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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7210940 No.7210940 [Reply] [Original]

To me it seems silly to cook a nice meal to just sit in front of the tv or computer and eat. How many of you enjoy your meal at a table instead?

>> No.7210952

If I'm alone, I usually eat breakfast and lunch standing at my kitchen counter. Since my cooking only really gets impressive when cooking for guests, I can stand to eat my regular dinners in front of the computer

>> No.7210959

I eat at the table or on the floor.

>> No.7210971

Well, that was always the rule in my house growing up. No eating anywhere but the breakfast table, or the dining table, unless we were outside eating at the picnic table in the backyard. Always at a table. So, in my own house, I only eat at the table, and so does my spouse and my kid. And no drinks in the bedrooms except water. If you want your morning coffee or tea, you still have to come to the breakfast table.

>> No.7210985

Jokes on you, I don't have a kitchen table. And the table I do have is in front of my computer. Ha ha ha!

>> No.7210993

I mean, I have a table and counter space for cooking but no dining room table
not everyone lives in some mansion, some of us live in apartments

>> No.7210997

My apartment is too weirdly laid out to have a proper table so I eat on my couch and coffee table.

>> No.7211001

Depends if its a sunny day or overcast I'll take my food to the patio and enjoy it there. If its raining or I feel like watching a TV show I'll eat in front of my computer, if I have work to do I'll also eat at my computer.

>> No.7211003

I usually eat in the kitchen at a small table I have. Unless its a holiday where I let guests eat at the dining table or patio..dependent on the occasion . If I realllly need to finish some work ill just bring a tablet to the kitchen while drinking morning coffee...but eating by the tv and computer just seems meh

>> No.7211066
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We just got a nice little table. Problem is that there is a bird cage in the kitchen and the birds will be excited and scream for attention if you're in there, or you'll have to sit in darkness to eat while they sleep.
I basically never go in there to cook or clean anymore unless they're covered ; ;

>> No.7211135

I have no proper table to speak of. My coffee table is actually a nice dining table with the legs cut short. It is fairly nice to sit around and imagine you are part of some culture in which it is acceptable to sit on the floor and dine.

But usually dinner time = movie time, to the point that I would say it is ritualistic.

>> No.7211138

>my parents were idiots, so therefore I am an idiot too

Way to blindly follow traditions anon

>> No.7211165
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>> No.7211167

So, you're just an ignorant pig who eats all over his house? Fucking trash person......

>> No.7211169

Wish I could enjoy a meal alone without getting anxious/paranoid. Require phone or distractions to be alone. Anyone else like this?

>> No.7211175

I didn't say anything like that. But if I think people who eat all over the house are trash people, you can damn well be sure that I have a better reason then "well my parents hated niggers and faggots so I hate them too"

>> No.7211180

>Being this offended because someone questioned you eating at a table

>> No.7211193


>> No.7211201

I didn't say that because my parents only eat at the table is WHY I only eat at the table, just that it's the normal practice in my family. I do it because it's mannerly, hygienic practice. It's fucking common sense and keeping a good house. It's teaching table manners to my kid and making sure he know how mannered, well behaved people eat. It so we can actually talk to each other after a long day instead of hiding in fucking corners eating like animals. Don't you have any fucking pride in yourself?

>> No.7211203

Food's pretty important. It literally makes us what we are.

If I don't pay attention to what I'm eating, I could get into the habit of cramming a lot of bad junk inside my facehole.

It probably sounds silly but I like to stop and think about the people who did work to bring my food where it is. How many times it's changed hands, how much labor went into producing it, into packaging and transporting it, the money paid if it's someone else who bought it for me...

Just appreciating where it's come from and where it's been to get to where I am now. Strange as it may sound, I like to thank my food for being where it is -- in front of me.

It's easy to forget all that stuff in modern day. Especially if you're crunching away in front of a screen.

So when I eat, I like to focus on the food.

>> No.7211265

Wow, that does sound silly.

>> No.7211268

I eat at the table for dinner, but usually not for other meals. Dinner is when my roommates and I can all get together and talk over a meal.

>> No.7211288

>I didn't say that because my parents only eat at the table is WHY I only eat at the table
If you go back and re-read your post, you will see that that is in fact exactly what you fucking said m8

>> No.7211313

I eat at the table, or the kitchen counter if I'm in a hurry. Never at the computer.

>> No.7211371

everyone says not to shitpost where you eat....but my desk is really the best option. i can't stand to be away from media for longer than ten minutes.

>> No.7211391


>> No.7211415

No, I said that was how we ate growing up, and that was how I ate now, not that was WHY I ate that way now. People who eat all over their house are pigs. And the person who made that stupid fucking reply to my post was just buttrustled because they're a pig who eats like an animal.

>> No.7211503

>Growing up, no eating anywhere but the breakfast table, or the dining table
>So, in my own house, I only eat at the table

This is you saying it is "why". That's what the word "so" means dude. Sorry. I'm sure I don't speak your language as well as you speak mine.

>> No.7211507


I bring my laptop to the table and eat there.

>> No.7211510

So I'm guessing you can't eat with other people, or music in the background?

>> No.7211512

Who here needs to eat a lot because they do a lot of sport and lift weights but they struggle to eat a lot so they spend extend periods of time eating very slowly and it is ruining their life?

>> No.7211591

Living with birds sucks. I don't know why people keep them. I felt really bad for my mom when one of her birds died a few months ago, but didn't really give a shit, besides her emotional response. The poor thing is better off dead in my opinion anyways. It's not domesticated like a dog or a cat. Doesn't live in the same symbiosis. It was just pent up in a cage it's whole fuckin life. Afraid of hands. Wouldn't come out and interact, ever, with the same hands that fed it. Poor mom got way too attached to that little bird.

>> No.7213403

>cant eat at home without watching something
>cant watch something without eating

>> No.7213422

Do some tricks to expand your stomach. You have to eat until you're completely full and drink a lot of water. Do this consistently after exercise. Eat more eggs. 6 eggs fried will work. Full fat greek yogurt with jam. Giant salads with chicken and bbq sauce for dressing.

That's how I've gotten swole fairly cleanly.

>> No.7213437

i sometimes eat at a table.

i find these sorts of questions strange. does anyone SOLELY eat at their computer, or SOLELY eat at the table, or just do one or the other the vast majority of the time?

i'd hate eating to be that routine.

>> No.7213443
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Not a bird that took well to training then. Hand raised birds are incredibly loving. Just go on YouTube and look at some of the adorable videos.

>> No.7213515

every day. sit at table with my family and eat with silverware, manners and polite discussion. sign of civilization don't you know

>> No.7213524

Literally never ate at the table as a kid or as an adult except if I'm at my brother's because his wife is a bitch.

>> No.7213529

I eat alone, in front of the TV. I used to eat at the dinner table with my wife and two daughters but they were tragically lost some years ago. I've been alone since. The TV keeps me company well enough.

>> No.7213540

>so we can actually talk to each other after a long day instead of hiding in fucking corners eating like animals
If you're talking, you're not eating.

Checkmate, snootyfag.

>> No.7213642


This is sad. I am sorry anon.

I don't have a table though - just a coffee table basically in the living room, so no one eats at a table. I'm a bachelor with two roommates though, and we never ever share a meal together unless it's fast food or a pizza, so I'm fine with it. I have some stool at the counter in case we need to sit and eat for some reason, but I mostly just eat at the computer.

I have more space to myself in my room.

>> No.7214571

I'm sure you're long gone by now, but your story is tragic. I'd love to hear it.

>> No.7214592

I live alone and eat in front of the TV, I don't have a dining table in my house.
I have a big table outside but it'd be even weirder if I went and sat out there on my own to eat a meal.

>> No.7214696

I eat at my computer desk, HAH!

>> No.7214698

I only drink my tea at the computer.

>> No.7214704
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If I'm with family we typically eat together. If I'm by myself I just sit at the computer. I typically am always drinking by myself so it feels natural to sleaze-out at the desk, plus who's to judge me?

>> No.7214937

i don't really eat anymore, i just drink beer. when i do eat, its at my desk or some fast food place.

>> No.7214938

But anon, I have a TV in my Dining room.

I can sit at a nice dining table and watch mind numbing entertainment.

>> No.7214995

I still live with my parents and younger brother, and I'm the only one that eats consistently at the kitchen table. Everyone else either is in the living room (or sometimes for my brother, his bedroom)

I've eaten lunch and dinner in the living room and my room before and I just don't really like eating off my knees or a tray. Then again I so eat snacks in my room, and I keep my alcohol in my room too.

>> No.7216052


I eat at the table when I'm home alone. If there's people in the house I bring food to my room and lock the door.

>> No.7216055

My computer is on my dinning table

wat do

>> No.7216118

i just typed this with an oreo bit in half

>> No.7216127

I'm an adult. So I eat at a table.

>> No.7216380

My house is the same way. We turn off the tv, sit at the table and enjoy a nice dinner together without any distractions.

>> No.7216574
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I always eat at a table, simply because when I do cook, it's for other people as well and it would be rude if I was to say "here's your food dudes" and then fuck off to my room.

>> No.7216615
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My computer desk IS my kitchen table, so.. I guess I technically do.
Its just me here, so I never put much ceremony or thought into my eating habits.

>> No.7216619

I tend to eat at the coffee table in my living room when I'm by myself so I can watch tv at the same time. Whenever I have anyone over though, I eat at the dining room table.

>> No.7216640

my preference is eating at a computer while watching something.

i genuinely do not enjoy eating in the company of others. i do it only as a formality. its not because i resent other people, its just that i prefer being alone.

>> No.7216652

>It so we can actually talk to each other after a long day instead of hiding in fucking corners eating like animals. Don't you have any fucking pride in yourself?
You sound like the kind of parent that does exactly that. Forces their kids into corners.

>> No.7217437

I got rid of my table due to lack of use.

>> No.7217458

That makes no fucking sense.

>> No.7217500

i dont have room for a table, please remember to check your rich privilege before posting

>> No.7218026


He sounds more like the type who regurgitates what he did at work, then they go round the table waiting for their turn to speak because none of them have anything actually interesting to say

>> No.7218725

Holy shit, anon. Not everyone is a social failure. Some people enjoy the company of friends and family at the dinner table.

>> No.7219298

I don't own a table nor do I have any space for one so I guess I solely eat my my pc, or on a tray I guess

>> No.7219317

ive never understood why people put their tower on their table or desk.
it could easily sit on the floor out of the way.

for me always at a table even if im alone. it just feels right and you never have to struggle with holding a plate or stooping over to not be sloppy

>> No.7219468

I live with my parents. If I eat at the kitchen table, my parents start asking me why I failed at life. Not even memeing.

>> No.7219479

I enjoy my meals best with light entertainment

>> No.7219520

I eat all my meals at the table, but for lunch I use my laptop while I eat because I don't have anyone around at that time with whom I can talk. If I'm on campus, I'll usually eat under a tree or at a table in the student union, again with my laptop.

>> No.7219529

I have one of those coffee tables that fold up so I can use it as a table for eating at the couch

>> No.7219534

>If I'm on campus, I'll usually eat under a tree
I am now just thinking of sitting out under a tree eating, sitting in a bunch of snow getting my pants all wet