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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7192619 No.7192619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm at a drug/alcohol treatment center in the boonies


sausage and cheese biscuit, fruit punch+lemonade mix

>> No.7192621

If they fed me that I would be back on crack vodka, meth and heroine instantly. Fukkin disgusting and a disgrace for all of life.

>> No.7192623
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Dinner from last night

Chicken tits, broccoli, rice, salad

>> No.7192634
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We can eat whatever we want out out of here between 5am and 10pm

>> No.7192644

Hi mom
I've been uploading 7MB photos to a cooking website again so nobody that isn't on fiber can load them

Can you remind me how to get a free app on my phone to resize photos?

Love always, op

>> No.7192645

It's rehab, not the waldorf astoria.

>> No.7192649
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Cereal bar

>> No.7192652


Well that explains why Amy didn't want to go.

>> No.7192665

Thanks for talking me out of rehab, OP.

I guess I'll just wait till I keel over from liver failure and see how things turn out.

>> No.7192667

Left over meatloaf

>> No.7192671

Why do they force you to drink fruit punch? Is that where they put your benzos?

That sounds like it would be the worst part.

>> No.7192672
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Forgot pic

>> No.7192673

We aren't forced to drink it, I actually like the stuff.

And kek no benzos here bro. I had some in detox but they aren't allowed in treatment.

>> No.7192687

Spoiler alert:

Liver failure is incredibly painful and the hallucinations are terrifying

>> No.7192718

Shut up Aussie cunt

>> No.7192726

Rehab over christmas...

That's so /ck/ it hurts

>> No.7192731


>> No.7192732
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Thanks for reminding me. My family isn't coming to visit.

>> No.7192753

hows the coffee anon?

>> No.7192771

Maxwell House

It's drinkable

>> No.7192773


>> No.7192780

do they allow you to cook? and use sharp knives?

>> No.7192787

What were you abusing?

>> No.7192798


Metric fucktons of bourbon

>> No.7192800

What do you even do in rehab?

>> No.7192806


4chan is what enabled your drug abuse in the past. The key to healthy rehabilitation is to let go of places/people/things that are a hindrance to your progress throughout this process.

Seems to me you're stuck in the past by bragging about your microwave sandwich. In all honesty you should probably never post here again and move on from the ties that bind...unless you're like all the other retards that think addiction can be conquered.

>> No.7192815
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Learn about feelings and the 12 steps and why I was such a selfish drunken shit bag

You're a fag

>> No.7192821

are you doing rehab to lessen a jail sentence

what made you go into rehab?

>> No.7192824

Once you get out, you should get a corgi. Corgis are better than bourbon.

>> No.7192826
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So repeat the same mistakes and just hope things change huh?

I look forward to you posting in the weekly alcoholic thread in a few weeks when the judge lets you out of that shithole.

Cheers faggot.

>> No.7192833

hope you get better buddy, hang in there and be tough

>> No.7192853

I almost died from a decade of hard drinking

Not facing any jail time, just trying to not die

>> No.7192865

Living is overrated

>> No.7192884

You realize that all the drugs, therapy, etc that they charge you for only actually gets 10% of patients to quit? And even then they often reenter drug habits. Ibogaine is the only effective treatment for addiction.

>> No.7192890


Not him but this is like saying "you realise diets only work in 10% of the cases right? And even then most people get their weight back?" you stupid fuck.

>> No.7192899
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Pic is me in the hospital a few weeks ago, doughs nozzle

Retarded shit


>> No.7192902

*douche nozzle

>> No.7192915

may your dubs bless you to a recovery that you can live with

>> No.7192927

I'd drink too if I looked like that

>> No.7192948
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Hey Man. Merry Christmas from Texas.

Keep at it and try to stay positive.

>> No.7192957 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 636x960, 12301736_100102400362001_7286161911790973625_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quick word:

Rehab isn't the final step, or even the mechanism to live well. It's simply a first step in resetting and basically stabilizing your health.

Don't buy into the 12 step/permanent victim mindset.

It's hard but, you've got to find who you are, minus the alchohol. Finding that dude is the key.

Don't allow the "I'm powerless" shit to graft on and take hold. It sets you up for a permanent failure/victim mindset and cycle.

You've got three options:

1: Drink. Die.
2: Don't drink. Live well.
3: Drink occasionally, becoming a 12-step fag who's life is defined by fear and slipups.

Go with 2. You've got to find that separate peace.

Good luck. Merry Christmas. You can do it.

Pic attached is awesome 21 year old tits.

>> No.7192988

The percentage of successful rehabilitations varies by institution. I've seen composite percentages ranging from 8% to 40-45% success rate. Where did you get 10%?

>> No.7192992

>one corgi, no ice

>> No.7193193

That botch is busted and 12 step has nothing to do with victim mentality.

>> No.7193245
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Tuna casserole, peas, corn, pasta salad, pickled peppers

>> No.7193300

When I was a kid and went to summer camp we called those drinks bug juice.

>> No.7194008
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Dinner :

Corn dogs, cheese burger, fries, olives

>> No.7194087
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>> No.7194135

Rehab looks nice. How much do I have to drink to get in here?

>> No.7194143
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Glad you are trying to get better OP! I went to three weeks of rehab once and like you it was voluntary. Just try not to let the crappy food get you down and do the work and deal with your feels. It helped me kick a bad habit because I wanted to quit and it sounds like you want to to. Please keep posting rehab food! I havent seen it in awhile and it makes me lol. It's still better than hospital food where I live! Oh and I denied having visitors too. It made tings way easier for me to deal with things on my own.

>> No.7194147

I think just wanting to quit is enough

Thanks. I'll be here for at least 50 more days. The food isn't the best I've had but it's much better than living on whiskey, cigs, and 7-11 junk food.

>> No.7194153

so much autism in this post it hurts

>> No.7194179

Fuck, that food looks so bad I want to avoid rehab, now...

>> No.7194183
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its funny cos' its true.

>> No.7194213
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I came to /ck/ to open the appetite and now I want to drink

>> No.7194474
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>I came to /ck/ to open the appetite