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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 240 KB, 2000x1000, fuck waiters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7221259 No.7221259 [Reply] [Original]

>with family at restaraunt
>order hooch

thanks for saving me the tip, asshole
enjoy your zero dollars, keep your fucking mouth shut next tim

>> No.7221288

1. The person paying the bill decides what to tip, not you.
2. Looking young isn't a bad thing
3. Service staff never expect tips from people your age, because you are poor and it is assumed that you haven't learned any social graces

When you grow up, you'll look back with nostalgia on the times you got carded. I swear to god, youth is wasted on the young.

>> No.7221298

If you were half a man, you would have said that instead off thinking it.

>> No.7221299

I'm full man so I turn the other cheek.

>> No.7221300

Frig off lahey

>> No.7221301


Why do you assume that "with family at restaurant" means that I'm a child? I'm the head of my family kiddo. It is me, my hubby, and our two kids (second one was an accident).

>> No.7221304

>sitting at bar last night
>8 year old walks up says " I will have a whiskey and water"
>my face is in shock to find out she was over 21
>she was literally 4 ft tall and wasn't a midget either
still blows my mind thinking of it

>> No.7221307


waiter detected

>> No.7221308

Pedo's dream gal

>> No.7221310

the fuck is hooch?

>> No.7221311

Which restaurant has hookah?

>> No.7221315

Because you're a child. As demonstrated by the fact that you cannot into birth control, and you use words like "hubby"
Nope. Just went through the whole "being young and getting treated like dirt" thing. They know.

>> No.7221319

You should just go to Wisconsin where minors are legally allowed to consume alcohol so long as a parent is there

>> No.7221320


Unless you're a faggot, calling a woman young is a complement you stupid fucking mongoliod. No wonder you managed to have a child by mistake, I feel sorry for both of them going by the intelligence of one of their parents

>> No.7221321

General, kinda old fashioned term for all alcohol. In Europe, it is or was also a brand of malt beverages like Mike's Hard and Bacardi Ice, but OP probably means the former.

>> No.7221324

low quality bait.

>> No.7221326

I really do not think I have ever heard someone use the term 'hooch'

>> No.7221327

>little girls tryna act tough

>> No.7221328

You're either not american, or you live under a rock.

>> No.7221329

people assume you're a child because you act like one

>implying you're female

>> No.7221337

I've lived in America my entire life. Is it an old person term? Or a southern thing?

>> No.7221339


Between OP's image, and the fact that the waiter comments on his age, how were you not able to deduce that hooch = alcohol?

>> No.7221343

>When you grow up, you'll look back with nostalgia on the times you got carded. I swear to god, youth is wasted on the young.
Or maybe OP isn't a girl. Young females do receive deference, but the only thing a young male gets is reduced respect.

>> No.7221345

Depends on what you mean by "old person". It's slightly arcane slang, not regional. Nobody really uses it in conversation except ironically, but it's in a lot of pop culture, film and television, not to mention books, especially surrounding the prohibition era.

I really think you must be living under a rock.

>> No.7221348

Talk to any middle aged man and ask him if he'd like to look ten years younger, then reconsider your silly opinion.

>> No.7221352

A middle aged man doesn't get carded for being ten years younger. Ask him if he'd like to look sixteen.

>> No.7221353

>tfw dated a girl ~4ft5
>Pretty QT, not bad in the sack, perfect height for a blowjob
>Friends all tell me I look like I'm walking around with a literal child
>Mum asks me at one point if my sister had asked me to babysit since she saw me holding hands with 'my neice'
>One of my other neices who's like ten was actually taller than her

I couldn't handle it /ck/

>> No.7221361

Did you break her little heart?

>> No.7221362

I have never, ever heard anyone use the word "hooch."

>> No.7221366

>tfw no loli gf

>> No.7221368

I tried to break up with her in a crowded public area and she made a huge scene. Which to be honest made it worse with the whole "people think she's a kid" problem. To those close enough I looked like an asshole breaking up with a tiny girl, to others I looked like someone who couldn't control their kid.

Also she was too small to contain my dong, which I secretly found hilarious. I've dated other short-ish girls and hadn't had that happen before, but I couldn't laugh about it right then and there to her face, that'd be pretty harsh.

Also I cooked her some nice meals while we dated, so thanks /ck/ :^)

>> No.7221370

These days the official policy, at least in the US, is usually to card anyone who "looks under 40", so yeah, a middle aged man would get carded for looking 10 years younger.

>> No.7221373

Fucking foreigners

>> No.7221379


I'm American you dumb shit.

>> No.7221392

Hooch is not a common word in america

I feel like maybe I have heard reference to the word in old western movies when they were trying to sound antiquated or something, but I have never heard someone use it conversationally

>> No.7221396

>the official policy, at least in the US, is usually to card anyone who "looks under 40"
I'm 26 look young for my age and am rarely carded

>> No.7221398


clearly you are a lil kid.

cos no oldfag would get upset over getting mistaken to be a youngfag by some cocksucking tip-whoring waitershit.

>> No.7221404

Nobody use phrases like "pistols at dawn" or "beam me up" or "may the force be with you" in everyday conversation either, but if you don't have an intuitive sense of what these mean through exposure to popular media, you're probably a Cylon spy.

>> No.7221405


People sometimes mistake me for a high schooler and I'm still never carded at restaurants, barely carded at liquor stores.

>> No.7221407

Thank you for that treasure trove of data, anon.

>> No.7221411

It's not because of your face. Some areas are more aggressive about enforcing laws than others. A liquor license is worth a lot of revenue for a restaurant.

>> No.7221412

I have no fucking clue what "pistols at dawn" means

I have a very vague sense of what the term hooch means, but its such an obscure term. I have never seen it used in anything like the context OP used it in. "Beam me up" and "may the force be with you" are really fucking prevalent catch phrases and nothing at all like the term 'hooch' which is not a catch phrase and is just an antiquated word that modern speakers do not use in america

>> No.7221417

>I have no fucking clue what "pistols at dawn" means

its a homo thing

dont worry about it

>> No.7221422

Where are you that most people aged 25-40 get carded? Maybe its just because I am from the upper midwest where people just don't care that much, but people looking older than 25 mostly just get carded in situations where they are waiting in line to get in a bar or something

Although there is one super market chain that cards everyone as they are afraid of pissing women off by not carding them and implying they look old, its such a fucking embarrassing policy

>> No.7221423
File: 148 KB, 1000x652, Dashiell-Hammett-Book-Covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooch is extremely common in hardboiled/noir fiction. Go google what noir fiction is because I imagine you're now going to say you've never heard of it and it's therefore obscure. They are extremely influential on modern popular culture even if you don't know them by name.

Again: you live under a rock. Just accept it.

>> No.7221431

>they are afraid of pissing women off by not carding them

ty feminism

>> No.7221432

I don't doubt it is common in some limited number of niche uses, but most people are not exposed to the term

If you use it in the context OP did you are going to confuse people and get strange looks from the few people who know what you are talking about

>> No.7221435
File: 24 KB, 388x392, 1451242929148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you break her heart just because she's short

I hate you

>> No.7221442

Thats no different using some obscure technical jargon and getting mad when people do not understand

>> No.7221449

>Hooch is a colloquial term for alcoholic beverages

you lose, libhipster that thinks words mean only what your narrow, shallow and superficial social "niche" thinks it does.

>> No.7221451

>He reads shitty noir books


>> No.7221453

I live in NY but I travel a lot. I agree with your observation about the midwest (not just upper midwest), although Chicago is an exception.

Chicago, NYC, Atlanta, and the SF bay area are the most aggressive about asking for ID. In mid-sized cities, it's a crapshoot.

>> No.7221455

"hooch" is not obscure technical jargon.

its just you and your small circle of idiots don't know much about anything.

you are not cultured.

>> No.7221458

Except everyone who partakes of popular culture has been exposed to the memes and tropes from noir fiction.
>he has never read a shitty noir book
I feel sorry for you

>> No.7221462

only if you are a manchild.

>> No.7221464

No U

>> No.7221471

>Except everyone who partakes of popular culture has been exposed to the memes and tropes from noir fiction.

hey baby wanna go swingin

*drinks cocktail*


>> No.7221474

im a man.

i only get carded by hot chicks that want an excuse to check my details before hopping on my dick for a ride.

>> No.7221477

Literally no one said the term hooch doesn't exist or doesn't mean that. Just that its an extremely obscure term in 2016, and its fucking weird to use it as OP did

Your usage of the term would not have elicited any response if it wasn't a fucking weird or confusing thing to do

>> No.7221478

How do you accidentally adopt a second kid?

>> No.7221483

No one says the term hooch

Must be a southern thing

>> No.7221488

>most people are not exposed to the term
I hope this isn't true. It would mean "most" people are severely limited in their cultural exposure. I'm Australian, have a fairly limited exposure to other cultures, and have still encountered the word many times through various media since I was a child.

>> No.7221490

You live under a rock, deal with it.

>> No.7221492

>Except everyone who partakes of popular culture has been exposed to the memes and tropes from noir fiction.
To some extent, but not nearly to the extent that they would think using the term hooch would be appropriate
Are you just really old or something?

>> No.7221493

you don't really know much of anything, do you.

i mean really, on a scale of 1-10, you are a fucking moron, right? be honest. even your own mother realizes you shit your brain out as a child.

>> No.7221499

>Just that its an extremely obscure term in 2016

its not.

except in your narrow, shallow circle of hipster faggots that think they are worldly, but actually just pretentious little virgins riding on whatever tumblr trend happens to be "cool" for that week.

>> No.7221500

Little perks of growing up in a small town: never once got carded for buying booze. I could walk into a liquor store when I was 13, grab whatever I wanted, and no one would blink 'cause they knew my parents. Good times.

>> No.7221502

>You live under a rock
because I don't read shitty, old, niche literature? I don't have the time to read enough of every antiquated literature genre to become familiar with its jargon, and most other people do not either

If thats your thing, thats fine, but don't get upset when people get confused by your odd use of language

>> No.7221506

People on 4chan are prone to assuming their personal experience represents "the average person" even though the average person on 4chan is a 22 year old shut-in.
Op also said "o u" which isn't even English, yet you had no trouble understanding that.

Maybe it's time to accept that you are culturally illiterate.

>> No.7221507

When I was in my early twenties, I was dating a nineteen y/o girl who was 5'2 and 90lbs. I never used to understand why I got so many dirty looks while with her in public until one day I went shopping with her and we spend the whole time in the "juniors" section.

She's still the same size, ten years later.

>> No.7221508
File: 64 KB, 720x404, Insecurity078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7221509

>no one would blink 'cause they knew my parents
are your parents like really dangerous people or something?

>> No.7221512

>except in your narrow, shallow circle of hipster
By what stretch of the english language does the word 'hipster' apply to people not using quirky vocabulary from an old niche literature genre

I feel like if anything using the term hooch would be considered pretty fucking hipster

>> No.7221515

> but don't get upset when people get confused by your odd use of language

>from a hipsterfaggot that probably goes around actually pronouncing LOL and YOLO aloud.

>> No.7221517

>I don't have time to read every antiquated literature genre
>I'm too busy memorizing memes
You don't even have to read the original hardboiled or noir authors, you're exposed to them through homages and parodies constantly. You're amazingly ignorant.

>> No.7221521

>Op also said "o u" which isn't even English, yet you had no trouble understanding that.
Well to be fair, the OPs entire post was pretty confusing both because of the terminology used, and because it doesn't make sense to get upset over that

If OP's story was about a normal reaction someone would have to buying alcohol then people would be able to tell from the context that hooch meant booze, but the whole story makes no sense if hooch means booze. Why would anyone react like that?

>> No.7221522

>not using quirky vocabulary from an old niche literature genre

its not coined by the niche literature genre.

that you would think it is, alone justifies to show what an uneducated, ignorant and superficial moron you are.

>> No.7221529

>People on 4chan are prone to assuming their personal experience represents "the average person"
Says the guy who thinks the average person is reading noir literature published generations ago

>> No.7221534

Seriously though. Please explain how you are connecting any of this to hipsterdom. It sounds like you just picked a random word that you have a vaguely negative sentiment toward

>> No.7221537
File: 47 KB, 512x410, pulp gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average person would recognize tropes from noir fiction even if he doesn't understand where they came from. Even your favorite meme is directly lifted from the genre. Did you think 4chan invented fedoras?

>> No.7221538

you didn't even know what the term meant, or what period it originates from.

you still think its something invented in books.

just admit you are a fucking uneducated, uncultured moron and be done with it.

move along. its ok. nobody expects you to be more than the shit you are, so stop trying to pretend to be.

>> No.7221539

>its not coined by the niche literature genre.
Surely it isn't, but niche, old, pop culture stuff is the only place a modern man would be exposed to it. Hence the confusion with your OP

>> No.7221540

Where the fuck did i say i was female?

>> No.7221542


>> No.7221543

>Please explain how you are connecting any of this to hipsterdom
You are concerned with superficial elements of language, such as whether "hooch" is modern enough a term, or now, again, (you fucking faggot) what is defined as a hipster.

>> No.7221544

>The average person would recognize tropes from noir fiction
Sure, but there is quite a gap between recognizing some general tropes from noir literature and being familiar with some obscure vocabulary from it.

You can fully undrstad quite a lot about tropes from the genre that have trickled through pop culture without being exposed to the word hooch. Its not like the term is somehow integral to the understanding of the genre or its tropes, its just an old word that occasionally appears alongside it

>> No.7221547

>niche, old, pop culture

its firmly vested in an entire period of history that any educated and well-read person is familiar with.

a little uneducated millenial hipstershit like you with your YOLO and SWAG doesn't know a fucking thing about any of that.

>> No.7221549

You misunderstand. People can be familiar with noir and not be familiar with the term hooch. They are just tenuously connected

>> No.7221550

You have to be somekind of cocksucker.

Any normal straight male would just have accepted they where wrong already and moved on.

But you can't, can you.
You are just too much of a bitch.

>> No.7221559

It's not obscure. You're just ignorant.

>> No.7221562

Noir was the Capeshit of its time, excuse me for not "being educated' because I didn't read the old equivalent to the Fantastic Four movie

>> No.7221564

Word Origin and History for hooch

also hootch, "cheap whiskey," 1897, shortened form of Hoochinoo (1877) "liquor made by Alaskan Indians," from the name of a native tribe in Alaska whose distilled liquor was a favorite with miners in 1898 Klondike gold rush; the tribe's name is said by OED to be from Tlingit Hutsnuwu, literally "grizzly bear fort."

As the supply of whisky was very limited, and the throats down which it was poured were innumerable, it was found necessary to create some sort of a supply to meet the demand. This concoction was known as "hooch"; and disgusting as it is, it is doubtful if it is much more poisonous than the whisky itself. [M.H.E. Hayne, "The Pioneers of the Klondyke," London, 1897]

>> No.7221573

Fucking hipster faggot like you is still fixating on the genre, as if that is where the term originated from or is its only transmitting connection in modern colloquial parlance, or as a word that has earned its place in the vocabulary of every civilized, culture and educated person (whether they choose to use it or not).

Its really quite pathetic how you just can't admit being wrong. You don't have the requisite humility and dignity for it. You just don't know how. Bitch till the end.

>> No.7221574

Exactly, its an obscure antiquated term, that even people who really really like reading old noir novels would probably not use

>> No.7221579


Maybe the most boring argument I've seen on here. Literally who cares you're both stupid and have no lives

I'm leaving

>> No.7221580

Nothing wrong with the term or its usage.

Something wrong with you if you are somekind of queer that raises his eyebrows and gets their cavernous butthole in a twist if someone uses a word that doesn't fit their "YOLOSWAG2" millenial vocabulary.

>> No.7221581

Cool, see you in the next cast iron pan thread.

>> No.7221585

Thats not even what the word hipster means

>ou is still fixating on the genre, as if that is where the term originated from or is its only transmitting connection in modern colloquial parlance
Your original argument is that everyone would be familiar with and use the term hooch directly because how well known and influential noir literature is

So it seems you are completely changing what you are saying now

But I admit, the main reason I did not understand what OP was trying to say was because I first assumed it meant booze, but booze made no fucking sense in that context so it was confusing

>> No.7221597

>Nothing wrong with the term or its usage.
There is definitely something wrong with its usage here. Lets recap

>can I get you something to drink
>I'll have some hooch milady [Tips fedora]
>um... how old are you?
>How dare you! No tip for you! Get out of my sight immediately!

If you do not think that is a fucking odd way to speak/act, I don't know what else to say to you

>> No.7221598

it makes sense in the context, because the waiter was expressing dismay at a what they thought was a child ordering hooch (alcohol).

again, how fucking moronic and hipsterfied are you that you are so incapable of introspection and also, ironically, of seeing the world from a perspective other than staring at your own petty narrow experiences.

there was nothing confusing about what op described.

the cause of your confusion is your own narrow, shallow and superficial perspective on the world around you.

it never occured to you that YOU might be wrong. you dont have the dignity or integrity for that.

>> No.7221601

you autistic dysfuncational mongrel

>> No.7221603

>cavernous butthole in a twist
Seems like you probably wouldn't have both of these situations simultaneously

Also, you realize millennials means people born between 1980-2000, right? So almost everyone here. It would be pretty fucking weird to see a millennial talk like an old timey prospector

>> No.7221608

you are somekind of cocksucker, aren't you

>> No.7221609

That isn't even what the word hipster means, why do you have so much trouble with the english language? Please become educated for your own good

>> No.7221613

does the word "hooch" trigger you or something?

fucking hipster faggot.

>> No.7221618

>does the word "hooch" trigger you or something?
Dude, people got confused by your illogical and oddly worded OP, then you go on a rant of how all educated straight men read noir novels all the time, but then went on to say it has nothing to do with noir and you should just talk like that because its totally a thing that non-hipsters like me do. Even though you are clearly the one being a hipster with your quirky word usage

You just couldn't handle that your story confused people with its ridiculous wording I guess

>> No.7221627

im not OP

pretentious presumptive narrow shallow hipster faggot.

>> No.7221631

it didn't confuse anyone, except you.

OP ordered hooch, waiter thought he was underage and failed, OP did not tip because of waiters reaction.

what part of that is unclear to you.

>> No.7221642

Who gets mad about being carded? Thats not even a thing people do. Especially if you use weird hipstery terminology like hooch, of course they are gonna assume you are not someone used to drinking

>> No.7221645

op mad cuz he wanted to use the word hooch and the waiter called him out on being a 21 year faggot trying to look cool in front of his family

he asked for a chaser to help him wash down his liquor.

just drink beer faggot

>> No.7221663

I either day hooch or booze when buying cheap alcohol to catch a buzz.

If I buy something quality I'll use the correct term or refer to it by name.

>> No.7221680

>trying to look cool
so you think hooch is a cool term?


>> No.7221682

I feel like 'booze' is many orders of magnitude more commonly used

>> No.7221685

>I feel


>> No.7221688

see how many references each has on twitter or some shit

>> No.7221691

>there are people who think hooch is an obscure cool hipster word
Why the fuck am I still wasting my life here

>> No.7221695

No, the argument was that not using the word hooch was hipster

I still haven't figured out why though

>> No.7221704

should have manned up and said "what's your fucking problem?"
fuck what's expected of you, fight back!
if you've got the fucking balls to post your wimpy shit on a fucking image board, you have the balls to tell the cunts giving you the dirty looks exactly what you think.
stop being a fucking candy-ass, and grow some bollocks.

>> No.7221707
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>ordering moonshine at a restaurant

lmao who let this fucking hillbilly into the city

>> No.7221708

According to google trends, hootch skews southern, not very common up here

>> No.7221711

>According to google trends
>google trends

go suck a dick somewhere.

>> No.7221712

This made me laugh. Thanks man.

>> No.7221755

>It would be pretty fucking weird to see a millennial talk like an old timey prospector

top kek

>> No.7221767

Bruh, Bogart's been dead and Sinatra ain't coming back either. Time to pop in that copy of Fallout 4 and down some hooch.

>> No.7221848


>Sit at sports bar
>Cute as cute can be bartender
>Order beer
>Sit quietly and drink
>Order food
>Order more beer
>Get insanely hot wings
>Get free coke and ice without asking
>Nod thanks
>Assholes keep asking her out and making dumbass comments
>Give big tip for good service
>Come back week later
>She remembers me instantly
>Right away she tells the other girl with her about me
>Get best service ever
>Feels good.jpg

>> No.7221891

Did you ask her out? She seems to like you.

>> No.7221897

Fuck I love eating out alone, amazing service every time.

>> No.7221937

>youth is wasted on the young
If you come back and see this, keep trying buddy.

>> No.7221944

>shit that never happened

>> No.7221948


So when you get old, you then move onto 4chan and ramble on about useless shit?

>> No.7221951
File: 23 KB, 306x306, 1231231233332321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all happy you just turned 21, but even grown ups get asked for ID.

>> No.7221964

>second child was an accident
so unless you accidentally adopted a child

>> No.7221966

>Service staff never expect tips from people your age,
The fuck have I been tipping for all these years then? I only do it because I thought it was expected of me

>> No.7221970

what the fuck is hooch

>> No.7221978

Its an archaic rural southerner term for booze I guess

>> No.7221979

He is indeed ignorant of the meaning of the word, mainly because it's reasonably obscure.

>> No.7222051

It's leftover slang from the prohibition era for bootleg, or poor quality alcohol. It's just evolved into a general slang term for any type of alcohol.

>> No.7222082

So... she played you into paying a large amount extra? Great job man, nice story.

>> No.7222098

A French Mastiff dog that starred in some mediocre 90s film about a cop who has to solve a case otherwise his new canine friend gets put to sleep.

>> No.7222101

The only place I've heard "hooch" used regularly is in the Midwest.

>> No.7222132

I've literally lived in the midwest my entire life and never heard it used.

>> No.7222163
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I generally say booze, (which I feel is a pretty common and widespread term for alcohol) and it bugs the shit out of me when people look at me oddly when I say it.
I'm thinking bitch, please. I didn't say haberdashery, I said fucking BOOZE.

>> No.7222177

She could probably have taken you anally, though.

>> No.7222184

She did. It took a long fuckin' time to get in, even with buttloads (lol) of lube. I've never quite felt the sensation of "My dick is trapped and I will be stuck in this ass forever" since that time.

>> No.7222195


Ask out a bar waitress? I'd rather pay for a hooker it would cost less.


Absolutely love it. Can eat what I want, as much as I want. Ever since watching seinfeld as a kid and watching Jerry eating alone I've done that. Table or bar.


You should get out more. Restaurants are like my hobby.


Yes I pay for good service. Nothing beats sitting at a bar and having an ice cold beer in front of you before you even take your coat off.

>> No.7222234


>> No.7222276

Underrated post; subtle masterpiece.

>> No.7222284
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>When you grow up, you'll look back with nostalgia on the times you got carded

I look old and have never been carded in my life.

>> No.7222460

Omg breaking up with the little girl in public is hilarious like what if she was like yelling "you were a lot nicer on the Internet childlover69" at you

>> No.7222503

You're probably lucky unless you're like 5'6. I look old for my age and I'll probably be ugly as sin when I'm old. Always tip your waitstaff tho

>> No.7222518

it's not that we get carded it's that people always have a smart ass remark. "wow hurr you look to young to buy that"

one time I told the paki faggot to assimilate to our culture and that it's rude to say stuff like that or go back to his country and he got mad as fuck and another employee had to calm him down.

>> No.7222522

>Hooch is extremely common in hardboiled/noir fiction.

Which probably less than 1% of the US population reads. It is pretty damn obscure if no one's reading it.

>> No.7222527

What a trivial thing to get upset at. Who fucking cares? Thats their job

>> No.7222534

I bet he was some sad sac that went home and posted about it in a chinese cartoon forum too lol

>> No.7222546

Their job is to comment on people's appearance? They wouldn't say wow you got fat since this photo ID was taken but because we look young they feel they can be condescending.

>> No.7222556

>Their job is to comment on people's appearance
Their job is to be friendly and make small talk, while also judging whether you look old enough so they can get away with not carding you

Also, being fat is considered a bad thing, being young is not, so thats a silly comparison

You are putting way too much thought into it, its literally just idle smalltalk

>> No.7222562

they say shit like this after they card

>> No.7222565

Zum Eichenkranz (Italian Cafe, German Food at Christmas time)

>> No.7222577

>they say shit like this after they card
Its fucking smalltalk, the tipping system encourages waiters to talk to the customers because people perceived as friendly get better tips

I have never even heard of someone getting upset over someone saying they look kind of young before

>> No.7222581

you're an idiot aspie probably say inappropriate stuff all the time

>> No.7222583

You are a god damned crazy person to even get upset over some kid trying to make smalltalk to you

>> No.7222590
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I'm not OP

I know you're a sheltered faggot that doesn't know cultural norms but that's really not an excuse to be rude and impolite.

>> No.7222599

talk about first world white people problems

>> No.7222602

talk about feelings of insecurity

it's ok, maybe your race will do something worthwhile eventually

>> No.7222605

>talk about feelings of insecurity
what does that have to do with anything?
>maybe your race will do something worthwhile eventually
Lost me again. I don't even know what you are trying to say with this entire post

>> No.7222612

You and OPs life are literally that comic where someone makes a joke passing by and the guy goes home to rage post on 4chan. The real world is not your safe space people make jokes deal with it lol

>> No.7222615

"you look young"

so hilarious so funny

>> No.7222619

>kind of cold outside today eh?
>fuck you waiter, its not that cold, how dare you suggest anything about my kinetic preferences

>> No.7222736

this was a hilarious thread to read

op is a huge faggot

>> No.7222749

Seriously though, when was the last time anyone has used the term 'hooch'?

>> No.7222783

me, today, when i sang along to "hooch" by everything in the shower.


>> No.7222803

no and no

>> No.7222818

Its definitely an old person this, a really old person thing, it hasn't been part of the common american lexicon in like 75 years

>> No.7222821

If I were carded because they thought I looked young, I would be annoyed and probably tell him hes being stupid. I never understood the "aw you think I look THAT young?!?! :^)" response. No, I dont look like a teenager. Now let me get my beer and get on with my miserable, lonely, over 30 life.

>> No.7222823

Get a load of this faggot

>> No.7222832

>No, I dont look like a teenager
Surely their bosses instruct servers to card people that look under 25 or 30. They aren't saying you are a fucking teenager

>> No.7222839

>Service staff never expect tips from people your age, because you are poor and it is assumed that you haven't learned any social graces
So I've been tipping for nothing this whole time?

>> No.7222853

>calling a woman young is a complement
Calling someone a little kid is never a compliment.

>> No.7222860

Judging by the way OP described it, she probably just asked to see an ID

>> No.7222865

I've seen it on TV and movies, especially on any prison related programs. Just because you haven't heard it doesn't mean anyone else hasn't, so quit acting retarded

>> No.7222869

I have heard it in movies, but I have never heard someone use it in person, especially not in the context of ordering a drink at dinner

>> No.7222883

Doesn't come off as simply asking for ID. If I had to guess, she was likely asked for ID and told she looked like a kid after it was provided. The server likely didn't think much of it.

>> No.7222888

Not that guy, but I always thought "hooch" referred to some specific kind of old-fashioned alcohol since I've only ever heard the word in older movies. I've lived my 25 years in America, and I've never once heard someone call alcohol "hooch" in real life

At first I thought OP's post was implying the waiter thought he was childish for ordering that specific type of alcohol, which made no sense

>> No.7222893

Comes off as straight hyperbole on the OP's part

If they actually said it just like that it would be mildly inappropriate. Hardly noteworthy enough to get mad about and create a thread, but inappropriate I guess

>> No.7223133


>> No.7223134

>this retarded autist is still going on about his ignorance to the term "hooch"

/ck/ is truly a cultured place

>> No.7223247
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>head of my family

>> No.7223279

...i'm a fag idiot

>> No.7223290

>second kid was an accident

>> No.7223651

>Always tip your waitstaff tho

wtf, no. Waiters hardly fucking do anything. Tip the chefs.

>> No.7223653

>Their job is to be friendly and make small talk
>and make small talk


>> No.7223655


Fuck off, googly-eyes.

>> No.7223669
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op ordered a dry martini at denny's

>> No.7224053

U fuckd up

>> No.7225003

>you'll look back with nostalgia on the times you got carded. I swear to god, youth is wasted on the young.
yeah, lol, it was great having no social status or money of my own and being dependent on others for everything.
youth is shit. being an adult is far better.

>> No.7225162


>> No.7225188
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>social status

>> No.7225199


>> No.7226093


>> No.7226127
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Wow that was pretty subtle...

>> No.7226130


Next time someone says that say that you have good genetics and when you reach the miserable age of 40 you'll look like you're in your late 20s.

Meanwhile they'll be bald and fat giving up all hope.

>> No.7226152

do you have facial hair and/or an expensive watch? I find that I generally get carded if I shave or if I have no watch.

>> No.7226160

No wonder women (like you) are always awful to serve. You can't take bantz.
>Meanwhile in man land
>Looked 12 forever
>Always get jokes made about how young I look
>"Blah blah blah didn't know 12 year olds could drink"
>Crack jokes back
>We both laugh
>I tip my waiter appropriately since I've worked in the business
Grow up. You have two kids for fuck sake.

>> No.7226168
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Watchless confirmed for manchildren

>> No.7226173

This person is completely correct.

>> No.7226175
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sup /g/

>> No.7226195


It isn't a worthwhile convention in my opinion. I don't see the humour in being purposefully rude.

And being told the same joke repeatedly is even less funny, and would just get annoying.

>> No.7226207

>being told the same joke repeatedly is even less funny, and would just get annoying
How are you still on 4chan after an hour?

>> No.7226213

If the midrange affordable watches are $500 I want to see the expensive ones.

>> No.7226229

They essentially look the same, you're just looking at paying $5-50k

>> No.7226238

Shave your head and grow a beard if you want to look more like a man.

>> No.7226265

how the fuck do you pay $50,000 for a watch? how is that a thing?

>> No.7226269

Are you 12 and what is this?

>> No.7226284

No. Seriously, how earth-shatteringly vain would you have to be to spend $50,000 on a watch? Is there really nothing better it could be spent on? Giving $50,000 to charity and wearing a little badge saying "I gave $50,000 to charity" would be a better status symbol and you'd still look like less of a twat.

>> No.7226305

So you're twelve then

>> No.7226312

I swear to god, money is wasted on the rich.

>> No.7226313
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Vanity of vanities. Everything is vanity.

>> No.7226314

>Shave your head and grow a beard if you want to look more like a bearded baby

>> No.7226323
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>> No.7226330

Well better than just a baby. I meant buzz btw.

>> No.7226348

Buzz cut is best cut.

>> No.7226996

giant mane with accompanying giant beard is best hair

>> No.7227128

>being male and looking young not being bad


>> No.7227132

ello dis is bimjeam for da liqour stories?? ladies and metalmane

>> No.7227138

Second kid is an accident because the fagman accidentally impregnated his tumblrina bulldyke-in-the-making adopted daughter.

>> No.7227173

My wife is like that. She's a tiny little box of rage and hate. She's had guns pulled on her from her mouthing off to everyone.

>Take her out to eat since she was discharged from the hospital
>go to Perkins
>Happens to be a bad night
>Black guys all over the place being rowdy as hell
>One of them stumbles near her wheelchair
>"Back off you you porch monkey"
>Perkins goes quiet
>Wife is glaring at the guy
>"Excuse me? You shouldn't say things like that little girl, when you're older and say those things, it hurts peoples feelings and you could get hurt by them."
>"Shut your mouth you fucking pig monkey, get out of my face and get away from me, I don't wanna catch aids from you disgusting piece of shit"
>Guy in a booth a few feet away goes "OOHHHHH SHEEEEIIIIIT NIGAA DAT GURL FO REAL"
>The guy is in shock
>The wait staff is in shock
>"The fuck are you looking at? Go sit down before I call your owner to come whip you."
>Nigs in the back start hooting and hollering
>Decide it high time to get teh fuck out of there
>Pull her wheelchair back an turn her around and apologize ot everyone
>Wife puts the brakes on and starts calling me a faggot and saying she's not done
>Attempt to calm her down
>Black guy she destroyed walks up to her and points his gun at her
>"I think you need to learn some manners, little bitch"
>"Go ahead and shoot you fucking monkey, im white, a girl, and in a wheelchair, you shoot, you wont see tomorrow."
>Tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife
>Cops show up
>Guy gets arrested
>Cop tries ot berate my wife
>She calls him a stupid pig for intervening and says she couldve handled it herself and only didnt because "I don't want to go to jail for killing an escaped zoo animal"
>Can never go to perkins again
>Wife sitll cocky smartass
>Guy in jail

Could've been worse though, if she had her gun on her there would'v'e 100% been a shooting that night.

>> No.7228832


>Wife puts the brakes on and starts calling me a faggot and saying she's not done


>> No.7228946
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Go fuck your self idiot hooch is a cheap alcaholic drink made at home
The tearm was used alot during prohibition when people made there own cheap alcaholic drink like wine
They are simple drinks that mostly have
A lquid water,grape juice,apple juice
Suger or starch
They would come out like storng beers or weak wines
Most people in that time would use them to distill to get a higher content like corn mash used to make whiskey
But if you drank it in your own it was mostly called hooch

>> No.7228948

I really want to believe this happened.

>> No.7228951

I think its nust some 14yo edgey teen that dont know shit

>> No.7230665
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>this thread

>> No.7230678


That's also true, to an extent, in Texas.

The parent or guardian can serve alcohol to a minor and must be present the entire time it is being consumed.

But if they let the minor get drunk, there could be criminal charges.

>> No.7230681


I've mainly seen it in movies and tv shows.

>> No.7230692

I have an erection now for some reason.

>> No.7231190

>Asian wife grown up white
Yeah, I can see this happening.