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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.53 MB, 5122x3415, FamilyDinner[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7205358 No.7205358 [Reply] [Original]

What annoying eating habits do your family/friends have?

>go home for holiday and eat with parents
>mother eats normally
>father somehow slurps every fucking food he has
>eating rice, slurps it. eating salad, slurps it. potatoes, slurps it. eating fucking solid meat like chicken or steak, slurps it
>literally get angry with how fucking annoying it is to hear every bite SLUUURP

>rather than eating dessert he chews gum after dinner
>chomps on the fucking gum with his fucking mouth open and you can hear him in another room he chews it so fucking loud

>> No.7205365


>> No.7205370

Yes, my father is an asshole, and that is without including his horrific eating habits

Oh another annoying eating habit of his

>after he eats a meal, he will eat a ton of junk food, like 10-12 cookies a night
>mother cannot even buy snacks for herself because he's like a garbage disposal and eats everything before she can even have a bite
>mom doesn't even eat a lot, has small plates for dinner and doesn't eat any sweets
>he constantly makes insinuations and references to her being fat at mealtimes

>> No.7205407

>confirmed for having been never yelled at by your mother's husband for making small talk about homework with your brother at dinner, or talking to your brother in the living room at a completely acceptable decibel level

>> No.7205426

So did you fuck your mom or what?

>> No.7205436

My dad used to yell at my brother and I for laughing too loudly but you don't see me with daddy issues

>> No.7205439

>sister puts bbq sauce on all her vegetables

She's 25. It's time she stopped.

>> No.7205440

I have two friends who refuse to pay more than $10 for a meal. Also they don't like to drive out of the small town we live in. So we mostly just get food from two restaurants a Chinese place or a pizza buffet.

>> No.7205444

Another annoying father food habit

>father will be working from home, home all day
>mother went to work all day
>mother would walk in the door
>father's first words would be "what's for dinner"
>she would say "i just got in i dont know"

>> No.7205447

My dad is overweight and he breathes really heavily while he eats because he eats everything really fast. I love him, but geez I hate sitting by him at dinner time. It sounds pretty gross.

>> No.7205449

And then you shot your father and mommy leapt on your dick before his body even dropped?

>> No.7205451


this wtf

>deciding on where to go out to eat
>me: "Let's go to daphne's!"
>retard: "i don't know anon, i wasn't planning on spending big tonight..."

it's like 9 bucks

>> No.7205453

Is it normal for people on this board to have incest fantasies like you have? Does cooking bring that out in people?

>> No.7205467

>mom makes steaks
>stakes come out medium rare to medium well
>dad somehow gets one medium rare steak
>mom: do you want me to cook it some more?

for the record my mom only cooks steaks medium well bc of shit like this

he also forbids us to eat pork (we do, but not around him) because he got food poisoning from eating pork lung in Korea

>> No.7205471

OP here, my father does the same

>> No.7205475

So you like to rub leftover steaks on yourself as you masturbate to the idea of forcing your father to eat one while fucking your mommy?

>> No.7205479

Is it normal for people on this board to have incest fantasies like you have? Does cooking bring that out in people?

>> No.7205484

Yes, my father is an asshole, and that is without including his horrific eating habits

Oh another annoying eating habit of his

>after he eats a meal, he will eat a ton of junk food, like 10-12 cookies a night
>mother cannot even buy snacks for herself because he's like a garbage disposal and eats everything before she can even have a bite
>mom doesn't even eat a lot, has small plates for dinner and doesn't eat any sweets
>he constantly makes insinuations and references to her being fat at mealtimes

>> No.7205485

>being so autistic that you come to a thread to post your incest fantasies about wanting to have sex with your mother, then copying and pasting people's responded form said thread

I thought cooks were normal people lmfao

>> No.7205501

>people's responded form said thread
Head too clouded by the image of your mommy's collarbone to reread?

>> No.7205504

Honestly the incest roleplay is getting me all hot and bothered. What happens next? Sister overhears you and mommy going at it and deflowers herself with an aubergine in the next room?

>> No.7205506

I don't know enough about your brother's eating habits to say what he'd be likely to do. I assume he'd just clean up the body as you two are busy on the table.

>> No.7205508

My partner chews with his mouth open all the time.

I drink loudly. Tend to suck the water in.

>> No.7205510

One of my friends is a really fucking loud guy. I wish his shitty parents had trained him to be quieter. God damn.

>> No.7205615

>mom doesn't even eat a lot, has small plates for dinner and doesn't eat any sweets
>he constantly makes insinuations and references to her being fat at mealtimes
This shit. My dad does this shit too, even after my mom got sick, had a cancer scare, the doctors TOLD her she needs to be eating more, and he still makes jabs at how much she eats. Fuck that. My mom isn't fat, he hoovers up all the junk food in the house before anyone else can. Of course he is a narcissist so this isn't shocking.

On topic, my boyfriend chews like he's trying on purpose to slam his teeth together. It drives me insane. Clack, clack, clack, it's so loud you can hear it when his mouth is closed.

>> No.7205623

Small talk about homework? What are you a nerd!? But also why would you get yelled at about that? What did he say?

>> No.7205631

Mine eats with his mouth open. We also always eat in front of the TV (which sucks) since we live in a small one bedroom apartment that lacks a defined dining area.

>> No.7205637

mum won't let me suck on her tits any more.

says i'm too old.

>> No.7205653
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>that one person that has to go "AAHHHHH!" after every sip of their drink

>> No.7205710

My brother is 33 and doesn't eat vegetables
I have a friend/roommate who is like this also and shes really fucking gross

>> No.7205717
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-12-27-20-20-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you in Korea its cultural. It shows the cook that you enjoy their food. Same with alcohol. Also slurping add oxygen to the liquid making it taste better.

If you dont slurp your noodles the kind korean woman who made your food thinks you dont find it delicious.

>> No.7205780


Thats disgusting.

>> No.7205783

Gooks are degenerate.

>> No.7205787

>Fuck you in Korea its cultural.

Cool. If anon is from fucking Korea, then feel free to bitch. If he's not, then shut the fuck up.

>> No.7205788

My brother is kind of retarded and for dinner time he always stands up, pulls his dick out and rests it on the table then recites the national anthem in his retard dialect. My dad used to get so pissed and wanted him to get a separate table in the corner to do that shit but my mom demanded that even though he's special he should have a normal life as possible. I am so glad I moved out of that house.

>> No.7205790

They tend to nitpick other peoples' eating habits. Like, to an autistic degree.

Wait, that's not my family I'm thinking about...

>> No.7205826

looking forward to the day when the word 'gook' filters to 'cook'.

desu senpai

>> No.7205828

>Oh man this homework is harder than my dick was watching mom get fucked last night
>no way, me too!
>awesome, let's have sex just like they do!
I imagine the cuckfather yelling came in about here.

>> No.7205829


My brother bites on his fork.

That sound... Ffs

>> No.7205833 [DELETED] 

My wife's kids absolutely refuse to eat anything other than chicken and watermelon, and god forbid if there isn't any grape kool-aid because those little niggers will bitch until my wife forces me to make them some

>> No.7205834

It makes me sad that there is going to be at least one retard who thinks this is legit.

>> No.7205838

You don't know my life or my struggle

>> No.7205841
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>> No.7205845

That meme is so 2000 and late...

>> No.7205848


>> No.7205849

>samefagging to get the retard wars going
m8, pls

>> No.7205854

How long is her baby daddy in prison for?

>> No.7205878
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1448673621272s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is it always dads who don't know how to eat?

>Dad is fat fuck
>Nice guy and everything so this isn't bitching about him, just his eating habits
>Every meal he brings 3 extra bowls to the table
>His burpin' bowl, his slurpin' bowl, and his third chin bowl
>His 'burpin bowl' is filled with soda and he drinks out of it when he needs to burp
>his slurpin bowl is where he pours any juices/grease at the end of the meal to drink
>he 'third chin bowl' is where he puts excess fat from the meat, which he then eats at the end of the meal
>Always makes an insane amount of noise with every meal
>If we are having something light on fats he will grill some cheap bacon and cut off the fat to go into his third chin bowl
>Takes up half the table and everyone else has to be forced into a corner
>Even brings small cups with him to restaurants to do it in a subtle way
>People always notice because he loudly says 'time for a burpin' whenever he drinks his soda

Pretty annoying

>> No.7205881

What the fuck is wrong with your family

Where are you guys from

>> No.7205885


>> No.7205886

My gf & her morbidly obese sister are nearly inseparable
No matter where we go to eat, no matter what we cook & no matter what time it is her sister must have dessert with every meal
I've never seen anything like it

>> No.7205887

Are you apart of the Joseph Smith cult?

>> No.7205891

The butthurt ITT is ridiculous. There's an uncommon amount of it all contained into one thread. It's hysterical. I've never had to experience anything like this shit.

The ONE thing my friends found odd about my family growing up was eating by candle light every meal while listening to music, conversation wasn't optional either.

Looking back I'm happy my parents were so awesome because they're both dead now but that candle light tradition exists in my house, as well as my 3 siblings homes.

Daddy didn't love you and mommy wouldn't fuck you. Get over it faggots...stop crying, you're adults.

>> No.7205896

What butthurt are you talking about?

>> No.7205897


Read the thread.

>muh mommy issues


>> No.7205898

You sound like you have a case of the autism

>> No.7205918

>I don't like thing
>Fuck you it's cultural
Tumblr pls go

>> No.7205919


At the very least, I can say, I'm not crying about my family years if not decades after the fact.

>this one time, growing up, this thing annoyed me AND I'M STILL NOT OVER IT!!!!

Childhood: the thread.

>> No.7205921


>> No.7205923


Obviously not, the ONLY people not from Korea that go full retard over their dog eating customs are beta male US Armyfags who got a taste of local poon, so they're all the sudden 1/16th Korean...works the same way with white trash saying they're "native" American and have coyote shirts, dream catchers etc etc etc.

>> No.7205927

what an asshole

>> No.7205947

You literally have autism

>> No.7205948

>mom breathes while eating like she just ran a marathon but refuses to open her mouth
>dad chomps away at food with mouth open
>brother scoops whatever crumbs are left on the plate to the side and into his mouth
im loud with my mouth closed, but i dont know how i can chew quieter

>> No.7205950

>growing up
>preparing food for myself in the kitchen
>family finds something to do in the kitchen
>hovers around doing inane shit like organizing the silverware drawer/cans in pantry until I am finished
>leaves shortly after I leave

>older sister lets us know every time we eat that she can't eat butter because it makes her ill and hates the taste
>Still eats dishes that clearly have butter in it. "oh it doesn't affect me in X dish"

>no matter what I make older sister comments on how weird it smells
At family functions if she finds out I made a dish she liked she does an about-face, makes a funny/horrified look and denigrates whatever it is to everyone nearby. Growing up with her in general was suffering.

>> No.7205957
File: 414 KB, 1500x1200, FarqHall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Time to grow up. Stop crying about your family problems Mr. FIRST WORLD ISSUES REEEEEEE.

>> No.7205964

Seek help...

>> No.7205969


Likewise. Your Daddy issues aren't going to go away on their own.

>> No.7205976

Nobody thinks you're autistic rants are amusing

>> No.7205985


Grow up.

>> No.7205991


My little brother gets a pile of food at a nice family dinner. Like, the equivalent of two or three meals in one. He then proceeds to make a mountain of mush out of it, ripping the meat with his fingers, mashes it into potato and other vegetables. He then dumps about a quarter of a liter of gravy on it. Then he uses a hand full of salt and pepper, then blends that it. It looks like what food looks like inside your gut.

If you're eating smaller portions but intend on having some left overs, you better plan ahead, because within 5-10 minutes of sitting down, he's done and the motherfucker gets up and makes himself an encore.

Mother fucker has height and a high metabolism to hide the food he ingests. Thankfully that metabolism is slowing down. Been noticing he gets a double chin when he looks down. It fills my heart with glee.

>> No.7205994
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>> No.7205997
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>mfw your dad is being annoying on purpose to wear you down emotionally so you snap and move out of the basement

>> No.7206005

>unironically uses ree
>tells others to mouve out of the basement
Nice logic there, cuck

>> No.7206016


>> No.7206017
File: 113 KB, 987x1255, 1744322754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>projecting this much of residual butthurt from daddy issues

>> No.7206027

did you read the thread topic you petulant ooze of a horses ass?

>> No.7206035


I did.

Seems to me that you complain too much. I'm 1000% certain that the families of everyone ITT would say any number of things about the posters here that are "annoying".


>> No.7206044

>you complain too much
What annoying eating habits do your family/friends have?

so you didn't read the thread topic or you are really mentally disabled

and I haven't posted any complaints, just this and that question before

>> No.7206050


Read the post you responded to again and realize how many manchildren (yourself included) the OP baited into this retardation.

>> No.7206059

baited into? or just asked people to answer their question?
why does this topic bother you so much? is your chair intact after your severe ongoing assblasting devastated typed tantrum ITT?

>> No.7206063


None of what you're saying changes the fact you're crying about the things other people do that annoy you. Why are you incapable of assimilation into society? Are you Syrian?

>> No.7206067

>you're crying about the things other people do that annoy you
that was my first reply to this thread
you are starting to annoy me though

>> No.7206070
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I'm pointing it out, it doesn't bother me at all...merely educational. Education is the key to the doorway of success in life.

Stop your crying.


>> No.7206072

>His burpin' bowl, his slurpin' bowl, and his third chin bowl
>time for a burpin
what the fuck is wrong with your dad and why is it so funny?

>> No.7206076

Don't blame the syrians so much, nobody wants them here, but blame the scumbags letting them and other fucks in, in the first place.

Both asshole parties with an agenda.

>> No.7206080

Does he tip with a rip?

>> No.7206084

Fuck off survey faggit.

>> No.7206085

Fuck off survey faggit, not everyone's dad is a weirdo.

>> No.7206089


>don't blame them

Why not. They left Turkey (a Muslim country war free, where they've lived safely for the last 4 years).

Blaming them for the illegal things they do is easy, because it's common sense.

>> No.7206096

They kill people for cartoons too.

>> No.7206098

Do his pants ever rip as he stands up from the table, spilling loose change everywhere?

>> No.7206110

You're daft, Turkey is a fucking shit zone and islamic to the core. They want their empire back which will never happen. They will never be European. They're no better than shitstains, get over it.

>> No.7206113
File: 1.04 MB, 320x180, gonna prank dad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no dad eating habits
The most annoying family member I've had eating wise is my cat.

>> No.7206116 [DELETED] 

fuck off nigger

>> No.7206120


Turkey is quite beautiful actually and free from war. Syrians have been safe there for thr past 4 years and there is absolutely no reason (other than free money via welfare) to leave and travel across Europe.

Turkey is VERY close to becoming an EU member, once that happens say goodbye to the majority of EU nations. They will be overrun abs completely hijacked by disgusting brown savages. You voted for the people wanting this to happen. You should have known better.

That's what living in a borderless society is like. If you desire to maintain racial purity (like China and Japan have done for the past century) restrict the migration of 3rd and 4th world savages from entering your countries. It's pretty simple. China and Japan COMBINED have accepted 1...just 1 refugee from the Syrian conflict in 4 years.

>> No.7206123

>dad is an incredibly slow eater
>at every meal he tells us all to not eat fast

We're eating at a normal pace, if not slowing down for you dad. Why the fuck do we all have to change how we eat because you eat slow as fuck?

>> No.7206125

>time for a bumpin

>> No.7206177

My Dad is awesome, but he eats with his mouth wide fucking open. He chomps at his food and makes a really loud disgusting sound while eating.

Another thing he does that annoys the fuck out of me; he eats his main dish first and his sides separately. For example, if we have steak, potatoes and green beans, he will first finish the entire steak, then eat all the potatoes, and then eat all the green beans. Not sure why this pisses me off, but it does.

I think it has something to do with old dudes being old and just saying, "Fuck it, I'm old and don't give a fuck anymore."

>> No.7206190

My dad and brother put ketchup on pizza

>> No.7206208

>for dinner time he always stands up, pulls his dick out and rests it on the table then recites the national anthem in his retard dialect
>kind of retarded

>> No.7206285

>disgusting, unnecessary chewing noises
this make me physically ill, and everywhere i am there is one person eating next to me who does this shit
holy shit why?

>> No.7206309
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>mom breathes while eating like she just ran a marathon but refuses to open her mouth

My morbidly obese cousin does this. She chews very rapidly and makes this weird heavy nose-breathing noise like she's just SO FUCKING EXCITED to get to the next bite. Her jowls jiggle from the furious motion of her teeth mincing her food that her entire face sort of vibrates with fat.

God, just thinking about it makes my eye twitch. She looks like a fucking pig these days.

>> No.7206327
File: 183 KB, 656x425, 1373872718530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family is pretty normal but my friends...

The fat one
>Always eats with his mouth open
>Sounds like a garbage disposal when chewing
>Huffs and Puffs
>Gets exhausted even while eating
>Has finished his plate before I'm even at half way to finish
>Always gets seconds. No exceptions.
>While others take couple scoops of icecream, he manages to mow down the whole package
>Eats things off the floor/table unless it's really dirty
>Acts like a pig

Then there is this picky one
>Complains about every food
>Doesn't want to eat anything else unless he picked it by himself and after that picks out things that he don't like
>Make dinner for friends who are coming over
>Bolognese & Spaghetti, what could go wrong?
>He picks out the onions, carrots, celery, tomato chunks which leaves him only beef + sauce
>Wants to reboil his pasta because too hard
>Everyone always gets fed up with him
>Doesn't get along with anyone

The skeleton
>Barely eats anything
>Only eats desserts, fast food and alcohol
>Nothing bad about her really
>Never gets along with fatty

"Juán" Habanero
>Always adds extra spices/hot sauce to food
>Dislikes mild food
>Food that he makes nearly melts the plates

The sweat
>Cannot handle anything hot
>Salt & Pepper is the maximum limit as for spices for this guy
>Always gets diarrhea if too hot
>Never gets along with "Juán"

>> No.7206346

This might be one of the weirdest things I've ever read on /ck/

>> No.7206353

I do the opposite. Sides first, then main dish.

>> No.7206556

I can only see one person in this thread complaining, everyone else is contributing

>> No.7206612

>Why the fuck is it always dads who don't know how to eat?
What is weird is that I find it really gross when my dad burps loudly and eats loudly, but when my boyfriend does it I don't care at all and even laugh at his loud burps.

>> No.7206620


>people who hover around when you're in the kitchen

this shit I cannot deal with

>> No.7206964

My grandma does this. I call it puttering, as in "oh fuck grandma's puttering around again." She'll stand there and watch you and say shit like "why dont you just cook the bacon in the microwave?"

>> No.7206979

>mother lives on a diet of Publix fried chicken, Dominos pizza, and frozen dinners
>father barely eats, but gets shitfaced drunk every day
>brother eats exactly like mom
>dog eats fried food, McDonalds chicken nuggets and fries, and is 15 pounds overweight

fuck my family

>> No.7206984
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>everyone else is whining about their childhood, that's not complaining though, EVERYONE IS STUPID EXCEPT FOR ME, FUCK MOMMY AND DADDY REEEEE

>> No.7207072

Is your father my father? Mine snacks before and after the meal, and eats like an ogre during the meal

>> No.7207111

Is your father a Negro?

>> No.7207134
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have you tried microwaving a grilled cheese sammich for them?

>> No.7207587


>> No.7207600

My dad keeps throwing up when he eats. It's really annoying. And gross. I can't go anywhere with him.

>> No.7207631

Maybe you should go to the hospital with him.

>> No.7207679
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>burpin' bowl
>a bowl of soda
>drinking a bowl of grease
>eating a bowl of fat
Absolutely the funniest thing I've read on 4chan.
My dad thinks cooking involves dumping the entire spice rack into a meal, and thinks that a salad is just a combination of literally the entire pantry.
I've seen him eat a bowl of uncooked spaghetti noodles, almonds, and mayonnaise, and he called it a salad.

>> No.7207686

so he has a big cock or a lot of money?

>> No.7207689


not everyone's made of fucking money, you big spender shoppers

>> No.7207704

>my mother does this fucking obnoxious AHHHH when she has a sippy
>she also slams the plate with her utensils when she eats, like everything she does with the fork and knife is unnecessarily loud
>every time she drinks during a meal she has to fucking drop the fucking utensils like they're stolen items and they hit the plate hard of course because she can't just fucking put both of them in one hand while grabbing the drink with the other
>snarfs on the food pretty loudly on top of all of this

I haven't lived with her for years (and avoid eating with her even now) but I still suffer from the years and years of trauma.

>> No.7207708

>ha ha check out this gross stuff that my dad does at the dinner table, let's all relate about it because we all (except for the blacks) have dads who eat grossly
Joking about dad's quirks isn't complaining, turbosperg.

>> No.7207721
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here's your (you)

>> No.7207724
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>> No.7207728

>that one friend who always wants to go out to eat
>that one friend who acts like you're cheap for wanting to just stay in and cook dinner, even if you invite him over for a free meal that you're going to cook
>that one friend who, coincidentally, is almost always broke, and always asking for money to "eat", which means to go out to eat, and not to just buy a week's worth of groceries and cook like a normal human being
And he always orders shit like chicken and rice with veggies; like bro, you could've literally bought a week's worth of chicken, rice, and veggies for the same price as your one night at fucking Crapplebee's.
Sorry, I'm an adult, I can't justify constantly dropping $10-$20 every time I'm hungry. Atmosphere, a place to hang and sit, good food, you can get all of that at home, especially if you have company over, but it seems like no one does that, any more, people think that hanging out means you HAVE to go out somewhere and spend money. What happened to making wings and chips and dip, inviting your friends over and watching a game on tv? Why can't we drink wine and converse in the comfort of my home or yours? Why do we HAVE to go out?

>> No.7207731


You're not happy though, you're crying ans judging the people who not only paid for probably everything you own, but all of your food from birth to adulthood, your clothing, your education via taxes, all the hobbies you had as well.

Just shut up. You're all crying about family but abstaining from mentioning your flaws...so you're not only immature but you're also psychopath manchildren to boot.


>> No.7207738

Everyone in my family is a leftist cuck who supports the mass immigration of shitskins and promotion of atheism, homosexuality, and feminism. My SJW sister decided to be a lesbian degenerate for whatever reason

>> No.7207741

>if you EVER joke about someone, you're a narcissistic piece of shit who hates and disrespects that person, while neglecting to mention your own flaws
I love my dad, and I call him names, to his face, as does he, and I know he loves me as much as I love him. Not everyone is an autist who takes everything seriously, most people actually show family and friends affection through jokes.

>> No.7207744

Okay, but what does that have to do with their eating habits?

>> No.7207759

They always eat at non-white restaurants and praise their "food" while calling white food shit

>> No.7207770
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White food is shit, though.

>> No.7207771

I hate your family.

>> No.7207774


>Also slurping add oxygen to the liquid making it taste better.

LOL if Koreans actually believe this. With 99.9% of foods and beverages, the exact opposite is true.

Also, slurping might be cultural in Korea, but it's rude and childish in the United States. We're taught to eat neatly and quietly in respectable homes.

>> No.7207777

>hur dur fuck white ppl amirite xddd
fuck off back to tumblr cuck. why dont you go welcome refugees while jamal pounds your wife

>> No.7207783

me too. im considering cutting ties with them if they continue to act like a bunch of SJWs

>> No.7207790

Sorry, pal, but fried chicken, collared greens, and mac and cheese beats out lime cheese salad, any day of the week. If having taste buds makes me a cuck, so be it.

>> No.7207798


If you're going to go out to eat, make it worth the trip and money. That's the point.

If it's going to cost me like $8, I'd rather just make it myself. However, I can't make certain foods that would cost $18 at a slightly nicer restaurant, so I go to places like that sometimes for a treat. Plus the service is good and you can go there with people and have a fun night. There's a balance to be struck.

>> No.7207801

those are white foods though

>> No.7207810

Pickiness drives me up the wall. My family was raised better, thank god, but living in the Midwest now, a lot of my friends were raised with VERY poor taste.

>I don't like Mexican/Thai/seafood/spicy foods/Indian/etc.

I have friends who will not eat anything on that list, despite having tried it all maybe once. Well what the fuck do you like, other than cheese and plain meat, you basic fucks?

>> No.7207815

Tacos are better, lamb korma is better, jerk foods are better, I really don't know what you want me to say, anon, white American food is bad.
French, German, and Italian food are the only white foods worth eating.
>inb4 le Italians aren't white epic meme
Remember, keep /pol/ in /pol/; it's against the rules to shitpost like you are doing.

>> No.7207828

>mom has dual dimples
>great tits
>beautiful smile

Would fug with the power of a thousand stars.

>> No.7207830

>hur dur muh /pol/ boogeyman
/pol/ is more welcome here than you newfag redditors. tacos, jerk, and kebab all give you food poisoning and support some illegal's anchor family

>> No.7207906

You forgot Slav foods, it's amazing, albeit a bit heavy on meat and fat.

>> No.7207917

i do this. Not in that exact order, but i tend to finish the veg first then the protein and the starch or whatever else last.

>> No.7207971

this could turn into a really shitty but great 'Hateful Eight' parody

>> No.7207990

going to book a plane ticket to korea so I can teach these savages some manners

>that look on their face when I eat an entire bowl of noodles without one slurp

>> No.7208099

>mother's husband

everybodies getting cucked.

>> No.7208115


Looks more Guamanian than white.

>> No.7208139


>> No.7208972

Both of them make more than I do. One spends most of his money on stupid shit online and the other is just oddly stingy.

>> No.7208976

Ain't gonna happen, gook.

>> No.7209002
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>"white food is bad"
>realises he's a fucking retard
>"white American food is bad"

Nice shifting goalposts you cuck.

>> No.7209038

>My gf & her morbidly obese sister are nearly inseparable
The sister is clearly dragging your gf into its orbit.

>> No.7209046

>someone posts a topic
>people relate to topic
>you take it as if everyone here sobs at night about things, and are probably foaming at the mouth in front of their computers

You're either baiting and/or have a legitimate inability to understand social cues and behaviour.

>> No.7209063

Underrated post.

>> No.7209216

Nobody is claiming to be perfect, autist. Some are even pointing out their own flaws as well as those of the family.
Can you please just leave and let the rest of us have our fun?
The fact that you sit and argue your pointless idiocy on /ck/ doesn't really support your claims of being better adjusted that everybody else here.

>> No.7209223


>> No.7209467

I mean, he's right though

>> No.7209485
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>preparing food in the kitchen
>family finds something to do in the kitchen
>hovers around doing inane shit like organizing the silverware drawer/cans in pantry until I am finished
>leaves shortly after I leave

My fucking dad does this. And he walks with a cane, so I can always hear the clomp clomp clomp of it a full minute before he comes in. It wouldn't be so bad, but we've got a tiny kitchen, and he gets in the way constantly.

>> No.7209500

Damn anons, I'm kind of a dick to my gf sometimes, I don't know why honestly, probably the autism, and I'm always afraid that I'm going to grow up and do shit like this like my father did, but I don't think I could possibly be this much of a doucher. this shit's like a wake up call to not end up like your dads

>> No.7209569


>> No.7209584
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>survey faggit

>> No.7209588

Neither anon, you have to realize that most boomer women were, and are betas, and will put up with being treated like shit because they already got married, popped out a kid or two, and their husbando convinced them that they look like shit and will never find another man to marry at this rate anyway. it's a pretty intelligent mindfuck

>> No.7209614

I've spent some time abroad with some Americans. While they were really nice guys, one of them really liked to point out how good his beer tastes every time we drank.
He would literally go like in my chinese cartoons when they drink beer. It was pretty embarassing desu. he said he wasn't used to drinking, since he was only 22 or something, stupid claps and their drinking laws. At that age I've been drinking beer for 6 years.

>> No.7209664

When it's just my brothers, sisters and my parents at their place for holiday meals, my mom will literally fart and burp while we're all trying to eat. It's fucking awful and she's always been like this.

>> No.7209706

I know this fucking feel.

>> No.7210095

how is your dog buying Mcdonalds? oor guy. seriously, how is he getting that much fast food?

>> No.7210144

>cousin dips his turkey into the gravy boat.

>> No.7210226

What? Why would they think this is okay? That's basic fucking table manners.

>> No.7210278

>mom cooks for (people present)* 3 by default
>eats half of her food at best
>dad makes pig noises
>licks plate "clean"

>> No.7210294

>With 99.9% of foods and beverages, the exact opposite is true

I fucking hate when people slurp their food, but you're a retard. A lot of "tasting" has to do with smell, and aerating the food in your mouth helps with that.

>> No.7210337

Waifu is Asian, zero-th generation. Her brothers (adults) are super picky eaters but when I make something good at my house they will eat all of it themselves and hardly leave any for others (we go buffet style). If there are leftovers they will outright take them home without even asking, dishes and all. I think the older one is actually retarded

>> No.7210364

This is a huge part of why I still browse this shit hole of a site every day.

>> No.7210368

What type of Asian?

>> No.7210376

>hovers around doing inane shit like organizing the silverware drawer/cans in pantry until I am finished
Fucking this. They just find reasons to spend long periods of time to do nothing in the same room I"m in.

>> No.7210420
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>let's go to an asian place!
>everyone orders burgers

>> No.7210424
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>If there are leftovers they will outright take them home without even asking, dishes and all
>dishes and all

>> No.7210437

My Uncle refuses to eat vegetables. He's in his 50s. It doesn't matter how you serve them or how you prepare them. This grown ass, middle aged man will not eat vegetables.

>> No.7210446


slurping isn't the cultural norm in korea when it comes to eating. No one gives a fuck about slurping there.

The only aspect of korean cultural eating is being generous to old people when eating by eating at the same speed that they eat. letting them eat as much as they want. Saying I will eat well at the start of the meal and then saying that I ate well at the end of the meal.

Also never drink your alcohol directly infront of elders at a table, always turn away to do so

>> No.7210555

Always dining out with one friend who is a tight ass about the meal...

He will never eat a restaurant where we pay separately. Say we can go to a kebab restaurant that does noodles as well, he orders a cheaper dish while everyone orders the more expensive kebab dishes, he will then 'share' by taking some of the kebabs while saying "oh I can't share any of these noodles". Then at the end he will pay on a credit card but then has the audacity to split the bill with everyone there.

More stories:
>go to Argentinian restaurant for friends birthday
>everyone orders pizza
>me and another guy share a massive meat platter
>everyone at the table is looking at us in envy from their shitty decisions

>post picture of a good japanese whisky that I got in japan on memebook
>every friend posts "yeah man gotta try this"
>imagine these people drinking the whisky in one shot as if it's a johnny walker

>friend goes on gluten free diet because he thought he had celiacs and pays $5000 in tests to find out he isn't a celiac. keeps telling the doctors that they fucked up the tests.
>Eventually starts to eat normally again

>Take friend to Korean dumpling restaurant
>best Korean dumplings I have ever eaten, I couldn't find better quality in korea
>friend complains because there is barely any meat

>> No.7212537
