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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7216889 No.7216889 [Reply] [Original]

How much weight did you gain over Christmas? I put on 7 pounds.

>> No.7216897

Still look hawt

>> No.7216909


I prepared for it a month in advance. Lost 6 pounds bringing me down to 130. Currently back up to 135.

>> No.7216912

I hope youre a grill

>> No.7216918

around 8-10 pounds

new years resolution time

>> No.7216922
File: 28 KB, 411x225, 1446058290634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just made a smoothie with left over whipping cream instead of milk

>> No.7216923

I haven't weighed myself but it's unlikely it was more than 4 pounds. I timed my bulk cycle to end with 2015, I'm flipping back to cutting for January since I hit my strength milestone the weekend before christmas, a week ahead of schedule.

I feel sorry for people who are weak and have bad physiques.

>> No.7216924


Grill on the internet? what a shock.

>> No.7216927

Weather has been shit so I've been doing 7-10 miles regularly on the exercise bike to counter all the food. Gained like a pound but done pretty well at holding serve.

>> No.7216934

Well, 135 would be pretty fucking alarming for a dude.

>> No.7216942

5'10 135 guy here lol

>> No.7216943

I was gifted with an abnormally high metabolism at birth and can eat whatever the fuck I want however the fuck I want. It's a double-edged sword, though: It's difficult to gain fat, but it's also difficult to gain muscle mass. My daily caloric intake sits just shy of 4000.

>> No.7216949


>> No.7217046


>> No.7217051

Your also probably going to die sooner if that free radicals thing is true. The more calories you consume, the more free radicals you release into your body.

>> No.7217053

Maybe everybody is different, anon. 5'10 and 135 is still well within the "healthy" BMI range.

>> No.7217080

I lost 3 lbs.

>> No.7217127

I lost 1kg.

>> No.7217197

I'll free your radical.

>> No.7217268

In the last 9 months I've gained 37 pounds. What the fuck.

>> No.7217276

I lost 3 lbs. but I look fatter. Also I injured my foot so I can't exercise. And all the cynical motherfuckers in my family tried to push all the leftover pies on me. Fuck everything. I don't even like sweets. I got fat on meat, cheese, and bread.

>> No.7217283

Lost 3kg

>> No.7217424

I just checked the scale. I gained back one pound of the 30 I'd lost over the past several months. I'll have it off before New Year's Day is over.

>> No.7217429

I lost weight somehow.
Even a server at work said I look like I lost weight in my face

>> No.7217466

I lost 10 pounds this year to a diet called "Poorfag".

I miss beef

>> No.7217468

Depending on body composition this is well within the range of healthy.

>> No.7217489

Poverty life is awful I've never experienced hunger like I do now that I have no income

>> No.7217495
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>tfw you realize you're 8% fatter than before thanksgiving

>> No.7217513

>Have a weight gain fetish
>Have a huge feast every day
>Check scale
>Lost weight
What the shit

>> No.7217538

I lost 4 pounds

traveled to a high altitude to visit my SO's family for 5 days. My appetite shrank and playing in the snow was exhausting after 5 minutes outside. Nausea, dehydration and insomnia severely effected both of us on this trip. My body was straining to get enough oxygen.

Spend the holidays at high altitude to reduce weight gain. If it's in the midwest you can eat fattening food at every meal and not gain a single pound.

>> No.7217616

gained nothing lost nothing

>> No.7217621

A recent spate of punctures has forced me to carry two spare tubes on my bicycle instead of the usual one. Including the extra CO2 cannister that's an extra 212 grams.

I've gained 212 grams.

>> No.7217632

Haven't weighed myself yet. I'll do that once I'm back home on Saturday. I don't think I've significantly gained weight, though.

>> No.7217636

I lost about 20 pounds from shitting every 5 minutes because I have HIV.

>> No.7217652

I gained about 10 pounds over Thanksgiving and Christmas...
It didn't help that I ate a key lime pie by myself.

>> No.7217658

Didn't put on a pound.

Made me very happy when I got on the scale today.

>> No.7217684


>> No.7217694
File: 992 KB, 2600x2061, LS-Fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bizzarrely enough, almost exactly the same loss, gain and final weight as this faget

I'm 5'9".

>> No.7217696

im losing weight because im not supposed to drink anymore due to the accident

>> No.7217697
File: 82 KB, 620x517, SNF2703MA--620A_1555727a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's time you switched to gatorskin hardshells instead of those stupid schwalbes /n/ memed you into buying. My current pair has 1900 miles so far without a flat. Or carry around an entire bike shop if you like your shitty memetires. For that matter pay a cage to follow you around and toss you a new bike every time you get a flat.

>> No.7217703

Just Christmas and Thanksgiving, 9lbs.
Including October, with Halloween sweets as well as a wedding banquet AND rehearsal dinner, up 12lbs from my September weight. I'm 180lbs and feel like a fatty fat. :-(

How easy is it to lose weight if you've always been relatively thin/fit and never fat? I need to get this shit off with the quickness.

>> No.7218523

This is a sign from God.

>> No.7218530
File: 19 KB, 320x320, 1447894103295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the three day long food and alcohol fest of Dec 24-28 only put me up 1 lb

>> No.7218568

I lost about 10 lbs since Thanksgiving.

>> No.7218569

>been loosing weight for two months
>i gained it all back
at least i break even

>> No.7218571

I stayed at my mother's place for four days, "enjoying" her cooking. Lost over a kilo.

>> No.7218597

I lost 5 lbs

>t. amphetamines

>> No.7218680


no it is not.

that is at least 10 lbs. underweight.

>> No.7218684

I was 230 lbs in the middle of October. Today, I weigh 175.

>> No.7218692

I haven't check in the last two days, but it was 4 lbs

>> No.7218694
File: 63 KB, 501x376, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could lose five pounds and still be alright.

>> No.7218697

not even getting on the scales till late february after 2 months of jogging and dieting

>> No.7218701

da fuk

>> No.7218711

assuming he has any muscle mass at all. that is still underweight. bmi doesn't count for that.

>> No.7218759

Was at an optimal good weight just before Dec 24, no doubt gained (also stopped having a bowel movement everyday...) people always gift me massive amounts of junk food and sweets, which eludes and annoys me because I turn down that shit all the time. Luckily others eat most of them for me. I've consumed more beef than anything else this past week, got a brisket coming out of the oven pretty soon, today.

Definitely not gonna get on the scale for awhile.

>> No.7218775

I like to think a bunch of guidelines carefully designed by scientists would account for an average amount of muscle, fat and bone in an average human body.

I really don't get why all the body-builders complain that it isn't tailored to their exact lifestyle. "I'm not overweight, I'm just heavy." Yeah great whatever.

>> No.7218783

It's not really body builders, it's e-statters who like to brag on vietnamese aquaculture forums that they're totally not fat, just bulking.

All you have to remember is that some fat neckbeard flyover fuck from youtube is this board's official hero, and the default insult around here is "lol ur fat".

>> No.7218795


>> No.7218804
File: 3 KB, 125x93, helpme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consumed 13,000 calories on christmas day and boxing day

5000 of those calories were just from chocolate.
I have gained 11lbs since December 1st, approx 2.5% of my previous bodyweight
I feel so fucking disgusting. The worst part is that I have 3 more boxes of chocolate luxury truffles I need to eat and I already spent the last 6 hours painting the boxes to look like the reading on a weight scale machine so I can crush the box with my feet after eating and pretend I haven't gained any weight (I painted my current weight on all 3 boxes)

>> No.7218810

I finally measured myself at the gym this morning. I'm down half a pound from two weeks ago, but I was off creatine for almost a week so that's probably due to lower water retention.

>> No.7218820

I've been sick and miserable since May and lost 12-15 pounds since a year ago. Yay.

>> No.7218857

Lol faggot

>> No.7218861

Gained 5lbs so I'm 5'8 116lbs.

Hopefully I can gain more weight in 2016.

>> No.7218869

You're disgusting

>> No.7218872

Or a girl.

>> No.7218913

10 poons but it's water weight as I was on keto beforehand and I enjoyed some tasty confections.

>> No.7218919

I had to work 12 hour night shifts on the 23rd to the 28th so christmas pretty much didn't happen for me... going to get a huge pay but my soul is also crushed from missing christmas

>tfw christmas decorations are still all around
>feel happy thinking christmas is coming
>remember christmas came and went and I worked thru it

>> No.7218923

forgot to add the purpose of my post, lost 5 lbs from working my arse off

>> No.7218940

Disgusting regardless.

>> No.7219142

I can eat tons of food without gaining weight but as soon as I start drinking pop I get flabby as fuck

>> No.7219437

2 lbs

>> No.7219547

Weighed 104 at the start of the month, and 110 now. Though, I haven't posted in a week so I think a pound or two may be food weight.

> gained 20 lbs since last year

>> No.7219550

Pooed, not posted.

>> No.7219573

the fuck i lost 4 pounds when i went on vacation. walking around disneyland for 12 hours a day for 4 days takes a toll on you

>> No.7219598

>> No.7221168

>gained 3 pounds, 136-139
>lost 5 over New Year's week, 139-134

Gonna go on another run today to keep up my good fortune.

>> No.7221262

According to this thread, you can just gain 5 to 10 pounds in one week. How is this possible?

>> No.7221274

In France they call it le water

>> No.7221305

The average human stomach can hold about one litre of volume but can stretch to hold as many as three or four litres. A litre is about 2¼lbs of liquid. As you eat, food becomes more and more compact as its trapped air escapes and it get crushed and compacted by chewing and the muscles of the esophagus and liquefied by various enzymes.
As such, a normal person could, theoretically, gain 5lbs or more /at a single meal/ (competitive eaters have been known to be able to consume as much as 20lbs or more of food in a single go).
As we have no clue for how many of those pounds the various posters are talking about is food weight and how much of it is fat gain, we can't say for certain that the numbers are going to stay that way during the next week.

This is also why dieters lose weight fast at first then slowly thereafter. The weight lost quickly at the beginning of a new diet is not genuine fat loss but the excretion of food they're no longer overindulging in and are therefore no longer carrying about in their gut.

Really simple, really.

>> No.7221356

Sounds like me cept I'm probably below 130 after new years

>> No.7221743

8 lbs. I'm pretty fucking disgusted with how I was eating all of December.

>> No.7221806
