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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 646x575, finest american cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7190457 No.7190457 [Reply] [Original]

>In Europe the impoverished underclass have to subsist on unenviable diets of processed crap, which is acknowledged by all to be inferior to natural produce
>In America processed crap is a proud part of national culture and is consumed daily by millions of well-off, middle-class families
Please explain this

>> No.7190460
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, a_nightmare_in_cheese.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack Scalfani webm thread?

>> No.7190473

Multinationals have brainwashed the American public into believing that high quality food is unpatriotic and an attack on our fundamental freedoms as enshrined in the second amendment (the only part of the Constitution we've read)

Hipsters under the control of ISIL have been pretending to like fresh vegetables and meat that isn't from an ammonia-soaked slurry in an effort to appear "sophisticated". Real Americans, in the meantime, are fighting a losing battle to defend against creeping secularism and Big Organic. Nice things are a scam.

>> No.7190478
File: 2.81 MB, 640x360, pulled_slob.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7190484

All food is processed unless you're eating straight from the animal or the earth

I don't see why your autism senses are tingling

>> No.7190490
File: 2.78 MB, 640x360, just_fuck_my_shit_up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7190492

>have to

The 'healthy food is too expensive' meme needs to end. It's because they're lazy plebs that can't be arsed to learn how to cook.

>> No.7190493

how is this guy not in jail yet

>> No.7190501
File: 2.47 MB, 640x360, actual_famous_American_YT_cooking_channel_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It's okay - it's ground buffalo."

>> No.7190504

A lot of poor people genuinely don't have the time to cook.
Besides, cooking appliances and equipment are expensive. Even though it might be cheaper in the long run to have them, genuinely poor people often have to make very short-term financial decisions

>> No.7190513
File: 2.67 MB, 640x360, actual_famous_American_YT_cooking_channel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7190517

In the 50s America got into the Supermarket meme. I mean just consider it for a normal town when a Supermarket opened there was a big event, people were excited to go there in the same way people are excited when an Apple Store opens up.

Those Supermarkets largely carried crap because processed food lasts longer and they're cheaper. American kids fondly remember TV Dinners and Campbell's Soup.

That combined with the totally wrong logic that "Fat makes you fat" pretty much destroyed American cooking and people are only now realized how stupid it is in the last 15 years.

It's pretty amazing my local Smiths now has high end cheese and wine and all the fancy things.

I admit it I still like Kraft singles because they're good in a cheap omelette.

>> No.7190521
File: 2.39 MB, 640x480, 1449800586192.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wala? Wala.

>> No.7190532

You got anymore food webms, anon? I'm an opiate addict and it's hard for me to eat these days. /Ck/ helps with my appetite.

>> No.7190536

Only faggots use the word subsist. OP is faggot tier.

>> No.7190538

Fresh meat, veggies, etc is by far the most expensive than anything else.
I get laid off at least once a year, and my girlfriend and I call it the "fasting month" We cut our food budget in half, basically we buy frozen veggies, lots of canned foods that are on sale, pasta that's on sale, lots of rice, and twice a week we buy fresh salmon.
We can live a whole month on 250 dollars of food. Luckily I enjoy cooking and can make a lot from a little. We do fine.
But if you are living pay check to pay check, it most likely means you are working more than 50 hours a week to make ends meet, most likely don't have more than a pot and a single pan, or even a decent microwave. Poverty is a lot more depressing to a persons life than you think.
People who live in middle or upper middle class don't really care to much about nutrition, they pretty much worry about convenience and what tastes good, money isn't really an issue. A pack of cheap process cheese pound per pound with a brick of 750mg of real cheese isn't a good deal. Same with a lot of other processed packaged garbage.
It's only when you get into fresh veggies and quality meat it starts to get expensive.

>> No.7190539
File: 2.76 MB, 640x360, actual_famous_American_YT_cooking_channel_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7190543

But frozen veg is dirt cheap, as are grains, certain cuts of meat, eggs, tinned fish etc.

>> No.7190552

But it's actually true for the US. 'Organic' vegetables and fruits are a factor 3 more expensive than over here in NL.

>> No.7190570


Do you have slightest idea about the work involved in activating just a single almond?

>> No.7190611
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>> No.7190736

desu that looks pretty good

>> No.7190792
File: 27 KB, 224x411, tcpip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really, really, really want to fist jack.

>> No.7190796

This; lots of towns like mine ONLY have places like Walmart and Aldis, we don't have any fresh food markets or wherever you get cheap food that isn't shit, I wouldn't know. I spent several months eating nothing but frozen chicken nuggets and balogna sandwiches, $10 lasted two weeks.

>> No.7190797
File: 22 KB, 400x300, Government_Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we can send them some gubment cheese instead of letting the fucks into our nation. Better in yours than ours, you want them from Merkel's orders then you deal with them.

>> No.7190799

>in Europe people make sweeping generalizations about a wide group of people while calling Americans racist for not letting jamal fuck their wife
QED faggot.

>> No.7190815

Blame the 1950s, honestly. I have Boomer parents and I have a struggle trying to convince them that all the processed shit they love isn't what they should be eating. Even after I make something with fresh ingredients that is a high quality dish and give it to them, they still prefer their mass produced stuff.

These anons >>7190473 >>7190473 have the real reason. It's a generational thing.

>> No.7190823

How does this guy not have heat disease yet. He measures ingredients like shredded cheese and powdered sugar by the bag.

>> No.7190844


>> No.7190848


pulls right apart, look at that *as she slobs the grease off his fingers*

>> No.7190869

fag detected. Who still uses =/= for inequality. It's ≠ or != or <>.

>> No.7190892
File: 739 KB, 1753x987, cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average american has never tasted cheese outside of kraft "cheese" and cheap mozarella from frozen pizza

damn nigga, I feel bad for ya.

>> No.7190897

>>In Europe the impoverished underclass have to subsist on unenviable diets of processed crap, which is acknowledged by all to be inferior to natural produce

This isn't really true. Some poorer folk choose it because of sloth, lack of cooking skills or lack of the ability to cook properly, such as mental or physical handicaps. But most "poor folk" in europe still eat very fresh simply because of how both agrarian and how fertile many areas of countryside are. As long as the person is physically and mentally capable, they'll eat "normally" instead of processed junk simply because processed junk isn't cent to cent competitive.

The real consumers of that stuff in most European countries are the inner city drones. These are people who make very decent wages, but are so work-oriented that there's little time or energy left in being picky. As such, they'll buy processed microwavable stuff simply so they don't have to even leave the offices for lunch, and once they make it home, there's either a family waiting, providing cooked meals, or then more of the brutal same.

Take all this with a grain of salt though. This is just store clerk observations and personal ideas.

>Hipsters under the control of ISIL have been pretending to like fresh vegetables and meat that isn't from an ammonia-soaked slurry in an effort to appear "sophisticated". Real Americans, in the meantime, are fighting a losing battle to defend against creeping secularism and Big Organic. Nice things are a scam.

This is a joke, right? Americans don't really think like this, do they? They can't be this paranoid, can they?

>> No.7190905

While many Americans don't appreciate good cheese, the idea that they've never tasted it is a bit ridiculous.

Come on now, nigga.

>> No.7190949
File: 41 KB, 866x356, Kraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the 50s America got into the Supermarket meme.
>Supermarkets largely carried crap because processed food lasts longer and they're cheaper.
This is mostly true. Over the last decade or two many supermarkets have upped their game in the fresh veg department, but still most of the food in a supermarket, even an upscale one, is shit. Most of the meat is commodity grade stuff. Entire aisles are devoted to completely useless things like snack foods, soda and breakfast cereals. All but a few of the food products sold are mass produced in factories, and contain all manner of adulteration in the form of coloring, flavorings and preservatives.

Most folks make their purchase decisions based on price and convenience, not flavor or nutrition. Being too particular about what you eat is seen as effete, pretentious or snobbish, so even those with enough money to buy better food generally do not, because they never really cultivated discriminating taste. Hell, there are many Americans who get their groceries from places like Walmart, Costco and BJ's - basically places that ONLY sell garbage.

The few who really give a shit about food aren't doing much shopping at the supermarket anyways. They shop at specialty shops, food co-ops and farmer's markets. They are not buying pic related.

>> No.7190957

>This is a joke, right? Americans don't really think like this, do they?

Clearly there is some hyperbole there. A lot of hyperbole. But sadly it's true that when you point out to many Americans how inferior some of the processed foods are compared to the properly made alternative that they really do think you're trying to fuck with them and/or you're being deliberately pretentious.

>> No.7190965


How's that? The US bans the imports of cheese made from unpasteurized milk. The good stuff is literally illegal.

>> No.7190971

>But sadly it's true that when you point out to many Americans how inferior some of the processed foods are compared to the properly made alternative that they really do think you're trying to fuck with them and/or you're being deliberately pretentious.
This is very true. The standards for "normal" in much of the country are shockingly low. And if someone expresses disgust at shit like tater tots, nacho cheese and ranch dressing they're pretentious hipsters.

The stupid is rigidly enforced socially.

>> No.7190993

>Thinking secularism is a bad thing

I can only assume you're some kind of inbred.

>> No.7190994

>While many Americans don't appreciate good cheese, the idea that they've never tasted it is a bit ridiculous.
You're not going to get good cheese in a supermarket. You might find some OK cheese in an upscale supermarket, but really good stuff is generally only available in specialty stores in major cities or from cheesemakers themselves out in the country. And when you think about the amount of effort it takes for an artisan cheesemaker to make something really good the prices they have to sell it for are usually much more than most Americans are willing to pay. Really good stuff can easily cost over $20/lb.

It's a pretty safe bet that if all the cheese you've had in your life came from a supermarket or a chain restaurant you have never tasted good cheese.

>> No.7191005

That kind of cheese is for children and company barbecues when you need a lot of cheese for cheap.

American cheese from a deli is actually pretty good, but Euros have such an inferiority complex they can't be bothered to learn the difference.

>> No.7191011

>American cheese from a deli is actually pretty good,
>> but Euros have such an inferiority complex they can't be bothered to learn the difference.
Also yes.

And American Cheese from the deli remains crap compared to proper cheese be that from the US or elsewhere. Unless you're talking about a fancy high-end deli they're selling mass-produced crap like Boars Head, Cracker Barrel, Cabot, etc. It's better than cheese singles but it still sucks compared to the real thing.

>> No.7191030

>children and company barbecues

Holy shit, I think that was actually the first place I had one of these cheese slices. I say one, what I actually mean was I thought it was so amazing I had about two dozen and then ran around until I threw up. Good times.

>> No.7191051

Why do you guys care so much?

>> No.7191072

>children are supposed to eat worse food than adults

People actually believe this

>> No.7191081

>wasting good food on children who can't appreciate it

>> No.7191084

>feeding your kids garbage

>> No.7191087

>Nice things are a scam.

Pretty much this.

>> No.7191097

Another thread about foreigners being obsessed by everything Americans do.

>> No.7191105


>> No.7191185


it's a dessert, desserts are always full of shit you bellend

>> No.7191198


these are amazing

>> No.7191222

>they really do think you're trying to fuck with them and/or you're being deliberately pretentious
To be fair, a lot of the time this is true.

At least, the "pretentiousness" part of it.

>> No.7191248

Because you're America, you're the dominant country in the world and the dominant culture on 4chan and /ck/. Why wouldn't we talk about you?

>> No.7191253

Look at any 'nostalgia food thread' on /ck/ for proof of how many people grow up with this mentality.

Shitfood is not only ok to feed kids, but they grow up to become adults who feel it's a treat to eat shitfood, and inflict the same on their own children as a reward.

>> No.7191267

The thing I am really worried about is American worker's rights. 10 hour days are normal, frankly, but... does this include commuting? Or the crazy "tipping reduced from wages" system?

I just can't help but feel that Americans would be more particular of what they eat if they weren't so forcefully pushed for time. And for no proper compensation, too!

>> No.7191326

Why are American eggs so white? Do they bleach them or something to make them look better or do they have a special kind of chicken that shits white eggs?

They look so fake when they are that whitr

>> No.7191338

It has to do with ow they are washed. Due to this process, eggs in the USA have to be refrigerated while I know some other (poor) places they don't have to chill their eggs

>> No.7191342

They feed them GMO soy garbage, that is why the yolks are pale as the moon. Americans will defend this as their god-given right. Normal colored yolks are unsanitary.

>> No.7191344

Those are not the nails of a cook.

>> No.7191350

My yuropoor country always sells eggs at room tempemperature and they look an healthy pink/brown/yellow mix

I wasn't talking about the shell, not the yolk

>> No.7191356
File: 25 KB, 342x359, Pancake man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still like Kraft singles because they're good in a cheap omelette.

My god.

>> No.7191358

lol, what does GMO have to do with the color of eggs?

>> No.7191361

>being this retarded

>> No.7191371

But he didn't say anything about organic.

Do Americans think they are too good for vegetables that isn't organic so it is a better idea to gorge oneself on McDonalds instead?

>> No.7191374


>> No.7191378

But Aldi is a cheap supermarket.

>> No.7191384

No it fucking isn't, you retard.

>> No.7191408

>10 hour days are the norm
Uhhh no they are not
Don't forget America was the country that invented the 8 hour work day
Also with the whole tipping thing sure the workers are paid less than minimum wage they on average make 10-15+ dollars per our when you count up the tips. Also literally no one seems to understand the fact that if you work for tips and do not make at least minimum wage the business is legally required to pay you minimum wage

>> No.7191610

Do you know what else is unprocessed and natural? dyeing of a bacterial infection and not using anti-biotics..

You pear-shaped lefties love crying about nonsense you know nothing about -- except for the plurbs of spoon-fed info you derive from your masters --, but when it comes to real genetically altered, human engineered, bio-excluded shit you cant wait to scamper to your nearest Physician to beg to for help..

>Help! save me modern human-engineered products! I licked by boyfriends asshole and not I have step-throat! Give me the bio-engineered cure!
>glad that's over.. ewwwww you eat McDonalds.. GROSS

fuck off.

>> No.7191616

Keep believing that and enjoying either your low paid minimum wage job or a living life from the government or your parents in school. =/= just isn't used in a professional environment.

>> No.7191624

This post made 0 sense

>> No.7191626

I think what he is saying is;
>Hipsters under the control of ISIL have been pretending to like fresh vegetables and meat that isn't from an ammonia-soaked slurry in an effort to appear "sophisticated". Real Americans, in the meantime, are fighting a losing battle to defend against creeping secularism and Big Organic. Nice things are a scam.

>> No.7191634
File: 423 KB, 588x450, 1449708335757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a professional environment
Also, what is easier, typing =/= or googling 'does not equal sign' and copypasting it from some webpage in order to make some 4chan post that probably no one will even bother replying to

>> No.7191718

Some normal fresh veggies/produce doesn't have to be any more expensive than frozen if you're comparing like-with-like so far as style/quality goes. Frozen/canned are more convenient because they last longer. Potatoes; tomatoes; celery; onions; carrots; beans... All cheap as fug bought raw where I live. Protein can be harder, but frozen fish is usually pretty cheap and you can find chicken tits on sale occasionally. I don't really fuck with red meat anymore so it's w/e to me.

When I'm getting broke I probably eat healthier than when I'm more flush with cash because I can walk into the store with 10-15 usd and walk out with a backpack full of rice, beans, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, leafy greens and/or other shit.

I mostly agree with what you're saying, tho. And I'll admit that I have the distinct advantage of having learned remedial cooking/the desire to do so. I just think it's a fallacy to say poverty = unhealthy. I think it's correlative but not causation. I assume the correlation between poverty and undereducation is moreso the driving factor.

It takes 20 minutes to cook rice and you can even steam vegetables with it. I live on a pretty tight schedule these days, but it's amazing to me that someone would actually consider it more convenient to eat shitty food for more money and little-no time saved just because it's 'already prepared'...

>> No.7191735

Top trole

>> No.7191744

Sick burn

However, my android phone lets me do all kinds of weird characters so I can seem smart

I love adding extra accents and circumflex bullshit to my posts when I'm trolling as a eurolard

>> No.7191756

>a mentally & physically developing human should be eating nutritionally inferior/deficient foods.

Smart. I guess if you grew up fat and retarded you would want your kids grow up fat and retarded too. By the way, at what age does a person learn to appreciate nicer food? 18? 21?

Protip: if you're too poor and dumb to teach your kids to enjoy quality things while they're young, you're probably too poor and dumb to raise kids. Do yourself a favor and don't.

>> No.7191792

You don't have children, do you? They'd eat cereal for all three meals if you'd let them.

>> No.7191866

>if you'd let them.

>> No.7191871

Trader Joe's has perfectly good cheese. Sure it won't be award-winning but it's the same quality that Europeans eat on a daily basis.

>> No.7191894

To answer your question: no. I do not have kids. Nor do I plan to.

I don't know if you're the same poster or not, but the guy I was originally replying to seemed to be saying children don't 'deserve' higher-quality foods because they can't appreciate them; seemingly it's not worth the financial investment to him. I was being satirical & using hyperbole, but I mostly mean what I said. Developing kids should be eating well-balanced diets of high-quality ingredients and the responsibility is on their parents shoulders to introduce these things and teach their importance.

>> No.7191911
File: 116 KB, 600x400, tater-tots-e1391371163852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they're goddamn minced potatoes nugget if that's all it takes to trigger "disgust" then you ARE a pretentious hipster.

>> No.7191925

They're also simple carbs fried in oil (fat).

Not that guy, & personally I love french fries, but I think it's okay to say they're one of those once-in-a-while foods because they are kinda gross in concept.

U eat em every day ur gonna be a gross urself...

>> No.7191944

They're a pretty awful thing to do to something as delicious as a potato.

>> No.7191955

>I admit it I still like Kraft singles because they're good in a cheap omelette.
what the fuck

>> No.7191974

>pleb taste outs itself

they're fuckin shit, dude. next you're going to get mad because some 'faggot hipster' says fish sticks are inferior to a tuna steak

>> No.7191987

>start the webm
>oh hey those claws. Those are cool, cant wait to see them in action
>meat just does not want to come apart

Hey fuck face. Try cooking your meat for longer so it actually pulls apart.

>> No.7191990
File: 31 KB, 508x524, 1450139775484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw brought up in an upper middle class London family
>mother was a 10/10 cook, could have gone professional if she'd wanted to
>only brought food from Waitrose, Fortnum's and the finest delis and cheese shops
>regularly ate at the finest restaurants in Britain and Europe
I unironically look down on people who have less refined palates than me, to be quite honest. I can't help it, it's just my upbringing

>> No.7192001

>The US bans the imports of cheese made from unpasteurized milk.
Not entirely true. Cheese can be made from unpasteurized milk as long as it's been aged at least 60 days.

>> No.7192008
File: 357 KB, 600x615, its literal nightmare fuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing in the jar 20 seconds in reminds me of a nightmare where I had a massive blood clot coming out during my period. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.7192010

it's a roasted red pepper. nobody cares about your vagina.

>> No.7192011
File: 454 KB, 500x562, USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7192012


>> No.7192019


I can't believe he didn't see that

>> No.7192022

Honestly at first I thought it might end with an image of a Protoss zealot

Wasn't disappointed though, kek

>> No.7192035

I'm surprised it took this long for this picture to be posted

>if a non-American talks about America it must be the result of an unhealthy obsession and not the fact that Americans make up the majority userbase and culture on /ck/ and that 9 out of 10 threads are created by yanks discussing their US-specific cuisine and fast food restaurants

Wow, such a huge surprise that there are threads from a non-US perspective! Surely they must be jealous and obsessed, because there is no way anybody could look at our cuisine and feel anything other than the utmost admiration and reverence for the artificial processed garbage we call food!

>> No.7192049

Man. I love tater-tots. I actually just love potatoes. Potatoes is like my family.

>> No.7192138

>something as delicious as a potato

>> No.7192163

What did he just crack that egg with his fist? What the fuck man.

>> No.7192169


>watch this the whole way through
>no idea who it was
>suddenly the ending


>> No.7192172


>> No.7192177
File: 89 KB, 396x294, 1435153993966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why are there so many Americans on this American website?

>> No.7192181

pick one

>> No.7192191

>knocks on the egg

>> No.7192282

Isn't that an actual technique or something?

>> No.7192295

>do they have a special kind of chicken that shits white eggs?
this, it just depends on the breed of chicken. white probably looks appealing to people, you can easily tell if a white egg is dirty.

>> No.7192300

>Unless you're talking about a fancy high-end deli they're selling mass-produced crap like Boars Head, Cracker Barrel, Cabot, etc.
Aren't those block and shredded cheese brands found in the dairy aisle? Where the fuck do you people live that this is the case? Literally, every supermarket I've been to has a shitload of better cheese than this in the deli section. I didn't even know that Boars Head made cheese. Every time I come to /ck/, I see this ridiculous bullshit. Just the other day it was some nonsense about bouillon being located in the Mexican section. No wonder yuropoors are so confused

>> No.7192350

you cared enough to post that

>> No.7192358


WTF did he make???

>> No.7192367


omg asl post tits wanna cyber?

>> No.7192371

Yes, i'm sure cutting with two knives pointed at each other is a thing. Does that look safe to you anon?

>> No.7192372

White chickens lay white eggs. They're not that fancy.

>> No.7192384

Not having watched the actual video from sheer disinterest, the ingredients used and the method of preparation would indicate either a cheesecake or some kind of cheesecake brownie/cookie abomination.

Either way, it's a complete and total failure and by the end you can tell that even King Cu/ck/ thinks it's disgusting.

>> No.7192411

>accuses others of being pleb
>can't even work a shift key

>> No.7192425

I'm fucking goddamn tired of thinly veiled cuntism on this board
we're settling this, one and for all
how many of you got a vagina?

>> No.7192441

I'm comforted in now knowing that a gay is not in fact an orientation, but is in fact a third genital organ that's been hidden from my knowledge till just now. This ends one of the major crisises in my life.

But what does a gay look like? I mean, I know what a penis looks like, and I know what a vagina looks like... But what does a gay look like?

>> No.7192443

it looks like you

>> No.7192447

ok I told you what a gay looks like now wheres your vote

>> No.7192451


>> No.7192465
File: 39 KB, 599x675, Words~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, now I'm stuck. I clearly have a penis. At least, I'm pretty sure I do. It certainly doesn't look at all like the vaginas I've seen. It simply dangles betwixt my thighs in front of these bulbous pouched fleshy orbs. But now you're telling me I'm a gay. So, if I am this mysterious third genital organ, that would make me a gay. But I very clearly have a penis.

I'm confus

>> No.7192471

you already voted shut up im going to sleep

>> No.7192477

It is recognised in America that the "middle class" is just another part of the 99% who have practically nothing. Saltines and cinnamon were once commonly made into fake yet delicious apples pie(no apples required) and this 'fake crap' is pretty much all we know that doesn't grow in the garden or get shot in the woods.

>> No.7192584
File: 47 KB, 405x314, 1441300093408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you quote anything supporting your original statement.

I think it's just bullshit. Back it up please.

>> No.7192772

You just keep on obsessing over America and we'll just keep on being awesome, OK sugar tits?

>> No.7193212
File: 313 KB, 500x562, USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7193594

>but like, don't actually feed them anything of any nutritional quality
>have another PB&J&Mayo&Ham sandwich and a 2L Coke whatever its convenient not to care about the future generation
Americans, everyone!

>> No.7193691

the fact that she dump it all in the same spot in the middle triggers me every fucking time

this wouldn't be half as bad if they just baked all the stuff without the chips in, then dumped it all on fresh chips

>> No.7193707

>foreignese person talked bad about murkeh? OORAH BOMB WAR LEFTIES ISIS SUPPORT TEH TROOPS CLAP CLAP CLAP tater tots

>> No.7193727

!= is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever seen WHY WON'T IT DIE

>> No.7193935


>> No.7193943

Why are americans so delusional and ignorant?

>> No.7193982

Why are yuros so smug and obnoxious?

>> No.7193985

Because we know we're better than the rest.

>> No.7194229

Why are Canadians so nice?

>> No.7194241

At being irrelevant?

>> No.7194406

no, that's these guys

>> No.7194911

What is the name for cheap foods that are more favorable on a budget? It's an economic term

>> No.7194953

Do you mean loss leaders? Like how supermarkets sell milk, some bread, beans, and other staples at or below cost to bring people in the door so they buy other things?

>> No.7196234

fucking kek

>> No.7197708

There's a fine line between having some bantz and being obsessed, and this is far past being obsessed.

>> No.7197711

>They're a pretty awful thing to do to something as delicious as a potato.

They're literally just the scraps left over from french fry production.


>> No.7197727

This post is like a Kelly political cartoon without any illustrations.

>> No.7197728
File: 285 KB, 500x525, le laughing actor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7197821

because it hurts our feelings :(

>> No.7198051

Except there is no discussion, you yuropoor cuckstain faggot. Every American-based "discussion" is just bongs and fagguettes going "lel Americans so uncultured American """"""""""""""cuisine"""""""""""""" America can't into food lol fatty muh Kraft I only buy the FINEST ingredients from the FINEST markets le tips fedora XDD"

It's all just fucking shitposting. It's literally an obsession. Honestly, moot's biggest mistake was letting yuroallahs on the site.

>> No.7198059

>Every American-based "discussion" is just bongs and fagguettes going "lel Americans so uncultured American """"""""""""""cuisine"""""""""""""" America can't into food lol fatty muh Kraft I only buy the FINEST ingredients from the FINEST markets le tips fedora XDD"

Except these are accurate and legitimate criticisms. The fact that yanks get salty as fuck every time without fail only reassures us that the memes are true

>> No.7198089

except they arent desu imo senpai baka lol

>> No.7198105

Nice autism

Europeans truly are flyover scum

>> No.7198118
File: 128 KB, 400x400, jebby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The devils men dreamt of in olden times would dare not partake of acts so foul.
I pray for the collective soul of man.

>> No.7198187



>> No.7199141

>that canned anal prolapse tho

>> No.7199366

>Really good stuff can easily cost over $20/lb
Hi, I'm a pretentious queer.

>> No.7199411


>> No.7199797

yeah, sorry but if you want to make pulled pork barbeque you actually have to cook it long enough until it will pull/fall apart.