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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7215808 No.7215808 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best foods to sneak into the cinema? Anyone try to smuggle in an entire meal? Has anyone successfully cooked or heated a food item inside the cinema?

>> No.7215822

Military MREs will cook if you just add water. But you should do it in a well ventilated area.

>> No.7215848

.... you can do that shit in a closet as long as it's only one. You'll be fine.

>> No.7215854

I cooked a curry once for my flat before we were going to the cinema. There were leftovers but not quite enough to justify putting it in the fridge so I did the logical thing and put it in a ziploc bag, folded up a couple of chappatis in some tinfoil and we ate it during the film.

Granted, this was a student cinema in the UK that was just one our lecture halls fitted with a projector. Not sure if it would be possible to hide a bag of curry in the shower inspections. Maybe you could train your falcon to fly it in through the projection room.

>> No.7215855
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Crab legs. Though some people get annoyed because of all the loud cracking. Some theaters even provide butter, but you have to bring your own dish/container. I bring a zip lock bag

>> No.7215864

/tv/ pls go

>> No.7215868

Buy one of those green army jackets and pack anything you could possibly want. Those things have a ridiculous amount of pockets.

The only downside is looking like you're gonna shoot-up the place.

>> No.7215874

What the FUCK is that picture?

>> No.7215877

They give you movie popcorn butter which is the best butter on earth. Why else do you think eating crab legs and lobster at the theatre became a big trend?

>> No.7215936

Oh No!
It's the dreaded anthropomorphic giraffealope!

>> No.7215941
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>Anyone try to smuggle in an entire meal?
>Has anyone successfully cooked or heated a food item inside the cinema?

Was instantly reminded of Pic Related

>> No.7215988

Was about to say that

>> No.7216123
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>> No.7216146

If your answer isn't a flask and cut pills, then I don't know what the fuck you are doing.

>> No.7216179
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>Go to the cinema to watch Godzilla
>Bryan Cranston is in it
>Thought it would be fitting to smuggle in some of my Lois' peanut butter cups
>Basically they are Reeces peanut butter cups but flattened down, it represents how Lois from Malcolm in the Middle was an oppressive mother who flattened her son Reece
>I usually wrap them in foil with the faces of the MITM cast stuck on as decoration
>hide them in my blazer pocket as I enter the cinema
>decide to grab some nacho cheese chips while I am there
>put the cheese chips against my chest as I walk into the cinema
>get in and sit down just as the movie starts
>start eating the nachos
>feel like eating something sweet
>reach into my pocket for some Lois' peanut butter cups
>they feel really soft
>realise the cheese heat melted them
>try to pull them from my pocket
>chocolate dripping through the foil and over my hands
>panic because I don't want to ruin my clothes
>take every one of the Lois' cups out of my pocket, throw them on the floor
>some guy sitting behind me bends over
>'what the fuck? Is that Heisenberg?'
>notice him picking up one of the cups with Hals face on
>I try to ignore it
>rest of the movie I can hear him and his friends picking up the different MITM characters and laughing
>got home and my shirt was covered in chocolate

Never doing that again. Now I just eat before I leave and when I get home. Its only 2-3 hours.

>> No.7216191

In my country you're allowed to bring food into the cinema provided it isn't an item the concession stand sells. Ive taken kfc and all sorts of things to eat while watching movies.

>> No.7216199

Better question, what's a food item you can bring in the theatre, which the staff will not object to you having?

I say pineapple

>> No.7216205
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Take in some uncut sushi rolls. They can fit in many concealable compartments and you can eat them like churros. You can also sneak in a tube of wasabi and a sack of ginger to go with the meal. Enjoy.

>> No.7216225

It wasn't a movie theater but once my brothers and I snuck in 4 foot long subway subs and chips plus a 2 liter of coca cola into an Ohio state basketball game. I'll never forgot the look on the workers face when he found all of the trash in the stands.

>> No.7216238
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>> worked in movie theater when 16 years old. Youn would be amazed at what people sneak in to eat. Some nights I would tear tickets then clean up the theaters after the show. 1/5 of liquor bottles, beer bottles, full size pizza boxes, Kfc buckets, you name it. Have no idea how they snuck that in, I was watching for food coming in the door.

>> the only parts of the job I enjoyed were running the projectors and changing the sign 50 feet above the highway with my crazy friend who would jump up and down and make the whole platform sway back and forth.

>> No.7216243
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>> No.7216249

Only because they don't believe you're going to cut and eat the fucking thing.

>> No.7216258
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>> No.7216262
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>> No.7216264
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>> No.7216265

>Weekly World News Nov 29, 2004

>A California man is spending the rest of his life in prison -- because
he got caught trying to sneak popcorn into a movie theater! Chester
Wilkins, 57, is being sent 'up the river' as part of California's
strict 'Three Strikes' law.

>Under that law, anyone who has previously been convicted of two
felonies and commits a third crime -- no matter how minor -- receives
life imprisonment.

>> No.7216270

I just do chips and a can of soda.

The people dont like it because of the soda fizzing when opened and the loudness of the chips but wgaf

>> No.7216308

I snuck a thirty rack and a whole blueberry pie into Jurassic World. Best part was timing the can cracks with the dino roars.

>> No.7216319

We regularly sneak burgers and fries in to eat during films. Doesn't really work when they auditorium is really full, though - fat soccer moms like to tattle.

>> No.7216328

But its not a trend. Zero people do it. Not even the guy who said to do it does it.

>> No.7216341
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you and me both breh

>> No.7216607

This is why I don't go to the movies anymore.
Poor faggots with zero consideration for others who are trying to watch the movie.
Cracking crab legs, fucking around on your phone, and talking nonstop like junior high bitches.
Don't reproduce.

>> No.7216678
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Back when I was a good for nothing teenager my friends and I went to KFC, ate our meal, and then got a chocolate cake (yes, from KFC) for dessert. We didn't have time to eat the cake before the movie started so my friend hid the cake under his shirt and brought it into the theater where we watched Rambo (2008).

I will never forget sitting there with my friends, passing around a chocolate cake, and eating it with my hands while Rambo was on screen tearing peoples throats out. We were laughing the whole time at the absurdity of it.

>> No.7216721

The movie theater I used to go to is next to a wal-mart so we'd all go there and buy the movie theater boxes of candy and hide them in our clothes. My preference was the cookie dough stuff.

If I didn't feel like buying candy I'd bring a bag of trail mix, and my mom used to make a batch of popcorn and bag that for the kids.

>> No.7216735


By cookie dough do you mean the 'cookie dough bites' covered in chocolate?

I was obsessed with buying those as a kid at blockbuster but I had a box recently and they tasted really mediocre.

>> No.7216739

A gun

>> No.7216741
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Ive snuck the stupid normal shit in, like boxes of candy from CVS or a mcdouble, once I did a quesadilla from taco bell. But for a poorer friend of mine and his dad, it was different, but I heard this from another friend of mine.

>1st friend's birthday or something
>second friend goes, I didnt know about it
>the plan is for this group of kids to go the the movies
>leave, but stop at Mcd first
>first friend's dad buys like 10 mcdoubles for the 5 of them and says gives it to them expecting them to sneak them in without even asking them if they wanted to
>second friend's face when

>> No.7216788

Lol nice

>> No.7216831

And leaving trash all over the floor. Fucking TNB.

>> No.7216847


Oh man i remember poverty-tier movie trips.
>always the matinee
>never at night
>never see opening weekends
>only go to movie with coupons
>$6 tivkets
>my mom argues about kids discounts and senior discounts
>says I'm five when I 9
>she wants the senior discount
>I make better popcorn than any movie kitchen!!
>no no no no no I am not paying for sugar water!
>lemonade in recycled OJ jug
>makes us ask for small cups "for water"
>mom's giant weaponized fucking purse
>gallon bags of popcorn
>wtf pickles
>free lollipops she stole from the bank
>sugarless candy from the dentist

Jesus fucking Christ. At least we got to see movies once in a while but goddamn

>> No.7216866

Your mom sounds nice she wanted to give you the experience without breaking bank. My mom took us to the dollar cinema and to mcdonalds afterward.

>> No.7216902


It was embarrassing at the time but yeah, she was just doing her best. trying hard to take care of her now that I'm getting somewhere.

>> No.7216911

>went to see some all ages pixar movie
>at the end of the movie some kid empty outs his half full large popcorn bag on the floor
>parent is distracted / doesnt care
>kid then kick spreads it out
>parent sees
>says dont do that again not even angry and they walk out
Poor janitors

>> No.7216928
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Where I'm from there is a dollar store right next to the cinema, it's actually right next door in the same plaza. You can get the exact same candy there for $1.00 that the theater is charging $5.00+ for. It's almost like they are asking us just to go to the dollar store instead of buying candy there.I always get sour patch kids and a small bottle of diet coke. Comes out to equal $2.00 plus tax as opposed to $12.00 or something crazy like that.

>> No.7216940

I know, I always feel bad for people who have to clean up after pig disgusting messy people, no matter how old they are. When I worked as a waiter, the Indian families and their children were always the worst. Would literally open salt/pepper/sugar packets and spill them everywhere, then get the empty packets wet so they were impossible to clean up. Food chunks and spilled drink everywhere.They were also shitty tippers, always complained about something, and would come in right before closing time with their entire huge family. No offense to anyone out there, but I worked as a waiter for years and that is always how it was.

>> No.7216945

Why don't you just eat a meal before and bring just water in? Are americans that addicted to filth that they get distressed without burgers permanently in their grip?

>> No.7216951

Yes, we do. No, not really. I think eating/having a snack during a movie is just a past time of ours and is a part of the "movie" experience.

>> No.7216954

i'm not american or fat but i like munching while watching a movie.

a lot of people do.

maybe if you got regular exercise you could enjoy eating when you want without sacrifice.

>> No.7216955
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>Why don't you just eat a meal before and bring just water in?
it's just not the same :(

>> No.7216958
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I usually bring some of these. They're great and not.. entirely.. terrible for you.

>> No.7216966

Good kid anon I do enjoy taking my mom to "nice" restaurants now as an adult and seeing her enjoy and not worry how she'll use what coupon or special deal.
> spend money to go to good movie/dinner theater to avoid certain "walmart" type people
> woman walks in with 4 kids at a 10 pm horror movie showing making all sorts of noise with kid seats for 2 and wrangling older kids to sit
> all is good until about an hour in
> 5 year old in booster discovers his chair squeaks
> sitting the row across behind us
> its ringing in my fucking ear
> every one is now having exasperated sighs, actively talking about unfit mother and demon child
> look back at woman in the eye, she shrugs sorry and tries to shut little fucker halfheartedly
> goes on, some one tells a server and quiet them for a little while
> kid starts again, look straight at the kid and say "really? You need to stop now"
> mother looks offened, little kid stops
How is it I as a stranger has more control over that little shit then you the unfit mother.

>> No.7216971

My local theatre cleans out the trash with a leaf blower

>> No.7216972

m8 people like to enjoy a snack every now and then when they go to the movies. It's not an all the time thing for me, maybe 1-3 times a year at MOST, so you bet your ass I'll be splurging on junk.

>> No.7216975

sausages, hide them in ur butt.

>> No.7216980

They make millions of dollars every day, do you think the average person only sees three films in a year?

>> No.7216981

Carry a giant purse. I liked the time we bought fast food with two really large drinks. With both giant drinks under her coat and her arms crossed over the top, my friend looked like she had massive tits, and I put the rest of the food in my purse. Had another nice meal from a coffee shop smuggled in (small container of potato salad and a wrap with dessert). Usually just buy a cookie from the place next door anymore.

Seriously, this isn't much of a question when it's common for half the population to carry a purse.

>> No.7216987

I don't care what other people do, I'm talking about myself.

>> No.7216996

>like to enjoy a snack
>every now and then
>when they go to the movies

>> No.7216997

Pls be my gf
Pls rspnd ill take U to star wars and buy you food

>> No.7217003

Robot, you're makin' us look bad, man. Chill.

>> No.7217004
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>> No.7217021

Yeah those ones, I haven't had them in ages but it was the defacto movie theater candy for me besides Reese's pieces.

>> No.7217042

Pls rspnd I have a job and my own car

>> No.7217218

Our office keeps a stock of these as a snack.

I like them. Good taste, anon.

>> No.7217250

I consider myself pretty average and I haven't been to the theatre in 15 years. Back when I did tickets were $7.50 and I think they are around $17 now and when you at drinks and food ontop of that you're looking to spend $30 a person which seems worthless when Hollywood hasn't made a decent movie in 30 years

>> No.7217266

I miss that magazine so much

>> No.7217311

Spotted the pirate.

I stopped going to the cinema when they introduced allocated seating. It's awkward as fuck to walk into the cinema early to find your seat and see just one or two other people sitting in there but your seat is right next to one of them. Or if I walked in later I may be faced with daunting tast of asking someone to get out of my seat which could result in bloodshed.

>> No.7217385

Wut? Is this weird some Yuro thing? Here, people do that for plays, symphonies, operas, and sporting events, where there's some actual prestige that comes with certain seats that makes people willing to pay more for them, but no one gives a shit with movies. They're fucking movies.

>> No.7217394

>he's never been to anice movie theater

These AMC theaters in my city have fucking leather La-Z-boy seats, and you can reserve/allocate which seat you want in the theater. The thing that sucks is if you want to see a new movie on the fly, you might not be able to sit with your friends/family/whoever if you're not a lonely permavirgin.

>> No.7217410

have you ever considered using hollandaise?

>> No.7217412

I'm the guy you're asking and I'm in Melbourne .au
Yup. It sucks. If you don't choose your seat when booking it's automatically allocated to you and you're stuck with it. No two-seat-buffer.

Where are you?

>> No.7217550
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the most I ever brought into a theater was In-N-Out burgers, fries and milkshakes for 3 people. Had it all in a big purse. If your a man, try doing this at a movie theater in a mall using a shopping bag.
It also helps to go on busy days when staff can't be fucked to check your bags.

>> No.7217552

Probably won't happen any more these days. After theaters getting shot up my local theaters let people line up for as long as it takes to check bags.

>> No.7217555

i snuck in a pair of chik fila sandos for the recent star wars film. i've snuck beer bottles into shitty summer movies to beat the heat

>> No.7217559

one time i walked in with a pizza box and after i bought my ticket and walked away from the counter the guy said 'excuse me you cant bring that in' and i kinda turned and said 'oh okay' and just kept walking

i think he was wrong

>> No.7217613
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>They're fucking movies.
>They're fucking plays.
>They're fucking symphonies.
>They're fucking operas.
>They're fucking sporting events.

>> No.7218702

Slightly amusing

>> No.7218710

ak 47 with extended mag

>> No.7218733

After a movie if the floor doesn't look dirty enough I will dump out my entire soda and also stomp whatever food I have remaining into the soda and and mash it together. It ensures the movie theatre workers stay gainfully employed and don't lose their jobs.

>> No.7218738

Crab legs are the only acceptable cinema food

>> No.7220699

>work as a mentor-type for autistic children
>decided to take the kid out to the movies to see Charlie Brown, sneak in some soda and popcorn
>of course he mentions the popcorn to the ticket taker but thankfully she just ignores it
>give kid the popcorn and soda immediately after we take our seats, he munches noisily but IDGAF because the movie has not started
>midway through the movie, middle aged man comes into the theater and sits next to me
>he's alone and the movie is Peanuts, wtf
>he opens the bag he has with him
>smelly chinese food punctures my air space
>he starts slurping his entire meal, I want to vomit
>based autistic kid tells me loudly "He's very loud and smelly!"
>guy says nothing but puts his food away

Fuck I hate going to movie theaters in the ghetto.

>> No.7222172

I did this with my friends back in college. We would just hit up a food court and order takeout. Food would be stashed in our backpacks.

>> No.7222181

I take blueberries. Healthy to snack on and easy to steal/smuggle in.

>> No.7222189

Popcorn butter is pig fucking disgusting

When I worked at a theater these hambeast families would get multiple XL popcorns (which we did free refills on) and would have us layer the fucking butter. One scoop of popcorn, five squirts of butter. Often times it would drip through the bottom of the bag.

>> No.7222203
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why bring in food, when there is so much to eat under the seat

>> No.7222266

Not smuggling but I went to a theatre in Florida 5-6 years ago that brought food directly to you as you watched, they also gave you headphones so you didnt have to listen to people eat and make noise.

Breakfast was great, unlimited chocolate pancakes along with sasauge, bacon, eggs, hashbrown, grits, whatever, you name it.

Expensive as hell from what i remember though.

>> No.7222292

you shouldn't do that op, theaters make very little money off of ticket sales alone. most of their income comes from concessions. bringing food with you is like robbing them and hurts business.

>> No.7222353

Where in Florida, brah?

>> No.7222359
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>> No.7222465

Somewhere within an hour 30 minute drive of the Salty Dog in Sarasota, i really dont remember the name though, and im upset by that too. Sorry man

I was 15 at the time and my parents and i went on vacation and were going to as many places to eat as possible while we were there, i was more focused on what i planned on eating.

>> No.7222514

TFW I can't go to my local cinema because they have a no singles rule.

I would sneak in pb&js wrapped in napkins though flatened against my shirt with tape.

>> No.7222899

you're missing out BIG TIME

>> No.7222904

Sneak a small grill into the cinema under a jacket and plug it into the several outlets they're required to have. Pull out a ketchup bottle of pancake batter and go to town.

>> No.7223056

That image is incredibly unsettling to me, I actually feel uncomfortable and like I'm being watched now, thanks op

>> No.7223081

As much as I hate you, I love you, anon.

>> No.7223083

>because they have a no singles rule
What the fuck kind of theater is that? The Date Rape Cinema?

>> No.7223318


Haha, yep, those poverty movie excursions...

My mom, brother, and I went to a movie like once while I was in high school (I forget what movie, this was almost 10 years ago).

>Matinee (of course)
>Movie's kinda long, so my mom and brother do the sensible thing and have lunch first
>I'm doing homework or something and completely forget to eat lunch
>End up having to sneak lunch into the theatre
>Lunch is a piece of now-cold toast and an apple
>Sitting there trying to eat the apple as quietly as possible, only biting into it during really loud scenes

If I see a movie nowadays, though, I don't eat anything during. There's something about the greasy-popcorn-and-spilt-soda smell that just kills any appetite I have.

>> No.7223483

the fuck is that thing

>> No.7224347
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it's easier if you're a girl
big purse, big snacktime
just fill tupperware with whatever you want and shove it in

>> No.7224763


I work at a small artsy fartsy cinema with one screen and pretty much every night after the film I find 10+ bottles of hard liquor in the bathroom. You would think they would do this to dodge paying our ridic premiums for liquor but thats comically not the case. I catch people pouring liquor from home into drinks they bought from us. Makes no fucking sense to me.


Fuck you. Be an adult and stick a shit ton of gum on the cupholders and complain to management about it if you want to fuck with minimum wagers. Kids dont give a fuck and will leave that pool of destruction there for the next movie showing so you only screw over whoever watches the next film.


My theatre only uses real butter to be hipster so most people don't know how to react when they first try our popcorn. They are so used to the slop most theaters use for popcorn butter that the real stuff tastes like nothing to them. People will get small popcorns and have me ladle 5+ tbsp of melted butter on it. The entire bottom of the container will filled with butter and they still want more. Scariest shit in the world.

>> No.7225101


>> No.7225152

I remember sneaking in cans of Coke when I was a kid and fake coughing when I opened it so no one would hear me. Now I just stop at the dollar store on the way and load up on cheap candy. We also have a theater nearby that gives everyone unlimited popcorn and soda. Of course the movie ticket is more expensive, but it's a nice option to have sometimes.

Has anyone ever got caught sneaking food into the theater? What'd they make you do, throw it away?

>> No.7225347
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Always sneak in drinks/snacks. Sometimes sneak in beer. I always sneak things in my purse, put a scarf around clanky bottles.

One time my friend snuck in two tuna fish sandwiches.

>> No.7225370

You can always take some MREs into the theater. They even have hot foods.

>> No.7225391

>it's easier if you're a girl
>big purse, big snacktime

This. Men seriously need to start carrying purses. Get a purse and sneak in your own god dang snacks!

>> No.7225412

Purses for men are called murses.

Also I've always thought that carrying a purse is basically advertising that you get your period. No thanks. My autism won't allow it.

>> No.7225644

I sneaked Popeye's in once.

>> No.7225648

That's literally the only reason we take you to movies

>> No.7226866

>plus tax

What third world country is this?

>> No.7226878

one time a girl brought a box of capri suns in with her

didn't know she had until she handed me my 3rd one

should have kept her longer

>> No.7226913

Used to work at a theater too, i found lots of crazy shit

>tequila bottle with munched pieces of lemon and empty salt packets

>a mound of thousands of sunflower seeds

>sushi platters

>empty promethazine/codeine cough syrup bottles

>wine bottles complete with a cardboard box with two wine glasses they bought at the walmart next doors beforehand

A lot of people hid in the broom closets to smoke instead of going outside in the winter. Some kids smoked a few blunts in the theater when the christmas Harold and Kumar movie came out, too. Fun times

>> No.7226957
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I don't really like to eat shit in movies and usually eat before hand. However, I do love smuggling booze in.

Usually what I do is get one of those 16oz, thin walled water bottles, fill it like 1/2-2/3 of the way with whiskey, squeezing out the air so it's flatter, then slipping it in my boot (ayyy bootlegging lmao). Usually just sip on it throughout the movie, but sometimes I'll buy the smallest drink I can, drink it during the previews then pouring whiskey on the remaining ice so I can have cold whiskey throughout the movie.
You're speaking of the M65 Field Jacket. Tons of companies have copies or their own rendition of it.

No one will think you're going to shoot up the place because hipsters wear them all the time.

Regardless solid info.

>> No.7226965

I've brought a 1lb burger and fries from Fuddruckers.

>> No.7226968



>> No.7226979

>new movie on the fly
>not carefully planning your movie-going experience and reserving your seats days before

fucking plebs

also in my city if you reserve your tickets online you can practically skip line, because there's a VIP type line for people who do this, but know seem to care or know so almost no one use it

>> No.7226981

Just eat after you fat shits.

>> No.7227152
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Saw the new star wars with some friends. Picked up the starburst and snickers before. As pricey as it is, movie theater popcorn is still a must.

>> No.7227153
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>go to cinema
>get shot

>> No.7227177

>Sporting event


Ok Americuck

>> No.7228967

chinese food from the place next door. That shit smelled and looked heavenly. Someone in front of me looked down at his 7 dollar shitty nachos in disgust.

>> No.7228989

I can't believe people eat anything more than popcorn or small snacks in the theatre. I hope you guys are at least careful not to spill, other people have to sit in those seats too.

>> No.7229540

I usually just bring in chips and pop. I don't even sneak it in though, I show it in plain sight, the theatre's employees really don't give a shit

>> No.7229706

>Buy two (2) philly cheese-steaks from the mall food court
>Put one in each back pocket
>Date is disgusted when I eat them during the film, people next to me threaten to report me if I don't put them away

Why are theatergoers such pussies?

>> No.7229715
File: 25 KB, 736x521, SNEAK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snuck in a two liter bottle before, pic related. there was only like half a cups worth tho.

>> No.7229724

In the United States a lot of theaters have policies where you have to buy at least two tickets to be admitted. This is due to the widespread theater shootings; not only does it minimize the risk of shooters (who come alone), the profits lost from singles is outweighed by the potential loss of profits from people who would be scared if singles/shooters were allowed in.

>> No.7229751

I have literally never heard of this kind of policy and have never been to a theater in my entire life with this kind of policy.

Stop making shit up.

>> No.7229753

Can anyone confirm this as fact with a relevant link? Seems a bit extreme, and not befitting of country that prides itself on its sense of freedom.

>> No.7229766

It honestly sounds like something an Americlap would do.

>> No.7229770

Of course they can't.

>> No.7229776

They're need the second seat for their applause machine and jumbo trash bag of buttered popcorn anyhow.

>> No.7229780

I want to go to the movies but I live in a small town and they have a no singles rule, but if I did go, I would try to sneak in celery with peanut butter and raisins on it, in my pockets.

>> No.7229792

>tfw banned from local kinography establishment for bringing on a camping stove and frying pan

>> No.7229808

That's fucking ridiculous. Let me guess you live in the US too? I bet they don't even let you bring your flock of sheep lest they be taken by the wolf.

>> No.7229813

Just pirate the films. Either get a VPN service or sub to a download middleman.

>> No.7229947

it's a /tv/ meme

>> No.7230224

I snuck in Starbucks and some sushi when I was 14. But I had a friend who managed to sneak in a whole fucking cake under his coat for another friends birthday.

>> No.7230287

Nice greentext skills faggot

>> No.7230447

This again

>> No.7230463

I usually bring in a pint of cheap whiskey to mix with my soda. Makes every movie a 10/10

>> No.7230562

Last time I brought in a fifth of jack to watch the latest mission impossible, I passed out quickly from having been drinking all day. I didn't wake up until 30 minutes after the movie ended.

The credits were off, the lights were fully on and the two little cleaning crew kiddies were at the top of the stairs looking down toward me, wondering what to do.

>> No.7231177

Their soft pretzels are good
Like, I'm fine paying 5.50 for a single pretzel and some nacho cheese

>> No.7231347

Here's a tip for those of you who don't carry purses. Carry a coat on your arm and have a bag of your snacks underneath the coat.

I have a massive winter coat and I can usually fit tons of stuff into the pockets

Just some snacks and canned drinks, nothing pungent or loud like crisps so as not to disturb fellow moviegoers

>> No.7231393

Do you really not understand that a period ends a sentence? The next sentence he clearly states "me" as the subject.

>> No.7231930

I saw TDKR next to a woman who was overly friendly and open with me. I guess she tried to make up for the fact that she brought this dank grocery store sushi with her that almost got her kicked out