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7213091 No.7213091 [Reply] [Original]

>Olive Garden is one of several chain restaurants in Times Square selling tickets for New Year's Eve. $400 buys a five-hour party, starting at 8 p.m., with a full buffet, a DJ, dancing, "multiple open bars" and a champagne toast at midnight, according to the Italian-style eatery. But no breadsticks. The restaurant that's famous for its bottomless bucket of bread sticks is keeping them out of sight on New Year's Eve. There's another catch. "A view of the ball drop is limited," the company said, referring to the world famous 12-foot crystal ball that descends at midnight.
"With the cooperation of the NYPD and security, we are hoping to get to see the ball drop from just outside our front doors," said Olive Garden. "But due to security issues we can't sell the tickets on the premise that outside view of the ball drop is guaranteed."
Also, smoking is off limits -- inside or outside the restaurant."You will NOT be permitted to leave the building or step outside for a cigarette," said Olive Garden.

>Or ... you could save a few bucks and watch the ball drop from Applebee's. Applebee's, the family-friendly restaurant chain that typically charges $10 for a steak, is charging $375 for adults and $250 for children to watch the New Year's festivities from its perch on 42nd Street.

>Not to be outdone, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. is charging $799 for its New Year Eve's party. Tickets sold out in five days, according to the company.

Are people really this fucking stupid?

>> No.7213098

New Year's Eve in general is pretty fucking dumb.

>> No.7213107

I'm ordering pizza, watching the red wings beat the penguins and drinking beer. A little less expensive than an eight hundred dollar trip to bubba gump's.

>> No.7213125

Why would anyone ever want to be in New York on New Years?

>> No.7213128
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Its a pretty brilliant plan, and a great way to separate fools from their money.
Jacking up the prices like this gives the illusion of exclusivity, which people in most major cities yearn for.

This is the same reason you see people paying top dollar for fish eggs, shitty alcohol, and meager portions at the ritzy restaurants.
If something is insanely expensive, then it must mean its the best of the best.

>> No.7213129

>Also, smoking is off limits -- inside or outside the restaurant."You will NOT be permitted to leave the building or step outside for a cigarette,"
If I am paying $400 they better not allow low class individuals to stink the place up

>> No.7213131

Greatest city in the world.
But Times Square sucks dick on New Years.
Can't leave, smoke, drink, piss, anything than other than stand there.
Unless you have a ticket to eat, drink, piss at a prime location.
So stay home and watch on TV you fucking poor flyover faggot.

>> No.7213132

I would go in there and smoke several packets in the toilet even though it's a terrible habbit and I don't smoke.

>> No.7213137

Does New York have any good locally owned places that are not ridiculously priced?

It seems like the whole city is terrible chains and shitty pizza at oddly high prices unless you want to go to a bad neighborhood nowhere near anything else you would want to see

>> No.7213138

People think it's cool but reality is
>huge ball that drops in under a minute
>hours or days in the cold, or overspending at shitty restaurants in time square
>you could have a much better experience visiting NY on essentially any other day, or staying at home and watching the ball drop on the TV.

>> No.7213142

>It seems like the whole city is terrible chains and shitty pizza at oddly high prices unless you want to go to a bad neighborhood nowhere near anything else you would want to see
what the fuck are you on about? there are 99 cent pizza places in manhattan near grand central that are good. chains are fucking everywhere but there's plenty of local restaurants that are good and won't break the bank (or great/excellent at higher prices)

>> No.7213143

Yeah, I would much rather just hang out at some random bar in any flyover city with no cover and actual good drinks

>> No.7213144

>greatest city in the world
He didn't say Chicago, friend.

>> No.7213148

Enjoy your frozen tendies and Bud Light New Year's Eve while trying to finger Betty Sue in the back of your pickup while your half brother/cousin pukes chew on you.

>> No.7213153

>Enjoy your frozen tendies and Bud Light New Year's Eve
Thats exactly what you will get in New York

>> No.7213156
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>Why would anyone ever want to be in New York

Fixed that for you.

>> No.7213159

>tendies and bud light
>implying theres anything wrong with this

>> No.7213163

How cute! You think you're an actual city in the middle of that cow pasture you call a state.
You're called "second city" for a reason.

>> No.7213166
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>> No.7213174

Ok Cletus

But yeah, the kind of person who would spend $400 on Olive Garden, or just go there at normal price is pretty likely to be a smoker, so you are probably right

>> No.7213179
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>> No.7213182
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Please, DO tell us more about your $4,000 a month one-bedroom apartment and inability to drive a car. You New Yorkers are precious.

>> No.7213187

At least we have twin trade tow... oh wait.

>> No.7213191

As someone who lives within 45 miles of NYC, that is what you will get at restaurants in Times Square.

>> No.7213194

friendly reminder that you probably smell pretty bad

>> No.7213198

What will I get at Golden Corral?
>inb4 colon cancer and beetus

>> No.7213209

New York is such a shitty tourist trap, its amazing people willingly live there

I guess its like buying Apple products, a lot of people don't care about function and cost as long as they think they sound cool

>> No.7213220

Going to watch that new Tina Fey movie, go home, drink some champagne, and then have my gf tie me up and jerk me off. Probably tuck in early desu.

>> No.7213280
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>there are people who unironically choose to live in the shithole that is new york


>> No.7213304

Butthurt flyover residents who have inferiority complexes.
Enjoy eating real Eye-Talian food at Pizza Hut.
Huurrr Duuurr

>> No.7213307

enjoy your $400 Olive Garden, and pizza just as bad as pizza hut fucking everywhere at several times the price.

>> No.7213319
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Have fun you cousin fuckers.

>> No.7213330

Do you seriously think the typical New York NYE experience of being stuffed in a shitty chain place drinking terrible drinks and eating chicken tenders with a ridiculous cover is preferable to this?

>> No.7213376
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Lol you're trying too hard.

Chicago is boss. I'll watch the ball drop on tv at revolution brewery, but I probably won't be paying attention. Got a friend and her boyfriend who work there. They're saving me and my sister a spot at the bar. Free apps from them and they don't expect me to tip.

>> No.7213405



>> No.7213409

>“Growing up in New York City, I, along with many Muslim students, had to struggle during lunch with not having a proper halal meal for the day. The percentage of Muslim children in public schools is growing, and too many children are denied the nutritional benefits lunch would provide because of religious dietary restrictions. As a community, we have to make sure our children receive the best education in environments in which their religious beliefs and practices are respected. No child should leave a lunchroom or enter a classroom hungry.”

New York is joke, city of cucks and queers. Better to live in flyover land and drop a possum then submit to terrorist ideology.

>> No.7213433

Spending NYE with your sister?
You're definitely getting laid!
And mooching off your friend?
Not just you but your sister too?
Have some self respect you fucking bum!
I'm sure you're friend and her boyfriend are super excited you'll be there all night taking away a spot from paying (TIPPING!) customers.

>> No.7213441

>Spending NYE with your sister?
>You're definitely getting laid!
Are you being sarcastic or something? There is nothing wrong with a little consensual sister fucking.

>> No.7213445

It's the Chicago "Boss" way...

>> No.7213454

Cause these special interest groups don't exist anywhere else.

>> No.7213461

No publicly funded classroom should have to cater to any set of superstitions

>> No.7213462

Don't need to get laid. Why may everything be about sex? How thirsty must you be?

Anyway I'm in a relationship and have to go to a wedding with my partner on Jan 1st and 2nd (fucking orthodox greek weddings). I'll be getting laid at the hotel.

Me and my sister are best bros. I'm not a thirsty lesbian so I'm not fucking her.

My friends want someone to chill with them and keep them company while they're raking in the dough. Also to join them on smoke breaks and keep one of them company when they get off work at 8.

Gr8 b8 m8 you got me good. I'm 4 beers in so I'm easy pickings.

>> No.7213485

But they've been catering to Christians for fucking ever. You're school didn't serve pizza or fish sticks on Friday? (No meat)
How do you defend the hypocrisy of your fucking flyover school district?

>> No.7213489

>4 beers

Whoa! Slow down there, W.C. Fields.

>> No.7213500

Chicago is half the price and half as shit as new york

>> No.7213502
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10% abv
Good shit
Not enough malt though
Your sarcasm and b8 be so tasty. I thought I was trading dinner for beer tonight but you're feeding me so well~

>> No.7213503

>4 beers in
And you can still type that well? I don't believe you, mane.

>> No.7213507

So your one of those " I know the bartender so I deserve preferential treatment " fags?
Meanwhile I'm trying to pay for a drink AND tip while you're just taking up space.
You and your friends sound like horrible people.

>> No.7213510

Two wrongs don't make a right dude

and my school sold pizza every day

>> No.7213512

Didn't you hear? Networking opens your world. Make some friends, throw some parties, live in a city like chicago with plenty of young professionals who love beer.

>> No.7213519

By that logic, maybe you should pay for your school to make sure all of its products are shipped via hrose as to not offend any potential amish students

Regardless of whether or not they do certain things for specific groups now, the answer is not to do more ridiculous things for other groups in a addition, thats the exact opposite of what we should be focusing on

>> No.7213520

>with my partner
Nobody asked your sexual orientation.

>> No.7213526

But that shouldn't be the reason to write off an entire city when every other city in America does it.
>>7213409 grasping at straws.

>> No.7213531

Good. It's str8 m8. 2 str8 4 h8. Str8er than an allig8or muh m8er.

>> No.7213533

I wasn't involved in the beginning of this discussion, but doing something objectively bad to a greater degree than other cities in the name of fairness is bad, and it is not lessened by that fact that other places also do it

>> No.7213536

This has nothing to do with networking.
This has to do with you being a horrible person. The kind of annoying braying jackass at the bar probably spouting off about homo rights or how the patriarchal society is keeping you down.

>> No.7213542

Kill yourself

>> No.7213544

What's it like being 15?

>> No.7213549

Man why you filled with so much hate. I mostly draw on coasters and talk about recently consumed media and whatever anyone next to me wants to talk about.

Got a couple coasters on the fireplace of my local bar. Bretty proud.

>> No.7213553

It's a lot like getting tipsy and shitposting on 4chins from the comfort of your own roomy affordable apartment in Logan Square with no upstairs neighbors.

Guess it's the best.

>> No.7213566
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>> No.7213570

You shouldn't have said that - it's like claiming Apple masterrace and then showing off your iPhone 4.

>> No.7213579


Dude Chicago is one of the worst places in the United States to be right about now. Are you a die hard Bears fan too? If so, I wonder why you choose to live.

>> No.7213580

>Are people really this fucking stupid?

tourists, man

>> No.7213581

afraid of a little snow?

>> No.7213594


No, I'm afraid of literally everything else negative that happens in Chicago that isn't snow.

>> No.7213597

>watching the ball drop
>new years eve
Why is this a holiday again?

>> No.7213604

are you a black member of a drug trafficking gang?

Otherwise what is there to be afraid of? I only make it to chicago a few times a year, traffic does suck, so maybe thats what you are talking about

>> No.7213609


Especially in the winter :)

>> No.7213617
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>not wanting to live in glorious Chicago
>less crime than New York
>less pollution than New York
>superior food
>nicer people
>faaar less hipsters and gentrification
>cheaper to live
Granted, the Bears are shit, but at least you have a less of a chance of getting shot or mugged in the parking lot later.

Its a beacon of hope in the middle of the flyover oasis, where a majority of the people aren't as cynical or stuck up thier own asses like you see on the east coast.

>> No.7213625

better off going further north to Minneapolis or Milwaukee

All the cultural benefits of Chicago with less sprawl and traffic

Definitely do not go south of chicago though, southern Illinois is basically the epicenter of flyover

>> No.7213626

>less gentrification
So you mean more shitty poor people neighborhoods? I think you might want to take that part out of your description

>> No.7213643

More like Logan Square was really cheap a few years back when I got my apartment.

Chicago is full of areas where gentrification is going ahead full steam. Young 20 something white kids with jobs are moving in after all the poor people are forced out. 300, 400 something a month rent prices can be found and if you're willing to spend 600 you can get into a really nice built up place with big windows right near the bars and shops that spring up within a year.

That's what happened to me and most of the people I know, at least.

I can't catch a decent buzz off this beer. Fuck. 5'5" 135 pounds and 6 beers ain't doing it for me. Imma go to Logan Hardware and play some cheap vidya and get some shots.

>> No.7213645

I'll meet you there if you're looking to hang out?

>> No.7213647
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>> No.7213657

I think they closed 40 minutes ago :s
Still down to hang and drink if you are.

>> No.7213660

I expect this kind of bickering among Europeans , who actually are separated by international borders and different cultures.

>> No.7213662


Job market? Great.
Rent? Affordable.
Gentrification? Everywhere (sad but convenient for those with jobs).
Crime? Surprisingly low. (Never had an issue in 8 years. In fact, most black people in poorer areas are really nice if you hold the door for them or give them a smile/talk with them like normal human beings. Even cat calling isn't all that common. Never been raped or robbed because I'm not retarded)
Food culture? Fantastic since rent is low and demand high.
Beer culture? As good as it gets. Breweries everywhere. Bars everywhere.
Culture? Museums. Galleries. Architecture. Clubs. Concerts/shows practically every night. Video game bars. Weed delivery to your door (40 dollar 8th plus 5 dollar delivery fee).

I'm never bored, never lonely, and never broke. It's a great place to live.

>> No.7213668

Depending on how many people, the olive garden one actually doesn't sound that bad.
Or is that 400 dollars for one person?

>> No.7213672

Southern Illinois wanted to side with the south in the civil war. Only reason Springfield is the capital was the south bitched so much about how unfair it would be if it was in Chicago so the slapped it in the middle of the state.

Southern Illinois is farms farms a college town some factories and farms.

People don't talk about the rest of New York when talking about NYC though, so why bother talking about illinois?

>> No.7213677

>20 or more shootings each weekend
>"low crime!"


>> No.7213679

Shhhhiiiit. Naw, it's cool. I shoulda remembered they close at a reasonable hour on Tuesdays. I'd take you up on your offer but I'm a little paranoid about it. Imma take my dog for a walk instead. Wave if you see a cute border collie.

>> No.7213683

I just mean Chicago is basically the southern hinterland of the upper midwest. It has a lot in common culturally with Milwaukee and Minneapolis, when compared to more southern places like St. Louis, Indianapolis and Springfield

>> No.7213688

The thing about midwestern cities is all the poor people live in segregated neighborhoods and rarely interact with the regular folk

You can live a mile away from an inner city neighborhood and go many years without even witnessing a crime

>> No.7213694

They are in specific areas. Get out a map.

Like an earlier anon said, unless you're black and in a gang you're fine. In fact there's a group of black women refusing to give sex to their men until they stop the violence. It's pretty badass. A major street was shut down by protesters recently. Black boy was shot and killed by an incredibly stupid officer etc. That's about the most trouble you'll face here.

Oh no another black boy/man was shot by a gang/the police!

That's the worst of it.

>> No.7213700

People tend to forget that America is so fucking large that the distance between individual states can be larger than several European countries put together.
Even though we're united (supposedly) by one central government, states themselves can be radically different from each other.

Like comparing the business oriented hustle and bustle of New York to the liberal bleeding heart hippy hugbox of California, where you get fined for every fart and car emission, yet weed is somehow legal.
(...even though federally it isn't.)

>> No.7213702

Yeah I like Milwaukee and Ann Arbor but they're tiiiiiny compared to Chicago and the streets are really scary in the winter. Why can't they afford to get reflective stripes on their roads? And the potholes are even more scary than in Chicago.

Still, they're fun little cities with some great hiking spots and beer. Won't deny that. Chicago just has more of everything and transportation is cheap.

>> No.7213710

I like how in Milwaukee you can get from downtown to the outer suburbs in like 25 min

I live in Chicago now because of work, but I really miss being able to get everywhere quickly and easily (and the better alcohol prices)

>> No.7213718


You've never lived in an American city. 99.9% of those shootings are just blacks shooting blacks.

It's amazing they are still relevant when talking about crime in my opinion. Niggers are going to nig. Black on white crime should be reported more to see if more there needs to be more police keeping the animals from leaving the farm.

>> No.7213731

Minneapolis is shit. Surrounding areas are pretty dope though ngl

>> No.7213956

Anyone who comes to NYC for NYE and goes to a chain restaurant deserves whatever they get. But it is amazing just how much money shitty Times Square restaurants can fuck stupid people out of...

>> No.7213975

Is there any way to live in New York and not constantly be fucked in the ass and ripped off by every business big or small and the government on top of that?

>> No.7214820

>less crime than new york
It isn't the eighties anymore, bro.

>> No.7214854

I just got back from Chicago, the only correct part of that is the last two points, also your cops shoot old ladies, even the NYPD isn't that bad

>> No.7214866

I'm going to be there on New Years Day

>> No.7214881

I'm going to a brewery on new years eve for their Russian imperial release and then heading back home at around 8 or 9 to stuff my face and fall asleep at 11. I wouldn't want to spend New years eve any other way tb.h

>> No.7214897

>People herded into 'Security Control Zones' in freezing temps and not allowed to leave. Sure hope you don't have to pee!

>Roided out fuckers in body armor with huge guns screaming at you with snapping dogs on chains.

Or you could just spend retarded amounts of money to eat at... Olive Garden.

Neither of those are fucking appealing. (Hell is other people.) I'm drinking alone in my apartment where it's nice and warm.

Fuck New York.

>> No.7214914
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I know I'm not the only one who just watches Times Square on TV every year just in case shit goes down.

>> No.7215009

Sure. I live in NYC on the cheap. I bought an apartment years ago in an unfashionable but very convenient neighborhood. So while people I know pay over three grand a month in rent I'm paying less than a grand for mortgage and maintenance combined (it's a co-op). For food it's paradise. I can get any ingredients for whatever kind of cooking I want to do much cheaper and fresher than my siblings or parents who live in the 'burbs. When I don't feel like cooking I can get delicious meals that cost anywhere between $4 and $100, depending on what I feel like eating and spending. Everything from Puebla taco trucks and Punjabi cabbie stands to hipster joints and Michelin star places. Fried noodles from a cart for $1.50 to a farm to table feast at a place where they have their own farm less than 50 miles away.

And there's enough money floating around here that I can easily support myself working part time doing my own thing. If I lived anywhere else I'd be starving to death, but here I do well working 10-20 hours a week. Which leaves me plenty of time to enjoy the city, which I do.

I don't get ripped off because I tend to avoid tourist areas and places that cater to price insensitive customers. As for the government there is a small city income tax, but given that real estate taxes on my place are almost nothing paying it is pretty much a wash. I live much more cheaply than my suburban relatives, and have much more things to do - a more active social life, countless places to go out to eat/drink, concerts. businesses I enjoy patronizing, parks and plenty of neighbors who I enjoy seeing on a daily basis. And I can do most of it on foot, by bicycle or subway most of the time. I only have to get in the car once or twice a week.

It took me a while to get myself into this position, and while some was good decisions and hard work some was luck. But given my current set up I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. I'd feel isolated and bored.

>> No.7215328

said nobody ever

>> No.7215504

Who gives a dick about some ball slowly moving downwards? If it were smashed into the ground it might be more interesting, but as far as I know it doesn't do that.

>> No.7215601

i'm working NYE. holiday pay, bitches. d-d-d-doubletime!

>> No.7215631

How about we not cater to any of that stupid shit? Serving halal in cafeterias is as ridiculous and infuriating as it is to not be able to buy alcohol on Sundays after a certain time, or at all. In fact, even more so, because essentially you are forcing someone to sin, according to their beliefs, whereas I chose to drink on Sunday, yet can't because some sexless neckbeard thinks I shouldn't. So yeah, fuck your religion *clutches fedora*, you have the right to worship whatever the fuck you want and I don't care or think you shouldn't, but when your beliefs infringe on my personal freedom, then you and your god can go fuck yourselves.
>inb4 all law are based on 10 Commandments and ancient Egyptian Maat

>Regardless of whether or not they do certain things for specific groups now, the answer is not to do more ridiculous things for other groups in a addition
Or, stop being a hypocritical faggot.

>> No.7215640

>being this mad

>> No.7215646

Why do East/West coasters always descend into a frothing rage every time some shittalks their city?

>> No.7215654

>less crime
Im a biased NY fag, but fuck anon get your shit together.

>> No.7215658

Not the Anon you're responding to, but consider the following:

While I personally don't give a shit about halal meals or places offering fish specials on Lenten Fridays both make sense if you're serving observant Muslims and Catholics. You're accommodating their religious practices. Not being able to sell alcohol on a Sunday is more like the Sharia Law level of things - like saying you can't serve any food during daylight hours in Ramadan. That's forcing religious observance onto others, which is a very different (and unsavory) thing.

>> No.7215669

you guys are lucky to be able to get out and party. I'll be in watching my wife's son because she says her parents are passing through town and is going out with them.

>> No.7215675

>2000 + 15
>wanting to drive a car if you don't have to

I bet you use disposable dishwear too

>> No.7215677 [DELETED] 

That's exactly my point. Forcing inmates to eat non-kosher or non-halal food is unconstitutional and prohibited. Yet, I can't purchase a glass of wine or a beer on a Sunday night? How is that not unconstitutional?
I just love it when these crybaby christians get buttknotted over mudslimes yet they are just as pigheaded and insufferable.

>> No.7215682
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>> No.7215690

That's exactly my point. Forcing inmates to eat non-kosher or non-halal food is unconstitutional and prohibited. Yet, I can't purchase a glass of wine or a beer on a Sunday night? How is that not unconstitutional?


I just love it when these crybaby christians get buttknotted over mudslimes yet they are just as pigheaded and insufferable.

>> No.7215693


>Greatest city


Surely you jest, good sir.

>> No.7215724

>crybaby christians
I'm so happy I live in a place where I don't have to deal with such people.

>> No.7215740

Those are the principals and laws America was founded on way before your faggoty ass came along. Stop being an insufferable crybaby who can't go a day without alcohol

>> No.7215748

>Those are the principals and laws America was founded on
America was founded on Enlightenment principles heavily borrowed from France, if the Constitution is any guide.

>> No.7215757

I will be in NYC, but I won't be anywhere near pleb Times Square.

>> No.7215786

both of these posts are written so... strangely, making me uncomfortable

Also all these nyc fags desperate damage control trying to justify their crime ridden cesspool of materialism. Pretty funny.

>> No.7215795

Interesting, see, my version of American history says it was founded by this group of people called PROTESTants, who left England because they were tired of um, you know, unjust principals and laws.


>> No.7215798

You can easily accuse NYC of materialism, but accusing NYC of being crime ridden is fucking ridiculous. The city has made absolutely tremendous progress in the past 30 years. I calmly walk the streets of NYC at night in pretty much all neighborhoods.

Chicago and Philly particularly have far greater and wider spread unsavory areas.

>> No.7215804
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>crime ridden cesspool of materialism
>yfw this is how the US is looked upon by every other nation in the world

>> No.7215895

Not him but that's not what Protestantism is referencing; educate yourself.

>> No.7215905
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>vague, unsubstantial accusation
>educate yourself

>> No.7215916

>mfw I have two Hard Rock Cafe Jackets, one from chigago and the other from capetown
>mfw I get compliments on them more than on anything else

What's wrong with chain restaurant?

>> No.7215920

How American are you?

>> No.7215974

>You're called "second city" for a reason.

Because it was the second biggest and most relevant city before L.A. blobbed its suburbs.

Now it's #3.

>> No.7216587


>> No.7216694

Imagine if vegans were behind something like this? /pol/a/ck/s would have sphincter seizures.

>> No.7216705
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>> No.7216734

Out of all the "great" cities I've been to in the world New York was the biggest disappointment. It was worse than Paris, and Paris is a shithole. It's just trash and people everywhere. Manhattan is a fucking joke and I don't understand how people stand it. Almost anywhere else on the east seaboard is better than NYC.

>> No.7216742

>Stop being an insufferable crybaby who can't go a day without alcohol
I can go just fine without alcohol for a day or even a month if I decide to, but not because your kid-fiddling pastor says I shouldn't. Also, check your calendar christfag, the Sabbath is on Saturday, not Sunday. Enjoy your perverted, sacrilegious doctrine.

>> No.7216759
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>> No.7216762

>Chicago is half the price and half as shit as new york
I agree and not just because I've read The Great Gatsby.

>> No.7216769

>People tend to forget that America is so fucking large that the distance between individual states can be larger than several European countries put together.
This. There are some drastic cultural differences between different regions.

>> No.7216828

I'm from NYC and I really enjoyed Paris. Thanks to 4chan I was expecting a blighted hellscape of angry brown people wearing tents, but instead I found what basically amounted to an average Japanese person's anime fantasy of French life. Pretty girls everywhere with cute accents and dressed beautifully, quaint little shops, delicious food, and picturesque cobblestone street scenes on literally every block, and a pretty good transport system. The people were friendly as fuck too, despite all predictions to the contrary.

The lesson here is that everything 4chan says is basically the opposite of the truth.

>> No.7216982
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>didn't know 4chan is a memestery, wrapped in a REEEEEEEddle, inside a memigna
The shitposter don't even know.

>> No.7216991

I've had a completely different experience than you. But then again, I was there on business, not pleasure.

>> No.7217002

I was on business as well. But my business took me to the nice part of Paris, that's apparently the key difference.

>> No.7217011

I didn't have a choice in the matter, but such is life sometimes. I'm hoping to go there on my own time soon, so I can take in the good stuff.

>> No.7217030

Surprised that someone who lives in a city that is basically one big trash heap likes another city that is also basically one big pile of trash..

>> No.7217522

>greatest city in the world
>no Miami
it's like you guys don't like fun

>> No.7217536

New York is such a tiny city compared to Tokyo