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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 580 KB, 1000x664, Le raw fish with rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7203200 No.7203200 [Reply] [Original]

Overrated food

>> No.7203202

Only weebs overate this rather simple snack with rice. There is nothing inherently special about it.

>> No.7203235

It's a nice fresh food, the only people who overrate sushi are teenage girls who cream themselves over anything that isn't tapwater and weebs.

>> No.7203262

theirs two paths here, those that rave about proper sushi and those who rave about californian roll and teriyaki makizushi.

I will say proper sushi that you get in japan is beyond amazing, its a taste i will never forget

>> No.7203274

More like a taste you will never remember

Tastes like nothing

>> No.7203277

sure, im guessing your refering to salmon nigiri or something? the stuff in a fast food sushi place doesnt compare

>> No.7203286

>proper sushi

>> No.7203294

yes, as opposed to several hour old tuna avo makizushi. Im not saying it tastes bad, but the hype should be on the better stuff.

>> No.7203494
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No matter how good a steak is, it's still just a plain chunk of meat.

>> No.7203497
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I'm so fucking mad.

>> No.7203503
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>> No.7203512
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>it does not contain a high amount of sugar, salt and fat
>it does not come with cheese and ranch dressing
>it is not deep fried nor is it served on a stick

Ever since /ck/ was run over by Americans from /int/, it truly went to shit.

>> No.7203514
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>> No.7203518

4Chan needs to range ban American IP addresses.

>> No.7203520

4chan is an american site, fuck off euroshit

>> No.7203521
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>> No.7203523
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>> No.7203525
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In fact, it's a Japanese owned image board, originally designed for the discussion of childrens' cartoons.

You are literally overreacting. Stop your obsession with Europe.

>> No.7203532

So, basically everyone is a special snowflake over there?

>> No.7203537


>> No.7203539


Only if you live in an area with it. Shit is delicious if you only get to have it once in a while.

>> No.7203540
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>> No.7203542

wouldn't have had communism without Europe

>> No.7203547

or the lolacaust
>europe's GDP since forever is death and destruction

>> No.7203551

germoney has done alright but the rest are flailing

you mention the holocaust though, didn't that just drive all the smart Jews from Europe to the US?

>> No.7203553

nah, m8 Stalin made Hitler look like a piker

>> No.7203594
File: 65 KB, 500x375, turkeysandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sushi rolls made from mediocre fish are pretty seriously overrated. I could pretty easily go the rest of my life never eating them again, and I wouldn't feel like I was missing a thing.
Good steak is fucking marvelous, but given that most of the steaks people who claim to love steak eat are commodity grade garbage I'll agree.

Let me add:

Cheese. Good cheese is amazing, but most cheese is not good, and piling it up on crappy food does not improve it.

Salad. A salad course is great, especially toward the end of a rich meal. But salad trying to be the entirety of a meal is usually bullshit. I'm looking at you, chicken Caesar. (Nicoise gets a pass).

Pizza. Like steak and cheese, good pizza is amazing, but bad pizza is what you find most of the time. And people seem to love bad pizza, which I just don't get. It's got to be the same people who love bad cheese. Fuck them.

Turkey sandwich. This is the worst offender to me as far as overrated food is concerned. Quietly over the last decade or so this has become one of the most popular sandwiches out there. But it's mediocre at best, even when dressed up with bacon, guacamole or cranberry sauce. Turkey breast meat just doesn't make that good a sandwich. It's fucking dry, and you have to salt the shit out of it to give it any flavor. I don't know who started this bullshit, but I'm not buying it.

>> No.7203599


>> No.7203627

>A salad course is great, especially towards the end of a rich meal
>chicken caesar is not a meal
Oh look, we found the fatty. I bet you don't understand why you can't lose weight as well.

>> No.7203635


You seem awfully upset over a turkey sandwich.

>> No.7203636

Yer mum's vajaina :^)

>> No.7203640

So your defense for Europe being great is that free thought is criminalized. At least that's what I got from the first 3 sentences. I couldn't get any farther without collapsing into giggles.

I agree on Steak being overrated and over priced. I don't get how steakhouses charge $50 for a steak I could cook better at home. Most places don't even bother with a pan sauce.

>> No.7203643

What is this? I don't even... It's so absurd that you can't even ridicule it.

>> No.7203644

>I don't get how steakhouses charge $50 for a steak
Because restaurants/hotels have access to higher quality steaks that you as a regular person cannot buy to use at home. Only high quality steaks taste good, anything you can buy as an individual is mediocre at best.

>> No.7203647

>Oh look, we found the fatty.
A Whopper has 710 calories. A grilled chicken Caesar from Applebee's has 800. Both seem like excellent choices for the fatty to be.

I won't bother with either and stay trim, thankyouverymuch.

>> No.7203648

You need to find a decent butcher.

>> No.7203653

Read what he wrote;
>salad trying to be the entirety of a meal is usually bullshit. I'm looking at you, chicken Caesar
He is saying a salad is not sufficient and he wants an additional "main" meal with his salads.

>> No.7203666


enjoy your great islamification of europe.

>> No.7203669

That's correct though. Making a salad so heavy that it's a stand alone meal is bullshit. There's no reason for an 800 calorie salad to exist in the first place. That's the overrated shit - a salad with more calories than a fucking burger.

Not upset, just disappointed. It's another example of mediocre shit becoming popular because people think it's "healthy" and they really don't give two fucks about taste.

>> No.7203674

>create Internet
>create 4chan

Yeah, no.

>> No.7203682
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>cucked, the post

Limiting freedom of speech to that extent is just allowing Mahmoud's cock to slide a little further in your ass.

>> No.7203684

>Ever since /ck/ was run over by Americans from /int/, it truly went to shit.
When did this happen? I'm from /int/ and I've only been here for like a year, but I'm an australian (who actually likes food).

>> No.7203704

Brits invented the Internet.

>> No.7203710

Look bro, some of us actually exercise and need all the calories we can get. Three 800 calorie meals a day puts me around maintenance, and what kind of fatty has an 800 cal breakfast every day, thus leaving more cal for lunch/dinner/snacks. If I want to gain weight then I need almost 4 of those 800 cal meals. I don't really want to eat burgers all day every day, variety is nice.

We don't all have insatiable appetites either so a small salad is more than filling.

>> No.7203712

It's a recent phenomenon. This used to be an American free board (cooking intimidates them) but now it's overrun with claps posting about junk food restaurants and YouTube 'celebritys'

>> No.7203717

Tfw I've been to that five guys, and I didn't get shot

>> No.7203719

Nice meme but factually incorrect. A Google search or two could help

>> No.7203726

I've been on /ck/ longer than you and you are full of shit.

>> No.7203728

>I don't really want to eat burgers all day every day, variety is nice.
I cook, and I lift. I eat maybe four or five burgers a year. This is an overrated foods thread, and in my opinion salads that are well on their way to 1000 calories are totally overrated, and the chicken Caesar is the epitome of this bullshit. You can have a different opinion, and that's OK.

I think California style burritos are overrated bullshit as well, so I'll add those to the list.

>This used to be an American free board
I've been here for five years and have no idea what you're talking about. I'm pretty sure quinky sauce guy was American.

>> No.7203729

>Tim Berniers Lee
First hit.
Now fuck off you disgusting, obese, beetus ridden, 62% and falling cocksucker.

>> No.7203734
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>> No.7203739

No matter how good a steak is, it's still usually undercooked and raw on the inside.

>> No.7203741

>proper sushi

wew lad

>> No.7203885

>This used to be an American free board

>board has mostly been about fastfood and youtube chefs for years
>not american

>> No.7204099

>being this triggered

>> No.7204512

the problem is it's just a cheap street food. Yes there are pricey ones you can buy but outside of a handful of places worldwide, the majority of the shit you're buying is just essentially pricey street food. Not quite so pricey in some countries though, america obviously is quite pricey for this type of stuff

>> No.7205338


I only order something like a chicken caesar at a restaurant if I'm looking to get smashed afterwards.

>> No.7205347

World wide web is not the same thing as the internet you fucking moron

>> No.7205361

>The American constitution is archaic

Said no one ever

>> No.7205369

Fucking fondue. The cheese is good and the chocolate, but the meat is just boiled fucking meat. Nasty.

>> No.7205433

what do you think about making a meal of a salad with quinoa, cranberries, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cherry tomatoes, and avocado?

>> No.7205513
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I feel so nasty after eating bacon. 2/10

>> No.7205544
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>> No.7205571

bbbbut i like sushi, and im not even white

>> No.7205596
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>Hungry as fuck
>Go out with some friends for dinner
>"So lads where do we go?"
>"Let's go to that Sushi place"

>> No.7205612

sashumi is proper sushi

>> No.7205632
File: 111 KB, 400x400, I taste like nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7205638

Nutella is definitely the most overrated.

>> No.7205639


>> No.7205677

The fuck is sashumi?

>> No.7205680

proper sushi

>> No.7205681

>proper sushi

Sashimi, dumbfuck.

>> No.7205684

Sick blog

>> No.7205698
File: 1.42 MB, 3648x2736, M 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayonnaise - My friend put some in my food without telling me and I still vomited :(

>> No.7205765 [DELETED] 


>Thinking someone who came from a European country would talk about "European law" instead of the laws of their country.

>Thinking a comment on reddit somehow constitutes as fact.

I didn't know that high cholesterol could impact the brain so much.

>> No.7205941

Fuck muricans and their disgusting shit food

>> No.7205998

Sounds like $14 at Dimes.

>> No.7206029

Makes me vomit desu senpai

>> No.7206071
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Fuck eurofags and their disgusting shit food

>> No.7206088
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>> No.7206103

Subtle bait.

>> No.7206111

buttered grass.

it bothers me that people think it's healthy and they just throw it on everything, too. 1 avocado is ~300 calories and fucking 30g of fat

just eat some bacon jesus christ

>> No.7206122

>meat fondue
You're doing it wrong.

>> No.7206216

Everyone just calls them dust devils or little tornados, what the fuck is this chart.

>> No.7206218

last I checked, al gore is 100% usa.

so go suck off a fat load

>> No.7206226

You actually believe this?

>> No.7206254


This is bullshit though, you can say pretty much whatever you want as long as you don't claim it's the objective truth without giving arguments for that position.

That said, I'm not opposed to taxing people who spout bullshit just because they can. A little bit of soft paternalism is needed in a world where so much people are ignorant, scared, paranoid and hateful faggots. Looking at you, America.

Thing is, if you don't provide certain things and require certain other things from people you can't have a civilization. If everyone gets derriere-damaged to the extreme the moment you even suggest their taxes are slightly increased/they give up their FMJ-loaded assault rifles/put down the burger/have some goddamn self-respect people go shout 'muh (individual) freedom', eventually it will collapse because all everybody cares about is themselves.
Currently the risks of being infected with HIV are less detrimental to your health than having diabeetus, while at this rate 1 in 2 of people in the USA will be diabetic within a decade or three. Logical thing to do would be to persuade (not even coerce) people to not be a gigantic fucking glutton, but that can't be done because it would interfere with the individual freedom.

>> No.7206457

Literally a cuckold

>> No.7206462

Is that a fucking hockey puck?

>> No.7206510

this desu
may as well eat sugar

It's shit on its own, but it can be nice if it's added to something that needs fat.

>> No.7206585

Pretty sure Al Gore invented it

>> No.7206601

Looks like black pudding. Delicious.

>> No.7206676

You must have a fundamental misunderstanding of what both words mean.

>> No.7206773

Just to clarify some things on sushi .. It actually means 'vinegared rice' it comes from 2 Japanese words.
So sushi doesn't even have to contain fish at all.
Sashimi is sliced raw fish, without rice.
American sushi, is like any other Amrricanized food, is a close cousin to it's original, nothing more.

>> No.7206782

anything bbq
fried chicken

>> No.7207160
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>> No.7207279

>Sambo Turner

>> No.7207671

looks like the patty that slid under the stove in spongebob that crabs jewed the health inspector into eating

>> No.7207697

that bun looks very soft

>> No.7208205


>> No.7208897

I do like their peanut oil fries though. Went at closing, paid for small fries, got a huge bag full.

>> No.7209073


>> No.7209076

Somewhat overrated
Definitely overpriced

>> No.7209103

this is actually a taiwanese fingerpainting board

>> No.7209107 [DELETED] 

haha yes yes the countless stories of germans being put in jail or had their kids taking away for disagreeing with mama merkel dont exist

or the media posting your picture on tv so everyone can shun you for your opposing views is totally not happening

>> No.7209115
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Pretty much all types of Mexican food found outside of Mexico.
Starch with starch and starch, meat scraps, plastic cheese, watery shit like iceberg and tomatoes - topped off with shitty spices to attempt to inject some kind of flavour into it.

>> No.7210894
File: 37 KB, 450x300, Dragon-fruit-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I see so many dragon fruit flavored beverages at the store (Vitaminwater, Steaz, etc). Either I had a bad one, or it's the equivalent of making a "cucumber-sugarcane" flavored beverage.

>> No.7210921
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i hate dragon fruit, it always tastes like coffee grounds to me.

>> No.7210961

I literally lived in the building behind it in the background
Why would you ever feel threatened there? Literally on Campus

>> No.7211097

meat in general desu

>> No.7211334

Fucking this. Bacon is filthy tasting and not good in any way whatsoever. Yet people love the shit out of it. I'm not even talking 'rebbit tier lol bacon mustache' fucks either. People in general just eat a lot of it on their own and seem to think it's a quality added ingredient to burgers, sandwiches ect. I think I've only met one other person who admits bacon is nasty in concept and practice.

>> No.7211359

It bothers me that people think just because something is calorie-dense and contains fat that it's automatically unhealthy and equivalent to eating a snickers bar or some other, clearly more processed clearly less-healthy shit.

I'll grant you, eating avocado on everything and/or sitting down and putting a whole one back at every meal with a complete disregard for macros is a dull idea, to put it kindly. But going completely and fully to the opposite end of the spectrum and assuming they're bad just because muh calories is just as shortsighted.

I say this as an american, too. I hate that healthy food = blanket lowcal/carb/fat meaning here, rather than just adopting a healthy everything-in-moderation mentality.

>> No.7211366

It really is. The fruit may look rad as hell, but the taste is so disappointing

>> No.7211375
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Don't overcook it like most people do. It tastes much better and you don't feel like garbage afterwards.

Crispy bacon is burnt bacon.

>> No.7211381

>Went at closing, paid for small fries, got a huge bag full.

that's pretty much their MO, the size is basically what size cup they put in the bag they fill halfway with fries

>> No.7211392
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I tried it twice, both times it was dry, severely lacking in flavor, and they wanted to charge me an outrageous price for guacamole, the only thing that could have made it into a passable meal. I will never understand why people like this shit. Especially when they live in southern California and good Mexican restaurants are around every corner.

>> No.7211398

middle bacon is great crispy
just your shitty side bacon that tastes like shit when crispy

>> No.7211487
