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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.49 MB, 1936x2592, Perfect Taco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7186690 No.7186690 [Reply] [Original]

Best taco thread left in 2015

>> No.7186699

>low fat anything

>> No.7186713

>not organic

>> No.7186716

whast teh pot of tomato's if there is salsa?

>> No.7186718

That whole taco just screams "homemade taco bell"

>> No.7186724
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>> No.7186725

this. low fat sour cream usually has some kind of starch added to thicken it. gives it a weird, almost gritty texture.

>> No.7186729
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>> No.7186738

>Low fat sour cream
>Ground beef
>Regular avocado and not guacamole
>Salsa and tomatoes but not pico de gallo

Shit taco faggot

>> No.7186742
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>> No.7186748
File: 2.80 MB, 400x225, taco time.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7186987

Fake taco with tomato and lettuce. Stop the degeneracy. At least its corn tortikla but not 100% real

>> No.7187007
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>> No.7187009

What tortilla press should I get? I've been smoothing my tortillas with a pan and it's getting old.

>> No.7187255

they all work /ignore name brands

The ones made of wood are likely the best although they usually look clunky and crude

>> No.7187262
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That's a horrible taco..

>all that tomato
>tomato AND sauce
>fake cheese

Had pic related last night. Been going here since I was 4.

>> No.7187267

Yeah I got some plain ol wood one from Mexico that my grandma gave me. Works great

>> No.7187271

Where do I get cheedar cheese and why do I have to shred it by hand instead of using a grater like a functioning human being?

>> No.7187273


>> No.7187278

So much cultural appropriation in this thread. Stop

>> No.7187290

>no habanero sauce, or any hot sauce for that matter

>> No.7187306

beef and cheese makes best taco? i don't think so.

>> No.7187310

>needs hot sauce when there's salsa
I bet you actually call yourself a "chili-head" in real life

>> No.7187341

No, I call you a fuck-head though

>> No.7187413
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>> No.7187418


Sour cream is delicious and fuck you, sir.

>> No.7187428
File: 56 KB, 748x900, as if you knew anything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7187457

Good show, meh taco. Is it really necessary to do all that chopping?
That's the largest carrot slice I've ever seen

>> No.7187459

if you call that shit a taco you deserve death

>> No.7187466

Where to begin with this...

that's jar salsa, not fresh.

Home made seasoning? Really so they went out and harvested the sea salt, peppercorns, and various chili's etc? I don't think so.That's just a pretentious way of saying "my seasoning blend".

That cheese is from a bag. Home-grated stuff tends to clump together because it isn't covered in a starch powder.

Why the fuck would you use low fat sour cream? Either use real stuff, or greek yogurt.

"Shredding it by hand" is using a grater captain cuisine.

>> No.7187468

Well then doesn't everyone grate it by hand? Who the fuck uses the grater disc on their food processor for cheese?

>> No.7187472

>homemade seasoning
protip: just because you mixed cumin and chili powder in your kitchen doesn't mean it's homemade

>> No.7187474

Why don't you tell us about your artisan microbrewer's collective?

>> No.7187497

>your artisan microbrewer's collective

I only drink spirits baby srry ... I also enjoy pulque when its real, blanco, and ready for consumption.

>> No.7187506

You're getting confused, nobody uses that goofy grater disk.

(I'm speaking for Americans here) Most people buy their cheese pre-shredded/grated, in bags. It makes no fucking sense, but thats the way it is. When people cook with that stuff, they also don't realize it is covered in flour or corn starch to prevent clumping. the unforeseen side effect is that it acts as a hidden thickener.

Its more economical to buy a block and just shave some off as you need it.

>> No.7187619

does anyone else fucking hate corn tortillas?

>> No.7187672
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Corn masa is what is needed for people away from from the americas, store bought corn tortillas can easily be horrendous make some at home instead.

>> No.7187727

>I only drink spirits baby
Are you an 16 year old women?

>> No.7187735

Just you.

>> No.7187746

Why do people use such tiny tortillas? I don't get it. Just give me three large tacos instead of six small ones.

>> No.7187786

I like onions, but my biggest problem is that often they load up too much and outside of purple onions, I'm not crazy about raw onions.

Finding good tortillas is honestly the hardest part. Everyone and their mother makes "the best tortillas you've ever had!", but the thickness and texture generally ends up resembling a chapati, which overwhelms the entire thing.

>> No.7188166

>That much pretension in one picture
Some people have poor taste

>> No.7188175

>an 16 year old women
ok ignoring that english isn't your first language: do you consider 16 year olds adults? also, do 16 year olds regularly drink neat spirits where you live?

...are those things related?

>> No.7188181

Make them yourself, the thick ones are made using a press, the thin ones are hand or machine rolled

>> No.7188265
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With "experts" recommending warming tortillas in a microwave a standard must be held somehow.

>> No.7188318

what is the problem with heating them like that....wrap em in a damp towl and they just steam

where is the problem?

>> No.7188438

>16 year olds regularly drink neat spirits where you live?

Not dude you're responding to, but when I first had alcohol, the volume and taste of beer was unappealing and I much preferred rum or whiskey. It was only during college that I got into beer.

For whatever reason, I mostly lost my taste for beer after college. I'll occasionally have one or two if I'm going to some after-work gathering at a restaurant, but I'm mostly into straight liquor. Occasionally a Bloody Mary or Screwdriver with Saturday breakfast or if just relaxing outside.

>> No.7188448


>> No.7188487

>do 16 year olds regularly drink neat spirits where you live?

Neat spirits were our only choice of alcohol for me and my chums when we were underage drinking. Of course it's a regular thing.

>> No.7188667

Looks tasty.

Like >>7187457 said, probably a little excessive on the chopping, woulda stopped after the first rotation.

>> No.7188676

>Ground beef instead of chopped chuck or sirloin
>Lettuce instead of cabbage

Try again.

>> No.7188793
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>gives a list of what is and is not a taco
>"Why be a taco snob?"

The fucking irony, it makes my bones ache

>> No.7188800

Are we gonna keep this thread alive until 2016? that would be great, but we'll all have to stop posting except like 1 per day

>> No.7188835

>why be a taco snob?

Fukin cheeky m8

If being a taco snob means I get to enjoy all varieties of taco for better or worse then fuck it. I'm a snob.

>> No.7188864

That's how finely taquerias chop their meat. It's easier to control how much meat goes on each taco that way, and so makes each steak last longer.

Also, is that webm Rick Bayless? That man is whatever the Mexican equivalent of a weeaboo is. A "wexican?"

>> No.7188868

>Tacos are not eaten in Restaurants
I guess somebody forgot to tell every taqueria in Mexico about that. I bet they're going to feel quite silly for doing it wrong.

>> No.7188889

When Mexicans say "restaurant" they mean something different than what they mean when they say "taqueria", and the best tacos are always at taquerias.

It's like american burger joints, you can get a burger at a lot of restaurants, but it's something you order if you're in a place that really sucks and that's something you're pretty sure they can't fuck up. You don't order it because you craved a great burger. And you don't go to a full service restaurant in Mexico because you're craving a great taco.

>> No.7188934

Oh I imagine so. Since its grilled meat rather than ground it'd be chopped really finely.

I just think its redundant to do that for a backyard grill kinda deal but to each their own. I'd probably do it that way myself if I ever get around to making carne asada or whatever.

>> No.7189102
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>> No.7189110


>shredded cheddar

really hate when people with the taste of a 12 year old write anything regarding food.

>> No.7189116

If you don't make your own tortillas you are doing it wrong

>> No.7189450
File: 222 KB, 814x1267, orange cheese really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7189535

>Mexican food
>using English cheese

Just fuck my lunch up familia

>> No.7189536

>hand shredded
stopped reading

>> No.7189992
File: 177 KB, 600x800, worlds biggest taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DESU not sure I'd like some of the worlds largest


The tacos in the video look good enough to have

>> No.7190083

Who is this semon demjin?

>> No.7190173

>all that food
What purpose does the tortilla shell serve at this point?

>> No.7192186
File: 1016 KB, 1757x869, standards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What purpose does the tortilla shell serve
corn the tortilla is the actual meal ... the meat, the salsa, the guacamole, anything else is the spice ... the meal is always the corn its the basis of meals ... eat corn!! so that you may get full /its standard

>> No.7192190

you know yellow cheddar exists right? it's not fake, american cheese is bright yellow. like in europe there is a ton of yellow cheddar