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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 344 KB, 1200x800, Rise_of_Water_Somi_t1200_t1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7191858 No.7191858 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your favorite type of bottled water /ck/?

>> No.7191864

evian spelled backward is naive

>> No.7191926
File: 75 KB, 255x248, 1443110276172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking the bottled Jew.

>> No.7191932

Fiji. I don't know why but it taste superior to any other bottled water I've had. I can't really afford it anymore so I just buy spring water

>> No.7191935

winona ryder turned backwards is anal sex

>> No.7191937

Redyr anoniw

>> No.7191938

nonfiltered, nonpottable reclaimed water.

>> No.7191941

Sorry for this post. I was just trying to see when my ban expires and didn't think it would actually submit. Thought I had till Jan.

Topic: I drink filtered tap water.

>> No.7191968

*rubs hands*

serious answer: anything that is cheap and has no flouride

>> No.7191983
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>> No.7191988
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Moland Springs

>> No.7192047

Poland springs master race.

Fiji when I feel like being a douchebag. Evian when I feel like being a pretentious prick

>> No.7192050

Mines the one in my canteen :^)

>> No.7192230

I don't drink much bottled water but when I do I make sure I get something that explicitly states it's been filtered. I don't trust that spring water bullshit.

>> No.7192232

Cheapest local brand from the springs in the region.
Fuck the big brands, they just bottle fucking tap water.

>> No.7192240

I dont drink it that often so i dont really have a preference, i usually just drink from my fridge.

If im traveling or something i usually for go for Smart Water because i like to horde the big bottles for backpacking.

>> No.7192244

There is literally no reason for someone in a first world country to buy bottled water, unless where you live does not have access to water, or you will be someplace that has no access to water for an extended period of time (camping). Get a filter for your tap and a refillable bottle. That's all you need, and you'll stop wasting money.

>> No.7192248

>There is literally no reason for someone in a first world country to buy bottled water
There is if where you work only source of water is a bathroom sink.

>> No.7192257

It's all about that silky smooth Voss

>> No.7192264

Whatever I can get the most for my money.

>> No.7192265
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This bottled, but I fucking love water from a garden hose especially in the summer.

>> No.7192272
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or this on the cheap

>> No.7192275
File: 300 KB, 750x447, boxed_water_new_lede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


or this when I'm in hipster mode

>> No.7192279

which ever one is cheapest of the quantity i want

>> No.7192280
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Holy shit. People found a way to make the idea of bottled water even dumber.

Hold me.

>> No.7192281

If absolutely necessary, I'll buy the cheapest.
But I usually bring my own bottles with me where ever I go, and fill that up with delicious filtered well water.

>> No.7192289

Where do you work? Also, you could just get a big canteen of water and fill it with ice. Coo water all day.

>> No.7192318
File: 11 KB, 480x360, bad bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope this helps you guys:


>> No.7192503
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>> No.7192510

>Where do you work?
Furniture place. I and somebody else deliver the furniture to houses, and sometimes we repossess the stuff from houses when they can't pay the bills. The place I work out only has sinks in the toilets, and there's a dollar store next door where I usually go and buy a bottle of water when I need it.

>you could just get a big canteen of water and fill it with ice.
But then you have to lug that thing around all day.

>> No.7192612
File: 79 KB, 1032x503, water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned for posting that image once

>> No.7192625

I drink Dasani and nothing else for a few reasons.

1. It's filtered with reverse osmosis and I'm vaguely a subscriber to the whole ingested Floride causes memes meme.

2. It has bottle caps of the most chewable variety. I've chewed everything else and it's shit

3. I am somewhat a brand loyalist. If there is something that I know and love that I know works, then I'll just still with that shit.

>> No.7192656

>Not just buying a home water filter

Have fun being a salve to the bottled jew

>> No.7192658

That's shitty that this place didn't even have a drinking fountain. What is this shit

>> No.7192669

>Not going down to the ocean
>Not getting a bucket of sea water
>Not filtering your sea water
>Not distilling your sea water
>Not getting pure water to store for years
>Not getting fresh sea salt for your cooking

Thought this was Food & Cooking, not shilling and consumerism.

>> No.7192701
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best water coming through

>> No.7192706


>> No.7192708
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>buying bottled water

>> No.7192723


>> No.7193129

The taller ones are nice because when you are done drinking them you can use them as a makeshift dildo then.

>> No.7193687

>buying bottle water
You're literally killing the planet.
Stop being retarded and drink tap water.
Unless you live somewhere where the water might kill you, don't buy bottle water.

>> No.7193704

What if I buy bottled water to turn it to beer because the tap water in my area makes shit beer?

>> No.7193713
File: 13 KB, 480x323, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking tap water

Mmm, I love the slight noticeable taste of dirt and tangy minerals

>> No.7193717

I only buy bottled water and I discard the empty wherever; street, ditch, river, anywhere.

>> No.7193725
File: 9 KB, 225x225, tumblr_lzn08yz1wl1r0fwq6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking Dasani
>chewing bottle caps
>brand loyalist

Spotted the American

>> No.7193733

>You're literally killing the planet.

>> No.7193757

The mod cherrypicking that goes on on this board always baffles me.

>> No.7193773

I think i got her removed from moddom.
Sic semper tyrannis

>> No.7193780
File: 223 KB, 800x1280, CoolDontCareBruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive gotten banned for "Avatar and Roleplaying" jusy because 90% of my Reaction Folder is Toon Link

>> No.7193783

I wasn't a believer in the Fiji fad until someone actually bought me a bottle (I'd washed his car after work and he wanted to thank me with a lunch from his favorite deli).

It's crisper, cleaner, but at no point does it taste sterile or hospital-esque.

>> No.7193788

You got banned based on the content of your post, not because of the image.

Power ranking faggotry threads are garbage and just an invitation for shitposting and inane argument.

Your ban was justified.

>> No.7193798

I don't understand why people get so triggered by people buying bottled water. Large jugs are a dollar (even less if you buy in bulk) and will last for over a day each. It's worth it since tap water can taste anywhere from slightly off to absolute shit depending on where you live.

>> No.7193803

I think most people are against buying small bottles of water since it's incredibly wasteful due to all the plastic bottles that end up in landfills and floating in the ocean.

>> No.7193816


>> No.7193824

Not really. Power ranking threads almost always devolve into a sewage pool of autistic manchildren arguing about which X is better while calling anyone who has a differing opinion a bunch of plebs or faggots or retards.