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7185923 No.7185923 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you into craft beer? I went to a bar with some coworkers that serves all craft beer, like 200 different beers. How the fuck do I decide what I want? I have never heard of any of this shit and I don't want to spend 10 bucks on a giant glass of shit I might take 1 sip of and decide I think its fucking disgusting. Do you really just order at random and hope you find something good?

I just ordered a rum and coke and everyone looked at me like I was a giant faggot

>> No.7185931

Copy/pasted from the other thread where you deleted your post:
Same way you get into wine, coffee, scotch, etc: you drink a bunch of it and you always seek new experiences.
>I have never heard of any of this shit and I don't want to spend 10 bucks on a giant glass of shit I might take 1 sip of and decide I think its fucking disgusting.
This is what shock top and blue moon are for. People like you. I'm disgusted by this way of thinking, but to each his own.

At first, it will essentially be random, but over time, if you're paying attention, you'll figure out what you like. Also, what you like will probably change as you train your palate.

>> No.7185935

A lot of places like that will offer flights where you can order 4-6 smaller beers and get a feel for what you like. I mean, that will also cost you 10 bucks, but at least you'll have some idea what styles appeal to you.

>> No.7185941

A brewery/restaurant/bar near me sells beer samplers, so you can try a bunch to see what you like. You could always tell the bartender what kind of beers you already like, and ask for them to suggest something similar.

>> No.7185954

>I don't want to spend 10 bucks on a giant glass of shit
Where the fuck are they selling $10 glasses?

>> No.7185957

>People dont want to waste their money
>That disgusts me

Seriously? You're disgusted by people not wanting to waste their money on something they might not like? Ok then.

I dont know if there is a name for the term, but I was speaking to someone recently about something similar to what you experienced. It was related to choosing a pension scheme, but the same applies here. The more variety we are presented with, the more likely we are to stick to what we already have/know. People find it much easier to make a choice between 5, than make a choice between 200.

>> No.7185958

>go to grocery store
>make mixed 6 pack of various different styles
>figure out which styles you like
>go back and try more beers of the styles you like while also trying additional new styles

>> No.7185961

Its not wasting your money, worst case scenario you bought a mediocre beer, if thats too much for you to handle you should probably just skip going out to bars altogether

>> No.7185962

Yeah. Drinking is optional and it's supposed to be fun. Also being "disgusted" by a random beer is a sign of being a picky eater who hates brussels sprouts or whatever. Have fun and expand your palate. Or use the drugs and reject anything that isn't the alcohol version of tendies and ranch.

>> No.7185970

Except thats completely what it is. Buying something with zero knowledge of what it is like, and then not liking it so you dont drink it, is a waste of money. That money has literally been wasted.

If you think that spending money on an unknown product just to discover you dont like it isnt a waste, then thats great. But I dont think many people would share your sentiment.

>> No.7185973

>baww the dish had onions, I'm ALLERGIC to onions! I can't eat this!
This is you

>> No.7185977

>I've literally got no reasonable comment to make against your argument so I'll just say some stupid shit to try heal make myself feel better
This is you

>> No.7185979

>Buying something with zero knowledge of what it is like
What bar doesn't provide a description of the beer?

Also the investment is incredibly small, its a terrible way to go through life never trying new things because you are afraid you won't like them, especially something that requires as little investment a a beer

> That money has literally been wasted.
Well if your goal is also to gt buzzed, its not really wasted, and even if thats not a concern, you learned something about what you like, so still not a waste

It would be one thing if you were talking about a $50 plate at a restaurant, or some expensive electronics, but we are talking about $5

>> No.7185980

how did you ever progress past breast milk?

>> No.7185983

Whatever you say, picky manchild

>> No.7185994
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>go to Biercraft with a few friends
>two of them order beer sampler, basically a tray of small glasses of 6 beers from around the world
>more than half of them tastes like shit
>makes me help them finish it
>got so drunk that I nearly sucked their dicks that night

>> No.7186003

a lot of those types of bars will pour you a shot glass of beer for free. you can try that before ordering a full pint.

otherwise if you at least get to know a few different types they're all at least somewhat similar.

>> No.7186007

I think the point is more that OP seems to have no idea about craft beer, at least thats how I read it.

Id have no problem ordering, and I do normally order something I havent tried. But I at least know what to expect because I know what kind of beer I like. I know that if I order a porter, its not going to be the same as an IPA.

However, if I went in to a brandy bar (if one happened to exist) I wouldnt know where to start because I know nothing about brandy. And given time pressure of ordering, its pretty easy to see why someone would regress to ordering something that they know.

Im not saying I agree with not trying new things because I dont, but its pretty easy to see where OP is coming from.

>> No.7186013

Well you are never gonna learn about things you are entirely unfamiliar with, without just trying things

If the cost is a concern definitely do it with mixed 6 packs at the grocery store rather than pay a bar's markup, but there is no real around just buying things (unless you are w women, then you can get a guy to buy it for you)

>> No.7186019


it's called a flight. you order a flight of beers

Anyway, just tell the bartender you don't know what's good, he'll ask you what you like(bitter, sweet, heavy, light, etc) and he should be able to pour you tasters if you're really panicked about this.

>> No.7186028

I'm also from Metro Van

>> No.7187420

order a flight of beers. admit to the bartender that you are a raging faggot.
he'll probably understand and give you a brief rundown of the different types and aromas, bitter units and and percent by vol.

>> No.7188412
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Lets hear more bout them dicks gayboy

>> No.7188433

Order a style you feel like drinking from a brewer you've had something good from before, or at least heard good things about.

Wow, so difficult.

>> No.7188570

This. Rinse, wash & repeat.

>> No.7188612

As mentioned, beer flights are the way to go.

If you are used to regular beers like Budweiser and coors, I would suggest to try with wheat ales and blonde ales. Those are probably the closest to what you're used to. A next step would be to try a brown ale/rye ale. A little bit of a more complex flavor, but nothng too overwhelming. Once you get used to these two things, try Pale Ales and IPAs. Only then can you achieve true beer doucheness.

>> No.7188618

you buy the beer

then you drink it

>> No.7188647

Not really. I've always finished beers that I ordered on a whim and didn't care for because I'm not a wasteful child that will order something, decide I don't like it. spit it out, refuse to finish it and then proceed to whine about it.

If you don't like it, lesson learned. Just finish the thing and don't order one again.

>> No.7188664

10 bucks for a beer is this bigger than a pint? I would hope so.

>> No.7188713

Fact of life is most craft beers are terrible and overpriced. If you disagree you're a faggot beer hipster who gets off on ironically liking shitty, expensive beer and feeling superior when the unsuspecting normalfags try it and hate it.

OP, you're more than in the right to just get the rum and coke instead of near literally burning your money for nothing.

>> No.7188726

Just ask which one contains the most hops. Inform them that you like your beer to be very hoppy indeed, and that if it doesn't meet your exacting standards of superlative hoppiness you will certainly be demanding a refund.

>> No.7188751

You pick one or two that you think you might like and asked to try them 1st... any good bar will serve you a small sample. Or start with flights ao just ask for recommendations based off what you do like

>> No.7188776
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>everybody is just pretending to like this thing to fit in
>people with real taste don't fall for this this thing, which everybody is just pretending to like
>i'm the one with real taste, listen to me
>i'm not at all a picky eater
>by the way, if you even try to disagree you are a bunch of buzzwords, so don't even bother
>nobody could possibly like this thing my superior palate has deemed yucky, they're all just pretending to act superior

>> No.7188782

yeah, exactly, liking things is dumb. i just drink soylent, and instead of water i recycle my own piss. I also never leave my house.

why waste money?

>> No.7188812

Just about sums up /ck/ and more indirectly the whole internet.

>> No.7188830

>Fact of life is most craft beers are terrible and overpriced.
Do you live in europe? Most good beer isn't expensive at all in america besides some limited release stuff

>> No.7188852

>how the fuck do I decide what I want to drink?

I really question whether evolution is actually real

>> No.7188906

You made the common mistake of imagining that "survival of the fittest" means being progressively better in all respects. It simply means having a set of traits that fit well into the environment that you live in. Lack of adventurousness regarding alcoholic beverages consumed would assist survival, if anything.

>> No.7188913


>> No.7188929

no, alcohol increases your chance at having babies, its consumption has been a great selective pressure amongst human populations

>> No.7189079

How does whisky dick fit into your paradigm

>> No.7189101

only an issue with extreme drinking, hardly a common thing. and even with that problem, drinking increases your probability of meeting a mate and breeding at a future point in time

I wonder what percentage of people first got close to their current wives wonder the influence of alcohol, surely it is quite high, and what percentage of people were conceived unintentionally under the influence

This isn't some theory I just cam up with, its the current scientific understanding of human biology

>> No.7189130

More like the anthropological understanding of human society. I've never seen seen it framed as a biological study.

>> No.7189150

Its certainly both. We can see the positive effect of alcohol consumption in the evolution of genes designed to metabolize ethanol

>> No.7189414

I don't know anon. Some faggot from last months beer thread said he paid $8 for an IPA in a lowball glass

>> No.7189460

It had a strong but intoxicating smell through the underwear.
Then I passed out and ended up in a cuddle train

>> No.7189487

Its spelled flyte, durrr

>> No.7189498


10 bucks for a full glass of craft beer is a decent price for draft. I live in DC and that's about the going right at a craft beer bar for the better stuff.

Anywhere between 8-12 is fair for draft not on happy hour.

>> No.7189502
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>Do you really just order at random and hope you find something good?

Get a sampler, which is several small glasses of different beers.

>> No.7189521

...ask for a recommendation. any decent beer bar will have a knowledgeable bartender. sample beers until you find a style that you like. then search out other beers of the same style. eventually try new styles.

>> No.7189550

Ask for an IPA, which will ease you into the craft beer scene. American IPAs make judicious use of New World hops which all have a particularly strong citrus flavour/aroma so you will feel like you're drinking the familiar, refreshing taste of Mountain Dew instead of having a beer.

Once you're bored with IPAs you can move on to an American stout or porter. In addition to using a much darker malt most American craft brewers will add plenty of coffee and/or chocolate essence so it will taste a lot like you're drinking your favourite Starbucks beverage, except cold and alcoholic.

It's generally a good idea to stay away from European beers because they tend to taste weird and aren't modelled on American food products. The only exception to this is Hefeweizens and other wheat beers as long as you add a chunk of lemon to it, which will make them vaguely like the comforting taste of an all-American Snapple.

>> No.7189562

This guy really knows what he is talking about. Being recently in the states but normally living abroad has told me that the craft brew scene in america is very different from the craft brew scene in other places in the world. ut geting into beer, can be quite daunting at first. Americans tend too over hop their beers and love to call them all IPAs as such while losing the actual flavor of the product. They also have this weird tendency to overly carbonate their beers so then you get the wonderful sensation of drinking a soda rather than drinking a beer. If you ask me, when Im drinking beer I'd lke to have a beer. Not something that is menat for someone who deosnt like beer because thats just really really fucking stupid. But that's the scene I came across when I was back in the states last week. I'd suggest to you my friend to take a back seat to the brands New Belgium and Green Flash. Go for more light beers with less hops like Lagers or Ales and then move on to more robust types like IPAs, Double IPAs, Stouts, and porters. Im originally from VA and I love Legend's Pale Ale and Porter but its kind of small fry and I think that most people into beer will disagree with me about them. Its probably because I have some RVA pride or whatever nonsense. If you were in straya, Id recommend pale ales, ambers, and pilsners as starters. But, it truly depends what you are looking for. Ask the bartender as well or even better go to shops that sell exclusively beer. Specialty shops really help me understand the craft brew scene in the states. But dont believe whats on the labels back in the states either. IPAs is the predominant style but for some odd reason people really dont seem to understand what an IPA is. Beer is about flavor. Find what flavors you're most into. I love a crisp pale ale in summer or a fruity session. Good rich porters and stouts in winter and ambers all year around.

>> No.7189840

>10 bucks for a full glass of craft beer is a decent price for draft
>£6.50 for a pint
jesus christ america

>> No.7189846

I'm not in America mate.

>> No.7189847
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literally the #rekest thing I have seen in any beer thread, american craft beer #btfo

>> No.7189885

>light beers with less hops like Lagers or Ales
What do you think the A in IPA stands for, anon?

>> No.7189913

Geez, Im being a total idiot. You're dead on. But I meant more along the lines of brown ales, pale ales, and amber ales. But of course I know that an IPA is an indian pale ale. But the difference between an IPA and let say just a plain pale ale is both the color and the robustness, along with the amount of hops. In my honest opinion, IPAs have their own really interesting category. I believe that it takes quite a bit of work to have the bittnerness and hoppiness of an IPA but then able to transcribe distinct flavors to the consumer but while maintaining their status. I love beer, anon. But thanks for calling me out on that.

>> No.7189914

For craft beer in one of the most expensive places to live in America. Where I live the local craft brewery starts at $5 and tops out at $8.50 for their low run experimental stuff. That's £3.35-5.70.

>> No.7189931

The hipster crowd is the easiest to cash in on. They are willing to pay double just to be different

>> No.7189946

Oh I know, it was clear from the context what you meant; I just couldn't resist the temptation for a bit of pedantry. desu "ale" is such a broad category as to be largely meaningless when it comes to taste recommendations, encompassing as it does everything from the lightest golden ale to the fruitiest, most malt-forward brown ale. If you're going to insist on a separate category for IPAs then you can't realistically lump golden and brown ales in together either.

>> No.7189951

I really need to start selling my elderflower beer.

>> No.7189989

Totally get your point. Probably though, for people who are just getting into beer particularly craft beer wouldn't you think that something as a golden, a pale, or even an amber would be more of a better first than say an IPA, Porter, or Stout? But then we have to worry about where OP honestly is. If h is in the states, then god help him. I was only in the states for a couple of weeks and tried around 30 or so Beers. Most of them...IPAs sadly. Trust me I looked for other types.

Also, do you think its possible for people to just....stop looking at craft brew as anything other than microbrewery? I mean yeah its the same term basically, but people need to stop putting craft brew on a pedestal.Its the same as wine, anime, and movies. People have their likes and dislikes and really need to stop thinking its some sort of unattainable hobby.

Once people get a god handle of macrobrew vs microbrew
then choose a flavor
then choose a style
then run with it.

All hobbies work the same way.

>> No.7190014

>Thinking good beer is expensive in Europe and somehow an exclusive thing


>> No.7190051


I live in New Hampshire and you can usually get a nice craft for $3-4 a glass if you know where to look

>> No.7190092

Are you a Northerner or something?

>> No.7190121

I live in London. What tourist trap hellholes are you going to to make you think £6.50 for a pint is reasonable?

>> No.7190226

I dont think £6.50 for a pint of craft ber would be that shocking.

Take Chimay Red for example, in Wetherspoons, which is clearly the cheapest of the cheap, they sell for about £4 for a 330ml. They also sell Chimay Blue, which I know i more expensive, although not sure how much.

If its working out to around £6.50 a pint in Spoons, then it's not hard to imagine else where being the same.

>> No.7190237


it wouldnt even be a full pint, since the american pints are smaller. lmao

>> No.7190250

if you drink craft beer in spoons you absolutely deserve to pay £6.50 for a pint

>> No.7190257

What craft beers do you drink in pubs/bars and how much do you pay?

>> No.7190266

I don't drink craft beer.

>> No.7190270

the point he was making is that spoons is such a terrible place the glasses are never clean, the lines are never flushed, the bottled beer is never in date , the casks are usually sour etc

i know, i work for a wetherspoons

>> No.7190278

>the glasses are never clean, the lines are never flushed, the bottled beer is never in date , the casks are usually sour etc
>i work for a wetherspoons

Sounds like you should spend less time dicking around on the Internet and more time doing your fucking job.

>> No.7190284

if i'm drinking craft beer i usually do so at home with some friends, or maybe in a nice pub or at one of the bermondsey breweries. not spoons, mate, you're better than that.

this guy got what i meant, spoons is for downing a pint of carling and stealing the glass

>> No.7190285

i work in the kitchen, friend

>> No.7190294

Depends on the part of Europe.

Of all the European countries I've visited, Belgium has the best price to quality ratio.

But Belgium makes the best beer in the world, so the numbers are a little stacked in their favour,

>> No.7190303


Theres more chance the bottled beer is good than the cask/barreled beer though. But the point that I was making is that if the cheapest possible pub sells craft beer at £4/330ml, then £6.50 for a pint is hardly a shock.

If you drink craft beer in a nice pub, what price are you expecting to pay for a pint?

>> No.7190307

9/10 troll post.

Also, ruining a nice German Hefeweizen with a lemon slice is one of my biggest beer pet peeves.

>> No.7190323

between £3 and £5, closer to £6 if its a high abv beer. if the price starts with a six then i'll be upset.

>> No.7190325

*2nd best

>> No.7190328

What part of that post is inaccurate? You've taken refined styles developed over centuries and turned them into a brash, uncouth concoction thanks to the unshakeable American belief that more hops/chocolate/coffee/carbonation = better.

Your "craft" beers are to real beer as Wrestlemania is to sport; a hilariously over-the-top parody of the real thing.

>> No.7190339

>What part of that post is inaccurate?

The implication that all American craft beers are silly hop bombs. Sure, there's a lot of that kind of thing on the market. But there's a lot more going on that that too.

>> No.7190344

Nice autism, friendo.

>> No.7190347

>Pint of craft beer

Perhaps a 330ml bottle for £3, but not a pint. Thats cheaper than a pint of Stella.

>> No.7190385

But it doesn't imply that. In addition to hop bombs it states that there are chocolate and coffee bombs, all competing to be the most x-treme assault on the consumer's tastebuds.

>> No.7190392


OK, fine then. There are other craft beers which are not "x-treme", or boorish, or "loud"--they're just plain good beer.

>> No.7190393

You ask to try it before you buy it you retard.

Anywhere worth shit will probably ask you beforehand if you'd like to try what you're ordering, anyway.

>> No.7190421

whoops, sorry, you're right. was thinking of a particular drink's price but its 2/3, so £4.50.

>> No.7190425

meant for

>> No.7190428

>there are chocolate and coffee bombs

So having chocolate or coffee in the beer means they're nothing but chocolate and coffee?

I can tell you've never actually had an American craft beer

You got us, you were trolling and pretending to be a pathetic "pretend" retard

I'd kick your ass, laddie

>> No.7190440

>my tastebuds have been so numbed by decades of doritos and mountain dew that I think founders breakfast stout is a well-balanced beer

>> No.7190925

what's your favourite glass to drink beer from, /ck/?

>> No.7190929

>implying you needed to be drunk to suck their dicks

>> No.7190966

Even from the hipster brewpub with ridiculously good beer that I consider overpriced, I don't pay above 8 bucks for a glass of beer, unless it's some super limited brewery release or utopias or something.

>> No.7190980

Does anyone else cringe when they see a clappyfat say "craft beer"? It's like seeing a director calling a character a "strong woman", it's so forced and artificial for something that is in reality shit.

>> No.7190990


Gr8 b8 m8, you had me a minute there on the whole terminology bit, which is a somewhat reasonable argument.

>> No.7190997

>Ask for an IPA
stopped reading right there

>> No.7191007
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>> No.7191045

Just a friendly reminder that if you're a Britbong and you've ever espoused 'craft beer' as a great new thing, then you're a fucking first class cunt.

Letting Americans sell you some 'small batch, independently produced' muck at a huge mark-up is not only a sign of total retardation on your behalf, but is also undercutting British breweries which have actually been doing that for donkey's years.

>> No.7191050

When Americans say "craft beer" they're usually talking about Kraft the processed food product manufacturer.

>> No.7191061

yeah but british manufacturers don't use a plantation's worth of hops in every pint and don't have a pseudo-edgy drawing on the label

>> No.7191070

That is true of every European country and it is shocking that Americans are claiming it is some sort of new revolution.

I know that they are the most arrogant and stupidest people around, but that always felt like taking it to a new level.

>> No.7191075

Actually sadly quite a few are going that way.

Don't get me fucking started on Doom Bar. AKA the Adele of ale; nice enough, but inexplicably widespread and seems to have spiraled totally out of control due to marketing/subsequent zeitgeist.

>> No.7191085

I get that people sometimes can be attracted to things that are new and different, but Americans selling us shit we've been doing for longer and better than them takes the fucking biscuit.

>> No.7191095
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>Doom Bar. AKA the Adele of ale; nice enough, but inexplicably widespread and seems to have spiraled totally out of control due to marketing/subsequent zeitgeist.


>> No.7191107

iirc Doom Bar was one of the first regional real ales to become widely available in pubs in the City, which probably goes at least some way to explaining its current ubiquity.
I can't complain too much about it; it beats the hell out of the days when you'd order a pint of bitter and be asked "is John Smiths' ok?".

>> No.7191109

>I can't complain too much about it; it beats the hell out of the days when you'd order a pint of bitter and be asked "is John Smiths' ok?"

This. Also as a cider drinker, I can't complain too much about stuff like Thatcher Gold becoming ubiquitous, as it's beats Blackthorn or Strongbow any day of the week.

>> No.7191127

>takes the fucking biscuit.
You mean like the time they tried to convince us that Oreos weren't utter shit?

>why yes mr I will definitely give up my hobnobs for two discs of charred cardboard glued together with fucking icing sugar

>> No.7191144

>Limeys think we should take them seriously when they have a cookie called a hobnob

>> No.7191147

Strongbow is a premium cider in America.

>> No.7191161
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>i consider pic related to be totally normal but calling a biscuit a hobnob is just a step too far

>> No.7191167

How I approached it back in the day, and I didn't really make a concious effort to get into it, but I started tasting different beers when I had the chance, and I found a style I enjoyed. Then I started drinking more of that style. Then I started trying another style, etc. etc. A good rule is to try something new everytime you drink beer.

>> No.7191176

>I enjoy drinking essence of bitterness

>> No.7191179

>I don't like bitter things, it is impossible for anybody else to do so

>> No.7191182

Only retards like something that is so bitter you can't taste anything but the bitterness.
Why should I take the advice of a retard?

>> No.7191194

So you only try new food/drink when someone gives it to you for free? Sounds boring.

>> No.7191249

Children are often hypersensitive to bitter tastes. Give it a few years champ, you might develop a liking for it once you've finished going through puberty.

>> No.7191263

Young adolescents are often overly proud of:
1. Their pubic hair
2. Their ability to taste bitterness without making gagging noises (regardless of whether the food actually tastes good)
3. Their ability to "handle" hot and spicy (regardless of whether the food actually tastes good)

Give it a few years and you'll get over the urge to show the other boys your pee-pee. As for the craft beer, some neckbeards never learn.

>> No.7191359

You fucked up mang

>> No.7191375

>10 bucks for a full glass of craft beer is a decent price for draft
The fuck? Most craft beer is in the $4-$6 range at bars and restaurants up here

>> No.7191390

>but is also undercutting British breweries which have actually been doing that for donkey's years.
except good beer was incredibly fucking rare in england until the trend started coming from america

Also, if you are actually into drinking good beer, drink good beer from everywhere, but it sounds like you don't really drink good beer

>> No.7191396

>That is true of every European country
Do you honestly believe this?

Just because your mass produced lager is slightly less shitty than Bud Light does not mean you have the equivalent of craft beer

>> No.7191401

>but Americans selling us shit we've been doing for longer and better
Please keep in mind that america was mostly settled by Germans so America's cultural beer brewing heritage goes back further than yours
Its not like america just spontaneously generated with an empty slate

>> No.7191412

>He thinks America's brewing history goes solely back to Bud Light and other Macros

>He thinks that his country's Heineken/Stella/whatever macro that's mediocre is some gift from god

>> No.7191415

Actually numerous parts of England were settled by Germanic peoples in prehistoric times, so I don't know what you're even trying to suggest.

Do you really think it counts if some dirty peasants from Germany tried to reach California but had to stop in Wisconsin because 3/4 of the party died of dysentery because they chose not to be a Banker from Boston?

>> No.7191416

>too poor to pour out beer I don't like like an asshole
>too pussy to finish it off

>> No.7191432

>settled by Germanic peoples in prehistoric times,
pretty sure hops weren't even cultivated in prehistoric times
The beverage modern people recognize as beer didn't exist til the middle ages

>Do you really think it counts if some dirty peasants from Germany tried to reach California but had to stop in Wisconsin because 3/4 of the party died of dysentery because they chose not to be a Banker from Boston
What are you even talking about?

Even if you think the mass amounts of german immigrants to america don't count (which is ridiculous), the initial immigrants to america were English, so even if England really has this great brewing tradition, they brought it with them.
Near the turn of the 20th century America was widely recognized as making the world's best beer most thanks to all the german immigrants. Terrible government policies diminished this for a while. It took some decades to recover, but no one is even close to America anymore

>> No.7191489
File: 14 KB, 200x200, aww-shit-america-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one is even close to America
The seven truest words in this entire abortion of a thread. Feels good to be on top.

>> No.7191525

You people really are a cancer.

>> No.7191535

I don't think there is any debate amongst people who frequently drink good beer that america far and away makes the best. Belgium is pretty good, and a few northern european countries are starting to catch on, but no one else is even close, hell there are several regions in america such as New England, the Upper Midwest and the Northwest that each make better beer than the entire rest of the world

>> No.7191554
File: 33 KB, 363x310, serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good beer was incredibly fucking rare in england until the trend started coming from america

>> No.7191559

name a few elite english beers that were not influenced by the american craft beer movement

I mean if you you have a really low standard for what a good beer is you could have a point, England has had a lot of beer that is better than Bud Light, but very little that lives up to modern standards

>> No.7191583

Just because your people were traditionally too poor to put much malt or hops in their beer creating a bunch of mild 3% ABV beers, doesn't mean thats a good way to continue doing it.

>> No.7191587

Now this is shitposting.

>> No.7191598

There literally is more of the worlds best beer being made in both New England and the Upper Midwest than the entire world outside America combined. Probably the west coast too.

Look at where these beers are made. I can get better beer of an amazing variety of styles in my nearest grocery store than anyone can get in most of europe

>> No.7191612

> american website
> mostly american user base
> american beers come out on top
must be hard being a proper spack like you lad

>> No.7191631

Its really crazy that you think Americans are conspiring to rate their beers higher, Americans love euro beer, Belgian beer especially is incredibly highly rated in america, moreso even than it is in europe

But please, go ahead and post literally any source that shows something contrary to that. You can't just say evidence doesn't count, I am just going to believe what I feel like despite not basing my beliefs in fact

>> No.7191640

nah americans are just proper yankcentric like yourself and thats fair i proper love england and that like

not saying you are wrong or nowt just saying that as far as collecting opinions on 'the best beer' which doesnt necessarily exist then you are taking it from a small group of people from a certain area of the world you mong

>> No.7191649

Teku glass for sure

>> No.7191673

I think people like the taste of beer because it makes them drunk. I mean, I think the brain just makes that learned connection between the taste of beer and the feeling of being happy, and you eventually start thinking beer tastes good.

I really like the taste of beer, no pretendies.

>> No.7191681

Then why isn't Bud Light or Heineken good?

>> No.7191693

When did I say I disliked bitter tastes?
I dislike drinking something so bitter you can't taste anything but bitterness. A good beer will have some bitterness, but it will be balanced.

>> No.7191751
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>not asking bar tender what their favorite is, (cool way to n2friendship)
>not asking what they sell most of
>being this new

Do you drink at all u Lil faggit?

>> No.7191759

The bar tender will even hook you up with a free swill and even a glass of the new brew if you're a cool regular and tip well, be respectful etc.

>> No.7191771

Thank you for stating this, maybe someday I can buy ya a pint friend. Our OP here only deserves pee-beer. Aka budlite

>> No.7191788

Its good on another level. Budlight to craft beer like comparing ground beef to prime rib.

>> No.7191802

more like comparing 1 g of ground beef floating in a liter of water to a steak

>> No.7191954

Dude, your fucking pic shows you exactly what to do. Order what's known as a "flight" shown in your picture. It's like 4-8 small shot glass size of beer so you can try different kinds.

>> No.7191957

Who charges $10 for a flight? Most breweries around here charge like $8 for a 4 glass flight which comes to a little more than 1 full glass of liquid, while a full beer costs 5-9.

>> No.7191965

git gud fagit

>> No.7191991

Curious: how do you define hipster? I see it used a lot and it never seems to mean the same specific thing?

>> No.7191994

It's someone who does a few trendy things that you happen to not like doing yourself, or that you do like doing but resent the popularity of.

>> No.7192015

Does anyone get congested after drinking an IPA? Can't breathe through my nose and my head just feels like shit.

>> No.7192020

No, but I've heard this can happen to people who suffer from hayfever.

>> No.7192034

It clears up after 5-10mins but the second I take another drink my sinuses just close shut and my head feels pressured?

>> No.7192039

it doesn't happen with other styles of beer? you might be allergic to hops, or just more sensitive to a large amount in a drink.

>> No.7192056

Sounds like allergies, m9. Is it just ipas? Do other beers generate this reaction? Do pale ales do the same thing, but to a lesser degree?

>> No.7192057
File: 111 KB, 555x555, nyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is one of my favorites. It's expensive as fuck though, the cheapest I could find a 6 pack for was 8.99

>> No.7192064


You seem to be a faggot girly drinker like me given you drink rum and coke, I'd recommend asking for tripel style beers.

>> No.7192077

No it doesn't happen with other styles so I believe you're right about it being a large amount. Currently drinking founders centennial which has an IBU of 65 and the founders all day IPA had an IBU of 42. I did not have any problems with the all day ipa

>> No.7192082

I was tempted to get this but backed out. Will pick it up next week since you mentioned it.

>> No.7192084

It's fantastic if you don't particularly like the taste of alcohol. It tastes almost exactly like root beer. I save it for special occasions.

>> No.7192093

I does taste just like root beer. I think even a kid would like it.

But it's way too sweet for an alcoholic beverage imo. I start to feel sick before I start to feel a buzz. Intensely sweet, even more than most soda.

>> No.7192148

>$8.99/6 pack is overly expensive
>not ur dads ding-dong
u sure you're old enough to post here...?

No shit. They just add more sugar to mask the taste of alcohol. The shit is fucking garbage. Meme-tier garbage.

>> No.7192151
File: 37 KB, 605x610, fluffy-cat-funny-pics-36__605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's expensive as fuck though, the cheapest I could find a 6 pack for was 8.99

>> No.7192161

A hipster is the kind of guy who mocks people for doing or liking thing, then turns around and begins doing or liking thing as soon as thing becomes popular.

They stay on the pulse of what's "hip". Get it?

>> No.7192188

>begins doing or liking thing as soon as thing becomes popular.
I define it in exactly the opposite way. By the time something is mainstream and popular it is no longer cool to a hipster

>a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream.

>> No.7192195

Well, according to a bunch of anonymous nobodies that nobody fucking cares about, we're both right, and both kinda wrong.

>> No.7192198

>Also, what you like will probably change as your tastebuds get stockholm syndrome

>> No.7192200

this LOL

bait thread confirmed?

>> No.7192205

a problem with craft beer is that its all hopped the fuck up

i've only found a few 'light' craft beers that really bring out the difference of chain beer from craft beer

>> No.7192355
File: 31 KB, 460x347, captian america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the main criteria for judging a good beer are its alcohol content and the amount of hops the brewery man could physically cram into the fermenter

>> No.7192414


RIP to my good friend Blackthorn. At a point, every pub I went in had this. Then they tried that new recipe bullshit and that was them done. Its been a long time since I've been able to sink pint after pint of Blackthorn and cause the equivalent of chemical warfare in my gut.

>> No.7192422

How did you draw that conclusion from what that says?

>> No.7192437

>But please, go ahead and post literally any source that shows something contrary to that

This whole thread is Americans talking about muh craft is better than any Europoors

>> No.7192445

It says all you need to know that Americans call 'craft beer' what Europeans call 'beer'.

>> No.7192481

I guess I sound snooty as fuck to you but whatever. Seriously, these threads make me feel just a little bit sorry for you poor suckers. There you are, mixing ever more of silly ingredients in your beer in a desperate search for taste and culture and you end up with the equivalent of 'gourmet root beer float'. Then you all pat each others backs and tell yourself you make the best gourmet root beer floats in the world.



>> No.7192512

Once again americans need to move away from beer=must be palatable even to those that dont like beer! Im sure that someone in america remembers where beer really was just for a certain kind of folk and really just taste like watered down lager? I mean Im not a fan of macrobrew but for fucks sake they at least arent selling me fucking hopped up CIDER. Its like people forgot what a fucking cider was. Alcoholic Root beer, fucking gingerbred stout, fucking chocolate nearly everything. I will give you guys something, beer can have a wide variety of flavors just like coffee. But if you are going t dilute it to the point that you must lie to yourself that its beer, then its game over.

Here is an article I had the opportunity to read while I was in my home town:

And to just quote the first few lines:
". If you’ve wanted to jump on the craft beer bandwagon, but you’re not quite on board, some borderline-beer products might provide your ticket."

Now, please, Tell me this isnt a fucking joke. Because any of your beertards back in the states are telling me here just exactly what I found in RVA. Fucking BORDERLINE BEER. Because you fucks are too busy being crushed by your crippling low self esteem that you have decided that you must follow us beer people to the point of destroying the craft to the flavor of fucking mountain dew.
To all my beer people outside of the states, read this article. Its comedy gold.

>> No.7192519

>creators of popular Choosy Mother peanut butter porter
>Three Notch’d Biggie S’Mores
>Hopped cider can provide a step stool to the craft beer wagon

That's a satirical website like the Onion, right?

>> No.7192527

Nope, sadly. I go to the states once a year to see my parents and bring my SO. We were getting a coffee at one of my favorite haunts and found the Richmond Times sitting at the table. And that's what we found. If I get a chance, I'll upload the photo. We thought it was so hilarious that we brought the article right back to straya.

>> No.7192541

Any Australian beers you'd recommend?

>> No.7192556

OH MY GOD DO I?!?!?! Geez....I can go on for days about this. My favorites are pretty well reccomended. My favorite amber at the moment is Two Birds Sunset Ale.

Pale: Little Creature's Pale Ale. Crispe, clean, and gorgeous. Beutiful for both hot days and cold nights. The classic west australian after work wth your mates beer.

Session Ale:
This is normally light classed sort of beer. Its summer for us so Im driking a shit ton of light normal strength and midstrength beers because its just what yu need on days that are over 100F (38-42C). My best bet for this is the Gage Roads Session Ale. Another WA beer thats close to where I live.

Golden: Mountain Goat Summer Ale from Victoria. Hoppy, Dry, and Citrus. If it was up to me, Id have this hooked up to my arm as an IV during finals.

Cooper's Stout is a fine classic but my little creatures "Return of the Dread" Stout is one that is after my own heart. Ive been chasing it for three years. And its thick, deep rich flavor will keep you wanting more all throughout winter.

Little Creatures IPA
Antytime IPA by Temple
Fig Jam IPA
and my favorite Mash Brewery's Copy Cat IPA
My Go to Breweries:
Little Creatures
Mountain Goat
Gage Roads
Yeasty Boys (NZ)
Two Birds
Kaiju (In a pinch but I need to try more)
James Squire

Geez the list goes on. If you want to know more about australian and new zealand beer I subscribe to this magazine:http://www.beerandbrewer.com/
Its very industry focus but its a great read and offers wonderful reccomendations. I suggest anyone who loves beer is to just try them all.

>> No.7192557

>Once again americans need to move away from beer=must be palatable even to those that dont like beer!

The popularity of IPAs and other overhopped beers run counter to your argument.

>> No.7192564

Touche. You are right about the incredibly amounts of super, over-hopped garbage. But somehow they have two extremes, either the super over-hopped garbage or borderline beer.

Thank goodness you guys have green flash at the very least but hte poor things must market every goddamn thing they make as an IPA to sell it to the masses.
"Citra Session" but with small print IPA. Soul Style IPA, once again fruity, light and not really that hoppy but also marketed as an IPA. I can assure you its probably a session but I just do beer as my hobby. I live in australia now so you guys in the states can continue to have that nonsense.

As I said before, my only reccs for american is Legend because im from RVA, Green Flash, and New Belgium. Sadly all of them have had to market the masses one too many IPAs.

>> No.7192575

Honestly if you think all America has is over-hopped beers or borderline beer you're not actually looking or you're actively avoiding places that have good selections.

He're the beer list from my local place that specializes in beer:


It is not located in a big beer city or region, there is no huge craft scene, there is no huge drinking scene either. It sounds more like you went to chain or tourist bars.

>> No.7192591

Severely doubt that since I lived there most of my life and scoured most of the places around. Bars in RVA arent exactly vast but I can definitely say that my exposure isnt because of tourist or chains. Unless places like Acacia and Dont Look Back are chains but Im pretty sure they are exclusives because like I said I lived there for 22 years and Lived here for six. But lets not attack each other and instead look at the simple fact that you will not find such an article as the one I posted ANYWHERE else. I can assure you since it seems that there is in fact a vast majority in this thread who seem to be having the same trouble as me, I have a feeling that its not because of the fact that most of us arent getting our chicken tendies from applebees. Probably not getting them at all, but like I said. No personal attacks. Its kind of unbecoming. Instead of trying to defend that there is beer in the states, why not tell me and others why does borderline beer even exists back home? The fact that the term itself exists is absolute garbage. And dont blame that on the fact that i didnt look. Its yours and my own countrymen that are in fact pushing this fad up.

>> No.7192597

>Cooper's Stout
The homebrew kit tin of this is pretty great as well, especially relative to its cost/difficulty.

>> No.7192603

Im trying that this summer! All my friends back in RVA has had a hand at home brew and Im looking forward to getting a crack at my own!

>> No.7192610

Ugh, I hate places that think bukakke of beer on the menu is impressive. This was a novelty 20 years ago when having a variety of beers was in fact impressive, but today when you can get 50 different beers even at a mediocre grocery store, it just strikes me as lazy and sloppy. Like the menu at a TGI-Friday's type of place, that serves 350 different items, all from the same frozen microwave bag. You know half that shit is past its prime already.

You know what would impress me? Committing to like 10-15 really great beers. Hell even 10 would be fine.

>> No.7192618

You can't go wrong with the Coopers kits. Just ignore the timings it gives in the instructions; give it 2 weeks to ferment, 2 weeks after bottling/kegging to carb up, then another 2 weeks in the cold to condition.

You can easily tweak the basic kits to your liking as well. For instance, by dry-hopping with 20oz of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and a yard of chocolate chips will give you the authentic smoothness of an American Frappuccino Porter.

>> No.7192622

Thanks dude. This is exactly what I ran into. I went out for drinks nearly every night my two weeks in RVA. On top of trying nearly every shit beer in all the local supermarkets because I was gasping for something new, american, and down right gorgeous to take home. Us expats are always looking for a way to show up to the strayans. Sadly, they got us on beer guys. Just like this guy says, bars dont need 200 shit types. They need a good ten-twenty types. All the bars I go to here, rarely have more than aound 20 beers and about ten on tap and maybe a few rotating. Each place has some sort of beerbro who puts his/her spin on things. So some places may have more ambers or pales and some may have more ipas and stouts. Its all up to you and the bars. Regardless, te australian market and most markets that Ive been exposed to (mainly europe and asia) other than the states dont have an over saturation of IPAs and dont have a saturation of sickly sweet piss. My main stance is do one good style. Stick to it and then branch out. Some of my favorite brewers started with fucking mid-strength low carb stuff. And even that was fucking specatcular. It made me totally rethink the class. Thats what beer in america should do for anyone thats into beer or anyone who wants to try it. It should try to inspire them to move outside of their comfort zone rather than appealing to them with "borderline beer".

>> No.7192626

You are truly after my own cold dark heart. Thanks for the heads up. Once christmas is over, I'll take those tips. I'll need them. Im so stubborn that if its my own shit batch Im going to fucking drink it regardless.

>> No.7192643
File: 32 KB, 447x456, 1450533243375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Frappuccino Porter.

>> No.7192660

Pretty much the only way to fuck it up is by not sanitising your equipment. It'll get incrementally better the more autistic you get but even a single-tin kit and a kilo of dextrose will get you something perfectly drinkable.

Even if you get things wrong for your intended style of beer you'll probably just wind up brewing a decent-tasting example of a different style. For instance, if you leave the fermenter next to the radiator and accidentally brew your stout kit at 30 degrees then congratulations, you've just made an American Saison.

>> No.7192663
File: 15 KB, 458x458, rogue-mocha-porter-ale-355-ml-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7192677
File: 85 KB, 960x720, Kamille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamit I dont want to live in this world no more. See everyone, I guess my lack of taste has made it so tat Ive avoided this atrocity. Thank goodness, Ive dodged that bullet. Probably if we all managed to make it to applebees we would have found this beautiful wonder.

Please everyone. Just drink a BEER. No flavored nothing. Noting that doesnt seem like beer. Beer isnt a fucking chocolate milkshake, frappachino, peanut butter, gramma sweet potato pie NOTHING. Its fucking beer. If you cant deal with drinking something that isnt what it is then keep to your fucking rum and coke. Because lets not even get into the argument that you probably dont even like spirits either.

Those who are interested in beer. Come towards the light, children. In a place far far away, there may no be as many mcdonald's and burger kings on every corner. But there is beer, real beer. That taste of wheat...malt...and some hops...

>> No.7192683
File: 1.42 MB, 718x404, 1447635308529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-why would someone make that?
Why would someone brand it like that?


>> No.7192692
File: 17 KB, 210x311, 10-Buddha-MapleBaconCoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least coffee and chocolate notes can come from certain malts. There's no excuse for pic related.

>> No.7192704
File: 787 KB, 240x174, 1447737453132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most certainly the same as coffee but that is for an entirely new thread. The fact is that americans who actually prop this as beer has honestly never really had a good beer. They probably all thought "well most beer must be corrs and bud which are gross so this must be better!!!?!?"
I never in my life thought it would see a day where I would prefer a bud or a miller over anything. But you my friend have found many and I have found many. Next time Im home, If I dont see a a new belgium or a beer that is being marketed as beer, I guess Im taking my bud. Fucking, check please.

>> No.7192754

How is the pic you're referring to not a beer? Most people that don't like beer, don't like flavored beers either.

>If you cant deal with drinking something that isnt what it is then keep to your fucking rum and coke.
Do you not see the irony in posting that?

>> No.7192793

WIthout getting to the nitty gritty and not getting my jimmies in a pinch, let me just say why are you in this thread if you arent interested in beer? The whole point of this thread is to introduce the poor chap into the world of beer. And, yes, while the amount of choice can be quite daunting, we would prefer the little flower to dive into more beer rather than soda. Beer is malt, barley, hops. Start there. If you really feel adventurous we can then dive into wheat. And lets not forget the many styles that Ive already go on and on about.

Good shitposting, friend.

>> No.7192808

>hopped up CIDER
is pretty good, but I sense you just wanted to sperg out

>> No.7192819

>Beer is malt, barley, hops
Maybe in some backwater English village "pub", m8, but thanks to the American Craft Beer Revolution the new formula is Beer = liquid + hops + hops +hops. Any liquid is fine, though ideally a soda such as Mountain Dew should be used.

>> No.7192823

>malt, barley

>> No.7192852

>Maybe in some backwater English village "pub", m8
Nah, you'd have to add sugar or syrup to the list too, or some other adjunct

>> No.7192854

I'm very interested in beer and I don't dismiss anything that I don't like as not beer.
Where is the line crossed in your mind where beer becomes soda? When one more ingredient is added on to your list?

>> No.7192864

>I have never been to an English pub that wasn't called Wetherspoons

>> No.7192880

m8, chances are unless your favourite UK beer is by one of the new wave of craft breweries it will have invert sugar as an adjunct

>> No.7192892

I seriously thought this phrase "American Craft Beer Revolution" was all simply stupidly ironic and no one actually used that. But, I was dead wrong. I truly try to give these people some slack but the amount of comedy gold is just unbelievable.

We could go into the simple basics of beer and why certain things work they way they do. But thats something that is meant for industry folks to discuss in detail simply because this is my hobby and not my day job (Not to mention why would go into detail on a cambodian basket weaving message board?). But one thing is for certain, I try everything that I had a chance to once. And all my friends back in RVA who liked beer gave me recommendations and I gave them ones as well. One thing about the community is that it can grow. But, sure. I'll bite. I'll continue to drink beer that's easily able to jump on the international scale. I'll look at american beer from afar and hope that maybe one day it'll change and maybe join the masses. But, honestly, with that sort of mind set you have , beer is doomed in the states, broski. Maybe, if we refer back to the article I linked to ages ago, that we should I dunno go back to the basics of what makes beer what it is? This isnt a case of a single ingredient but this is changing the total process.
Try homebrew with me, dude. We can post our results. We can even use the same homebrew mix. I want someone to honestly tell me why they feel that their granpappy's beer was too crap but beer that is the taste of whatever flavor frappachino of the week is better and why. Why is this a "revolution"? Why hasnt anyone honestly backed up the reason why the term borderline beer exist in the first place?

>> No.7192903

Fullers is older than the American Craft Beer Revolution m8

>> No.7192904

> But, honestly, with that sort of mind set you have , beer is doomed in the states, broski.
What do you think my mindset is?

>This isnt a case of a single ingredient but this is changing the total process.
Then where is the line crossed for you? You listed: malt, barley, and hops. But malt and barley are the same thing and you left out the most important ingredients: water and yeast.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Pop pop's beer, but there's nothing wrong with a beer with additional adjuncts either.

>> No.7192916

True, but Fuller's have only relatively recently gone all malt.

>> No.7192921

Once again, address this term that really only exists for the american market, "borderline beer". At the very least, explain to us folks outside why this exists versus the rest of the world.

Im honestly confused by the american beer market. When I left six years ago, this wasnt as prevalent but then I'll admit I wasnt into beer as a young 20 something. Instead of attacking me and thinking, "Oh hum you dont like additional things", which by the way also isnt true since Ive agreed time and time again that coffee particularly is something that comes out in some styles. Citrus is also a very prevelant flavor you can find in multiple different styles of beer.
Tell me why beer of all things went the way of the mocha porter instead of sticking to its guns like wine and spirits? I can go home and pick up a wine wihtout the worry of mocha, peanut butter, whatever because certain vineyards produce certain things. But beer just didnt do that in the states and Im just completely floored and confused.

Ive provided examples, recommendations, and downright reasons for my views. Honestly, we just need to nut this out over a cold one. If you find yourself in upside down land, I'll shout you a six of mine and you can bring a six of yours.

>> No.7192924

>I don't want to spend 10 bucks on a giant glass of shit I might take 1 sip of and decide I think its fucking disgusting.

As someone who doesn't like beers in general but is always willing to give things multiple chances, couldn't I order, for example, just a shot of some beer? So I get a small sample without committing to the whole thing?

>> No.7192926

You'll probably get a taste for free tbqh f a m

>> No.7192930

Yes. Most bars worth a shit, especially whose with a ton of varieties on tap, are more than happy to pour you a small sample in a shot glass to try out something new. Of course, they'll usually be pretty limited and not let you just sample a shot of 10 different beers for free. That's when you should just quit being a freeloading faggot and order a flight.

>> No.7192932

Just ask for a free taste of one. Shots are normally pretty free as long as you look like you are actually going to purchase something. I'd suggest going with friends and when they are all ordering get one of theirs as a small taster or one of a caliber of your taste. Ive done this for flavor combinations or styles or even breweries Ive been funny about. And you can never go wrong.

>> No.7192963

>which by the way also isnt true since Ive agreed time and time again that coffee particularly is something that comes out in some styles.
That's fine and all, but I don't know who you are.

I've had both beers that had coffee and chocolate added and ones that had neither but tasted like they did. It's logical if you want a flavor to be more pronounced you just add more of it.
As for wine and spirits, they do make them with adjuncts there's tons of them. They just don't taste as good as their purer forms. Maybe they just haven't taken off yet and soon will (I hope not). But there's bourbon barrel aged reds that aren't half bad.

But that's fine, I'll take you up on your offer.

>> No.7192970

>mocha porter
In principle there's nothing wrong with describing a milk stout with strong coffee and chocolate notes as a mocha porter, assuming that's what it is.

>> No.7193121

>Got drunk from a flight
Lightweight detected, you just wanted those dicks.

>> No.7193175

>Bashing my local brewery
Also the bacon flavor in that comes from smoked grains.
Funky Buddha's two main beers are an IPA and a Hefeweizin, and they also release seasonal bottles of a special food flavored beer.
In fact if you go to their brewery, MOST of their beers are "normal beers", red ales, pilsners, brown ales.
Just because they do something different doesn't mean they don't do the basics too.
And just to piss you and >>7192704 off, I'm drinking a Sweet Potato Caserole Strong Ale from them while I type this. Sorry that I can enjoy different things rather than staying "pure" to what you think beer is.

>> No.7193293

>the bacon flavor in that comes from smoked grains
So it's a smoked porter with added maple sugar and some meme advertising.

>In fact if you go to their brewery, MOST of their beers are "normal beers", red ales, pilsners, brown ales
Fair enough, enjoy your
>Chocwork Orange Milk Porter
>Rice Crispy Treat Ale
>Don't Tell Reece Peanut Butter Cup Brown Ale
and of course who could forget
>Raspberry Latte Porter

>> No.7193316

Ignore anything that's main description is Hoppy. It'll be an overpowering mess, and it's a trend that'll die out in due course.

>> No.7193321

Nothing even like that.
But if a Pineapple Hefeweizin, a Cocoa Nib Porter, and French Toast Brown Ale really bother you that much, hey enjoy your Pilsner, because no one is forcing you to try something new or different, you can just order something YOU would think you would like.
Also its a smoked coffee porter.

>> No.7193326


I asked a Landlord at a standard non-chain pub about this, as Doom Bar suddenly became really prevalent. He said it got purchased by some chain (I think the same one as Carlsberg), and if you serve 3 of their beers they contribute or pay your Sky Sports subscription.

Seems plausible enough as it's everywhere now.

>> No.7193330

I thought this was some kind of joke, then I checked their website

>Big Guava Jelly Blonde Ale
>Chocolate covered cherry porter
>Fire in the Hole Raspberry Habanero Red Ale
>Key Lime Pie Berlinerweiss

And on and on and on...

>> No.7193334

I've been defending a lot of these posts before. But come on, you can't take those beers seriously.
Are they good? Probably, I've never got the chance to try Funky Buddha.
But all of their popular beers are gimmicky and just silly.

>> No.7193345

>it's a trend that'll die out in due course.
>almost 2016
>people still believe this

>> No.7193355

>Nothing even like that
I literally copy-pasted those names from their website.

>> No.7193365

Yes, they are good.
Seriously the only bluberry beer I've ever actually liked was from them.
Most of their food beers are just chocolate, coffee or fruit based, and its not like any of those ingredients are some weird novelty.
They actually make food beers with flavors that work rather than go the Rogue route of pure gimmick.
All of these >>7193330 beers aren't their wide releases. you either get them at their Brewery, some smaller local restaurants or bars, or some festivals.
They actually do food beers well and are well regarded for it.
I can only speak for what is on tap whenever I visit. Never seen any of those on tap.

>> No.7193371

How is Doom Bar regional?

>> No.7193404

>muh alcoholism
Don't be that guy
It's makes you sound like a dumb underage kid
Same with "oh man I got SOOOO wasted last night mannnn"

>> No.7193410

I did get pretty wasted last night though.

>> No.7193416

Drinking one flight should not get you so drunk you almost suck a dick.

>> No.7193417

i had some 4 word name for an ipa last night while watching movies. shit was pretty cash tasted like gingerbread cookkies with a hint of cinnamon.
was like 9 bucks a glass though.

>> No.7193419

Well, it would if you're already a faggot to begin with.

>> No.7193440

>can get New Glarus
>everyone obsesses over Spotted Cow
>try one at a party
>it's shit

>> No.7193454

It used to be the case that you could only get it on draught in pubs in or near Cornwall.

>> No.7193503

Heh, it's made up north now isn't it?

>> No.7193559


Yep. Owned by clappyfats since 2011 too.

>> No.7194654

seems the draught product is still brewed in Rock
dishonest to not say though

>> No.7194814


>> No.7194937

>It says all you need to know that Americans call 'craft beer' what Europeans call 'beer'.
Do Europeans actually think this statement is true?

>> No.7194978

Shhh. Let them have this. They need this.

>> No.7195243

>some 4 word name for an ipa
Christmas India Pale Ale?

>> No.7195748

it's just an autist that spams that statement in near each beer thread despite terms like "real ale" fulfilling a similar function to "craft beer"
I haven't posted on /ck/ for a long time, presumably they have been active in the interim