo or mango chutney

>> No.7223694

Grilled cheese officially toasted cheese now.

>> No.7223712

Sourdough bread
Olive oil
English mustard
The original and best grilled cheese.

>> No.7223907

You people make me sick. A grilled cheese consists of only these following items. Cheese. Bread with spread (usually butter). This entire thread consist of "melts". Almost every "grilled cheese" sandwich i see on /ck/ has other items added to it. Utter blasphemy. Let me start out by saying I have nothing against melts, I just hate their association with sandwiches that are not grilled cheeses. Adding cheese to your tuna sandwich? It's called a Tuna melt. Totally different. Want to add bacon and some pretentious bread crumbs with spinach? I don't know what the hell you'd call that but it's not a grilled cheese. I would be more than willing to wager I've eaten more grilled cheeses in my 21 years than any of you had in your entire lives. I have one almost everyday and sometimes more than just one sandwich. Want to personalize your grilled cheese? Use a mix of different cheeses or use sourdough or french bread. But if you want to add some pulled pork and take a picture of it, call it a melt because that is not a fucking grilled cheese. I'm not a religious man nor am I anything close to a culinary expert. But as a bland white mid-western male I am honestly the most passionate person when it comes to grilled cheese and mac & cheese. All of you foodies stay the hell away from our grilled cheeses and stop associating your sandwich melts with them. Yet again, it is utter blasphemy and it rocks me to the core of my pale being. Shit, I stopped lurking /ck/ after 3 years just to post this. I've seen post after post of peoples "grilled cheeses" all over this board and it's been driving me insane. The moment i saw this thread this morning I finally snapped. Hell, I may even start my own, REAL grilled cheese thread just because I know this one exists now.

You god damn heretics. Respect the grilled cheese and stop changing it into whatever you like and love it for it what it is. Or make your damn melt sandwich and call it for what it is. A melt.

>> No.7223912 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7223921


>> No.7224238 [DELETED] 


>> No.7224315

A flour tortilla and queso.

>> No.7224325

That's pretty much the original English recipe.

>> No.7224357

Start off with a large can of van camps pork and beans, make sure to remove any pork. Add 1/8th of a chopped onion (just use your slapchop for this). Next, put in two HEAPING Tablespoons of Mayo and mix. Finish it off with two capfulls of white vinegar and put it in the fridge to solidify.

There you have it, the best grilled cheese you'll ever taste.

>> No.7224389

If i really make a grilled cheese i put a little bit of worchestershiresauce, white pepper and some herb salt on.
Usually i make it with ham and ketchup, bacon or tuna though.

>> No.7224473 [DELETED] 
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we did it reddit!